#hey what if i became a stucky girl again
romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Hey loves! I love your page! Can you possibly write one where their little girl plays out in the rain and gets sick? 🥺
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the lovely request and for being so patient to me!
I hope you like how I write your request ❤️
Enjoy <3
Warnings : Dancing in the rain, playing outside, sick little reader, playful day, cuddles, fluff, daddies take care of you
Pairing : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you didn't thought that you'll be sick after such a good day, but even if you had know, you would've still do exactly what you had done that day
They love watching you, they always have that sparkle in their eyes when they watch you doing things without knowing you were watched.
You had been playing outside during the entire day. It was sunny at first. You woke up because of the sun this morning and since then, you spend your whole day in your bikini, playing outside under the sun.
But to your surprise, it starts raining a few minutes ago, just after your daddies went back inside to start dinner and you immediatly start dancing and jumping around in the garden, under the rain.
Your Daddies are glued against the window, huge smiles on their faces as you laugh and fall on your butt before standing back up and starting all over again.
They didn't had the time to greet you this morning because when you came downstairs, you were already running to go outside. So they followed you and played with you as long as you wanted.
They chased you, they threw you in the aire before grabbing you back, they pushed you in the pool before jumping in it right after. It was suppose to be a relaxing day off and it became a playful and exhausting day outside.
And it was the best day off of their life.
After some minutes of you running around and rolling on the wet ground, your Papa went to check the oven and saw that dinner was almost ready so he asked your Daddy to come and get you, so he can dry you and change you before eating.
It was hard to bring you back inside but after a lot of compromise, you ended up following him, even though you didn't wanted to. But of course when your Daddy told you that if you would followed him, he would spend all the evening cuddle you under the stars with your Papa once the rain stop, you couldn't resist it.
So you walk, hand in hand inside the house. You were shivering even though you were hot with adrenaline. Before you could put a foot inside, your Papa come running and shouting "No no no no no!" he rushes toward you "do not put one of your dirty foot inside my clean house" he says stopping you.
You look up at him annoyed while Bucky is laughing beside you "come on Papaaa" you say "I'm cold" you make puppy eyes to him so he would let you enter. You knew how to coax them.
He sighs and looks at Bucky who smirks "you asked me to go and get her. That's what I did" He shrugs and Steve rolls his eyes "remove your shoes and socket. If one drop of water fall on my floor, you'll clean it" he warns before walking back toward the kitchen.
You look up at your Daddy who just shrugs and rolls his eyes at your Papa making you giggle. As your Daddy were about to fall on his knees to remove your shoes, your Papa turns around "after all, remove all of your clothes and let them outside"
Your Daddy laughs and looks back at your Papa "But Steve she'll catch a cold" he says "i'll clean if you really want"
"wrap her in a blanket" he yells as he walks in the kitchen without looking back behind him. Bucky sighs and wraps his hands at your waist, he helps you sit down on his laps, so you don't mess your Papa's floor, and removes your shoes first.
He puts them outside, beside the door and slides your socket in them. He then removes your bikini and throw it outside too before wrapping you in a warm blanket.
Now that you're a sausage and can't walk, your Daddy lifts you up and throws you on his shoulder making you squeal and laugh. He walks upstairs and grabs a few warm clothes he found and keeps making his way to the bathroom
"You want to take your shower alone or do you want Daddy's help ?" your Daddy asks as he unwraps you from your blanket. "Wis Daddy" you say holding his shoulder. He nods and kisses your nose before helping you entering in the shower.
The hot water is burning at first since your entire body is freezing cold but it's soon feel better and you sigh in contentment when you feel less and less cold. Your Daddy rubs your body with a sweet soap before watering your body a second time and then helps you walking out of the shower
He wraps you in a towel and quickly dry you. He helps you sitting down on the sink and takes your hands. He dries your fingers and palms who are red from the hot water, he then slides the towel down your legs and does the same with your feet. He dries your toes and in between them making you giggle a little. He smiles and squeezes your toes before putting your pants on and your pyjama shirt right after.
"All done" he kisses the top of your head "now let's go eat either way Papa won't be happy" he says making you laugh. Your Daddy lifts you in his arms and carries you downstairs. You sniff and rest your head against his shoulder, he strokes the back of your thigh who is resting against his chest as he makes his way down the stairs.
He heard your sniff but he lets it aside, it happens. It doesn't mean anything.
He sits you down on your seat and goes sit on the one across yours just as your Papa comes back with the food. Your mouth water just by the smell. You take a big breath to breath the sweet food but cough a couple times instead of finishing your breath.
Your Papa looks up at you as he cuts the food to serve you and frowns "you okay, princess ?" he asks. You sniff and rub your nose, nodding.
Your Papa doesn't say anything else, He gives you your food and does the same with his and Bucky's plate. While eating, he keeps an eye on you and catch a few time were you rub your nose or sniff or cough.
He can see that each time it happens, you try to stay discreet. They don't know if it's on purpose or not but they sure don't like that. "do you like what you're eating, sweetness ?" your Papa asks eyeing you
You nod "iz weally toot"
Now that they heard that your nose is blocked, they just have to check your temperature to know what to do after.
You didn't finished your plate, it was really good but way too much. You rest your back on your seat and close your eyes, you try to get comfy while waiting for your Daddies to finish.
You probably fell asleep for a little while because when you open your eyes, they were heavy. You feel a hand resting on your shoulder so you turn your head toward it and see your Papa kneels beside your chair "you feel okay, sweetie ?" he asks checking your cheeks
You sniff and nod, your head was heavy but it's probably because you just woke up. He frowns and checks your forehead, he waits a few seconds, his hand on your forehead before turning toward your Daddy "burning"
He sighs and stands up, he kneels on the other side of you and strokes your temple "we're going to lie down on the bed" he says and you nod. He lifts you in his arms and he hates how numb you feel when he lifts you up. He rests you on his hip and you don't even wrap your arms around his neck nor wrap your legs around his waist. The only thing that keep you on his hip is his own arms.
"we should wet her hair and forehead with cold water" Steve proposes, following you upstairs "it could be good for her fever"
Bucky shakes his head "no, it'll just make her move sick" he says entering the bedroom "you can wet a towel with cold water and we'll rest it on her forehead but that's all"
He lies you down on the bed and kisses your forehead. He sits down beside you and waits for Steve to come back. In the meantime, you start to sniff more and more so your Daddy helps you sit down on the mattress. He takes a handkerchief and puts it on your nose. You blow your nose and then you finally feel like you're breathing again.
That until it's blocked again. You whine when you can't breath by your nose anymore "do you need some nose drop, little one ?" he asks sliding his fingers down your hair.
He knows you need it but he wants you to make him understand that it's what you want.
You look up at him and nod. He mutters a little 'okay' under his breath and reach in the nighstand for the nose drop he has in. Your Papa walks in the bedroom at the time you finish with it and you lie back down on the bed.
Your Daddy lies beside you and your Papa lies down on the bed too. He puts the cold towel against your forehead and kisses your nose "close your eyes, sweetheart. You'll feel better soon" he whispers
"But we hate to cudde in ze tars" you mumble and through the confusion of your Papa, you hear your Daddy laughing "what is she talking about ?" Steve asks confuse
"I promised her that if she came back inside, we would cuddle under the stars tonight" Bucky says chuckling. He turns toward you and sees you're already looking at him "but baby, it's still raining outside" he softly says "we will cuddle tomorrow, I promise"
"but you aweazy pomited" you say sniffing "I know, beautiful, I know" he sighs "but today we weren't sure because of the rain. remember what I said ?" he points "I said that if it was still raining tonight, we will have to do it another night"
"Mh" you say signing "otay" You didn't really have a choice
The stars are really beautiful tonight. It's not freezing and the ground is dry so it's not uncomfortable when you laid on it. You love the feelings of being between your Daddies. You feel so small and so happy, it's where you feel safe and you love that.
"it's beautiful baby, isn't it ?" your Daddy asks, admiring the sky. You nod, your eyes full of your own stars as you spend your evening with your two favorite people.
You turn your head toward your Daddy to see that he was already looking at you. You blush and turn back toward the sky making him chuckle. "are you cold, sweetie ?" your Papa asks from your other side
You shake your head, you're hot with the amaze feeling who's burning inside of you. It's the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
And even if you're still sick, and even if you'll probably be more sick tomorrow, you would've never have missed this evening with your Daddies
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1000night · 2 years
Warnings: masturbation (female) ; fuck machine;age gap (reader is in her 30s;Stucky with their early 40s)
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Okay just look at these two🤤🤤🤤
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Your fucking sexist dilf who lived in your next door.
Every time you saw them with their daughter walk together, you are so frustrated and railed up because you are envy of the women who could lucky enough to be their mothers.
They're kind and sweet, help you prepare your house to welcome your cat, Sirius. Who became friends with Alpine, Bucky's cat and Alpha, Steve's Germany Shepherd.
When their daughters all left this small town for their college. And you sure your other single women 'drop by' here more frequently.
But what can you say? You're just their chubby and shy neighbor.
Maybe there's something more when Steve would invite you to join his lunch.
Maybe there's more when Bucky even build a tunnel for both Sirius and Alpine could walk your houses free.
Maybe there's more when you greet them, their eyes would light up like the shining jewels.
But they're only maybe, and they became some fantasy and what if when you see some beautiful women entered their house and you could see the sweet smile when those men hug those women and kiss their cheeks.
You went to your friend's house in the night those women stay in their house because you don't want to heard or see anything that might break your heart further.
You cried and blame those to yourself.
It's your fault, it's all your fault because if you could use your brain and stopped before you fell in love with them, you might won't be so embarrassed.
Your friends feel sorry and sad for you, so one of them offered an idea for you. A one you would refused to listen before, but now you are too sorrow to want something—anything yould distracted you.
You back to your home with Sirius's cat bag and a medium box in the next afternoon.
Bucky showed up alone when you turned your keys to open the front door.
“Hey, sunflower, where did you go? Sirius didn't come here yesterday, you didn't,either. Alpine and I are worried about you.”
You turned away awkwardly and gave him a tight smile.
“Um...yeah Bucky, my friend invite me and Sirius to her place because she need some mental support.”
You could see his furrows melted away and he hummed while you could sense the sun shines again from his side.
“Oh! Oh that's...I am sorry. Did your friend feel better now? ”
���Yeah, after discussing 4 hours and drinks, we all agree to forget some pricks who just never see us and let go. ”
You swear you were not saying those things to Bucky. It's not his fault, it's might not yours but you definitely couldn't blame him.
He didn't ask you love him and he didn't have the intention to break your heart after give you some fake hope.
So you apologize to him immediately.
“Wow, I am so sorry, Bucky. I guess I'm still drown and feel bad for my friend so I say something rude.”
He shoot his head, “No no, it's okay. Just glad you're back and safe.”
You said bye to him and entered your house.
After making sure your cat is feed and have all what he want. You take a shower and open the box which your friends bought for you.
Lock your bedroom door, sitting on the side of your comfy bed, you freeze when you see what in the box.
It's a fucking machine, with two different dildos, and you found a card on the top.
Hey girl, I know you're suffering mentally and physically (too horny but you don't want to be the third wheel) So I send some gift for you. The size is according to your description of their height, skin color and their body to design. Hope you enjoy yourself pleasure and ease some pressure on you. And don't think about you are not enough for them because you are. It's their fault and loss for couldn't find such a star in front of them. Anyway, give me some feedbacks next time we meet! ;p
Toss the card and the box to the floor, you combined the machine and clean them after you closed your windows and curtains.
Playing your favorite music playlist and drag your short and panty aside, you start touch your neck, collarbone, breast and down to your stomach. The towels under your hip and you spread your legs. When you stroke your inner thighs and feels the shiver down your spine while your body temperature heat up.
You start whimper and buckle your hip into the air. Close your eyes and you could see Steve and Bucky in front of you. Imagine it's their hands to touch you, love you, you found your mound wet and leaking.
Lift your hip, line up with one of a dildo, you gasp when the tip sinks into your pussy.
