#i'm planning on cooking something
kebriones · 2 months
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sunday morning sketch
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somegrumpynerd · 20 days
I have too many things I wanna draw I need like 6 weeks off from work and also eating and sleeping
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north-winds1 · 2 months
You've chosen to fight the wild rivulet!
40 damage dealt
(1) turn remaining, 60 hp remaining
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 (you are here),
The final turn,
This is how I'm calculating the damage/catch rate
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Rivulet has 60hp (currently) and rolling the dice will = the number x ten which is then dealt in damage. Example : 4 is rolled = 40 hp taken
The catch rate goes up in 5 percent every 10hp it is lowered
Current catch rate = 25%
(Don't worry if rivulet doesn't get caught something else will happen)
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anjasitdown · 1 month
I have so many Thoughts I wanna say before I move on from the Public Safety Arc. There'll be manga spoilers by the way.
To be honest, I put off watching Chainsaw Man when I heard the protagonist's sole aim in life is to... touch boobs. I thought Denji was just like any other shonen MCs with perverted tendencies. I tried watching because it was animated by Mappa, but I stayed because of Aki, Denji, and Power (and Meowy). But as I reached the ending of Public Safety Arc, I realized Denji's more complex than that.
All his life Denji was deprived of basic needs; he couldn't even afford the bare minimum. He didn't get to experience love from a parent or admiration from his peers. Denji craved so much for love and affection, but the only way he knew how to get that was through sexual intimacy with a woman. Receiving affection from friends is completely foreign to him. That's why when he and Power did that in the bathroom, Denji's like, "Wait a minute... that's it?" Deep down Denji knew there's more to love than that—there's more to affection than just touching breasts. The moment he started to realize that, Makima just had to twist his mind and turn him back to his sexual urges (screw u for that makima btw).
Throughout the whole arc, Denji continued to believe in his idea that love is just about touch and sex. He ran after women after women who fulfilled that but left him feeling hollowed because, well, they tried to kill him afterwards. It's actually entertaining to watch Denji finally gets his first kiss only to get barfed on the mouth and his second got his tongue cut off. And Makima, the woman he truly loved, not only used him but also discarded him when she got what she wanted. Most of those women don't see Denji as more than a dog. Denji is just some dumb boy who doesn't deserve the normal life he's having.
But Denji really is just some boy. But he's Aki and Power's boy. There's nothing special about him. Aki and Power know that because they looked beyond the Chainsaw—they saw Denji as he is, and accepted him. People treated Denji like a dog and no one saw his worth as a person. But not Aki and Power. Aki gave him a house, taught him and Power manners, cooked for them, and taught him how to cook. Aki treated Denji and Power as his own. And Power, as unhinged and selfish as she is (affectionate), relied so much on Denji. I think that trust taught him to be a better person. To have someone rely on you can make you feel loved and respected. That's why helping Power overcome the fear of the Darkness Devil felt so natural to him. Sleeping with her on the same bed, taking a bath together, and Power walking in on him while he's on the toilet didn't feel naughty (as Denji said). The love Denji's searching for everywhere has always been in front of him: Aki and Power.
Makima can tell Denji she fabricated everything for all I care, saying everything has been a lie and that she set it all up to destroy Denji's mind and heart. But what Aki and Power felt toward Denji was real because they were the only ones who truly loved Denji without asking for anything in return. They saw him as he is, and loved him.
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My precious children 🥺🥺🥺 I'm going to miss them
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brown-little-robin · 7 months
How self-insert-y do I want to get with this new oc 🤔
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t00thpasteface · 9 months
Not an ask I just wanna say I LOVE your art so so much. You're a big inspiration for me ^^
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thank you so much 🥺🙏
what wonderful vibes to wrap up the year on!!! here's hoping i can continue to bring smiles in the new year!!
