#i forgot how Sleeper's face looks ok I Will Fix It
caredscared · 3 days
just finished(?? got up-to-date on?) reading Venom (2018) and i had to doodle Eddie and his Other having a picnic with the kids. i also filmed my hand drawing it and it looks rly fun sped up
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grimrats999 · 2 years
For the beginning of said cuddling think spooning; when Leo wakes up think Sweethearts Cradle position.
Leo Valdez x Fem Daughter of Eris Reader one bed trope and cuddling oneshot
Of course my bunk was the one to get destroyed you thought. You were traveling with the members of the Argo II and upon getting invaded by a bunch of Stymphalian birds your bunk was, to be kind, completely trashed. So now the members of the Argo II were pulling straws to see who you roomed with until your bunk was fixed. Not to say the nine demigods and the satyr disliked you. Ok maybe the satyr did, but the nine demigods seemed to be fond of you. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.
Leo Valdez. You would be staying with Leo Valdez and neither of you were mad at that. "Now if I hear about any funny business just know you won't escape unscathed," Coach Hedge said. Leo blushed at that but played it off with a joke. You and Leo were very good friends and you looked forward to rooming with him for the foreseeable future.
Later that night the issue was brought up, there was only one bed. You and Leo had to decide on where you would sleep however after going through the options you both agreed to share the bed. "Don't worry I won't try anything." Leo said playfully. You two stayed on separate ends of the bed and in time fell asleep.
You woke up when it was still dark out, around 1 in the morning noticing it was extremely cold to the point the blankets were doing nothing to help. You could feel the heat radiating off of Leo and were drawn closer to him. Eventually you gave in and pressed yourself up against Leo. Leo was a very heavy sleeper so you weren't worried about waking him. After some time you relaxed still grasping on to Valdez and fell asleep.
Leo awoke at 7 or 8 in the morning. He looked down and his face turned a bright shade of crimson at the sight before him. You Y/N his best friend and crush were holding on to him for warmth. He froze not wanting to wake you but he had no idea what to do. After a minute or so he relaxed and took in the many engaging details of the situation. He totally was not staring at you for an extended amount of time.
Shortly after Leo you woke up as well. After coming to your senses you realized where you were or rather who you were laying on. You quickly pulled away, blushing. You were never going to live this down.
That morning Leo and you seemed off to the rest of the Argo II usually you all would talk nonstop or at least have a feeling of comfortablity surrounding you two. Something had definitely gone down the previous night.
Leo worked up the courage and decided to talk to you about it when he realized it was just because you were cold and there were no ulterior motives he was disappointed to say the least however he was still flustered at the idea. Upon seeing this you decided to tease him about it the same way he tried to do with you before he learned his heart couldn't take the mentioning of it.
That night you confessed to Leo you broke him Leo error:5927 has stopped working. He obviously felt the same and you all started dating to no surprise to the rest of the Argo II.
A/N: I don't know how to end this so I need to come clean about the fact I wrote a gay short story for an assignment and the love interests name was Elliot Page and I forgot the celebrity existed and none of my friends told me and it's a painful memory.
@acupnoodle I hope this was alright I'm so sorry it took so long.
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shingia · 4 years
Heya. I know this is very angsty of a request, but I saw the fic of characters reacting to their s/o who [tw] relapsed into self harm and was wondering if you would do some for asahi, ushijima, and oikawa?
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hi ! ofc you can honey <3 i hope these will bring you as much comfort as you need, and plz don’t hesitate to dm me if you need to talk to someone, or to reach out for help in any way. here’s a hug for you bcs you deserve it, love you 💗 
also im sorry but i really couldn’t imagine asahi ever arguing with his s/o so i didn’t include this in his fic (he really is too precious)
warnings : mentions of self harm, one mention of blood, some self-depreciating thoughts. please do not read if any of these might trigger something, stay safe everyone <3
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➾ 𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐡𝐢
asahi trusted you blindly. and everyday, he had to make an effort to persuade himself that you trusted him in return. you did of course, how could you not trust the one that had helped you through so much ?
but this wasn’t about trust ; it was about shame. because the last thing you wanted was to find in his eyes the anguish and fear as they were a few months ago. you couldn’t do that to him, yet you kept doing that to yourself.
however, you had the misfortune - which was more of a blessing really - to have a very observant boyfriend who cared about you. and he cared enough to gather the courage to finally ask you about what he had hoped you’d come to him for. sat next to you on the couch, he took the plunge. 
« do you… do you remember when you promised to always come to me if you needed help ? ». there, he had said it. and from the way that his arm tightened encouragingly around your waist, you understood what he meant by this innocent question. he kept speaking : « you know i trust you, right ? i really do. but something tells me that maybe you forgot about this promise recently ».
each of his words was carefully chosen, more than usual. because even if he didn’t show you, he was terrified of messing up. the fact that you were reluctant to answer was enough for him to understand that he had guessed right. but what confirmed it was the single tear that slowly streamed down your cheek.
« oh angel, no, come here. come, you’re ok now… » he spoke in a tone that was more comforting that anything you had ever heard. his arms were wide open for you to snuggle in, and when they wrapped around you, his words replayed once again in your head. i’m ok now, i’m ok now… you repeated internally. and you were, asahi was a man of his words after all.
« i’m sorry for being weak » you finally said after a few seconds of silence, voice half-muffled by his embrace. his warm fingers traced the outline of your face, encouraging you to look up to him. not because he needed to see your face, he already knew it by heart, but because you needed to see his. « weak ? y-you’re the furthest thing from weak. how can i even put it..? you are one of the strongest person i know, and i wouldn’t be half the man i am today if it weren’t for you. 
you wanted to thank him, but exhaustion took hold of your body before any word could leave your tight throat. and when you woke up - two hours later according to the clock - asahi was still there, holding you tight against his heart like a promise to never let go of you anymore.
➾ 𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚
ushijima hated to waste time and energy on ‘petty fights’, as he liked to call them. but it was really frustrating to always feel like he avoided confrontation ; arguments were necessary in a relationship, and he didn’t seem to understand that.
whenever you got into fights, you were always the only one to get angry, which never failed to make you feel guilty afterwards. and eventually, this feeling of guilt started to become permanent, taking so much place in your brain that you had to sacrifice a part of the self-confidence you had built up the past months. but you didn’t know how much longer you could conceal it.
tonight was the first time you were sleeping together since your most recent fight, the one that had damaged you so badly. and you couldn’t lie, feeling his warmth next to you after about three days spent ignoring him almost felt like a reward. but a reward for what ? you were certainly not proud of what you had done, and you were terrified at the thought that he’d ever notice it. but unfortunately, your efforts to pretend like everything was ok were put to an end in the middle of the night, at about 3 am. something silly, really : ushijima had just turned around in his sleep, and his shoulder accidentally weighed on your wrist, making you hiss in pain. he immediately opened his eyes at the sound, his hand immediately finding its way to your side - he was always a light sleeper with you.
« are you ok ? » he asked, propping himself on an elbow, barely distinguishing your silhouette in the dark. « yeah, just my wrist. come on, let’s go back to sl- ». oh… that wasn’t supposed to be said out loud. it was hard to gauge his reaction since you could not properly see his face, but since he sat on the bed as soon as you interrupted yourself, you understood that it had not fallen on deaf ears. « are you comfortable with me turning on the lights ? » he asked, obvious concern in his voice. saying yes was tempting, because you knew this was a serious matter, but you couldn’t bring yourself to let him see you like this, vulnerable and ashamed.
ushijima accepted it of course, he knew he was not the best with words, so the least he could do was to make sure you were comfortable with whatever he decided to do. « is it ok if i hold you ? » he asked once again, his tone a bit more hesitant. the muscles in your jaw tensed at his words, it was more than ok, or at least you wanted to give it a try, but the worry you had caused him was bringing you back to the familiar feeling of guilt.
however, when he carefully made you rest on top of him like he had always done, something inside you felt healed to know that whatever you were going through did not impact every aspect of your life. his embrace felt the same, so did his heaving chest that rocked your body to sleep every night. surprisingly enough, you did not shed a tear. because the comfort finally felt stronger than the pain, you refused to let anything trouble this moment.
« are you ready to talk about it ? » he questioned, his voice rumbling like a soothing storm in his chest « or do you prefer to wait until tomorrow ? ».
ushijima might have avoided many discussions with you, but this one ? he simply refused to. and if he was more than ready to help you overcome your pain, he also knew not to pressure you into talking. words would come, eventually. but actions were always first.
