#husband material right here my human beings
eternal-echoes · 4 months
The poll
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I don't think it's just that; I think more and more people are realizing that every child deserves a mother and a father and legalizing gay marriage deliberately deprives a kid of one of them. Orphans and children of single parents always long for their missing parents.
While there are unfortunate circumstances like death of a parent or divorcing an abusive spouse that makes it inevitable, ultimately since children are made through the biological union of a man and woman, their spiritual relationship with them should be preserved.
Since we're not just a material being, we're also of both body and soul. Not Cartesian dualism but Hylomorphism where the union of body and soul makes one nature.
The only two ways a gay couple can have a baby is either through surrogacy and/or adoption. Along with its ethical concerns with buying a baby, a gay couple taking a newly born baby from his/her mother is depriving that child with the much needed bonding time with the mother (i.e. breastfeeding, cuddling, etc). It's illegal to sell a puppy within 8 weeks of birth because it would be too cruel to separate it from its mother,* then how much more devastating would it be when it comes to a human child? And a child's need for a mother doesn't stop when he/she no longer needs to be breastfed, the mother is essential for the child's emotional maturity as well.
Here is a video of Ryan T. Anderson back in 2014. I'll highlight some important points but the whole video is really good.
Marriage exists to unite a man and a woman as husband and wife to then be equipped to be mother and father to any children that that union produces. It's based on the biological fact that men and women are distinct and complementary, it's based on the anthropological truth that reproduction requires a man and a woman, it's based on the social reality that children deserve a mother and a father. ... Marriage is the institution that different cultures and societies, across time and place, developed to maximize the likelihood that that man commits to that woman, and then the two of them take responsibility to raise that child. Part of this is based on the reality: there's no such thing as parenting in the abstract; there's mothering and there's fathering. Men and women bring different gifts to the parenting enterprise. Rutgers sociologist professor David Popenoe writes, "The burden of social science evidence supports the idea that gender differentiating parenting is important for human development and the contribution of fathers to childrearing is unique and irreplaceable." He then concludes, "we should disavow the notion that mommies can make good daddies, just as we should disavow the popular notion that daddies can make good mommies. The two sexes are different to the core and each is necessary, culturally and biologically for the optimal development of a human being." ... The impact of marriage. So why does marriage matter for public policy? Perhaps there's no better way to analyze this than looking to our own president, President Barrack Obama: "We know the statistics that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of schools, and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They're more likely to have behavioral problems or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundation of our community are weaker because of it." ... President Obama sums it up very well: what we've seen in the past 50 years since the War on Poverty began, is that the family has collapsed. At one point in America virtually every child was given the gift of a married mother and father, those numbers right now: it's more than 50% of Hispanics children are born outside of wedlock, more than 70% of African Americans are born outside of wedlock. And the consequences for those children are really serious. The State's interest in marriage is not that it cares about my love life, or your love life, or anyone's love life just for the sake of romance. The State's interest in marriage is ensuring that those kids have fathers who are involved in their lives. ... If the biggest social problem we face right now in the United States is absentee dads, how will we insist that fathers are essential when the law redefines marriage to make fathers optional? ... Think about the social consequences if that's the direction the slippery slope in which marriage redefinition would go. For every additional sexual partner I have, and for the shorter lived those relationships are, the greater the chances that I create children with multiple women, without commitment with either to those mothers or to those kids. It increases the likelihood of creating fragmented families and then big government will step in to pick up the pieces with a host of welfare programs that truly drain the economic prospects of all of our states. ... So for all those reasons this is why the State and all states have an interest in preserving the definition of marriage as a union, permanent and exclusive of a man and a woman.
Also an article supporting some of Ryan T. Anderson's points:
It’s worse to be raised by a single mother, even if you’re not poor.
The reason for this is that fathers tend to be the disciplinarian in the family. They provide the moral framework in his children's lives.
Reminder that even though the Catholic Church does not support gay marriage, it doesn't mean that she hates gay people. There is a ministry called Courage International where people with same-sex attractions are encourage to live chaste and holy lives.
*Original wording taken from here.
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delusionalwriter02 · 8 months
Hi deaaar
I loved so much the insta posts as Chuuya's girlfriend. Would you make a part two?
If not, feel free to ignore this.
Have a nice day! ❤️
Insta as Chuuya's GF p.2
a/n : hello love! here i am again with the part2, thank you so much for your request, hope you like it! Have a nice day too <3
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<3 liked by Daze_i, Gintonic and 245 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : when your bf is always late
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : tf you were doing with him ?
↳ Chu_uya : we had a mission together and i lost him
↳ Gintonic : you lost him ????
↳ Chu_uya : yes but no I found him but for a moment I lost him
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : just hurry
Daze_i : i'm so going to join you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : NO FUCK OFF
↳ Daze_i : you're mean with me
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : for ONCE I want a date with JUST Chuuya
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Akutagawa and 290 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : he is wanted
Chu_uya : I only want you
↳ Daze_i : chuchu you make my heart feel warm
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : omg stop it or just kiss already
↳ Chu_uya : LOVE WHAT ?????
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : joking
↳ Daze_i : i have your blessing ???
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : try Dazai, try to kiss my man and you'll see why i'm in the port mafia
↳ Gintonic : even I am scared
↳ KunikiDA : Dazai you come back RIGHT NOW
↳ Ranthebestpo : leave him or he'll never learn
Akutagawa : Can you bring me the gun you stole ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I haven't stole anything ??
↳ Akutagawa : I literally saw you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : how much do you want
↳ Akutagawa : 6000
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : ok
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<3 liked by Gintonic, Chu_uya and 394 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : he just made me lunch, i'm in love
Chu_uya : i'm so classy
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : slow down
Gintonic : have Dazai tried to make his move ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : he tried to break in but got scared of our dog
↳ Gintonic : the loser
Yosanurgirl : he's so husband material
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I AGREE
↳ Chu_uya : want to become my wife ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : make a better propose
↳ Chu_uya : Will my dear lady agree to become my wife ?
↳ Yosanurgirl : OM THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO IT
Gintonic : what did he do ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : curry but he got a special recipe that is SO good
↳ Gintonic : he put his babies in it ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : you are so fucking disgusting
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Daze_i and 238 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : such a magical night
Chu_uya : I agree love
↳ Akutagawa : did you do it ?
↳ Chu_uya : no
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : did what ?
↳ Akutagawa : you're a damn loser and stupid human being I can't even find enough words
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : who do you think you are ??? don't insult him
↳ Chu_uya : he got his reasons
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I don't understand ??
Yosanurgirl : It's so lovely, hope you a great night
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : it was wonderful, i would love to go with you too
↳ Yosanurgirl : we have to go to Paris together
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : omg yes!!! let's organise that
Daze_i : it's a shame I wasn't there
↳ Atsushiii : I think it's best if you keep your distance
↳ Daze_i : don't talk to me
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : don't speak to my baby like that
↳ Chu_uya : your what
↳ Gintonic : if the loser wasn't with you then who took the photo ?
↳ Chu_uya : she asks one the person that was there
↳ Daze_i : why do you always assume i'm with them ??
↳ Gintonic : because you're the most obsessive person in the world
↳ Daze_i : i'm not
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : Chuuya is in Chibuya
↳ Daze_i : COMING
↳ Gintonic : see ?
↳ Chu_uya : he's living in his own little universe
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Hey! I hope you like it ? Thank you so much again for your request!
See you <3
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delta-pavonis · 8 months
I would love to hear more about Raspberries and Rum?
OKAY. So this came from a conversation that I had with @wordsinhaled in, no joke, NOVEMBER 2022. And I still haven't written all of it. BUT some of the bits from our conversation are goddamned SOLID GOLD and I am cracking myself up all over again reading the transcript. [Important background science here (just read the title).] Here is me just copy-pasta-ing from Discord with no indication of who is saying what:
hob getting wasted on dream’s jizz because he tastes like a good mixed drink suddenly a thing i need to see Hob as New Inn bartender keeps trying to make a new rum cocktail with raspberry flavor and no one understands why referencing it makes Hob blush, it is just a reference to that cool space data, right? now suddenly need a 5+1 where hob keeps making dream trial raspberry rum cocktails until they find the Perfect One and dream is very bemused Gotta keep going back and comparing to the actual source material apparently raspberry season in the UK starts in june where he’s like fucking. up handmaking raspberry simple syrup in the middle of the night and dream is like “ah, offerings” Because, honestly, he is technically trying to figure out a way to have everyone who orders the drink get drunk on something that tastes like his husband's jizz? And I find that fucking hilarious? Definitely deranged Hob humor mainly because he’s like, do i want everyone to suck your dick? this is reserved for me but do i want everyone to know the JOY of this taste? perhaps However, first time a university student of his orders the cocktail, once it is on the menu, Hob has A Moment of Regret™️  just a moment though i wonder if dream is aware he tastes like this or if he just. came up with the most reasonable taste he felt he would have when composing his physical body, which of course would be nothing like human and of course some esoteric shit like didn’t even think about it once so he keeps trying this drink and being like yes my very competent bartender husband perfecting his fancy raspberry drink i am so proud but hob is looking perpetually more glinty around the eyes each time he gets closer to the mark and dream is like, cottoning on that Something Is Up eventually dream is like “there is some... significance here. that i am missing.” and hob has to turn around and hide his face in his hands because somehow he never thought he’d have to Explain what he was doing especially because i feel like this would be some shit hob would try to do one time in the middle of the night while planning the summer drinks menu and then somehow he’d be neck deep in recipes from google weeks later but then dream is fucking. super out of left field when he finds out like... “you are crafting a libation. to me.” and hob is like uhhhhhhh no???? not actually???? am i??? I mean... just... based... on you? Hob will argue semantics on this dream is like you’re distilling my essence into a drink that all your patrons will imbibe and hob is like uhhh maybe? uuuhhh... maybe I am? okay but dream like THAT’S KIND OF HOT and hob is like I WASN’T TRYING TO BE HOT I WAS BEING STUPID and dream is just. yes. my husband can be very stupid. and very hot "These two things are not mutually exclusive, my dear Hob." of course this has to culminate in “you mean to tell me you don’t know you taste like raspberries and rum? you just made yourself taste all... lovely and you had no idea?” “i had not the faintest idea, indeed.” “you’ve never...?” “i have had no occasion to... sample myself, as it were.” “sample... jesus. alright. what are you, an hors d’oeuvre at the department party?” “no. but it seems i could be its signature drink.” DREAM IS A LIL BITCH hob’s inner exhibitionist cackling at forcing his staid ass colleagues to drink this drink while dream broods in the corner indulgently eyeing his antics everyone like “wow robbie this is a GREAT cocktail mind if i nick the recipe off you” and hob is like “ah no actually, it’s a bit of a jealously guarded secret” NO. Dream overhears and that's how he introduces himself, the little shit "And you are?" "Oh, I am Hob's Jealously Guarded Secret."
Here is the first chapter of the 5+1 that is in that WIP file (under cut because NSFW - cw for drunkenness and blowjobs):
One: May
It starts as a joke. A joke in Hob’s head that he doesn’t tell anyone. Because he knows that after this many years walking God’s green Earth that he can have a slightly warped sense of humor. 
So Hob keeps his motivations to himself and dusts off his bartending skills, back from when he had just opened The New Inn and was still getting the staff up-to-snuff. And then he sets to work. 
He has to figure out the rum first. Actually, Hob knows exactly which rum he would like to use, the second batch of ron miel honey rum by Destilerías Arehucas produced shortly after they opened on Gran Canaria island in 1884, but as far as he can tell there are only three bottles of it left in the world and they are all in his personal collection. 
So Hob called some friends and obtained as wide a variety of current lines of Canary Island honey rum that he could manage. He bided his time until the next Friday night, poured out a shot of each in a row on his coffee table, and proceeded to get fantastically pissed.
(Could Hob have sipped and spit out the liquor as he tasted them? Sure. Was this more fun? Absolutely.)
It was only after Hob was well toasted that Dream sidestepped into his living room. 
Hob was off the couch and on his knees in front of Dream before he even really decided what to do with his drunk-ass self. He was nuzzling into the fly of familiar black jeans and Dream was letting out a surprised hiccup of a moan and Hob was pretty sure his brain had dissolved into giddy bubbles of lust and want.
Long fingers wound into Hob’s hair and held him there as he rocked forward, purring, “Why hello to you, too, Hob Gadling. I did not expect ah!” A gasp when Hob started peeling away the clothing. “Expect quite this manner of hospitality upon my arrival.”
“Gotta…” Hob had the single-minded determination only liquor could provide. “Need to check…”
Dream made a curious hum of an inquiry at that, but Hob didn’t have time to explain. The taste of the rum was already being diluted by all the saliva pooling in his mouth and he needed to compare them. 
It had been just over a year since His Stranger had walked back into his life. Slightly less than that since they realized what absolute idiots they were for each other. It was enough time, given the many many repetitions Hob had to practice, for him to get really fucking good at getting Dream off with his mouth.
Hob, in his infinite need to stroke his own ego, had timed it once. Well, more than once. Many times actually. The current record was 143 seconds from first press of lips to spend. Hob drunkenly thought he could do better than that. Not that he had his phone handy. Ah well, that wasn’t a good reason to not try.
Dream finished getting hard in Hob’s throat, sobbed as Hob swallowed repeatedly. His lover was shaking with it already, Hob preened distantly, and moved to press the tips of his fingers just so into Dream’s perineum. Another press and stroke behind Dream’s balls, this time while Hob sucked with his entire lung capacity as he backed away, and then the Lord Morpheus was coming with a strangled shout right onto Hob’s tongue.
Hob savored it for a moment, eyes closed, cataloging the taste, before swallowing and scrabbling away from Dream to the table. He grabbed the bottle of what he thought was the best flavor match and took a pull from it.
“Oh yeah,” Hob’s ass hit the floor with a thump. “That’s it.”
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Marriage of State AU Character Designs: The Mad King of Mezalea
Joel actually has three major looks through the course of the AU; Prince of Mezalea, Trophy Husband, and King Joel, with the subcategories of "armor" for each.
They all have the same base design of "human", differing by (apparent) age and general sense of style.
Some Joel Skins to start us off and provide the base we're working off of, and also the Mezalean banner because color pallet
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And also, because it is actually relevant, (bear with me here) some samples of Mezalean architecture.
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The Matral Palace and the Villager area.
Based off of Joel's final skin, the vibe is kind of "Victorian military dress uniform" however there is something very, very important to take into consideration from a worldbuilding perspective.
The Mesa is a warm weather biome. Its a colorful desert. Which means high temperatures during the day and cold at night. So tight-fitting, thick fabrics in a Victorian style would be incredibly impractical.
So we turn to the second possible source for fashion inspiration: The architecture, which gives mostly Byzantine vibes.
So what would Byzantine clothing look like, especially for nobility?
First off, taking into account that the Byzantine Empire lasted for approximately a thousand years and, naturally, underwent some dramatic changes in clothing style during that time, we'll pick a specific vibe out of the options. I settled on a bit of a mix between Early Byzantine (think the Theodora Mosaic shown below) and Middle Byzantine (see the mosaic of Emperor Constantine IX below)
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And here are just some screenshots from my pintrest board for Mezalea and Mezalean!Joel, because if I put all these on here separately I'll hit the image limit too soon.
(General disclaimer: yes, Pintrest has an art theft problem, yes Pintrest is much harder to effectively use now due to the pervasiveness of ads on everything, no I don't use it for like, formal things. It remains one of the best ways to collect visual references and figuring out The Vibes)
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(Yes, we get to go full Material Gworl vibes for the Mezalean King, as is only right and proper.)
General characteristics I'm adopting here for Mezalean clothing:
Brocade (and bejeweled) kaftan/kaftan-esque outer layer. This is a formal wear thing, and is absolutely a "showing off the wealth" power move.
Lots of Big Chunky Colorful Jewelry
I don't know what it's actual name is, but that general style of having jeweled tassel-like things hanging from the front sides of the crown/headdress.
Light-weight and loose fitting under-layers.
And of course, bright colors.
Prince Joel: Before he became part of the main cast in an epic fantasy adventure spanning several hundreds of years and an entire continent (and the adjacent ocean) Joel was the youngest of three princes with two older brothers who were both married and had kids.
Which is to say, it did not look like he would ever be the king.
His role in the kingdom was very much that of an ambassador to and direct connection to their people. He spent a lot of time working on fishing boats and in the mines and quarries. While he did receive a standard royal education on things like diplomacy and combat, international interactions were not his focus at all, much more involved in the day to day operations of his own home. (And yes, that is a very vital aspect of the idea of "royalty" in general, supposedly, and that being a particular point of Joel's upbringing will make more sense when I get around to writing and posting the post about how royalty functions in the Empires. tldr; its related to the whole thing where Pixlriffs accidentally redefined "war")
Basically, Prince Joel = the first skin, the simple green one. He's wearing more lightweight, practical clothes that allow him to engage in physically demanding dirty work without costing a fortune every day. He still dresses up for formal events, but he doesn't even attend all of those and he is far from a daily sight in court.
Trophy Husband: For a couple hundred years, Joel didn't live in Mezalea. Instead, he was one half of the chronological first arranged marriage in the "au in which all the marriages are arranged" situation. And this one was the one that most resembles the set-up of a generic "period" bodice-ripper novel (though that is not how it played out ultimately, for the parties involved, despite the romance that does happen.)
Basically, this is his War Prize Era. In which Lizzie won a husband in combat and then didn't really know what to do with him.
