#i’m in a much better place i WILL be okay
sxcretricciardo · 1 day
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not the same
The sun is shining brightly over the go-karting track, a perfect day for racing. The smell of burning rubber, the distant hum of engines revving, and the lively chatter of parents fill the air. You stand beside Max, watching your little boy, Leo, zip around the track with a focused expression that’s eerily similar to Max’s when he's behind the wheel. Leo's been karting since he could walk, and every time he hits the track, it’s like watching a younger version of Max, pure talent and determination radiating from him.
Max is beaming, pride visible in his eyes as he watches Leo expertly navigate the course. His hand rests on the small of your back, and you lean into him, feeling the excitement of the race. But today isn’t just any day. Jos, Max’s father, has come to watch his grandson for the first time. It’s a big moment, both for Leo and for Max, who has a complicated history with his dad.
The final lap is underway, and Leo is in second place. You can see how hard he’s pushing, how badly he wants that win. His little hands are gripping the steering wheel tightly, his helmet bobbing as he leans into each curve. But the kid in first place has just a little more speed, and as they cross the finish line, Leo’s kart comes in second.
You’re about to cheer for Leo anyway—second place is still amazing for a four-year-old—but before you can, you notice the tension stiffening Max beside you. His jaw clenches, and his eyes narrow. Jos is walking over to Leo’s kart, and you can feel the unease rolling off Max in waves.
Leo pulls off his helmet, his brown curls damp with sweat, and looks up at his grandfather, expecting praise or at least a smile. But Jos doesn’t offer either. Instead, his face is hard, disappointed.
“What happened out there?” Jos says, his voice low and sharp, just loud enough for Leo to hear.
Leo’s small face falls, his bright eyes clouding with confusion. He’s only four, too young to understand the weight behind the words, but he knows enough to feel the sting.
“I—I tried, Grandpa…” Leo stammers, looking down at his feet, his tiny hands fiddling nervously with his gloves. “I tried really hard…”
“You tried? That’s not good enough,” Jos snaps. “Your father wouldn’t settle for second place at your age. You need to push harder, be better.”
You feel your heart twist as Leo’s shoulders slump, his little body sinking under the weight of his grandfather’s disappointment. Before you can step in, Max is already there, his tall frame looming over his father protectively.
“Dad,” Max’s voice is low and dangerous, “back off.”
Jos straightens, his eyes narrowing as he looks at Max. “He needs to learn. You didn’t get to where you are by accepting second place, Max.”
“This isn’t about me, and it sure as hell isn’t about you,” Max says, stepping closer to his father, his hand on Leo’s shoulder now. “He’s *four*. He’s doing amazing, and I’m proud of him. You don’t get to tear him down the way you did with me.”
Leo looks up at Max, his big blue eyes—so much like his father’s—filled with uncertainty. “Daddy, I—”
Max kneels down in front of Leo, cutting off his words gently. “You did great today, Leo. You were fast, you were smart, and I’m so proud of you. It doesn’t matter if you came in second. What matters is that you gave it everything.”
Leo’s face brightens slightly, reassured by Max’s words. But Jos isn’t done.
“You’re too soft on him, Max. He needs to learn how to win, not just be content with second place. If you keep coddling him—”
“I’m not coddling him,” Max snaps, standing up again to face his father. His voice is colder now, angrier. “I’m teaching him that it’s okay to enjoy racing, that he doesn’t have to be perfect every time. He’s not me, Dad. And I won’t let you do to him what you did to me.”
Jos glares at Max, his expression hardening. “I made you a champion.”
“No,” Max says quietly, but with steel in his voice. “You made me scared of failing. I won’t let Leo feel that. He’s going to race because he loves it, not because he’s afraid of disappointing you.”
The tension between father and son crackles in the air, the years of unresolved resentment bubbling up to the surface. You step forward, placing a hand on Max’s arm, grounding him. You know how much it took for him to confront Jos like this, how deep those scars run.
Jos opens his mouth to argue, but then he looks at Leo, who’s clinging to Max’s leg, wide-eyed and unsure. Something shifts in Jos’s expression, a flicker of regret maybe, but it’s quickly masked by his usual stern demeanor.
“This is a mistake,” Jos mutters, shaking his head before turning away and walking off without another word.
Max lets out a long breath, running a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. But when he looks down at Leo, his expression softens immediately. He crouches down again, pulling Leo into a hug.
“You did awesome today, buddy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?”
Leo nods against his father’s chest, his small arms wrapping tightly around Max. “Okay, Daddy. I just want to be fast like you.”
Max chuckles softly, pressing a kiss to the top of Leo’s head. “You already are, kiddo.”
You kneel beside them, wrapping your arms around both of them, feeling the warmth and love in the moment, despite the lingering tension from Jos’s words.
Max meets your eyes over Leo’s head, and you can see the mixture of emotions there—anger, protectiveness, but most of all, a deep love for the family he’s built with you.
“He’s not going to grow up the way I did,” Max says softly, more to himself than to you, but you nod in agreement, squeezing his hand. “He’s going to grow up knowing he’s enough, no matter what.”
And in that moment, surrounded by the sound of engines still roaring on the track, you know that Max is right. Your little boy is loved, and that’s what matters most.
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wordsarelife · 2 days
—the alchemy
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pairing: jj maybank x fem!routledge reader
summary: you always had a thing for jj, while you thought he had a thing for kie. you couldn't have been more wrong..
warnings: none i think
notes: i have absolutely no clue how to play poker, so please don't grill me lmao
the water glistened, reflecting the afternoon sun. you dunked your feet inside, hanging from the bridge you were sitting on. it was lightly moving due to the waves beneath it.
you kept your eyes trained on the horizon, but looking at nothing in particular.
jj came running from the shore, sitting down beside you, letting his feet dangle into the water next to yours. "john b is making food"
"what could he possibly be making?" you smiled, clearly knowing that there wasn't much left in the pantry. you got through the day alright, thanks to both of you working, but you didn't buy any extraordinary things to make sure you had enough money to pay everything else.
“we’re having toast,” jj smirked, then paused for dramatic effect. “but we raided heyward’s for tomatoes, and kiara brought guac from her mom. so it’s fancy toast.”
“fancy toast! the ritz could never.” you hugged your knees to your chest, resting your chin on them, but a smile crept up on your lips.
"what are you even doing out here alone?"
"i'm thinking"
"about your dad?" jj asked carefully. "you know I’m here if you need to spill. no judgment. not even if it’s super depressing.”
"thanks, i know" you were thankful that you had such great friends. people that were like family to you and always made sure you were alright, even if they didn't have much to give themselves, apart from kiara.
"are you going to surf the surge tomorrow?" jj changed the topic, interpreting your silence as answer enough.
"heard agatha's gonna be a bitch" you shrugged. "must be nice to lose a few unnecessary limbs"
"don't be ridiculous, i'm a pro" jj took the sunglasses off his head and pushed them on your nose instead. "are you coming or not?"
"i prefer not to" you giggled, slapping his hand away as he tried to readjust the rest of your apperance. "gonna look good for cps"
"they won't even make it out here, agatha will arrive too soon for that"
"well, then i should be thanking her, right?" you looked up to the sky, the sun still breaking through the slowly arriving clouds, but the darkness of them made it evident that it wouldn't take too long for the storm to arrive. "thanks aggy! sorry for calling you a bitch"
"if that isn't nice" jj grinned. "look at you! such a polite lady"
"told you i could behave better than you" you stood up and waited for him to do the same. "i'm pretty sure they just told you to go and get me not to wait out until they had finished the food, right?"
"caught me" jj shrugged. you knew him well enough to guess that he was trying to escape more work than necessary. "but it did take some time to find you. you weren't in the tower john b locked you in"
"oh, maybe i'm not as well behaved as we thought" you shrugged, following him back to the beach. "you need those sunglasses soon?" you liked the red tinted look of them. you had worn them before and you loved that they made you look like a hippie or vanessa hudgens going to coachella in 2014.
“keep ‘em,” jj shrugged, giving you an exaggerated once-over. “you look better in them anyway.”
you raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. “how much did these cost?”
jj spun around, pretending to be offended. “whoa, whoa! don’t insult me like that. i didn’t pay for them.”
you laughed. “you stole these?”
“they were like six dollars, okay? i stole them out of principle.” he wiggled his eyebrows like that somehow made sense.
you shook your head amused. “jj, that’s still stealing.”
“nah, see, i was planning on giving them to you for a while, so really, it was a selfless act. call it proactive gift-giving.”
jj’s face lit up, the trademark smirk in place as you walked side by side back toward the beach. he kicked at the sand a little, glancing over at you every few seconds like he was waiting for you to laugh again.
you could hear the others before you saw them—john b shouting something about the toast burning, and kiara’s voice cutting through with, “how do you even burn toast?!”
“so, what’s the plan after we survive this gourmet meal?” you asked, your tone only half-teasing.
jj rubbed his hands together with a glint in his eyes. “well, after we feast on fancy toast and whatever leftovers kiara’s mom sent, i was thinking… poker.”
“poker? don’t we always lose when we play with pope?”
“yeah, but he’s working today, so we have a chance.” jj wiggled his eyebrows as if this were the best news in the world.
you laughed, shaking your head. “so, your plan is to take all my money after i generously agree to participate in poker?”
jj’s smirk deepened. “well, since you’re wearing those shades, you’re bound to win. you’ve got that poker-face-hippie thing going on.”
you shrugged, pretending to think about it. “true. i could absolutely bluff the hell out of you all.”
he nodded seriously. “exactly. so really, it’s your civic duty to play.”
“civic duty,” you repeated, laughing. “sure, sure.”
"sit down, you two" kiara ancouraged when you walked onto the patio.
"where have you been that long?" john b questioned, looking at you suspiciously. "you're always sneaking around together"
"don't be ridicilous, b" you shook your head. "we were just watching the waves"
kiara and jj exchanged glances you didn’t quite understand. it made your nerves tweak to not know what they were hinting at.
“i bet it was a sight so see” kiara said softly, a smirk on her face.
jj nodded. “as always” he shrugged, his eyes still on her.
you had to try hard not to let your face distort into jealousy. you had had a crush on jj for as long as you could remember. and the two of you were close, but nothing ever really happened with your brothers best friend.
being in love with jj was confusing. most of the time, he treated you just like anyone else, acting completely normal. but then, out of nowhere, he'd start flirting, leaving you unsure of what to think.
even though you tried your best, the crush on the boy always resurfaced when he would flirt with you once more, keeping your hopes up.
the meal continued without anything happening and you found yourselves cleaning the table to play a few rounds of poker like jj had promised.
"looks like you're in a tough spot" he grinned.
kiara had put down her cards, while you were trying hard to keep a straight face, knowing you would probably lose.
you shrugged. "i don't see you putting down anything valuable, maybank"
"ohh" kiara and your brother hollored at the same time.
"well, let's see then" kiara nudged jj's shoulder.
the blonde smirked before he revealed his cards to you, flushing a street. "you've underestimated me, guys"
john b and you sighed simultaneously, accepting defeat as you threw your own cards in the middle. while jj was busy mixing the cards, kiara took a look at her phone.
"i think i better head out" she smiled, standing up from her chair. "my mother's gonna go crazy if i'm late again"
you played a few more rounds after the girl had left, john b and you losing to jj each time. you were sure he had gotten help from pope, knowing that his time would come.
john b threw down his cards after one more uneventful round. "i'm heading to bed" he nodded, pulling his snapback down, before he highfived jj and pressed a kiss to your hair. "don't stay up too late"
"night, b" you smiled as you watched after him.
"one more round?" jj giggled.
"i'm all out" you shrugged, pointing at the pile of money on the table in front of him.
"well, if i lose you can have all of it"
"this sounds almost too good" you muttered. "okay, what if i lose then?"
"you'll take off your shirt" he shrugged.
"jj!" you pushed a hand to your mouth, draining out the scream of outrage that threatened to errupt in the air between you.
"what?" jj smirked, looking up at you with wide blue eyes. "am i making you nervous?"
"not a chance," you shot back, trying to keep your voice steady despite the way your heart was hammering in your chest. jj's smirk widened, the mischievous glint in his eyes only growing as he shuffled the cards one more time.
"alright then," he said, dealing the cards smoothly. "prove it."
you glanced at your hand, trying to keep your expression neutral. jj's eyes flickered up to meet yours, watching you intently, and you couldn't tell if he was bluffing or not.
you took a deep breath and played the first card, trying to focus on the game instead of the way jj was watching you like a hawk.
the next few minutes were tense, each of you placing cards with care. it was almost suffocating.
"you're really dragging this out, you know that?" you muttered, glancing up at him.
jj just grinned, his eyes glinting with amusement. "patience, sweetheart. good things come to those who wait," he replied, his voice low and teasing. you rolled your eyes but couldn't help the slight tug at the corners of your mouth.
finally, it came down to the last card. you had one left in your hand, and so did jj. your eyes met, the room silent except for the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. You hesitated for a split second, then threw down your card.
jj's eyes flickered to the table, his face breaking into a triumphant grin. he laid his final card down with a laugh.
"looks like i win," he drawled, his voice smug. your eyes widened as you stared at the cards, disbelief washing over you. how did he keep doing this?
"you've got to be cheating," you grumbled, pushing back from the table. jj laughed, the sound warm, filling the quiet night air around you.
"well, you agreed to do this" he shrugged, like he was completely in the right.
you looked at him without any expression on your face, before you sighed, your fingers dipping down to meet the material of your shirt, as you stood up.
jj's eyes widened at your movement, standing up at the same time. "it was a joke, y/n" he muttered quickly. "you don't have to do anything you don't want to"
you halted in your movement. "if you had won, would you have given me the money, like you promised?"
"of course" jj answered without so much as a thought.
your smile deepend, before your fingers gripped the hem of the shirt, pulling it over you head in a quick motion. revealed was your bikini top. the one jj had seen you in a million times, but still his eyes widened even further.
jj's mouth opened slightly, his usual cocky demeanor vanishing as he stared at you. he remembered seeing you in it before, but this still felt different. maybe it was the intimacy of the dimly lit patio, or the way you stood before him now, your eyes steady and unwavering. you had called his bluff, and he was utterly speechless.
"see?" you said, trying to keep your voice light despite the rapid thudding of your heart. "no big deal. just a bikini, jj."
he swallowed hard, finally snapping out of his daze. "right," he said, his voice cracking slightly. he cleared his throat, his gaze darting away before quickly finding its way back to you. "just a bikini."
you walked around the table, pushing yourself between him and the discarded chair. "this can't really be the reason you're so uneasy"
you tried to read the emotion on his face, but he just looked at you, at a loss for words. you softly pushed your hand to rest against his chest. your eyes widened in surprise. "your heart is racing" you declared with a soft whisper.
"yeah" jj finally found his words. "you're so close"
you looked up at him, surprised at what he was hinting at. "i'm sorry if i'm making you uncomfortable" you tried to step back, but his hand shot out, holding you in place by your elbow.
"jj" you muttered, your voice barely audible. you could feel your heart beat just as fast as his did.
"have i ever told you how beautiful you are?" jj's voice was soft and tender, like he was trying not to disrupt the calmness of the moment.
"no" you sighed, unsure. he came closer, your noses were almost touching. his eyes were ready to close, not far from kissing you. your voice rung out before he could do anything of that sort. "what about kie?"
"what?" jj blinked in surprise, stepping backwards.
"what about kie?" you repeated a little bit louder.
"what about her?" jj laughed, before he saw the confusion in your eyes.
"i thought there was something—“
"between me and kie?" he smiled, shaking his head. "well only that she knew about my crush on you"
"you have a crush on me?"
"i thought it was kinda obvious" he pointed a finger between the both of you. "can i please finally kiss you now, routledge?"
you smiled, your heart fluttering in your chest at his confession. "of course" you watched him step closer once more, before you grinned. "but what about—?"
"—oh would you shut up now?" he pushed his lips against yours, drowning out your giggle as your smile touched his mouth like it was supposed to.
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moosesarecute · 1 day
The Shadows Heal
A continuation of: “The Shadows Sing”
Previous part: The Shadows Love
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“It’s not as scary as it looks,” Azriel assured you as he led you into your room. His hand held yours.
It was technically his room, but you had been sleeping there every night since the attack and you didn’t think you’d ever go back to your old bedroom.
“Can you relax for me, love?”
“I am relaxed,” you answered.
Azriel raised his eyebrows and looked over to your shadows. They were swirling anxiously around you. You tried to calm them down, but you couldn’t.
“Hey,” Azriel spoke with his softest voice. He moved some hair away from your face. “I just want to make life better for you, but to do that, I need your help. Okay?”
You nodded. His smile warmed you.
“Let’s start.”
He led you to the bed and both of you sat down. His shadows brought him a pen and some paper.
He had explained his plans to you, but you were still very anxious. You didn’t want to seem ungrateful.
“Let’s start with living arrangements. Do you want to live here at the House or in your room in the library?”
You shifted uncomfortably. Of course you wanted to stay at the House of Wind, that’s where Azriel was. But they got you your own place in the library. What if they thought you didn’t appreciate that?