Your hands fist and twitch the sheets, you put the other dildo on the machine while your waist and hip move itself.
You moan and hands shaking, your brains melt into a hot puddles and your mind thought it's Bucky's cock in your pussy now.
Steve's cock is in front of you and it's so beautiful.
You bend down to wrap your mouth around the fucking machine, lewd sounds start to full of the room.
When you feel your mouth is sore from the oral job, you pull out the two dildos with a loud pop out. Lift up your hip, you moan when the fucking machine entered your dripping pussy again.
Turn on the switch with a slow mode, you lay back to the mattress and enjoy the vibrations.
“Aww, Buck...ugh...yes...so full...”
You move inch to feel the dildo mash the sweet spot when it in and out.
Spreading your legs further, you kneading your soft breast and switch to the faster mode.
“So deep...yes Buck, so good...fuckk...”
When your abdomen tighten, you start sobbing
“Oh my god, I am so close, please don't stop, Bucky. Please please please...”
You whimper loudly and use a pillow to muffle your screams.
After you clean up the mess and change your sheets. You sigh and closed your eyes after you hug your body pillow tightly.
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Beside your house, your neighbors didn't sleep when you pleasure yourself.
“I swear I could heard her moans punk, and her sweet smell of her pussy.”
Bucky said while he stroked his member frustrated and growled.
“I know jerk, but we couldn't just take her, the plan almost finish. Just need wait until she realize that she's love us at the same time.”
Steve's pants rang into Bucky's ears. Bucky knew his best friend was jerking himself while imaging their sunflower was fucked by a fucking machine. And the dildos are all their real cocks sizes which were offered by themselves.
“Just need more patience, she would be our best girl.”
They both cum when they heard your muffled screams and chants your name.
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Pairing: Stucky x F Reader
Summary: You were a retired Shield Agent and enjoyed the quiet life. Steve Rogers came over to your house to lay down and suddenly he almost moved in with Bucky Barnes. But it seemed like not all three of you were on the same page where your relationship stands.
Word Count: ~3.5k
Warnings: a little bit of angst, but mostly fluff (I think) and all of them are idiots, swear words
A/N: I actually have no clue what this is or where it came from. But I was in the mood for some fluff and couldn’t decide, if I should write Steve or Bucky. So this is the first time that I wrote Stucky
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There was a small knock on your door and you knew that the person who was knocking had a key to your house, but he insisted on making himself known before he'd enter.
„Come in, Steve,“ you yelled, knowing that he would hear you through the closed door. Not a second later you heard the key being turned and him entering the house. He came up to you and put his arm around your waist and kissed your cheek before he let go. „Smells good,“ Steve commented and noticed that there was way more food in the pan than one person could eat.
„Buck isn’t with you today?“ you asked and turned around although you heard that Steve came alone.
„He's on a mission.“ Steve walked to your cabinet and pulled out some plates for the two of you and put them on the table. You didn’t have to point out where anything was. This was like his second home.
You had worked for Shield before everything went down and you were actually there when Steve was chased by the organization. You were injured then and Steve came to you to make sure you were okay. That was the start of your friendship with Captain America. Not long after that you met Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff, before they all had to disappear. After that Steve came back with another person for you to meet: James Buchanan Barnes.
You didn’t know what happened then, but you became friends with him also and it almost seemed like the two super soldiers moved in with you. They even had their own bedroom in your house, which used to be a guest room. They lived in the compound, but some days when they just wanted to feel like normal people they were found in your place.
You didn’t have a conversation about the relationship of the two. They didn’t kiss in front of you, but you were sure that the two of them were an item. They shared the bed in the guestroom, right? You didn’t want to bring up a conversation why they didn’t look for a place on their own. Not when it felt too good that they came to your place.
They did show affection, to each other and to you. It blurred the line of your friendship often. Both of them were cuddlers and when you first noticed that there might be something between the two men you felt bad one day when Steve came through the door and found you cuddling on the couch with Bucky.
But when you wanted to move, Bucky's arm tightened around you and Steve placed a hand on your shoulder and told you to stay, he would join you after a shower. Things like that confused you and made you question if it was really only friendship you felt for the two of them.
„Well, then it should be at least enough food for the two of us. Will you stay the night or do you want to wait for him at the compound,“ you asked when you put some food on the table for him.
„I'll stay here, he won’t be back for two days,“ Steve said when he took the plate from you and placed it on the table.
„I should take rent from you,“ you joked when you sat down after Steve placed the second plate.
„You really should!“ Steve agreed. The discussion had come up before, but you only made them buy groceries from time to time because stuffing two super soldiers was expensive!
„Can I ask you something?“ you spoke up when there was almost no food on your plate anymore.
„Anything,“ Steve answered without missing a beat.
„Why don’t you get a place on your own with Bucky?“
Steve’s movement stopped. „Are we a bother? You should have said something sooner,“ he started to ramble, afraid that they had overstayed their welcome.
„No, no. That’s not it, I swear. I was just wondering if it wouldn’t be easier for the two of you. I like having you around, I swear I’ll tell you if it’s too much,“ you reassured him.
„Okay. Well, it feels nice to leave the compound and everything superhero related behind. It’s nice to come home to something relatively normal. And it’s rare for Bucky to open up to someone, when he started to take a liking to you I was so happy.“
„I'm happy you feel that way. What do you say to popcorn and a movie?“
„Sounds good to me. Get comfortable, I’ll do the dishes,“ Steve offered and you didn’t complain.
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Bucky and Steve were sitting on your couch when you stepped into your house. Not that you were surprised because they were often there and they had texted you that they had ordered pizza.
„Hey, where were you?“ Steve asked and did a double take as soon as he turned around and saw you standing in the hallway.
„I was on a date,“ you answered while you were still busy slipping out of your shoes. There was a choking noise and you looked worried at Steve who held out a drink towards the brunette, whose head was turning red as a piece of pizza has found its way in the wrong tube. „Are you okay?“ you asked and rubbed his back.
„Why were you on a date?“ he asked once he could breathe again.
„Because I was asked. I didn’t think it is a big deal. And I didn’t know you’d be here, aren’t you supposed to be on a mission still?” You didn’t see the point in telling them that it was a setup from one of your coworkers. And that you had tried to get out of it, but you went there in the end. It wasn’t a horrible date, but it wasn’t... what you had with the super soldiers. Not that you would tell them that part.
“It’s postponed to the next week. Will you,” Steve cleared his throat. “Will you go on a second date?”
“Are you afraid that I’ll kick you out of the house?” You pushed Bucky a little to the side and took a seat next to him. “No, I don’t think I will,” you finally said before you took a bite out of the pizza. “Why are you making such a big deal out of it. You have to know that this,” you pointed with your finger at the three of you, “won’t stay that way forever.”
“Do you want us to move out, doll?” Bucky asked and he looked so hurt that you had to place your pizza on the table and had to hug him.
“No, that’s not it. But don’t you want a place of your own?” you asked into his neck.
“Without you? No,” Bucky said without missing a beat. You let out a short laugh and let go of the big man. You could stay a little while in the bubble, thinking that this will stay that way. That night you fell asleep on the sofa and you woke up shortly when you were placed onto something soft and a kiss was placed on your forehead.
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“I see you brought your girlfriend,” Sam greeted the three of you, when you entered the compound and entered the hearing range of the outspoken man. Steve and Bucky had asked if you wanted to come along to the party, seeing as you knew the Avengers and you agreed when you heard that a few of your ex-colleagues were also there.
You forced a laugh at Sam's greeting and hugged him. You hadn’t seen each other for a while but you were fond of him. He was keeping Bucky on his toes, but he was also one of the nicest people you have ever met. “How are you?” you asked before you let go of him.
“Oh I’m good. What about you? Do you miss the action or are you still enjoying the quiet life?” he asked instead.
“Still enjoying the quiet life,” you answered with a big smile. You saw an old coworker of you and excused yourself, telling Sam that you were sure you would see him later again and nodded at your two roommates before you made your way over.
It was about two hours later when Sam walked rather quickly over to his two friends. “I need to talk to the two of you in private.” He didn’t leave any room for objections. Bucky and Steve shared a glance before they followed Sam into a debriefing room not far from the party.
“Did you told your girlfriend that she should deny a relationship with you?” he came straight to the point and looked into the confused faces of his friends.
“No?” Steve finally said.
“Did you have a talk about how you are going to approach today with her?” Sam asked next.
“No, why are you asking these weird things? And why did we have to leave the room for that?” Bucky was just as confused as Steve was.
“Because I thought you might not want everyone to hear this. Why is your girl telling everyone that she’s single then? And why was her laugh so forced when I called her your girlfriend? I thought maybe it was because you wanted to keep everything private, but I saw you looking at her and each other the whole night and now I am just confused.”
“You are the one who is confused? I think I am the one who can’t follow you.”
“Okay, well then I have a simple question for you. Does she know that you are in a relationship?” Sam asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Yes,” Bucky and Steve said at the same time.
“And you are in a relationship with her too, right?”
“Yes,” the answer was spoken at the same time again.
“And did you have a talk with her where you told her specificly that she’s your girlfriend?”
“We don’t have to discuss every little detail when it’s clear,” Steve started to say and Sam threw his arms in the air to show he was clearly frustrated with the big guys in front of him.
“She doesn’t know that the three of you are in a relationship. It all adds up, now. You need to have a talk, because she clearly thinks she is single. I heard herself saying that more than once tonight.”
Steve looked at Bucky. “Do you think he’s right?” he asked his boyfriend.
Bucky just raised his hands and shoulder to show he had no idea. Until now he didn’t even question it, but he thought they had made it clear after you had come back from the date and they were confused as hell. The three of you were almost always cuddled together on the couch or on the chairs in the garden, when one of the two insisted that you could still fit on one of their lounge chairs. Or the little dates they went on like the little café a few streets down your house.
Or the stroll around the little park when it had suddenly started to rain and he had given you his baseball cap while Steve insisted you would get his hoodie because he wouldn’t get sick. You had held Bucky's hand on the way back to the house after you had waited under a tree for the rain to stop.
“Do you think that is why she always asked if we wanted to get a house of our own?” Bucky concluded.
“You are so dumb. I think you have to fix that,” Sam said and was the first one to leave the room.
You were surprised when suddenly Steve and Bucky were around you and after the fourth time they had hinted that they were tired you asked if you wanted to leave the party. They agreed eagerly after you said goodnight to a few people you were on your way to the house.
You sat on the passenger seat, although you had argued that you’d be fine to sit in the back. Now Bucky sat behind you and you had pushed your seat forward so he could have at least a little space. Steve’s right hand was on your leg and he only took it away to change the gear.
“Okay, what is wrong with you? You’re acting strange,” you said finally and turned around so you could see Bucky which caused Steve to lose his hold on your leg.
Bucky thought about denying it, but it didn’t feel right.
“Can we talk about it at home, honey?” Steve asked instead and you nodded. You turned back around and the rest of the drive was quiet. When Steve parked the car in front of your house and you loosened the seatbelt, Bucky had already opened your car door and held out a hand in front of you. You raised an eyebrow at that but still accepted it. What was going on?
“Do you want to change into something more comfortable?” Steve asked when you stepped inside.
“No, I want to know what is going on.”
You decided to sit down on the couch, so you could at least sit comfortable and you tucked your feet under your legs. It looked like the two men didn’t know where to sit, but they decided on the other side of the couch next to each other. “So, will one of you finally tell me what is going on?”
“It seems like we’re not all on the same page with what is going on here,” Steve started and made a motion with his finger to the three of you. You cocked your eyebrow again to show him he should continue, because to be honest you were lost. “You know that Bucky and I are in a relationship, right?” Bucky’s hand had grabbed Steve’s. And did he seem nervous?
You nodded. This was where they would tell you that you had crossed a line. Although when you thought about it, Steve’s hand had rested on your thigh not even 20 minutes ago.
“Doll, the point is... we thought we made it clear that we’re in a relationship,” Bucky stepped in.