During this time period, Joel mostly wore ocean styled clothing, though during formal occasions he would wear a notable amount of Mezalean accessories, that were part and parcel of the treaty with him. (I'm trying so hard not to derail this into just a breakdown of the events of the Joel & Lizzie arc of the au im trying so hard)
He did tend to mix Oceanic and Mezalean clothing, due in part to Oceanic clothing being primarily designed for underwater wear, while he lived above the surface, finding the balance of practicality and appearances demanded by the political nature of his existence at the time. (Also a personal comfort thing as Mezalean clothing tended to afford more skin coverage and also had shoes) Once he and Lizzie were more comfortable both in the world and with each other he had more opportunities for personalization and tended towards Mezalean styles in oceanic colors. He did develop a significant appreciation for the Oceanic idea of skin-tight under-layers for water travel.
King Joel: He did end up back in Mezalea as king, which is when we hit the style closest to the second skin, which mostly for this is really an indicator of color scheme. Formally, he is now wearing the full Kaftan and Jewelry look, day to day its more of "colorful, simple, and lightweight" because he still is very active in the day to day commerce of his empire. He does usually wear significantly more jewelry than he did as a prince, he grew a taste for it during his trophy husband era XD. The details of his day-to-day wear are also fancier. finer fabrics, more embroidery, brocade hems, etc.
Most of his earrings are gifts from Lizzie, some in Oceanic colors, some in Mezalean, but all with little chips of prismarine to remind him of her even when she can't be there.
Armor: Joel's armor preferences are simple netherite plate. He also does have a ceremonial trident, as a member of the Oceanic royal family. His is gold-plated.
Lizzie || Jimmy ||
AU Masterpost
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nebulablakemurphy · 2 years
The Queen’s Hand
(Part VI: Last Supper)
Summary: Y/N Targaryen is Princess of the seven realms. First born daughter of, Viserys I and Aemma Targaryen. Heir to the iron throne, forced to make impossible decisions to ensure peace amongst the land and the safety of those she holds most dear.
Prologue | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V
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King Viserys sits high on his throne, watching the night’s festivities unfold. The ivory material of Aemmia’s dress sways around her as she moves. She and Aemond dancing at the center of the grand hall.
The King has never been particularly close with Aemond, nor the two other children he shares with Alicent. Not because he does not love them, he loves all of his children. But to see him now, the boy turned into a man befitting his granddaughter, Viserys is filled with immense joy.
Y/N and her good husband hath brought him plenty of happiness throughout their lives here. Though his eldest daughter is under the delusion that she still needs him, Viserys knows better. The only person she ever truly needed was her mother, his dear Aemma. Who the gods had so cruelty claimed as payment for his never ending pursuit of a son.
It became clear to the King that Y/N was the one to lead them. She is good and kind, her head ever level. But she chose Rhaenyra over herself. Y/N chose her over everyone. Dimming her own light so that Rhaenyra might shine a bit brighter. Y/N taught him of a love and sacrifice he had never known.
Rhaenyra has shown him unwavering love, the meaning of resilience; stubbornness. She gave him the courage to leave behind Aegon’s dream to chase his own. It was not until Rhaenyra arrived with the children, Aegon III in her arms that he remembered. He is sure now, more than he has ever been. Rhaenyra was born to be queen.
He watches Y/N and her husband with a quiet fondness. You were right, my girl. My brave girl. My clever girl. My darling girl. I will never be ready, but when my time here comes to an end, leaving you happy is a comfort to this old soul.
Two days have passed since the wedding. If Aemmia is being truthful, Aemond is not half bad. Mostly he craves attention, though he says he doesn’t want it. And a son. Perhaps a son above all.
Tonight they are to dine at the red keep. With her family and his. Everyone has been on their best behavior, but Aemmia knows; this is the calm before the storm.
“Good morning, my love.” Aemond’s lips find Aemmia’s cheek.
“It’s a bit early to tell.” The brunette leans neither toward nor away from him.
The corner of his mouth quirks up. “If there is to be an issue, it will not be by my hand. We’ve done alright so far.”
“Because the lot of us have not yet been in close quarters. I personally believe this to be a mistake, but my mother will hear none of it.”
“Do you find your own mother vexing at times?” The thought has never occurred to him. Y/N is beloved, by Viserys, Rhaenyra, her husband and all the realm.
“But of course, she is my mother.”
The remark is so very…human, it sends Aemond for a loop. “Your mother loves you deeply.”
“As I love her. One does not cancel out the other.” Aemmia laughs it off. “In truth she is wonderful, there is nothing she would not do for me. I shouldn’t say such things.”
“It’s alright,” Aemond assures her. “I do understand, after all I have a rather opinionated mother of my own.”
“The queen is surely that.”
“But, father,” Rhaelys whines, “I am old enough to join the dinner table with all of you.”
Harwin sighs, hoisting her into his arms. “Come, my love. I will bring you to Joffrey, you will be dining together with the twins.”
“My presence would please the King.” The little girl insists, squishing her father’s face in her hands.
“Oh, I have no doubt.” Harwin chuckles. Viserys loves her.
“Yes, Rhaelys?” It is hard to look at his youngest daughter and not see Y/N. She gets away with far too much as a result.
“Why do the older children make fun of Jace and Luc?”
“What children?”
Rhaelys shrugs, looking down at the ground as Harwin walks.
“Whatever you have heard…” Harwin pauses to gather himself. “It shouldn’t be said and it must not be repeated. For the sake of your mother, aunt Rhaenyra and your cousins Jacaerys and Lucerys.”
Rhaelys nods, “I understand.”
“When you are grown, you will know all the secrets of the world. All that I have learned and all that you will learn after me, but you need not rush growing older. It will happen fast enough. Sometimes it is easier not knowing.”
Y/N spots her husband carrying Rhaelys down the corridor.
Rhaelys peeks over at her mother with a smile, reaching a hand toward her.
The Princess catches up, to take her daughter’s hand over Harwin’s shoulder.
“You look so pretty, Mama.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. As do you.”
“Do you think I could sit with you for just a little while?”
“Five minutes?” Harwin turns to his wife. “Surely they will allow her five minutes.”
“Joffrey and the twins do not get five minutes.” Y/N points out, stroking her daughter’s white curls. “We must be fair-”
“And firm.” Rhaelys finishes for her. “I know.” She pouts.
“I will come for you straight after, hmm? And I shall read your bedtime story tonight.” Harwin tells her.
Rhaelys nods, carrying her grudge to the dining table and after they have long left the room.
Harwin offers his wife his arm.
Y/N takes it, “that child has you by the neck.”
“I’ve no idea what you mean.” Harwin replies, the corners of his mouth tugging upward.
Y/N butts his shoulder with her own.
“Princess!” Harwin gasps, in mock outrage, before returning the gesture.
They carry on down to the dining hall. Bringing their soft laughter to an end, ready for duty.
“Aunt Y/N,” Lucerys calls, stopping her at the door. “Might I have a word?”
“Of course.” Y/N reaches out to squeeze her nephew’s arm. “Save me a seat, will you?” She turns to Harwin.
“As you wish.” Harwin nods, leaving the two of them to speak.
“Lucerys?” Y/N steps to the side of the entryway, so that no one might be bothered by their conversing.
“I have been thinking, about Vaemond. What he said during the petition. I have long since accepted that I…may be all of those things.” A bastard. A Strong. “But in a world where everyone treated me differently; debated my parentage, you never did. Even though you know the truth in your heart, same as I do. You never stopped fighting for me, advocating for me. The love you hath given me is second to only that of my mother. Your hand has secured me the Driftmark throne. Though I am not worthy, thank you for believing in me. On my honor, you will not regret it.”
“Luc,” Y/N shakes her head. “I could never regret it. In my years with your father, Laenor, I came to know him very well. He was a dear friend to me and I know this is what he wanted. And beyond that, you are a good boy, Lucerys. I have held you and your brothers in my heart as dearly as my own children. I am so proud of the man you are becoming and I await the day I see you seated as Lord of the Tides. You are worthy. You need not thank me.”
He pauses for a moment, blinking at her, then slowly puts his arms around her. “I love you…and thank you, anyway.”
Y/N returns the embrace, smoothing down his dark hair; the same as her own children. “I love you more. You are welcome, now and forever.”
“It fills me with both joy and anguish, to see these faces gathered round the table. The people I hold most dear in all the world, grown so distant from each other. But, there is new hope. With Aemmia and Aemond’s union, our houses might stand together once more. It is time to put aside your differences, if not for yourselves, then for the sake of this old man.” Viserys draws in a breath, looking between his children, grandchildren and wife. “Who loves you all so dearly.”
Rhaenyra is the first to stand. Raising her cup to her sister first, for taking care of their father and for the undying love she has shown her. “After the death of our mother, it was you who cried with me, you who comforted me on every sleepless night. My sister, you are better than I deserve. In light of our recent separation, I hope we can become as close as we once were.“
Y/N shoots her a watery smile, “I raise my cup to you, little sister. You have been my guiding light, each time I wish to give in, I think of you. I think of our mother and her dying wish. That I always look out for you, protect you, prepare you for this world and shield you from it. I have no doubt we will mend this rift between us.”
Rhaenyra returns her smile. “I would also like to lift my glass to the Queen. I love my father, but no one has stood by him like his good wife. To you and your continued good health.”
“Your graciousness moves me, Princess.” Alicent says, truthfully. “We are both mothers and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow. You will make a fine queen.”
Aemond huffs a laugh.
Aemmia shooting daggers at her husband.
Aemond says not a word, taking his wife’s hand and pressing his lips to the back of it.
She rolls her dark eyes at the display.
Aegon and Jace are also going at it, quietly down the line.
When Jacaerys has had enough he moves to stand.
Aemond follows suit, watching him intently. Ignoring Aemmia’s hushed protests and tugging at his wrist.
“Here we go.” Y/N murmurs to Harwin.
He claps her on the back once. “Here we go.”
“To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond,” Jace begins, “though we have not seen each other in years, I have fond memories of our shared childhood. I hope in years to come, that we may be friends and allies.”
“That’s a boy,” Viserys nods.
They all drink to that.
“I would like to toast, Baela and Rhaena.” Halaena is next, “they are to be married soon. It’s not so bad, mostly he just ignores you. Except sometimes when he’s drunk.”
Aemond bursts out at this, Aemmia choking on her wine. Aegon opens his mouth in shock, though no words will come.
“Good,” Otto mouths at his granddaughter, as she sits with a proud smile.
“Let us have some music.” The King says, sparing them from anymore unwanted details of Aegon and Helaena’s marriage woes.
The children begin breaking off in pairs. Aemond and Aemmia, Jace and Helaena.
Viserys watches them in wonder. Y/N scoots her chair closer to Harwin to give her father a better view. But he can still find her there, the silhouette of her face. Changed so from a babe, to a child, to a woman. And that of Rhaenyra, only a year behind, both of them grown with families of their own.
A mix of light and dark hair swirls about, in a myriad of laughter, love. With Alicent by his side, his family all together. He is whole. The prospect moves him to tears. To have all he’s ever dreamed of, right at the bitter end. Viserys wishes he had more time to enjoy it. More time with all of them.
“Guards,” Alicent waves them over. It is time for her husband to retire.
“Aemma.” Viserys chokes out.
“It’s me, father. It’s Y/N.” She reminds him, his chamber is dimly lit.
“Forgive me,” he apologizes, “you look so like your mother.”
Y/N reaches over to take his hand, “she was more beautiful than I.”
“Do you remember when you were a girl? The promise I made to you and you to me? The song of ice and fire.”
“Shh,” Y/N hushes him.
“Aegon’s dream. Tis true. You are the one, you made it so. Rhaenyra’s son. From my blood will come the prince that is promised. Aegon, little Aegon. Guide him as you have guided your sister, as I have guided you.” He gasps for breath.
“I remember,” Y/N assures him.
“I longed to do so much more.”
“Father, this is your legacy. All of us together. You have done plenty. I know it means the world to you, as you mean the world to me. I will do everything in my power to honor and keep the connections you have built.”
“My first born child. You can mend our house whole, if you wish it.” Viserys rambles on. “When I am gone, do not to mourn me so. Know in your heart that my only regret stays the inability to witness you stand tall as hand to your sister, the Queen.”
Y/N lowers her head, blinking back tears. “I cannot help but mourn you, Father. No one will love me as you have.”
And if she knew those words to be the last she’d ever speak to her father, Y/N would not change them.
Part VII
Taglist @evyiione @giulia2372 @bubblebuttwade @hotd-fanfic @leoramage @hyperfiaxed-freak
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hi, I hope you're having a great day/night. If you're comfortable with writing polyamory, can I request yandere poly Knock Out and Breakdown?
TFP Yandere Knockout and Breakdown
You met Breakdown on pure accident- he had transformed in the woods to stretch his legs, not noticing you. 
As soon as he noticed you, he let out a curse. He was shocked though when you looked at him with awe instead of fear. He went up and nudged you with a finger. “Uh, are you defective?” 
“Woah!” He jumped back in shock. “You can speak English? Where are you from? You’re so pretty!” Breakdown couldn’t fight the blue blush that rose to his face. He’d been called plenty of things in his life- but never pretty. Even his conjunx always used the word ‘handsome’. It felt nice to be called pretty.
“U-uh. I’m from the planet Cybertron?” 
“Wow! You’re amazing! So what brings you out here to my humble abode?” You gestured to the cabin behind you.
“Oh. Uh, I was tracking energon, not exactly going to your, uh, ‘abode’.” He wasn’t sure why he was so open with you. There was just something about you that was so easy to talk to. 
You tilted your head in confusion, to which he explained what energon was. You ended up going on the energon search with him. You, being a big science nerd, managed to upgrade his sensor. This allowed him to find a few deposits of energon within a much bigger area. He was shocked that you could do this with only a few materials. 
“I actually do remote work here for a science company. I don’t like to be around people that much.” you explained. Breakdown called the Vehicons to get the energon after driving you back to your home. He didn’t want you to get caught up in the war at all.
When Breakdown got back to the Nemesis, Knockout greeted him with a hug. “So, find anything?” 
“Yeah, some energon… and a human.” 
Knockout looked up at his conjunx with confusion. “A human? What happened?” 
“They were living where I went. They were… kind. Didn’t run away like the rest of em’.” 
Knockout noticed how his husband seemed conflicted. “Hm, maybe I should go meet them too.” 
Both of them bridged a small distance away and drove up to your house. Breakdown tapped a finger against your door much louder than he had meant to. 
“Look Mr. Bear, it was a one ti- Oh! Hello again Breakdown!” You smiled up at him. Your eyes flickered over to his cherry red companion. “Hello to you as well! Wow, you’re beautiful too!”
“Well, you were right about the human, Breakdown! They are smart,” the cherry red mech puffed out his chest. “I’m Knockout. What would your name be?”
“I’m (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!” 
Knockout and Breakdown often went to visit you when they had time. Your curious and gentle personality appealed greatly to them. One day, the Autobots found out and brought you to the base. You went willingly, not knowing anything about the war. There, they told you about the war.
“No, that can’t be! They are the sweetest people I’ve ever met!” You tried to defend them.
Ratchet just scoffed at you and pulled up their files. You looked in horror at everything they had done. You demanded to go home so that you could think, and Optimus went with you to protect you in the event they showed up again.
They both arrived the next week to see you talking with the Prime (who you had grown close to in a short period of time). “Do you think they were just using me?” You sniffed.
Optimus paused for a moment before speaking. “I’m not sure.” 
Breakdown, in a rage, slammed his hammer into his back. He grunted in pain as he was thrown into trees, his body destroying them as he hit. “OPTIMUS!” You cried out.
Knockout tried to grab for you, but you dodged out of his way. “Come here, doll. We aren’t going to hurt you.” 
“Like you didn’t hurt all of those other Cybertronians in your stupid war?!” You demanded. He looked hurt and shocked for a moment before turning to Optimus. “What have you been telling them?”
“The truth.” The Prime tried to stand but was beaten down before Breakdown. Hit after hit Breakdown landed on him.
“STOP!” You yelled out. Breakdown stopped his hits but kept his hammer hovering over Optimus.
Knockout and Breakdown eyed you when Knockout got an idea. “I’ll make you a deal, doll. You come with us and we’ll let him live.”
“No, ru-” 
“Shut up!” Breakdown slammed his hammer into his face and turned to you again. “This hammer’s getting heavy, better choose quick.”
You looked at Optimus who was leaking energon, then back to Breakdown and Knockout. Both of them had a dark look on their faceplates. You looked at the ground before nodding. 
“Okay. But you can’t hurt him anymore.”
Breakdown backed away from the Prime who transformed his arm into a gun immediately. “You won’t be taking them today.”
“Optimus! Stop.” He looked at you in confusion. “You won’t last in a fight. You’re bleeding and it’s two against one- please, just.-just go. Please. You can save me later- I don’t think they’ll hurt m-”
Before you can say another word, Knockout throws you into the air and transforms. He quickly drove away, Breakdown following. 
“W-why are you doing this? Where are you taking me?”
“The Autobots weren’t supposed to find out about you. We have to protect you from their lies.”
“Lies? I saw videos of what you did!”
Knockout scoffed. “You think they’re any better? Do you have any clue how many they’ve killed? Why the war started in the first place?” You were at a loss for words. “No, you don’t. But you’ll learn, eventually.” 
“Where are we even going?” 
“To your new home. After all, we can’t let the Autobots get to you again, can we?” 