➾ 𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
despite his usually confident behavior, oikawa knew he had a tendency to second-guess each and every one of his actions, and to beat himself up quite often.
he could not remember the last time he had felt so utterly disgusted by himself, he was usually more careful with his words. but all it took was one angry outburst from him for you to withdraw into yourself - and he had to fix this as soon as possible.
luckily for him, your relationship was strong enough not to be too affected by this argument - which had not been your first, but definitely the biggest one. however, you had been affected. a lot actually. but you knew better than to talk to him about this, knowing that he would obviously take the blame for your relapse.
but oikawa was attentive, and, clever as he was, it did not take long for him to guess what you were going through when he saw the red-stained tissues in the bathroom trash. it had been two weeks since your fight, and just the thought that he had left you alone with your struggles for so long made him want to throw up.
without wasting any more second, he burst out of the bathroom and made his way to the living room where you were absent-mindedly watching a movie. he would have preferred to have a discussion with you with a clear head, but the sight of the tissues kept spiraling in his head and he was incapable of doing anything else but to pull you in for a hug whose suddenness made you gasp.
oikawa’s hugs were usually soft, with little kisses here and there and a few compliments chuckled in your ear. but today had nothing to do with those. his arms were engulfing your figure in a desperate need to feel you against him, like he was trying to make up for all the time he had left you alone. « i’m so sorry, so sorry baby… can you forgive me ? » he breathed out, his voice cracking with emotion. obviously you knew what he was referring to, how could you not know ? and just like him, the thousand words on your mind only transcribed in your arms wrapping around him, closing the last few millimeters that separated you as you frantically nodded your head yes. 
you did not think he had anything to be forgiven for, and sadly, you also knew that he would continue to blame himself no matter what your answer had been. that was actually your biggest motivation to begin your recovery journey. oikawa needed to know that, from now on, you’d turn to him instead of your old habits. and you wanted nothing more than to make him happy, so, since his happiness seemed to depend on yours, it could be considered a package deal towards a better future, together.
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before you leave, here are links to two mental health support apps that i hope will help you deal what you are going through right now. i know it’s not much but i’ll be the happiest girl if this helped someone in the tiniest way. take care of yourselves ❤️
Calm Harm - Play Store | App Store
Wysa - Play Store | App Store
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@toworuu @catwithangerissues
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ellaenchanting · 4 years
Request Fic for @ragezdasta
Prompt:” Normal hypnotherapy uncovers a person's dark hypnokinky past that was previously erased via intense memory play. “
Warning: This is not how any of this actually  works. 
Mistress owns my body. Mistress owns my soul. I am broken for mistress. Mistress owns my body. Mistress owns my soul. I am broken for mistress.
The voice droned on and on.
Clara was beginning to panic. She looked over at her couch and her frenzied client. Marianne's eyes were open, staring vacantly at nothing. Her voice was pitched high and frantic, like she was pleading with someone or engaging in some ecstatic ritual. Her breathing was high and fast. Her body was frozen as though in terror- except for one hand that slowly and absently rubbed at her cunt.  
Clara pulled her limp hand away.
It lingered in the air for a moment before resuming its’ teasing.
It was though she couldn't even feel it, Clara thought.
For the first time in her hypnotherapy career, Clara had no idea what to do.
After last week's disastrous meeting, she wasn't surprised when Marianne had called to schedule an emergency session a few days later. During her first few sessions, Marianne and Clara had decided to try a memory regression to help discover the cause of Marianne's sexual reluctance with her fiance.  But last week, when the regression had actually happened and Clara began to question her, Marianne had stiffened like a frightened animal. A look of shock had come over her face and she began reciting the same statements about being owned and broken, over and over. Her voice was both detached sounding and determined. It reminded Clara of watching possession movies.
Clara had tried to question Marianne further. She had even taken great pains to reassure her that she was safe and that it was OK to remember. But, despite everything, Marianne would only stare, recite, and touch. All Clara could do was talk her through an old trauma amnesia procedure- showing her how to box up this side of herself for the time being. She had been incredibly relieved when Marianne had come back to her regular self by the end of their session. At least, Clara thought,  that would give her another week to think about what to do next.
Clara didn't get her week. Marianne might not have remembered what happened during her regression- Clara had been careful to help her repress THAT information- but apparently Marianne had been suffering from ill effects anyway. She had told Clara that she hadn't been able to work, she hadn't been able to spend time with her fiance, she hadn't even been able to THINK properly since their last session. She found herself awaking from stupors only to realize with dread that hours had passed. Sometimes Marianne "woke up" wearing different clothes or in places that she didn't recognize. The only thing that Marianne could blame was her hypnotherapy appointment. She called and demanded that Clara see and fix her immediately- and threatened to sue her for malpractice if she didn't.
Clara desperately contacted all of her mentors before the session began to get help brainstorming how to help with Marianne's memory block. No one had seen anything like it before. Clara had taken notes on their ideas and tried all of their suggestions anyway . She even tried the "boxing up" trick that had helped last week.
No luck.
Clara looked at the masturbating woman across the room. If anything, Marianne had seemed to retreat deeper and deeper into herself over time, becoming more and more lost.
She began to have a sinking suspicion.
The mantras Marianne recited sang out to Clara. They were familiar, like the lyrics to a forgotten childhood song.  A few times, she even had a vivid flash of herself, lying in a similar position and brokenly reciting the same words of devotion. It was worrying- like feeling a new ache in a tooth that had long since gone dead.
It wasn't Clara who had broken Marianne. But she recognized the work of the one who had.
She decided to call Desiree. Her first mentor.
Fortunately, Desiree picked up on the first ring.
"Clara, dear, how are you? How's your practice? I've been sending you referrals, you know!"
Desiree's voice was cheery and kind. Clara reluctantly noted that it still pulled on her attention, giving her little sparks of happiness that felt particularly unwelcome in her current circumstances. She respected Desiree's skill immensely but she knew she could never trust her. Not after what had happened between them.
She wasn't going to get pulled into Desiree's chit chat. "Do you know a Marianne Thomas?" Clara replied, accusingly. 
Desiree seemed puzzled. "I don't recall that name. Did she mention knowing me? Clara, dear, you sound so strange! What's wrong?"
Clara sighed. Took a picture of her masturbating patient. Hit send. Waited.
There was a long pause from the other side of the line. "Oh," Desiree finally replied, hesitantly. "I forgot that she was Marianne now."
Clara let the silence play out. She was too pissed off to speak.
When Desiree continued, her voice was regretful. "Laura- or I guess Marianne now- was my first. Twenty years ago. She was like you were when you were younger- she came to me saying that she had no limits and wanted to be completely broken. Completely brainwashed. There were...I didn't know exactly what I was doing at the time. There was no one to ask, no idea that that could be done safely. We didn't WANT it to be done safely. And we were both consenting adults.”
“I was curious about what I could do to her- what the limits were. I read up on cults, on psychological torture. I had all sorts of plans. I would keep her up all night, feed her very little, make her listen to my voice in her sleep. I knew she was becoming REALLY mine when she would only focus on her brainwashing. She started to punish herself for disobedience without prompting- and she'd reward herself the more mindless and obedient she became. That was really hot. I didn't want it to stop. Even when I felt like I was losing control of it, it was hot. I didn't...I didn't quite believe it was real back then. I thought we were mostly roleplaying, engaging in a collective fantasy. I was only doing what she wanted.”
“But, over time, Laura began to fade and disappear. She quit her job. I was fine with that- I made enough to support her and I liked having a brainwashed housekeeper in the home. She stopped seeing her friends. She even stopped responding to her name. It was like her personality just drained out. Towards the end, when she wasn't actively obeying me, she would just sit there in a stupor. Like she wasn't even a person.”
“At one point I even tried to get Laura back. I would tell her that she WAS Laura right now, that she could act like Laura. And she would..for a few minutes. But she couldn't sustain it. Laura wasn't there anymore-not really. She was only my slave.”
“And- well...that wasn't what I wanted.”
“I felt responsible for her, of course. I stayed....another 6 months after I knew it had to end. But- I couldn't condemn myself to be stuck as her caretaker forever. Not over a genuine mistake.”
“I did my research- even tracked down and  paid a good amount of money for some black market MKULTRA info. I figured out how they built a new personality in their sleeper agents, one that could function in day to day life. One that would feel real and whole to my slave in a way that Laura didn't anymore. One that didn't have to remember what Laura had been through.”
“And so...that's when I made Marianne."
Desiree's usually-confident voice had become more and more shakey as her story went on. She sighed.
Clara felt no sympathy. "So why is your Marianne stuck reciting mantras on my couch?" asked Clara, shortly. "And how do I fix her?"
"I'm guessing you tried a regression?" asked Desiree.
"Yes," said Clara, her voice cold. "She was having sexual compatibility problems. With her fiance."