“You did, I knew from the start. I mean you share the room with one bed. This is where you can be whoever you want to be. I won’t judge you,” you said quickly.
“Doll, Steve and I thought we had made it clear that we’re in a relationship with you. Steve, you and me.” It looked like he wanted to grab your hand but then he pulled back as if he was afraid of your reaction.
You mouth was open and you only closed it when you noticed that your tongue got dry. “The three of us? I’m so confused. Since when? I mean we haven’t even kissed,” you rambled.
Steve decided to be brave and grabbed your hand then. “Love is shown in many ways. It doesn’t always have to be physical and we just thought that wasn’t what you wanted. It took Bucky a long time to get comfortable with touching and it sometimes is still hard for him. But I think I do have to make it clear, honey. I love you and not just in a platonic way. It’s the same love I hold for Bucky and if you want to and if you feel the same, we’d love to be in a relationship with you.”
“If you need time, or hell,” Bucky swallowed, “if you don’t want to be with us or doesn’t want us around anymore, just say the word and we’ll leave.”
“I’ll grab a glass of water. Give me a moment, I’ll be back, okay?” You couldn’t answer them right now, there was so much going on. They wanted to be in a relationship with you? And they assumed that you already were an item? You wondered what had changed. Wait, was that why Sam had greeted you as their girlfriend? It hadn’t been a joke. And if they had told Sam, or maybe even Natasha... that means that this was something serious. But you still couldn’t figure out why they hadn’t talked to you.
“We need to work on your communication skills,” you said when you walked back, the glass of water long forgotten. “I'm not sure how to go from here,” you admitted.
“We can continue just as we were. Nothing has to change except we don’t see others romantically. We can go just as slow as you want or we don’t have to change anything.”
“Can we talk about this in the morning and just cuddle right now?” you asked and you could clearly see the relief on the guys face.
“Of course, doll,” Bucky answered and opened his arms.
“Let’s go change into something comfortable before, okay?” You took his hand and the three of you walked into your respective rooms. When you walked out of your room in some comfy clothes you could hear Steve and Bucky talking in their room. You couldn’t understand what they were saying, but you knocked on the door. The talking stopped and Steve opened the door.
You stepped from one foot to the other. “Maybe we can cuddle here,” you said when you looked up. Why you were suddenly so nervous around them you didn’t know. Steve nodded and stepped aside so you could enter the room.
Bucky noticed you hesitating and took your hand again. “Come here,” he said and lead you to the bed. He got comfortable on the right side and when you crawled after him he pulled you to his chest. Steve got on your other side and put an arm around your waist.
You felt Bucky's breath on your neck. “Just to make it clear, doll. I love you too,” he said and a feather light kiss was pressed into your neck.
“I can’t believe that you let me walk into a room full of people who knew about your feelings for me and I didn’t. Why couldn’t you just say anything? And why did you tell Sam and not me?” you said after a while because you couldn’t just wait for tomorrow.
“We thought it was obvious. And Sam just called your our girlfriend once and we didn’t deny it and then we called you our girlfriend. That’s kind of how we told them.”
“I always felt so guilty when one of you cuddled with me, but then you showed me in affection wen the other one was around and it was just so confusing. I’m glad we cleared that now, though,” you said and wrapped your hand around Bucky’s while your other one rested against Steve’s chest.
“We’re sorry,” Steve mumbled. You laid there and enjoyed their presence until you got sleepy. But you weren’t ready to share the bed and so you started to get up. “I’ll go to sleep, we’ll see each other for breakfast.” When you were about to walk out you stopped in the doorway. “I’m really glad you came clear. Goodnight boys.”
“Sleep well, doll.”
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The next day you were woken by a knock on your door. “Good Morning, honey. We prepared breakfast.” You tried to raise a eyebrow.
“Am I in a parallel universe? I’ll come soon,” you said and pulled away your blanket to make your way to the bathroom. When you made your way to the kitchen you were greeted with the smell of food and you did a double take when you spotted the flowers on the table and the stuff that was neatly arranged.
“We wanted to make it special for the first date that the three of us will be aware of. We went to the bakery you liked so much,” Steve explained while he filled some glasses with juice, not really noticing that the juice was spilling over as he waited for your reaction.
“Well, thank you, boyfriends,” you said with a smile on your lips as you sat down. You were aware of the pressure that fell from the tall guys in the room.
“I'm glad you like it, doll,” Bucky pressed a kiss to your cheek before he sat down on the chair next to you, while Steve was busy cleaning the counter. He was about to sit down in front of you, when you asked if you wouldn’t get a good morning kiss from him. You knew he was a super soldier and he had good reflexes but you were pretty sure you have never seen him move so fast before. He was about to kiss your cheek but you turned around and stunned him when suddenly your lips connected. He was shocked, that much you could tell, but it didn’t hinder him from kissing you back gently.
He shared a quick glance with Bucky when you disconnected, but the other man wasn’t about to say anything. He meant what he said when he told you the night before that they would go in your pace. But when you looked at him and asked if you could have a kiss from him too he didn’t hesitate to kiss you.
“So, now that that’s out of the way. I’m starving,” you said and started to put some food on your plate. “What are we going to do today?”
“Whatever you want,” Steve and Bucky said at the same time which caused you to laugh
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divider by @firefly-graphics
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my-darling-luna · 3 years
Your Majesty Chapter 7
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Let me know if I can change anything to make it more accessible to everyone (ex. Be less descriptive, etc.). I want to make sure that everyone can read this!!
Your Majesty Masterlist
Summary- It has been more than a decade since the Kingdom of Ultron lost their princess. (Y/n) was just a 17 year old that didn’t know much about her past. Realizations happen and lives are crossed. How will (Y/n) handle the new pressure?
Stucky x reader
“I’m so sorry.” Steve broke the silence, reaching out to grab (Y/n)’s hand. 
“Don’t ever touch me.” (Y/n) pulled back, not letting him even make contact with her body. Bucky looked concerned, his eyes trained on the girl in front of him.
“Doll?” His voice was soft and careful.
“Leave me alone.” She was quiet and Steve and Bucky watched on as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her eyes were locked on the outside, her body tense and unmoving even with the carriage bouncing on the uneven ground.
The rest of the seven hour trip was completely quiet; tensions growing in size as time ticked by. Once the carriage slowed, Steve and Bucky were the first out, the two watching and holding out their hands so that (Y/n) could grab on and get out onto solid ground quicker. The two hands were ignored as (Y/n) pulled herself out of the carriage without even a glance towards the boys who she had festering feelings for.
A woman with dark brown hair walked out of the castle, a polite, but childish look in her eyes. She curtsied before holding out her arm so that (Y/n) could link with hers. (Y/n) did and the two walked inside.
“I’m Wanda, your Lady in Waiting. It’s so nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Wanda smiled despite the feeling that (Y/n) did not want to be here.
“Here’s your room, I can help you with your clothes.” (Y/n) waved her hand.
“No thank you. Just don’t let anyone that comes to my door in, please.” Wanda nodded her head, her eyes confused, but her body language not showing it.
“Not even the king, miss?” (Y/n) shook her head. Wanda assumed that the only reason she was here was for the prince. “Well, I’ll have your dinner sent up. Have a nice rest.” She left with a click of the door and only when (Y/n) heard no more talking between the guard and Wanda, she got up and moved. Looking in the mirror was shocking. She looked sad, her eyes clearly red from crying, her face tacky because of her tears.
Sighing, the princess moved to her trunks that where placed by the bed and began to rifle through them. Clothes and little trinkets were pushed to the far corners as (Y/n)’s hands got more and more frantic as time went by. Her hands stopped elbow deep in the second trunk as her hands grabbed for a leather bound book at the bottom. Pulling it out, she grabbed a ink bottle and fountain pen before sitting down on her bed. The ink bottle was held in between her legs to stabilize it as she hunched foreword and began scribbling down words on a page.
How often am I supposed to feel trapped? For the longest time, I was glad that Rhodey found me in the village square, but as time goes by, I feel like I would rather be home with my adopted parents more than anything. Father gives me love, sure, but today I feel as though that love is cracked and there is no amount of power that could fix it. He sent me away to live with men I barely know in a kingdom I don’t know at all. Steve and Bucky were wonderful after our failed meeting, but how am I supposed to feel after they and the rest of the kings decided that I should be sent away? I don’t know if I can trust them anymore. Or even if I can love them anymore and god, I want to love them so badly if they would let me. I don’t want to be here.
“Princess?” The door opened after the knock and a man came in with a tray of food. “Here’s your dinner.” She thanked him and he nodded before closing the door softly. Her eyes slid over to the tray of food on the table, but the thought of eating after a day like this felt awful for her. With her entry done, she placed the book between a stack of clothes before changing into a nightgown and slipping into her. Before she fell asleep, her eyes scanned the grandfather clock in the corner, the hands sitting at 6:30. She closed her eyes.
“Miss? It’s morning.” Wanda opened up the door, her eyes drawing to the uneaten food on the table before moving to the girl still lying in her bed. “I am supposed to wake you up for breakfast at the command of the king.” (Y/n) shook her head while still buried in the pillow and comforter.
“Tell the king no thank you. I just want to be left alone.” Wanda huffed.
“But princess he insisted.”
“Then tell him that I insisted not to come. Thank you Wanda.” Her voice was muffled, but Wanda got the message and left the room, closing the door once again.
It took two and a half minutes for the banging on the door to start. Huh, a minute more than I thought. (Y/n) laughed to herself quietly and continued to ignore the knocks while simultaneously trying to fall back asleep.
“Doll?” Steve’s voice was loud, giving (Y/n) an idea that he had his face pressed against the door. “(Y/n) please let me in.” She groaned quietly and shoved the pillow over her head to muffle out any noise.
“Darlin’?” Bucky’s drawl was still audible through the thick oak. “Can we talk? Just us three?” The knob was jiggled before there was a scuffle outside. The guard must’ve stepped in and (Y/n) was perfectly fine with that.
“Stand down!” Steve yelled and the scuffle became quiet. A few more words were exchanged before the door was unlocked and shut shortly after. “(Y/n)?” He shuffled over to the bed that was housing a shape under the covers. “Hey, what’s going on with you?” Pulling away the pillow, Steve caressed her back while trying to get her moving. (Y/n) reached out her opposite hand and grabbed along the sheets. Bucky’s hand found hers and he huffed when a quick slap came to it before grabbing a hold of a pillow and hitting Steve with it.
“What has gotten into you?” Bucky demanded and Steve gave him a warning look. (Y/n) ignored him and tried to pull the pillow back over her head. “(Y/n) stop!” He grabbed the pillow off her head.
“Buck.” Steve mumbled before kneeling down to be face to face with (Y/n). “Darlin’ what’s going on? Why are you acting dismissive?” His voice was soft, but his words made (Y/n) furious.
She sat up quickly and looked at the two boys sharply. “Oh I can’t imagine why I would be feeling ‘dismissive’. Maybe it’s because my father kicked me out of his castle because you two agreed with him.” Bucky sighed before sitting down on the bed, it sinking under his weight.
“Doll, you know that we agreed because we’re scared. We don’t want those threats to succeed in harming you.” (Y/n) dully noted how Bucky refused to say Hydra.
“That’s none of your concern. You do not have any say in what I do. You’re not my family nor do I have any real relationship with you both.”
“What if we want to?” Steve said quietly, shifting his weight as he still sat on his knees.
“What are you talking about?” Bucky grabbed (Y/n)’s hand and Steve grabbed her other one. The two men made eye contact.
“What if we want to be in a ‘real’ relationship?” Bucky mumbled, not looking up from their joined hands.
“You’re joking, right?” (Y/n) laughed awkwardly and the men’s stomachs fell in disappointment. She stopped at their faces. “No, that’s not what I meant. I mean, I want to. I guess I was just shocked.” Bucky looked up with surprise.
“You want us? The both of us?” (Y/n) nodded and he flung himself forward to wrap his arms around the girl. Bucky reached out for Steve who fell into the pile along with the two others.
“I’m still mad at you.” (Y/n) said quietly. Steve chucked and rested his head on her right shoulder.