“Love, you shouldn’t overthink, just speak.”
His shadows had found their way to your hair and were brushing through it. Some of them were cuddling to your legs.
“Here, I would like to stay here,” your voice was shakier than you would have liked.
“Good,” Azriel wore a happy smile. “That’s where I want you too. Would you like your own room? Or would you like to stay here with me?”
You more than anything wanted to stay in Azriel’s room. You have had the best nights of your life sleeping beside your mate.
But you didn’t want to be too eager. What if he found it uncomfortable to sleep in the same bed as you? What if he needed his own space?
“Would you mind me staying here?” You asked in a whisper.
“I would love for you to stay here,” he answered, no hesitation.
He took your hand in his and gave you a small squeeze.
“What about work? Do you want to work?”
That’s what started this entire conversation. Azriel had overheard you saying to your shadows that you didn’t like working at the library. It was too quiet and slow for you. You wanted to move more and speak without being shhh’ed at.
But it was no way you were admitting that.
“I can work at the library,” you stated emotional less.
“I know you can work at the library, I’m asking if you want to.”
“I can work where I’m needed.”
“I know, but what do you want?”
“I want to work where I’m needed.”
He almost knew you too well. He looked patiently at you. You knew he wasn’t going to move past this.
A small part of you appreciated it. You felt seen, you felt loved. But at the same time, you felt ungrateful. Azriel and his family had given you a second chance at life and you complained? It felt wrong.
“I want-,” you had to take a deep breath. “I want work that’s more productive, where I can move more and speak more. It’s too quiet for me.”
Azriel wrote down what you said.
“Good, that’s good. Do you have any particular work in mind?”
You shook your head. You didn’t know what existed. You knew too little to make that choice yourself.
“That’s alright. We’ll find something perfect for you.”
You didn’t think that would be possible, but you didn’t tell him that.
“What do you feel about training?”
“I really like learning new ways to use and tire out the shadows.”
“I’m happy to hear that. What about more physical training?”
You immediately felt a shiver down your spine. Did he want you to fight? You had enjoyed life so much not having to fight, you weren’t sure if you could go back to survival mode.
“Y/N,” Azriel’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. “I mean training as a way to move your body. As a way to use up some of the energy you have. And as a way to clear your mind and feel relaxed. Not as in fighting or going hunting, unless you want to.”
You had never in your life thought about training as something else than surviving. You had to workout daily to be strong enough to hunt or to fight for goods.
But you had to admit, you missed moving your body.
“I could try, but I don’t want to fight,” you answered truthfully. It had become a little easier.
Azriel sat down the pen and paper after he had written down what you said.
“I’m proud of you, lovely,” he said as he moved you into his lap. His arms were around your waist and his wings hugged you too. You leaned into him and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Azzie.”
You could feel him smiling.
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“So she hates working at the library?” Feyre asked after Azriel had read the list of things you wanted. “We’ve asked her multiple times and she always said she liked it!”
“She’s terrified of people thinking she’s ungrateful,” Azriel said.
He had gotten Rhys, Cassian, Feyre and Nesta to meet up with him to help him help you.
“She has only given me minimal details about what she wants, but it’s better than nothing.”
Rhys picked up the paper and read through it once more. A soft smile grew on his face.
“She’s staying at the House?” He asked.
Azriel nodded, but couldn’t hold his shadows back from dancing around him.
“Someone’s in love,” Cassian sang.
Azriel sent him a glare. He wasn’t in a joking mood.
You had lived your entire life never getting to make choices. Even in this past year in Velaris you hadn’t done things you enjoyed. You had only pretended and Azriel hated that he hadn’t realized it before now.
That why he asked his family for help. He wanted to figure something out quickly.
“So Y/N will join us for strength and endurance training and when we go over to fighting, she can train with shadows?” Nesta suggested.
“That could work. Az can take the lead on the strength training and I take the fighting, so she would be near you the entire time,” Cassian added.
Azriel nodded in agreement. He knew it would be hard for you to start training again, so if he could stay with you, that would help.
“As for work, we can probably rule out anything that has with books. And also other jobs where she would be alone.”
You had lived alone in a cabin since you were 15 years. While you met other people, you spent most of your time alone, hunting in the woods.
“I hear Madja is looking for a receptionist. It would definitely be louder and more hectic than working at the library,” Feyre explained.
It was perfect.
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Azriel literally jumped out the window the second your shadows informed his that you were done at work.
You had your first day as a receptionist for Madja and while you were excited to do something else than working in the library, you were also very nervous.
Azriel had woken up several times from you twisting in bed from not being able to sleep.
He landed in front of the office and you walked out the second you saw him. There was a lightness to your steps that Azriel never had seen before.
You also smiled from ear to ear as you walked towards him and crashed into his chest.
Gods, you’re adorable.
“I’m exhausted,” you mumbled into his chest before you took his hand and you walked towards the House. “I love it! I’ve talked to so many people. And I’ve helped a few too. Most of the time it was just pointing to the toilet and announce when it was ready for the next patient. But sometimes someone wanted to talk. And I’ve heard so many life stories! And there was a small babe that would stop crying, but then Elizabeth and Tobias started swirling around him and he stopped immediately.”
Azriel loved seeing you like this. Your smile lit up his entire heart. He couldn’t stop himself as he grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him into a passionate kiss.
Butterflies spread through his stomach. He loved kissing you. But kissing you when you were blooming with happiness was even better.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Azzie. And so does my shadows,” you said with a laugh.
Azriel first now realized the shadows that were twisted into his hair.
He tried to brush them off, but they stayed. He didn’t care. They were a part of you and he loved you so he loved them, even though they annoyed him sometimes.
“I’ve got dinner ready at home. It’s your favorite,” Azriel informed. He was very proud of himself, not as proud as he was of you of course, but proud. He had rushed home from training to have dinner ready for you as a surprise.
“Really! Chicken pasta?” You asked hopefully. Azriel noticed something off in your voice as you asked him, but he ignored it as he nodded. “Thank you soo much Azriel! I can’t wait.”
Azriel halted his steps. Your words didn’t sound sincere and Azriel immediately knew what it was.
“They told you, didn’t they?” He asked signaling towards your shadows.
You nodded carefully.
Azriel shook his head with a sigh. Now he knew what all his friends felt like when they tried to surprise him.
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“Does your leg hurt?” Azriel asked you the second you walked into the training ground. “Your weight is uneven.”
“Nope, just not used to the new prosthetic yet.”
Nuan had worked on a new prosthetic for you, since your old one was malfunctioning a lot after the attack.
You had only recently started using it, so it felt very unnatural. The first day you used it was like hell. Every time you moved, you would get shooting pain in your foot. So you had taken a few days break from it.
“Okay, please let me know if it starts hurting again.”
“I will,” you answered truthfully. Azriel had been extremely helpful when you were experiencing phantom pain and you really enjoyed him taking care of you.
However, you hated when he worried and you had quickly realized that the more you told him about your chronic pain, the less he worried unnecessary.
You walked over to Nesta. She was standing with two other females. Gwyn, you knew from the library, but you didn’t know who the other female was. You could only see her magnificent wings, but clipped, illyrian wings.
“Y/N! Glad you’re finally here!” Nesta spoke the second she saw you. “This is Emerie and you already know Gwyn. This is Y/N!”
You felt comfortable talking to them, it felt nice.
“Okay, we’ll start with running,” Azriel said and everyone started running.
While you enjoyed feeling the burn in your legs and sweat on your forehead, you also felt tense. You had never been running unless it was away from danger.
The pleasant burn, soon turned painful. Your controlled breath turned into panic. And at last, the sweat turned into tears.
You were about to start your second to last lap when you felt your shadows stopping you. They carefully led you away from the path.
“You’re okay, Y/N,” Azriel soft voice told you. “You did great. You’re safe.”
His voice grounded you and soon your shadows let you loose.
Azriel got closer to you, but didn’t touch you. You moved towards him and let him hold you.
“That was scary.”
His arms tightened.
“You did great, next time you’ll get further. I’m sure of it.”
The rest of the training went surprisingly well. You did almost all the exercises correctly and only needed a little help from Azriel.
You felt very light and relaxed as you walked together with Azriel to the other side of the training ground. It was shadow time.
“You’re going to defend yourself against my shadows,” Azriel explained. “I’ll try to cover you in darkness and your shadow should try to keep your sight clear.”
“You actually think they’ll do that?”
“I know they can do it, my shadows have done it for yours. You just have to command them and commit to it.”
It annoyed you how easy he made it seem.
You stood ready and tried to calm your mind enough to concentrate properly on your shadows.
“I’ll close my eyes, so that you’ll be the only one that has control over the situation. Just ask me to stop if it gets too much.”
You nodded sharply in agreement and not even a second later, you were covered in darkness.
There was a time in your life when this would have terrified you. For example the first time your shadows covered you and you had panicked for over an hour afterwards.
But now, it only felt comforting.
The shadows danced around, they enjoyed taking a lot of space. And even though they were alert, they still sometimes hugged you as they swirled past.
And the smell. The smell was the best part. You were covered in night chilled mist and cedar. You realized you were right where you were supposed to be.
“You okay?” Azriel asked.
“Yeah, just need a little more time.”
You sent your shadows to Azriel’s shadows that were the closest to you. You made them push against them. And suddenly, even though you still felt Azriel’s shadows around you, you could see through the darkness.
You sent your shadows further, and soon you realized that it was no longer Azriel’s shadows that laid the training ground in darkness. It was yours.
So you did the most logical thing.
You shadow-walked directly in front of your mate, laid your hand at his chest and caught his lips in the softest kiss you could.
You then pulled back your shadows. They immediately began twisting into Azriel’s, asking for reassurance that they did a good job.
You were however completely lost in the sparkling hazel eyes that looked deeply into your own.
You were the luckiest fae alive. You were sure of it.
“That was awesome!” Cassian’s voice drew your attention away from Azriel.
“Yes, Y/N, it was really cool,” Emerie told you.
You felt so proud.
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“What are you thinking about?” Azriel asked you as the two of you laid down in bed.
You had laid on his chest, half asleep, for the past hour as he read his book. That had become a part of your nighttime routine. His arm was resting on your waist, his shadows were playing with your hair and your shadows helped him turn the pages.
“You’ve been distracted since training earlier. Is everything okay?”
You had been thinking about the shadow training the entire day.
Even though you were proud of your achievement, you still had one question that was burning in your chest.
“Can I ask you something?”
Azriel immediately put away the book and shifted all his attention towards you.
“Of course, lovely. Anything.”
“Did you let me win over your shadows that easily?”
“You really found it that easy huh?”
“To be honest, yeah I did.”
He took some time just looking at you. By the feelings he sent down the bond you knew it was both admiration and respect, but also a little lustfulness that made you laugh.
“I didn’t make it easy for you. The opposite actually. I tried to fight back, but I couldn’t.”
You were almost speechless. He had tried to hold back, and you still managed to take control with minimal effort.
“You don’t need to look so surprised, lovely,” he said and gave your forehead a small kiss. “I have always known you were extraordinary, you just need to believe it yourself.”
From that day forward, you understood that you actually already had the courage to do exactly that.
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@i-have-a-thing-for-the-dark @saltedcoffeescotch @rcarbo1 @mrsjna @kitsunetori @thecraziestcrayon @blessthepizzaman @mybestfriendmademe @scatteredstardustt @lilah-asteria @aaahhh0127 @topaz125 @miadialila @ivy-34 @goldenmagnolias @bwormie @animalistic0
Deviders by @cafekitsune
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trendywaifus · 3 days
Imagine coming up behind Jane. Wrapping your arms around her waist as you pull her in and nuzzle your face into her hair as you trail kisses along her scalp and neck, until you come up to one of her rodent ears. After placing a kiss on it, you decide to go a bit further and give her ear a little nibble.
And, to your absolute surprise, she isn’t so quick to come up with a witty remark as she usually is.
🚘 Anon
mmm soft moments with jane
it’s late at night and jane’s getting ready in the bathroom, already in her usual outfit without her signature bomber jacket. she’s checking herself in the mirror, making sure her outfit is properly adjusted, and her light makeup not smudged before heading out. then here you go, trudging into the bathroom and hugging her from behind, mumbling something under your breath groggily.
“ g’morning to you, sleepyhead. “ she coos teasingly, smirking at you through the reflection of the mirror. you hug her a little tighter, nuzzling your face into her fluffy, black hair. the easing scent of her strawberry shampoo fills your lungs and you melt into her. “ i’ll miss you. “ and jane hums sweetly, her gloved, deft fingers sliding up the back of your hand that’s lightly pressed against her stomach. she weaves her fingers with yours and softly squeezed. in response, you press a tender kiss to her scalp.
“ i’ll only be gone for a few days for the sting operation. but, i’ll miss you too, sweetheart. “ there’s been gang activity growing in parts of new eridu so her captain wants to send her in one of those hot spots as a recruiting member to obtain inside information and help with the raid. you let out a soft whine, swaying your body with hers side by side. “ that means i’ll have to sleep in an empty bed for a couple of days. .”
she chuckles, a teasing smirk growing on her glossy lips. “ my poor baby~ maybe i should buy you a body pillow so you can sleep better when i’m not here. “
you grump, “ if you do that, i swear i’ll sleep with the body pillow even when you are here. “ her body tremors a little as she snickers.
“ we both know that’s a bluff. you’re the same person who’d throw a tantrum if my tail isn’t wrapped around you and when i’m not in a certain position where you can spoon me. “ the rat thiren remarks mischievously. you roll your eyes.
“ i do not have tantrums, jane. i just love holding you in my arms a-and you love it. “
“ hehe, i never said i didn’t, did i? “
you exhaled heavily, “ i digress. just be safe, okay? i’ve already packed some snacks and equipment in your trusty pouch. “
after a year of dating, she still doesn’t really know how to respond to your affection whenever you openly express your concern and do things for her. “ . .i appreciate it, thank you. “
you smile into her hair at the subtle, bashful tone behind her smooth voice. loving lips press a few tender kisses to her scalp then down to her neck. you gingerly brush aside the long tresses of faded red hair to continue peppering kisses against the nape of her neck. her steady breath audibly staggers as you firmly hold her close to you—an intimate representation of how much she means to you. jane’s chest swirls with infatuation and she finds herself lost to your touch like many times before.
a surprised noise rumbles in her throat as you move back up to kiss at her rat ear. “ one of my favorite things i love about you. . “ you murmur, giving it another chaste kiss. it flutters, the tips of her ear turning a degree hotter. the hand woven with yours, squeezes again, this time, tighter. you carefully nibble at her ear and she melts into mush on the inside.
“ . . . .you’re quite the weasel, aren’t you? doing this before i leave is seriously unfair, you know? “ it’s unfair, because now this memory is going to be replaying in her head for the next couple of days while she’s away on a secret operation. like always, you’re her distraction—her only weakness. jane always thought that the only thing that’ll truly make her break character would be over you. if she had a choice to save her secret identity or you, it’d be you without a second thought.
her tail slithers between your leg and hers, and link them together. oh, she’ll make sure to return in a couple of days to get you back. it involves you sleeping really good after what she’ll do to you.
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Mission Control 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, stalking, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Captain Hydra
Summary: a man marches into your life on a mission
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You clean your leg again. The wound looks and feels little better than the night before. The pulsing ripple of pain is a constant reminder, not that you can get that man out of your mind. Or your life. 
You get ready for work numbly. You’re just going through the motions. You don’t know what else you can do. 
Colin never returned your call. None of them. The window is broken. You don’t care. The window doesn’t matter. Breaking glass is far from the worst thing this man can do. 
You get on the bus wearily. You sit at the front. Each stop, you look up, expecting the man. Some teens, then a man with a walker. You tense up each time the breaks squeal. He’s taunting you again, without even being there. 
When your stop comes up, you get off and stand at the stop a few minutes, searching. You don’t if it’s better to see him coming... 
You cross the lot and enter the mall. You stop at the coffee shop and get a latte. It won’t help but the warmth might help whittle away at your rigid muscles. You go to the tea shop. This time, it’s Jeremy at the counter. 
“Hey, sup?” He asks as he put out the sample pitcher of fruit punch iced tea. 
“Nothing,” you answer, eye dart to the mall corridor and back to the counter. 
“Oh? Security was asking about you this morning.” 
“Um... what?” You turn to him, “they were?” 
“Yeah, something about a report last night. Said they were following-up. Something happen?” 
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him so concerned with anything. Not more than his phone. You shake your head. 
“Just... a suspicious customer,” you shrug. 
What’s the point in saying anything? You doubt his reaction will be any different than the police. Or that he could do anything more than offer empty platitudes. It’ll be okay. I’m sure the guy will get tired and leave you alone. 
No, he won’t. 
The look in his eye as he latched on and tore out your hair assured you of that. You can feel his grip, how strong he was, and you remember the way malice roiled off of him. He’s not just a man, he’s a monster. 
“Hm, no surprise there,” Jeremy snorts. “Halloween collections coming tomorrow. This place is going to get stupid.” 
“Of course,” you mutter without much thought. 