You brought your legs up to your chest as you feared whatever was to come.
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
To all the green/Alicent/Aegon/Aemond/Criston stans choosing to follow me of your own free will, make sure you're making the right choice bc you will see stuff that will likely upset you.
No, I do not think Rhaenyra was a whore or that her sexuality somehow makes or breaks her inherent moral character (this is a patriarchal invention that places more power in men over women's behavior bc as long as they have the political and legal advantage over women [as what has happened in many societies for millennia] it compels women to conform their overall behavior towards not even seeming to resemble the man's/larger developed ideas of "slut" rather than develop herself or have her own fun). And if a man can still be a good leader while having sex outside of marriage, if we truly look at woman as equal and inherently equal to men no matter the time period or place, then we should consider the same when women have sex outside of marriage! Reminder: Aegon SA or rapes; Rhanerya never once did that. which goes into my next point...
No, show!Rhaenyra did not SA or really even pressure Criston into sex. I explain why HERE & below form a past ask-post:
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No, her first 3 kids were not bastards. "Bastards" only exist in the legal realm to separate a man/lord's and his family's resources/titles to those who carry his "blood". On principle, you shouldn't be accepting the objectification of women that is necessary to this formula, but aside form that, the meaning of bastardy has been subject ot change ust as many social construction, as we se in the Anstey case ands how William the Conqueror's bastardy was more defined as being that his mother was not noble rather than not married to his father. Because bastardry is more a legal phenomena more than anyting, Viserys--who has the only right and power to name anyone as bastard or legitimize them and thus is the final bulwark against the revelation of the boys being not Laenor's kids--was able to accept Rhaenyra's kids as his heir's heirs. Nobles keep secrets all the time for their own conience. Think about Lysa tully and all those rich people of various TV show and movies who cover up both actual harmful crimes as well as just those that would harm their reputation! This is what happens when you have any elite class AND mid-to-very strict social rules of conduct that you may be breaking anyway. And no, noble/royal wives of history weren't all sexually obedient little cupcakes...many had lovers while married and historically, some were even known by their families and husbands. (Check out Eleanor Herman's book Sex with the Queen).
No, Alicent of either thing didn't have any real reason, material reason to think her kids were in danger from Rhaenyra ascending. You can see why under posts tagged "alicent doesnt have any points" as well as this recent thread]
No I do not see Rhaenyra as uniquely "selfish", "'spoiled", etc. I do not make as if she is unacceptably and uniquely evil or the most amoral. That was overall Andal-FM patriarchay, Aenys I, Maegor I, Jaehaerys I, Viserys, and the greens, esp Alicent & Otto. Rhaenyra, of either the shoe or the book, was both trying to do her duty in her marriage as well as find some happiness AND autonomy alongside that. You were not supposed to readopt fedual patriarchal social "values" or prioritize them/social hierarchies over real human happiness, equity, and social harmony. If you have, you don't get ASoIaF!
For fuck sake, some of you like Jon Snow and think he's Azor Ahai! No, he is not legitimate, bc by the time Rhaegar and his generation was alive, polygamy had lost its validity and for any marriage to Lyanna he could have had needed to be reinforced by either force (Maegor) or public declaration or propaganda & deals careful planning (Doctrine of Exceptionalism) something along those lines...which even if we get the story of Rhaegar and Lyanna, we already know no such preparations occurred!
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discobiscotto · 8 months
Just Guys Bein’ Dudes: A Needlessly Huge TED-Talk About Luca & Alberto’s Relationship
Ready for some big-brain BS?
Well, ready or not, here’s a “little” dive into how I interpret/perceive Luca and Alberto’s relationship.
Note: I’m referring to them as my own headcanon versions of them as men. It can certainly be applied to them as young adults and teens for sure, but I’m diving into ‘Ciao Luca’ territory specifically. So, there, just being clear on the who’s who.
What’s their deal anyhow?
Are they romantic partners? Are they attracted to eachother, yanno 👉🏻👈🏻? Buddies? Buddies with benefits? Are they even a couple? Are they husbands? What’s their deal?
So, a couple years ago when I was starting to get really busy with the headcanons, I went on a tear about their relationship to lay down some kind of clear foundation for it. I felt alittle conflicted at the time about how their relationship was going to feel/act like.
To me, because I love ambiguity, I wanted to keep that energy going from the original source material…but with alittle “oomph”…considering there’s been time and maturity tacked on. They can’t just be Pallin’ Around forever, something’s gotta give with chemistry that strong imo.
If I’m being honest, them being point-blank romantic partners felt too cliched and predictable/boring. Courtship, wooing, marriage…snore. It just didn’t feel like ‘them’ to me. It bordered heteronormative somehow. I was just …PUTTING MYSELF TO SLEEP.
Not to say they aren’t romantic, because they certainly are in their own right! It just isn’t the defining Vibe of their relationship.
As a queer lady with a pretty open mind in terms of what defines a relationship and/or bond, I believe that love expression is on a spectrum. Different strokes for different folks, yanno?
I scooted myself over to that old filing cabinet in my brain with random Greek Philosophy tid-bits (that I was impressed wasn’t put thru the incinerator) and I got polishing.
I remembered a few terms, like storge (family love), Eros: romantic, mania: obsessive/stalkerish love, agape, philia, the list goes on.
We’re gonna focus on PHILIA, typically deemed affectionate and/or “brotherly love”, I think also falls under platonic love.
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We’re going to come back to this later☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻
As a couple of seamonsters (first and foremost) the human concept of love may not necessarily compute to them. Not that they get confused or turn their nose up at it, but rather it’s more boxed-in and rigid than, I guess, fish love? Haha.
Example: homosexuality, bisexuality, and heterosexuality as concepts are human inventions to help humans navigate their life and their identity in the world, be part of a tribe, and potentially find mates.
They’re social constructs, like gender conformity, and Mondays.
Seamonsters really don’t have that. They’re similar to humans in alot of ways, but in terms of attraction, love, and social awareness, they just kindof ride the wave and go where the current takes them.
Opposite sex pairings likely happen more often because [gestures] instincts and Makin’ Fries. But just like humans, same sex relationships happen just as much!…but seamonsters have no concept of homophobia (strictly a human invention) so there’s no discouragement or imposed fear of the relationship…it just happens if it’s meant to and the world keeps spinning. [deep sighs]
Luca and Alberto are aware of human society and customs (especially now that they’ve been living amongst them for atleast 15 years). So, they still try to do-as-the-humans-do sometimes. They know that they feel a strong bond to eachother that can’t be ignored, and when humans sense a similar bond between each other they express it by being physically intimate, or giving gifts, or creating things for eachother, etc.
So, basically, it boils down to “I love my friend, so I wish to express that love for him like that [gesture].”
Now bringing it back to Philia up there!👆🏻
That particular source defines philia as brotherly love, both must be men (in the Greek system), they respect and take pleasure in eachother’s company, bond through exploring philosophical truths, and sexual intimacy or attraction is optional.
This other source takes it a bit further saying that we could be diving into “friends to lovers” territory which is the aforementioned “oomph” I was referring to. The bridge into Eros stuff without being completely rooted there (ie your usual romantic pair).
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Their relationship isn’t based on physical attraction, but began as a close friendship that progressed into something more. Not built on lust, but on mutual affection and respect for eachother.
They are an “unlikely” pair. Where a hockey hug became alittle tighter, and the joined hands in a good old “Piacere Girolamo Trombetta” started to linger.
They feel safe with eachother, they love and prefer eachother’s company, they share eachother’s worlds and feel deeply connected in them. Alberto cooks meals for them because he loves Luca, and Luca gives Alberto [SPOILER] because he loves him back.
They share a “I can’t quite put my finger on it but I feel safe, warm, and happy with you, I enjoy your company and what we have, I love the feeling of you being close to me, exchanging warmth and heartbeats, and I feel like this is more than going out on dates or ‘picking out curtains’.” kind of thing.
They’re roommates who kiss and “play house”. They are in love…but express it in their own unique way. They are openly affectionate. They keep people guessing, they confuse the neighbors, they have an “inside joke”.
Alberto lays on the housewife schtick: straightening Luca’s tie and sending him on his way with a packed lunch.
They call eachother heteronormative terms of endearment, mostly to be cheeky. Sarcastic “Honey” or “Dear” followed by someone affectionately ending up in a headlock.
They love to play with the human version of “married life”, little do they realize they’ve grown genuinely accustomed to it.
They’re queer but have no name and nowhere they’d rather be except each other’s arms (that one place that makes perfect sense).
They aren’t married…they never can get married…but that doesn’t stop them from sharing their homes, their beds, and a last name written on their Christmas cards.
In conclusion, humans say they’re gay.
The Paguro’s say “They built a farm together.”
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im-abanana · 1 year
Good omens 2 SPOILERS BELOW!
Let's start off by saying that I never, EVER expected that we would get canon Ineffable Bureaucracy, but here we are, and I'm so happy about it. 🥹
Most importantly, I'd never expected Gabriel and Beelzebub to be a mirror of Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship.
In season 1, Gabriel was the absolute fucking worst.
Self-centered, lacking emphaty, superb, following Heaven's rules to the letter, without a single question, and putting his job as an Archangel (or well, the Supreme Archangel, as we've learned this season) above all else, not really thinking much about Earth, humanity or the opposition's point of view/emotions.
Not only that, but he stubbornly refused to enjoy the life Earth- or anything/anyplace else but Heaven, really- could offer him, in the material (food, music, material objects, ecc...) and emotional sense of the term too, depriving himself of real friendship and love.
Then, he meets Beelzebub in the pub and, for the first time, he feels understood. After 6000 years of bearing the sense of loneliness authority and responsibility imply, and being stuck in his own, bigoted head, he finally finds someone who gets him.
On the other hand, Aziraphale has always been a... peculiar angel, to say the least. He has learned to perfectly blend in with the humans, enjoy their creations and Earth's delicacies, such as food, good music, books, magic tricks, etc... not only that, he "associated" with Crowley, a demon/sworn enemy, since the very beginning!
In season 1, Aziraphale defied God's plan, prevented the Armageddon and disobeyed the Archangels' orders just to keep living on Earth and keep seeing Crowley. Albeit he refuses to acknowledge it, he is a rebel, way more than Gabriel's ever been in 6000 years.
And yet, which one of the two decided not to take Heaven's crap anymore?
Who said "You're casting me down to Hell? Fine, I accept my fate" peacefully, almost happily, knowing they'd finally be with their loved one?
Who ran off to Alpha Centauri?
Who gave up everything they've worked for, everything they've ever known, everything they've believed in?
And Beelzebub, of course.
To say I did NOT see this coming at all is an understatement.
Gabriel, the one filled with so much prejudice, ignorance and selfishness- his royal smugness, Crowley's words- chose Beelzebub and their happiness over everything, over God, only truly knowing them for like... what, 4-5 years (which is the timeskip between season 1 and 2)?
Aziraphale, as heartwrenching as it was to see, chose Heaven over Crowley (FOR NOW). After a 6000 years-old friendship/relationship!
Perhaps, having been so "distant" from Heaven itself, Aziraphale still sees it as something that can be "fixed" if led by the right person/angel (while Gabriel, being so involved in Heaven's management for millennia, probably knows better in that regard, and basically said "fuck it"- I mean, we've seen Metatron and God's behaviour, eesh), plus he's plagued by the guilt and fear of being a bad angel, and risk to Fall.
I believe Aziraphale still sees being a demon as a bad thing, he has this internalized idea he has yet to let go of. And I hope season 3 (hopefully, we'll get it!) will cover that.
Long story short, I loved this season, and I loved how they incorporated Gabriel and Beelzebub in the story.
Some might say their romance was "too quick", and while I would've loved to see more flashbacks, I think it fits.
The Ineffable Husbands are a slow, slow slowburn, and Aziraphale truly needs a wake-up call, to see Heaven for what it truly is: toxic and rotten, as Crowley said.
On the other hand, I liked that Ineffable Bureaucracy happened so "fast"- it's a nice parallel. Gabriel and Beelzebub- people who could be so fierce, cold, nasty and closed-minded in the past- immediately saw the love they had for each other, accepted it and let it change them completely.
Let them both become so affectionate with each other, too. Like, "my sweet", "wherever Beelzebub is, is my Heaven", "where Gabriel is, is forever my Hell", "I was coming to you", "silly angel", are NOT something I thought I'd hear 'em say 😂
Nor I thought "Everyday" would be their song.
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soooliviane · 7 months
My theory about Bella Goth's disappearance
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Oh hell no, I can't see my wife while my eyes are closed…
Recently, I thought about numerous theories about why Bella Goth disappeared of Strangetown, and I actually have my own, let me tell ya.
First, i found 2 pretty famous theories:
- Bella Goth was abducted by aliens, under the order of the Caliente sisters and Don Lothario, was released in Strangetown, ran away to Lunar Lakes (Sims 3), had a girl there and died of old age.
- @alexplayssimsnstuff's post, here's the link
According to me, there are truths and wrongs in both theories. Let me start to explain.
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About Morty and Bella
APS said that things were not going well between Mortimer and Bella because she was unfaithful (romance asp), because they can't belong together if we try to get Bella back, and because he quickly started to date Dina Caliente. Another thing, in the PSP game, Bella tells us that she married Morty only for his money and she stayed for free television (i don't know how to traduce that, in french we say "câble gratuit", she can watch premium channels on TV, for free).
I don't think so.
First, if she was unfaithful, Morty would have memories about it. If they were separated, Cassandra would remember this. I think Bella's romance aspiration should be interpreted as she is not interested in seduction but she loves her husband (look, she refused Don Lothario !)
About the whole "fighting" thing between them, I could have an explanation. I was inspired by the Deathly Hallows in HP, and particularly by the resurrection stone. The story says that when the sorcerer used the stone to bring back his loved one, she was there but distant, cold, because even if she was materially there, she wasn't belonging to the living ones' world. I think this could be the same for Bella. She is there, but her relationship with Morty is not anymore, and she can't rebound because she is not totally alive. The tombstone of L&D isn't a conventional way to resurrect sims. As you could read, I mean that Bella is dead.
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Rare picture of Bella enjoying her "câble gratuit".
What about the "I married Morty for money and TV" thing ? Well, I can't believe that it's true. Remember that they were really friends since they were kiddos, they had so much in common like being paranormal lovers or their Hot Topic vibes. Let's look at the context of the revelation, she is horrified, she wants desperately to leave the city. She is even ready to give you a whole house for a few bucks ! Guys, she's not in her right mind, and I think we all would be like this if we were abducted by aliens, released in an unknown place where there are ghosts, monsters, zombies, a neighbour who kills her husband without being bothered and this freaking cop who eats trashy donuts.
So what about Nina, Dina and Don ?
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Ding dong, here come the taxes !
The story of Dina and Nina calling their alien mates to get rid of Bella so Dina can seduce Morty and take all his money is extremely known by Sims 2 players. Buuut, there's something wrong in this theory. Yes, Dina and Nina are 25% aliens since their dad is born from an alien abduction. But the dad is actually more human than alien, and since he never met aliens again, how the girls are supposed to contact aliens ? Moreover, why would aliens keep contact with like ALL OF THEIR HYBRID BABIES ? Of course Dina is a fortune asp girlie but I don't think she could plot a way to get rid of Bella. Nah, I think it's just a matter of life in which Dina saw a good opportunity to earn more money (I don't think also that she killed Michael Bachelor, even if she cheated on him with Don, she was in love with him). My theory about that is that she was stucked with a lot of debts, and right after she heard about Bella's disappearance (according to me, this would not take long, even if Bella's brother is dead, she still is the only relative alive for the Goth family), she moved in Pleasantview, like a nasty parasite attracted by the smell of fresh flesh… 😈
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POV : You're Don Lothario and you kinda miss your maid's work
What about Donnie, uh ? Well, let's take a look at his situation. Don work in medecine career as an intern (pray for every poor girl this gross man was "treating"…), so he makes almost 600§ a day. He is NOT poor at all. And since he doesn't aspire to money but romance, why would he marry a rich girl just for the money and make more difficult for himself to hook up around ? Being engaged to Cassie is literally a bad memory !! So why did he proposed ? Well, you can see that dear Donnie and Cassie haven't ever "played doctors", surely because Cassie wants to wait for after marriage, and Don is bitchy enough to marry Sandra, or just engage, just to put her in his hunting table.
Soo, what i'm tryna say is that Dina and Don (yep, because Nina has nothing to gain from this so i don't think she's involved), at the beginning, didn't have any intention of hurting Bella. But, now that they are into their own plans, Bella reappearing would be catastrophic for them. Not only because she would return to her place in her household and in Morty's heart, but also because she could ruin Don's relationship with Cassie with these few words : "He tried to F me first". In conclusion, if Bella returned to Pleasantview, Donnie and Dina would seriously have to get rid of her immediately.
If the guilty isn't Morty, Don or Dina, who abducted Bella ??
Easy question, I'll give an answer very quickly : Aliens
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Aah, the sweet taste of deception, but wait, the tea is boiling.
But let's take things as they are. Bella was fascinated by paranormal since her childhood. And fun fact, with Sims 3 Generation, if we try to ask her to go to prom with her, she can refuse, saying that aliens may abduct her.
Bella is a very gorgeous, smart and charismatic woman, it's totally understandable that aliens would want to abduct her and mix their genes with her perfect ones. If I was an alien I would totally want to abduct her (yep, she was one of my first lesbian character crush, who else ??). So, that night Bella disappeared, she was just looking at the stars with Don's telescope and *BAMF* alien abduction, babe ✨
If she was simply abducted by aliens, why she can't go back? Why she is in Strangetown? Why the hell did you say that she's dead ?
