#i love my freinds. oh my god i love them so much i wanna spend all my time with them forever
your-local-writer · 4 years
Ooookaaay! So hii! May i request hdcs about Bakugo, momo and Mina (if it's too much, just take one of them) their reaction (separatly) when they see fem reader, who's a childhood freind they haven't see in years (maybe she's at another hero highschool), the last time they saw her she was a child and now puberty just hited her like a truck. (Big glow up) thank you, have a nice day/good night!
Oh my goodness, I was super excited about this request because I am like a big fan towards Mina and Momo, but I’m not gonna lie I feel like I went towards the childhood friend route more than I expected to, so I’m really sorry if it's not what you wanted, but it does have the reader being unrecognizable to the characters, so I kept that well in mind, I think I did pretty decent for this being the first request I have done, so pat on the back for me QwQ. Hope you enjoy the writing, have a good day/night!❤︎
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Mina Ashido-
•By all means she wasn't expecting to see you at the same party, but thanks to Kirishima she saw you, and wow
•She didn't know how to react, and she was so happy to see you after so long. You looked completely different, and you still had that same sweet and kind personality you had when you were younger, and it filled her with joy
•When you were talking it was like music to her ears, she was still surprised she was able to see you, you could say she was flustered, the only thing Ashido could hear was your voice, the only thing she wanted was to spend her time with you. Seeing you made her feel so strange, her beating heart, a fuzzy feeling tickled her, and heat rising to her cheeks didn't help with her confusion, you were just a friend. Nothing more, right?
•Near the end of the night, Mina was still with you, she just wanted to stay with you, and when you said you had to leave it made her feel like a puppy getting kick, she hugged you tight whining for you not leave
"Com' on Mina I gotta go-"
"But Y/N! It's been so long since I've seen you, you can't leave just yet!"
"We can hang out tomorrow. I'm free then, I can give you my number, yeah?"
•You gave her your number, and both of you exchanged your goodbyes, then parted ways, looked at her phone, and saw your name made her feel happy. Maybe you were more than just a friend after all
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Katsuki Bakugo-
•All that was supposed to happen was to get groceries, nothing more, nothing less. He didn't want to bump into you, and you recognize him immediately, but of course, not everything can go his way
•At first he literally thought you were just a fan or something, not the person he knew only as long as he knew Deku, and he didn't even believe it was you, he looked at you and scoffed saying "No way in hell you're Y/N, you look nothing alike."
•But you were able to convince him when you started sayings things only someone like Deku and that girl he knew as kids would know- wait a minute
•he had that questing confused look on his face, you giggled and started a conversation, well a one-sided conversation while stared at you dumbfounded
•While staring, memories started coming back, when you guys used to practice skipping rocks, another of you two running around dangerous areas like the idiots you were, or the time he started gaining feelings for you
•Bakugo's cheeks redden, he was in love with you, and that switch that was off for so long immediately went back on again
"So, if you have the time we can hang out later, I'd love to catch up!"
•He looked at you, forced his expression to the casual pissed of face he always had and nodded
•You smiled, he looked somewhat surprised, he had never thought in a million years would he want to cherish a smile, a smile that made him blush slightly, or a smile that made his heart skip a beat
"Ah, sorry Bakugo I gotta go, tell your mom I said hi! See you later!"
•All he did was nod. He saw as you skipped out of view, he smiled to himself then realized
"Shit, I forgot to ask for her number!"
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Momo Yaoyorozu-
•You were drinking tea at a cafe. You looked up from your phone to scan the place, seeing if anything caught your attention, then saw a familiar black hair girl reading a book while sipping tea, then you realized' Yaoyorozu!'
•She noticed you walked to her; she was confused, did she know you? You spoke about understanding each other. Momo was entirely confused. She didn't recognize you, that was until you said,
"Oh, you might not recognize me, it's me, Y/N! It's so great to see you again after so long!"
•Then it was like a light bulb lite up in her mind, she mentally apologized to you, then offered you to take a seat with her which you graciously accepted
•The both of you talked for a while, the more you did, the more she felt a strange feeling in her chest. She wasn't used to this feeling, was she? She began to wonder, why would she have this feeling? Was it because of you? No, that couldn't be it. It can't be because your smile could light up the room, it can't because your angelic voice was the softest thing she ever heard, or you being yourself
•The moment you commented about having to leave soon, Momo felt slight sadness wash over her. Not being able to see her made her heartache, but not the same fuzzy feeling. She looked at you, thinking about what she should say until you said
"Hey, wanna go out tomorrow like on a date, I guess?"
•She looked at you; cheeks flushed, eyes wide, you matched the expression when you processed what you had said.
"I-I didn't me-mean it li-like that of c-course! W-we can go as friends of-of course! Oh god…"
"I, I would like that a lot. Thank you for the offer, Y/N."
"Oh, um- you're welcome, Yaoyorozu. Do you want to exchange numbers?"
•The last few minutes of talking, the two of you were exchanging numbers, you waved her goodbye and left the cafe. She sat there when she saw the paper that you gave her, she looked at the name and smiled
"I'm so lucky to have her in my life."
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viintage-pearls · 3 years
Snakes only bite
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Your senior prom. It's suppose to be one of the one of the greatest nights of your life. Some girls plan it more than their own wedding. The perfect accessories. The perfect shoes. The perfect dress. And of course, the perfect date.
Betty thought she had all of that. She thought she was gonna have the perfect night. And yet, she found herself crying on the floor of her bedroom.
She had decided to go with Jughead Jones. Yes, he was a bad boy and known as a risk. She had always found him alluring and she always had a good time with him. So, instead of going with one of the many guys that had asked her, she decided to go with the young serpent king. Too bad it would backfire.