“We know.”
Taglist- @austynparksandpizza @aikeia @simplyfandomish @baby-noodles @lili-ann-love @rebloggingeverything @spookyparadisesheep
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mischiefsmind · 4 years
Paralyzed Part 2
This is part 2 of Happiest years. 
Pairing Stucky x reader
After Steve and Bucky get the video they are keen are saving you
“You almost convinced me that I mattered.”
“You said you wouldn’t, and then you fucking did.”
“Do not call me that. You lost that fucking right.”
“I don’t want you to fucking apologize! I want the guilt to eat you alive. I want you to drown in your thoughts like I drowned in mine.”
”Don’t talk to me anymore. I said I was done and I meant it.”
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Steve's Pov
‘Why did we say those things to her we didn’t mean any of the things said.’ he thought to himself 
Bucky ran into the gym crying “Steve we need to go to Y/n apartment now I think she is trying to kill herself because I just got a video from her so we need to go now.” 
Steve turned around and started to follow bucky. They got on the elevator and Bucky pulled out his phone, calling 911 and sending them to your place. When they got to the garage, hopped in the fastest car and drove, not caring about any laws. 
When getting to the apartment building they saw the police and firemen in front of the building; Steve and Bucky got out and ran up to their apartment. They run into the place running to find you when they see the paramedics patching you up and putting you up on the Stecher.
Steve's heart dropped seeing you look so pale and looking at your arms patched up because of them. The paramedics started to wheel you out of the apartment to the ambulance, while they put the stretcher in there; Bucky went up to them and asked if they could ride to which they said yes. 
As soon as the paramedics said yes the two super soldiers hopped in telling the avengers to follow them to the hospital.
Your Pov
You could hear everything going on, but couldn’t open your eyes. You tried to lift your left arm but it was restrictive which made you panic to try your other arm which made the same conclusion. 
“Bucky Get A Nurse.”
You opened your eyes to that voice. A voice that hurt you, a voice that put you in this predicament. This made you open your eyes to see Steve with bloodshot eyes next to you on your left and bucky coming back to sit next to him looking the same. 
A guy came in with a computer cart “Hey, Y/n. I know you may be in shock but we put these on so patients don’t hurt themselves again while in the hospital again.” You just nodded looking away from the two.
“I am just going to ask a few questions if that is okay??” You nodded again
“How is your physical pain on a scale of 1-10?”
“ I would say a 10.” You responded as he typed 
“Do you take any medication?’
“Okay, and do you do drugs or smoke?” 
“No to both.”
“Okay just let me write that down real quick.”  He started typing again 
 “The Doctor will be with you in just a minute.” He said leaving the room 
The three of you sat in silence because they didn’t know what to say to them and also because you couldn’t look at them or stand them. You just waited for the doctor to come in to talk to you. 
After about 30 minutes you heard a knock on the door and a female head pop in the door “ Hi, I am Dr, Stone I will be taking care of you for the time being. I just want to look over your chart real quick.” You waited as she did that. 
She sat down next to you then looked at the two that sat on the other side of you. “Can I have you guys set out for a moment so I can speak with them for a moment?” They then both then got up, walked out, and closed the door behind them. 
“Can I ask why you try to kill yourself?”
You started to tear us thinking about it and about the thing they told you. “I was so alone and I just couldn’t live with the thought of myself being here making the men out there lives worse than I already did.” 
Dr.Stone got up and let the boys in and they went back to sit at their spots from before. Dr. Stone told you that she had to go. She would be back in a bit but the nurse would be back to come in to check in on you, but if you needed anything use the button on the remote. 
“Y/n, Baby I am so sorry.” is what Bucky told you first
You ignored him knowing it wasn’t going to fix the hurt and betrayal they put upon you.
“Y/n baby we never meant to hurt you. We really are sorry.” Steve told you, making you fume with rage.
“Do not call me that. You lost that fucking right.” You finally scream at them “I don’t want you to fucking apologize! I want the guilt to eat you alive. I want you to drown in your thoughts as I drowned in mine.”
Bucky ran his hand through his hair “We don’t know what happened to us that night, we didn’t mean to say that stuff, we love you so much doll. You are the only girl we love.”
You smiled making them smile then stopped. “You almost convinced me that I mattered.” You Started to laugh “Do you remember when you asked me out I told you everyone I love leaves me and You said you wouldn’t, and then you fucking did. Wow-what Gentlemen you guys are.” 
“I know but we don’t want to leave you, we can fix this I promise” Steve started to suggest
You rolled your eyes “Oh, Steve and his got to make himself the good guy because he’s Captain America and he can do no wrong well guess what. You FUCKING BROKE ME STEVE LOOK AT MY ARMS YOU TWO DID THIS. I DID THIS BECAUSE OF YOU. I AM DONE.”
They didn’t know what to do because they knew you were right, that they fuck up, that they fucked you up. They started to get up as bucky started to say something but you interrupted him.”Don’t talk to me anymore. I said I was done and I meant it.”
As soon as the door shut all of the emotions came out for the first time making you feel something. You started to hyperventilate to the point it was hard to breathe, making the nurses rush in to help you come in. After you wouldn’t calm down they gave you a sedative making everything go dark.
Opening your eyes it was dark outside and in your room. You noticed you were not restricted anymore and could sit up properly. 
“Hey. Kid.” Said a voice making you jump. You noticed it was Tony next to you. 
You both didn’t know what to say at the moment cause you knew Tony was blaming himself for the situation at hand when you know you could know it wasn't his fault. Tony turned on the light next to you so you could see him.
“Tony, why are you here?” You asked him, giving you a puzzled face.
“I am here because I love you and because you need support after what they caused you to do. Also because you are my annoying somewhat little sister I never had.” He paused wiping away a tear that was running his face. “Because I know what it is like to be in your position before I became Iron Man when I was kidnapped I was ready to let myself go so many times but, I couldn’t let pepper down and the person that helped me get out of there alone. Also, I wanted to figure out who was selling my weapons to traitors.”
In a quiet voice, you asked “Who all is here and knows?”
“Well right now it is just me here and everyone knows.” 
After hearing that everyone knows you close your eyes and the tears fall. You thought about everything they said and how you felt about them and how they tried to take you back and brush over it. Tony grabbed your hand to tell you that you were not alone and that you had him. 
You brushed the tears off with your other hand and looked at Tony with a sigh “What happens after this.” 
“We are going to get you into therapy and no missions for a while till you are cleared. Get moving you in with me and Pepper so you are not alone and anything else you need.”
“Thank you, Tony.” You told him giving him a hug
Not sure if I should make a part 3 or not. 
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Double stuffed birthday
Stucky x Reader
Descriptions:  (Y/n) has huge crushes on her neighbors, but they’re in a relationship- with each other. She’s sad to miss out, thinking they’re both only into men, but wants the best for them. Until one night she hears a woman’s moans coming through the wall... Afraid to hurt one of them, she has to come clean about what she heard, and finds out that- maybe she has a chance after all...?
Types: Double penetration, threesome, two guys one girl, virgin reader, preparation, smut!
Warnings: None, I think.
Words: 3347 
A/n- THAT’S RIGHT! DOUBLE STUFFED BIRTHDAY! BECAUSE! I’M... A DORK! *sigh*... This Ask came from forever and a day ago (You can see how far behind I am... )
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(Y/n) wanted something special for her birthday… 
She was tired of sitting around admiring the two super soldiers who were her great friends, and had been since they moved in a couple of years ago. 
It had started as any other day; her getting home from work, checking the mail, planning what to make for dinner. The only difference had been that there was a moving truck outside. 
When she'd gotten up to her floor, she saw boxes all over the hallway, and, while being careful and watching her feet to not trip over them, she didn't see the bulky man coming around the doorway next to hers, who then nearly mowed her over, but caught her with his quick reflexes. 
She later brought them cookies as a welcome to the building treat, and they invited her to have dinner to get to know each other. 
It was a wonderful night, and they became great friends. 
The next while was nice, showing them movies, finding out that they were, in fact, Captain America and Bucky Barnes, best friends, comrades in arms, roommates, and… a bit more. 
Truly, not many could understand the life they'd lived; WWII veterans would understand the life and the war, the Avengers would understand that part of the fighting they'd gone through, but since the other experimental subjects that had been with Bucky had been… terminated… they were the only supersoldiers left in the world- that were known of, anyway. And even then, Steve could never quite know what Bucky had gone through as a prisoner of war, tortured and experimented on; after all, Steve had been able to volunteer for the supersoldier program. 
So it made sense that they had gone from bffs to bffs with benefits, since they were really the only ones they could completely trust with themselves. 
It made (Y/n) a bit sad, wishing that she'd have a chance with them, but it was hard to be jealous when they were both good friends and they were happy together. 
That certainly didn't keep her from dreaming, though… 
And dream she did. 
Being a virgin did nothing to stop her imagination, and it's no wonder with the internet and the plethora of erotic stories. It all gave her a wealth of fantasies to pull from when she was alone. 
Even if she had to be very quiet, since their bedrooms apparently shared a wall. 
How awkward would it be the day after to see them in the hall and have one of them comment, "so hey, I heard you screaming mine and my partner's name in orgasm last night…" 
Yeah… That was definitely something she wanted to avoid. 
They tried to return the favor as well, it seemed, since sometimes she could hear them, just barely, keeping quiet as they were intimate. 
She… may or may not have joined in privately those times… 
So, when she heard a woman crying out one night, she was understandably a bit distressed thinking that one of her friends had cheated on the other. 
It ate at her for a week. She wanted to talk to them, needed to talk about it, but she didn't know who it was, and she didn't want to hurt one of them. 
Finally, she couldn't hold it in any longer, and knocked on the door, greeting Steve when he answered. 
"Hey, (Y/n), how are you doing?" 
"I- I'm…" She took a breath and turned to him, pushing it out, but awkwardly wishing she could pull it back halfway through, "I heard- so-omething- the… other day…" 
"I'm sorry…?" He offered, completely lost, but able to tell she was distressed by whatever she'd heard. 
He was so kind- his face showed he was so sweet- 
(Y/n) didn't know what to do! 
She couldn't imagine this sweet teddy bear of a man cheating, and she definitely didn't want to hurt him! 
"I- I'm sorry, I- heard something in- uh, from, the bedroom…" 
His cheeks flashed the lightest shade of pink, an apologetic smile tilting his lips. 
"What's up with Dolly?" Bucky asked from the doorway to the kitchen. 
(Y/n) felt panic building in her veins. 
Oh shit- 
What do I do?! 
"Apparently we were a bit loud the other night," Steve answered, his eyes still on hers. 
Oh god- she could feel her blood rushing in her ears! Heat spreading over her body- knots forming in her stomach-! 
"No- no, I-! Um! I have to g-" She stopped. "I don't want to ruin your relationship but I heard one of you in the bedroom with a woman!" 
Having word vomited her news out, she desperately wanted to leave. She hurried to turn and do so, but Steve caught her arm. 
“Wait, wait, wait. You what?” 
(Y/n) could feel the panic building in her stomach, making her feel a bit nauseous. “I heard- I heard someone in the bedroom- I heard a woman in your bedroom- I- I’m sorry,” she told them, starting to breathe heavily with her panic. 
Steve and Bucky shared a look, then looked back to her. 
“I- I have to go- I’m-” 
“Hey, hey,” Steve cooed, trying to calm her down, used to Bucky’s panic attacks. 
Bucky tossed the potholder in his hand on the counter and headed over to help calm her. They stroked her back, murmuring calming words to her until she could catch her breath. 
“I- I’m sorry- I just- didn’t- want to hurt- you guys,” she told them. 
They shared another look and looked back to her, an apologetic look in their eyes. 
“W-well, I guess this is how you find out,” Steve commented softly. 
“F-find out- what?” 
Bucky cleared his throat and looked away, muttering something to himself and rubbing his metal arm. 
“We’re not gay, (Y/n)...” 
“B-but I thought-” She blinked in confusion, her words leaving her. 
