#i need to be cuddling him RIGHT NOW
pidgefudge · 7 months
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soyochii · 1 year
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Baldur's Gate 3 targets the mentally ill. (I am the mentally ill)
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meownotgood · 2 years
aki jammies
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jessekestrel · 11 months
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Me and my baby dancing together 😭🥰 I love him so much I can't handle ittttttttt
Completed commission by my IRL friend
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skynecraft · 10 months
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nimue-hidden-lake · 2 months
The sudden urge to just grab him and embrace him, thus making him cuddle with me... Especially with expressions like these.
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I am so Chuuya brained lately... Literally, he's all I think about sometimes. WHY IS HE SO CUTE!? I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!
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bloodcoveredgf · 11 months
im going to do something drastic
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ectoplasmer · 4 months
did you guys know i loove ymy boyffriendss orr
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charliesinfern0 · 1 year
some aichi comfort ^^
Ichimatsu’s eyes slowly opened as the barely muffled sound of the phone ringing downstairs began to fill his ears. The sound cut through the noisy snores his brothers made, and a couple of them stirred. Ichimatsu stared at the ceiling as he waited for one of his brothers to get up and answer it, or at least pick the phone up from the receiver and put it back down. But after a while, it was clear that they didn’t want to answer the phone just as much as he didn’t. He let out a sigh through his nose and quietly grumbled before sitting up, trying to get his eyes to adjust in the darkness before venturing out into the hallway.
His footsteps were quiet as he walked down the stairs, and his pace quickened ever so slightly as he walked towards the phone, wanting the ringing to stop as soon as possible. When he finally got his hand on it, the thought finally occurred to him, ‘Wait, who would be calling at an hour like this?’
He absentmindedly lifted the receiver to his ear and muttered out a “Hello?”
A quiet, shaky voice answered from the other end. “I-Ichimatsu…?”
Ichimatsu snapped to attention and his grip on the phone tightened. “Ai? Wh… Why are you calling this late?” He had about a million more questions he wanted to ask her. Are you ok? What’s wrong? Why are you crying? 
But instead he left it at the one question that made it sound like he was irritated that she had woken him up with her call. Ichimatsu cringed at himself as he heard Ai sniffle and try to catch her breath. 
“I’m sorry, I-I got.. I just needed to talk to someone… You guys were the first people I thought to call, I’m sorry.” 
Ichimatsu wished he were there to wipe the tears from her face. 
“No, no, don’t apologize, it’s ok.” He said softly, trying his best to comfort her despite the distance. “You… If you want to, you can talk to me about what’s bothering you.” 
He knew he’d only really be able to listen, he didn’t think he’d be any good at giving advice, or even comfort for that matter.  But it’s the least he could do for her.
Ai hiccuped. “Thank you, Ichi.”
“Of course.” He said quietly.
After a few seconds, a sigh came from the other end of the line, and Ichimatsu could hear Ai’s bed creak as she sat down. “I’ve just… everything’s been feeling so distant lately. Ever since I left for college, I felt like I was missing out on the life that I had with all of you.” She sniffled. “I thought… moving back to Akatsuka would fix that. But, now…” 
Ichimatsu could feel a pit of dread grow in his stomach. He knew that, after all this time, she’d realize that she had outgrown the once small neighborhood that they had grown up in together. 
He quietly gulped. “…Now?” 
She was so far ahead of him, of all his brothers. It wasn’t a shock to him that she had left, but it still stung. 
He knew that he shouldn’t hold her back, that it was better this way. At least she wouldn’t be miserable. 
“…Sometimes, I feel like I messed up by leaving home. I feel like I really hurt you guys, I mean-“ Sadness welled up in her voice once again. “I’m sorry, I-“
“No.” He said, a bit louder than he meant to be. “No, you… stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
That all came out too harsh than he wanted it to, he could tell that when he could practically hear another apology forming on Ai’s lips. But, she stayed quiet before letting out a small “Okay.”
Ichimatsu’s legs felt weak from standing on the hard wooden floor, and from the way Ai’s words replayed in his mind. He tried to quietly slump down to the floor, but  the wood squeaked underneath his weight.
Why on earth was she sorry? If anything, he was sorry that she ever knew them. That she ever knew him.
“…You shouldn’t have to worry about us that much.” Ichimatsu finally said. “Sure, we missed you…”
‘I really missed you.’