Around 7 o' clock,  she walked into the gym. It was decorated wall to wall with violet cloths which had white fairy lights strung along the walls. Long tables with linens that matched the walls. Each of the seven tables had about 8 chairs on each side. There was a long purple isle from the door to the stage. And there was a huge dance floor that glowed a purple color. Clearly it was decorated by miss Veronica Lodge.
Betty and Jughead decided to just meet up at the school because the only form of transportation he had was his bike. And since she didn't want to ruin her dress, she decided just to take her own car. Maybe that was her biggest mistake.
She looked all around the gym, but he was no where to be found. She asked around, but no one had seen him. She found it peculiar but decided to wait a bit. Giving him the benefit of doubt. Thinking maybe he was just a little late.
Eventually, two hours passed. People were dancing and having a great time with their dates and friends. She was trying to. But, she was getting anxious and felt pathetic waiting around for her date. But, there was a topper to the cake. And this was just the icing.
The time to crown the prom royalty. Betty was sure she had it in the bag since she was the head of the cheer team. And she did. Unfortunately, when her name was called for prom queen, her king still hadn't shown. So, she stood there. On that stage, giving the brightest of smiles even though she was only filled with doubt.
Jughead's runner up, archie andrews ending up becoming king and they shared a dance. The entire time they swirled around in circles around the dance area, her mind was somewhere else. She couldn't help but think about how she would rather be dancing with Jughead than the carrot top.
After the dance, she ran out of the gym. She ran outside and got into her car. She practically sped her way over to the Southside. She normally didn't like going into snake territory after dark, but she was pissed off. And this man better have had a good reason for standing her up.
She sped into the trailer park, surely kicking up gravel. Not that she cared, her mind was only other things. She had always liked him and she really wanted to get to know him. They were both going to new york for college next year. So they would've actually had a chance without the weight of Riverdale's civil weighing them down.
She parked in front of the grey dingy trailer. The blonde woman climbed out of the car, slamming the door behind him. Honestly, she wanted him to hear it. She wanted to hear the angry clicks of her heels. She was pissed off and with good reason. Yet, she hadn't had any clue just how upset she would be.
She knocked on the door and waited a bit. She began to hear a lot of steps and loud voices. She peeked into the window, completely unaware of what she was going to see. But when she did, it completely shattered any thought of them making things work in the future.
Her green orbs observed the dumpy living room. There was another woman with him. The woman's upper body was only covered by a bra. Jughead was half naked. The rest of their clothes thrown across the room, a lamp on the floor. It was clear what they had been doing. It was clear what he had rather been doing some random ass woman than going to a dance with her.
The shock, the hurt, the disappoint, the anger. It was all over her face. Her jaw clenched as she couldn't help but stare with wide eyes for a minute.
Then, he turned his head and he caught her eyes. She didn't stay around long enough to see his reaction. She just wanted to go home. She stormed back into her car. And just like that, she was gone faster than she had came.
It took jughead a little longer than it should've before he decided to come  check up on her. After everything, he didn't know wether or not he should've. He had been such an asshole and he was sure that she didn't want anything to do with him after the night he had gave her. But, he gathered up all of his courage and eventually found himself riding up to her house.
His blue eyes looked up at the red and white two story dwelling. He contemplated for a moment just turning back home. But, he pushed that thought to the back of his head and found himself going up the back way. The andrews always had a ladder so he used it to get to her bedroom window.
He looked inside the pastel bedroom. He quickly spotted the girl on the floor. She still wore the beautiful lilac dress, even as she cried in a fetal position. He gulped as he felt his heart quench at the sight. He sighed before he knocked on the window.
He watched as the girl jumped a bit out of shock. She looked in his direction, anger quickly taking over her face. He watched as she stormed over, opening the window.
"Why are you here?" She asked him with a raised brow.
He looked up at her, bitting his lip. He didn't know what to say to her. He looked down before looking back up into her eyes. He couldn't help but notice her smeared mascara. "I.. I um, can i come in?" He asked her.
She scoffed a bit but gestured for him to come in. " yeah, sure whatever." She said, walking over to her mirror and pulling her hair into a bun.
Jughead nodded and climbed into her bedroom. He had been in the pink room many times before. But never Without Betty all over him. Not that he ever complained. In fact, he preferred it to her simply tolerating his presence in her bedroom.
" Soo.. What do you want, Jones?" The blonde asked him, wiping her eyes of her ruined make up.
"I just.. I wanted to tell you that i'm sorry. I should've been there. I should've been with you." He told her.
She turned around in the vanity chair, looking at him with a glare. "So, why weren't you?"
He sighed softly. He didn't have a real excuse. His best bet was the truth. "We were at the wrym. Me and my friends were hanging. And all of a sudden, this new girl came into the bar. And she came over to me. One thing led to another and." He said.
She nodded. "And you decided that you would've rather screwed her than to keep your promises. Got it."
Jughead sighed and shook his head. "No. I." He started but just sighed.
"You what?" Betty asked, standing up from the chair and looking up at him.
He looked down, he couldn't bare to meet her eyes. Instead, he watched the purple rug across her floor. His eyes traced the little purple and pink flowers.
Betty raised a brow as she watched him. She shook her head. "God dam, jughead jones. Why do you have to be such an âsshole?" She asked him. There was no response. "Why do i have to be so stupid?" She muttered as she ran her hands over her face.
Jughead glanced back up at her. "Betts.. You're not. I am. I'm sorry, okay? I'm an idiot. I just.. I didn't want to go your stupid little stereotypical northside party." He mumbled.