You stare over the counter into the bright mall. Waiting. Watching. He wouldn’t do anything now. Now with Jeremy right there. 
He would. He could. Last night on the bus, there were a dozen other passengers who didn’t give a shit about what he did. You put your hands on your head, gripping your skull as if it’s splitting in half. You show your teeth and whine. 
“Woah, everything okay?” Jeremy moves towards you and you wince away from him. 
“No! It’s not okay,” you spin and hurry into the back room. You grab your bag and your jacket and veer back out. 
“Hey, where are you going?” He shouts as you race around the counter. 
You don’t answer. You don’t have one. You just can’t stand still and wait for this man to show up again. 
You charge through the mall and to the exit opposite the one you usually come in. You stop just outside, right before the tarmac and heave. What are you doing? Where are you going? Home isn’t safe. There’s nowhere else to go. 
Your sister stopped talking to you when you called her boyfriend a deadbeat. Your parents took her side, like they always do, and the rest of your family doesn’t give a shit. Even if anyone did answer your call, they’d call you dramatic, or a liar. The latter is more likely. 
The police didn’t listen either. Your landlord won’t fix your window or replace the chain, he won’t even bother to check his voicemail. So, what now? 
You look around and your eyes snag on a dark figure. It’s him. Just beside one of the light poles. He stands unmoving, as motionless as the metal next to him. You trip backwards and twirl, bursting back into the mall. 
You sprint through the corridors, ignoring the patrons as they send you looks, swerving and weaving around them. You turn and come out on the east side of the mall. You slow to catch your breath halfway across the lot. 
What do you do? That stupid question has no goddamn answer. What are you doing? That one’s just as pointless. 
You get to the patch of grass and climb up onto the sidewalk. You turn south and walk without seeing. Cars blow by on the street as you grip the straps of your knapsack. You just walk. No where in particular. 
You cross and continue down the next block, and the one after that, and the one after that. When you’re dizzy and tired, you find a bench and sit. You bend forward and cradle your head. Your lungs burn, your legs too. Your head pounds from fatigue. 
You just sit there. When you sense gentle brush next to you, weigh creaking on the slats of the bench, you don’t look. You already know. It doesn’t matter how he found you. The inevitability was a given. 
Silent, still, you languish.  
You flinch only as he wraps his hand around your wrist and forces your hand away from your head. You sit up and he stands. He tugs you with him. You sway on your feet and he strides forward. You stumble along with him. Not a word, not a glance in your direction. 
He just marches on and you have no choice but to go with him. 
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glossysoap · 2 days
(Quick rant—I’m sorry but I have to get this off of my chest. Pls ignore it if it bothers you)
Welp my whole street is flooded and I’m stressing myself bc I have an important appointment tomorrow and I can’t cancel it without paying the full price of the consultation. I also can’t really use any public traffic because most of the streets are shut down. It’s really bad in my district bc we have a big river near us and it’s overflowing so there’s also the fear of black outs and such. I’m okay but I haven’t had a wink of sleep and am literally on survival mode. (Istg this week can’t get any worse🫠)
Anyways to cope I was just thinking of firefighters 141. Just big burly men helping reader evacuate a certain area but reader is too stubborn and wants to get to their car bc they have important things in it and can’t risk loosing everything. And reader is just so devastated that the firemen 141 take care of them til they get relocated. Having reader hanging around the base and like a strange bond starts blossoming. The 141 firemen get so used to reader being there that they are reluctant on letting them go.
Anyways; To cut a long story short—Reader just gets comforted by big burly firefighters.
I hope atleast your week isn’t half as bad, Glossy. It’s always a treat to see your posts. Love u🫶
oh my god anon??? i’m so sorry that’s terrible!! you can’t catch a break 😭
i really hope things get better for you!!!
ohhhh SAVE ME big burly sweaty musky strong ass men SAVE ME. (forgive me, this took on more of a ‘they rescue you from a fire’ type of a thing but it’s not very specific so it’s still very much up to interpretation)
nah bc somehow i would have it end in a gangbang. a poly relationship for sure. maybeeee they see you at a bar later that night after rescuing you and they take you back to their place? that they all share of course because. poly.
like it’s not even dirty at first, they just genuinely wanted to talk to you again bc they were concerned after seeing you earlier.
somehow it ends with them all splitting you open on their cocks, in their spacious bed.
it’s not rough per se. it’s heated and passionate but not really rough.
price would be fucking you first and last. like always, captain’s dibs.
soap and gaz are laid on either side of you, watching price fold you in half. watching the tension in your face melt away, watching your eyes become dazed and your tongue lolling out.
simon took place near your head, letting you lay your head in his lap. he watched price’s body cast a shadow over yours as he pounds into your tight cunt, pulling you apart and yanking every shred of stress out of you.
“you’re alright, doll. everything’s alright now. it’s all over. there you go, let yourself go for us.” price murmurs against your lips, all warm and comforting as you feel your first orgasm of the night wash over you.
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the kaleidoscope theory: l.hamilton.
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• pairing: lewis hamilton x black!oc kalani halloway
• chapter warnings: none
• w.c: 3.8K
• ru’s 💌: First thing first, I want to apologise for how long it took to post this. With school and placement taking up a lot of my time, amongst other distractions and my mental health just not being the best for a while, writing has not been my main priority, and I am trying to make up for that now. Updates will be slow, but they won’t be non-existent. Please don’t forget to like, comment and re-blog.
• tip: kofi | paypal
series masterlist
“ARE you sure that you want to keep doing this with him Lani? Like I love you and I’ll always be in your corner, but I have to agree with your therapist here. What are you gaining from continuing to sleep with Malik?”
The bluntness of the question almost knocked the wind out of Kalani’s lungs. Over the decades of their friendship, she had come to know that Julian did not pull any punches when it came to honesty. It should not have shocked her that her best friend would react like this to the revelation of such news. Maybe it was the exasperation and disappointment that she picked up in his tone that made Kalani want to shrivel into herself from shame.
“Lani!” His voice boomed through the car speaker, breaking her train of thought. “Are you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m still here.” She mumbled as her hands tightened around the stirring wheel.
“Well, are you going to answer my question or not?”
“It was a moment of weakness okay!” She exclaimed, finally admitting it to herself and to her best friend. “There was always an excuse to get me alone. To discuss the divorce or something about the kids. And he’d just … he would charm me, and I would be reminded of why I fell in love with him in the first place then I’d give in.”
“Tuh.” Julian scoffed. “Talk of the divorce like he’s not trying to distract you from the fact that he has not signed those papers.” He added, the truth causing her shoulder to sag as she leaned back into her seat.
“I know.”
“Baby, I’m not trying to make you upset —.” He sighed, speaking in a much tender tone. But it was too late. The shame that had been brewing in her stomach for so long had bubbled back up her throat.
“I just need you to really think about this. It has been two years since you have asked for the divorce, Malik keeps stalling signing the papers, under the guise of trying to make it work. But we all know that he is still with that bitch. Like he can’t have his cake and eat it too. He doesn’t have any regard for who he’s hurting and that is you and the kids. I need you to be better than your weakness for him. It’s not fair.”
His words were hurtful to hear but Kalani could not argue against them because she knew that they were true. That is why she had decided to begin therapy. She had not slept with Malik in over six months since she had started her therapy session. This round, Kalani had finally shared the truth that she had on tinted with intimacy with her ex-husband despite the separation.
“I KNOW.” Kalani sniffed as her tears threatened to spill over. The tremble in her voice could not be hidden and Julian picked up on it.
“Lani, listen-.”
“Hey, so um — I gotta go. I need to pick up Princess from my aunt’s place.” Kalani quickly spoke out as she rounded the corner into a residential street. “Talk later.”
She did not wait for him to respond as she ended the phone call. Kalani took a deep breath as she put the car into an empty parking spot. She continued to sulk in her seat as the heaviness in her chest had returned. Everything that Julian had said to her were all things that she knew and had known from the first time, she had slept with him after they split.
Stuck in the moment, every time they had done the deed had felt good. In some way, it had felt like she had been reclaiming her power. It felt good to know that in some way, her ex still wanted her. In Kalani’s need to be desired by the man that she was married to for nearly twenty years, she had momentarily lost herself and had forgotten what was important.
The happiness of her children.
So Kalani took in a deep breath and exhaled, wiped away her tears and re-applied her lip gloss. She practised her smile in the rear-view mirror until she was satisfied with a more approachable facial expression. She got out of her car and fixed the legs of her pantsuit before she walked a short distance on the pathway and onto the property.
It did not take any time from her opening the small front gate for the front door to be opened.
“Mummy!” The excited shriek of her young daughter sounded through the air as her little feet carried her as fast as they could towards her. Kalani immediately dent down to her level and opened her arms, waiting for her daughter. She dived into her arms and Kalani could just feel all of that heaviness began to lift away from her heart. As her daughter squeezed her little around her neck, Kalani immediately felt better.
“Hi, my Princess!” She smiled at Tiara. Princess’s little giggles were what she got in response as she pulled back to look into her mother’s eyes.
“I missed you so much, Mummy.”
“I missed you too! Did you enjoy school and time with Auntie Angie?”
“Mhm!” Tiara nodded her head as she played with Kalani’s earrings. “Today, I learnt what a doing word is! And then Auntie Angie baked me a banana cake.”
“The cake is for all of you, not just you baby.” Aunt Angela spoke from behind Tiara which caused Kalani to chuckle as a frown appeared on her little girl’s face.
“Emi doesn’t like banana cake as much as I do!” Tiara exclaimed.
“I know baby. But can we at least save a piece for brother first?”
“Okay.” Her small voice of defeat made Kalani’s heart swoon. She cradled her daughter’s head to her chest as she walked towards the door where Angela had been standing with Tiara’s belongings and the wrapped up banana cake.
“Hi sweetie.” Angela had greeted her as she awkwardly hugged Kalani.
“Hi Auntie.” She replied. It was like she could feel the love outpouring from the embrace. And it took all of her strength to not break down then and there.
“You okay?” Angela asked her. Kalani softly nodded her head, not trusting her words in that moment. She took a deep breath before offering a smile of re-assurance.
“Just need my baby.” Kalani replied. “Thank you for looking after her today.”
“You never have to thank me for that. I love Princess and I love spending time with her.”
After a couple of more minutes of casual conversation, Kalani and Tiara said their goodbyes and then left her aunt’s home. On the journey to pick up Emil, she sang along to the current kid bops that Tiara was currently enjoying. Her daughter filled the car with chatter about what her day at school was and repeated stories of previous adventures. Kalani did not mind at all. Hearing her daughter talk was far more enjoyable than being left with the chaos that was her thoughts.
When they had arrived at the local sports and leisure centre, Kalani noticed that by the outdoor astroturf, there was a larger crowd than there should be for a practice on an early Wednesday evening . She walked hand in hand with Tiara towards the grounds and smiled when she noticed the crowds full of young and old cheering on.
No matter how much Emil had tried to teach her, there were still aspects of the game of football that she would never understand. However, that never changed how much Kalani cheered on Emil and supported him. She knew that he had fallen in love with football due to Malik’s love for the sport, his passion came from within, and Emil had the talent to match. If Emil was willing to play, then Kalani was going to do everything that she could to make sure that he continued to play to his greatest heights.
From where Kalani stood, she could tell that it was an intense game for a practise but neither the Red nor Green sides seemed to care. When Emil touched the ball, he sprinted across the field with incredible of the ball and passing by the red players who were trying to defend. Emil then passed the ball to another green player who was open. This player then quickly shot the ball into the net, scoring the winning goal.
The crowd, including Kalani and Tiara cheered for the green shirts.
The game came to an end and with the crowds beginning to disperse, Tiara shot away from Kalani’s side and ran towards his older brother as she screamed his name. She smiled as she watched Emil pick up his little sister and throw her into the air, catch her and then spin her around.
As she proudly watched the moment, she caught a growing crowd from the corner of her eye. She noticed a man standing in the middle with the biggest smile on his face as he tried to greet every one that was surrounding him. That bright smile with the small tooth gap was the first thing that caught her attention. His twisted strands were in a ponytail, but his sides and beard were nicely trimmed in a way that brought attention to his chiselled facial features. Kalani’s eyes travelled to his large and muscular tatted arms that even with his bronzed, umber complexion, the design of the tattooed sleeves stood out. He was dressed simply, in a black, sleeveless knitted vest and what looked like black trousers. Kalani had spent too much time staring at him for her to notice that his jewellery was expensive and some of it was probably custom made.
As if picking up on her inquisitive eyes, the man looked up and stared right at her. She had never seen such an intense yet sincere pair of eyes that were the smoothest of chocolate brown. Kalani bit her lip in embarrassment at being caught looking when he smiled at her. She quickly averted her gaze to her children, who were walking towards her and tried not to think about why the stranger felt vaguely familiar.
“Hi Mum.” Emil greeted her as he placed Tiara down on her feet before reaching towards her and giving her a sideways hug. Kalani reciprocated the hg and patted his sweat drenched curls.
“Hi baby, you were great out there.” She complimented him which caused him to grin.
“Thank you.” He smiled at her.
“Any particular reason why you guys were playing like it was the finals of the Premier League?”
“Oh! The owner of the centre is here, and we just wanted to impress him I guess.”
“You were out there acting like he’s like a talent scout.” Kalani chuckled.
“He might as well be. He used to be a sportsperson, so he knows a lot of people.”
“Like Mbappa right?”
“Mbappé, Mum. Mbappé.” Emil corrected her with a roll to his eyes.
“Well, whatever his name is.” Kalani shrugged her shoulders and then picked Tiara into her arms. “Anyway, go get your stuff. We need to be home before 8:30.”
For a fraction of a moment, she saw her son’s gleeful demeanour slip. He nodded his head and then jogged away. Kalani watched as he stopped and talked to the same man that she had made eye contact with. The joy in his face was back once more and it eased the tension within her. She was sending them to their fathers’ for the weekend as she needed some time to herself to re-charge before she embarked on a large project at work.
However, Emil had made it abundantly clear that he wanted nothing to do with the man that he had once idolised. Emil confessed to enduring the visit for the sake of Tiara, who was still trying to adjust to the separation.
When he came back, they all hurdled into the car and they drove back home, not before stopping for a takeaway pizza collection.
After they had arrived back at their home, Kalani rushed her children to take their evening showers before preparing their bags.
Kalani stayed downstairs as she prepared their dinner. Alongside the pizza, she made a simple arugula salad with cherry tomatoes, feta cheese and a balsamic dressing. Once she had set the table and could finally take a sip of her white wine.
She dreaded the weekends when her children were away. Because it forced her to think. It forced her evaluate every single decision that led to this very moment that she was currently residing in.
Her hatred for Malik increased.
Memories of their past floated in front of her. Her and Malik dancing around the kitchen as they cooked whilst Emil set the kitchen table and Tiara narrating stories from her vivid imagination.
They were so happy.
They were so in love.
Where in the fuck did he ever find the time to cheat on her? She wondered.
That was a question that she never got an answer to. And it was a question, she was afraid of what the answer may be. It just was not something that she was ready to confront. Kalani was left to deal with all of that harbouring anger all alone.
“Mummy look! Me and Emi are matching!” Tiara rushed rushed down the stairs with Emil in tow. When Kalani turned her head towards their direction, a laughter full of elation burst from her when she noted that the duo were indeed matching. Tiara was dressed in a hot pink Nike tracksuit that was a contrast to Emil’s grey one.
“She wasn’t going to wear anything else.” Emil commented as they entered the large kitchen area, approaching the sink to wash their hands.
“That’s okay. Princess just wants to be like her big brother huh.” Kalani smiled as she smoothed her daughter’s hair.
“Yep!” Tiara gave them her dazzling smile. “Except, I don’t like football, and he doesn’t like banana cake!” The little girl stated before her focus shifted to the slices of banana cake on the table. “Ooouuu caaaakkee.”
“Not so fast, young lady!” Kalani spoke up which stopped Tiara in her tracks. “Can you eat some pizza first before the cake?”
“Okay, Mummy.” She pouted as she moved to sit down in her chair by the table. Emil shook his his head as he plated a slice of pizza for himself before sitting down.
They sat in silence as they ate their food, but Kalani could tell from her son’s solemn expression that something was bothering him.
“You okay baby?” She asked him as a worried expression marked her face.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He offered her a smile that she didn’t believe.
“You sure? You know that you can always talk to me, right?”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just -.” Emil stopped talking before he let out a sigh. He then turned his attention to Tiara who was focused on trying to do a cheese pull. “I’m not ready to talk about it.” He concluded.
Kalani swallowed as she tried to not be disappointed with his response. Outside of the pure anger that was palpable whenever his father was mentioned, Emil had concealed his emotions about the divorce from her, always giving her that same answer of not being ready to talk. She had offered for him to go to therapy but he refused, saying that he did not need it.
“I caught him cheating Mum, not killing somebody.” He had said to her after the therapy suggestion. She dropped it then, however as her sessions continued, the more she wanted to push for Emil to go. But she was not going to force his hand. He’d go when he was ready.