Well, you know that there are actually two Bella Goth. One from Pleasantview that is missing. AND one in Strangetown, as a townie, and quite different than the first one.
Indeed, this one has no memories, a different face AND a mess around her name.
If in the original version and a lot of traductions, Pleasantview Bella and Strangetown Bella both share the same name, there are 3 versions where her identity is changed.
- In French, where Pleasantview Bella Goth is "Sonia Gothik", Strangetown Bella Goth is named "Kathy Lalouche" (French version of Kitty Curious, the mother of Pascal, Vidcund and Lazlo). Same thing in Thaï.
- In simplified Chinese, they kept Pleasantview Bella's first name for Strangetown Bella's but changed her last name for the Curious equivalent. Lot of simmers say that it's a mistake made by traducers. But with the same Curious family? And when we are checking ST Bella's datas, we can see that she recognises Vidcund as her sibling, and Jill and John Smith (Jenny Curious/Smith's kids) as her nephews. Vidcund and Jenny also consider her as a sibling. So now you can understand that this name thing is not a random fact. And this plus physical differences, we can conclude that these women are not the same.
What happened to Bella?
Since we can meet real Bella in Strangetown on PSP, we can assume that she ACTUALLY WAS in Strangetown. But what we forgot is that she is alone, no Curious family around her, and more important : she wants to leave the town.
I think that's the last time we have news about her.
Yep, in Sims 3 Ambitions' time travel machine, we can learn that Bella Goth became an alien queen in the future. But sorry not sorry, that's not our Bella. Why would she become a queen of people that traumatized her?
We also learn in Sims 3 world Lunar Lakes that she died there of old age. But it doesn't make sense for two reasons:
- I think that Lunar Lakes is like a very far future. Yep, she could have drank youth serum AGAIN, but where would she find this in freaking Strangetown desert, far from her scientist husband ?
- Why THE HELL would she travel to the FREAKING MOON, when she could just go back to her family and live a kind of normal life far from paranormal and alien things. Little reminder, Strangetown is on Earth, since as a player, we can go into and out of this city, Bella could totally take a bus, or ask tourists to transport her back to "civilization".
Two Bella were released in Strangetown. One is our Bella. She immediately left the Curious' spaceship area, found an abandoned house where to live and lived on the money she had in her pockets (I refuse to assume that a rich lady like her doesn't go out of her house without cash or credit card, idk) and maybe work. But quickly, she found out about Strangetown's weird things and ran away. She met our character at Mambo Loa's Market, sold us her house for all of our money and left, using the money to buy a ticket bus or just ask gently to kind tourists. After a loooong journey, she finally came back to Pleasantview, all happy with the idea of seeing her husband and her children back aaand met Dina and Don, who got rid of her immediately. That's how she died. And since she died in secret, Grim Reaper can't resurrect her, and when we try to invoke her by Tombstone of L&D, she acts so weirdly. Here is the tragic end of Bella Goth.
And what about "Bella Curious" ? Well, she is a clone of Bella Goth, made by aliens and released in Curious' house/spaceship area. Because they are kinda friends with aliens. They "raised" her and treated her like family, in a alien lover's environment.
But why would aliens do that ?
There is this theory that I love very much from Gonz, I'm sharing his Tik Tok down this paragraph. But it basically says that Sims games take place at different periods of time, on a same timeline (Sims 4 doesn't count, EA ruined everything 🤢), and this timeline lands on a tragic end : a doomed future, where aliens have invaded Earth.
But with this theory on mind, don't you wonder how they took power on Earth?
And don't you wonder how "Bella Goth" became Queen of Aliens ?
What if "Bella Curious" had a task on earth, being a kind of a spy for aliens. And since she is beautiful, charismatic and very intelligent, people would just bend the knee in front of her (Actually I, would bend the knee for her…) She filled her mission successfully, and since alien people owe this extraordinary human clone everything, they made her their queen. And, why not, took her to the Moon where she could live her old days peacefully and die of old age.
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
the show never gave us a high school reunion episode which is a staple of procedurals/crime dramas so I came up with one, that's why the dialogue is in script format(ish)
the body of danny's high school guidance councillor is discovered on the school grounds, all ties lead to a huge pool of potential suspects including former students and teachers and maybe even a janitor with mob ties. too many suspects with skeletons in their closets are likely to lie to the police and the case could easily go unsolved.
luckily, danny's 20 year reunion is coming up, so he is asked by the local pd to go undercover and secretly question his classmates because they are more likely to spill the secrets if they don't know they are being investigated, as people love to gossip at this kind of events.
danny initially didn't want to go to the reunion which bummed steve out because he was hoping to tag along and get some of the high school experience he had missed out on, and maybe find out some more about danny's life before they met.
steve: i don't get why you hate the idea so much.
danny: i know my wicked good looks and charming personality may lead you to believe i was popular in high school, but that was not the case. of course, you wouldn't get it, i bet you had girls fighting to the death for the pleasure of going to prom with you.
steve: *looks down* we didn't have one at the academy.
danny: right, sorry, forgot you came off the conveyor belt at the factory fully formed. most of us regular flesh and blood humans don't wish to revisit the awkward teenage years. but that's a moot point right now, i gotta help my buddie at the newark pd.
and so steve ends up tagging along. for back-up, of course.
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(picture steve and danny standing in the ballroom at the reunion as danny explains to him the veritable who and who of his former classmates/suspects)
former prom queen: so where is the lovely mrs. williams?
danny: *looks at steve across the room talking to some people* he's over there. i let him keep his own name, because i'm nice like that. babe?? come over here, don't make me look like a loser who came to his high school reunion by himself.
of course, steve plays along, even tho initially danny rejected the idea of posing as a couple but he understands that being divorced already makes danny feel like a failure on his own, he doesn't want to give the former mean girls material to make fun of him some more. especially because danny has told him he had asked one of them to prom and not only did she laugh she told all of her friends and they all agreed he was punching above his weight.
truth be told steve is all too happy to escape the unwanted attention of soccer mums and some of their bi-curious husbands that were circling him like a bunch of hungry vultures. he would much rather be danny's pretend husband (if it's as close as he gets to the real thing)
everyone cooes over steve and danny, even tho danny knows most of them would not have been this progressive in the 90s, so he privately sneers at what a bunch of hypocrites they are. a part of him, however, enjoys the clear jealous looks of former beauty queens turned soccer mums and bitter divorcées, because yes, he, danny williams, can pull a gorgeous navy seal, whom all of them tried to hit on when they first came on scene, so who's punching about his weight now, brenda?
eventually, they find the information they need, as well as reveal a bunch of other unrelated secrets, and there's even an impressive suspect take-down. danny is grateful that steve helped him get through this unpleasant reunion and vows to somehow make up for one milestone steve had missed out on.
steve: ready to go home?
danny: not quite yet. the principal scheduled a do-over dance after that whole fiasco, and i wondered maybe you would like to go with me? it's not exactly prom but ...
steve: *is touched* i would be lucky to go with you.
danny: who says you are getting lucky after?
steve: *blushes* i didn't mean ...
danny: relax, who knows where the night takes us, i always wanted to make out with the quarterback under the bleachers *he winks*
steve assumed danny was joking (he wasn't) but they still spent a nice evening. they didn't have to maintain the cover anymore but neither felt like ruining the fantasy so they even slow danced to 'i'll stand by you' by the pretenders. if only had steve requested another '95 hit - bon jovi's 'always' danny would have proposed on the spot, but alas, they were still bound by restrictive tv gods.
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nomstellations · 1 month
Scientific Curiosity
happy vore day everybody! this year i'm posting something a little experimental- my first ever piece with digestion! it's nonfatal and all warnings are in the tags, but i wanted to mess w it while still doing something sweet and fluffy. hope you enjoy and happy 8/8!
“Love, you're sure about this…?” The slime nodded, her slimy curls jiggling as she did. Being swallowed whole by her husband was nothing new- Klaus was a researcher studying slimes, and Dulce was a slime seemingly born to be eaten by humans. It was a part of his study, however her request today was a bit…unusual.
Dulce wanted a part of her to be swallowed and digested.
Klaus pushed his glasses up on his nose and sighed. The idea of it made him nervous- what if he hurt her at all? He couldn't live with himself knowing he had…despite her insistence that it'd be fine and she trusted him, he had his doubts. Dulce rested a hand on his shoulder, smiling comfortingly.
“Are you still worried? I mean it, I'll be fine…”
“I know you said that, it's just…what if something goes wrong somehow? I can't bear the thought of losing you, my treat…”
“As long as my core stays out here with me, it'll be fine! Any parts of me I lose only retain feeling for a little while, but that’s all! You already know I’m unharmed when you eat all of me…this is just the same thing, but without all of me!” Seeing the anxious expression on his face and how he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, Dulce leaned in for a gentle kiss. 
“What’s that thing you always say…having a healthy curiosity is good? That’s just what that is! I never get to see it because I’m inside…”
“Alright alright, I get it…” Klaus gave his wife a small smile. She had some impressive control over the sweet slime that made up her body- he could trust her, he’s sure. Dulce had spent a week in secret eating a lot to prepare for this. While she didn't look any different outwardly, her body was a lot more dense with her compressing the added bulk. It meant plenty of excess slime to get rid of, and plenty of material to work with for her little experiment. Dulce was ready and eager to start; she’d wonder what it looked and felt like to be filling out his stomach. Humans and slimes have very different digestive systems, and his fascinated her after getting many close looks at it.
“Okay, I think I’m ready…how do you want me to do this, love?”
Dulce happily presented her arm to him. “Just stick my hand in your mouth and start swallowing! I’ll go all melty so just…um…keep swallowing till you’re full?”
Klaus nodded, gingerly taking her hand and putting it in his mouth. The sweet taste of caramel flooded his senses, and he instinctively started swallowing right away. Caramel was one of his favorite toppings…and his dear wife was made entirely of the stuff!
Dulce watched intently as he started to eat, feeling each gulp pull some of her slime down his gullet. It was an interesting sensation to feel when she was standing right here in front of him, but still vividly experiencing the heat of his internals and the rhythmic swallows that are working her further inside. Each audible gulp made his throat bob; Dulce could get lost watching it go up and down with each swallow. 
Klaus paused, exhaling a sigh through his nose to catch his breath. Dulce felt what he had already eaten splash into his stomach which gurgled quietly. She pressed her hand into his stomach, just barely feeling the pressure from her own hand. Klaus couldn’t help but flush feeling her poke and press around. Her curiosity was lovely to see, but he couldn’t help but feel somewhat…embarrassed? Flustered? Rather than linger on the thought, the scientist opted to continue eating.
Caramel-flavored slime flowed down his throat, and Dulce watched in wonder as his stomach started to fill. It expanded as he ate, growing noisier and firmer under the slime’s hand. She could partially feel the familiar warmth of his stomach and its walls churning around her, causing her to melt just a little bit more. She wished all of her could be happily tucked away inside of her lover, but that would ruin her experiment! And put him in a food coma.
Klaus stopped swallowing, now gently pushing her arm away and out of his mouth.
“Haah…love, I'm full…”
“Oh!” Dulce chirped, resolidifying herself and eagerly pressing her hands against his stomach. It was firm and stretched taut, only allowing her fingers to press into them ever so slightly. Her slime was rather thick, it’d probably soften once digestion started…Dulce happily poked and prodded at his very full stomach, stirring up a quiet belch from her lover. It was cute honestly, seeing her so enthralled by something so simple. Every gurgle, every glorp his belly made while it started to process its meal made her eyes sparkle like stars in the sky. He truly loved Dulce and all her quirks…he also loved getting a belly massage for a change.
The sensation was strangely comforting. From what she could still feel his stomach walls were kneading into her more roughly than what they usually would, and it all felt pleasantly warm and bubbly. Rubbing at his stomach from the outside seemed to stir up his gut more, so Dulce focused her efforts on massaging it. The gurgles and burbling got louder and the warmth was picking up, and his stomach felt just a bit softer under her hands. Too bad the sensation was starting to leave her- it was getting noisier, too!
All this work had an effect on Klaus, too. He seemed to be dozing off, full and comfortable as his stomach had its aches massaged away by her curious hands. Maybe it will be time for a nap after this…
“Dear, can I lay down? I’m getting rather tired…” Dulce nodded, and Klaus shifted to lay back on the couch. While he got settled and closed his eyes, she got an idea. His stomach might make for a nice pillow…
The slime clambered up, draping herself over him and resting her head on his stomach. All of the feeling from her now separated slime was gone now as digestion kicked in, and the noises his gut was making were VERY audible. It was constantly burbling and churning in an effort to break down all the thick slime, the muscles inside were probably squeezing and pushing around pretty roughly. Dulce closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to be inside. Constantly being massaged by those powerful walls, bathing in warm bubbly digestive juices…
Maybe later on she’ll ask Klaus if he’ll swallow all of her again. It won’t feel quite the same of course, she won’t be harmed and make his stomach nearly as active…but she felt a lot of comfort being tucked away inside of him. In the meantime she would rest here and let the other part of herself work on being food, providing her with a comforting symphony of glorps and burbles and a slowly-softening pillow to sleep on.
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My thoughts on Spy x Family Chapter 80
New chapter, new review, yeehaa! Everybody, calm down, calm down! This is not a drill! My heart is still beating fast from the excitement of this new chapter. I need to breathe in order to organize my thoughts and start here! Needless to say, manga spoilers ahead.
Firstly, thank you for all the support on my last review, I definitely was not expecting it, and I'm glad some of you (many!) enjoyed it, thank you, truly. I will keep uploading my thoughts here, since it's really pleasing to write about something I absolutely adore. Now, let's start! (well, I spent 10 unexpected minutes trying to find this chapter online in English, this was quite frustrating, but oh well, that's life. Thanks to the discord server, you saved my ass).
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I'm surely glad Endo and his team choose to not time skip this, I mean, genuinely glad. Honestly, I was afraid of that, many important subjects of the manga (specially TwiYor related) has been time skipped or not given the right amount of attention immediately. Have you guys noticed that too? It's not exactly a complaint, I understand some matters need to be addressed later. But, yeah, I'm thrilled they went right into the next day, It shows that this matter is really relevant for some sort of change in their dynamics, at least, I believe that.
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Loid is such a great husband and father material, I mean, look at him! His slightly messy hair, not combed back, gives him such a carefree look. And little miss Anya is as adorable as ever.
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Becky is a whole mood! Martha covering her mouth had me rolling. Our girl is totally amazed by her crush. And so are we, I mean, can we judge? Look. At. Him! His tiny smile when he says 'good morning'.
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Our poor assassin is shaking with nervousness. Again, can we judge her? LOOK AT HIM. Okay, sorry, overreacting is my coping mechanism. By the way, I love Yor's hair down, she looks lovely.
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All right, Loid is charming, asking if she rested well and worried about her drinking. I don't believe this is a façade, he is truly worried about her, he always is, but unable to admit it is not solely for the mission. And Yor thinking her coworkers being right, our girl is so confused.
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Her face, look at her face. Her train of thought is not at all well oriented. For me, appearing normal to her equals being accepted by others, but mainly by her family she doesn't yet realize she loves. Besides, being normal to her also means covering up her job, which means protecting and being able to provide a better country for the ones she loves. I think that's quite honorable, and it mirrors a lot of Twilight's principles.
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She is so hesitant, simply because she doesn't know. She doesn't have any gripes, but by believing that having them equals normality, she is totally pushed to find something, besides, she is worried about Loid having gripes about her and that's lovely.
We all know Yor has problems with her self-esteem when she is not in her Thorn Princess mode, and she worries a lot about being a good wife and mother to Anya. So, this is something recurrent on her mind, which leaves her insecure and I believe Loid gives her confidence to speak up and try to be better for them. Again, she is honorable and so is he. Moving on!
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The PANIC™ on his face. Our poor spy was not expecting this at all. And WORSE, he is a highly trained spy on human expressions, but still, he can't tell she is lying, his train of thought is not oriented as well. I wonder, what is blurring it? What is provoking his lack of discernment? I wonder.
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Damn, Yuri, what a great timing. Again, look at Loid's expression. He is devastated. Poor man. I'm still perplexed at his lack of insight, he is the best Spy of Westalis, a legend, but still, Yor disarmed him. And that means a LOT about their dynamic.
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Needless to say that I burst out laughing. I love Yuri's intensity.
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Yor defending Loid is so charming. And Yuri is a mood, we can't say he is a bad brother. He tries to be present, but I believe he is trying even more now that Yor is married, it's funny to see. Also, he just goes in? Like, does he have the key or something? Haha.
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'I just wanted to make our marriage look normal too' again with this concept of ideal normality. She is constantly trying, for her own reasons, but for them.
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Loid is so done, haha. And Yor stuttering when she said they are not getting divorce, our girl is nervous, she wants this family so bad.
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Twilight mode: ON. Still, he is so nervous, deep down, this is not the best spy of Westalis. This is a man, a father, and a husband wanting for this to be fixed, for his wife to feel better. It's not for the mission, Loid, sorry to break it to you. Not sorry. He isn't even real. I'll be better when my medication kicks in, sorry.