Betty laughed and shook her head. "You do realize how stupid that sounds? You literally asked me!"
He closed his eyes. "Yeah, well.. You knew what you were getting into when you said yes." He told her.
"Oh, really? Okay. So, now this is my fault? I should've seen it coming that instead of going to prom with me, you would've been at your trailer screwing another woman!?"
Jughead didn't know what to say. she wasn't exactly wrong. He made a promise only to break it. He knew how important this night was to her. And yet, stupid was his chosen path.
"Oh my god, elizabeth. Stop acting like there aren't a million other guys that wanted to go with you tonight. You should've went one of your preppy jocky freinds."
Jughead saw a flash of hurt across her face before it descended into anger. "You're right, jones. I got asked many times. But guess what? I didn't want to go with any of them! I wanted to go with you!"
He scoffed. "Why the hêll would you want to go with me? Look at you. You live on elm street. You are valedictorian AND the leader of the cheer team. You are like literal perfection. I'm from the wrong side of the tracks. I'm the leader of a gang. Why would you wanna go with me?" He asked her.
"Because.. I don't care about that stuff. Because as much as i should, as much as i'm scolded for even looking at you, i can never get you off my mind. Last summer, spending like every day together, it was amazing. I never told you but i fell. Big time. But, i knew it would never work in this town. So when i found out that we were both gonna be in new york next year. I was hopeful for some kind of future. But they were right. My sister, my friends. They told me that you are a snake, and not just by title, you are a fück boy. The best thing you have is your poisonous bite." She muttered, wiping a tear that threatened to fall down her cheek.
He took a moment to let her rambling words sink in. She loved him. Never in his life would he thought that she would love him. Yet, he had suppressed the same feelings. Maybe that was why he asked her to the dance. But he was scared. Because he was almost certain that she would never return those feelings. So, he sabotaged things. Because it seemed easier than being shot down. He felt the guilt on his shoulders. The guilt weighed so much. If he was in water, he would've drown by now. But, he was once more brought to reality when betty said something.
"I think you need to go." Betty told him, chewing on her bottom lip.
Jughead looked up at her. He was filled with sorrow and regret. "Betts, please don't make me go." He said, his voice cracking a bit. He wasn't used to vulnerability. But, he felt like he was on the verge of tears.
Betty didn't answer him, she didn't even look at him. She turned her head away from him and refused to meet his eyes. Her jaw clenched as she tried to contain herself.
Jughead sighed, but he had got the message. He looked at her. "I'm sorry, truly." He whispered, patting her shoulder. His heart breaking with each step he took away from her.
Betty looked back at him. She grabbed his hand before he could too far. She turned him around and pulled him into a deeply passionate kiss. She cupped his cheeks as she kissed him.
Jughead breathed but kissed her back. He was confused, but he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him. Though, before he even knew it, the kiss was over.
She pulled away from him, letting her arms fall to her side after she peeled his hands off her waist.
Jughead looked at her with utter confusion. Talk about mixed signals. "Um.. Why?"
Betty simply smiled at him. " I just want to remind you of what you could've had. What you let go. And i hope to good she was a good enough fück to let me go." The blonde told him with narrowed eyes. "Now run along, you dirty snake." She muttered.
He gulped and continued on to the window, climbing out. He watched as she slammed the window behind him. "I love you, princess." He whispered before he continued down the ladder. Perfection was his. And he let it slip through his fingers. That would forever live with him.
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baka-monarch · 4 years
How about just like,,, the FLUFFIEST g/t you can do, like I don't even care about the pairing or whatever but like,,, fluff is GOOD and your writing is GOOD soooo them combined would be *chefs kiss*
We're Simply Meant To Be
(Lol, I'm not good at writing pure fluff, I'm sorry if it's bad)
Virgil stared up at the giant house anxiously, as Patton pulled up outside of it. Last week his friend, Roman, had invited him over to spend the night, and he would've been happy to go except that Roman was a giant, not only that but... Virgil had a crush on said giant. Apart from the fact that Virgil was terrified of being around a giant all night and embarrassing himself in front of his crush, he was also the only one Roman had invited to come over, with the only other people going to be there being his family...of giants.
"Alrighty Kiddo, we're here!" His older brother chirped happily.
"Patton, you're also friends with Ro. You sure you don't wanna come?" Virgil prayed he'd say yes so he'd at least have some support there with him.
"Sorry Virgil, but you're the one he invited." Patton gave his lil bro a sympathetic look, knowing what Virgil really meant. "Remember, if you don't want to go you don't have to."
"No! I-I mean," Virgil corrected. "I want to go, it's just..."
"It's okay Virgil." Patton gently placed a supportive hand on his brother's shoulder. "Just remember, if you ever want to leave just call me. I'll be here on an instant." Virgil nodded slowly in response, then wrapped Patton in a tight hug.
"Thanks Pat, you're the best." He mumbled through Patton's shirt.
"I know." He smiled. "Now get going! You can't keep your prince charming waiting!"
"Patton!" He whined but it was all in good fun, making Patton chuckle. Virgil huffed. "I'll see you tomorrow." He finally got out of the car.
"See you then kiddo!" With that the car door was closed and Patton drove off.
No backing out now. Virgil swallowed his emotions and approached the ginormous door before him. Near the bottom, far enough down for a human to reach, there was a human sized doorbell. He took a deep breath, pushed the doorbell, then let it out. There was a loud ringing from inside the house followed by the sound of movement and booming footsteps that shook the ground as they got closer. He stared up at the door nervously waiting to see who would answer.