He sucked a breath in. “But we all knew that you were just following your passion. We supported you because we were happy for you. The way you sparkled…” He trailed off, remembering the way Ai looked on the train platform the day she left. The way his heart ached as he gave her a small wave goodbye, and when she waved back.
“Sparkled?” He heard her say from the other end of the line, snapping him out of his memories. 
“Ah… um, you know… when you’re passionate about something and…” He tried to explain himself, his cheeks growing warm. “…It’s nothing, never mind.” He muttered.
Ai quietly hummed. “Okay.” She let out another sigh, and Ichimatsu heard another creak from her bed as she lied down. “It’s nice hearing your voice, Ichi.”
Ichimatsu grunted. “Really?” It sounded sarcastic, but he was actually bewildered hearing those words come from her mouth.
“Yeah,” She said, “It… It’s just very calming.” 
“Oh.” A nervous silence filled his end of the receiver, him not knowing what else to say. 
After a few moments, Ai spoke up again, hesitantly, “Um, do you think…” Ichimatsu absentmindedly leaned forward, waiting for her next words.
“Do you think you could come over?”
His heart almost jumped out of his throat. Sure, this wasn’t the first time he’s been over to her place, but he didn’t expect her to ASK for him to come over. Usually he just ended up at her front door, in tow of one or two or all of his brothers when they wanted to bother her.
He looked up at the clock sitting on the counter. It was really late. 
He quickly pressed his mouth into a thin line. God he sounded desperate saying that.
“Okay, I’ll see you in a little while, then.” He could hear the small smile on her lips.
“See you.” He muttered quickly before hanging up, the phone letting out a quiet ‘click’ as he set it down.
Ichimatsu went upstairs and quietly grabbed his hoodie to throw on before he left. It was early spring, but the nights still got pretty chilly. He slipped on his sandals and out the door, greeted by the pale moonlight peeking out from behind the clouds that hung in the sky.
He knew his way to AI’s house like the back of his hand, having committed it to memory. He started off walking slowly, taking a right, then a left at the streetlight on the corner…
But one he made it to her street, he picked up his pace. It was only once he made it to her house, through the little alleyway that led to her front door, that he realized how idiotic he looked, standing there in his hoodie and pajama pants and sandals with socks. 
That feeling only grew as he rang her doorbell, and when he heard her footsteps approaching, and when she opened the door and her eyes landed on his.
“Hi.” Ichimatsu breathed, his lungs almost feeling like they were going to collapse.
“Hi,” Ai said quietly before taking a step back and opening the door wider. “Come in.” 
Ichimatsu hesitantly walked inside her house, and immediately felt the warmth of her heater melt the cold from his cheeks and fingertips. But the warmth in his cheeks returned when he turned back to look at Ai, who was smiling at him.
But her eyes were red and puffy, and her cheeks were stained with tears. 
“Um, thank you for coming over. I feel a bit bad for keeping you up, but…” Ai’s shoulders started to shake a little. “I’m just happy to see you.” She was still smiling, but she was wiping away the fresh tears that were forming in her eyes. 
Ichimatsu felt so stupid, just standing there and watching her cry. He felt so stupid for thinking that she ever hated him, loathed him, resented him for what he thought was keeping her from achieving her dreams. It was cruel of him to think that of her. 
He’s her friend. 
Ichimatsu clears his throat, getting Ai’s attention. He lifts his arms slightly and mutters a small “C’mere” as he shifts his gaze to the ground. Ai hesitates, before diving into his arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso. He pulled her in as close as possible, putting his arms around her neck.
Ai sniffled and cried into his hoodie, and Ichimatsu couldn’t care less. He gathered the courage to pet her hair, whispering comforting words. “Shh, it’s ok. You’re ok.”
After a while, Ai had stopped crying, and was just taking in Ichimatsu’s warmth. “Mmmh…” She leaned into his chest, taken in by his scent. He smelled like a cat, which wasn’t bad or anything. It was just… Ichimatsu.
Her eyes felt heavy, and she wanted to fall asleep right there. Ichimatsu felt her shift her weight onto him, and he pulled back to look at her. “You shouldn’t fall asleep on me, I’m not very comfortable.” He chuckled quietly. 
“I think you’re comfy.” Ai said sleepily, still trying to lay her head on his chest. Ichimatsu felt a tender warmth spread in his chest and stomach. “…Let’s get you to bed.” He mumbled, moving Ai so that she leaned on his shoulder. He walked her to her bedroom, and she flopped onto her bed, snuggling into the pillows. 