“How’s this? When you come back, I’ll take the day off work and break you out of school and we do whatever you want. Just the two of us.”
“I’d like that.” Emil replied as a small smile returned to his face. Kalani reached over and softly pinched his cheek.
“That’s my boy.” She wicked at him.
They finished dinner in a much better mood with Emil updating her on his coming football schedule so that she could make time for it in her diary. And it wasn’t long after they had cleared the table did the doorbell ring.
Kalani glanced over to the clock on the wall. It was 8:40pm.
A cloud of tension suddenly covered the serenity of their home as she realised who was at the front door. Kalani looked at her son, who was already moving to collect Tiara from her position in her play area by the living room.
“Give me five minutes, I need to talk to your father about something.” She said to him. Emil nodded his head.
“Princess come on, gotta make sure that you have all of your toys ready.” He said before picking her up and giving her a piggy-back ride up the stairs which caused her to squeal with each step.
Kalani mentally prepared herself as she dried her hands with a hand towel before she headed to the door.
With one more pep talk, she swung the door open and met her ex-husband with a close-lipped smile with her body blocking the entrance.
Standing shy of 6 foot 2 inches with a rich, tawny complexion, a shaved head and trimmed goatee – Malik was a physically handsome man. At forty-three, he kept himself fit, had an impeccable wardrobe (that she introduced him to) and a gorgeous smile that her daughter inherited. Full lips with slick words that could charm the pants off a recluse. She would know, they’d been working on her for close to two decades.
“Hi Lani.” He smiled down at her.
“Hi Malik.” Her tone was curt, which caused his cheeky expression to slip by minor fraction, but she caught it.
“How are you?” He asked. “You look beautiful as ever.” He complimented her, trying to work his charm as he had done so many times before.
It wasn’t going to work this time.
“Thanks.” She narrowed her eyes before she moved to step outside. She drew the door close and left it slightly agar.
“I need to talk to talk to you about something.”
“Are the kids okay?” He worried.
“They’re as fine as they can be. But that’s not what I want to talk about.”
“Then what?”
“When are you going to sign the papers, Malik? You’ve been putting them off for far too long now.”
“What do you mean sign?” He frowned in confusion. “I thought that we were taking this time to figure things out.”
“What things?!” Kalani sternly exclaimed in a hushed voice. “You refused couple’s counselling. Emil doesn’t want therapy and wont talk to me about it. Tiara thinks you’re working on a big project at work because she doesn’t understand that we’re separated.” As the words spat out of her mouth, the angrier she became. “Let’s not fucking forget, that little girlfriend of yours is still around and you thought that I didn’t know about it.”
“She’s not Kalani!” Malik quickly tried to shut down her accusation.
“Oh please!” She scoffed as she looked at him up and down in disgust. “Her perfume is lingering on you right now. I should know, I was washing it off for years!” She hissed.
Kalani watched as Malik tried to sniff his clothes and that disgusted her even more as she could see the gears in his mind churning up an excuse.
“Listen, it’s not like that.” He began to say.
“I don’t give a shit what it’s like. I want those divorce paper signed and delivered to my office by Monday. If not then no more nice Kalani, I’ve put up with your shit for too long.”
Without giving Malik a chance to reply, she opened the door just as she picked up on the patter of feet rushing down the stairs. Tiara zoomed past her and dove into her father’s legs, hugging them.
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” She chanted, bouncing with excitement. Malik picked her up into his arms and gave him one of his practised smiles as he peppered her face with kisses.
“My gorgeous girl! You’re getting so big!” He said which caused Tiara to grin.
“Look! My tooth fell out and the tooth fairy gave me one pound and Mummy told me to add it to my piggy bank!”
“Oh, that’s so awesome Princess!”
“When all my teeth fall out, I’m gonna be rich!”
“Oh, I bet!” Malik tickled her sides which caused another high-pitched squeal to leave Tiara. In all of her rage, it was the joy of her daughter that mattered to her. Emil trotted to her side, holding their weekend bags.
“You got everything baby?” She asked him. He nodded his head.
She hated having to send him with his father, but she did not trust Malik to care for Tiara without Emil’s assistance. She brought in her son for a tight hug and kissed the side of his head. “It’s just two days and you’ll be back.”
Emil sighed at those words before nodding his head. “Bye Mum.” He mumbled before he kissed her cheek and walked past Malik without acknowledging him. She could see that Malik was trying to not let that get to him but kept a brave face for Tiara. It may be horrible to admit but it felt nice to know that there was one more person who hated his guts the way she did.
‘Right, Princess, you’re going to be on our best behaviour for your father, okay?” Kalani said to Tiara.
“Mhm.” Tiara nodded her head before Kalani placed a kiss on her forehead.
“We’ll talk about what we talked about later.” Malik glared at her.
“Unless it’s about that signature, then we have nothing to talk about.” She glared back.
Kalani waved goodbye to her children as Malik drove away. Once she shut her front door, she let out the biggest sigh of relief as her body relaxed. She had not realised just how tense she had been in the minutes Malik was here.
It had felt like hours.
With her body on autopilot, Kalani finished cleaning up the kitchen and packing away Tiara’s toys before she grabbed her bottles of wine, forgoing the glass and dragged her body up the stairs to her bedroom. As she prepared for her evening bath, she put her favourite playlist on and danced to the music as she stripped down to her bathing suit.
Once her tub was full of hot water and bubbles, she sank down, laying down her head on the towel. She took a large gulp of her wine and get the bottle down.
With only the sultry voice of Sadé as solace, Kalani let her walls down and cried to her hearts content.
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reading list: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @saturnville @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @emjayewrites @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @sapphireheaven @olyvoyl @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @scorpiobleue @laneywrld @qveenmelanink @tremendousstarlighttragedy @bekindbecoolbeyou @greedyjudge2 @itsapurrfectstorm @createdbylivingclocks @omgsuperstarg @peyiswriting @miyuhpapayuh @blowmymbackout @purplelewlew @henneseyhoe @perfecttrashface @alianovnaromanovanatalia @leilaxaliel @hotfudgeslug @iamryanl @pickingupmymercedes @eleetalks @ambs-06 @annisassintchaska @boujiestpoet @nayaesworld @nat-lh-44
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machveil · 3 days
Has anyone brought to you the question of what type of car Konig drives? I can’t see him fitting in anything but a giant truck, but also the idea of him in a little VW Bug makes me wheeze. (Of course there’s always the third option of motorcycle, but that might just be because motorcycles are hot af)
OKAY ANON— you activated my brain and had me dig through a 300+ asmr playlist I have on YT for a very specific video so I’m going on a tangent and a half about this haha
I’ll start with the smallest thought portion because this is going to be long…
Retired!König strikes me as owning a motorcycle, first and foremost. he’s always liked the way they look, so now with a hefty savings account and ample free time, he’s decided this can be his retirement project. he could buy a new motorcycle, really treat himself, but this guy is a working man! he buys a beat up, ‘well-loved’ bike (even the seller was surprised someone was actually buying it)
even though Retired!König definitely has enough cash saved up to make the process of fixing the bike up fast… he doesn’t. he wants this to be a pastime he can keep up, even it means he can’t ride the bike for a long time. he’d order parts individually every week or so - smaller parts, maybe in batches. he’ll grab a beer, put on some music, open his garage, and let the neighbors have a show of him dismantling and breathing new life into this motorcycle
all in all, I think it takes Retired!König a year, a year and a half, to fully finish the bike (of his own volition). by the end it’s beautiful - new sleek paint, high end parts, the works. …he could possibly be so into it that Retired!König opens an actual garage shop and fixes up vehicles (mechanic!König anyone?). yeah, he’s retired, but having a hobby that makes you money? can’t say no to that, Maus
ANYWAYS, on to the meat and potatoes of this post
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so, my beautiful, oh so smart anon, thank you for sparking my brain into remembering THIS VIDEO. you CANNOT tell me this isn’t König coded, the entire thing SCREAMS König to me (actually, the entire channel does, but I can only fangirl so much)
König owning a Jeep scratches my brain right - I’m not knowledgeable on cars/trucks, so if you think there’s a better off-roading/camping vehicle I will believe you 100%. also, I’m sorry, I’m watching the video as I’m writing this - König would definitely take his fluffy, little kitty camping with him. the guy in the video has a dog, but my cat dad propaganda will never stop
it doesn’t matter where or how old König is, he loves camping and immersing himself in nature - he needs a vehicle that can keep up with him. it started as a kid where he’d flee into the local woods after school or on weekends for alone time. he convinced his mama that he’d be okay if he camped out in the woods, and after one dinky camping trip he was sold. every chance he gets he’s off in nature - hiking, camping, he tried caving once but he was too big :( he liked the entrance to the cave though. he adores bird watching, definitely has high end binoculars. he’d buy a camera too, but he’d rather enjoy nature in the moment rather than fumbling to take a photo. König thinks that some things don’t need to be captured in a photo, it’s okay just sitting down experiencing it, just remembering it
so König enjoys having a vehicle that lets him get away from people, he doesn’t mind driving til he’s almost running on empty. he’d gladly drive out into the middle of nowhere just to sit down and take in nature. always carries a box of trash bags in his truck so he can pick up litter along the road. and, since his vehicle is what allows him to travel, he takes very good care of it
back to his Jeep, he decks it out like the guy in the video. when König camps he treats it as a ‘how long can I stay out here’ ordeal, or up until he has to go home for obligations. so König tries to maximize space, I’ll say it every time - König has a place for everything, he’s an organized king✨
I’m not going to lie, I’m just going to say look at the guy’s Jeep in the video. they way he has it set up is just how I imagine König’s Jeep - this guy has a net attached to the ceiling for supplies, I could see König bungee cording a cooler in the back (completely organized), I just have so many thoughts on König camping this is too much haha
I’m trying to stay focused on the car aspect, but like… camping with König :( I guess I could make that another post if people want to see that
I’m sorry the latter half was so all over the place, I tried to keep it simple and edit it down, but I couldn’t anyways… he definitely owns some type of car that can handle camping. I’m partial to this specific Jeep though, call me biased lol
I looked up that VW Bug and I’m SCREAMING, this poor man haha! he’d be so hunched over, anon, his poor back. König definitely loves the aesthetic/look of the VW Bug, but he’d rather deep clean his home than sit in that (which says a lot). if you own a cute little car he’d offer to drive you everywhere. he claims that he’s being a gentleman, that you shouldn’t have to lift a finger, but in actuality he just doesn’t want to sit in that cramped little vehicle. he’s so sorry, Maus, let him make it up to you by being his passenger princess?
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The mountains have many rules. But out of all of them, five are the most important.
Mitsuri x fem Reader x Obanai
Words: 5.3k
Tw: Dark content, yandere monsters, monster fucking?, dubcon, squirting, fingering, smut, submissive obanai! Kinda don ish mitsuri?, uhhh also shitty smut kinda.
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The mountains have many rules.
Of course, to keep the locals and tourists safe when living/visiting here. You remember when you and your parents first visited your grandparents up here in the mountains. Your grandparents made sure your parents told you beforehand about all the rules you had to follow for your stay.
Rule number one: Don’t be/go outside after the sun sets. That’s when they come out.
Rule number two: Don’t whistle once it’s dark. It attracts them.
Rule number three: You don’t see/hear anything. You ignore it and go on about your day.
Rule number four: Always keep your doors and windows locked. Don't let them in, even if they are outside begging to be let in. Don’t. They aren’t what they seem.
And the last and most important rule
Rule number five: If you hear your name being called. Don’t. Respond. Back. It’s not who you think it might be. Ignore it and don’t entertain it. If you want to see the light of day again.
Easy five rules to follow, right?
You always made sure to follow those five simple rules. Growing scared from all the stories the locals will tell little 6 year old you. Your parents also told you to be careful. That yes the woods are pretty, but they aren’t safe.
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You haven’t seen your grandparents since you were 16. It’s been a long 8 years since then. You and your parents stopped visiting them after work has been catching up to them and you being busy with school. Of course you did call in occasionally and asked how they were doing and if they have been keeping themselves safe and healthy. Not wanting to grow distant with them since you love your grandparents very much.
But after a while, the calls slowly stopped coming in. Life is getting too busy for you and your parents.
It wasn't until a week ago when your aunt called and dropped the horrible news.
Your grandparents have passed away
You remember the feeling of time stopping right then and there. The cries of your mother going muffled as you just stood there.
The funeral wasn’t any better. Everyone was crying and screaming in agony. Your father was next to your weeping mother trying to comfort her as she cried for her parents. You couldn’t do anything but just stand there. Feeling useless.
The moment you got home you quickly ran to your room. That’s when finally all the tears and pain came out. You cried yourself to sleep that night.
Your grandparents left the house to you. Their only granddaughter. Before they died, it was already planned out the day you were born that if anything were to happen to them or if they would die. The house will belong to you.
And the house
Oh the house is beautiful
Think about those beautiful old Victorian homes from the 1800s. That’s the beautiful home your grandparents left for you.
And they knew you loved the area. Besides all the rules and weird things that roam the place. You loved it.
So here you are. In front of the house. With your parents standing behind you.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay? We can stay here with you for a few days”
“I’m going to be okay mom. Don’t worry about me”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes dad. I’m 24 years old, I’m pretty sure I can handle myself just fine” You could tell that didn’t help at all and maybe made it a little more ... .worse?
“Okay….make sure you keep the doors and windows locked! A-a-and to not let anyone in okay?!”
“And no staying outside after the sun sets! You never-“
“Never know what can be lurking in those woods yeah yeah I got it” Your mom sighs before she gives you a kiss on your forehead.
“Okay. Stay safe and take care. Me and your father will check in on you in a few weeks, Kay?”
After 10 long minutes, they left with a goodbye and now you were left alone. You noticed that the sun will begin to set soon so you called it a day and quickly rushed inside.
The house still looked the same. Same wallpaper and furniture. Your grandparents wanted all their old furniture that they bought/collected over the years to stay with the house. To stay with you.
And you didn’t have a problem with that. In fact, you're grateful they left you with all their old furniture. In this economy, a couch will probably cost the same as your rent-.
You head back upstairs and decide to buy groceries tomorrow morning.
“So, how is it so far?” Your friend eagerly asks.
“It’s not bad. Peaceful actually”
“Mm is that so? Those mountains give me the creeps!” You chuckle as you continue making your breakfast.
“Yeah trust me, I was afraid when I first visited this place. But as long as you follow the rules, your pretty much safe”
“Jeez, don’t know how you do it”
Today you already have a little something planned out for the day. For example, after breakfast you’ll go to the local market for groceries. After that you’ll go visit some old spots that your grandparents used to take you to during your summers and after that you’ll be home!
Simple small plans
“Yeah well for starters, I basically grew up here. And my grandparents were very overprotective of me when I would visit here”
“Well then maybe I should go up there and visit you! You’ll protect me from those things right?” You giggle as you answer her question.
“Of course I will”
“Good. Well I’ll talk to you later! I have a shit ton of stuff to do today” She sighs and you can tell she’s slumped over her kitchen counter right now.
“Well I’ll let you go now. But you better come visit once you're free!”
“You bet I am!” You said your goodbyes before hanging up.
The weather was perfect today for the small things you planned out. You made your plate and sat down at the nice dining table. You scrolled through your phone bored out of your mind as you ate the food you made.
You scrolled through pictures and videos of family, friends, or even random people before coming across an article from the town’s official account.
Two teenagers were found mutilated in the woods today earlier this morning. The two teens were reported missing on September 3rd at 9:46 pm by their parents after the teens failed to arrive home on time.
The teens were found today on September 16 at 7:23 am, two weeks after their disappearance. Local sheriffs said that they received a call from a tourist who had the misfortune to stumble upon the dead bodies of the two teens.
“Jesus” You mutter as you frown.
You always knew stuff like this happens. People not taking the rules seriously and being outside way past curfew and BOOM. Next day found dead.
You won’t lie, but you still get chills knowing that you aren’t the only one’s living here. The creatures that lurk in these mountains aren’t friendly to anyone.
Not even animals are safe as you remember stumbling upon multiple dead corpses of the unfortunate growing up.
Those things are vicious, vile creatures with zero mercy.
The words your grandmother used to tell you before reading you a bedtime story.
And she’s right. Those things show no mercy.
To those unfortunate souls that stumble upon those creatures. May they rest in eternal peace.
It’s been a couple weeks since you officially moved in. Life is peaceful living here. And you finally adjusted to life here!
Anyways, you were currently watching some of your favorite movies from childhood while you snacked on a bag of your favorite chips. Your parents left an hour ago after they came to check up on you. You three spent good quality time together before they had to leave for the long drive home.
You never knew living in a quiet area would be great. No more honking of cars or the screaming of people outside!
Just peace and quiet
You quietly munch on your chips as you continue watching the movie. Unaware of the eyes that were currently watching you.
It wasn’t in front of your window
It was behind the trees from outside
You continue eating before you frown as you hear a small click.
You ignored it at first, but then you heard the sound of a nail tapping against your window.
That’s when you completely froze
You quickly turned off the tv before grabbing your chips and phone and booking it upstairs to your room.