Suddenly the door opened, without warning causing Virgil to jump back in fear. When he looked at who it was, he only felt his fear intensify slightly, as the person who opened the door was Roman's brother. Remus. The infamous school jock who didn't think twice about the consequence of his actions. Virgil's body shook as he breathed, trying to stay calm.
"Hellooooo?" Remus called out as he looked around, making Virgil realize that he couldn't see him. Did Roman not tell them that he was coming?
"I-I'm down here!" Virgil called out through cupped hands. He took a step back as his eyes widened when Remus' eyes spotted his minuscule form.
"Oh, it's you." The giant shrugged as he turned back inside. "HEY RO! YOU'RE HUMAN'S HERE COME PICK THEM UP!!!" He shouted so loud that Virgil had to cover his ears. There was a muffled shout from inside and some shuffling. Remus gave a salute to Virgil, then left.
Virgil waited patiently as the pounding of footsteps got louder, making the ground under him shake. Soon there was Roman huffing for breath at the door.
"Hey"-huff-"Virgil." Roman greeted out of breath. "Sorry about that, I didn't know when you'd get here and I didn't want Remus to do anything." He scratched the back of his neck nervously as he apologized.
"It's fine Princey," Virgil shrugged. "so this is your place?" As Virgil spoke Roman lowered a hand for him to climb onto.
"Yeah, the ole Princeton residance!" Roman said as he watched his tiny friend accept the offer and climb on.
"Huh, house of the mayor's family..." Virgil spoke while being lifted by his friend's hand. "Thought it'd be bigger." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Hey!" Roman made a few noises of offense that Virgil knew as offended princey noises. "It's big enough Tom Thumb!" He huffed.
"Whatever you say Jolly Green Giant." Virgil smirked as Roman gawked in mock offense.
"Exscuse you! If anything I'm Scott Lang when he grows!" Roman spoke proudly as he carried Virgil inside.
"Whatever you tell yourself Jack The Beanstalk." Virgil barely held in his laughter at Roman's response.
"Well I never-" Roman shook his head as he did a southern bell impression finally getting a small chuckle from Virgil. Roman smiled at that, proud that he was able to keep his small friend calm. Truth is, little did Virgil know that Roman had a crush on him and had known that Virgil was going to be nervous, witch is why he was going to do anything to keep Virgil happy until midnight. For at midnight, he planned to finally do something...
"So what's the plan tonight, Prince Armpit-Stink?" Virgil snapped Roman out of his thoughts, just as they arrived at his room.
"Well, for starters, you stop calling me that." Roman smiled as Virgil laughed. "Then we'll do the usual sleepover stuff." He shrugged.
"What's "the usual sleepover stuff"?" Virgil used airquotes.
"Well... I don't really know." Roman chuckled to himself as the little emo shook his head. Roman sat Virgil down on his bed and closed his bedroom door as he thought. While Roman was doing that, Virgil noti6his TV and Disney collection.
"We could watch a movie?" Virgil shrugged.
"Excellent idea!" Roman exclaimed. "Any preferences?"
"Tim Burton's always good." Virgil sat down on Roman's pillow and got comfortable.
"Of course you would say that." Roman tutted lovingly. He pulled out his copy of The Nightmare Before Christmas Collectors Edition. He popped the disk into his DVD player and set up the TV. Once Roman finished he carefully got onto the bed with Virgil.
Then the movie began.
At some point during the movie Roman had laid down, his head on the pillow behind Virgil, and Virgil had snuggled up against Roman's nose. It was getting late and by the song Kidnap Mr. Sandycaws Roman's mom had come by to drop off some pizza for them, witch was now discarded on the floor. Neither of them really spoke throughout the movie, just enjoying each others company.
That is until Roman heard a small voice singing beautifully, yet quietly, along to Sally's Song. "I sense there's something in the wind. That feels like tragedy's at hand. And though I'd like to stand by him. Can't shake this feeling that I have." Their voice was beautiful as they harmonized with Sally.
"The worst is just around the bend. And does he notice. My feelings for him? And will he see How much he means to me? I think it's not to be." As Roman listened, he knew it was Virgil singing, and was amazed by it. Causing him to fall even deeper for the emo.
"What will become of my dear friend? Where will his actions lead us then? Although I'd like to join the crowd. In their enthusiastic cloud." Virgil avoided looking at Roman. What would he think? Why was he even friends with Virgil? He was popular and Virgil was... not. Why did Roman like him?
"Try as I may, it doesn't last. And will we ever. End up together? No, I think not. It's never to become. For I am not the one" Virgil let his head hand on the last note, sadly. He tried to subtly glance at Roman. Why did he stick around? This is all going to end someday and he's just going to get hurt when the day comes that Roman realizes that he doesn't need him anymore. He turned back to the TV and stared at it as he willed himself not to cry.
"My dearest freind, if you don't mind. I'd like to join you by your side." A louder, more confident voice sang the reprise out lovingly from behind Virgil.
"Where we could gaze into the stars. And sit together now and forever. For it is plain as anyone could see." Virgil turned around to see Roman staring at him with a deep longing, as he sang. Although Virgil had tried to be subtle when he had looked at Roman and when he had tried to hold his tears back, Roman had still noticed. It had hurt to notice that Virgil wasn't just sining to sing, but from a deeper feeling.
They smiled lovingly at each other as they both thought the same thing and sang the last line together in perfect harmony.
"We're simply meant to be."
They both leand forward, Roman less than Roman but still enough. Virgil pressed his lips against Roman's large ones as they both closed their eyes. When they both pulled away Virgil's eyes widened.
"Oh my God! Roman I'm so sorry!" Virgil rushed out embarrassed.