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'No, just since yesterday'. She is so... I don't even have the words. I guess, random? Look at her face. She is basically telling him 'Nah, I love you, I'm just confused about this very same topic'. She says he didn't do anything, be coherent, Yor! She can't, she is in love
And Loi Loi trying to calm down himself in the process of almost panicking over not being good enough for his wife is everything to me. There has to be a reason, he said. Yeah, duh, she wanted to kissy kiss you. Very much so.
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'Inadvertent oversight', phew, am I really bilingual? Truly? Damn. Look at those dorks' faces when they are side to side, so cute, talking to each other before saying goodbye.
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He is quite worried about her finding out about his true identity. I wonder if it is because he is, deep down, afraid she will leave him once she founds out. He doesn't want to be alone again. Almost lifeless, like Sylvia's life is now, without her family. Damn, I'm going to cry.
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All I see is a Twilight trying to justify his genuine will to apologize, using “the mission” and spy protocols to cover it. Nothing can convince me otherwise, am I delusional? Probably, girl, go take your meds.
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Poor Loid, he is so confused. It reminds me of one of the last chapters where he is like 'real marriage sure sounds difficult'. Oh, well, it hits close to home, huh? I see what you did here, Endo.
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This is not Twilight. Maybe, like, some percentage, but not all.
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He is SO confused, I'm dying. She is basically telling him 'that's the problem, you are too perfect, I need to complain about something, make me suffer for the sake of normality in marriage (?)', I mean, Loid, ma boi, I would also be confused. And her blushing, so adorable.
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Preach, girl! I mean, can we acknowledge how important is it that Yor said that? 'This is a marital issue between me and my husband!', no stuttering, no hesitation, to her own brother. This is HUGE.
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I absolutely hate this phone. I could tear it down to pieces.
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I love Yuri realizing Yor said that she is Mrs. Forger, he is so shocked it's funny to see. Also, she is getting used to it, to saying it, It's a huge improvement since the beginning of the manga. I already told you guys I absolutely hated this phone call?
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Look at her blushing face when she comes out with a huge act. Loid's face is hilarious. And Yuri? Yes, boy, she is that eager to spend time with her husband. Kinda.
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He is really sorry! Poor Loid. And Yor is cute, her reasoning gets me rolling every. single. time. She is a special girl, I love her.
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BOND MA BOI, you lost the huge gossip going around your house like that? For a nap? I mean, It sure seems like a really good nap, but we kinda need you to see the future right now, If you wouldn't mind. And Yuri is wild, I love him, but he is totally wild. His mind is as... peculiar, as his sister's is.
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'Even Yor?' Oh boy, you don't even know half of it, Loi-Loi.
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Look at Yuri running. I'm so done. This chapter has served us a lot.
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Yor is herself again! Loid's mind note: Never offer alcohol to Yor, ever.
No more images are allowed on my post, so I wanted to end it here with my view on the next pages. I'm surely worried. I mean, this is getting really serious. It is a whole new arc coming, and I'm worried about our cherished fake family. Yuri is on Ostania's side, receiving orders to not let WISE interfere, and Loid is defending Westalis and the peace between the countries at all costs. I'm wondering what could happen next. What are your guesses?
I'm sincerely worried about the documents being decoded and the positions of the agents being undiscovered, but mainly about Operation Strix, of course, they are my everything. My guess is that the documents will be recovered, however, so many things can happen in order for this to happen.
I thought a little bit about Yuri finding out about Twillight being Loid (in combat), but I believe that's unlikely, since our famous spy is a master in disguises. Yet, him finding out due to these documents being leaked does not sound pleasant. Can you tell I'm worried? I'm EXTREMELY worried, there are so many possibilities and I have no idea what will happen. I'm counting the days till the next chapter.
Hope you guys enjoyed my ultralonghowareyoustillhereandalive? Review. Feel free to comment what you think here. I'm posting this as I wrote, so if I find some grammar or spelling mistakes later on, I will fix it. 1731 words, more than 30 screenshots and a few hours later, phew, I'm tired. Thank you!
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tsotf-fic · 2 months
♚ chapter 1 - when stars collide ♛
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ii. birds of paradise
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The Royal Family departed Cantham House for the Imperial Palace right as the Coruscant sun began to set. Within the speeder, nobody dared to speak under the looming shadow of Imperial surveillance.
Y/N leaned up against the transparisteel window, wistfully looking upon the planetwide city. Coruscant was unlike any other metropolis planet; as far as the eye could see, there were absolutely no traces of life that weren't artificially transplanted from somewhere else. To many, including the Organas, it served as a cold reminder of the effect humans had on the galaxy.
If planets were considered living beings, she pondered, Coruscant would certainly be considered a droid.
"Be careful not to smudge your makeup, dear," Breha said, breaking the silence and snapping Y/N out of her daydream.
To the untrained eye, Breha maintained an air of queenly confidence and serenity, but her family could tell she absolutely radiated with anxiety.
Bail gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled. "She'll be fine, my love. We all will."
Feathers rustled as Leia shifted uncomfortably in her dress. "I still have a bad feeling about this," she muttered under her breath.
The speeder landed on the platform just outside of the Imperial Palace, where a crowd of dignitaries, politicians, and socialites from all corners of the galaxy rushed to enter the party first. Each person seemed desperate to outperform the other with their custom-made costumes commissioned from the best designers in the galaxy. The costumes themselves included animals, historical and legendary figures, and various other symbols of planetary cultures.
Leia scoffed. "I bet the materials used to make those are worth more than entire planets in the Outer Rim!"
"I doubt anyone else here cares," Y/N replied, subtly gesturing towards a gaggle of visibly intoxicated politicians.
"Girls, please do not stare at your colleagues," Breha said under her breath with a fake smile plastered on her face.
Bail stifled a laugh as he watched none other than Representative Binks trip over the tail of his blarth costume. "How he manages to stay in power is certainly one of the galaxy's greatest mysteries," he whispered to Y/N and Leia, earning a glare from his wife.
"Perrin! This is a formal celebration, not an excuse for you to get drunk!"
Mon Mothma's husband stumbled out of the crowd. Sparkling, crystalline triangles jutted out from his outfit at all angles, and one could only assume it was meant to mimic the crystal cliffs north of Hanna city, albeit a very gaudy version.
"I jus' wanted to have a li’l fun before the party starts," he slurred, completely oblivious to his wife's anger at the spectacle he was causing. "It's a celebration! I'm celebrating!"
"Not like that," Mon retorted, practically dragging him by his collar. Whether intentional or not, her costume directly contrasted his with its organic, blossom-covered branches twisting elegantly around the lush green fabric of her dress. "If you plan on acting this way the whole night, don't even bother returning to the embassy!"
Most bystanders turned away in embarrassment as the Chandrilan senator berated her husband. Mon did her best to maintain her composure, but she was clearly on the edge of tears; it didn't help that Perrin's inebriated friends loudly tried to egg them on.
Breha and Bail exchanged sympathetic, knowing glances, almost as though they had an unspoken secret language–they were practically Lorrdians when compared to their Chandrilan counterparts.
Perrin wriggled out of his wife's grip and turned around to point an accusing finger at her. "And you wonder why your daughter hates you!" He hobbled off, leaving Mon standing there, flustered and humiliated. However, something about the way she quickly regained her composure told Y/N that she was happy to be rid of him.
Mon’s tear-pricked eyes lit up when she saw the apprehensive Alderaanian girl.
"Y/N, dear, how are you? My, you look so beautiful," she said, placing a hand on the side of Y/N's cheek, her face glowing with pride.
"It's so nice to see you, Auntie Mon! But I guess the situation requires that I refer to you as Senator Mothma," Y/N laughed.
"Oh, please, there's no need for that. People are already judging me for that little fiasco, so what harm would it do for us to drop a little formality?"
With that, the senator immediately drew in the younger woman for a tight embrace, albeit yielding enough to prevent their costumes from being crushed together. Y/N didn't know if it came from the flowers on her aunt's dress or a perfume on her skin, but something about the warm, delicate scent made her feel so calm, so at home. Perhaps it was just a reflection of its wearer's personality: gentle and elegant, with hidden strength beneath the surface, everything Y/N aspired to be. It pained her so much to see someone she held in such high regard be treated so poorly.
"We're here, too, you know," Bail's voice rang, interrupting their embrace.
"I figured as much, Your Highness," Mon playfully retorted. She pulled away from Y/N, giving her one last smile as she wiped the remnants of tears from the corners of her eyes, and went to greet her colleague. "It's always a pleasure to see the Royal Family."
After exchanging bows with the Viceroy and Queen of Alderaan, she turned to the young princess and her eyes lit up again, although not as bright as they were for Y/N.
"Ah! Matching costumes, how charming! I wonder whose idea that was." She turned to look at Breha, who let out an uncharacteristically loud laugh.
"What better way to compensate for our lack of costumes than by showcasing Alderaan's loveliest young ladies?" The queen responded, resting her hands on both girls' shoulders.
"I still think a costume would have suited you well, mother. You and father would have made for quite the pair of swans," Leia said with a tinge of sarcasm behind her voice as she patted her mother's hand.
"Well, perhaps you're right, but I'm afraid there are more pressing matters than us arriving at the ball as a flock of birds."
"I would have liked to be a bird," Bail chimed in, earning a chorus of laughter in response.
Y/N laughed along with the group, but something about the whole conversation felt stilted, awkward, especially considering how well they all knew each other. Perhaps it had to do with the discomfort of her being a mere noble in the presence of planetary leaders; as much as they tried to include her, she never truly fit in among them. They couldn't help that, though, none of them could. It was just the way things were. So, she continued to smile as she always did.
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fanfiction by @kaleidoscope1967eyes
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coralinnii · 2 years
Azul Ashengrotto (crossroad demon!Azul x singer!Reader)
genre: horror, twisted infatuation
note: mentions of infidelity, mentions of angels and demons, manipulation, no pronouns are used
summary: He may be greedy but he knows that good things come to those who wait. And the moment the wait is over and you decided to make the deal, it would be worth it.
series index
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The voice of the century, they would call you. A once-in-a-lifetime entertainer with unchallenged charm and talent. You were someone so unbelievable that many are left in awe of your existence as though you were blessed by angels…
Though others suspect that you instead made a deal with the Devil.
Rumours were bound to appear at the height of your fame and many of them are outright laughable…but some are unsettlingly close to the truth. You didn’t turn to demons for your talents.
You were in need of something else.
“Azul” you called out in the middle of nowhere alone, tears in your eyes. To outsiders, they may call you pitiful and deranged. But the locals who knew where you were standing on, they would call you desperate for trouble.
“We meet again, my dear. Have you decided on our deal?”
In a blink of an eye, you were faced with a well-dressed man with a face to match his impeccable style. In your career, you’ve met many people with enviable looks but your eyes were more easily drawn to this man dressed to the nines, complimented by his devilish smile.
Your familiarity with this supernatural being was due to your initial indecisiveness, as this wasn’t your first meeting with this otherworldly deal-maker.
Your first meeting came from your impulsive desire to get revenge when you suspect your husband’s affair, with your own sister of all people. Your hometown spoke of legends with demons and the deals they would make with humans, from wishes of money and fame to revenge and even death upon their enemies. Your friends often joked about making such agreements and gossiped as to how to obtain the materials needed to summon such negotiable demons. Growing up, you were sure that you never attempt such a dangerous gamble.
But you cracked.
Your rage fueled you as you dug the ground at an infamous crossroads at the outskirts of an old town, but your humanity made you hesitate.
“I-I don’t know what to do. I love them both, but they lied to me!” You sobbed to which Azul handed you a handkerchief as a form of faux sympathy.
The fair-haired “man” gave an empathetic nod but he was masking his greedy desires. He had a chance to hear your natural talent and despite the toxic environment the world of entertainment is, your soul remained deliciously pure, so temptingly sweet to demons like him and his higher-ups. He found himself getting enchanted by you and how you were a complete contrast to those he had encountered in his centuries-long lifetime.
Ah, could he dare to indulge in your voice as he indulges in you in Hell? To hear your screams as he takes delight reaping the spoils for his troubles?
Azul was close to dragging you into his grasp when you battled internally as you choose between your love for your cherished ones and the hidden desire to violently right the wrong they’ve done to you.
He was so close to you now, he can’t just let you go! He had to keep you tempted.
“Why don’t you take your time, my dear? My only desire is to make your wish come true” he offered his services, his smile ever present on his handsome face “Return here and I shall appear, none of that bothersome ritual required”
He gently pulled the handkerchief away from your shaking hands, only to carefully wipe the remaining stray tears on your cheeks. He leaned close to you, bringing his lips dangerously close to your ears as he whispered a name, his.
“Call my name, and I shall appear for you, and only you”
Oh, if his colleagues could hear him now.
Others may think he lost his mind to let you walk away without payment of any sorts, but he knew best. He already knew the truth of the affair and soon you will be running back, right into his arms begging for his aid. Which you did, as he predicted.
“I can’t believe this! After everything I’ve done for them!” You cried helplessly in the arms of the demon, breaking apart from the reality of the betrayal.
Azul softly soothed you, caressing the back of your head as you took comfort on his chest. He patiently waits for you to calm yourself, grinning to himself as he already had something in mind for his deal with you.
He would rid the pain in your heart, erase the objects that stand in your way of happiness, perhaps even promise to ensure you would never enter a painful relationship again (or any, he mused). Azul Ashengrotto, the ambitious deal-maker of the underworld, can make any and all of your wishes come true.
So long as you can give him what he wants.
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wrenjacobswrites · 1 year
Title: Averno
By: Me :)
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Marvel/Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Ship: Namor/Shuri
Summary: The internal validity (or weakness) of the plan to marry and breed with Namor would be if the God would even honor this agreement of not killing Riri if Shuri gave him what he wanted: her. Men have told bigger lies than this to get laid.
If he goes back on his word, I will kill him myself. A part of Shuri said. A part she barely recognized, a part that awakened in her after her brother died.
Persephone is having sex in hell.
Unlike the rest of us, she doesn't know
what winter is, only that
she is what causes it.
Author’s note: I decided to delete this from ao3 because I wasn’t happy with the way it was written. Also, because of my job I have no time to give it the love it deserves and whoever reads this deserves a better fanfic. I’ll leave this upon my tumblr for anyone who wants to read it. Thanks so much for the support, guys! It might reappear one day in better condition.
The dress was damp and heavy with humidity as it leaked down to her ankles. The material was thin, and the jades strung on the neckline was cold and clung to her skin. The cave housing Namor’s dwelling was dark and quiet, like the end of her brother’s funeral. If it wasn’t for the fact that she saw her new husband standing in the doorway with a smile on his face and his warriors surrounding him, she would’ve thought she was alone.
There was no moon underneath the sea, honey or otherwise. This next part was not meant to be sweet. This is a political marriage, meant to bond the kingdoms of Wakanda and Talokan. Namor had asked for her hand in exchange for the life of Riri. Shuri had agreed quickly and Namor’s face had lit up as if the sunshine fell upon it. Maybe this was his plan all along.
“You are like the sun,” Namor began.
“Hard to look at?” Shuri said. She tried to drown her nervousness in humor—a familiar situation. It instead formed a rock in the pit of her stomach. It was the type of wordplay that would earn her a soft chuckle from T’Challa. T’Challa would’ve searched the entire ocean for her. He wouldn’t approve of this, but he was not here. He was nowhere. He’s dead and he took the Black Panther with him.
“Radiant.” Namor continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “Come.” He held out his hand. Shuri took it, it was hot—if he were human, he’d be in the hospital. He had to be at least 115 degrees. He led her into the dwelling. He let her hand go before unraveling the cloth partition above the door until it fell down, covering the entrance, leaving Namora and Attuma outside.
The only light was a flickering fire making the room shadow wet. It was separated from her by a wooden table weighed down with fish, fruit, silver and glass bottles filled with liquids of mysterious origins, and a bar of dark chocolate.
Underneath her naked feet was a woven rug that wasn’t there before and to her left was a bed tucked in the corner that definitely wasn’t there before. It was covered with brown furs. Shuri stopped herself from gulping. It’s just sex, people do it all the time, even for fun. You haven’t. The judgmental voice in her head said. Shuri frowned as she walked to the fire and rested her hands above the flames. Her palms warmed, the clammy cold melting away. Finally, some warmth and light. Being underneath the world with Namor felt like living inside a sapphire.
Namor went to her, his arm touching hers. The orange blaze of the fire sewn shards of ruby in his dark eyes. The right side of his face was covered in shadow as he smiled at her.
“I apologize for the temperature, my Queen.”
Shuri smiled. “Oh, I’ll be fine. I mean, what can you do? You’re only a God.”
This time Namor did chuckle. “Do you really think me a God?”
“No. There are no Gods.” Shuri said. If there were, they would’ve saved my brother who was just and good. He was Bast’s greatest warrior, and she let him die.
“Hm.” Namor said with a frown. Her stomach sank.
“But your people would die for you without hesitation, so you’re just as good as one.” Shuri rushed out before watching the floor like a wilting flower. Hopefully she wasn’t screwing up the marriage already. At least wait until Riri is safe. Jeez.
Namor turned to her. He pointed his index finger under her chin and guided it up until she watched him. She had never seen eyes so dark. They were like coal. “Never change your answer, yourself, for me. I married the princess of Wakanda, not a spineless jellyfish.”
“Even a jellyfish has her sting.” Shuri said before watching the fire again. Namor placed his large hand on her lower back, making her feel thin and breakable. He pulled her close, leaned in, his soft breath tickled her earlobe and made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. He smelled of wildflowers and honey. She turned her head toward him and moved her mouth toward his too quickly. Their teeth smacked together.