You locked your bedroom door and checked to see if your window was locked. Once you made sure everything was locked you quickly got into bed and left your chips on your night stand.
Definitely not tonight
You soon fell asleep all the while ignoring the strange noises coming from outside in the pitch dark woods.
People have said that the land was hunted. Curse from the Gods after humans yet again began to be greedy and cruel.
Others have said that the creatures that lurk are aliens or other creatures from space. They mysteriously appeared here one day and decided to claim the land as their home.
And others have said that those things used to be people. People who deceived the Gods and as punishment were turned into disgusting vile creatures who now live here in the mountains.
Anyways, there were a lot of rumors surrounding this place and how it came to be.
But even after all that. The land and mountains are beautiful. The most breathtaking place you can ever step foot in.
But people tend to forget about that when the stories and sightings of those creatures go around and get more attention than the beautiful small town itself.
Besides, the history of this town truly is a mystery
“Shit” your eyes kept going back and forth to the watch on your wrist and to the road.
Today you drove out to the city to meet up with your friends to go eat at a very popular restaurant after not seeing each other in a while. After eating, one of your friends suggested hitting up a local bar to just chill and have fun. Obviously you all agreed and went.
But unfortunately for you, you didn’t keep track of time and by the time you noticed, it was starting to get pretty late.
“Shit shit shit!” You were a little buzzed from the few drinks you took while at the bar but that didn’t really matter right now as your number one priority was to get home before the sun fully sets, which is already too late.
You kept your eyes on the road. Not taking your eyes off of it as you finally accepted defeat.
You broke one of the rules
You just hoped by the time you get home you don’t get mutilated at your front door step.
A sigh of relief leaves your lips as your house comes into view. You quickly parked and turned off the car and sat there for a moment.
It was quiet
You quickly snatch your keys out of your purse and look around for anything. Your eyes then turn to look at your front door and you take a deep breath. Keys ready in hand, you quickly got out of the car and ran to your door. You opened the door and quickly rushed inside before locking it.
You stood still for a moment. After what felt like forever you sighed in relief and decided that that will be the last time you’ll ever do that again.
No more rule breaking
You told yourself as you walked upstairs. Unaware of the glowing eyes peering outside your window.
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Nothing bad or strange happened that night. You were relieved to wake up the next morning. You had a hard time getting some sleep after you broke one of the five rules. Thinking you wouldn’t see the light of day if you were to go to sleep.
But by some miracle you woke up fine
Which you were very grateful for after seeing more articles of bodies being found deep inside the woods. It’s been getting pretty dangerous lately as more news of dead bodies being found in those woods has become more frequent.
The townspeople were starting to get worried and scared to even step foot outside. Afraid their bodies will be found next.
When your parents found out about you breaking one of the rules, they were livid!
They scolded you for being so careless and not caring about your safety. It took a minute to calm them down but once you did your mom scolded you one last time before hanging up.
“So what are you going to do?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“C’mon y/n, you're seriously planning on still staying after more bodies are being found and not only that but you breaking one of the rules?! Girl you’re crazy” You chuckled and continued folding your clothes.
“Nothing bad happened after that night. Seriously, I'm fine”
“You’re fucking crazy”
“Am not” She sighs and you could tell she’s stressing.
“Just be careful okay? I don’t want you being found next”
“I promise I’ll be fine so quit worrying before you get a grey hair!”
“Oh fuck you!” You both laugh before saying your goodbyes and hanging up. You finish folding the last bit of clothes before letting out a loud sigh. You were tired after today’s event. You did some grocery shopping and some heavy chores.
And by heavy chores….you deep cleaned the whole house
So now you were straight up tired after running around all day. Before your ass could even hit the bed, you heard a loud knock coming from downstairs. You froze and waited to hear it again, thinking it was just your tired mind playing tricks on you.
Knock knock knock
You looked outside and saw that it was dark.
Who the hell could it be knocking at your door this late at night?
You made your way downstairs and the knocking on the door became louder.
“Hello?! Is anyone home?!”
Your heart dropped
It was a female voice
“Please! Our car broke down and we don’t know what to do! If anyone’s home can you please help us!?”
You stayed completely still
What the fuck do you do?!
You quietly make your way up the door and decide to take a small peek at the peephole.
There stood two figures. A women and a man.
The woman looked frightened as she kept looking over her shoulder and the man beside her kept caressing her back as if trying to calm her down.
They look human
You stepped back from the door
Should I open it? Should I help these people and let them in?
“Please, we can’t be outside at this hour so if anyone’s home please let us in” This time the man spoke up.
The knocking stopped after that. Only the sounds of the women’s cries can be heard.
“It’s no use! Obanai-San we’re gonna die!”
“No we’re not. C’mon, it’s best that we get back to the car and just stay there for the night”
“B-but what if those things get us on our way to the car?! No no no! Please whoever is in there let us in!”
You opened the door which caused the women to screech and hide behind the male. You pointed your gun at them and the man quickly covered the women with his body.
“What are you guys doing knocking at my door?!”
“We need help. Our car broke down not to far from here and we need a place to stay for the night” The man says as he looks at the gun and then back at you.
“And what makes you think I believe you? For all I know you guys can be one of those creatures!”
“If we were you would’ve been dead the moment you opened that door” He says.
“Please! We really do need help!” This time the woman behind him speaks up.
You looked at the two in front of you carefully. They look like they really need help and they also look human. The man is right, if they weren’t they would’ve killed you by now. You sigh before lowering your gun. This makes the two relax and you quickly motion them inside.
“You know it’s dangerous walking around here when it’s dark right?” You say. Eyeing the two suspiciously.
“Of course we know”
“Where were you guys headed?” You asked. Still skeptical about the two of them.
“We were going to go visit my parents! They live in the next town over but while on our way there our car broke down in the middle of the road!” The colorful hair women cried out. You raised a brow at her.
“Why did you guys decide to walk all the way over here? You could’ve just waited it out in your car”
“That was the original plan. But someone wanted to go ask for help” the man says as he looks at the woman next to him. She goes bright red before speaking up.
“I was scared! I heard multiple stories about this place!” You chuckle. The mountains and town are really popular with its supernatural stories after all.
“You guys can spend the night” The two sigh in relief. Thankful for your kindness.
“Thank you so much! You are so kind!” The woman blurted out as she smiled.
“Yeah….but by morning you guys have to be out”
“That won’t be a problem” The man says. You just nod and show them the way to one of the many guest bedrooms you have.
“Oh my goodness! How impolite of us to not introduce ourselves! My name is mitsuri!”
“This is obanai! Thank you once again!”
Okay she’s definitely not one of those creatures. You relaxed a bit and decided why not also introduce yourself.
“I’m y/n”
“Oh! Y/n you have such a very pretty name!” She says as she smiles.
“Ah, thank you. Your name is very pretty also!” The woman beams. Very happy to hear that.
“Well I’ll leave the two of you alone. Doors and windows are locked so there’s no need to worry about the monsters coming in!” You joke. They both nod. You leave to go back to your room for much needed rest after a long day. You sleep in utter peace. Not knowing that even with doors and windows locked. The monster still made their way inside your precious home.
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The next day you woke up to the two strangers gone. The bedroom that they stayed in from the night before was left cleaned and untouched. Like they never used it.
“At least they made the bed”
You moved on after that. Weeks have passed and the strangers have become ... .Well strangers!
You just got home from work and you were slumped. It was late, yes but you managed to get home before the sun set. You were ready to just fall asleep in the sweat and dirt from today at work until you remembered that you recently washed your bedsheets and covers.
You were currently washing up and scrubbing away all the dead skin and dirt that has built up while also thinking about what you should make tomorrow for dinner.
Your parents are coming to visit tomorrow and are also staying for a few days so you wanted to make sure you have all the ingredients for tomorrow's dinner.
“Maybe I should make some pasta? Shrimp Alfredo? Or maybe some chicken curry? Orrr chicken quesadillas? Or maybe-“
You continue to ramble about all the possible foods you can make for tomorrow’s dinner.
Once you were done cleaning up, you made sure to quickly write down the dinner plans so you wouldn’t forget by tomorrow morning.
“Phewwww! Welp time for bed!” You made yourself comfortable before drifting off to blissful sleep.
Unaware of the small whistle that slipped out your mouth earlier in the shower.
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You managed to wake up bright and early to get the things you needed to make tonight’s dinner. Your parents are coming in a few hours so you wanted to get the ingredients for dinner out of the way so you wouldn’t have to worry about it later.
You went to your local market to buy all the fresh vegetables and fruits first before going to another store to pick up some other stuff that you needed.
You were excited. It’s been some time since you saw your parents so you wanted everything to be perfect. After picking up the last few ingredients you drove home. You also needed to do some last minute cleaning before focusing on the dinner part.
Once you arrived home you saw something strange laying on your front porch.
“Weird…I don’t remember ordering anything” You parked your car before slowly getting out of the vehicle. The moment you got out a stench hit you straight in the face. You wanted to vomit and you quickly covered half of your face.
It was coming from your front porch
Slowly, you walked towards your porch to get a closer look at what was there and you noticed flies surrounding the thing that was there.
“Oh my God”
You took a step back when you noticed what was there.
It was a dead deer
The poor thing was….mutilated. There was a dead mutilated deer on your front porch.
You felt sick
Your stomach turned and you felt like vomiting right then and there.
“So you found a dead deer on your front porch?”
“And nothing else? Dear are you okay?!”
“Mhm yes mom I’m fine” You called your parents immediately after seeing the dead animal in front of your house. The moment your parents heard, they immediately got in the car and started making their way to you a little earlier than what was planned.
“Go inside the house from the back door. Don’t touch anything and keep the doors locked. Stuff like this is usually a threat from those things, we’ll be there in 2 hours if traffic isn’t bad, but just stay inside okay?”
“Yes dad”
“Everythings going to be fine sweetheart, so don’t stress, okay?”
“Yes mom I’m already inside so don’t worry”
“Okay, we’ll be there soon”
And the call ended
Luckily you brought the grocery bags inside the house so you decided to start making dinner a little earlier than expected to get your mind off the dead animal that is still currently laying on your front porch.
You wouldn’t lie and say you weren’t scared. You were fucking terrified. When dead animals are left in front of someone’s house or backyard or land, 100% of the time that person is dead.
It’s a threat. Those things are threatening you and you don’t even know WHY.
You're trying to remember all the things you could’ve done to upset them - or it? You don’t know! You just can’t come up with anything that could explain why such a thing even happened!
You try to let it go and forget about it.
Maybe it’s a coincidence or…a mistake?
Maybe they got the wrong house, yeah?
You sigh and decide to just focus on dinner.
As you were washing some of the vegetables, you heard a faint click.
With the speed of light you turned off the water and stood completely still. You hear the faint sounds of tapping coming from the window of the living room.
Oh God
The sounds of nails dragging against the door is what you hear next. Long. Sharp. Nails.
You hear it before it stops. Then you hear the tap on the window again but now it’s coming from in front of you. You looked up at the window that is in front of your sink. You were lucky you have a small curtain covering the window because you know whatever is behind that window would’ve scared the ever living shit out of you.
You took a couple steps back before your back hit something. Immediately you froze.
You stayed still as whatever was behind you let out a low growl. You feel its long boney hands rest on your shoulders and you could physically feel your heart drop.
The thing then grips your shoulders and that was enough for you to pass out in fear.
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Your head is pounding and you feel cold. You slowly opened your eyes and you saw that it was dark outside.
Was all that just a dream?
You tried to sit up but something cold stopped you from doing so. You looked up and saw that your wrists were tied. The cold breeze from the open window made you shiver.
Open window?!
You panicked and tried to sit up but you couldn’t. The chains on your wrist prevented you from moving let alone getting up. That’s when you also noticed that you weren’t fully clothed. Only your underwear was on and you felt scared.
What the fuck was happening?!
And then….you hear it again. The faint tapping sound of nails on the glass window. But this time you could tell it was coming from inside your room. You slowly turned your head to face the window of your bedroom.
There….you saw a tall slender figure.
But something about this…person? Seemed familiar.
The person….continued tapping its nail against the window and something about that gave you an eerie feeling.
Suddenly, it stops.
You hold your breath as its head slowly moves to look at you.
Your heart drops the moment you make eye contact with it.
“M-mitsuri?” You whisper.
You can’t believe the woman standing before you is the same woman you met a month ago.
She looks so different
She looks…taller and her face…her face doesn’t look human at all but it also does….does that even make sense?!
Her hair is loose and she seems to not be wearing any clothes. You quickly look away but the moment you do you look up to see obanai hovering over you while staring deeply into your soul.
He also looked different
But the thing that caught your attention the most was his mouth. You see the long cuts in the corner of his mouth. Giving him a snake-like appearance.
“You're awake” Her voice sounds different. Your heart starts to beat fast and you can feel tears already threatening to fall.
“W-why…w-what are you guys”
You closed your eyes. Not daring to look at either of them.
What the fuck are they doing in your house
“You're so pretty….you look so cute being underneath him” She says as she slowly starts caressing your hair. You whimper as you feel obanai beginning to nuzzle his face on your neck.
He was sniffing you
“Noo no no no please don’t kill me!” You cry out as you struggle against your chains. She just giggles before joining you two on the bed.
“We would never hurt you. Right obanai?” He just growls. You can feel his clawed hands beginning to fondle with your breast and you gulp the more you feel him press himself closer to you.
“No no no”
“Shhhh everything’s going to be fine….” You can feel her hand slowly start to make its way towards your private area. You cry as you feel her clawed finger rip your underwear before slowly playing with your clit.
“No! Please-“ You gasp when you feel the male's mouth on your chest. He takes a nipple in his mouth and you shiver feeling his long tongue swirl around it.
Mitsuri continues playing with your clit and she giggles seeing you squirm underneath her touch.
She thinks
You gasp the moment you feel her fingers slip inside your hole. You gripped onto the chains and bit your lip as tears slid down your cheeks.
“No wait! N-not there!” She begins to thrust her fingers in and out your hole and all you could do is shut your eyes tight as you tried your best to not make any noise. Meanwhile, obanai was having the time of his life sucking harshly at your nipples. A lewd pop is heard as he finally leaves your poor nipple alone.
“More” he growls. You feel relieved when her fingers leave your poor cunt alone. But that was soon gone when you felt something poking you from down there. Your blood runs cold the moment you look down to see a monstrous cock.
Terrified, you squirm and shake your head knowing what was going to happen.
“No no no! Please! That’s not going to fit, please let me go!”
They don’t even pay you any mind as he grabs ahold of both of your thighs and spreads your legs open. They both coo at you and mitsuri begins to caress your face as she calms you down.
His tip pokes your entrance. You can tell he’s trying to hold himself back as mitsuri starts to also caress his face. He leans against her touch and waits for the green light.
“Be careful. Human women are much more delicate than us” He nods before he starts lining up his tip against your hole. You gasp as you feel him slowly push in.
You were ashamed of how wet you were.
You cry out at the burning sensation you feel. Your poor little cunt is being stretched open for crying out loud! You try scooting back. Not wanting him in. But that soon stops as he grabs your waist and slams you down fully on his length. You scream as you gripped onto the chains.
“There there! Look how perfect you're taking him! Oh I knew you were perfect for us!”
You could feel your face heat up at the lewd sounds of your cunt on his cock and the groans and moans leaving him.
“S-slow down!”
You can hear him whimper as he buries his face on your neck. And no, he doesn’t slow down. In fact, he quickened his pace and you could feel your legs start to shake.
“So beautiful!” Your face burns seeing her staring to play with herself. She fondles one of her breasts while looking at the two of you intensely.
Before you know it, you squirt all over his length. The man holds on to you tight as he cums deep inside you. You breathe heavy, your body tired and sensitive from what it has experienced. You couldn’t keep your eyes open even for a second from how tired you were.
“Shhh sleep now. Don’t worry we’ll take great care of you” You lean against her touch and the last thing you see before sleep takes over you is the chains being cut off before your carefully picked up from the bed.
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Your parents arrive at last. Your father sees the dead animal still laying on your front porch and him and your mother both quickly make their way in from the back door.
“Y/n! We’re here!” Your mother shouts. But she was met with silence. Worried, your parents quickly run upstairs in search of you. Entering your room, they see that you aren’t in there and that’s when they both begin to panic.
They search the whole house from top to bottom but only to be met with nothing. You weren’t there.
A few hours later they filed a missing persons report and asked for a search party to help find you.
Unfortunately, upon seeing the dead Animal in front of your porch, the sheriff and people of the town broke the news to your parents about you falling victim to those monsters.
After all
The mountains have many rules. And you broke 5 of the most important ones.
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songbirdseung · 6 hours
you're here, baby / lee heeseung
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where you surprise visit your long-distance boyfriend after their tour finally ended genre long distance au, established relationship, fluff
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Heeseung settled onto the couch, his phone propped up on the armrest as he waited for your call. It was your usual routine—after his long, exhausting days of practice or after he’d spent hours in the studio, you would sync up over video calls, watching movies together as a way to stay connected despite the distance between you. It had become the highlight of his nights, and while nothing could replace having you right there with him, those virtual movie dates made the separation feel a little less painful.