“I’m sorry if there was a misunderstanding,” Steve told her, still holding onto her to give support. “We’re not gay; we’re bi…” 
Bucky cleared his throat and gave a crooked smile to the wall he was staring at. “Yeah, ahem, S-Steve might not have gotten many dames back in the day, but, uh-” 
Steve snorted. “Bucky got lots of ‘tail’.” 
“U-uh- oh! Oh… wow… I- I’m sorry I came bursting in here like- like a crazy person,” (Y/n) told them, feeling her embarrassment replacing the panic. 
As she’d left, she was sure that she’d heard Bucky telling Steve, “see? This is why you don’t make the plans. What the hell kind of plan was that anyway?! You gave her a panic attack!” 
And now, a month later, when she was getting closer to her birthday, she’d decided to bring up her request. Just between friends, people she trusted, the three of them- she wanted them to take her virginity. 
Steve looked at her in shock. “Y-you’re a virgin?” 
“Yeah…?” (Y/n) answered, not understanding why that was strange; everyone was born a virgin, so everyone was at some point in their life… 
“But- but like, actually a virgin,” Bucky reiterated. “Not- not like ‘I’m a “virgin” because I’m a “born again virgin”’?” 
“Yes- a what? No- look. It’s simple. I am a virgin. I’ve never had sex. No penis in any of my orifices. Virgin.” 
The two men looked at each other, sharing a look like something suddenly made sense. 
“And- and you want us to- you want one of us to take your virginity?” Steve asked. 
“Well, I mean, if Bucky was such a lady killer back in the forties, I’m sure he’s had a few, so nothing new to him…” 
They both chuckled awkwardly at that. 
“But, I-  I was actually hoping… That… you both…?” 
“Both…” Steve blinked, then looked at Bucky. 
“Both of us? In the same night?” 
“A-at the same- time,” she offered. 
Steve shook his head. “No.” 
Bucky shot him a look. “Oh, you suddenly have good ideas?” 
“No; (Y/n), Cookie, we can’t- we can’t take you at the same time-” 
“I’ve seen porn, Steve,” she scolded. 
“I’ve seen it happen,” Bucky added, deadpan. 
“Not when you’re a virgin! It’ll- it’ll- Bucky!” Steve looked at him for support. “It’d rip her to shreds!” 
Bucky paused, tilting his head. “Y-yeah… he’s got a point there, Dolly…” 
“But- but! Every one has sex a first time! It’s not like I’m any different!” 
Bucky shook his head, “but, not everyone is trying to have double penetration their first go. Not only that, but- the- the serum… it affected all of us… all of us,” he stressed before turning to Steve and patting him on the shoulder a bit mockingly. “Look at you, thinking things through. Proud of you, Punk.” 
“Shut up, Jerk,” Steve shot back. 
“But… there’s not any way…?” (Y/n) asked sadly. 
The two shared a look again, looking hesitant. 
“Th- there might be a way…” 
“It’ll take a long time…” 
“What is it?” She asked. 
“Well- you- you might stand a chance if you- ahem- did some… some training to your- your holes…” Bucky looked like he was about to die blushing. 
Steve nodded, also looking a bit uncomfortable. “Yeah… if you could… train them… then you’d stand a chance to take one of us…” 
“So- I’d just have to, what, stick fingers in and stretch or something?” She asked. 
Bucky let out a choked laugh. 
“Uh, no, Cookie…” Steve told her, a small chuckle leaving him. “Well… training can be fun… and we can start with fingers, but… we’re  going to have to… graduate to… larger things.” 
(Y/n) blinked at them. “...ok…” 
And thus began the training. 
(Y/n) went to their apartment the next day, eager to start the training, and wasn’t surprised when they had her remove her bottoms. 
“Ok, Doll,” Bucky started, helping her lay back on the bed. He lifted her legs and let them fall open, helping to stretch the inside flexors of her hips. His eyes went right to her bare pussy and stayed there, like they were glued for a minute before he cleared his throat roughly. “Steve… Steve, c’mere…” 
“Yeah?” Steve asked, leaning over from where he was monitoring her reactions. 
“Look at this cute little pussy… She’s… Damn…” 
Steve looked down and his expression changed. “She… Wow…” 
“Hey, uh, guys, you’re kinda weirding me out, here… Is something wrong with me…?!” 
“Nah- nah, Dolly, just… You’re so cute… and-” Bucky cut off, clearing his throat. “Nothin’s wrong.” 
Steve’s fingers ran down her, and (Y/n) let out a gasp. “Oh, shit…” He stroked over her again. “We’re going to have to be careful, Buck… not get…” 
“Carried away, yeah,” Bucky agreed. “Ok, Doll, we’re starting… ready?” 
She nodded, and the next thing she expected was something inserted, but instead, it was just more petting. She looked up at them in question, but they seemed to know what they were doing, and she honestly had not much, if any at all, experience. 
(Y/n) felt herself starting to get more interested, more swollen at the attention that was being paid to her. She felt her body heating up, getting ready for what was going to happen. 
Steve was petting her hair and stroking over her cheeks and neck, giving words of encouragement, telling her how sexy it was watching Bucky doing the things he was to her. 
Bucky ran his fingers between her lips, getting her used to the feeling for a moment, then rubbed around her clit, circling and rubbing over it, his eyes getting dark and hooded as she made soft little noises. He cursed softly before moving one finger to her opening and starting to push in. 
“Bucky,” she huffed, laughing, but still going to moan. “Your finger- isn’t the first thing going up there,” she told him. 
Bucky looked up at her. “N-? Oh, right…” He chuckled. “There are all sorts of things to put here these days.” 
(Y/n) felt like she was about to immediately regret those words… 
Bucky slipped his finger in, moving slowly for a couple of thrusts before adding a finger. “Two,” he updated Steve. “Let’s see how far we can get her today.” 
“Bucky,” Steve chided, “don’t try rushing it.” 
Bucky looked up at him, flashing a cheeky smirk. “Course not. Running in blindly with no plan is your thing.” 
Steve gave him a dry look, but stayed quiet. 
(Y/n) was panting under Bucky’s ministrations already, her hips starting to arch with his movements. 
When he scissored his fingers apart to stretch her a bit more, the noises that she was making changed, making both guys lick their lips and watch intently. 
He managed to get three fingers in, keeping her at the edge of orgasm, not letting her come. 
“I wanna turn,” Steve said, his eyes trained on Bucky’s hand as it was quickly getting wetter. 
“Why don’t you work on the other side,” Bucky suggested. 
“Think that’d be ok, Cookie?” Steve asked softly. 
(Y/n) looked up at him, her body feeling ready for orgasm. She nodded and they shifted her to her side so that Bucky could reach her pussy, and Steve had room to work on her ass. 
Bucky had her foot planted on his shoulder to keep her open, working slowly at her, and Steve rubbed and squeezed her ass for a moment. 
“It’s going to be cold for a moment,” he warned her, and she heard some noises like he was rubbing something between his fingers before they touched her. 
His fingers were a bit cold, but they warmed up as he moved them over her rear opening, slowly starting to dip his finger in. 
Wow- wow! She’d never felt this strange sort of double stimulation before! It felt- it felt really good! 
(Y/n) started groping at her chest, moaning and whining as they moved. She could hear them talking to each other, working in conjunction, and she felt when Steve switched fingers, stroking her inside as she was driven closer and closer to her end. 
“Steve, you’re going to have to- I’ve got her foot on my shoulder,” Bucky’s voice drifted up to her dreamily. 
(Y/n) could only spare a partial thought wondering what that was about, but the rest of her body was feeling too good, especially when her hands went under her shirt and bra to get to her bare breasts. 
Another hand was on her, two fingers stroking along her, on either side of her clit, and she arched and moaned, hearing two answering moans from near her knees. The three hands worked in tandem, getting into rhythm and stroking her. 
It felt so good, it was like pleasure bursting through every part of her- making her whole body shiver. 
“Look at her, she’s doing so good,” one cooed. 
“God, I can’t wait to have her between us…” The other agreed. 
“Oh, that’s it, look at her; she’s getting close.” 
(Y/n) was having trouble catching her breath, her hips rocking with their rhythm. “G- I- yeah,” she panted to them, her moans getting louder and louder. 
“That’s it, come for us, gorgeous.” 
(Y/n) cried out as she came, clenching around both of them and feeling them in even more detail inside her. 
“Good girl… such a good girl…” 
Every day after work, she’d go to their apartment, and repeat the process. 
Everyday after work, she'd only come once, but it was a pretty strong orgasm. 
Until, finally, it was the day. 
“You can say no, if you want to.” 
“No one will think less of you.” 
“I know.” She was naked in front of them, laid out on the bed, watching as lube was poured into a palm. “Isn’t that too much…?” 
They shared a look. 
“Trust us.” 
They worked into her one at a time, one on the bed, her sliding onto him, feeling him filling her pussy like it had never been filled before. No tampon or toy, even when they’d been doing their training and they’d stretched her open with toys, had ever filled her this much. 
They took a break, letting her lay on his chest as the other lubed up her ass next to prepare her for him to enter. 
“Are you ready?” 
She nodded, though her eyes were closed and she was still taking deep breaths.
The super soldier behind her started to press into her, going slow, so mercifully slow, and letting her stretch around him.
“Oh shit- (Y/n)- ah god, you’re so t-tight…” 
Somehow he managed to push all the way in without many stops, and (Y/n) had never felt fuller in her life. 
There was panting from in front and behind her as both men caught their breaths, and the three of them slowly started growing accustomed to the tight feeling. 
When they started moving, she felt the way their cocks dragged at her skin, the friction feeling like pleasurable stroking pushing her closer to orgasm. They switched the way they thrust, and suddenly, Steve was pushing into her while Bucky was pulling out, then they were switching. 
(Y/n) couldn’t breathe, it felt so good- her mind turned itself off, and the only thing going through her head was it trying to process the sensation of them moving inside her. 
“Oh, fuck,” Bucky groaned, leaning in and tilting her chin to kiss her. 
Steve kept thrusting, groaning as he moved. “God, f-f- feel so-” He pulled the kiss apart by turning (Y/n)’s face to him instead. 
Bucky licked his lips as he watched them kiss, his hips bucking into her slowly and steadily. 
Steve pulled back and kissed Bucky, who leaned into the kiss as well, both hugging tight around (Y/n). 
They each took a breast, kneading and playing with it, tugging and rolling her nipples as they moved. 
It was so good-
It was so much- 
It was too good- 
It was too much-! 
(Y/n) let out a high pitched cry as she came, hard, squeezing tight around them, making Bucky and Steve both let out guttural sounds of surprise and pleasure. 
“Oh shit-” 
Hands tightened on (Y/n), one set on her hips, the other on her thighs as both men picked up the pace. 
“Bucky- she- she feels so good!” 
“I know, Steve- she’s- she’s so tight it feels like she’s tryin’ to push me out-! Oh fuck, Dolly, you’re gonna make me cum-!” 
“Oh God, Cookie, don’t- don’t stop squeezing me like that-! I’m- I’m right there- gonna cum-” 
They seemed to communicate without any sounds as they both sped up, making (Y/n)’s voice raise as she came again, but their response this time was fucking into her harder. 
“Fuck- fuck, fuck, fuck,” Bucky panted as he slammed into her, starting to ride close to the edge of orgasm. 
“O-oh- uuuungh! B-Bucky- c’mon- let’s fill our girl with our cum,” Steve called out, his hips pistoning as he slid in and out. 
“Yeah- r-ready when- when you are,” Bucky answered, his hands tightening on her. “She’s gettin’ close again, too-” 
“A-alright, on- on Cookie’s signal, then,” Steve decided. 
It was only a couple more movements before (Y/n) fell over the edge again, a scream leaving her as she came, tightening around them as her hips twitched, but between them, they kept them steady as they pushed into her as deep as they could and one after the other, filled her until she was dripping super soldier seed. 
After a moment to catch their breath, the two men cleaned her up, and they all got comfortable in the bed. 
“Oh fuck,” Bucky sighed. “That was great, Doll.” 