"No, no, hey, it's fine." Roman comforted his little emo. "I love you Virgil." Roman smiled warmly.
Virgil hesitated for a moment, and then leaned in and kissed Roman again.
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aliceellablog · 7 years
I know! Why don’t I go on a blind date on the tele....
Hello you lovely wonderful amazing blog readers… enough to make you wanna read on?! I hear flattery will get you everywhere!!
Soooo these last two weeks have been pretty surreal! - I’ll start where I left off, two weeks ago…
So I started the week resting in bed, yaaaaay! - (please note the sarcasm)… but then managed two days in the studio with Warren and Scott who I LOOOOVEEEEEE :)
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We are working on a bunch of J-pop tracks (think pop on acid for the Japanese market) so that was really fun and I really love spending time with them.
We found out this week that two of them are on hold!! Yaaaaassss!! (this means that the artist who we wrote them for has basically put them in a pile of yes’s and then chooses which songs to actually release from that selection!) So definitely a massively exciting step in the right direction but can’t get too excited about it just yet! Eeeek!
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However (dun dun duuuuuun) on the second day there I had pretty much lost my voice and was feeling worse than usual - annoying huh!! So I went home that evening and low and behold came down with a bladdy full on fluey coldy thing. Feck.
So I spent the next say 5 days fully in bed (and maybe an hour or two in the garden working on ma tan ;) and lost the will to live! Yay!!! (Sorry, today is a sarcastic day it would seem!)
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I wasn’t well enough to see me dad on Fathers day - sorry pap!! And had to cancel all of my plans yet again.
It’s been 11 days now and I am still feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck. I’m still coughing a lot but the rest of the cold symptoms have gone - I think this is one of the most frustrating things with the old M.E. - that you can be getting on the right track and then get a cold or virus and it completely knocks you for six (not even sure what that means but my mum says it a lot so….) It’s almost like once the cold has gone it’s given you a mini M.E. relapse to deal with too. Thanks for that.
I did however have a much better day on Tuesday - I’d spent the day in bed but then felt a little better so got up, put my face on and had one of my best friends Ewa come over - she has been away in Asia for like 8 months or something! It was SO good to see her - even though she is a tanned goddess of a woman!!!! - the jealousy is REAL! Hahaha ;) But catching up with her was like we had never been apart (Ewa you’d better be reading this) hahah, we are so on the same wavelength, you know when you fully just click with someone? Yea… that’s her <3 - this pic is from last year when we went to Freinds fest togeths :) :)
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So... that evening was one of the most surreal moments of my life I reckon!…. Watching myself go on a date on TV… as you do… on Channel 4’s First Dates!!
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I think the reason I felt a bit better that day was actually because I had so much adrenaline and was so freakin’ nervous!!! The date was filmed months and months ago so it was quite the build up!!
My best friends and I all sat around the tele watching love island before hand… everyone was chilled and on their phones and I was sat there having a nervous breakdown… I could not keep still or quiet and pretty much had the most energy right there and then that I’ve ever had (yes I may be exaggerating as per) - but nerves do strange things to a person eh!
So then the clock struck 10pm and it was time!!! ARGHGHGHGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
At one point we didn’t think I was even going to be on it because they kept our date right until the end but then suddenly there I was… what a strange moment!!
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Cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe….
WHY did I talk about cats so much!!??
And WHY did I cry on national TV?! - actually I’ll tell you why!! When they do the interview bit they ask you questions for about 2 hours, so by the end I was exhausted and obviously trying to act positive and ‘well’ the whole time.
When they got onto the subject of my health they really did push it a lot…. ‘That must be awful’ ‘How do you cope?’ ‘How does that make you feel?’ ‘What about all your friends living their normal lives?’ yea… they found my weakness and basically asked me about it until I broke and cried… AWKWARD!! But I really don’t blame them at all, it’s one of the things I put in my application and something that I guess makes me who I am. They want to get the best tele possible and I guess I am glad in a way as it does truly represent how I feel about it!
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It’s now up on Channel 4’s 4OD website by the way (my date comes on at around 30 mins in incase you don’t fancy watching the whole thing) and here is the link: (Series 8 Episode 10) : http://www.channel4.com/programmes/first-dates/on-demand/65067-009
Now here’s the thing… I had such a lovely time - luckily I was having quite a good day for the date so genuinely enjoyed it but it was so so tiring!! And you’ll never guess what- I caught a cold that evening and then died for quite a while afterwards!
Anyway, Luke was (as you will have seen) LOVELY and we really got on so well! He was funny and respectful and when I spoke about my health issues he seemed really understanding, I couldn’t have asked for more really!…well…ok I guess I could have, but it’s in no way his fault… I didn’t feel a spark or that ‘thing’ you feel when you meet someone and you really fancy them. I really honestly thought I was going to go on this date and fall in love so was actually really sad when I got home that evening…how embarrassing lol…
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So during the date I went into the toilets (which for some reason they kept in) and then I called two of my bestests Katie and Grace on the phone- I spoke to them and said that I really wasn’t sure, and that I was a bit disappointed as there wasn’t that spark - Which they edited out?? But fair enough- they edited out a lot to be fair! We were there for hours and you guys saw maybe ten minutes!
Then at the end when you go into the room together and speak to camera about how the date went they said ‘so do you want to see each other again?’
Luke said yes straight away, and I then kind of pulled an awkward face, Luke said ‘ohhhhh… hesitation!!!’ And we laughed a lot. It was genuinely all good vibes. Then I went on to apologise and say something along the lines of ‘I’m so sorry I’m just not sure, like I don’t feel that spark etc but yea… I think you’re a lovely guy and we got on great so we will def keep in touch!’ ….First dates decided to just keep the latter part in the edit, and then at the end when they show all the ‘what happened next’ stuff, there was nothing about me and Luke!