"Fuck," said Desiree. "Of course she was. I never thought she'd manage to HAVE a fiance. OK, so you must have gotten her under deeply enough that she remembered her old self. It's like her old slave programming is coming through and she's trying to erase Marianne in the same way that she erased Laura."
"We've been here for 3 hours," said Clara impatiently, gripping her phone. "Her fiance will be looking for her soon. This is your responsibility. You need to come here. Fix her."
"That's a bad idea," frowned Desiree. "I think my going there would just...encourage the process. She needs more help than you'll be able to give right now. Let me think. Can I put you on hold for a minute?"
"What?! No you can't-"  Clara exclaimed, just as the phone went mute. 
She paced her office, frustrated and angry.
After some time, Desiree's voice came back on the other line. She sounded calmer now. More in control. Clara felt something inside her shift.
"OK, Clara- listen carefully. This is what we're going to do. You're going to call and arrange for an involuntary commitment for Marianne at the Cedar Crest psych hospital. Tell them that she's hearing voices that are telling her to harm herself. You may even want to suggest to her that she HEARS voices before you go- she's way more open to suggestion right now that she appears. You'll drive her to their admissions department. Dr Marshall will meet you there- he's a close friend and I've told him enough that he can handle the situation. A commitment will give him a few days to do so more thoroughly. Dr. Marshall can contact Marianne's fiance- you needn't bother. You'll return to your office and call me back. Understand?"
Clara wanted to object. This was completely unethical. She shouldn't let Desiree talk her into participating in this.
"I understand, ma'am", she heard her voice saying, as if from a great distance.
Desiree sounded relieved. "Good girl. Now go make your calls."
Clara hung up the phone, feeling clear and steady. She knew what she needed to do next.
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ecmlol · 4 years
Jude grabs his backpack and gets up
Patty leads the way.
“ she sleeps like a brick .”patty says and points to Justice In Jude’s arm
“ I hope that Jaxy orJax Jax is a good sleeper too”jude says
“ jaxy? Jax Jax? Please tell me it’s a nickname.”
“ it is noah and I haven’t officially named her but he is out votes so far.”
“ oh what’s would her name be?Jackie’s ?”
“ no  Jacqueline with a x not a c”
“ oh that’s different “
“ that it is I really like it”
Jude walks his mother and sister back to her ride. Lucky for jude she was dropped off by German. German is waiting in a near by parking spot.
“ I almost forgot.” Patty take a Small box from her pocket .
“ here you go.please remember to open it alone baby”
“Sure I’ll see you later” jude hands his mother a sleeping justice and watches them walk away.He makes sure they are in the car before walking back to the icu.
As Jude walks he thinks about his plan. He hated doing this but it is time to call Oscar. As well as Jude knows noah he wasnt sure what his mindframe is going to be when he wakes up either way he has to be prepared for anything.
As he walks jude texts his dad. A few minutes later his phone rings.The conversation was quick. Oscar agreed to help and Jude thanks him. Yeap my first born son will definitely be named oscar after this. Jude thinks to himself.
Jude makes his way quickly to Noah’s room where marshal is sitting on one side of the bed . The other side has a pillow and a blanket waiting for Jude in a chair.
“ thank you?”
“ your welcome you are juggling a lot right now and I’ll be as helpful as I can to you “
“ thank you.. any change?” Jude ask as he sits his back pack down and gets comfortable.
“ no unfortunately “
Jude takes Noah’s hand in his and holds it.jude is grateful that Marshal is allowing him to be on the side without the broken wrist.jude kiss noahs hand and relaxes in his chair.The sound of the machines are like white noise and Jude falls asleep quickly. A few hours later jude is woken up by Noah fighting the ventilator.
Marshal is up and out of the room getting a nurse. Noah is clutching To Jude’s hand.His eyes are looking wild.
“I’m here.”
Jude has to step away from the bed so the nurse can help noah.
Marshal and Jude stand near the door to watch the nurse work.
A few minutes later the nurse leaves.
“ can I talk to noah for five minutes alone. Please. I promise I’ll be quick as I can”Jude ask
“ of course. Noah I’ll be back.”marshal tells a noah who is work his mouth like it was sore.
“ hey” Jude says as he walks over to the head of the bed.
“ I feel like I was hit by a truck in the middle of a orgy with a elephant.” He has his sense of humor so that’s good.
“ well lovebug you were hit by a Porsche.”
“ lovebug? Really ?”
“ yeah sorry I finally got inspiration “
Noah laugh
“ oh that hurts don’t make me laugh. I’m having a hard enough time breathing ”noah says
“ I know you have a lot of broken bones. Everything has to hurt. I’m sure you want to go back to sleep but we need a plan on how to deal with zero.
For the next 5 minutes jude and Noah hashedout a plan. After 5 minutes marshel knocks and Jude has to ask for a nother twenty minutes. This time when the time is over Marshal walks in.
“ is everything all right?”marshal ask
Noah doesn’t say anything and jude nods and goes back to his chair and falls sleep.
The next morning jude gets up and calls a Uber to take him to the arena to get his car after he checks on the baby.His drive home seems like it is taking forever . As Jude drives he is thinking about the personal sacrifices that He and noah are making because to the  decision they made this morning. He isn’t happy with the options he gave noah to choice from.
Jude sighs and pulls into his driveway a few minutes later .The house looks quite from the outside jude thinks before getting out of the car.Jude decides to go in through the gym. He figures he can avoid all of his family this way.Jude has the door open and he wishes he went in from the front way.
On the treadmill Chester is jogging he looks up and nods.of course he would start his day in the gym like father like son.
“Good morning “chester says as he slows to a walk
“ morning “
“ I got a text this morning that he’s awake. How is he”
“ in a lot of pain”
“ ah . I hope you don’t mine I put together her crib last night”
Jude stops.
“ thank you that’s a big help. Is my mother and sister up?”
“ yes I think they are getting dressed.”
“ thanks for letting them in.”
“ not a problem. ”
Jude heads to the door.
“ you ok?”
“ I guess”
“ do you mind if I work on the nursery while I’m here.”
“ thank you that is thoughtful of you.”jude said before walking out.
Jude heads straight to the master bedroom to take a shower.
Jude makes quick work in the bathroom. He heads to his closest to pick out his best suit. He wanted to look sharp he had to make a lasted impression on zero.
20 minutes later
Jude walks out with his hair slicked back wearing a dark grey suit.W.W.O.W.W.B . What would Oscar wear went blackmailing. Jude heads for the kitchen for a cup of coffee to go. Jude is greeted to his mom making breakfast.
“ morning”
“ hi baby I hope your hunger?” Patty says with her back to him
“ I can’t stay I have a meeting”jude says as he fixes his coffee.
Patty turns
“ good god jude you look like your father.”
“ good that’s what I’m aiming for .”
Justice waves because she’s too busy eating to talk.
Jude waves back and kisses her forehead before stealing her bacon
“ mom! Jude stole my bacon”
“ welcome to having a big brother babygirl” patty says before wrapping a bunch of bacon in a paper towel and handing it to jude.
“ you all right baby?”
Jude shrugs
“ thanks for the bacon and have a safe trip home”
Patty takes her apron of and hugs and kisses jude.
“ I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer.”
“ it’s ok”
Jude kisses justice on the way out.
“ bye jude!”justice says
“Bye sis” jude says as he walks out the kitchen.
Chester passes jude on his way out.
“Duty calls huh”
“ yeah I have some important business to take care. I’ll be back at the hospital afterwards.”
“ I’ll see you there” Chester says.
Jude nods .
At the arena zero is sitting patently for jude to arrive.
Lionel is waiting for jude to arrive.
Jude pulls up next to lionel.
Jude gets out and meets Lionel at the dock.
“ I would have thought you would have been at the hospital . Wait are you really going through with this.”
“ I will be shortly. And yes I’m”
“ where’s your little assistance?”lionel says
“It’s her day off.” Jude says Is lionel jealous? Jude thinks to himself.
Lionel and Jude are walking into the arena. Jude is fiddling with his phone.
“ are you all right?”
They board the elevator.
“ I’m good I just need you to hang tight for about 20 minutes in the hall way.
“ what why?”
“ because my brothers is in the building .”
“ Ah I see” Lionel says
The walk to the devil’s playground in quite.Lionel knows jude doesn’t want to talk about anything. She can tell by the look on his face.
They get to the devil’s playground and Lionel has a seat out side.
Jude takes a deep breath before straightening his jacket and walking In. Jude thought is ironic that Halsey’s you should be sad starts playing as he walks in to confront zero. With the birth of his daughter fresh in his mind the song hits him in the gutt.
Zero is siting patiently at the bar with a glass in his hand.
“ about time you got here.”