“Agreed,” Steve nodded, wrapping an arm around her. “Good birthday present?” 
(Y/n) managed to nod as she cuddled closer to them both. “Y-yeah… good…” 
The two chuckled. 
“Go on, sweetheart, go to sleep,” a deep voice murmured near her ear. “More time for fun tomorrow. You’ve been through a lot for now, though.” 
(Y/n) drifted off, feeling Bucky and Steve following her quickly. 
NOTES- Confirmed; Steve convinced Bucky to set the whole thing with the other woman up trying to lure (Y/n) to the conclusion that they were into women, too... Sneaky Steve. 
Steve: We both really like her, right?  Bucky: Yeah. Steve: And we both want her to join us, right? Bucky: Yeah. Steve: I’ve dropped hints all over...  Both: ... Both: ... Bucky: Maybe she doesn’t think we’re into girls?  Steve: ...I have a plan.  Bucky: No- Steve, no.  Steve: *quietly* Steve yes... Ok, so here’s what we’re gonna do... Bucky: *sighs and rubs face* 
Tag List!
@tephi101 @lilypalmer1987  @pingu89  @gifsbysimplysonia   @omnomsauruswrites   @keldachick  @Randomfandompenguin  @mannls  @screeching-student-unknown  @lizfawn  @ya-lyublu-tebya  @their-bibliophile  @the-fifth-marauder03   @ria132love   @slender--spirit  @awkward-haux   @shuriss   @muggleluna   @cauraphernelia​  @ravenclawmuggles​   @stonedxsoldier   @rainbowkisses31   @racheo91   @mrsmookie   @emilysallysmith   @sebbystanlover-vk​  @lillovin84​   @leah2901​   @igothroughphasesalot​   @letstalkaboutsebbaby​  @a-book-pressed-rose​   @badassbaker​   @lookwhatyoumademequeue​  @kiki5283​   @blingblingboy​   @stressedandbandobessed7771  @justanothermarvelfan01  @boo-ven9eance  @songforhema    @rororo06   @the-omni-princess   @dibsonamericasass  @yknott81   @isaacunderground   @thequeenreaders   @viarogers   @anamcg317   @trynnabemultifandom   @karla-silva   @janndishsstuff   @imeanshitithappens   @smoothdogsgirl  @Jennmurawski13  @heartsaved   @past-perfect-future-tense   @Silver-starburst @nd1998sc   @dumblani   @Sj493494   @michelehansel   @indiana-jackson  @katharinemclaughlin-stuff  @anxiousamandapanda  @my-drowning-in-time  @twopulses  @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines
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searchingforbucky · 4 years
Fic Rec (Part 20) :)
Hey guys! Welcome to the Professor!Bucky fic rec list! Theres some Teacher!Bucky sprinkled in here because I really liked the stories lol. I’m trying something new with this one where I include more fics in the rec, but keep the description to being just the summary/pairing. We’re gonna see how people like it! :) ***means smut
One for the History Books by @cametobuyplums ***
36 years old, divorced, and soft around the middle. Bucky Barnes is your History professor. You’re just his student. Why ever would you want him? ChubbyProfessor!Bucky x Reader / Thor x Reader
Between The Shelves by @cametobuyplums ***
Chubby!Bucky x Reader (Professor!AU) in which Chubby!Bucky is a professor who frequents the college library.
Good Girl by @cametobuyplums ***
in which Professor Barnes rewards you for being a model student.
Pranking the professors by @revengingbarnes
The students are trying to set you up with the Transfiguration Professor. You’re not too opposed to the idea. Hogwarts Professor!Bucky x Hogwarts Professor!reader
Sup Professor by @seasaurusrrex
[A Social Media AU] Bucky Barnes is the “most handsomest man” that you have ever laid your eyes on and oh, would you look at that. He’s your professor.
Pastel Colors by @the-canary
If only the cute teacher would stop pestering you for a pen. Librarian!Reader/ Teacher!Bucky Barnes
If you’re reading this by @notimetoblog
 An end of the year bet with your friend/colleague Mr. Barnes leads to an unexpected surprise. Teacher!Bucky
Busted by @cxptain
Nat asks you about a certain contact by the name of “Bucky Boo Bear 🐻💖💕💗” and gets the surprise of a lifetime.
Two for one by @propertyofpoeandbucky ***
Ever since you became the TA for Professor Romanoff, you’ve been seeing a lot of Professors Rogers and Barnes. They seem to be attracted to you, but you have a hard time deciding between the two. What do you do? Stucky x F!Reader
The Lecture by @propertyofpoeandbucky ***
 You’ve noticed the professor you TA for has been a bit tense lately, so you figured out something that could help him let loose a bit. Chubby!Bucky x F!Reader
Work Ethic by @propertyofpoeandbucky ***
You’re Professor Barnes’ TA and you’re at his place helping him grade papers as well as something a little extra. Chubby!Bucky x F!Reader
Hello Spring Day 6 by @itsbuckysworld
Teacher!Bucky x Teacher!Reader.It’s picture day at their Middle School. Mr. Barnes is wearing his best definitely not to impress Ms. Y/L/N, and Ms. Y/L/N is wearing her best, definitely not to impress Mr. Barnes.
Behind The Walls by @221bshrlocked ***
You are currently getting your PhD in Art History, your dissertation being about The Power of Nudity in Art. Your adviser recommends you switch from being her TA to another professor because she feels her health is declining and wants you to get the best help/advice from someone new. She recommends Dr. James Barnes and believes he will be of great help to you. Things don’t turn out as you plan.  
A Long Lasting Prank War by @bucky-smiles
Teacher!AU. Bucky and the reader’s relationship detailed through birthday pranks.
About Time by @maarrvveell
professor!Bucky x professor!y/n - professor!Steve x professor!y/n: you have a strict policy about dating coworkers but this man is really testing that, although you really don’t want to admit it. Who knew you’d have boy problems in college.. AGAIN
Professor Will See You Now by @becs-bunker ***
you’re mortified by your bad grade in history and decide to confront your insanely attractive professor about it. Warnings: arguing, annoyed!reader, jealous!Bucky, student/teacher relationship, smut, nsfw, oral sex [female receiving], protected sex, fluff
Lunch Break by @jobean12-blog ***
You know Bucky has been very busy lately so you visit his office and bring him some lunch. Professor Barnes/Bucky x reader
Prejudge by @marsmoonqueen
Bucky just learned a lesson: You have to ask before you make assumptions.
Who is he by @savemefromanepicoftimewasted
Y/N was more nervous about starting a new job in a new state than she was moving to an entirely new state.  What happens when someone shows her that life can be much better on the other side?
Show Me Love by @lenavonschweetz***
 College!AU Where sex-on-legs Dr. Barnes is your History professor that makes it impossible to pay attention in class.  Perhaps it’s the danger of it all, but god help you - you can’t stay away.
Meet Me Inside by @denialanderror
You really wanted your last year to go without a hitch so you could finally get your Masters degree. But then Professor Barnes walks in to your lecture. And he makes it a whole lot harder to focus. 
In Your Head by @daenyara
physics professor!Bucky Barnes / psychology professor!reader. y/n can’t get the charming professor Barnes out of her mind.
Seat 2C by @viollettes
Professor!Bucky gets signed up to be a seat-filler at the Academy Awards, only to get assigned to the seat next to one of his favorite actresses.
Office Hours by @beckzorz ***
Office Hours with Professor Barnes
Sexual Tension by @imaginativemarvel
(Y/N) transfers to a new university only to find out her new teacher is a hot jackass. Heated words are tossed back and forth but it ends up making them gravitate even closer.
You Wike Him by @buckys-old-habits
Single Parent! Reader x Kindergarten Teacher! Bucky
Extra Credit by @honeyhan-123​ ***
Grey!Bucky, Also Silver fox!Bucky, Cuckold, Professor/Student relationship (more like just fucking for grades) dubcon as he’s in a position of power.
Hot for Teachers by @buckysforeverprincess ***
Professor!Stucky x reader
The Forfeit by @ciarawritesmarvel
We’re both teachers and at the end of the year we compare how many gifts we’ve received from students and you’ve won for the past three years AU
Laws Of Attraction by @hollandroos ***
I suck at summary’s, you’re dating your teacher, Bucky Barnes and one day he just doesn’t think he can wait to get home.
Lessons in Love by @iamnotoriginalphil​***
A one night stand turns into something more when the mystery man turns out to be your professor
Drabble by @saltiestdemonloves
Professor!bucky x pregnant!reader, where you sleep on his couch while he works late so he can keep an eye on you
Thanks for reading everyone!! Let me know how you like this format :)
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To that anon tbh Sharon I don't think is uniquely unpopular by fandom standards. Maybe by MCU standards but not fandom in gen standards. Or at least its not that weird that she is.
Ship wars and just being bitter that the ship that became canon wasn't your ship and throwing salt at that ship was just always a thing. Especially if the fandom for the non canon ship thought they had a shot of being canon. See any fandom with a love triangle in the story ever.
Now its more the norm to pretend that its something deep. That the other ship is morally repugnant and you aren't just being petty af. When Sharon was the most unpopular it was still kinda the norm to just be openly petty but justifying your saltiness was becoming more the norm. Hence you'd get arguments like Sharon was a no homo and Sharon was abusive. But also just people just actively shitting on her for no reason at all apart from the fact they didnt like her not even trying to justify it.
Which again is nothing all that new. What makes it stand out imo are a few reasons.
1. Social Media being integrated- before the social media spread for fandom ships would be more diverse. There would be communities for specific ships or fiction archives and it was easy to avoid ships you didn't like. Sure if your ship was involved in a major shipping war or people were talking trash about it you could still know but the exposure to the drama wasn't always inevitable. But now if fans of more popular ships occasionally shit on your far less popular ship even if its only like 5 percent of the fans of the more popular ship that outnumbers your entire fandom. So you get drowned out for amount of content and then when anyone looks for content for the unpopular ship they mostly get negativity and its very hard to avoid.
2. MCU being such a huge fandom. Not marvel comic characters specifically the MCU and Steve being kinda a fandom bycycle. There was a good chance if you were in this fandom you had a favorite Steve ship and if you were a MCU fan primarily not a comics fan ( which let's be honest many were during hieght of Sharon drama) then that ship probably wasn't Sharon. I know in general people like to say it was primarily Stucky and Steggy fans throwing shade. But that was mostly because those were two of the biggest ships with Steve. Other Steve shippers did too. It was just that there were just less of them so it seemed like it was just Stucky or Steggy. For a while it was just a thing to shit on Sharon for not just Stucky or Steggy fans but like it was a MCU fandom thing. And the reason for this is-
3. The lack of MCU Sharon and Steve x Sharon fans. There were a few comic Sharon and SteveSharon fans. But not MCU ones because Natasha and Peggy had taken alot of comic Sharons moments and character. It was really common to see arguments like oh I love comic Sharon but fuck MCU Sharon. Why she even exist?
Pretty much all canon ships got hate. But it imo was less because they still had quite a few fans it was less cool to shit on it you got more push back. And it didnt always reflect on the characters. BruceNat was incredibly unpopular but Bruce and Natasha didnt become incredibly unpopular as a result. Sure they had haters but theyd already been established and had fans of their own ( especially Natasha). While others happened early enough and got development so the relationship got fans like PepperTony. There was hate but there was more push back for shitting on them and more people spreading love for them so the negativity wasn't drowning out the good.
But MCU Sharon and MCU SteveSharon could more easily be treated as a universal dislike by the whole fandom. Even people who didnt really care about Steve ships would joke about SteveSharon being shitty. It was just like the thing to do.
This changed when calling out mysogny in fandom became more mainstream. However those 3 reasons especially 1 and 3 remain the same except for characters too not just ships. Its hard to avoid what you dont like in a fandom on websites like Tiktok Tumblr and Twitter ( especially Tiktok) . So if negative opinions of a character are popular it becomes harder to avoid.
And MCU Sharon is still not that popular due to how MCU handling her.