Ichimatsu hesitated, wondering if he should leave, before Ai opened her eyes and looked at him. “Thank you Ichi.” She whispered, holding her hand out. Ichimatsu slowly took her hand in his. “Of course.” He whisper back. Ai smiled and closed her eyes again, finally falling asleep, soft snores coming from her mouth.
Ichimatsu turned off the lights and made sure Ai was safe before leaving, locking and closing the front door behind him. He leaned back against the front door, sighing. He thought about staying, he would’ve been happy to just sleep on the floor. He thought about holding her for longer, about what he so badly wanted to say-
“I love you.”
Ichimatsu whispered that into the air, and his words bounced around the alleyway, in the silence of the cold spring night. 
…But that would’ve been too much. Too much for him, too much for her. He was just happy he could help her. With his words lost to the wind, he started his walk back to his house. 
Maybe one day the words would make his way back to him, and he’d be able to tell her how he feels.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Comfort tickles are a favorite of mine. Like, let's say Sapnap has a fear of thunderstorms. He's used to going to his mom but he can't anymore, so he tries to tough it out on his own. One night, a storm so bad knocks out the power and Sapnap can't take anymore and immediately runs to Dream’s room, too scared to even answer Dream when he asks what's wrong. Dream just picks him up and cradles him on his bed, quickly texting George to come over and to be gentle, now is not the time to poke fun. When Sap flinchs harshly at a thunderclap Dream realises what he's scared of. He covers the ear that's not on his chest and tries his best to sooth the youngest. When George comes in Dream explains the issue and George says he knows how to handle it, he wasn’t able to hide his fear when they were in London. George climbs onto the bed and rubs his back, Sap realizes who it is and turns so his head is in his shoulder. "Rub his arms, back, and legs to keep him grounded." While Dream does that he notices airy giggles coming from the curly haired boy, George had moved his hand that was in his hair to his ears and the back of his neck. His other hand trailed ever so lightly along his ribs, sides, and tummy. Dream caught on and added light tickles to his back, making him arch for a second before relaxing. Not an ounce of fear shown on his person. "Look at that, the storm is over" Dream observes and the lights come back on, but Dream turns his back off and all three just go to sleep, cuddling together with Sap in the middle (;)) on Dream’s bed
oh sap, my absolutely baby ): i have such a soft spot for lee sapnap but goodness ):
the fact that dream didn’t even question it and just knew that sap needed him, and he just cradled him and had george join for more support. the way he told george to be gentle, and the way that surprisingly george was the one who knew exactly how to handle it ):
sapnap realizing it’s george and turning to bury his face into his shoulder ): my fucking snf heart oh my gosh i could cry. and dream just cuddling up behind sap and following george’s instructions??? and sapnap just letting himself be so vulnerable in the presence of his 2 best friends???? my heart is melting i can’t handle it 😭
and they’re both so gentle with sap, no poking fun except for when they realize that their light touches are tkling him ): and even then, neither george nor dream decide to get devious and dig in - they know sap needs nothing but comfort and reassurance right now. so they’re huddled together in this little cuddle pile on dreams bed, braving the storm together and helping sapnap giggle his way through his fears until it’s completely passed.
and then the dream team just…..being so content and comfortable and loving with each other that they just fall asleep that way, all tangled up in each other with wobbly little grins on their faces 😭🥺
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
thinking about Jack s5 time travel au again. eventually he’s going to break down, right? he can tell himself that sam & dean wouldn’t want him to jeopardize the future by changing the past, stand by and let lucifer carry on with his reluctant destruction while telling himself that this is his job, to preserve the life sam & dean & cas will have, no matter how much he’s watching them and everything else get hurt in the present. and maybe for them, jack would misguidedly stick it out and make sure things go as they should because the life that they will have might hurt, but it’s theirs, right? it’s what they wanted, right?
but again. lucifer is also there. lucifer is the crux of the apocalypse, and he’s taken jack under his wing thinking he’s a rebel angel for lucifer’s cause, and he’s so different. lucifer and Jack having quiet conversations surrounded by natural beauty where lucifer is so filled with love for all of it, so furious with humanity for ruining the world, so angry and heartbroken that god wouldn’t listen to him. he’s telling jack this while jack nods and listens and tries not to say anything that will give him away. lucifer’s grooming his wings for him absently, saying how much he missed taking care of one of his siblings while caged, and jack is trembling from the constant affection he’s being shown from his dad who doesn’t know he’s his dad. who has never been like this around him before. who he didn’t know could be like this.
i think that’s what would break jack and push his hand into trying to change the future. what wouldn’t he do, if he has the chance to save his father from himself?