Jude takes a seat.
“ why did you do it?”
“ what?”
“ why did you hit my husband with a car”
“ you cant be serious right now. You act like you didn’t call me up ten minutes later telling me you couldn’t leave him because you didn’t have a prenup. I was desperate and really pissed at the guys so I hit.”
“ do you seriously think I would ever want you to kill someone?”
“ well last time you thought it was sorta ok when you thought I shot someone”
“ well I was young and dumb. It’s sad that I thought you knew me better .This whole time you got played. I have a twin brother that has been pulling the strings and you fell for it. Hey dad “jude says loudly “can you bring him out.”
“ I thought I wasn’t the only one here
A minute later oscar brings Brandon out.
Zero looks at Brandon and then Jude then back again.
“ what the hell”
Oscar walks closer and hands jude a piece of paper then walks back to Brandon. Brandon is standing quitely at the kitchen door way.
“ I’m so sorry jude” Brandon say upbruptly.
Jude didn’t know what to say to that.
He takes out his iPad and sets it up.
“ my husband has a few demands for his silence. And by the way I record your confession.”
Zero is in shock so he just nods.
Jude plays the video he made with Noah earlier this morning.
“But first we became dads last night..”
“ what?”
“Jamie went into labor and had the baby.”
“ seriously but she’s too early did she survive?
“ yes she’s early but not as early as you thinks.”
“What do you mean”
Jude shows him the video.
“ so any ideas how she has your feet?”
“ no.. should I?”
“ ok I figured I asked seeing nothing is adding up. I think she got pregnant using one of your used condoms you like to throw away in the trash.”
“ you really think she did that ? Really? Why can’t you just ask her.”
“ she died last night “
“ I can’t believe it a lot has happen sense last night.i feel like I have been out of it for months”
“ yeah a lot has happened. So she needs a name but you are way out numbered your dads agree with me that naming her after your mother is a great idea.”
“ of course they did.”
“Why not you never said anything bad about her”
“ she was a great mom. I guess I never really dealt with her death.”
“ oh well maybe now is a good time to do it “
Noah sighs
“ not like I’m going any where anytime soon.
There’s a knock in the door
Marshal comes in.
“ can we get a nother 5 more minutes please.”
“ of course”marshal quickly walks back out.
“We need to talk about zero”
“ yeah we do “ noah says in a horse voice.
“ we only have two options Noah. We can turn him in to the police and loss the devils. We can sell the house and move to Florida. Like we planned on anyway. We can be in the same time zone as the rest of our family.You can get a job with another arena . I’m sure lionel cans find a spot and I can be a agent again and be a stay at home dad. We can do family vacation on the weekend with my mom and her family. She can teach me to cook even more then now.
“You sounds like you would be ok with this.”
“ I’m ok with it”jude says as he thinks about all the drama he wouldn’t have to deal with. No more pax issues. They can raise there daughter in a normal old fashion way.
“Ok what’s the the next option.”
Jude hates this option for personal reason.
“ from your injuries I’m pretty sure they can figure out you saw the driver. The lighting is good at the arena so there is no reason not to be able to spot the driver. This was personal it wasnt like you were crossing the street and someone just hit you.”
“ ok. I’m not seeing where you are going with this”
“you say you don’t remember anything from the pass year. We blackmail zero for what ever you want and We keep the devils”
“ what about us and our baby”
“ It just means I have to woo you back.youll play hard to get .It will be hard at first.Ill miss you but we have to make this believable.
There’s a knock on the door.
Marshal pokes his head in.
“ can we get 20 more minutes please” jude says
Marshal disappeared before saying anything.
“ so what do you want to do?”jude says
End flash back.
Noah’s bruised face comes on the screen and zero cringes.
Good.Look at him and see what you did to him. Jude thinks to himself.
“ Jude says I look pretty rough I hope you don’t forget my face looking like this. I want you out La and when you have to come to la you have to inform me. You can’t move with in a 100 miles of la.i want all medical bills paid for.That means rehabilitation too plus I want a 1 million for the rest of your life. “
“ ah blackmail I can handle this. I’m to pretty to go to jail.”zero says
Jude at the moment wants to punch zero in his “pretty”little face.
Jude slides the account number over to zero.
“Lastly the debt between you and jude is done and over you have no claim over anything between the two of you. That means the devils and everything else”
Jude closes his iPad after the last demand.
“ you know what you are the biggest mistake of my life. Noah saved you from going to jail. You’re lucky it wasn’t up to me, I wanted to see you be someone bitch. I made peace with losing the devils. I was ready to move my family to Florida to be a agent and a stay at home dad.” Jude gets up.
“ I know you jude you wouldn’t be happy being a agent again . You just can’t go from being king of la to a no body.”
“ a no body? Really unlike you I know who I am I’m Jude kinkade Medeiros and I’m Noah’s husband Oscar Kinkade’s son ,Justice’s big brother and Jaxueline Kinkade Medeiros’s father. I will always have that! What do you have. Huh? Who do you have?” Jude say before turning to leave.
Jude turns back to a arrogant and angry zero.
“ I can’t wrap my head around the fact that you think you know me. Are you kidding me you slept with my brother then bragged about sleeping with me to my husband!we my be identical but do we screw the same?You don’t know me if you did he would have gunned for you and not noah. Even Lionel can tell us apart. You know what your pathetic you wanted nothing to do with me but you see me happy and you came charging back into my live. Oh by the way I have a prenup I didn’t want it but my father made Noah sign it and guess what he had no problem signing it because he wants me not wait I have or what I can do for him”
Zero shrugs.
“ guilty as charged.”
“Leave me and my family alone unless you want to keep screwing my brother. Then go for it.You two deserve each other . You Two are the most screwed up people I know I hope you like a mental case”
“ mental case”
“ he has split personals” jude reaches the door and keeps walking .Jude leaves all the negativity and his past with zero behind.
He actual feels great like a large boulder been lifted from his shoulder.
Jude almost walks pass Lionel like he forgot she was there
“ Jude? What’s our password “Lionel asked seeing jude just walked out of the room a completely different person.
Jude stops and turns. Jude mustards up a smile.
“ on the rocks”
“ ok I had to check you walked out like someone just gave you a million dollars”
Without a beat.
“ wow YOU really do know me”
“ of course you’re my guy”
“ well let’s go see my little tough cookie and your goddaughter.”
“ of course your my hag who else would I give the title to.”
At the hospital Noah has been quite all day. Both of his dads have been watching him closely for the pass hour. Noah hates having to revert back to being mad at Chester. Noah figures that a year is the time line he would go back . Right before gettting the job and before meeting jude. The police just left. Noah sticks to his story and same timeline with them as with everything thing else.
“ Nono is there anything I can do.” Marshal ask from the doorway
“ why is he here”
“Noah we explained to you all ready”
“ why didn’t you tell me before.”
“What we do is none of your business Noah “Chester says
“ I shouldn’t had to have seen that.”
“ no you didn’t and I’m sorry you found out that way”marshal says
“ why are you apologizing for? We did nothing wrong marshal”
“Chester you have to understand that no matter how old our children are they are still our children. Sometimes the the badge aid doesn’t need to be ripped off.” Marshal says while cupping Chester face.
Chester stares down at the floor.
“ we should have been honest with them when they were young.”chester says
“ why didn’t you”noah say
“ I was out voted by your mother and your father”chester pulls away from marshal.
“ is that true” noah asked
“ tell him marshal “Chester demands
“ it is. Your mother and I thought it would be best for the two of you. It was going to be hard enough to trying to explain why chester has always lived with us. We where sure rumors would start at some point”
“ that’s why I went back into the service after your sister was born” chester say
“ your sisters arrival was a wake up call.”
“How so?”
“ your mother was a racial mutt and with your father’s background how did they end up with a blond daughter?” Chester say while rubbing his white and blonde goatee.
“ I’m sure it happens” noah said
“ well we didnt chance it so I left for four year.”
“ we took turns visiting for two years until we couldn’t handle living without him so we moved to Virginia and once he was done we moved back. You were too little to remember this . You missed your pop so much and so did we”marshal say.
“ so it’s your fault dad “noah says
“If you want to blame anyone then yes it my fault “marschal says
“ Nono it’s the past the damage is done my boy.”chester says
Marschal walks over to Chester and puts his arm around him.
“I’m sorry I got mad at you “ chester whisper before kissing mashal cheek.
“ I’m sorry for making you hide from our children for so many years “
Marshal gives him a look and Chester sighs
“ an I’m sorry you found out the way you did. We were upset and I was over hiding who I was for other people. I never had a chance to openly love your mother like I wanted. Not winning that coin toss is the biggest regret of my life.” Chester says
“ that must have been hard for you .”