They had called and asked if we had seen each other again which we hadn’t and they decided not to put that in.
I think that they maybe just wanted it to all come across really nicely and positively, which I do think is lovely but it’s not quite how it happened! That’s ok with me though :)
But… there is one bit that I really do wish was edited differently!!!! The money bit. WAHHHHH
So here’s what you guys saw pon d tele box:
The bill arrives and I say ‘Ah, I forgot my money’ - Luke offers to pay and I thank him.
What really happened:
Before the date you are kept in a greenroom - separate from your date of course as it really is a genuine ‘blind date’.
I was there for maybe two hours and was nervous as hell. You know your date is going to be soon but you’re not told an exact time. All of a sudden it was ‘Alice, we need to go and get you mic’d up’
So I went with them and left all my bags, and purse etc in this greenroom.
From being mic’d up and meeting various producers etc it was straight into the restaurant for the date and I was so nervous that I‘d genuinely forgotten that I hadn’t brought anything with me - not even my lipgloss!!! LOL
I was going on TV and having a blind date and had so much rushing around my head! To be honest I just wanted to get through it!!!
Then after our date when it came to paying I insisted on paying my half and Luke insisted on paying for it which was of course really sweet of him but I said no. I reached for my purse and looked around me and then had a moment of realisation!! I said something like ‘oh my god!! I am so so so sorry!!! You’ll never guess what I’ve gone and done?! I’ve left my purse in the greenroom!! Ah I forgot my money!!’ We laughed a lot about how badly it was going to come across and they just kept all of that out, so now I have to read all of these horrible tweets from people thinking that I just turned up on a date with no money - I would NEVER do that!!!!!
NAT COOL :( :( :(
The next day I did a little interview with Unilad and basically said all of that to them! I was happy to do that and they kept it true to what I had said :) But then the Daily Mirror stole their article and twisted it saying I had said the show was rigged!! Not fair! Not what I said at all! Oh well…..
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Anyway I guess the people who know me and love me know that I would never do that, and I’ll just have to let the haterz hate ;)
Speaking of haterz (sorry it feels wrong to spell it with an ’s’) there have also been a few tweets or Facebook comments, from people who so clearly don’t understand M.E. and what its like to live with it :(
‘How come she can do wedding gigs but isn’t well enough to date?’ - I have recently had to take two years out from gigging due to having an M.E. relapse. This of course has broken my heart and been pretty damn hard to feel with, but VERY long story short I am now at the point where I am gigging again but not as often as I would like. I have a stool that I take with me that I kinda lean/sit on and try and style it out. I have to rest for days before and about a week after a gig. It’s really hard but I am trying my best. If anyone dares think I am exaggerating or lying they can absolutely do one!
M.E. is one of the most misunderstood illnesses as we usually look ‘fine’ and it is an ‘invisible illness’ but I am getting used to people not understanding now after 14 years of it!
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I do remember once being in a food shop with my mum pushing me around in my wheelchair- she left me to go and get some bits for a few minutes and I wanted a sandwhich which was just out of reach from where I was sat. I got up out of my wheelchair, walked maybe 3 steps and got the sandwich - I noticed a man giving me the most kind of shocked ‘you liar’ look!! So I looked him in the eye, sat back down, brought my finger to my lips and did a ‘shhhhhh’  before my mum returned.
It was just like the Little Britain sketch! It’s so funny how people think that for example if you are in a wheelchair it HAS to mean that you can not walk at all!! At that stage I think I could walk a few paces, get in and out of the car and that’s about it- just because I could get the sandwich didn’t mean I could walk all around the shop or town!!
It’s a weird one to deal with and I know I talk about it a lot but it’s SO hard to explain! But like I say… I’m gon let the haterz hate.
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On the other hand, I have received literally hundreds of messages from people thanking me for talking about M.E. on the tele and getting that little bit more awareness out there!
This in itself has made the whole thing completely worth while :)
I even had messaged saying things like - ‘I was watching with my sister and she hugged me for the first time about my M.E.’
I mean - wow…. messages like that just make me cry basically!!! (In a nice way!) And people saying that they feel inspired to see that I’ve made so much progress from the wheelchair days and that it IS possible to get better (even though of course I am nowhere near where I want to be but I can also see how far I’ve come). This makes me so so happy and I am going to do all I can to keep raising understanding and awareness of this illness.
Oh yea and one more thing that didn’t come across exactly how it happened or how I would have wanted it to was when Luke opened up to me about his mother having passed away. I was of course so shocked and felt so so sad for his loss - On screen you saw me say how sorry I was to hear that and then it jumped straight to a comment I made which was ‘I can’t even imagine what you went through, I’m very lucky I haven’t had to deal with grief really before. The only time I have is when my cat died’ ... now this is NOT what I meant - I had said for a fair few more minutes than was shown, that I was so sorry for his loss and I was trying to explain how I couldn’t relate or even imagine it- yes I mentioned my cats death but mean it in the way of - I have never been through anything like it.... and it kinda sounded like I was comparing the two. AGH!!!! not what I meant!! Also we were getting on and having such a laugh that the subject somehow got changed again so quickly after he’d said that, that we were just laughing again within minutes and he was specifically taken away and asked to talk about his mum as the subject hadn’t naturally come up in the first place.