I cant even say its just a ship thing anymore the vitriol continues despite her not being in any ship nor is it indicated she will be with any major character in the future. And still so many people act like they will act like they will break into hives at just the prospect of her with Bucky or Sam.
Its not just a ew girl cooties thing these same people will love the idea of Bucky with Sams sister or Yelena or someone in the Dora Milaje. Sam doesn't even have that many popular ships it basically just Bucky rn but ive seen people who dont even like this ship just see it as a friendship and have no other ships for Sam but want him to have a love interest down the line turn up their noses at SharonSam.
I will say things are definetly better than the post CW era Sharon is less the MCU fandom punching bag though she still doesnt have that much love. However more people are critiquing the handling of her character instead of being frustrated at her existence. So while I do fully believe she more than any other character could become the fandom punching bag again i dont think it will be as bad as it was in the past.
Oh, it will never be as bad as it was in 2016. There was a Sharon RP blog that one day cleared out all the hate she got in her inbox. Absolutely wretched shit was sent to her, and you could feel the exhaustion in her clearing them out. And she posted it to remind everyone that hey, liking a character doesn't equal sending fucking death threats to a person.
But the problem is the shit that the character and the fans AND THE FUCKING ACTRESS got were not only seen by Marvel, they reacted in the worst way possible. They just justified fans' actions. So while it's not the worst it has been, jesus they could have done anything but that in response.
~Mod R
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notyetneedcoffee · 5 years
Got To Stay Warm Somehow
Tumblr media
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, +18, threesome, DPs, super smutty
Author’s Note: Thanks to everyone for the great feedback! I’m going to be starting a tag list this weekend, so if you’re interested, please let me know!
* * *
It started as a simple recon mission in the woods in Northern Canada. They got into the bunker, extracted what little intel was to be found and headed for home. The suspected threats turned out to be greatly over-exaggerated, so the two old friends just decided to enjoy the road trip to a bigger city where Stark could send a plane.
Unfortunately, the sky decided to dump a season’s worth of snow all at once.  
They made it to a collection of log cabins, one seeming to be a lodge, before the roads became completely impassible. Inside they found the old couple who ran the lodge, their daughter-in-law and three grandkids. The son happened to be a long haul trucker out on a job. A handful of guest, locals who gathered for the storm. And a lovely bartender, you, who was the only one with a smile.  
“Well,” Steve turned off the power to his cell phone. “We’re stuck until the storm passes. They’re not going to drop in a jet if we’re not in danger.”
“Does being trapped with Boris Karloff and his uglier brothers count?” Bucky glanced over at three lanky, creepy looking guys sitting at the table in the corner.  
“That’s the Wilkins brothers.” You set down a tray with beer bottles and bar snacks. You slipped into the spare seat. “They live in a shack up here. Real reclusive. Frankly, they make me want to shower every time they look at me.” You cracked open one of the beers and took a swig. “The other’s aren’t so bad, though.”
“So,” Cap opened his own bottle and leaned back in his chair. “You don’t really seem to fit in. Why are you out here in the middle of nowhere?”
“Used to live in Chicago. High stress job, not enough money, too many people, way too much stress for a treadmill existence.” You smiled. “In the span of a couple months I lost my mom to an aneurysm, my brother to a motorcycle accident because he was a stupid shit and driving drunk, and my dad to a heart attack. He couldn’t take the loss. I was at work one day and just stopped. I looked around and thought, what the hell am I doing? I’m wasting the life I’ve got. So I packed up my suitcase, my cameras, and just started driving.”
“Cameras?” Bucky asked.
“I sell my photos. Nature, landscapes, wildlife. This place is amazing, when you can see through the snow storm.” You smiled at him. He was gorgeous. They both were. When Bucky’s smile widened, your mind swirled with so many dirty thoughts.
“You’re an artist, then.” Steve beamed at you too.  
“Yep.” You grinned, leaning forward. “So are you in this hole in the wall to save the world, or just find a warm spot?”
Bucky laughed. Steve looked sheepish.
“You got a warm spot for a couple road weary soldiers?” Bucky teased.  
Oh shit, the man had trouble written all over him. You wanted to climb him like a tree. “Oh, I’ve got a warm spot.”
The next few hours were spent talking, laughing, flirting. The snow got deeper and the rooms got colder. Eventually, everyone went to bed.  
* * *
You sat in the middle of your little bed, wrapped in a quilt. It was freezing. The old heaters couldn’t keep up. Beside being cold you couldn’t take your mind off the two sexy super soldiers sharing the only remaining guest room. It was over the unused dining room. They were probably colder in there than you were.  
Then again, you had a wicked idea to work up some body heat. It had been a while and you really wanted to get laid. They were both attractive, both flirted with you. You couldn’t tell who was more interested. What if…? A truly wicked image filled your mind. Oh, fuck, you’d always wanted…
You found yourself standing at their door, wearing nothing but a button up flannel nightshirt that barely covered your ass and a pair of cotton panties.  
Bucky opened the door, leaning against the frame, taking you in. “Hey, Doll. Come on in.”
“I just wanted to let you know the heaters are crapping out. So it’s going to get cold when we have to just rely on the fireplaces.” You rocked on you bare feet.  
“We’ll have to be sure not to freeze to death, then.” His blue eyes lit with mischief, and more than a little lust.  
“I can think of a way we can keep warm.” You grinned wickedly at Bucky.
“Well, Doll.” He ran his hands up and down your arms. His hands drifted over your shoulders, across your collarbone and down to top of your breasts. “I really like the sound of that, but I don’t think my buddy Steve would appreciated it much.”
Just over his shoulder Steve intensely stared at the two of you.
You reached up and pulled Bucky’s head down to yours, kissing him hard before breathing into his mouth. “Can he join us?”
Bucky’s eyes went wide for a moment before the corner of his lip twitched up. “That’s up to him.”
You took the few steps to Steve, his blue eyes gone dark. Touching his strong chest, shoulders, sharp jaw, you licked your lips. “Well? Do you want to fuck me, too?”
He swallowed, remaining silent. Steve’s eyes drifted past your mouth, down to your breasts. They flicked up to Bucky, but only for a moment. Finally, he took a deep breath and placed his hands on your shoulders, turning you towards Bucky.  
So much for fulfilling a dream.
Fingers grasped your hair and a strong hand came down with crack across your ass. You jumped. Yelped. When Steve’s bit down on your earlobe you moaned. “Oh, yes.”
Bucky peeled off his shirt as he came closer.  
Steve still held your head back, arm wrapped around you, jean clad erection now pressed to your ass. “You came on pretty strong, sweetheart. Are you really going to be a good girl for us?”
You moaned, nodding your head as much as his fisted hand would allow. God. This made you more turned than you could have ever imagined.
“We need to hear it.” Bucky cupped your breasts through your nightshirt. “This stops if you don’t use your words.”
“Yes. I’m going to be a very good girl.”  
“What is it that you want, Doll?” The cool metal fingers of his hand slipped along your cotton covered pussy.
“Tell us.” Steve rutted against your ass, hand on your belly holding you close.
“I want you to fuck me.” Your voice quivered with excitement. “Want you both. Now.”
Bucky’s hands tore open the buttons of your nightshirt, exposing your heaving chest. Both hands kneaded your tits, rolling your nipples under his thumbs. His mouth crashed into yours, messy and wet. You pulled at his hair. He groaned and pinched your hard buds, pulling on them almost painfully. You gasped.  
“Turn around, Doll.” Bucky bit your lower lip. “And put this gorgeous mouth on my pal’s cock.”
Behind you Steve had shed all his clothes. He was spectacular. “Holy shit.”
He cupped your face, kissing you thoroughly. Different than Bucky, still drinking you up and making you weak. Your fingers moved over taunt muscles. He was so solid. He growled when your hand wrapped around his amazing dick. Silk flesh over steel.  
He petted your hair as you tasted your way down his torso, tongue lapping at his abs, nose rubbing in the sprinkling of hair leading down from his navel. “Yes.” Steve breathed as you took him in your mouth. His girth forced your jaws open wide. You pumped your hand slowly up the base of him in time with your head.  
When you massages his balls he readjusted his feet allowing you better access. Your tongue swirled and licked. Slobber dribbled down, soaking your hand as well as his cock. You sucked and hummed. When you rubbed your saliva slicked knuckles into the spot just behind his sack, Steve’s hands gripped your hair.  
“Oh fuck. She’s good.” He panted.
“My turn.” Bucky growled pulling you away from Steve and to where he held out his thick cock for you. He was not as long, but thicker, heavier. As you fucked him with mouth and hands, he groaned. “Holy shit, Doll. So sweet.” His hands pulled your hair back. “Look at that filthy mouth. Gorgeous.”  
You felt strong hands graze over your ass, spreading you wide. “She’s glistening.” Steve purred. You hummed against Bucky’s cock when you felt Steve’s fingers slip inside your wet cunt. His the fingers of his other hand rubbed at your clit, then rolled it between forefinger and thumb. You shook, moaning hard.  
“Fuck. Do that again, Stevie.” He did and you quivered to your core. Bucky panted. “Fuck yes.”
“Bet she tastes good, too.” Steve rubbed right against your g spot, firm and steady. “Will come for me, beautiful?”  
Bucky pulled you away from him, manhandling you to the bed and throwing you down on your back. “Open up wide for my boy, here.” He smirked at your smile, lips wet and swollen. Your legs opened, exposing you to them both. Bucky slicked his fingers through your fold. “So, pretty.”  
He crawled up on his knee beside you, but your focus was on Steve who knelt between your legs. His fingertip spread you open and laid his flat tongue against you, licking you up. He hummed in pleasure. “You taste like heaven.”
Steve’s mouth sucked on your clit, flicking you with his tongue. His fingers buried in you again, calling you to come for him. You mewed, and whimpered. The tension centered in your core. Body writhing, your hands reached for whatever flesh you could reach.  
When Bucky’s mouth closed over your nipple and he began to pull at it with his teeth, you arched back with a cry. It was all so much, every nerve on fire, your approaching orgasm intense.  
“Hold still for us, Doll.” His metal hand closed around your throat, holding you down with pressure but not choking. Your eyes about rolled back. You never knew you like that before.  
“Yes, sir.” Your voice shook but you moaned, “Yes, more.”
Steve pushed you leg down harder, his mouth making you writhe. Bucky leaned over you, hand tightening. His other fingers pulling hard at your nipple. He licked your lower lip. “Come for us.”
You may have screamed into his mouth, coming apart violently.  
Boneless and breathing hard, Bucky lifted you up and onto Steve’s waiting cock where he now lay on his back. He slipped in, bottoming out, and flooding you with new sensations. His mouth devoured yours. You tasted yourself, felt the slick of your sex on his face. His hips jerked up into you, growling, “So tight, beautiful girl. Fuck you feel so good.”  
He suddenly lifted your hips, slipping out. You whined at the loss, but felt cool metal finger slip into you. Bucky captured your wetness, slicking you up. He finger rubbed around your ass, making you moan. His open mouth trailed kisses across your shoulder and neck.  
Steve filled you again. You rocked on him. His hands on you, everywhere. “Kiss me.”  
You leaned forward, laying on him and sharing wet kisses.  
Bucky’s finger slid past the tight pucker of your ass. You moved with him as he prepared you for his cock. The sensation was intoxicating. You felt another orgasm building, moaning into Steve’s kiss. When you felt Bucky push the head of his cock into you, you gasped.  
“Breathe. Just relax, Beautiful.” Steve nipped you lip and pulled at your nipple.
The initial pain vanished, leaving you overwhelmed. So full. Drowning in pleasure. “Oh god,” You panted. “Move, please. Fuck me.”
“Oh, shit.” Bucky growled out as he began to thrust. They moved in time with one another.  
“I’m going to come again.” You cried, eyes locking shut one hand clenched in Steve’s.  
Bucky pulled back on your hair. Steve’s hand closed around your throat. They arched you back like a bow. You squirted hard over Steve’s cock, body shaking with the most intense orgasm you’d ever had.  