“ very” Chester says as he walks closer towards Noah .
“ your pop gave up a lot to stay apart of his own family.” Marshal says
“ I did it because I was and still am crazy about being your dad.” Chester says
“ I’m glad you got to hold our grand baby first.”marshal say
“ I can’t believe I have a kid and a husband”noah says.
“Yeah and that husband of yours let me pick what name the baby is going to call me too
“ he did?”noah asked
“ yes he did” chester says proudly
“So what did you pick?”Marshal ask
“ I’m grandpa no back seat with our grandbabies”
“ I’m happy for you “ marshal gives Chester a hug.”
There’s a knock on the door.chester and marschal look over at the door.
“ who is it.”noah ask
“ dr overly needs to run a few test.”
“ oh alright I guess I’ll see you guys later” noah says as he is wheeled out of his room.
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lunawings · 5 years
Let’s Sneak In! 24 Hours of Edel Rose (a King of Prism short story)
Translator’s notes: This is from 2D☆STAR vol. 4 and it’s a first movie era story from June 2016, but I didn’t get to read it until much later when it was re-printed in the Ready Sparking Fanbook. But man I wish I had read it when it was first printed. It contains so much information which I didn’t know until at least Prism Rush, and which casual fans probably never knew at all until SSS. It just goes to show you, even though certain details took a long time to reach the main series, the characters have basically always been the same ever since the very beginning. For example, Kakeru’s room (shown in the bonus theatrical video) and his pajamas as they appear in SSS are exactly how they were described in this story which was printed YEARS before. 
Since I only have the re-print of this and not the original magazine, I am unaware if there was ever any illustration for this. If you have it, please share! 
Synopsis: Shin cannot suppress his gay thoughts when watching the other SePTENTRION members sleeping. 
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The time was 2:00 am. Shin stood before the Edel Rose dormitory. 
Shin: Shhh.... Good evening everyone. It’s Edel Rose’s Shin Ichijo, 3rd year student at Kakyoin Academy Junior High Division. Tonight I’ll be sneaking you into the Edel Rose dormitory for a special report. Everyone, please make sure to keep quiet so that nobody wakes up.... 
Crossing the entrance way, Shin entered the building. 
Shin: Woooah! It’s... a ghost!! ...Oh, it’s just Norizuki-san... S... Shhh be quiet.... 
Shin had become startled by the large face which had appeared in the darkness. It was the portrait which hung on the second floor at the top of the stairs in the lobby.
Shin: Ah... that surprised me.. Um... Well, this here is the founder of the Edel Rose prism star training school, Kou Norizuki! He was also the chairman of the board at the Edel Rose foundation, which opened my school Kakyoin Academy, the Lu Seriana Academy which Bell Rose’s Bell Renjoji goes to, and many other prism show schools all over the country. He was also the president of the Prism Show Association! But, I’m sad to say, he passed away last year...
But! He was a great person responsible for many Prism Kings and Queens! I heard he was the one who scouted Hiro Hayami as well! He’s even the father of Jin Norizuki, who is the big cheese over at Schwarz Rose! What an amazing person he was. 
Shin climbed to the second floor. 
Shin: Now, shall we sneak into the rooms of some of our members? I’ll show an exclusive peek of their sleeping faces to all you viewers at home! Let’s start with Yukinojo-san’s room...
As Shin opened the door a Japanese-style rope curtain hung down. 
Shin: Excuse me for entering... Yukinojo-san is a 1st year student in senior high school, one year above me. In the kabuki world he’s known as “the princess of the kabuki world” or “the female prince”. Right now he’s a rising star with a lot of promise for his future. 
Shin very gingerly approached Yukionojo’s bed and peered down at Yukinojo’s sleeping face.
Shin: Oh good... He’s fast asleep.... 
Shin relaxed a bit and found himself free to look around the room. 
Shin: Wow... Everyone, look at this. His room is all decorated in Japanese-style. Ah, there’s such a big vanity mirror. There are a lot of makeup products and hairpins here. Japanese clothing is hung on the wall... And wow.... it smells so nice in here.... What’s this smell? It’s...  camellia oil. I wonder if he uses it like cologne? 
Shin peeked into the shelf near Yukinojo’s desk. 
Shin: Ah, it’s full of CDs! ....But this is surprising! It’s filled with music by American and British hard rock bands! Wow, so this is what Yukinojo-san listens to in his private time...
Shin turned back to Yukinojo’s bed. 
Shin: Now everyone, it’s what you’ve all been waiting for. The pajama reveal!
Shin quickly pulled away Yukinojo’s sheets. 
Shin: Huah! 
Shin was taken aback by Yukinojo’s beautiful sleeping face and lily white skin. 
Shin: Wow... Yukinojo-san.... He really is pretty... Ah! I’m sorry everyone! I’ll get on with the report! Yukinojo-san sleeps in a yukata. His face while sleeping... is very beautiful. His yukata is sliding off... I should fix it for him... 
Shin could not take his eyes off the beautiful nape of Yukinojo’s neck. 
Yukinojo: ... Mm.... Mmmph.....
Yukinojo was beginning to wake up. 
Shin: Uh-oh! L-Let’s move on! 
Quickly leaving Yukinojo’s room behind, Shin headed to the next room. 
Shin: The next room is Taiga-kun’s. Taiga-kun is a 3rd year student in junior high school like me. His specialty is street-style prism shows. Excuse me for entering... Woah! 
Taiga had rolled out of his bed and was sleeping on the floor. 
Taiga: Zzzz.... Zzz......
Shin: T... Taiga-kun... His right foot is still in bed but he’s sleeping on the floor.... But he’s dead asleep... Well, let’s get straight to checking his pajamas then... He’s wearing a tank top and boxer trunks. I wonder if he’s cold not sleeping in proper pajamas? 
Taiga: Take it... off..... 
Without warning Taiga threw off his tank top. And then his hands moved down to his boxers... 
Shin: Ahh! This is bad! 
Shin quickly threw a blanket over Taiga. 
Shin: Phew... That was close... But Taiga-kun’s really lucky he doesn’t catch a cold sleeping like that. I guess Taiga-kun’s not effected by cold because he’s from the north...?
A happi hung from Taiga’s open closet. 
Shin: Oh, he has a happi. Taiga-kun really likes festivals so if he’s free he goes and participates in them all over the place. He’s from Aomori so he’s always going back home when it’s festival time. He looks like a bad boy, but he’s actually a good kid at heart. Or at least that’s what Kakeru-san said. 
Shin approached a desk with many things scattered upon it. 
Shin: His room is a mess.... Hm? There are a lot of ripped out pages from magazines here... What’s all this...!? Ah, these are articles about Kazuki-san. Wow, he’s really diligent in collecting these... Is all this stuff really Kazuki merchandise... !? Gosh, Taiga-kun really loves Kazuki-san, doesn’t he....
The blanket which Taiga had suddenly kicked off flew into the air and smacked hard into Shin’s face.
Shin: HUAGH!
Taiga: Mmrrghghm.......
Shin: Whew... Taiga-kun is such a violent sleeper.... 
Shin fixed Taiga’s blanket again before heading out of the room. 
Shin: Next we’ll be heading to Kakeru-san’s room. Excuse me for entering... Kakeru-san is a 1st year student in senior high school and the heir to Juuouin Holdings. He has a suuuuuper important job called executive director! I heard that the truth is his real name is Kazuo, but he gets mad when you call him that. So just keep it between us, OK?
This room was not quite like any of the others.
Shin: Huh!? The interior of this room is totally different... The floor is covered by a plush carpet, and the wall is plastered in such fancy wallpaper. Ah, and in this room there is only one bed... and it’s covered with a canopy? What a gorgeous room fit for a celebrity... Unfortunately it seems Kakeru-san’s pajamas are covered by his sheets....
Kakeru: Mmm... mm...
Almost as though he’d just heard Shin’s words, Kakeru chose that moment to roll over in his sleep and show off his pajamas.
Shin: Ah, this is... a silk gown!? And he’s even got a matching night cap. It looks so expensive. And what’s this... cucumber slices on his face! He’s sleeping with a skin care mask on! How clever! You know, Kakeru-san’s face is really pretty with his glasses off... So handsome...!
Kakeru cracked a smile with his eyes still shut. 
Shin: His desk has some difficult-looking business-y books on it and... huh!? What’s this!? 
Kakeru flinched. There were several magazines of female prism stars. 
Shin: Wow... Kakeru-san really likes watching prism shows huh....
Kakeru: *cough* *cough* Mmm mmgh... time to... get going... Mmmmph....