I am now working with a charity called ‘Action for M.E.’ and hope to do lots with them including raise money for them at my next gig :) (https://www.actionforme.org.uk/ )
Also keep an eye out on July 10th as I will be going on the TV Channel ‘London Live’ (available on Sky and Freeview) at 6.15pm to speak about M.E. etc :)
Live tv…. That’s gonna be interesting!! This whole thing was bad enough hahahah
Soooooo… keep in touch peoples :) I am going to go and cook myself a nice gluten free spag Bol now, and then have a few more days of resting planned but am praying that I don’t have to cancel the rest of my week! We shall see!!
Huuuuge thank you again to everyone who has been in touch, it means so so much to me and every message gives me such a lift :) We can do this! :) xxx love and strength to anyone suffering, well, anything really! :) xx mwah
P.s. here’s the link to the pre order for my new single ’24 Obsession’ just incase you are interested ;) …. can’t blame me can ya? ;) http://ambiel.uk/24ObsPreOrder
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silvorefrost · 7 years
10o character devolpment stuffs
Part 1: The Basics
1. What is your full name?
Edward Moreno Fisbach 2.Where and when were you born?
The end, Mincraftia on August 20th 3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Well i originaly thought my dad was Erebus Fisbach but i found out my father is really Erebus's brother Morpheus Fisbach.
My mom is Nyx Fisbach 4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Biologicaly wise i have my brother Nether and my sis....oh...right shes....more actualy my cousin now....uh...nonno i have my sister portia! im not letting some dumb thing get in my way of calling my sister my sister =3=
then considerd theres my big sibs, dank~! owo their so cool ;;w;;
5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
um i basicly live with my boyfreind meme! its a nice medium sized house~! with a nice front yard too~!
and as for meme hes just...so wonderful. he helps me so much even when he has problems of his own....hes as sweet as the cookies he loves to eat~! 6. What is your occupation?
ummm general dragon king of the end 7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
ugh do i have to? huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh ok okok
im 6ft 2 with messy black hair and tan skin. i have amethyst color eyes and black birthmarks on my skin. i have 2 purple dragons horns, wings and a tail. i usualy have black clawed hands but sometimes those are hard to work with bleh. um im an enderdragon. um i really just kinda wear anything and my weights kinda in the....200 300 range? im pretty chubby nowadays especialy with lkhslkdhf yeah 8. To which social class do you belong?
i guess.....im rich? i think? i dunno dude im a freakin dragon 9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
mmmmmmmmmm...i care too much pfft. and uh well physical weakness right now is im pregnant pfft 10. Are you right- or left-handed?
left handed 11. What does your voice sound like?
uhhhh kinda between tenor and base i guess i dunno 12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
oh dear and i love you 13. What do you have in your pockets?
ummmm my 3ds....my wallet...uhhh....mmm my truck keys. OO! A COOKIE! 14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
umm i have a habit of saying umm alot obviously and i stutter when im nervous and ill also play with my tail when im nervous.
i also sometimes need to chew on a block of wood
Part 2: Growing Up
15. How would you describe your childhood in general?
16. What is your earliest memory?
seeing my moms eyes
17. How much schooling have you had?
LMAO 18. Did you enjoy school?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHA 19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
my mom and my "dad" or shitface mcgee as everyone calls him
20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
my mom 21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
nether and i....we kinda had a rocky relationship... 22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?
i liked looking for gems. when i could sneak away it was so fun~! 24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
reckless. courageous. caring. 25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
26. When and with whom was your first kiss?
................................................... 27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
dude i was just born this way
Part 3: Past Influences
29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
finaly kicking erebus ass 30. Who has had the most influence on you?
31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
beating erebus
32. What is your greatest regret?
.............(tears up) 33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
(sobbing) 34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
(more crying) 35. When was the time you were the most frightened?
.....................st op...... 36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
(sniffles) um......i ripped my pants once. 37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
(crys more) 38. What is your best memory?
(still crying) 39. What is your worst memory?
(full on bawling)
Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions-----AFTER 40 MINUTES---
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
(wipes face) uhhh i try to be optimistic.... 41. What is your greatest fear?
being alone. 42. What are your religious views?
nothing really. 43. What are your political views?
umm dont really care all i know is that trump guy is bad news and i wanna eat him. 44. What are your views on sex?
(face turns bright purple) uHHHH I-ITS O-OK I G-GUESS LKHLKDHG 45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont like it unless someoen deserves it 46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
.......kill a child..... 47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
y-yeah! actualy i do. 48. What do you believe makes a successful life?
ummmmm i dont know haha 49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
.................... 50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
what no that stuffs stupid.
51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
kill a child. becuase ive already done enough damage.
52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
meme and everyone else i love. if i had to give my life up for them id do it.
Part 5: Relationships With Others
53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
i try to be nice to everyone. 54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
uhhh thats meme. well and my kids of course! 55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
uh thats a tie between my mom and my big sibs and my other dad sky! my mom well pfttt is my mom and dad well hes just so smart. but my big sibs. well their just so great! their so supportive and theyve been through so much! their so caring their just always there. their just (tears up)...god their so cool.
56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
oh! ah my freinds are nonny, brynjar, miss loca, uhh dylan...jack....and alot of others! 57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
ah meme. hehe. hes so sweet and supportive and even if hes done something bad he tries his best to make up for it and he tries to learn from his mistake. hes so great. (smiles happily and closes eyes) hes my rainbow watermelon. and ill do anything to help him and keep him safe.
also his chub and eyes are just the best and they make me squeal becuase holy shit
58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
59. What do you look for in a potential lover?
i dont wanna answer this.