His phone buzzed, and your face appeared on the screen. He grinned immediately, all the exhaustion he’d been feeling melting away the moment he saw you. You were still as beautiful as ever, and even through the screen, you always had a way of making him feel at ease.
"Hey, babe. What movie are we watching tonight?" he asked, trying to seem casual, though he was always giddy just to see you.
"Actually, before we start..." you said, your voice taking on that playful tone that always made him curious. Heeseung raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
“What is it this time?” He laughed softly, already used to your random little requests. You were always full of surprises, sending him gifts or packages to make him smile on the days you couldn’t be there.
"Can you do me a favor?" you asked, your smile widening as you watched his expression shift into slight confusion.
"Another package, huh? You’re spoiling me too much,” Heeseung joked, sitting up a little straighter. "What is it this time? More snacks? A hoodie?"
You giggled, biting your lip to contain the excitement bubbling inside you. "Just... step outside your house for a minute. Trust me, okay?"
"Outside? Babe, it’s late, and I was just getting comfortable," he said, pouting slightly, but he still got up from the couch. He couldn’t say no to you, even if it was something as odd as stepping outside in the middle of the night.
As he slipped on his shoes by the door, he still couldn’t shake the curiosity. “Alright, alright. I’m going, but this better be good.”
Heeseung opened the door and stepped out onto the porch, glancing around in the dim glow of the streetlights. The night air was cool, and the streets were quiet, save for the distant hum of passing cars. He scanned the area, searching for whatever surprise you had in store for him. “Okay, I’m here. Now where’s this package?”
"Are you sure you’re looking in the right place?" your voice teased through the phone, barely holding back your excitement. You knew he’d catch on any second now.
Heeseung laughed, his brow furrowed as he looked around again, but nothing was out of place. “Yeah, I’m looking. Did you hide it or something? Come on, give me a hint.”
Then, you dropped the surprise. "You wanna leave your lover outside?"
Heeseung froze, your words making his heart skip a beat. He turned slowly, his eyes landing on a figure approaching the house from the street. His breath caught in his throat, disbelief clouding his mind as he saw you, standing there in person, walking up the driveway toward him.
"No way," he breathed, the shock rendering him momentarily speechless. His phone nearly slipped from his hands as he fumbled to shove it into his pocket. In an instant, he dashed toward you, closing the distance between you in seconds.
You grinned as you saw him sprinting toward you, your own heart racing as you finally reached him. Before you could say anything, Heeseung enveloped you in his arms, lifting you off the ground in a tight embrace. His laughter filled the air, the joy and disbelief evident in the way he held you close.
“You’re here,” he gasped, his voice filled with pure elation as he pulled back slightly to look at your face, his hands cradling your cheeks like he needed to make sure you were real. "You’re actually here... How? When did you—"
You laughed softly, still catching your breath from the excitement. "Surprise, Hee."
Heeseung let out a breathy laugh, hugging you again, spinning you around slightly as if to convince himself that this moment was real. The feel of your warmth against him, the familiar scent of your perfume—it was all too good to be true.
"I can’t believe you’re here," he murmured, his face buried in the crook of your neck. "I missed you so much."
“I missed you too,” you whispered back, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him just as tightly. "I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to come see you."
After what felt like forever in his arms, you finally nudged him gently. "Come on, let’s go inside. It’s cold out here."
Heeseung nodded, still holding onto your hand as he led you back inside the house, his heart still racing from the excitement. As you walked in, you kicked off your shoes and shrugged off your jacket, making yourself comfortable like you’d done a million times before. It felt like home, being there with him.
But Heeseung stayed by the door, his back leaning against the frame as he watched you move around the house, his eyes filled with wonder. You were really there, in front of him, not just on a screen. It felt surreal.
Noticing him standing there, you turned around and gave him a curious look. "What’s wrong?"
Heeseung didn’t respond right away. Instead, he slowly made his way over to you, his footsteps quiet as he approached. When he reached you, he stopped just a few inches away, his hands gently resting on your arms as he stared at you, his expression soft and filled with love.
“You’re really here,” he whispered, his voice quiet and full of emotion. "You’re actually here, baby."
You smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes. "I’m here. It’s real."
Heeseung leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes for a moment as he took a deep breath. “I can’t believe it,” he said softly. "I missed you so much. Seeing you through a screen wasn’t enough... I needed this. I needed you."
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer. "Well, I’m not going anywhere for a while. I’m all yours."
Heeseung let out a quiet laugh, his lips brushing against your forehead as he held you close. "Good. Because I’m never letting you go again."
The weight of the past months, the long nights of missing each other, melted away in that moment. It didn’t matter how far apart you’d been—right now, you were together, and that was all that mattered.
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novamariestark · 2 days
Can I get a Dean Winchesterx reader using prompts 9 and 10 off list one and prompt 46 off list two, please?
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Summary: A quiet date night with Dean gets interrupted.
Warnings: proofread but there's always a mistake after posting 🤣
Word count: 1229
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Prompts: “LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS ILLEGAL!” “Did you just... agree with me?” “I'm actually going to kill you”
[A/N] hope you like 😁
How did we even get here? Sometimes, life takes a strange turn, almost as if the universe decides to have a little fun with you—except you’re not laughing. The night had started so differently. It was supposed to be simple—normal even. Sam had dropped the two of you off at that tiny, run-down bar a few miles outside town, giving you some space for your long-awaited “date night.” You were supposed to have a quiet evening, maybe a few drinks, some laughs. No monsters. No hunts.
But, because some idiot stumbled into the bar, raving about a “monster” they’d seen outside town that meant date night was over. You’d barely finished your drink before you were dragged out, headed straight for where the alleged sighting had taken place. The kicker? Sam had taken the Impala to pick up some supplies, promising to come back later. So here you were, stranded without Baby, crouched behind a row of garbage bins like a couple of amateurs. This is not how you imagined your alone time with Dean would go. You had hoped for something more... normal.
Dean was in front of you, so at least you had something nice to look at. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t look good, but seriously? This was the worst idea he’d had all week—and that was saying something. At first you thought you had heard him wrong but oh no. You had heard him right.
You glanced at him, unable to believe what was coming out of his mouth. “Are you seriously suggesting we rob a cop car?” you asked, trying to keep your voice calm, even though you were two seconds away from smacking some sense into him.
Dean turned to you with that infuriatingly casual grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Borrow,” he corrected, like that made it better. “It’s not illegal if we give it back.”
You stared at him for a moment, your brain struggling to comprehend the sheer level of Dean Winchester logic you were dealing with right now. He had to be joking. But he wasn’t. He was dead serious.
“Okay,” you shot back, your voice dripping with so much sarcasm that it could be visible, “maybe next we can walk into the nearest bank and help ourselves to the entirety of the vault. You know, for funsies.” Dean’s only response was to roll his eyes, still not seeing the problem. You took a deep breath as you waved your hands around for emphasis. “LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS ILLEGAL!”
Honestly, you weren’t sure whether to laugh or scream. You were a hunter—a damn good one. You could handle ghosts, demons, and all manner of monsters that most people couldn’t even fathom. And yet, here you were, stuck with this idiot, debating grand theft auto like it was something minute like, who’s turn it was to wash the dishes.
You gave him the deadliest deadpan look you could muster, hoping he’d catch a hint of how ridiculous he sounded. “I’m actually going to kill you.”
Dean’s grin only widened, those green eyes glimmering in the dim light. “But you’ll look good doing it.”
You rolled your eyes, though you could feel the faint heat creeping up your neck. His charm was both your kryptonite and your fuel—it was hard to stay mad when he looked at you like that, but then again, it also made you want to throw something at him. Preferably something heavy.
Glancing back at the cop car, you sighed. This was ridiculous. Utterly insane. The rational part of your brain screamed at you to shut this down, to come up with a better plan. But the other part—the part that had been on countless hunts with Dean, the part that trusted him more than anyone else—knew you were probably going to go along with it anyway.
“Fine,” you sighed, the word leaving your lips before you even knew you thought it.
The second it slipped out, you mentally kicked yourself. Seriously? Fine? Fine? Really? That’s all it took? One look from him, and you were ready to throw common sense out the window? You weren’t fine. Yet somehow, here you were, agreeing to what had to be the stupidest plan Dean Winchester had ever come up with. And that was a long list.
Dean’s voice cut through your spiralling thoughts, pulling you back to the present. “Did you just... agree with me?” His tone was laced with mock disbelief, but that smirk—oh, that damn smirk—said it all. He was enjoying this way too much, and it didn’t help that the glint in his eyes practically sparkled.
You hated that look. The one that always made your stomach do flips, like a rollercoaster you swore you’d never ride again, but kept getting back on anyway. It wasn’t just the smirk. It was Dean. He had this magnetic pull, and no matter how much your brain screamed No!, your heart—and apparently your mouth—tended to betray you in his presence.
“Don’t get used to it,” you muttered, crossing your arms, trying to regain some control over the situation. You weren’t completely rolling over here. You’d follow him into the fire, sure—but you’d still give him hell for it.
Dean winked, already turning his attention back to the car, pulling out his lock-picking tools and started to unlock the car, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you,” he whispered, shooting you another wink and that cheeky smirk of his that sometimes you wanted to smack and others, kiss until you both looked like smurfs.
Your heart fluttered in spite of itself as you tried to ignore the way he seemed so damn... charming while committing a felony. His words floated around your head. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you.” Oh, you knew exactly what he was implying. Your lips twitched involuntarily. Damn him.
You crossed your arms, glaring at the back of his head, “What? My criminal record?”
Dean finally got the lock to pop, a click breaking the silence. He stood up, turning back to you with that grin, “See? Easy as pie.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re impossible.”
“Yeah, but you love it,” he said, with the cocky tone in his voice because he knew he wasn’t wrong. You hated how much he knew it, how much he knew you.
You took a step closer to him, eyes narrowing as you shot him a pointed look. “Just get in the damn car, Winchester.”
Dean chuckled as he pulled the door open, “After you, sweetheart,” he said, gesturing to the passenger seat.
You climbed into the car, the faint smell of cheap air freshener and coffee mixing with the cool air of the night. Dean slid in beside you, looking far too pleased with himself. The engine roared to life, and as the tires crunched over gravel, you couldn’t help but shoot him another sideways glance.
“So, what’s the plan, genius?” you asked, crossing your arms as if that might protect you.
Dean shrugged, “Find the monster, kill the monster, return the car—no harm, no foul.”
“If we end up in jail, you’re explaining this to Sam.” You said, leaning back into the seat, propping your elbow on the door, and resting your chin on your palm.
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jensengirl83 · 2 days
You'll Accompany Me Chp 18
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Warnings- Some angst, fluff, mild descriptions of childbirth
Word Count- 3530
A/N- Sorry this has taken so long, but the series is finally finished! I'll be posting a chapter a week until the last one. I hope you all enjoy it!
It had been a month since Jensen had proposed to Y/N, and things were going well. She was still working on getting ready for the arrival of their baby. She was due to go to her next appointment to check on her condition later that afternoon, and Jensen had been trying to get her to reconsider not finding out the gender. 
“Seriously, honey, you don’t want to know what it is?” he asked, his tone almost begging. 
“No, Jay. I want it to be a surprise. Everything hasn’t gone so well since I found out I was pregnant, and I just want this one thing to be something to look forward to,” she chuckled. 
“How many times do I have to apologize for what I did, huh? I’ve tried to make it up to you in every way I know how. You know I’ll never forgive myself for it, so why did you have to bring it up?” he responded, his voice cracking with emotion at the end. 
“Jay…” she sighed, reaching for his hand, but he pulled it away. 
She knew that she’d struck a nerve, but she also needed him to let her explain how she was feeling, and she couldn’t do that if he wouldn’t even look at her. She reached for him one more time just for him to pull away again, not even looking in her direction. Not giving him the chance to withdraw from her, she cupped his face in her hands and turned his face to look at her. 
“I want you to listen to me, okay? Yes, what happened was hard, but that wasn’t what I was referring to. The fact that I was ordered on bed rest because of a serious health condition that could hurt me and the baby was a lot to deal with. Me being so stubborn and taking so long to forgive you and cut what time we could’ve been enjoying this pregnancy together is something else I have to live with. And I kick myself in the ass for that every day, but I have forgiven you, Jay. I really have. So, please, stop beating yourself up over it, and thinking that every time I bring up what a hard time I’ve had, that it means I’m talking about that, okay?” 
She could see his eyes begin to tear up, and she felt horrible. This isn’t where she wanted the conversation to go, but now she had to try and fix it. With a sigh of regret, she pulled him to her, kissing him softly, and wrapping him in a hug. She could feel the tension all over him, so she slowly ran her hand through his hair, whispering apologies and how much she loved him over and over until she could feel him start to relax. He eventually pulled away to look at her, and it compounded her guilt. He looked heartbroken. 
“Jay, I’m so sorry. Please believe me when I tell you that I forgave you a long time ago, and nothing I said was about that,” she whispered, hugging him around his waist and resting her head on his chest.
“It’s okay, baby. I believe you. I just…” he paused, looking down at her, her eyes letting him know she was listening and wanted to hear what he had to say, “I’ve never forgiven myself for leaving you like that, and I think that stress is what may have caused your preeclampsia in the first place. And that makes me feel like the biggest piece of shit on the planet.”
“Please, Jay, forgive yourself. I did a long time ago. I was just too stubborn to admit it, and I’m sorry. But, baby, that had nothing to do with what happened to me. It happens to a lot of pregnant women, and you had absolutely nothing to do with it. I love you, Jensen, and if knowing the gender will make you feel better, then that’s what we’ll do,” she smiled, squeezing his middle in a tight hug. 
“We don’t have to find out if you really don’t want to. That wouldn’t be fair,” he sighed in contentment, kissing the top of her head. He loved her hugs. 
“No, it’s okay. Maybe it would be helpful in the end. That way we could buy exactly what we need without getting everything gender neutral,” she giggled as he tickled her ribs. 
“You have any idea how much I fucking love you?” 
“Probably not as much as I love you,” she sassed back, laughing when he sighed in faux annoyance. 
“Always busting my balls, Y/L/N.” he deadpanned, trying to hide his smile. 
“You wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
“No. No I wouldn’t, darlin’,” he replied, pulling her into his lap. She’d never know how grateful he was to have her there. To have her, period. 
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Y/N’s knee was bouncing with nerves as they sat in the doctor’s office later that afternoon. She was hoping for a good report and that she could lift some of her restrictions and be more active. Not being able to do much other than cook, light cleaning, and lying around was starting to drive her a little insane. But, something was eating at her that everything wasn’t going to be okay, and she couldn’t shake that feeling. She’d been having small Braxton Hicks contractions, but other than that, everything was progressing as it should. But something just wouldn’t let her feel like everything was fine. 
She jumped slightly as the nurse called her name to lead her back to the exam room. She didn’t think Jensen had noticed how nervous she was, but he had. As she stood, he took her hand, kissing it lightly and giving it a little squeeze to tell her without words that he was there and it would be okay. If only she could believe it. She hadn’t been in the small room long before Dr. Williams walked in with her million-watt smile she always had. It had always put Y/N at ease, but not today. 
“Good afternoon, mom and dad. How are we feeling today?” Dr. Williams asked, sitting down on the small stool and getting everything prepared for the exam. 
“I’m not going to lie. Other than the normal Braxton Hicks, nothing is going on, but I just feel like something is going to go wrong with the exam today,” Y/N answered honestly, Jensen looking over at her, one eyebrow raised in confusion and concern. She hadn’t mentioned feeling that way to him. 
“It’s fine, Y/N. A lot of mothers have that feeling at this stage of pregnancy, and especially if they have complications. Do we still not want to know the gender?” 
“No. Y/N agreed to find out this time,” Jensen replied quickly, his big smile letting Y/N know she’d made the right decision. If this made him feel just a little better about the pregnancy, then he deserved that. 
“Okay, then. How about we get the exam over first to ease mom’s worries, and then we’ll do the ultrasound. That sound good to you two?” 
“Sounds good,” Y/N and Jensen answered simultaneously, making all three of them chuckle. 
Y/N took a deep breath as the doctor started her exam. Having her cervix checked was never a fun time, and she hated it, but it had to happen. Luckily, it was usually over quickly. But she noticed that Dr. Williams was taking longer than normal this time, and her breathing started to pick up and her heart began to race. It didn’t help when she looked up and saw a concerned look on the woman’s face. Jensen had noticed, too, and before Y/N could say anything, Jensen was speaking. 
“What’s wrong, doc? Is everything okay? Is there something wrong with Y/N or the baby?” he rapidly fired the questions at the doctor, his palms beginning to sweat with nervousness. He didn’t know what he would do if something was wrong. 
“Just calm down, everyone. There’s nothing major going on,” Dr. Williams began before taking a breath to tell them what she had found, “But, Y/N is completely effaced and dilated to 5 centimeters.” 
“What the hell does that mean? She’s only thirty-five weeks along. There’s no way she can be dilated!” Jensen shouted, his fear beginning to take over and panic setting in. 