Shin: H.. He’s awake...!? ...I guess I just imagined it... Wooow! This shelf is covered with all sorts of plastic models and figures! Oh yeah, I heard that recently he went with Hiro-san to buy some plastic models.
Kakeru: ..N... ext....
Shin: Ah, yes of course! ...Huh?
Startled, Shin looked back at Kakeru. 
Kakeru: Zzz... Zzz...... 
Kakeru was breathing deeply in his sleep. Shin let out a sign of relief. 
Shin: Oh yeah! I have to get going to the next room anyway before we’re out of time! 
Shin left the room in a slight hurry. 
Kakeru: Uuu.... I forgot... to put away my magazines.... Mmmghm....
Shin: Next we’ll be sneaking into Minato-san’s room. Minato is a 1st year student in senior high school and he cooks the most delicious meals for us at the dorm. ...Well then, excuse me for entering... HUH!? WHA... WHAT IS....
Shin stopped dead in his tracks. The scenery which spread before his eyes was filled with the carcasses of beasts, torn in half, mercilessly roasted, and hanging from the ceiling. 
Shin: ...What in the world... 
Shin was gripped with indescribable fear. It was just at that moment that a large man holding a knife was creeping up behind Shin’s back. 
Shin: EEEK!! 
Minato: Ichijo, what’s the matter?
Shin: EEE!! EeeeeeeeeEEEE!!! T... Take whatever you want, just spare my life!!
Minato: Hm? Ichijo, it’s me. Minato. 
Shin: Kn-n-n-n-ife! 
Shin was pointing at the knife which was now aimed right at his throat. 
Minato: Ah, sorry, sorry. I was just preparing tomorrow’s ingredients. 
Minato smiled cheerfully as he lowered the knife. Shin pointed to the carcasses hanging from the ceiling. 
Shin: W-what is all this!?
Minato: The three great hams of the world! Jamón Serrano, Prosciutto, and Jīnhuá Huǒtuǐ! I bought them wholesale.
Shin: HAM!? Wholesale? 
Minato: This is what ham looks like before you slice it. It’s best to keep it at room temperature. 
Shin: ...Oh.....
Minato: But what are you doing up at this hour? And with a camera in your hand?
Shin: Oh yeah, that’s right. Right now I’m in the middle of showing off everyone’s rooms for a project called “Let’s Sneak In! 24 Hours of Edel Rose”. Ah! So you sleep in a sweatsuit I see! 
Minato: It’s comfortable and easy to move around in. Well then, good luck with your program!
Shin: Thank you!
Shin bowed politely as he left the room. 
Shin: So Minato really does focus on cooking 24 hours a day. Ah, let’s go to the next room.
Shin approached Leo’s room. 
Shin: Next up is Leo-kun’s room. He looks just like a really cute girl... and his personality is feminine too... But he’s actually a boy.... but we all... um.... Yeah! He’s like our idol at Edel Rose! Well, excuse me for entering.... 
Shin’s eyes widened in surprise. 
Shin: Wooow... It’s just like a girl’s room. 
The room was covered in lovely decorations and overflowing with adorable stuffed animals. 
Shin: And it smells so nice too... 
Leo: Urr... Mmm... 
As Shin watched Leo roll over in his sleep with a cuteness that any girl would envy, he felt his heart fluttering beyond his control. 
Shin: *ba-dump* ...L.. Leo-kun... He’s so... cute......
Shin could not take his eyes off Leo’s lightly colored limbs which peaked from underneath the covers. 
Shin: U..Uh ummm.... Leo-kun’s pajamas are... really cute pink negligee...
Leo’s explosive cuteness made Shin completely lose his cool. 
Leo: Ahh!
All of a sudden Leo grabbed Shin by his clothing and pulled him under the covers. 
Shin: WooAAh!
Leo was hugging Shin so tightly that he could not move. 
Leo: Squishy ♡
Leo rubbed his cheek against Shin’s face as he smiled blissfully.
Leo: So soft ♡
Shin: L-Leo-kun...!?
Leo: Zzz..... Zzzz.... 
Shin: He’s still half asleep... right?
Shin wasn’t sure what to do. He fixed his gaze on Leo’s face once more. 
Shin: Leo-kun... He’s just... so cute....
Suddenly Leo-kun’s eyes shot open. 
Leo: ...Wha!?
Shin: WHA!?
Shin: AahhAAH! I’m-I’m sorry!! 
Shin quickly scrambled away from Leo. Leo rubbed his eyes as he started to properly wake up. 
Leo: ...Huh? ...Shin-kun, what’s going on... this late at night...? 
Leo stared at Shin with wonder.
Shin: I.. I um... This... this is.... 
Leo smiled warmly. 
Leo: Ahh! Now I understand! Eheh. If you’re lonely why don’t we sleep together?
Shin: N... No that’s not it! I-I-I’ll be going now!!
Leo: Nooo, wait! Shin-kun, don’t go!
A very flustered Shin ran from the room. 
Shin: *panting* Oh man... I hope I didn’t give him any strange thoughts...
Shin continued on to Yu’s room. 
Shin: Next is Yu-kun’s room. Yu-kun is a 1st year student in junior high school. He writes both the lyrics and music for our songs. Alright then... Excuse me for entering...
As Shin entered the room there were instruments of all kinds everywhere. 
Shin: Wow, look at all these instruments... Drums, bass, guitar, a keyboard, a trumpet, a sax.... It’s like a live music club....
Shin’s eyes moved to the walls and ceiling.
Shin: These are all posters and pieces of merchandise of Bell Renjoji... There’s so much....
Yu was gripping tightly to a body pillow printed with Bell’s image as he slept. 
Yu: Mmm... I’ll definitely... be the one.... to make you happy...... Mmmmmph.....
A comical sweat drop dripped down from Shin’s forehead. 
Shin: ...Yu-kun’s a really big fan of Bell-san, isn’t he.... Aah, umm... Yu-kun sleeps in... Bell Rose pajamas!
Shin left the room. 
Shin: Now, it’s time for what you’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to sneak into Over the Rainbow’s rooms: Kouji-san, Hiro-san, and and Kazuki-san’s! ...Whaa!? We’re out of time!? Aw shucks.... I... I’m sorry! It seems that’s all we have time for today... Sorry about that! See you next time!
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barry-writes · 5 years
One Year
Requested by carolshiguti-blog: Barry forgets about his and the reader's one year anniversary and then tries really hard to make up to her.
Pairings: Barry Allen x reader
Word count: 2155
A/N: Hey there! This request has been in my askbox for a while and I had a few moments of inspiration to give it some love! I’m glad to be writing again so I hope you like it! x
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This morning you woke up earlier than usual for a Saturday, but you were energized nonetheless. You wanted to have some extra time to prepare a special breakfast in bed for your boyfriend since today marked one year that you've been together. It hasn't been all that easy and normal as couples usually are, considering that you met after a metahuman attack and things just started getting more dangerous after you've learned that Barry Allen really is The Flash, but your love for each other has been able to push through all that and survive, so this was definitely a reason to celebrate.
You were quietly preparing the food since Barry was kind of a light sleeper. You made his favorite chocolate chip pancakes and served them on the plate with freshly cut strawberries and bananas, plus some crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, buttered toast, orange juice and coffee. Besides being a special day, Barry does need a lot of calories per day, so you just went over the top with it. 
When it was all prepared you settled everything beautifully in a tray with a small vase and a single flower in it. You carefully took it in your hands and started walking towards your bedroom, pushing the door open with your hip. 
While you entered you took sigh of Barry on the bed, only partially covered by the blankets and still in a deep slumber. You placed the tray on your nightstand and crawled onto the bed, gently positioning yourself on top of him. You started placing soft kisses across his face and lips. 
As he felt the tingling sensation on his skin, Barry let out a sigh and started opening his eyes, immediately smiling when he saw you so close to him. 
“Hey”, he mumbled.
“Hey!”, you replied with a giggle. “Good morning, babe!”, you finished your sentence with a peck on his lips. 
You got out of the bed as he sat up, taking the tray and bringing it to him. His eyes went wide at the sight of all the amazing food.
“Wow”, he smiled bright. “What’s all this? It looks incredible!”.
“I just thought I’d surprise my boyfriend with a special breakfast”, you said with some fake modesty.
“Yeah? And what exactly did I do to deserve such an amazing surprise?”.
“Well, you know... It’s a special day after all”, you said happily as you handed him a cup of coffee.
“Is it?”, he took a long sip. “And what makes it so special? Did something happen?”, he genuinely asked and you laughed.
“C’mon, you know why!”
“I really don-”, he started saying but his cellphone buzzing cut him. “Oh, crap. It’s from Star Labs, it’s an emergency”.
“What? Right now?”, you questioned not even trying to hide your disappointment.