“Ah, shoot.” Shuri covered her mouth with her hand, trying to quell the dull, throbbing pain of the front of her teeth—they weren’t broken, and she wasn’t bleeding but still, ow. Namor looked completely unfazed.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked.
“Are you made of diamond? Jeez.”
Namor chuckled. “No, I am flesh. Though a sturdier kind.”
Shuri would love to see a piece of his DNA underneath a microscope, find out what makes him as strong and tough as a rhino. She pushed that thought down. What an odd thing to think on your wedding day.
“I see.” Shuri said. “Should we try again?”
“I would like that.” Namor cupped the side of her face with his soft hand, holding her in place as he dipped down for a kiss. His lips were soft as a rose petal. Her eyes fluttered closed. She pressed back tentatively, tangling her fingers in her dress just to hold onto something. Namor put his thumb under her bottom lip and pulled down slightly. She got the idea and opened her mouth and he drunk her in—he tasted like the sea—briny and salty, but it was as sweet as wine in her mouth. The kiss was mixed with the flavor of fruit seeds she couldn’t name that Namor fed her earlier.
She’d only ever been kissed once and it was through her breathing apparatus about an hour ago, during the wedding ceremony. Now it's all-consuming, like water. Her hands shook as he gripped the nape of her neck to keep their mouths together. He didn’t need to breathe but Shuri did, so he put one of her hands between them until it found his chest and pressed against it. He pulled back until his hot breath buzzed against her lips.
Shuri shivered. There was fluttering in her stomach. “What now?”
Namor’s hand cupped the front of her throat, and his fingers close around her neck, gently. It was as if he couldn’t stop touching her. His thumb tugged at the corner of her mouth, dipping in slightly. Shuri’s face was on fire, but she kept their gazes locked.
“We are to consummate our marriage.” Namor said as he nodded toward the bed in the corner of the room before watching her again. “And we cannot leave this room until we do.”
“O-oh.” Shuri said. She had ‘the talk’ with her mother when she first bled at age thirteen. The Queen wanted her to be in her thirties, married, and in love before she so much as even looked at a man in a sensual manner and the man had better have been an upstanding Wakandan, rich like the handsome grandson of the Merchant Tribe elder. What would mother think if she could see her now, married to what could’ve been Wakanda’s destruction? A man—a king, a God who coerced her into his bed under threat of the life of another if she refused him? Would the queen think it noble or foolish? Hopefully Shuri would get the chance to ask her.
“I don’t mean to rush you.” Namor said gently.
“I know.” Shuri said too quickly, her face heating. “King, I mean, K'uk’…Jeez, I am very sure I am butchering your title.”
“You may call me king.”
“And Namor?”
“If you find it easier to pronounce.”
“King, Namor, I’ve never…ahem. I’m a virgin.”
“Ah, I see.” Namor said. He looked a little too pleased. “I trust you’re familiar with the concept?”
Round pegs in circular holes—Shuri couldn’t help but to think but thank Bast it didn’t come out of her mouth. She’d never been into pornography, and she thought more about algorithms than boys but she’s a woman of science, she knows the mechanics of most things and how bodies fit together to form new bodies. It’s simple math, 1+1=2.
“I am and I am ready.” Shuri said with more confidence than she felt. She couldn’t deny that Namor is beautiful, sculpted from marble like Adonis drizzled in caramel. Tall and broad with eyes and hair as dark as the deep sea. His personality so far is loving, gentle. She could almost forget the circumstances—the fight—that preceded the marriage, the abduction to the underworld. The threat of the death of Riri if Shuri didn’t give him what he wanted. Shuri could pretend that this was all her choice and that she was in love. Namor made it easy.
Namor’s eyes were heavy lidded, and his lips were slightly apart. He looked as if he was enchanted by her. He smoothly went behind her. On the back of her dress was jade buttons leading down to the top of her bottom. Obviously, this was the only way of getting it off safely. Namor popped them open one by one until the dress slipped down to her elbows, baring her unsexy undershirt underneath it. She wore no bra because she didn’t need one. Her breasts were small—too small. She pulled off the sleeves until the dress pooled down to ankles, revealing her boy cut underwear. She turned to face Namor, and he pulled her into a kiss. She looped her arms around his neck and drew him close until there was no space between them. He placed his hands on her sides—the dusky strip of skin between her undershirt and underwear sticking to Namor’s warm stomach. He was so solid-strong. It felt like he could snap her in half without even trying. Hopefully he’ll keep that in mind when they…have intercourse. He lifted her up with his hands under her thighs and she crossed her ankles behind him. She tightened her arms around his neck, and she clung to him. He pressed his lips under her jaw, causing a tingle to run down her spine as he walked with her to the bed. He placed her on it with care before climbing over her—the bed complained under their weight.
She thought she would lose her virginity on holiday in New York City. There would be candles and mood music. There would be rose petals on the bed and chocolate covered strawberries. It would be after a fancy dinner and a night on the town. Her lover never had a specific gender, but she couldn’t imagine in a million years it would’ve been a God of a world below.
Namor’s skin was the color of a reddish gold sunset. Eyes and hair as dark as the depths. Tongue soft. He inches back and placed his big hand on her stomach. She took a shaky breath as he swept his thumb over the bumps of her ribs, he watched her like she was a work of art, like she left him speechless.
“My Queen.” He said lowly as he dipped down to press his lips against hers for a beat before pulling back. “The prophesies do not do you justice.”
“Prophesies?” Shuri asked as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him down over her until there was no space between them.
“I was to be married to a daughter of earth and fire. She would be patient, selfless, beautiful…and unite the kingdoms of land and sea.”
“How do you know I’m her?”
“How could you not be? Eyes the color of coffee bean, skin brown silk, and a rage that could burn a third of the surface world’s trees and green grass. A hail of fire mixed with with blood.”
“From the Christian book of revelations. 8:7.” Shuri said.
“And unbelievably intelligent. I’ve waited centuries for you.” Namor said as he hooked his fingers in the hem of her underwear. She lifted her hips as he slid them down her legs. Her forehead was damp from sweat. No man had ever seen this much of her. She slipped off her undershirt and it pooled on to the floor. Her hand went up to cover her breasts, but Namor pinned her arms above her head with one of his hands gripping her wrists. “Every inch of you is perfection.”
“I-I bet you say that to every queen on your wedding night.” Shuri joked, flexing her wrists clutched in his fist. Namor must’ve taken what she said seriously.
“There have been no others.”
“So, you’re a 500-year-old virgin?”
Namor chuckled before brushing his lips against hers. “No. I know what I am doing.”
“That makes one of us.”
“Were you never curious?” Namor asked.
“I consider myself a girl—ahem, a woman of science. I know the ins and uh, outs,” Phrasing, boom! Shuri couldn’t stop herself from thinking. “But I’m not much of a porno person.”
“Oh, of course you don’t know what that is.” Shuri could smack herself upside the head. “It’s…on the surface world some people are paid to, um, simulate breeding for others to…see.”
Namor’s eyebrows rose. Shuri’s face could’ve been on fire. This was so awkward. Bast.
“It’s a form of erotic..stimulation.” Shuri tried to explain away.
“I illustrate paintings.” Namor said as if he were trying to make her feel better. “For erotic stimulation.”
Shuri pressed her lips against his to bring his attention back to the subject at hand, instead of how hard she’s bombing. He let her wrist go and weighed her down, the vibranium covering him glittering in the fire. Namor pulled back and stood, carefully removing the jewelry across his neck and decorating his arms. He placed them on the nightstand. He then unhooked that WWE championship like metal belt before sliding those tiny green shorts down his strong legs. He unlatched his footwear.
Shuri had never seen a man naked outside of an artistic context. The reflection of the flames danced across the expanse of his wide chest, his stomach was taught, his…down there looked too big to fit inside her and was covered with black hair on the base. Now they’re both naked. Namor knelt between her legs and took her ankle in one of his hands to spread her open.
“Wait, what about protection?” Shuri asked.
“I don’t think you have a disease that could be transmitted sexually, but I wonder about preventing pregnancy.”
“Preventing? My Queen, that is the entire point of us lying together.”
“Wait, what? Now?”
“Yes, now.” Namor said. “The daughter of earth and fire will bear the son of air and water a child that could walk between worlds.”
“A child? I’m only twenty.”
“You are of sexual maturity for a human.”
“I am but…I’m not sure I want to be a mother yet.”
“This was our agreement. You are my Queen. There are certain responsibilities that come with that title, certain sacrifices.”
“So, it has to be now?”
“According to the prophesies, you conceive on our wedding night.” Namor said. “I do not go against prophesies.”
“Then?” He said lowly, dangerously.
Shuri swallowed thickly. Just when she thought marrying Namor to save Riri couldn’t be any less of a plan, he wanted to get her pregnant! Could she call this whole thing off? He only agreed to spare the student if Shuri became his queen. This would be seen as a dealbreaker and then it’ll be all out war. He would kill Riri and probably her, dragging Wakanda into a conflict with the entire ocean. Bast! Okay, just because she’s getting pregnant doesn’t mean she has to stay pregnant—morning after pill and all that. She’ll give him what he wanted and figure a way out later.
“…Neither shall I.” Shuri finished as she spread her thighs. A smile rose on Namor’s face as he gently cupped his hands under her knees, holding her open as he slides in between her thighs. He lets one of her knees go before using his finger to slide down to her entrance. She kept her legs open as he dipped his finger inside her. She bit her lip against the slight burn. He used his thumb to rub against her clitoris. Her breathing picked up as the sensation of pleasure washed over her. Namor stuck his finger into the hilt and held it there, never letting up on rubbing her button. Her moans were breathy, and her toes curled. Her mouth dropped open as Namor watched her as if he were enchanted.
“The sounds you make…” Namor said, as soft as candlelight. “You are music, you are art, you are everything.”
Shuri wanted to cover her face—flattered, but embarrassed. She had no idea how to respond to any of that, but he stuck another finger in her and she cried out—her voice repeated through the quiet dwelling. Hopefully Riri couldn’t hear that. Shuri’s not sure the student would agree with this plan. The internal validity (or weakness) of the plan to marry and breed with Namor would be if the God would even honor this agreement of not killing Riri if Shuri gave him what he wanted: her. Men have told bigger lies than this to get laid.
If he goes back on his word, I will kill him myself. A part of Shuri said. A part she barely recognized, a part that awakened in her after her brother died.
Her eyes fluttered closed as Namor kept his index and middle finger deep inside her while rubbing clit. She tangled her fingers in the fur blanket under her while using her other hand to push at his stomach, not sure what she wanted. She bit her lip and rocked her hips against his fingers, urging him to move. He took his fingers away and tucked them in his mouth. Shuri shuddered, her…down there…felt too empty and wet. Her breathing was shallow and there was a slickness on her skin that wasn’t due to humidity. She didn’t need to lie back and think of Wakanda to get through procreating with Namor. She wanted this. She was ready.
She sat up and climbed into his lap, holding herself to him by wrapping her arms around his neck. He gasped—probably at her body heat and how close her entrance was to his dick. He steadied her with his arm around her waist, keeping her flush against him, her breasts against his chest. His chuckle was deep, and it vibrated through his body like a purr.
“Never in my centuries of living have I had a maiden not be intimidated by me.”
“If you want to be intimidating, you shouldn’t wear those tiny green shorts.”
Namor laughed lowly. “You surprise me, my Queen. The lack of deference…”
“Would you like me to use deference?” Shuri asked before stealing his answer by giving him a wet kiss. He shuddered against her before they pulled apart.
“You should. I am K'uk'ulkan.” Namor said.
Shuri pulled back an inch to look into his eyes. She needed to gauge how serious he was. If she was screwing this up somehow…He looked as if he were under her own personal spell. What he wanted was an equal, after being revered all his life. He didn’t want Shuri to be afraid to look him in the eyes or hold her tongue. He wanted a queen, not a concubine. She could be that for him.
“And I was the princess of the most powerful nation in the world.” Shuri said. “Now I am queen of another. Perhaps it is you who should use deference.”
Namor answered by pressing their lips together with the intensity of a punch—well, that’s not true. Her jaw would be broken because Namor seemed like he was molded from the same vibranium he usually wore on his chest. He picked her up like she weighed as much as a feather before taking her over to the wooden table in the middle of the room. He knocked the plates of grapes and fish to the ground. The wine bottle shattered into confetti as it soaked into the cracks in the floor like blood. Shuri inwardly groaned, she wanted some of that.
Namor laid her on the table, bending over to kiss her again. Shuri’s thighs bracketed his waist, as his dick rubbed against her entrance. He sighed into her mouth as he rocked against her, never fully getting inside her. Shuri burned down there—she needed him in, so she angled her hips down. Namor stood up from her and wrapped his strong hand against the front of her neck to keep her pinned to the table. He used his other hand to grab the base of his dick and press it into Shuri. Shuri groaned as he entered her, slowly pushing into until he couldn’t anymore.
Shuri squeaked as she grasped the side of the table. She clenched her eyes shut against the burn and unbearable pleasure of being full. He was deep inside her—she could almost feel it in her stomach. She clenched around him, trying to get use to his girth. She was sticky with sweat, her lips quivered.
Namor took deep, slow breaths—as if he were trying to contain himself. It was irritating how composed he was trying to be. Always dignified. What could she do to break that composure? Shuri laid still, waiting for the raw newness of being penetrated to fade. When she became slicker, she moved her hip down causing him to slide even deeper into her.
He gasped—the mask of calmness finally slipping. He gripped the end of the table, the sturdy wood crumbling in his hand like granola. That made Shuri freeze.
“Remember,” Shuri said breathlessly. “I am not made out of stone.”
Namor chuckled before pulling out of her an inch and pushing back in, fucking her slow. His quiet, quick breaths filled up the dwelling. She clenched her toes as he picked up the pace, but not the force.
Shuri mewled and moaned, unable to stop herself. Her mouth hung open as she shut her eyes. Every time he filled her, there was fireworks behind her eyelids. It was overwhelming, nothing like the touches she gave herself before getting bored and stopping. Her breath caught as surges of pleasure shot through her. Her thighs shook.
The coarseness of the wooden table under her chafed her back. The wooden legs bluntly scrubbed against the floor with each push of Namor’s hips. He was more forceful now, knocking groans out of her. He was eerily quiet as he placed his soft hand on her stomach.
Shuri bent up slightly to thread her fingers into his hair and pull him down on top of her. His rhythm fumbled as she kissed him like she wanted to devour him. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her hips slightly to pound into her—finally losing that cool façade. Shuri held on to his shoulders, her fingers turning to claws as cried out every time she was filled. She came, her vision whiting out as she shook, the pleasure flooded over her as her voice went high. Namor stilled inside her, holding her close to himself.
Shuri’s breathing was labored as she went limp, staring up at Namor. The flinching fire made flecks of gold on his skin. His hair was mussed from her running her fingers through it. He was so strong on top of her. She felt so tiny in the wake of him. She tapped him with her foot to get him to move. He fucked into her forcefully, obviously not hard enough to hurt her, just enough for the undercurrent of burning to arise in her. He moved quickly, using her like a toy until he stilled, coming deep inside her. His grip on her hips felt hard enough to bruise as she bit her bottom lip.
They stay there catching their breaths. Namor stayed pinned inside her, probably trying to make sure of conception. Shuri couldn’t worry about that now. Would he honor their agreement now that they’ve slept together? Now that they’re married? Was Riri safe?
Namor pulled out of her, and Shuri felt slickness seep out. His come. Yuck.
Shuri sat up at the end of the table while Namor sat on the bed. In between her thighs hurt so she had trouble closing her legs. They watch each other like a showdown. The romance movies never portrayed after sex awkwardness. What does a princess…Queen…and a God talk about? He’d seen centuries worth of treasures, rises and falls of empires, entire histories play out over and over again, but if those things weren’t on the internet or in books, Shuri didn’t know them.
“So,” Shuri began as she picked at her nail beds with her thumb. The coolness washed over her, making her realize she was completely naked. “Have sex with a God. Check.”
“You are making a list?”
“A Beyoncé concert is next.”
“I have so much to teach you.” Shuri said.
“And I would love to learn.” Namor said. “Come to me. I would like to lie with you.”
“I must visit Riri first. I’ve been gone hours. I need to let her know you did not cook and eat me.”
Namor chuckled before speaking. “I expect you back after.”
“Okay.” Shuri said. “About Riri…”
“I will honor my promise. If you stay with me and Wakanda becomes an ally to Talokan, the scientist lives, and there will be peace. I’m sure you’ll both be very happy here.”
Shuri hadn’t told Riri Namor expected them to both live out the rest of their days in his underworld. That couldn’t happen but she’ll take what she could get right now. At least they’re safe.
There was still the matter of him wanting to wage war on the entire surface world, but Lemonade wasn’t recorded in a day. Ideas take time to seed and grow. She was confident she could convince Namor Wakanda and Talokan could come to a peaceful solution with America and the rest of the world.
Shuri gets dressed in her bridal gown and gives Namor a deep kiss. There was still that dull ache between her legs as she was led by her new lady in waiting back to where they kept Riri.
The Talokanil woman is sprawled out on the floor, clutching a hole in her abdomen. Her eyes are shiny with tears. She’s shaking as Nakia stood over her holding a weapon.
“No.” Shuri whispers and rushes over, bending down over the woman. She tried to save her, but the woman fell limp, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. The damage was done. Nakia tells Shuri they have to leave before reinforcements arrive.