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lupismaris · 4 months
First day back at the office after 3 weeks (I was out helping bf with ACL reconstruction recovery/hoping to salvage my mental health lol) you can imagine the general state of decay I am in currently at 8pm (still passively working and helping bf with paperwork he should have done two weeks ago) but at least the ghost of Tony Bourdain turned up and we made negima yakitori bowls (I ran out of skewers) on the electric griddle with no recipe and they absolutely slap
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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Wanted to draw a bit of isolation, I need to do slice of life more often
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strxnged · 5 months
food below the cut
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living alone has been INSANE there are so many things you can make with rice
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numetalkids · 3 months
what to do when your roommate eats all your food. without aksing.......... she mostly eats from my veggie spreads and everything else that comes in a glass/jar, like honey, tomato sauce etc. She literally scoops out so much that she almost empties a glass shortly after i've opened it the first time. A few months ago i just noticed she would snack on my stuff from time to time and i was like ok i know she is going through a difficult time, she may be stress eating (why eating my stuff tho?) and i let it be. But now she just basically empties all my stuff so that i have nothing left to eat and i dont get it bc she ALWAYS has more food in the frigde than me, she has more money and she can afford snacks and yet she decides to eat my food instead like WTF
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velvetshirtnumber3 · 10 months
I put off watching Last Twilight for several weeks after it started coming out just because there were other things I wanted to watch and also because I thought I might as well wait until there are several episodes so I could binge watch them. A couple days ago I decided to start it. My thoughts were, "Wow. I'm really enjoying this show, and I'm glad I have now started it" followed by "Oh no....I should have waited longer...now i have to wait for it each week
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varjopeura · 3 months
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overdevelopedglasses · 3 months
Sunday Six - no I didn't forget I just haven't written anything since summer let out XD
I'm p sure this is everyone who tagged me/the ones I remember to tag. @four-white-trees @mike----wazowski @jichanxo @passthroughtime @skysquid22
anyone else bc it's 11pm PST and about to hit Monday, so I forgot you forgive me 🙏
I'm also not at my computer and don't feel like booting it up so uh.... I've been deep in the Essence brainrot so here's so completely and wildly out of context dialogue from Lily XD
"Listen... last time we fought, you asked me what I fought for. What I believed in... no one's asked me that before. I didn't realize until you said something. I've just been following the expectations of others. What they wanted for me. What they thought I was. But I'm done letting other people define my legacy."
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dont-offend-the-bees · 4 months
Astonishly, promisingly successful day of experimenting with trying to have an hour-by-hour schedule, but nothing can prepare me for the post-3pm energy/motivation slump
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eusuntgratie · 1 year
tip/reminder for anyone stressed about their grocery budget and/or who just loves to eat good food - MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK.
keep a zip-lock bag in your freezer for veggie scraps (literally shit you'd throw away - the ends of carrots and onions, onion peels, celery ends, etc. you can google and/or play with which scraps to use vs. not but mine always has lots of onion and carrot). you can put herbs you like if you want and have them.
if you don't eat meat, when the bag is full, simmer the contents in water for a long time - hours. you can also do it in a crock pot or pressure cooker if you have one. throw in some scraggly veggies from your fridge. peppercorns, bay leafs, some garlic. half a lemon. whatever you want and have. almost-bad tomatoes are fine in there but will make it much darker. simmer until you have broth (a little thicker, a lot darker, smells delicious), strain it and freeze it. use it in soup, sub for water when you make plain rice to make it healthier and tastier. make pastina. add it to other dishes for a nutritional and taste boost.
if you eat chicken or beef (or other meats but thats what i usually use), throw in the bones and scraps too. don't skim the fat (unless you have a medical reason to avoid animal fat).
i keep chicken and beef stock in my freezer ALWAYS and get super pissed when i have to buy broth/stock because it's expensive and tastes like nothing compared to what i make.
i freeze mine in mason jars (leave room at the top so they don't explode in the freezer!) because i'm southern and have so many in my house it should be a crime, but you can use tupperware, freezer bags, whatever you've got.
i ran out of chicken broth last week so i bought a whole chicken for $10 (they used to be $5 wtf) and roasted that in the oven with some veggies which was 2.5 meals for my family of 3 and then put the carcass and leftover bones and scraps in a pot with my freezer bag of random scraps and simmered it forever and the resulting broth smells so good it's making me hungry even though i just ate. i've got a quart jar and 6 pints of goodness going in my freezer and i made it all with stuff that otherwise would've gone in the trash.
good stock is my religion feel free to ask questions <3
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egoborderline · 11 months
Indefinite hiatus
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