“Yeah, baby, I’m so so sorry, but I have to go!”
“Barry, are you serious right now? You didn’t even eat anything!”.
“There’s no time now, I gotta go”, he looked at you with sorry eyes and kissed your lips. “I’ll make it up to you later, okay? Then we can talk about your special news”.
“It’s not news, Barry, it’s-”
“I love you, Y/N”, he interrupted you and ran off, the gust of wind leaving your hair messy.
“- our anniversary”, you finished your sentence, but there wasn’t anybody there to listen anymore. Your eyes started filling with tears as you looked at the breakfast tray laying there untouched and the thought of Barry forgetting your special day creeped in.
Barry arrived downtown with the team following suit, still sad about leaving you behind with all the work you've done for him. Together, they worked to take down the meta who was robbing the city bank and had the ability to cause earthquakes. Some of the people who got injured due to the falling building pieces were taken to the hospital quickly. 
You were watching everything from your TV. You could barely see The Flash running around with the victims while Cisco, Killer Frost and Ralph tried to distract the villain to avoid causing more harm. Your breath was stuck in your throat, both with worry for your boyfriend putting himself in this dangerous situation and sadness for his neglect towards your relationship. 
After about 40 minutes of fighting, all was said and done. Killer Frost was able to freeze the meta in place, giving the others some extra time to put him down. He was taken to Iron Heights immediately by CCPD and the team returned to Star Labs, where Iris and Joe were calling the shots.
Caitlin advised Barry to stay there for a couple of hours in observation since he appeared to have fractured a rib. He texted you about it but he never got a reply.
“I think Y/N is mad at me”, he mumbled.
“Why is that?”, Iris inquired, one eyebrow quirked.
“I had to leave in the middle of something important she had planned for us this morning”.
“Ok, save us the details”, Cisco grumbled from the back of the room.
“It’s not that, it was just a nice breakfast!”, Barry defended himself. “And she kept saying today is a special day, so I think she wanted to tell me something important, she just didn’t get the chance to yet”.
“Well, maybe that ‘something important’ was supposed to be a ‘congratulations on our anniversary, darling!’“, Iris quipped.
“Barry, today’s been a year that you and Y/N are together!”, Caitlin said.
“WHAT?”, he asked again, louder this time. “Oh my God. Oh my God”.
“Did you seriously forget? I can’t believe you”, Iris scoffed. “She’s been talking about it for like a month!”.
“Well, seems to me that she is indeed mad at you. With a good reason”, Joe said crossing his arms.
“Someone’s in trouble”, Cisco said in a singing tone.
“Ok, this is really not helping me”, Barry started pacing across the room. “I’m such an idiot, I can’t believe I forgot it! What do I do?”.
“You could start by going to her place and begging for forgiveness. On your knees”, Iris suggested.
“Yeah, good call”, he got in his running stance as Caitlin called after him.
“Wait, your- “, but he was already gone, only the heavy gust of wind left behind. “- ribs! Oh well, let’s just hope nothing happens”, she shrugged.
In a matter of seconds he was at your door, knocking on it desperately while calling your name. The noise startled you and you rushed to the door, swinging it open.
“Barry, are you crazy?”, you angrily whispered. “This is a building, there’s people all around!”.
“I’m sorry, I just- ”, he started saying, a little out of breath. “I’m sorry. About everything”.
“So, did you figure it out?”, you crossed your arms over your chest, leaning against the doorframe. He nodded his head, a regretful look in his eyes. “Who had to remind you, though?”, you asked with a sad tone in your voice.
“I- That’s not important. Can I just come in, please? Let’s talk”, he stepped forward to make his way inside, but you put a hand in front of him.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Barr. I don’t really feel like talking”.
“Baby, please!”, he pleaded. “I know I’m an idiot, but please, let me fix this!”.
“Not right now. I’m really upset, you know?”, you sighed. "I just really want to be alone. Please, leave”.
“Goodbye, Barry”, you said closing the door in front of you. Barry’s sad eyes locked with yours as it shutted.
Barry rushed back to his place, feeling helpless and fearing the worse. He couldn’t get your sad eyes out of his mind.
“You know what?”, he said to himself, sitting up on the couch. “Enough brooding around, I’ll fix this right now”.
He got his cellphone and called Joe, asking if he still had the contact of the Jitters’ owner. Once Joe gave him some help talking to the guy, Barry started putting his plan into practice.
After the whole afternoon of preparation, even being The Flash, he headed home only to shower and change into something more anniversary worthy. He took the time to handwrite you a thoughtful note apologizing and inviting you to Jitters tonight. He ran to your apartment and slipped it under your door, ringing the doorbell to get your attention.
Once you found the paper on you floor you picked it up and read it, eyes glossing slightly with tears. They moved to the little corner of the paper where it said “Come dressed up ;)” and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What are you up to, Barry Allen?”.
You were still feeling hurt but also curious, so you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and comply to his invite. You quickly changed into a simple black cocktail dress with some black pumps and made your way to Jitters.
Getting there it was all dark and empty, so clearly you felt confused. You took a chance and pushed the door anyway, which actually opened to your surprise. 
When you looked up you couldn’t hold your smile when you saw several red heart shaped letters hanging from the ceiling. You walked closer to them and noticed they all had pictures of you and Barry, where he made little love declarations as the captions, all describing something special about your relationship. For the moments he wrote where he didn’t have a picture to use, he drew two stick figures to represent you. You looked at every one of them carefully, wiping the tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“That was the night when we first kissed. I thought I was going to pass out, but I think I did a pretty good job”, one of them said. “This was the moment I realized I was completely in love with you and needed you with me forever. And that was only our 5th date”, read the other.
As you reached the back of the shop there were only two more letters left. You laughed when you saw one of them with a picture of Barry pouting, written how sorry he was for everything that happened today. The last one said “Meet me up there” with an arrow pointing to the stairs.
You climbed them and they led you to the Jitters’ rooftop and the vision took your breath away. All over the railings there were twinkling lights iluminating the place alongside the moonlight, in the middle of it there was a table set with two cloches and a vase with beautiful red roses in it, plus a bottle of wine and two glasses. In the background you could hear soft, mellow music playing. And walking towards you, there was him. Gorgeous in a black suit and red tie, smiling bright at the sight of you.
“Hi”, he sheepishly said. 
“Hey”, you smiled. “That’s quite the work you had here”.
“Did you like it?” he asked and you nodded. “You deserve it and so much more. I’m sorry I forgot our anniversary, Y/N. Everything’s just been so crazy lately and my mind was caught up in all The Flash problems. I know that nothing justifies my mistake, but I really hope you can forgive me”.
“You know...It’s hard to stay mad at this face”, you said holding up the picture of him pouting that you kept with you and he chuckled. “I’m kinda sorry too. I guess I overreacted”.
“You didn’t. You have all the right to be upset”.
“Well, let’s get this party started and maybe we can forget about all that, shall we?”.
“Yes, ma’am!”, he smiled brightly as he offered you his arm, not before kissing your lips softly. He guided you to the table and pulled the chair out for you. You sat down and inquired him about dinner.
“I wanted us to have something really special, something that defined us as a couple”, he explained and started lifting the lid to reveal a burger from Big Belly. You laughed out loud and the smile on his face told you that that was exactly the reaction he was expecting.
“Very smart, Allen”, you stated. “Just like the one we had after the meta attack when- “
“When we first met”, he completed your sentence and you smiled. 
You both started eating your fancy meals while sharing stories and connecting, completely leaving behind any hard feelings that might had happened earlier. After that, Barry got up and offered you a hand asking you to dance, to which you gladly accepted.
You stayed close, your arms wrapped around his neck while his hands gently embraced your waist. You swayed together under the moonlight, eyes locked on the other the entire moment. 
“I love you, Y/N”.
“I love you, too. Happy one year!”, you said happily as he closed the distance between you with a sweet and passionate kiss.
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parisian-nicole · 5 years
Adore: A GarVez Fic (Pt. 9/?)
Part 8: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/185982220182/adore-a-garvez-fic-pt-8
"Oh my God, Luke, get up!" Penelope yelped out in a frustrated tone and the man that had just been wrapped snuggly around her leaped up and over to the bedside table. He grasped his gun which he had placed there the night before, and then placed himself back up against her in a protective manner while he raised his gun towards the door. Both sat quiet, wide-eyed, and panted slightly as they watched, waited, and expected some intruder to come through the opened bedroom door. "Luke," She called gently to him after a few seconds. "There's no one there," She announced and with a relieved sigh he calmed himself and lowered the gun. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that."