“You don’t understand! This will mean war!” Shuri needed to find Namor, to apologize to-to explain the situation. She had never seen his wrath—his anger. He didn’t seem the type to rush to judgement. Though she only had three conversations and sex with him. He looked at her as if the sun rose in her eyes. He loved her. That had to mean something, right?
Nakia and Riri drag her away and they escape. While being wrapped in the warm embrace of her mother, she knows Namor is not far behind.
Wakanda was a golden nation, the fresh wind swept through the market bringing the smell of bread, fruits, flowers, and sweets into Shuri’s lab. It was nothing like being in the dark, heart shaped tomb of Namor where the only light was silk stuck in the canopy of a cave like trapped stars. Wakanda glowed in comparison, the sunshine stretching over the blades of grass, making the world surrounding the city shine like a field of crystals. She never appreciated her home until she’s been somewhere different for a while.
Shuri watched the city from the screens in her lab and couldn’t help but to see it drowned in water. Namor was coming. Her stomach cramped with nervousness. It had been about ten hours since she’d been rescued. She’d eaten, bathed, and tried to sleep but was not successful. She’d shooed away doctors and assured her mother three times that Namor had not harmed her. Shuri hadn’t told the queen that she married or slept with him. She might never.
“Yes, princess?”
“I need a body scan.” Shuri said before she laid on her table like so many other of her experiments and inventions before her. She kept her arms pinned by her side as purple lights traveled from her shoes to her forehead. A silhouette of herself appeared on a screen. There was a red circle in her uterus. Oh.
“You are pregnant.”
“What is the accuracy?”
“Bast.” Shuri could always wait and take an over-the-counter pregnancy test, but they were so primitive. With that, it could take weeks to know for sure.
“Should I alert the queen?”
“I cannot express how much I do not want you to do that.”
“Yes, princess.”
Shuri sat on the side of the table and rubbed her temples. She was a 21st century woman and a woman of science. Whether she considered it a child at this stage was purely academic. Moral and religious arguments aside, she was not ready to be a mother. Especially with a man whose physiology, genetics, and temperament she could only guess. She also really, really didn’t want to tell her mother she slept with Namor, and that she enjoyed it.
Shuri could create something quick and painless to terminate the pregnancy with a snap of her fingers. No one had to know. She better get to it.
Shuri’s mouth went dry and sweat collected on her skin. Her hands shook. Namor told Shuri about his mother—how she became the hope of his people as they drowned themselves to escape their oppressors. Shuri was in the same position as her-to bear a leader to bridge worlds. They were hundreds of years apart and one only existed in memory, but Shuri felt her hand guiding her.
Namor scorned the surface world and wished to see it toil in a hail of fire but marrying Shuri symbolized unity, forgiveness. So did the child she carried. Shuri was Namor’s one anchor to a world outside of the sea. The sole reason he might reconsider war with the entire world. This child could strengthen her position with him. Convince him that good still exists outside of the ocean. There can be peace.
Bast. Was she keeping this fucking baby?
“Princess! Multiple breaches into the perimeters of Wakanda!”
The waters swelled and the Talokanil crawled out of it—splashed across the screens in her lab were flashes water exploding through buildings, Wakandans heading for higher ground. Her soldiers had been warned the city could be attacked so they were ready as they headed straight to the warriors of the deep. There was a flicker in the sky-Namor.
Shuri rushed to the throne room. It’s her best guess as to where Namor was headed. She closed the door on Okoye’s face and bolted it. The throne room’s door was pure vibranium, designed to keep out all enemies, including fellow Wakandans. Now she was alone, save her mother, who watched Shuri with wide eyes.
“Shuri? What are you doing?” Queen Ramonda asked.
“Mother, no matter what happens, do not attack Namor.” Shuri said. “You need to let me handle it.”
“Are you insane? I’m not letting him anywhere near you.” Queen Ramonda said.
“Listen to me! There has to be no more bloodshed. Keep the Dora Milaje out of the throne room. I need to speak with him alone.”
“I am not leaving you.” The Queen said. “That is out of the question.”
“Fine.” Shuri said. “But you have to trust me.”
The Queen pursed her lips. For once she kept her thoughts to herself. She must’ve seen the look on Shuri’s face.
The glass of the windows shattered, sending shimmering shards of gold flying everywhere. Namor, in all his furious glory stood on the windowsill. The white sun bloomed behind him like a halo, the vibranium across his chest glittering. His eyes were lifeless and dull like a shark’s. His fist was clenched around his spear as he came toward Shuri. Her mother started to go to her—obviously to protect her from Namor but stilled when Shuri held out her palm to her.
Namor grabbed the front of Shuri’s collar, lifted her and slammed her against the wall. She coughed out a breath. Queen Ramonda gasped.
“I should never have trusted you.” Namor told her. “You will come to Talokan and answer for your crime.”
“She will do no such thing!” Queen Ramonda yelled.
“Mother! Please!” Shuri didn’t want to get her involved. This was between her and Namor. Her husband.
While Shuri didn’t kill the Talokanil woman, a member of her nation did. Shuri’s duty as princess of Wakanda was to take responsibility for her people. Namor understood this as a king himself, so it must be why he wants her and not Nakia to answer for the killing. Not that Shuri would sell Nakia out anyway.
“Namor.” Shuri began slowly. “A member of my court came to save me from you. She didn’t know about the terms of our agreement.
“Agreement? What agreement?” The queen asked.
“Mother.” Shuri said firmly. Namor glanced over at Queen Ramonda before watching Shuri again.
“You didn’t even tell her.” Namor scoffed. “How much of it was real? Between you and I? What we shared?”
They had like…three conversations and Namor acted like they were divorcing after thirty years of marriage because of her infidelity. It would be funny if he didn’t look at her like he wanted to strangle the life out of her.
“It was all real.” Shuri said. “But my people needed me, and you cannot say that if you were in my shoes, your people wouldn’t have done the same thing.”
Namor took a breath. Shuri was getting through to him. He was turning out to be a soft touch with her.
“Tell your people to stop laying siege to Wakanda and we can talk about this.”
“Why should I trust you? After all you’ve done?” Namor asked.
“Because you love me.” Shuri said. Queen Ramonda mouth dropped open. Looks like she put two and two together.
“What did you do to her, you savage?!”
“Nothing she did not want me to, Queen Mother.” Namor said but that only served to make the queen angrier. She went over to yank Namor’s hand off of Shuri, but he didn’t budge.
“Mother! Stop it! I will explain it all. We can all stay calm and talk.” Shuri said. “Tell your people to stop.”
Namor took his hand off Shuri and she dropped to the floor. He flew out of the window. Queen Ramonda rushed to Shuri’s side.
“I’m fine.” Shuri said as she stood. “You must call off our soldiers.”
“Mother, please.”
The Queen took a deep breath before speaking into her communication device. With a few words the outside became silent. Shuri’s heart pounded. Her stomach twisted and Queen Ramonda wrapped her arms around Shuri as if to protect her.
Namor came back to the window, still frowning, covered in pearls of water. Guess that short trip did nothing to cool him off. He took a step toward Shuri, but Queen Ramonda stood in front of her. His frown deepened.
Shuri went around her mother to face Namor. He stared her down.
“If you desire it, I consider our agreement still valid.” Shuri said.
“What agreement?” Queen Ramonda asked firmly.
“She was queen of Talokan for a day.” Namor said. “Now she is criminal.”
Namor went to her, his arm touching hers. The orange blaze of the fire sewn shards of ruby in his dark eyes. The right side of his face was covered in shadow as he smiled at her.
“I apologize for the temperature, my Queen.”
Shuri smiled. “Oh, I’ll be fine. I mean, what can you do? You’re only a God.”
This time Namor did chuckle. “Do you really think me a God?”
“No. There are no Gods.” Shuri said. If there were, they would’ve saved my brother who was just and good. He was Bast’s greatest warrior, and she let him die.
“Hm.” Namor said with a frown. Her stomach sank.
“But your people would die for you without hesitation, so you’re just as good as one.” Shuri rushed out before watching the floor like a wilting flower. Hopefully she wasn’t screwing up the marriage already. At least wait until Riri is safe. Jeez.
Namor turned to her. He pointed his index finger under her chin and guided it up until she watched him. She had never seen eyes so dark. They were like coal. “Never change your answer, yourself, for me. I married the princess of Wakanda, not a spineless jellyfish.”
“Even a jellyfish has her sting.” Shuri said before watching the fire again. Namor placed his large hand on her lower back, making her feel thin and breakable. He pulled her close, leaned in, his soft breath tickled her earlobe and made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. He smelled of wildflowers and honey. She turned her head toward him and moved her mouth toward his too quickly. Their teeth smacked together.
“Ah, shoot.” Shuri covered her mouth with her hand, trying to quell the dull, throbbing pain of the front of her teeth—they weren’t broken, and she wasn’t bleeding but still, ow. Namor looked completely unfazed.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked.
“Are you made of diamond? Jeez.”
Namor chuckled. “No, I am flesh. Though a sturdier kind.”
Shuri would love to see a piece of his DNA underneath a microscope, find out what makes him as strong and tough as a rhino. She pushed that thought down. What an odd thing to think on your wedding day.
“I see.” Shuri said. “Should we try again?”
“I would like that.” Namor cupped the side of her face with his soft hand, holding her in place as he dipped down for a kiss. His lips were soft as a rose petal. Her eyes fluttered closed. She pressed back tentatively, tangling her fingers in her dress just to hold onto something. Namor put his thumb under her bottom lip and pulled down slightly. She got the idea and opened her mouth and he drunk her in—he tasted like the sea—briny and salty, but it was as sweet as wine in her mouth. The kiss was mixed with the flavor of fruit seeds she couldn’t name that Namor fed her earlier.
She’d only ever been kissed once and it was through her breathing apparatus about an hour ago, during the wedding ceremony. Now it's all-consuming, like water. Her hands shook as he gripped the nape of her neck to keep their mouths together. He didn’t need to breathe but Shuri did, so he put one of her hands between them until it found his chest and pressed against it. He pulled back until his hot breath buzzed against her lips.
Shuri shivered. There was fluttering in her stomach. “What now?”
Namor’s hand cupped the front of her throat, and his fingers close around her neck, gently. It was as if he couldn’t stop touching her. His thumb tugged at the corner of her mouth, dipping in slightly. Shuri’s face was on fire, but she kept their gazes locked.
“We are to consummate our marriage.” Namor said as he nodded toward the bed in the corner of the room before watching her again. “And we cannot leave this room until we do.”
“O-oh.” Shuri said. She had ‘the talk’ with her mother when she first bled at age thirteen. The Queen wanted her to be in her thirties, married, and in love before she so much as even looked at a man in a sensual manner and the man had better have been an upstanding Wakandan, rich like the handsome grandson of the Merchant Tribe elder. What would mother think if she could see her now, married to what could’ve been Wakanda’s destruction? A man—a king, a God who coerced her into his bed under threat of the life of another if she refused him? Would the queen think it noble or foolish? Hopefully Shuri would get the chance to ask her.
“I don’t mean to rush you.” Namor said gently.
“I know.” Shuri said too quickly, her face heating. “King, I mean, K'uk’…Jeez, I am very sure I am butchering your title.”
“You may call me king.”
“And Namor?”
“If you find it easier to pronounce.”
“King, Namor, I’ve never…ahem. I’m a virgin.”
“Ah, I see.” Namor said. He looked a little too pleased. “I trust you’re familiar with the concept?”
Round pegs in circular holes—Shuri couldn’t help but to think but thank Bast it didn’t come out of her mouth. She’d never been into pornography, and she thought more about algorithms than boys but she’s a woman of science, she knows the mechanics of most things and how bodies fit together to form new bodies. It’s simple math, 1+1=2.
“I am and I am ready.” Shuri said with more confidence than she felt. She couldn’t deny that Namor is beautiful, sculpted from marble like Adonis drizzled in caramel. Tall and broad with eyes and hair as dark as the deep sea. His personality so far is loving, gentle. She could almost forget the circumstances—the fight—that preceded the marriage, the abduction to the underworld. The threat of the death of Riri if Shuri didn’t give him what he wanted. Shuri could pretend that this was all her choice and that she was in love. Namor made it easy.
Namor’s eyes were heavy lidded, and his lips were slightly apart. He looked as if he was enchanted by her. He smoothly went behind her. On the back of her dress was jade buttons leading down to the top of her bottom. Obviously, this was the only way of getting it off safely. Namor popped them open one by one until the dress slipped down to her elbows, baring her unsexy undershirt underneath it. She wore no bra because she didn’t need one. Her breasts were small—too small. She pulled off the sleeves until the dress pooled down to ankles, revealing her boy cut underwear. She turned to face Namor, and he pulled her into a kiss. She looped her arms around his neck and drew him close until there was no space between them. He placed his hands on her sides—the dusky strip of skin between her undershirt and underwear sticking to Namor’s warm stomach. He was so solid-strong. It felt like he could snap her in half without even trying. Hopefully he’ll keep that in mind when they…have intercourse. He lifted her up with his hands under her thighs and she crossed her ankles behind him. She tightened her arms around his neck, and she clung to him. He pressed his lips under her jaw, causing a tingle to run down her spine as he walked with her to the bed. He placed her on it with care before climbing over her—the bed complained under their weight.
She thought she would lose her virginity on holiday in New York City. There would be candles and mood music. There would be rose petals on the bed and chocolate covered strawberries. It would be after a fancy dinner and a night on the town. Her lover never had a specific gender, but she couldn’t imagine in a million years it would’ve been a God of a world below.
Namor’s skin was the color of a reddish gold sunset. Eyes and hair as dark as the depths. Tongue soft. He inches back and placed his big hand on her stomach. She took a shaky breath as he swept his thumb over the bumps of her ribs, he watched her like she was a work of art, like she left him speechless.
“My Queen.” He said lowly as he dipped down to press his lips against hers for a beat before pulling back. “The prophesies do not do you justice.”
“Prophesies?” Shuri asked as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him down over her until there was no space between them.
“I was to be married to a daughter of earth and fire. She would be patient, selfless, beautiful…and unite the kingdoms of land and sea.”
“How do you know I’m her?”
“How could you not be? Eyes the color of coffee bean, skin brown silk, and a rage that could burn a third of the surface world’s trees and green grass. A hail of fire mixed with with blood.”
“From the Christian book of revelations. 8:7.” Shuri said.
“And unbelievably intelligent. I’ve waited centuries for you.” Namor said as he hooked his fingers in the hem of her underwear. She lifted her hips as he slid them down her legs. Her forehead was damp from sweat. No man had ever seen this much of her. She slipped off her undershirt and it pooled on to the floor. Her hand went up to cover her breasts, but Namor pinned her arms above her head with one of his hands gripping her wrists. “Every inch of you is perfection.”
“I-I bet you say that to every queen on your wedding night.” Shuri joked, flexing her wrists clutched in his fist. Namor must’ve taken what she said seriously.
“There have been no others.”
“So, you’re a 500-year-old virgin?”
Namor chuckled before brushing his lips against hers. “No. I know what I am doing.”
“That makes one of us.”
“Were you never curious?” Namor asked.
“I consider myself a girl—ahem, a woman of science. I know the ins and uh, outs,” Phrasing, boom! Shuri couldn’t stop herself from thinking. “But I’m not much of a porno person.”
“Oh, of course you don’t know what that is.” Shuri could smack herself upside the head. “It’s…on the surface world some people are paid to, um, simulate breeding for others to…see.”
Namor’s eyebrows rose. Shuri’s face could’ve been on fire. This was so awkward. Bast.
“It’s a form of erotic..stimulation.” Shuri tried to explain away.
“I illustrate paintings.” Namor said as if he were trying to make her feel better. “For erotic stimulation.”
Shuri pressed her lips against his to bring his attention back to the subject at hand, instead of how hard she’s bombing. He let her wrist go and weighed her down, the vibranium covering him glittering in the fire. Namor pulled back and stood, carefully removing the jewelry across his neck and decorating his arms. He placed them on the nightstand. He then unhooked that WWE championship like metal belt before sliding those tiny green shorts down his strong legs. He unlatched his footwear.
Shuri had never seen a man naked outside of an artistic context. The reflection of the flames danced across the expanse of his wide chest, his stomach was taught, his…down there looked too big to fit inside her and was covered with black hair on the base. Now they’re both naked. Namor knelt between her legs and took her ankle in one of his hands to spread her open.
“Wait, what about protection?” Shuri asked.
“I don’t think you have a disease that could be transmitted sexually, but I wonder about preventing pregnancy.”
“Preventing? My Queen, that is the entire point of us lying together.”
“Wait, what? Now?”
“Yes, now.” Namor said. “The daughter of earth and fire will bear the son of air and water a child that could walk between worlds.”
“A child? I’m only twenty.”
“You are of sexual maturity for a human.”
“I am but…I’m not sure I want to be a mother yet.”
“This was our agreement. You are my Queen. There are certain responsibilities that come with that title, certain sacrifices.”
“So, it has to be now?”
“According to the prophesies, you conceive on our wedding night.” Namor said. “I do not go against prophesies.”
“Then?” He said lowly, dangerously.
Shuri swallowed thickly. Just when she thought marrying Namor to save Riri couldn’t be any less of a plan, he wanted to get her pregnant! Could she call this whole thing off? He only agreed to spare the student if Shuri became his queen. This would be seen as a dealbreaker and then it’ll be all out war. He would kill Riri and probably her, dragging Wakanda into a conflict with the entire ocean. Bast! Okay, just because she’s getting pregnant doesn’t mean she has to stay pregnant—morning after pill and all that. She’ll give him what he wanted and figure a way out later.