60. How close are you to your family?
pretty close! 61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
yeah i have 5 kids! one on the way! (rests hand on stomach) about 2 and a half months along. 2 of them are all grown up. aaron and asher. um...then theres kira and nile...their.....currently missing......but um then theres haku! hes techincaly 5. he um was born unsualy so really hes actualy only like 6 months old its a really long story. and then there kiddo number 6... their names going to be dakota. i cant wait to meet them
62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
mom or my big sibs. or nether. or meme. really anyone i care about. my other dad sky, definietly. hes so spportive!
63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
nether meme and my big sibs honestly. lord have mercy on anyone who goes up against those 3 64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
alot of people i guess.
65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA erebus my uncle 66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
im a king i have to 68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
not exactly cuz my anxiety acts up but i have to do it anyway 69. Do you care what others think of you?
yes and no its complicated
Part 6: Likes And Dislikes
70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
POKEMON B O I 71. What is your most treasured possession?
a purple seashell and a plushie off myself that meme made me 72. What is your favorite color?
B O I 73. What is your favorite food?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon
74. What, if anything, do you like to read?
ye! i like to read all sorts of things 75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
POK E M O N 76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
i did smoke but i had to quit . and why did i do it? it helped with my anixiety 77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
watchin gyoutube 78. What makes you laugh?
funny cat videos 79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
mm racist and homophobic transphobics assholes 80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
pokemon how man times do i have to say it? that or anime 81. How do you deal with streSS?
i dont pfft 82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
No idea. 83. What are your pet peeves?
i dont know???
Part 7: Self Images And Etc.
84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
mm wake up eat watch meme play games nap wake up eat snuggle with meme play video games the sleep and disrupted i dont care
85. What is your greatest strength as a person?
hardheadnes i guess 86. What is your greatest weakness?
alot of things 87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
everything 88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
dont know
89. Are you generally organized or messy?
messy im a damn dragon cmon.
90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
taking care of kids, giving snuggles and cooking.
you dont need to know pffttt
91. Do you like yourself?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHHHHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHAHAH no 92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)
93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
i dont know.
94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
proably living with meme and our child 95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
ummmm the first thing i'd do is hard to explain but the second is say all my good byes. and uhh....i dont wanna say the last one.
97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
that i was nice
98. What three words best describe your personality?
99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?
...................... 100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character
endy plz calm it ok dude
0 notes
Well hello there! (Part 4 of 2)
So This is the last post about this, and its been a long time coming so
It was a good 2 weeks after the events of the breakup, everyday felt and tbh still feels like a chore to get through, it was worse then because in my mind I did nothing what so ever to make her make such a hurtful decision.
So in these two weeks, we went out to some lil hang out area we frequent a bit and it was me, her, my best freind and my college freind. It wasnt too bad actually, it was a good hangout but I unintentionally put her in a bad mood (oh no I hurt her feelings, eye for an eye) and it was an off comment to be fair, basically made her seem like a bit of a slag but besides the point.
She was really quiet, like normally she would have just insulted me back by now but she was in silence, bit of an awkward goodbye.
But as soon as i got home, i got a call from her and i answered, she wanted to tell me that while she was seeing me, she went with my college mate and basically just let him in her pants.
I dont know what i felt when i heard that, it felt like i went deaf for a minute or two after she told me, i sat on my bed, staring down at my clenched fists, it felt like i had lost her all over again but this time it was while i was seeing her and it was to some fucking obese parasite.
All the ways to kill a man, just running everything through my head in a state of pure rage but, its ok to feel these feelings of revenge and what not, but its wrong to act on them plus, at the time she still cared for him so if i still cared for her (and for some reason i do) then my hands were tied.
She said to me she was blackmailed, but so many things didnt add up and certain lil birdies told me that it wasnt blackmail, and that she just was still talking to my college freind in a way that would piss off any boyfreind.
To know that I was basically fucking cucked by some greasy ball of lard after everything I went through to make my self a better person after secondary school, all for it to pay with months of heartbreak and depression.
I cant pin down whats wrong with me, i dont know why i give a shit still especially because her and the college freind arent freinds anymore anyway.
I dont know what’ll fix it, i think i know a way but its too much to ask and i’ll probably just be in a worse state of mind after it anyway.
Since she isnt gonna read this, im gonna say that i dont regret meeting her but i do regret thinking she was different.
I knew she had issues but i was prepared to work through that shit, i was even planning to help her with her habbit when we labelled ourselves, try to get her off it or at least dial it back a bit because I know its damaging her.
But i cant say much, my habits been keeping me from being completely depressed about it all.
So thats it, to be honest, it may not look pretty bad what i went through especially in comparison to other horror love stories.
But this has honestly changed me as a person, im not the same one she met at that god forsaken party and again i dont know if i’ll get my old self back.
We’ll see if i post again on here, another few years maybe but it felt good to get this out there I didnt wanna use names because thats a bit out of order innit.
For my first experience with love, with a person i could actually see something with i dont think it could have gone much worse Its killed me, emotionally, i feel used, embarassed and straight up fucking lied to but i suppose i should expect that, fool me once...
final lil tidbit before we close this out The whole time after the breakup when she mentioned the fact i was moody or whatever, she knew it was because of her and she fucking called what we had a crush how even could she, i suppose spending time together and making out and even saying 'i love you' is just crushing right? Like what the fuck am i supposed to know, so on top of making me look like a joke she know just calls what we had a crush, like it meant next to fucking nothing, like some stupid high school thing and if thats all im gonna get out when i put all my effort in, then what in the hell is even the point
~The end I miss what we had, and i want it back, even if its only for a little while
I wish she knew how bad i feel, how bad she made me feel and i wish everyone involved knew as well
Stay beautiful people
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