"No, it's ok, but are you, all right?" He then turned to her in concern and she simply nodded her head. "Sorry, if I scared you by grabbing my gun like that. I guess it's something I picked up since I became an agent. And I am a very sound sleeper…"
"Yeah, I know that is why I yelled like that. You were wrapped so tightly around me and I really have to go to the bathroom. I pushed and pulled but you would not let go and wouldn't wake up, so I yelled."
"I'm, sorry," He then moved over more to his side of the bed and allowed her an escape, and she threw the bedding off and hopped from the bed.
"It's okay," She said as she leaned over and gave him a quick sweet kiss on his lips that brought a smile to both of their faces. "You made me feel very safe and cherished … And I didn't want to ruin that by peeing on you," She added around a giggle as she then rushed to the bathroom, closed the door behind her, and left Alvez to chuckle after her.
"Thanks, I appreciate that," He called after her as he put his gun back in the holster and then grasped his watch from the bedside table. He noted the time and that it was nearly noon. He then placed the watch back upon the table and leaned back more comfortably against the pillows with his right arm bent behind his head. A big grin was plastered across his face as he recalled the night they had shared. This was how Garcia found him as she reemerged from the bathroom with her toothbrush in her mouth. She faltered in her brushing as she let her eyes drink him in. She was still in awe over how incredibly beautiful this man was naked and even more so over the fact that he thought the same of her. "Good morning beautiful," Alvez greeted with a smile as he unabashedly raked his eyes over her frame, which was now covered in a short satin spaghetti strapped gown, which she kept on a hook on the back of her bathroom door. She was sure there wasn't a part of her body that he had not already seen and kissed during the night, but she still was apprehensive about allowing him to see her fully naked in the light of the day. She smiled at him around the toothbrush in her mouth as she disappeared back into the bathroom, where he heard her spit, and then rinse.
"It's nearly noon," She corrected him as she reappeared back at the bathroom door.
"All right, then good afternoon, beautiful," Alvez corrected and garnered a wide gorgeous smile from her. "Now, get naked and come back to bed," He commanded and she arched a brow at his words. She was surprised that he still wanted to hang in bed with her and as if he had read her mind, he spoke out again. "I want to spend the entire day in bed with you. We have nowhere to be, right?"
"What makes you think I don't have plans for the day?" Garcia asked with a playful smile that told Alvez that she probably really didn't and that she was just teasing him.
"Oh, I know you have plans," He replied as he tossed back the covers and exposed his exquisitely chiseled body but also his massive erection. He then stood from the bed and stalked to where she stood. "You'll be spending the day in bed with me, while I ravage you. Now, arms up," He instructed as he leaned down and grasped the bottom of the slip gown and tugged it upwards. She didn't argue or hesitate at all as she obediently lifted her arms and allowed him to free her of the garment. He then enveloped her naked body against his, lifted her up until she comfortably wrapped her legs around his waist. He buried his face into her neck where he kissed and nibbled at the flesh there before deeply breathing in her scent. "Dios mio eres tan hermosa, y sexy," He moaned into her ear before nibbling on its lobe. Garcia knew enough Spanish to fully understand this compliment, one Alvez had spoken to her throughout the night. She sighed contently as her eyes rolled closed, she held onto him more snugly and placed a kiss on his cheek. He turned them and walked back to the bed and toppled down upon it. He made sure he didn't put all of his weight onto her as they landed. The head of his engorged cock was already at her entrance, ready to enter the place he had designated his heaven on Earth, but just as he was about to surge forward a knock at the front door echoed throughout the apartment.
"Penelope, we know you are in there, open up!" Prentiss called out through the door as the two lovers lay frozen on the bed.
"If we're really quiet she'll probably go away," Alvez offered and then leaned down and kissed Garcia's left nipple. The jolt of pleasure it sent through her made her comply and she lay beneath him in silence.
"We saw your car in your space, Garcia, so we know you're here," Tara Lewis chimed in.
"Yep, so you're not getting out of participating in the race today," A.J. added. "Besides, it's for a good cause remember?"
"And you were the one who made us all sign up with you, so, c'mon, open up," Prentiss spoke out again and banged at the door. Garcia disentangled herself from Alvez, who frowned down at her.
"I have to answer, they're right," She replied to his unasked question as she pushed at his chest. He rolled off of her begrudgingly as she stood and grabbed the robe thrown on the chair in a corner of her bedroom and pulled it on. "I totally forgot the MS charity marathon was today, sorry," She cast him an apologetic glance to which he threw back a wink and a reassuring smile. "You can just hang around here until I get back … I … I mean, if you want to," She added as she tied the sash of the robe.
"Thanks," He replied and she smiled sweetly. Internally she was happy that he was considering it. She then rushed from the bedroom and closed the door behind her.
"I'm coming," Garcia called out as she moved to the front door. She unlocked the door and threw it open, and her three friends and co-workers all hurried inside and she closed the door behind them. "I'm sorry guys, I overslept. I guess it's been an exhausting week and it just caught up with me," She stated.
"I bet," Prentiss said. "It wouldn't have anything to do with your new hot Latin lover would it?" She teased as A.J. laughed and both Tara and Garcia's eyes doubled in size.
"Wait, what new Latin lover?" Tara questioned as she looked to each of them for an answer.
"Well, I hope she means me," Alvez's voice filled the room as he entered fully dressed but with his buttonless dress shirt, wide open which put his muscular upper body on full display. And the new visitors eyed him appreciatively as he moved to the open kitchen area and began to fix himself a cup of coffee. Garcia stood with her back to him as she began to turn a deep shade of red across her neck and chest. "Can I fix you, ladies, a cup?" He offered.
"Uh, no thank you, we really need to get going. We want to get there a little early, you know, to warm up," A.J. replied. She knew Garcia well enough to know that she was embarrassed even though there was no reason to be, and she knew that deflecting would help.
"Right," Garcia spoke out taking A.J.'s queue with great appreciation. "Just give me 10 minutes to get ready."
"If there's still an opening I'd like to sign up too," Alvez spoke out. "I have my wheels up bag and my gym bag down in my car, and I know I have something I can wear in one of them."
"Sure, last-minute sign-ups are welcome," Prentiss stated with a smile.
"Great, I'll just run down to my truck and grab my bags," He said as he moved to where Garcia still stood with her back to him. "Get the shower started and I will be right back," He spoke directly to her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, kissed her temple, and then moved to the front door. He was slightly amused at the situation and at how flustered Garcia seemed, but also glad that their new relationship was now public and official, as far as he was concerned. Once he had exited the door Garcia quickly made her way to her bedroom and closed the door behind her before her friends could start to interrogate her.
"You can run but you can't hide forever missy," Tara called out after her. "And I want details, damnit!" She added as both Prentiss and A.J. giggled at her.
Sometime later
"Well, I'd say Luke's last minute sign up sure boosted the donations," A.J. offered as she, Prentiss, Tara, and Garcia stood near the finish line they had all crossed, while they watched Alvez who stood at the refreshment table surrounded by a group of young women who openly ogled and flirted with him.
"Yeah, he's definitely attracted the attention of all the women here," Garcia grumbled out as she watched irritably the spectacle the women were making with Alvez, who for his part busied himself with the drinks he was getting for him and Garcia. He didn't seem to be paying the other women any real attention. 'Good Boy' Garcia thought as he graciously thanked the women and hurriedly moved back to where she and his other co-workers stood.
"True, but I think he only has eyes for you," Prentiss added just as Alvez walked up, leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, and then pulled back and handed her the drink he had made her. He then casually tossed his right arm across her shoulder. His action hadn't gone unnoticed by his admirers who watched enviously before they walked off. Garcia could not hide the wide grin that was now on her face. She knew that she would have to deal with other women flirting as Luke Alvez was a walking Adonis, and she wasn't sure how she would deal with it. Now, seeing how he seemed to proudly show that he was with her and she was his woman, she worried a little less. She reached up her right hand and interlocked her fingers with his and sipped at her drink as they all walked over to where they were about to hold a small ceremony after the race.
"Thanks for joining us today," Garcia spoke softly to him. "It really helped to boost the donations. There were a lot of ladies here who signed onto your number, you know."
"You're welcome, but I only signed up so I could spend the day with you," He said as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
"Is that why you hung back and ran the entire race behind me?" She inquired knowing that he could have easily finished the race well before she had.
"Honestly, no, I just loved how your ass bounced when you ran," He replied with a chuckle and her mouth fell open slightly as she smiled up at him. "And I may or may not have taken a video," He added.
"Oh, he did," Tara tossed in as she walked to their right. "I saw him," She stated as they all laughed a bit as Garcia and Alvez wrestled a bit as she playfully tried to get his phone from his pocket.
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*The above manip was done by me. Not meant to infringe, but to entertain*
More to come...
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