“What?! I can’t be. It’s too early! I can’t have the baby now,” Y/N cried, tears starting to slip down her cheeks.Something was wrong and she knew it, knew something was wrong with her baby. 
“Everyone calm down. This isn’t unheard of with women that have preeclampsia. Yes, it’s a little early, but the baby will probably be just fine.” 
“Probably?! I’m not fine with a probably,” Jensen was yelling now. 
“Mr. Ackles, many women have babies at this stage and most are just fine. Of course, I can’t give you an absolute guarantee, because there isn’t any when it comes to these things. But, I can tell you that I think mom and baby are going to be just fine. Now, I have to go get her a room ready for labor and delivery. A nurse will be down soon to get her moved to that floor. I know this isn’t easy, but I need you both to try and be as calm as you can. That’s what’s going to help mom and baby get through this happy and healthy,” Dr. Williams smiled, patting Jensen on the shoulder as she left the couple alone to try and come to terms with their impending situation. 
“Jay…” Y/N’s trembling voice brought Jensen out of his panic. He was by her side in an instant, running his hand over her head, and kissing her face. 
“It’s okay, honey. Everything’s going to be okay,” he whispered while soothing her, hoping that he would eventually believe his own words. 
“But what if it’s not? What if the baby is too small and…” she began to cry when he interrupted her. 
“No, uh uh. You’re both going to be fine, baby. This is a great hospital, and babies are born more prematurely than ours all the time and are just fine. All you need to worry about is taking care of yourself and bringing our little peanut out to meet us. Okay? I’ve got everything else,” he reassured her, even though he felt as if he would crumble at any moment. 
She nodded her head and cried. She knew that she had a rough journey ahead of her, and she would need all the strength she had to deliver the baby. But she couldn’t stop worrying about whether he or she would be okay. And she knew she had to have Jensen make her a promise before all the craziness got started. 
“Jay, no matter what happens in there, you stay with the baby. No matter what,” she begged, knowing she couldn’t do this without that promise. 
“No, Jay. You have to promise me. Please, I'm begging you. Take care of our baby if anything goes wrong. Please promise me Jay,” she wailed, the tears and fear of what could happen overtaking her. 
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. I promise, honey. I'll stay with the baby no matter what. But you have to make me a promise. You gotta promise me that you’ll do everything you can to be okay. We’re both going to bring this precious baby home together. You hear me?” he pleaded, his tears finally breaking free and dropping down to her forehead where he had rested his against it. 
“I promise,” she whispered, reaching up to cup his face and kiss him softly, just as the door opened and the nurse came in. 
“Ms. Y/L/N, we’re here to take you upstairs.” 
“I’ll be right behind you,” Jensen kissed her one last time as the nurse walked over to wheel her up to delivery in her bed.
“See you soon, handsome,” she smiled, squeezing his hand as they began to wheel her out of the room. 
Jensen was pacing the floor waiting for the nurse to come tell him he could be with Y/N. Once they had gotten her upstairs, they told him he needed to wait outside in the hall while they got her settled in and hooked to all the monitors, and an IV inserted. He had already made all the phone calls he needed to make. Jared and Gen were on their way, his parents were heading out as soon as they could, and Dee and the kids knew that she would be delivering soon, and wanted to wait until she was in recovery before they came to visit. All he was waiting on now was the okay to be with his future wife. It felt like an eternity before the nurse came out and took him in to see Y/N. Dr. Williams was there when he walked in. 
“Hello, Mr. Ackles. I’ll get you up to speed on what’s happening. Sorry, it took so long to bring you in, but her water broke when we moved her to her new bed. So, that means that there’s an increased risk of infection if her labor doesn’t progress in a timely manner. Which means that I put her on a Pitocin drip through her IV. Unfortunately, that means her contractions will be more intense than usual, but that also means that little Ackles will make their debut sooner.” 
“Okay, so what do I need to do?” he asked, completely at a loss about what he should be doing. 
“Same thing you did with your other three children when your wife was in labor,” the doctor said, a look of confusion on her face. 
“Well, see, that’s the problem. All three of my other kids were scheduled c-sections. I never had to go through the labor part of it,” he answered sheepishly, feeling stupid for not knowing what to expect. 
“Oh! Well, then that makes sense,” the doctor giggled, “No need to be embarrassed. Just do whatever you can to help her be comfortable, and be her support when she needs encouragement. Other than that, buckle up and enjoy the ride. This will be a completely different but amazing experience for you.” 
“O-Okay,” he stuttered, a little overwhelmed with everything going on around him.
“Jay, it’s okay. Just come sit beside me, please,” Y’N’s voice broke him out of his stupor, her tired smile and outstretched hand making his legs finally work to have a seat by her side. 
“How are you feeling, baby?” he asked, running his hand over her head. 
“Remember that scene from Alien?” she chuckled dryly. 
“The chest burster?!” he gasped at the visual image in his head. 
“Yeah, that one. Kinda like that,” she frowned as a strong contraction hit. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Just breathe. It’s going to be okay,” he huffed, her hand feeling like it was going to crush his  fingers as she squeezed. 
Jensen kept repeating to her that everything was fine and that she was doing amazing, and that it would all be over soon as each contraction had her gritting her teeth and crying in pain. He hated seeing her in so much pain, and he would do it for her if he could. But since he couldn’t, he stayed by her side with words of encouragement, little kisses on her face and head, and wiping the sweat away with a cool cloth. And after what felt like an eternity, the doctor told them that it was finally time for her to push. 
The flurry of activity in the room as the doctor and nurses prepared to help bring their baby into the world had his head spinning, but he tried to keep his focus on Y/N, and do everything he could to make it as easy as he could for her. Once the doctor told him to hold Y/N’s leg up, he knew the show was starting, and he didn’t know if he wanted to jump for joy, throw up, or pass out. 
“Jay. I can’t do this,” she cried after twenty minutes of pushing, her body feeling as if it would give out at any moment. 
“Yes you can, baby. You’re doing so good. They’re almost here, and we’ll know soon whether we have a son or daughter,” he whispered in her ear, kissing her temple, “I’m so fucking proud of you, honey. You’ve got this.” 
‘Come on, Y/N. I can see the head now. Just a few more pushes,” the doctor yelled out, making Jensen look down. 
“Don’t you dare look at that! It’ll scar you forever,” Y/N screamed, groaning through another contraction. 
“Baby, nothing could ever make me think any differently of you,” he said sweetly, looking back down to where the doctor was, “Oh my God! Honey, I can see the head! It has so much hair!” 
Jensen was elated. He couldn’t have imagined that this experience would’ve been so profound. Of course, seeing his other children being brought into the world through c-section was absolutely amazing, too. But this was a completely different ballgame. 
“Okay, Y/N. One more big push and you’ll meet your baby,” the nurse beside her said, holding her leg up higher to give her more leverage to push. Jensen followed suit, and leaned back to Y/N. 
“Come on, baby. You can do it. One more and we get to see our baby,” he cooed, kissing her forehead as she gave one last push. 
The sound of a loud cry pierced the room, and Y/N and Jensen both let out cries of their own at the wonderful sound. She’d done it. She’d endured the worst pain of her life, and now, her son or daughter was there, screaming for the whole delivery floor to hear. She’d never heard such a beautiful sound in her life. She continued to cry tears of joy as Jensen kissed all over her face, his tears mixing with hers, him showering her with praise for what a great job she had done.
“Mr. Ackles, would you like to cut the cord?” Dr. Williams asked, a bright smile on her face, “You have a very healthy baby over here.” 
Y/N and Jensen began to sniffle at her words. Their baby was perfectly healthy. All the worry of them being premature and having complications melting away. Jensen walked over to cut the cord. His breath caught in his throat when he looked down, the doctor smiling at him. 
“How about you cut this cord, and then you can go tell mama what the gender is, huh?” 
Jensen just nodded. He was speechless. This experience had been one of the most nerve-wracking but beautiful he’d ever had, and he couldn’t wait to tell Y/N what the gender was. Once the cord was cut, and the baby cleaned and wrapped up, Jensen slowly walked back to his fiancee, a face-splitting smile on his face. 
“Honey, would you like to hold our son?” he asked, a tear slipping down his cheek at the way Y/N’s face lit up with his words. 
“It’s a boy?” she whispered, her voice breaking with all the emotion she was feeling. 
“It’s a healthy little boy,” he beamed with pride, gently placing their son in his mama’s arms. 
“Oh my God, Jay. He’s beautiful, and just perfect,” she said with awe, kissing the little boy’s nose, forehead, and cheeks. 
“Thank you, Y/N. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” he hiccuped with emotion, placing kisses all over her face between every word of thanks. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Jay.” 
“Yes, I do, baby. I have to thank you for being my friend all those years, for giving me the chance to be your boyfriend, for forgiving me when I fucked up so royally, for agreeing to be my wife, and especially for giving me what I didn’t even know I needed, another baby to love. So, yes, darlin’, I’ll owe you thanks every day for the rest of my life,” he whispered, afraid all the emotions he was feeling would take his voice if he tried to speak any louder. 
“I love you so much, Jay,” she smiled through tears, reaching up to cup his face. 
“I love you more than I’ll ever be able to tell you, baby,” he leaned down to capture her lips in a soft, quick kiss. 
Jensen leaned back to look down at Y/N and their son. The love in her eyes as she looked at their son took his breath away. How could he have been so selfish to have even thought to deny her this? She was going to be a great mother, and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her, raising their kids, and just loving her. He knew at that moment just what a lucky son of a bitch he was, and he was going to do his damnedest to never take that for granted again.
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novasintheroom · 3 days
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040. Impediment (pt. 2 finale)
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 1k
♡ Warnings - none
♡ Description: Vash continues to care for you as you feel better from your cold.
Part 1
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3
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Later – much later – you wake in the dark with your teeth chattering.
The medicine has worn off. You ache. The blankets twist with you as you try to get comfortable, delaying waking Vash for as long as possible. Maybe you could find the medicine bottle without turning on the light? You turn toward Vash’s bed, eyes straining in the dark to see where that bottle went.
Flick. Vash turns on his flashlight, pointing it to the ceiling and looking over at you. He looks like he’s been awake a while. “Hey, you okay?” He shifts in his sheets, sitting up. “Do you need anything?”
“Do you…” you shiver, and chatter out, “where’s the medicine?”
Vash points with a hand to the side of your bed. “I put it there so you could get it when you woke up.”
And there it is, the beautiful green bottle a boon to the eyes. Putting on your big girl pants, you sit up with a groan and grab it from the floor. “I-I’m going to take another b-bath,” you say.
Vash sheds his blankets and swings his legs off the bed. “I’ll make you some more tea.”
“Th-thank you.”
One bath later, you feel marginally better. Your muscles still ache, but at least you aren’t freezing anymore. Sniffling, you open the door and let the steam out. Vash is waiting at his bed, hot mug of tea in hand. He offers it as you shuffle toward him. “You okay with ginger again?”
“I’m not going to complain,” you say, taking it gently, fingertips brushing his hand, “I can’t taste much of it anyway.”
Vash stands and places a hand to your forehead. “Still hot.”
You manage a small smile. “I did just get out of the bath.”
“Hm.” He blinks down at you, brows curving in worry. “You want anything else?”
Yes. Something to hold while you sleep. Something to snuggle all your sickness away, like the toy bear you had when you were a child.
“I mean…I could…hold you if you want?”
You blink up at him. What a strange offer…did he – no, did you say that outloud?
You must have. Your sick, addled mind is too fuzzy to recall it, though. And being sick, you don’t have as many inhibitions as you normally would. “Only if you’re okay with it,” you say. “I don’t want to get you sick too.”
Vash chuckles. “You won’t. Trust me.”
You do. And when you’ve finished your tea, he goes over to your bed and lays down in it, taking all of two seconds for you to fall in bed with him. He lets out a silent ‘oof’ as you dive into his chest, laughing at your eagerness. The both of you shift around for a moment, getting comfortable, wrapping arms around each other and legs tangling together. When you both settle, your head is on his chest, listening to the rapid beating of his heart.
It’s quiet. Vash turns off his flashlight after a moment. The room is plunged into darkness once more. He runs a hand up and down your back, tickling the base of your neck, back up and down your spine. It feels so good, the aches of your body abating as the medicine and Vash’s comfort take over. The better you feel, the more coherent you become.
“How long did I sleep?” You ask.
“’Bout six hours. It’s three in the morning.”
Up and down your back goes his hand. Up and down. “How long did you sleep?”
He pauses. “I didn’t feel tired.”
Didn’t feel tired? After everything he had to do yesterday? Carrying you across the desert, going to the doctor right after, taking care of you? You’d look at him if it wasn’t so dark. “Vash – “
“Hey, I laid down, don’t worry.” He knew what you would say. “I rested.”
You let out a sickly sigh full of phlegm. Cough a bit. “I’m sorry.”
Vash shifts and starts rubbing your head, fingers threading through your hair. “Don’t be. It’s not like you wished to be sick.”
Still doesn’t stop you from feeling a bit bad; like an impediment to your journey, to what Vash is trying to do. But you don’t have the energy to argue the point. Instead, you burrow further into his side. He’s very warm. So warm. You try to soak up the heat that seems to be pouring out of him. Without knowing it, your eyes close, and you’re pulled back into a dark, dreamless sleep, the feeling of Vash's lips to your forehead a distant memory.
It goes like this for two days – you waking in a shivering, chattering mess, and Vash there to give you your medicine, run out for food, and hold you while you rest. At some point, Vash manages to rent a dinky little tablet with a cracked screen to watch movies on. They’re cheesy, not very well put-together films, but it keeps the boredom at bay as you slowly feel better.
During one of your film sessions, you ask him, “When’s the last time you got sick?”
His head is laying on top of yours, and you feel his mouth move in your hair as he says, “Not for a few years. I have a pretty strong immune system.���
“Lucky,” you gripe. “I always seem to get sick around this time of year.” You shift a bit, snuggling closer to his body heat. “Haven’t had such a good nurse to keep track of me, though.”
He hums a chuckle. “Hey, happy to be your personal heater.”
You go quiet, watching the actress on the screen scream as she finds out the truth about her husband. “Thanks, Vash. Really. I don’t know what would have happened if...y’know. I owe you.”
“You don’t owe me anything.” He jostles you a bit to get the point across. “This is what friends are for, right?”
A tension in your chest loosens. “Yeah,” you say, squeezing his arm with your own. “And you’re the best of them.”
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blixabargelds · 11 hours
things you said while we were driving plssssssss (4 whatever ship u so desire)
hellooo did this for clegan specifically for me and @swifty-fox's au we've been cooking we lov this version of our boys hope u do too gdfjff vague context: modern au where they are both unwell 🙃 this also ended up being 1.5k whoops
cw anorexia
John finds him in their usual spot. The camera nestled in the far corner of the yard hasn’t worked for months, operating solely as a fear mongering tactic. There’s a nook beneath it, tucked between the outside wall and the yard fence. It’s a good place for hiding. For trading cigarettes for gum, for kissing. Gale has only used it to hide lately. He sits against the wall, pulling at the hem of his fraying t-shirt, watching the strange glide of his pale skin slide over the bones of his hand, flexing his knuckles. There’s a rustling in the foliage beyond the fence. Gale looks up, expecting to see a rat, and instead comes face to face with John for the first time in weeks. He’s grinning. Gale blinks at him, bewildered, heart kicking in his chest, as John is grinning right at him. He’s got a beanie pulled down low despite the summer air, and he’s brandishing honest to God bolt cutters.
“Jesus, John,” Gale says. 
John winks as he cuts the fence. “C’mon, baby. We’re goin’ for a ride.”
“You look worse,” John says, tapping his restless fingers against the steering wheel and fiddling with the stereo. 
“Ain’t as bad off as you,” Gale says. “What’s with the moustache?”
John laughs. Turns to Gale with eyes gleaming. “Straight razors, baby! World is your oyster.” 
Gale rolls his eyes and smiles. He drops his head back against the carseat, pulling his sweater closer around his body as the breeze rushes in from John’s open window. There’s some upbeat old song rattling its way out of the tiny speakers, John singing along loudly as he vibrates in his seat. Gale rolls his head on his neck lazily to look at him. He seems okay. Curls grown past his brows, flopping down over them in gorgeous, loose spirals. He’s got shadows under his eyes, purpling and deep, but he’s boundless with energy that might be infectious if Gale weren’t so hungry. He watches as John dances in one place, grin still plastered below that stupid little moustache.
“You okay, Bucky?” 
“Peachy,” John smiles at him. He squints, then, looking at Gale with scrutiny, and far too much time with his eyes off the road. “You okay?”
“Mm,” Gale says. He shifts a little, feeling his seatbelt dig into his hip bones. “Better now you’re back.”
“Huh?” John says over the roar of the wind. “Sorry, what was that? You gone soft on me, Buck?”
Gale groans in false irritation. Says quietly, “Heard me the first time, John.” 