#Jack reaching back thru time to prevent Lucifer character assassination we love to see it#also because you need to know that I think about Jack getting cuddles about 90% of the day.#lucifer & jack wing grooming is soo important to me.#as is the whole point of this au being ‘Lucifer is so starved of being around other angels that having jack around#means that he kind of smothers him in All The Love’#in a nice way. overwhelming way. but nice. Jack is getting so cuddled and held and kissed. and he has no idea how to handle it.#lucifer meanwhile living in willful denial that this kid is Not an angel.#he’s so lonely he’s so desperate to have his family around he’ll take whatever he can get#and I mean he’s not entirely wrong. Jack is his family. just in a different way than he’s imagining.#anyway the important bit of this I need you to imagine is:#Jack & Lucifer sitting together. perhaps stargazing. Jack is being Held and it’s so nice.#but he’s also biting the inside of his lip so hard it hurts. so hard that it bleeds. Lucifer’s talking gently in his ear about supernovas.#Jack is trying not to cry while he stops himself from saying ‘I’m your son. can you love me now? can this version of you love me? can any?’#because. what’s he more afraid of. that Lucifer will abandon him. or that he will say yes and Jack will learn exactly what he lost.#so he won’t say anything. and he’ll try to figure out how to keep this lucifer from falling to pieces like his future condemns him to.#and he’ll stay right here with him until he finishes talking about the stars. and be held. and try not to feel selfish for enjoying it.#spn#lucifer spn#jack kline#u know me I’m v dramatic about them
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kylos-starlight · 7 months
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I'm very sleepy right now and all I can think about is cuddling up next to Ben in bed.
draping my arm over him and snuggling in real close... feeling the warmth of his skin against mine, resting my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat; its steady and strong, my own personal lullaby just for me to hear....feeling his chest rise and fall as he breathes evenly, falling into relaxation.
I imagine his one hand is in my hair, running his fingers through it while his other hand slowly traces feather like touches down my back and when I lift my head to look at him he smiles and kisses me sweetly as we say our goodnights. The room is dark and I feel so safe and protected in his arms. We're tired and all that's left to be heard are sleepy "I love you's" as we drift off into a sweet slumber.
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meownotgood · 2 years
since aki is so tall i feel like he’d be good at cuddling, i just want him to be my big spoon y’know
big spoon aki..... big.... spoon.... aki............
his tall frame curled around yours... long legs tangled with your own under the sheets... his arm slung over you and his hand intertwined with yours... his chest is pressed to your back so you can feel the gentle thump of his heartbeat. you can tell each time his chest expands and contracts, and you can hear the sound of his deep breathing in your ear, you can feel his warm breath on the back of your neck.
the way that aki would fall asleep so so deeply... snoring quietly in his sleep... holding you so tightly... you wouldn't even be able to move, it'd be so snug. if you need to get up in the middle of the night to get water or use the bathroom you'll have to shake him awake first lolol
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ghostussy · 1 year
bringing back the Papa Bear headcanons for your eepy hours >:)
Terzo loved when you referred to him as Papa Bear, it made him feel big and strong (despite being the smallest of the Emeritus bloodline).
He had noticed, as he was walking to his chambers, the light beneath your bedroom door. Normally he would mind his business but with the new found title came a new found paternal stir in his chest.
He gently knocked on the door and peered inside.
“What are you still doing awake, my little cub?” he asked kindly.
You hid your Nintendo underneath your pillow and shot him a sheepish smile. “Me? I’m not awake.”
Terzo smiled at you fondly and entered your room, sitting on the edge of your bed. “That is the oldest trick in the book. Now come on, tell your Papa Bear why you refuse to sleep, hmm?”
(short and sweet but thought you’d enjoy ehehehe)
"my little cub" STOP IT
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kiszkatism · 2 years
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oh i’m so…
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wrecking · 1 year
going to just go mask off insane in the tags bc it’s 3:30am and i’m sleep deprived and like why not what’s the worst that could happen
edit: ok i just read what i wrote back to myself and it’s so real but also like.  sorry for being insane.  i know this is not that insane to anyone else but i am not normal about anything so sorry.  not deleting tho so
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