“…Neither shall I.” Shuri finished as she spread her thighs. A smile rose on Namor’s face as he gently cupped his hands under her knees, holding her open as he slides in between her thighs. He lets one of her knees go before using his finger to slide down to her entrance. She kept her legs open as he dipped his finger inside her. She bit her lip against the slight burn. He used his thumb to rub against her clitoris. Her breathing picked up as the sensation of pleasure washed over her. Namor stuck his finger into the hilt and held it there, never letting up on rubbing her button. Her moans were breathy, and her toes curled. Her mouth dropped open as Namor watched her as if he were enchanted.
“The sounds you make…” Namor said, as soft as candlelight. “You are music, you are art, you are everything.”
Shuri wanted to cover her face—flattered, but embarrassed. She had no idea how to respond to any of that, but he stuck another finger in her and she cried out—her voice repeated through the quiet dwelling. Hopefully Riri couldn’t hear that. Shuri’s not sure the student would agree with this plan. The internal validity (or weakness) of the plan to marry and breed with Namor would be if the God would even honor this agreement of not killing Riri if Shuri gave him what he wanted: her. Men have told bigger lies than this to get laid.
If he goes back on his word, I will kill him myself. A part of Shuri said. A part she barely recognized, a part that awakened in her after her brother died.
Her eyes fluttered closed as Namor kept his index and middle finger deep inside her while rubbing clit. She tangled her fingers in the fur blanket under her while using her other hand to push at his stomach, not sure what she wanted. She bit her lip and rocked her hips against his fingers, urging him to move. He took his fingers away and tucked them in his mouth. Shuri shuddered, her…down there…felt too empty and wet. Her breathing was shallow and there was a slickness on her skin that wasn’t due to humidity. She didn’t need to lie back and think of Wakanda to get through procreating with Namor. She wanted this. She was ready.
She sat up and climbed into his lap, holding herself to him by wrapping her arms around his neck. He gasped—probably at her body heat and how close her entrance was to his dick. He steadied her with his arm around her waist, keeping her flush against him, her breasts against his chest. His chuckle was deep, and it vibrated through his body like a purr.
“Never in my centuries of living have I had a maiden not be intimidated by me.”
“If you want to be intimidating, you shouldn’t wear those tiny green shorts.”
Namor laughed lowly. “You surprise me, my Queen. The lack of deference…”
“Would you like me to use deference?” Shuri asked before stealing his answer by giving him a wet kiss. He shuddered against her before they pulled apart.
“You should. I am K'uk'ulkan.” Namor said.
Shuri pulled back an inch to look into his eyes. She needed to gauge how serious he was. If she was screwing this up somehow…He looked as if he were under her own personal spell. What he wanted was an equal, after being revered all his life. He didn’t want Shuri to be afraid to look him in the eyes or hold her tongue. He wanted a queen, not a concubine. She could be that for him.
“And I was the princess of the most powerful nation in the world.” Shuri said. “Now I am queen of another. Perhaps it is you who should use deference.”
Namor answered by pressing their lips together with the intensity of a punch—well, that’s not true. Her jaw would be broken because Namor seemed like he was molded from the same vibranium he usually wore on his chest. He picked her up like she weighed as much as a feather before taking her over to the wooden table in the middle of the room. He knocked the plates of grapes and fish to the ground. The wine bottle shattered into confetti as it soaked into the cracks in the floor like blood. Shuri inwardly groaned, she wanted some of that.
Namor laid her on the table, bending over to kiss her again. Shuri’s thighs bracketed his waist, as his dick rubbed against her entrance. He sighed into her mouth as he rocked against her, never fully getting inside her. Shuri burned down there—she needed him in, so she angled her hips down. Namor stood up from her and wrapped his strong hand against the front of her neck to keep her pinned to the table. He used his other hand to grab the base of his dick and press it into Shuri. Shuri groaned as he entered her, slowly pushing into until he couldn’t anymore.
Shuri squeaked as she grasped the side of the table. She clenched her eyes shut against the burn and unbearable pleasure of being full. He was deep inside her—she could almost feel it in her stomach. She clenched around him, trying to get use to his girth. She was sticky with sweat, her lips quivered.
Namor took deep, slow breaths—as if he were trying to contain himself. It was irritating how composed he was trying to be. Always dignified. What could she do to break that composure? Shuri laid still, waiting for the raw newness of being penetrated to fade. When she became slicker, she moved her hip down causing him to slide even deeper into her.
He gasped—the mask of calmness finally slipping. He gripped the end of the table, the sturdy wood crumbling in his hand like granola. That made Shuri freeze.
“Remember,” Shuri said breathlessly. “I am not made out of stone.”
Namor chuckled before pulling out of her an inch and pushing back in, fucking her slow. His quiet, quick breaths filled up the dwelling. She clenched her toes as he picked up the pace, but not the force.
Shuri mewled and moaned, unable to stop herself. Her mouth hung open as she shut her eyes. Every time he filled her, there was fireworks behind her eyelids. It was overwhelming, nothing like the touches she gave herself before getting bored and stopping. Her breath caught as surges of pleasure shot through her. Her thighs shook.
The coarseness of the wooden table under her chafed her back. The wooden legs bluntly scrubbed against the floor with each push of Namor’s hips. He was more forceful now, knocking groans out of her. He was eerily quiet as he placed his soft hand on her stomach.
Shuri bent up slightly to thread her fingers into his hair and pull him down on top of her. His rhythm fumbled as she kissed him like she wanted to devour him. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her hips slightly to pound into her—finally losing that cool façade. Shuri held on to his shoulders, her fingers turning to claws as cried out every time she was filled. She came, her vision whiting out as she shook, the pleasure flooded over her as her voice went high. Namor stilled inside her, holding her close to himself.
Shuri’s breathing was labored as she went limp, staring up at Namor. The flinching fire made flecks of gold on his skin. His hair was mussed from her running her fingers through it. He was so strong on top of her. She felt so tiny in the wake of him. She tapped him with her foot to get him to move. He fucked into her forcefully, obviously not hard enough to hurt her, just enough for the undercurrent of burning to arise in her. He moved quickly, using her like a toy until he stilled, coming deep inside her. His grip on her hips felt hard enough to bruise as she bit her bottom lip.
They stay there catching their breaths. Namor stayed pinned inside her, probably trying to make sure of conception. Shuri couldn’t worry about that now. Would he honor their agreement now that they’ve slept together? Now that they’re married? Was Riri safe?
Namor pulled out of her, and Shuri felt slickness seep out. His come. Yuck.
Shuri sat up at the end of the table while Namor sat on the bed. In between her thighs hurt so she had trouble closing her legs. They watch each other like a showdown. The romance movies never portrayed after sex awkwardness. What does a princess…Queen…and a God talk about? He’d seen centuries worth of treasures, rises and falls of empires, entire histories play out over and over again, but if those things weren’t on the internet or in books, Shuri didn’t know them.
“So,” Shuri began as she picked at her nail beds with her thumb. The coolness washed over her, making her realize she was completely naked. “Have sex with a God. Check.”
“You are making a list?”
“A Beyoncé concert is next.”
“I have so much to teach you.” Shuri said.
“And I would love to learn.” Namor said. “Come to me. I would like to lie with you.”
“I must visit Riri first. I’ve been gone hours. I need to let her know you did not cook and eat me.”
Namor chuckled before speaking. “I expect you back after.”
“Okay.” Shuri said. “About Riri…”
“I will honor my promise. If you stay with me and Wakanda becomes an ally to Talokan, the scientist lives, and there will be peace. I’m sure you’ll both be very happy here.”
Shuri hadn’t told Riri Namor expected them to both live out the rest of their days in his underworld. That couldn’t happen but she’ll take what she could get right now. At least they’re safe.
There was still the matter of him wanting to wage war on the entire surface world, but Lemonade wasn’t recorded in a day. Ideas take time to seed and grow. She was confident she could convince Namor Wakanda and Talokan could come to a peaceful solution with America and the rest of the world.
Shuri gets dressed in her bridal gown and gives Namor a deep kiss. There was still that dull ache between her legs as she was led by her new lady in waiting back to where they kept Riri.
The Talokanil woman is sprawled out on the floor, clutching a hole in her abdomen. Her eyes are shiny with tears. She’s shaking as Nakia stood over her holding a weapon.
“No.” Shuri whispers and rushes over, bending down over the woman. She tried to save her, but the woman fell limp, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. The damage was done. Nakia tells Shuri they have to leave before reinforcements arrive.
“You don’t understand! This will mean war!” Shuri needed to find Namor, to apologize to-to explain the situation. She had never seen his wrath—his anger. He didn’t seem the type to rush to judgement. Though she only had three conversations and sex with him. He looked at her as if the sun rose in her eyes. He loved her. That had to mean something, right?
Nakia and Riri drag her away and they escape. While being wrapped in the warm embrace of her mother, she knows Namor is not far behind.
Wakanda was a golden nation, the fresh wind swept through the market bringing the smell of bread, fruits, flowers, and sweets into Shuri’s lab. It was nothing like being in the dark, heart shaped tomb of Namor where the only light was silk stuck in the canopy of a cave like trapped stars. Wakanda glowed in comparison, the sunshine stretching over the blades of grass, making the world surrounding the city shine like a field of crystals. She never appreciated her home until she’s been somewhere different for a while.
Shuri watched the city from the screens in her lab and couldn’t help but to see it drowned in water. Namor was coming. Her stomach cramped with nervousness. It had been about ten hours since she’d been rescued. She’d eaten, bathed, and tried to sleep but was not successful. She’d shooed away doctors and assured her mother three times that Namor had not harmed her. Shuri hadn’t told the queen that she married or slept with him. She might never.
“Yes, princess?”
“I need a body scan.” Shuri said before she laid on her table like so many other of her experiments and inventions before her. She kept her arms pinned by her side as purple lights traveled from her shoes to her forehead. A silhouette of herself appeared on a screen. There was a red circle in her uterus. Oh.
“You are pregnant.”
“What is the accuracy?”
“Bast.” Shuri could always wait and take an over-the-counter pregnancy test, but they were so primitive. With that, it could take weeks to know for sure.
“Should I alert the queen?”
“I cannot express how much I do not want you to do that.”
“Yes, princess.”
Shuri sat on the side of the table and rubbed her temples. She was a 21st century woman and a woman of science. Whether she considered it a child at this stage was purely academic. Moral and religious arguments aside, she was not ready to be a mother. Especially with a man whose physiology, genetics, and temperament she could only guess. She also really, really didn’t want to tell her mother she slept with Namor, and that she enjoyed it.
Shuri could create something quick and painless to terminate the pregnancy with a snap of her fingers. No one had to know. She better get to it.
Shuri’s mouth went dry and sweat collected on her skin. Her hands shook. Namor told Shuri about his mother—how she became the hope of his people as they drowned themselves to escape their oppressors. Shuri was in the same position as her-to bear a leader to bridge worlds. They were hundreds of years apart and one only existed in memory, but Shuri felt her hand guiding her.
Namor scorned the surface world and wished to see it toil in a hail of fire but marrying Shuri symbolized unity, forgiveness. So did the child she carried. Shuri was Namor’s one anchor to a world outside of the sea. The sole reason he might reconsider war with the entire world. This child could strengthen her position with him. Convince him that good still exists outside of the ocean. There can be peace.
Bast. Was she keeping this fucking baby?
“Princess! Multiple breaches into the perimeters of Wakanda!”
The waters swelled and the Talokanil crawled out of it—splashed across the screens in her lab were flashes water exploding through buildings, Wakandans heading for higher ground. Her soldiers had been warned the city could be attacked so they were ready as they headed straight to the warriors of the deep. There was a flicker in the sky-Namor.
Shuri rushed to the throne room. It’s her best guess as to where Namor was headed. She closed the door on Okoye’s face and bolted it. The throne room’s door was pure vibranium, designed to keep out all enemies, including fellow Wakandans. Now she was alone, save her mother, who watched Shuri with wide eyes.
“Shuri? What are you doing?” Queen Ramonda asked.
“Mother, no matter what happens, do not attack Namor.” Shuri said. “You need to let me handle it.”
“Are you insane? I’m not letting him anywhere near you.” Queen Ramonda said.
“Listen to me! There has to be no more bloodshed. Keep the Dora Milaje out of the throne room. I need to speak with him alone.”
“I am not leaving you.” The Queen said. “That is out of the question.”
“Fine.” Shuri said. “But you have to trust me.”
The Queen pursed her lips. For once she kept her thoughts to herself. She must’ve seen the look on Shuri’s face.
The glass of the windows shattered, sending shimmering shards of gold flying everywhere. Namor, in all his furious glory stood on the windowsill. The white sun bloomed behind him like a halo, the vibranium across his chest glittering. His eyes were lifeless and dull like a shark’s. His fist was clenched around his spear as he came toward Shuri. Her mother started to go to her—obviously to protect her from Namor but stilled when Shuri held out her palm to her.
Namor grabbed the front of Shuri’s collar, lifted her and slammed her against the wall. She coughed out a breath. Queen Ramonda gasped.
“I should never have trusted you.” Namor told her. “You will come to Talokan and answer for your crime.”
“She will do no such thing!” Queen Ramonda yelled.
“Mother! Please!” Shuri didn’t want to get her involved. This was between her and Namor. Her husband.
While Shuri didn’t kill the Talokanil woman, a member of her nation did. Shuri’s duty as princess of Wakanda was to take responsibility for her people. Namor understood this as a king himself, so it must be why he wants her and not Nakia to answer for the killing. Not that Shuri would sell Nakia out anyway.
“Namor.” Shuri began slowly. “A member of my court came to save me from you. She didn’t know about the terms of our agreement.
“Agreement? What agreement?” The queen asked.
“Mother.” Shuri said firmly. Namor glanced over at Queen Ramonda before watching Shuri again.
“You didn’t even tell her.” Namor scoffed. “How much of it was real? Between you and I? What we shared?”
They had like…three conversations and Namor acted like they were divorcing after thirty years of marriage because of her infidelity. It would be funny if he didn’t look at her like he wanted to strangle the life out of her.
“It was all real.” Shuri said. “But my people needed me, and you cannot say that if you were in my shoes, your people wouldn’t have done the same thing.”
Namor took a breath. Shuri was getting through to him. He was turning out to be a soft touch with her.
“Tell your people to stop laying siege to Wakanda and we can talk about this.”
“Why should I trust you? After all you’ve done?” Namor asked.
“Because you love me.” Shuri said. Queen Ramonda mouth dropped open. Looks like she put two and two together.
“What did you do to her, you savage?!”
“Nothing she did not want me to, Queen Mother.” Namor said but that only served to make the queen angrier. She went over to yank Namor’s hand off of Shuri, but he didn’t budge.
“Mother! Stop it! I will explain it all. We can all stay calm and talk.” Shuri said. “Tell your people to stop.”
Namor took his hand off Shuri and she dropped to the floor. He flew out of the window. Queen Ramonda rushed to Shuri’s side.
“I’m fine.” Shuri said as she stood. “You must call off our soldiers.”
“Mother, please.”
The Queen took a deep breath before speaking into her communication device. With a few words the outside became silent. Shuri’s heart pounded. Her stomach twisted and Queen Ramonda wrapped her arms around Shuri as if to protect her.
Namor came back to the window, still frowning, covered in pearls of water. Guess that short trip did nothing to cool him off. He took a step toward Shuri, but Queen Ramonda stood in front of her. His frown deepened.
Shuri went around her mother to face Namor. He stared her down.
“If you desire it, I consider our agreement still valid.” Shuri said.
“What agreement?” Queen Ramonda asked firmly.
“She was queen of Talokan for a day.” Namor said. “Now she is criminal.”
“I agreed to marry him in exchange for Riri’s safety.”
“You what?!” Queen Ramonda yelled.
“And now the marriage is void. You will come to Talokan to answer for your crime, and you will give me the scientist, or I will wash Wakanda from the face of the earth and kill her.” Namor said nodding toward the queen.
Shuri slapped him across the face. She couldn’t stop herself. He grabbed her wrist tightly and pulled her in until his breath brushed against her lips. How strange that hours ago they were this close under a completely different context? His lips were on hers, his body pressing her into the table. Now anger flooded from him to mask a deep hurt. Shuri would’ve felt guilty if it weren’t for the fact that he was making threats.
Queen Ramonda went over to them, but Namor pushed her back. Her mother fell to the floor before sitting back up. She put her communication device up to her lips.
“Don’t call for help, mother. He is not going to hurt me.”
“Are you so certain, princess?” Namor asked.
“Shuri.” There was something desperate in her mother’s voice.
“I will not give you the scientist. You will leave Wakanda standing and if you threaten my mother again, I will rip your throat out with my teeth.”
Namor chuckled humorlessly. “Princess—“
“Queen.” Shuri corrected. “Of Talokan.”
“Queen.” Namor said. “There will be a trial.”
“And the punishment if I am found guilty?” Shuri asked.
“For a queen that is the daughter of a Talokanil, she would be stripped of her title and exiled.”
“And for me? A foreign queen?”
“No!” Queen Ramonda screamed.
“It…does not have to be you. You can appoint an avatar in your place to bear the punishment.” Namor said. He didn’t want to kill her. That was good, but he would want someone to die in her place, which was bad.
“No one else is dying.” Shuri said. “You will forgive me.”
“Why should I?”
“Because I am the mother of your child.”
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