John throws his head back and laughs. Leans out the window like a dog and hollers down the open road, one hand on the wheel and the other on the door, and Gale drags him back inside as he swerves. The midday sun beats down on the hood of the car, trees rushing past, and as Gale settles back into his seat he watches, and tries to identify them. He grows tired after a while. Tucks his legs up and leans into the passenger side door, eyes drifting shut. 
“Where we goin’, Bucky,” he says, keeping them closed.
“Takin’ you on holiday, doll,” John says. “Gonna find you a diner and feed you up. Or you can watch me, because I’m fuckin’ starving. Then we’ll get a motel, one of those ones with the heart shaped beds. And I got a friend down South, real sweet kid, you’ll like him, Buck, you’ll really get on. He’s kinda loud, y’know, but I know you like that, really, and he’s got all these fuckin’ baseball cards. Which ain’t your thing, I know, but, he’s real sweet. Lives with his boyfriend, Kenny, he’s got the biggest garage you ever seen. But we’ll get the motel first. One of those ones with a claw foot tub. But we’ll get to a diner first, ’cos I’m starving. You starving, doll?”
Gale hums in vague acknowledgement. The motion of the car rocks him into a nodding state, and he thinks he might sleep like the dead with nobody interrupting to check on him. 
Gale shrugs off a hand on his shoulder. 
Gale groans, tucking his face further into the loose hood of his sweater, turning away. 
“Shit- Gale. Gale.”
“Wh’sit?” Gale mumbles. 
“Aw, Jesus, thank God,” John is saying, continuing to jostle Gale roughly from his doze. Gale shivers as he comes to, entire body laden with the aching remains of sleep. He can’t seem to shake it off fully. He opens his eyes, sees John’s pinched face swimming in front of him. They’re still in the car, but it’s stopped moving. “You fuckin’- been parked here half an hour, baby, you wouldn’t- fuck, you’re freezing.”
Gale is. He becomes aware of it like falling; gradually, then all at once, full-bodied shudders ripping through him, making his teeth chatter. He hugs his arms tighter around himself, fingers brushing against his shaking ribs. He looks groggily out of the window. The light outside is milky, but not as if it’s fading- more like it’s just begun to birth.
“Wh’re are we?” he says. His jaw is clenched against the chill in his bones, pushing his words out in odd slurs.
“Uh,” John’s head whips around. As he comes further into focus, Gale can see the shadows under his eyes have darkened still, a vaguely wild expression in his face. “I don’t know. Been drivin’ all night. I think- fuck, I think I had the window open too long or somethin’, Buck, I turned around a while back and your lips were all blue.”
Gale absently presses trembling fingers to his mouth. “’M fine.”
“We gotta find that diner,” John says. “Hey, Gale, look at me. When’s the last time you ate, huh? Can you remember for me, darlin’?”
Gale scrunches his eyes shut again. Tries hard to think. “Y’mean solid food.”
He hears John hiss. “Ah, shit.”
Gale grunts around the pain in his stomach. “Don’t go back, Bucky, please.”
“We’re not, don’t worry, I wouldn’t,” John says. He’s shuffling around, now, and Gale reopens his eyes to see him leaning into the back of the car, knocking aside various debris and pulling out a bag of chips. Gale wrinkles his nose, and shakes his head. “Look, I know you’re stubborn, but I’m freaked out, alright, baby. You don’t look so hot, Buck.”
“’M fine,” Gale says. He musters up more conviction, sitting straighter in his seat despite the stiffness in his spine. “Just give me a jacket.”
“I haven’t got one, Buck, it’s fuckin’ July.” John drops the bag of chips, continuing his root around until he finds a can of coke. Gale sets his jaw at the glaring red of it. “Just half. Buck, c’mon. American staple, huh? Goes with the whole trip. Just a bit of sugar, baby, then we’ll find that heart shaped bed. It ain’t half as bad as that shit you get back there, is it?”
Gale’s nostrils flare. John’s impossible when he’s got a bee in his bonnet, and Gale takes the offending can if only to shut him up; get him driving once more. He cracks it suspiciously. Takes a sniff. 
“Windin’ me up, now, Gale, it ain’t gonna hurt you,” John says. He turns to the wheel either way. Shoves the key in the ignition and looks back at him with a pointed scowl.
“You ain’t never cared before,” Gale says. He’s still looking at the tab of the can with disdain. 
“Never been this far from fuckin’ medical advice with you before,” John says. “Didn’t think I needed- fuck, was this stupid?”
“Jesus, Bucky,” Gale says. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Look.”
Gale bites down on his bravado. Inhales deep and shaky, fingers denting the can with the force of his grip, the little click click click of the bending metal pacing with the thrum of his heart. He takes a sip. Nausea washes over his tongue like thick honey. Every sugary pop of the soda on his taste buds tingles all the way down to his empty, clenching stomach, heavy in it, and poisonous. He hasn’t tasted anything so good in years. John’s eyes are boring into the side of his head as he turns the car out of the shoulder. Gale drinks down another gulp, larger and stinging. So, so sweet. He lowers the can, licks his lips, gathering the stray, sticky droplets, and tries not to moan in wretched pleasure. He turns to John instead, watching his jaw grind against the tug of a smile.
“Okay?” Gale says. 
“Okay when you stop damn shakin’,” says John. 
He puts his hand on Gale’s leg, leaning past the gear stick as they veer back onto the highway. His long fingers reach around to the soft underside of Gale’s knee, his thumb brushing gently at the lower part of his inner thigh. Gale tries not to bounce his leg at the feel of sugar filling his veins. 
“Heart shaped bed, huh, Bucky?” he says. 
John smirks at the road. “Drink your fuckin’ soda.” 
Gale curls his bony fingers over John’s hand on his thigh. Grimaces, and takes another sip. 
“There he is,” John says. “Y’alright, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, Bucky,” Gale smiles. “Told you so.”
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bucktommyfanfic · 1 day
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A list of BuckTommy fics posted on April 7, 2024
These fics are carefully read through to ensure that they are BuckTommy positive. Any listed works do not feature character/ship bashing (apart from the Buckley parents or Gerrard, who do not count). These fics may feature other mature or triggering content, so please read author tags and warnings carefully and don't forget to leave some love!
Fic Recs - Navigation Page – Send a Message
Absolutely, I’m Fine by luredin Oneshot | General | 1980
“Is that Tommy downstairs?” Hen asks with a curious head tilt.
He doesn’t exactly know what he’s bracing for when he hears the measured, heavy boot steps on the stairs but a bolt of nervousness flashes through his body so quickly it feels a lot like being struck by lightning.
He would know.
Accidental reveal by SummertimeMadness Oneshot | Teen | 1011
After a month of dating, Buck accidentally reveals his relationship with Tommy to the team, all because of a stupid t-shirt.
Another love by hxlpertss Oneshot | General | 1069
"So, why did you call me?" Hen asks, taking a big sip of her coffee. It was still pretty early and their shift will start in a few hours.
Buck pauses for a moment and thinks about his next words: "Is there..." he begins and immediately restructures his thoughts, "Do you think you can be straight your whole life only to realize at some point that you're not?"
-- Or: Buck comes out to Hen
Bothered, Bewildered, Bisexual by @jcforsapphics Oneshot | General | 1078
Buck just had a life changing kiss- with a man.
Now he's just thinking about everything that means.
Click of The Final Puzzle Piece by EmiLouGal Oneshot | General | 2522
‘So that was okay?’
His voice had been so soft, so caring. It wasn’t something he was used to. Once upon a time, Buck had been a womaniser, the one to flirt with women on calls. But yet…the kiss had felt exactly like when Taylor had kissed him for the first time. She had been his first serious relationship since Ali, since Abby. Then Taylor had betrayed, in what could’ve been the worst way a reporter could betray her boyfriend. That story still stung.
‘It was better than fake static noise…’
And he’d meant every word
Buck keeps replaying the events that transpired in his head like a broken record.
didn't know that much at all 'bout love before by TheFacelessWanderer Oneshot | General | 1028
Even after awkward dinner first date can be magical.
falling feels like flying by deflated_leaf Oneshot | Teen | 2679
I don’t think I can do this without you, Buck’s thinking. He doesn’t know why he doesn’t just say that out loud. I think I really like him, Eds, tell me what to do.
Buck talks to Eddie and also doesn't. Buck, apparently, is a mankisser and goes on his first date with a man. Buck talks to Hen.
(fragile) handle with care by @rogerzsteven Oneshot | General | 3118
Slowly, Buck pulls the door open, and a restrained smile curves up his lips as he greets the other man, his heart racing at the thought of what to come.
“Evan.” Tommy says softly, with worry, and places his fingers under Buck’s chin to tilt it up, taking another step and leaning closer. “My God.”
Tommy’s hand slides down to rest on his neck, a featherlight sensation, and traces the tip of his fingers over the ugly bruises on Buck’s throat, touching every inch of dark patch of skin so gently as he examines, like he’s scared to hurt him. * Buck gets hurt on a call, Tommy looks after him.
Hands-On Learning by wilddragonflying Oneshot | Explicit | 3004
Buck's education continues.
Happy Accident by Not_as_straight_as_i_appear Oneshot | Not Rated | 597
Just some silly 118 family feels with a dash of Bucktommy
The heart never lies by @flowersonmymind1016 Multichapter | Explicit | 4746
Omega Buck works up the courage to ask his Alpha boyfriend an important question.
I am having a crisis here, Strand. by Hale_1517 Oneshot | Teen | 970
Buck isn't spiraling...okay maybe he is. In Buck's post first kiss with a man freakout he facetimes one of the only people that he feels might understand.
Let's Fast Forward To 300 Takeout Coffees Later by BagelswCreamCheeseWrites Oneshot | General | 2728
Buck meets Tommy in other circumstances. He's oblivious to his feelings, until he isn't.
I wanted a Coffee Shop AU so I made my own
Low Tides by inkandella Oneshot | General | 2128
He can't bring himself to move, yet he’s still antsy—antsy to sprint out the door and run after Tommy as fast as he can, to call him even though he hasn't been gone five minutes just so he can hear that ridiculous low voice again, to turn back a clock and kiss him just one more time before he walks out of Buck’s home.
Overwhelming, Overflowing by wilddragonflying Oneshot | Explicit | 7238
Tommy and Evan have plans, and even living in the most contrary city on Earth won't stop them.
Right In Front of Me by @princessfbi Oneshot | General | 2845
Tommy’s brows knitted together as his mouth turned down with worry.
“Evan,” he said and Buck wanted to hear him call his name so many more times. “What happened? Did someone choke you?”
“That’s what I was trying to tell you,” Buck said, clearing his throat again when his voice gave an embarrassing squeak.
Saturday Aftermath by queermatcha Oneshot | Teen | 2180
His date with Tommy doesn't go as Buck had hoped and when they are back at his loft, his insecurities make him freak out. Fortunately, Tommy is having none of it.
Seen and Heard by @harvestleaves Multichapter | Teen | 3794
Tommy likes to think of himself as very observant. So when Buck has an asthma attack while staying over, he takes care of him. Not knowing that was something Buck has desperately needed.
Step 2: Warm, Wet Mouths by TrustDivineChaos Oneshot | Explicit | 1566
After sharing a home cooked meal, Buck and Tommy learn that Tommy is very bad at video games, but very, very good at other things.
Sudden Surprises of the most Unexpected Kind by NinjaTrashPanda Oneshot | Teen | 4590
Tommy's voice, accompanied by a wide smirk, was laced with amusement. There was a certain challenge in his voice that Buck knew he couldn't win. Tommy knew very much just how Buck felt about him. Neither of them had said it yet, because, frankly, three months in was just way too soon, but Buck felt it. He always fell in love fast and hard, and it always, always seemed to come in and bite him in the ass when he least expected or needed it.
The thing though? Buck wasn't scared. He should be. This exact same thing had happened with Abby, and Ali, and Taylor, and Natalia, and it had ended in disaster with all four of them. And now it was happening again with Tommy, but somehow, it wasn't suffocating, or anxiety-inducing, or, frankly, terrifying.
Buck was falling in love with Tommy, and it only made him feel warm, and safe, and happy. * Three months into his and Tommy's relationship, Buck, amidst rapidly falling for the other man, feels a bit off. At first dismissive of his symptoms, the two quickly realize that this is far more life changing than they anticipated.
Sunshine came softly through my a-window today by voices_in_my_head Oneshot | General | 1653
"“So you’ve met a lot of cats named Slippers, have you?”
“A few. More dogs, really.”
Tommy finally breaks, letting out a laugh. He shakes his head, uncrosses his arms to put his hands on his waist. “You’re unbelievable, you know?” he sounds fond, looks fond and Buck thinks I never want him to stop."
That's what friends are for by @aesthetictarlos Oneshot | General | 2508
Buck needs to talk to someone because a tangle of emotions settled at the pit of his stomach as soon as Tommy turned his world upside down with a tender kiss and he could use some help to unfurl it. He’s dialing TK’s number before he can second-guess himself, without even considering the chance that he’s on shift, or on a date with Carlos, or whatever. He would rather do this over a cup of tea, but having a long-distance friendship means that sometimes you have to settle for a phone conversation. - Or, the one where Buck calls TK right after Tommy kisses him, and then calls him again after his first date with Tommy.
To whatever's coming our way by @tabbytabbytabby Oneshot | Teen | 575
When Buck and Tommy's first date doesn't go as Buck hoped, Buck worries he might have ruined everything. Tommy's there to assure him otherwise.
Tommy, Bothered and Bewildered by @some-little-infamy Oneshot | Teen | 1033
Tommy didn't know so much could change from a front door to a kitchen island.
wild again, beguiled again by @mairaiscarrierofthepaperclips Oneshot | General | 1083
The kiss had taken him out at the knees, a rush of lips and heat and just the barest hint of teeth, the graze of stubble not his own thrilling him in a way like nothing had before. Which was ridiculous, because the kiss hadn’t even been that long. He’d had longer kisses, hotter kisses. Kisses where Buck had very nearly forgotten his own name by the time they’d ended. And yet, this one kiss still had him smiling like a fool.
... or, the one after the kiss.
You Don't Know Me (or Do I Not Know Me?) by Indy_mama91 Multichapter | General | 7689
It was a wonderful Saturday afternoon. Buck had picked out his outfit, then changed his mind three more times before he decided on his blue polo and black slacks for his date with Tommy.
It still didn’t feel real, he was going on a date with a man. He enjoyed a kiss with a man. If he was honest with himself, he couldn’t stop thinking about enjoying another kiss with a man, and another, and another after that.
You Take My Hand and Drag Me Head First, Fearless by StarrySummers04 Oneshot | Teen | 1588
Buck panics before his first date with Tommy so he calls Maddie but doesn't want to tell her everything, he then goes on his first date with a guy.
you twist to fit the mold i'm in by heroic_pants Oneshot | Teen | 1375
on a rainy sunday morning, buck muses on the new feeling of being held and waking up safe in someone's arms.
you've got me surrounded by @half-bakedboy Oneshot | General | 1163
Buck never understood why he had lost so many sweatshirts and button-downs to past girlfriends. Nine times out of ten, they didn't even remotely fit their figure and they were only worn in the comfort of Buck's home anyways.
Then he puts on Tommy's pullover, and everything makes a little more sense.
& found by malignantheart Oneshot | General | 481
After the disaster that was their first date—through no fault of their own, really—Buck’s convinced Tommy won’t be interested in a follow-up. It stings, but it makes sense, really.
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magicandpizza · 2 days
13 please!! <3
Hello friend, thanks for playing!
13. “I’ve never felt this way before, and I’m terrified.”
When everything is over, once the dust has started to settle, Jesper finally gets a moment alone with Wylan. Nina and Matthias have left, floating away on a canal boat to join the boat full of refugees heading back to Ravka, taking Colm with them. Inej slipped into the night shortly thereafter, Kaz along with her, neither of them saying a word.
The Van Eck mansion is hauntingly quiet.
Jesper returns to the now-deserted parlour with two mugs of tea, finding Wylan curled up in an armchair by the sofa, staring blankly into the fire.
“Hey,” he says as softly as he can, but Wylan startles anyway. “You okay?”
Wylan shrugs and takes the tea offered to him. “I don’t know. It doesn’t feel real.”
Placing his mug on the coffee table, Jesper settles on the floor by Wylan’s feet. “I know what you mean.”
“I just… I have no idea what to do now,” Wylan murmurs. He doesn’t glance up from his mug, looking so sad and young in that moment that Jesper wishes, not for the first time, that he could magically make everything better.
“We’ll figure it out together, okay? You and me.”
Wylan tugs his lower lip between his teeth. “Did you mean what you said?” Finally looking up at Jesper, the composure that he’s been clinging to all day seems to crack. His next words are barely above a whisper. “That you’ll stay?”
“Wylan…” Jesper rises onto his knees so he can cup Wylan’s face with one hand. “Of course I did. I love you, and I want to be with you.” He hesitates, heart stuttering in his chest. “I’ve never felt this way before, and I won’t lie and say I’m not fucking terrified, because I am. But I’ve also never been more sure of anything in my life.”
The smile Wylan offers him in return is watery, but still wonderful. “I love you so much.”
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