“Fuck!” Steve’s hips slammed up into you faster. “I, ah, I’m…”
“Come for me.” You mewed, a sex drunk smile on your face, panting. The surge of another orgasm dancing on your nerves. “Fuck me hard. Fill me up. Both of you”
“Goddamn.” Bucky slammed into you. Both pounding hard. The bed creaking. Skin slapping. The most lewd and vulgar sounds filling the air. Bucky’s hips lost his rhythm. He growled, emptying himself.  
You cried out, coming again, in spasms.  
Bucky pulled away as Steve lifted you enough to pound his cock into you fast, mouth open, panting. “Ah, fuck, yes!” He came hard, holding your hips tight, buried deep.  
Laying across Steve’s body, you felt heavy and boneless. It took a while for your breath to calm down. Gentle hands rolled you onto your back. You opened your eyes to see Bucky leaning over you. His lips fell on your, slow and gentle.  
He pulled back and began gingerly cleaning your up with a warm washcloth. Steve nuzzled against your cheek, wanting a kiss of his own. He smiled, big and bright. Bucky stretched out on the other side of you, hand drawing lazy circles on you belly.  
You giggled.  
“What?” Bucky kissed your shoulder.
“I’m not cold anymore.”
You all laughed.  
Steve tossed a leg over yours “Well, it’s likely to cool off in the next day or two. Maybe you should stay close.”
“Maybe I’ll have to. I don’t think I can move.” You chuckled.
Bucky and Steve laughed again.  
They nestled you between them and you soon began to drift off, feeling utterly sated and safe. You were definitely warm buried between their strong bodies.
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the-omni-princess · 5 years
Blood Bound [Chapter Seven]
Author: @the-omni-princess​
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky x Witch!Reader
Summary: Vampires and witches have been known enemies since the dark ages. Backstabbing, secrets, and magic turned supernatural brethren again each other. As a natural-born witch, you grew up on these stories, your own monsters under your bed. What happens when one of those sworn enemies claims that you are his blood mate, the vampire equivalent of a true mate? Will you give in to this man out of time? Or destroy him for the sake of your Coven?
Word Count: 4K
Warnings: smut! (18+ only), blood kink (?kinda? lol he’s a vampire so), fluff, nightmares, cursing, flashbacks, Bucky being adorable, a hint of dom!Bucky and Praise kink, let me know if I missed anything
For a <18 version/summary, please message me and I got you.
Finals are killing me so rip, I’ll be working on writing challenges/Secret Santas (lol I’m in multiple) first then the next chapter of this series (on the bright side, guess who’s writing a Stucky one shot :D )
[Series Masterlist]  [My Masterlist] [Playlist Inspired by the Series]
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“Hey, Bucky?” You whispered softly.
“Kiss me again.” He obliged, closing the distance to kiss you again. He was the one to deepen the kiss first, gentle yet dominating, demanding your full attention. You got lost in his touch, pressed against him as his hand around your waist pulled you tighter against him. “James,” you practically purred against his lips.
He groaned softly, smirking. “I love it when you say my name.” His lips brushed against yours, easily pulling your mouth back on his.
“Then I’ll keep saying it, Angel Eyes,” you murmured, pulling far enough off of him to run a hand through his fluffed up and mused hair. He groaned softly, making you grin as you lightly traced your fingertips against his scalp. “I want to remember, Bucky. Help me remember and I help you remember? All of it? From the beginning? I know a witch from another Coven who can help us.”
He leaned his forehead against yours, lips brushing past yours as he nodded. “All of it, Sweetling. From the beginning. And Theo?”
“I love you too.”
“Hey, Bucky?”
“Yeah, Little Witch?”
“Why’d you jump in front of that silver dagger? It would have like, ya know, hurt Nat, but it would like kill you. Dumb bitch juice much?” You turned to face Bucky, still wrapped in his arms, completely content with just teasing him.
“Don’t come after me with facts, y/n/n, it's not fair.” He groaned, “I just acted, didn’t really stop and think.”
“Also, did my entire coven fuck off because they thought we were gonna bone?”
“Honestly, I was kinda crying because I took too much blood from you, Nat called me a pussy and said your anemic ass passes out easily, paraphrasing here-“
“And Nat and Steve, totally have a thing going on btw,” he continued, ignoring your interruption, “Kinda like shared a look and Nat went, ‘Alright, well, coven’s gonna just move this party outta here, give these kiddos some space,’ and that’s when I noticed you killed that Council Member, which is incredibly hot honestly, and like woah you’re hot, sorry sidetracked.”
“Keep boosting my ego and you might get more kisses out of it,” you bopped his nose, grinning playfully as he snapped his fangs towards it, making you yelp and burst into a fit of giggles.
He happily buried his face in your neck, holding you close, “My powerful and adorable witch,” he murmured.
“My brooding and dark and mysterious but actually a big goofball vampire,” you retorted, grinning when he pulled back to give you a look. “What? It’s completely true.”
You shrugged, grabbing your phone off the nightstand to shoot Nat a text. The Coven group chat was already lit up with messages, mostly them talking behind Sam and Steve’s back about the vampires, and planning their next move, and of course, the obligatory ‘making fun of the couple for their sex-scapades’ messages.
Bucky read most of the messages over your shoulder, not wanting to let you go so easily. “How many eggplant emojis can Wanda text before her fingers hurt?”
“Don’t let her hear that, or you’ll find eggplants everywhere. I made that mistake with the donut emoji,” you leaned your head against his shoulder, shooting a gif of a girl rolling her eyes.
“Did that picture just move?” Bucky whispered behind you.
“Do you not know what gifs are?”
“Phones are too easy to track; we usually use burner phones. Call and simple texts only.” He explained, much to your amusement.
“Allow me to teach you, oldie,” you teased, spending the next hour showing him the world of social media. His little grin and wide eyes sent your heart fluttering, and you silently prayed he didn’t hear it.
Soon, you yawned, your eyes threatening to close as sleep started to pull you in. Bucky simply tightened his arms around you, tucking you both underneath the covers of the bed. “Sleep, Sweetling. I’ll be here when you wake up,” he kissed your head tenderly, causing you to smile tiredly.
“Promise?” You spoke mid-yawn, letting Bucky place your phone back on the nightstand.
“Promise. And then we’ll talk about everything that happened. You deserve to rest.” You didn’t reply, only burying your face into his chest, elated to drink in his scent, the warm vanilla, and mint overtaking your senses. Spending so much time around him lately, you no longer minded the faint scent of copper blood mixed into his scent, but now you noticed something else. Tones of earthy traces, sparks of flame, and salt from the sea. He was starting to smell like a witch too. That last thought had you smiling goofily as sleep overtook you and your mind plunged into darkness.
Warm hands. Big, dragging, gentle, soft. Light kisses below your ear. Whispers of love. A murmur of “Sweetling.” Contentment. Sated. But this time the memory didn’t flee, it continued. Light kisses became heated, hands pressed against each other, fingers brushing alongside a soft fur blanket. Gasping breaths, nerves lit up on fire. Bits and pieces like a puzzle pulling together to make the final picture.
“Come on, James! It’s the summer solstice and a full moon, and you are taking positively forever!” Your voice cried out, tugging a warm hand with you, your other arm carrying a woven basket filled with candles and blankets.
Pale moonlight illuminating the grassy meadow as you let go of his hand, placing the fur blankets down before lining the stones, crystals, and candles in a circle. “I do not think the moon will climb any faster than it does every year, Theodosia,” Bucky stood there, his hair an inch longer than you remembered, grinning as he helped make the circle comfortable.
“Still! I want this to be perfect,” you whispered, sighing softly as you stood in the middle of the circle. Alone with only your lover in the wilderness, unafraid to be who you really were. At peace. Excited.
You pulled on the string of your cloak, tugging it off until you tossed it out of the circle entirely, bare as you sat on the furs. Looking up at Bucky, you smiled, “Will you be joining me, or staring the entire time?”
He simply smirked, “I would not mind watching, I must admit.”
“Oh nonsense, hurry yourself or I will send you back home,” you teased, ignoring the blush threatening to creep onto your face.
“I am moving, do not worry, Little Witch,” he chuckled, pulling off his own cloak and tossing it out of the circle before lying beside you.
Without a word you threw your leg on the other side of his hips, easily finding your way above him, straddling his hips. “Why hello there, My Love,” you smiled warmly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Hello there, Sweetling,” his hands gripped your hips, the electricity pulsing from your body didn’t affect him, simply surrounding you both as the winds started to pick up. Light kisses became needier, heated. “I’m yours,” he pledged in a soft voice.
“And I’m yours. Forever, mo chridhe,” You smiled warmly, his eyebrows furrowing as he pulled you close to kiss again. Your hands ran through his hair, moaning softly as he nipped at your bottom lip. Electric pulsing came from a source that was not your powers, euphoria as flashes of other memories swept along like a coursing river.
Picking flowers in a meadow, laying amongst the lavender.
Lying beside a fire, warm hands around your body, pulling you closer by your hips.
Handmaking candles in preparation for the winters, lining your coats with furs, placing new fur blankets on the bed.
Your back arching, fingers gripping those same furs as you cried out.
Murmurs of spells and enchantments, healings.
Whispers with sour tones behind your back. Witch. Devil’s Spawn.
As quickly as the wave of memories turned changed, they quickly turned back to icy blue eyes. Eyes and arms that pulled you in, kissed your head and lips that said they loved you. James. Bucky.
“This isn’t real, Little Witch,” He gently cupped your face in his hands. “This isn’t real, it’s time to go,” He whispered.
“I don’t want to go again, James. I don’t want to lose you again,” you murmured, closing your eyes as you leaned against his hands.
“Don’t you remember, Theo? You found me again, I won’t let you get away that easy.” Your eyes fluttered open, deep blue ice pulling you back into the bright room. You noticed it was an older room, seemingly of a log cabin. You’ve been here before, but you couldn’t quite remember when. “I’m never letting you go again.”
“I thought you said it was time to go?” You looked back at him, nuzzling deeper into his warm arms. Something about that seemed wrong.
He smiled warmly, tilting your chin up to look at him, affection burning in his eyes, “It is, but I’ll be right there when you open your eyes. I’ll be your anchor in the light, you’ve always been the Good Witch, now it’s my turn to guide you to light magic. We’ll go together.”
“Promise?” Your voice showed exactly how terrified you were.
“Promise, Sweetling.” He smiled, kissing your temple affectionately, “You won’t be alone. Now, wake up.”
You gasped awake, eyes wide, shaking. Bucky was sitting up above you, wide eyes and trying to calm you. His mouth was moving, and you absentmindedly felt his hands gently holding your face. Your senses seemed to flood you at once, the bile rising in your throat, terror filling your body as Bucky’s words finally registered in your brain.
“There you go, baby girl, breathe with me. In, out, just like that,” following his words your trembling soon stopped, and you let your eyes close, trusting in the man in front of you. Sighing softly, he pressed his thumbs against your cheeks, and you were surprised to find that it came back wet. You were crying. God, you felt kinda pathetic but being in his arms made you feel safe. “You alright now?” He asked softly, your only response being a small nod. You couldn’t even remember why you were crying.
You moved closer, leaning against him on the bed again. “The memories… They’re coming faster than I can stop them.”
“What did you see?” His voice was soft, still cradling you close, not willing to let you go so easily.
“Doesn’t matter too much,” you mumbled, hoping he didn’t notice you blushing as you recalled the moonlit ritual with him.
“Does it? Or are you too embarrassed to say it?” He teased, tilting your head up to look at him, you were curled up in his arms, both of your arms secure against your chest.
“Rituals in the light of the full moon,” you swallowed thickly, steeling your courage. “Using sex magic for bigger spells,” you murmured.
His cheeks flushed pink but kept on grinning, clearly enjoying your shyness. “Is that it, Little Witch?”
“Mostly flashes of random moments,” You paused, becoming more serious, “I hate how none of them connect, it’s all a bunch of random pieces of string in a cobweb…”
“Or a really fucked up jigsaw.” He gently laid you back down across the soft blankets, laying beside you. “I understand that more than you think.”
You moved closer, gently rubbing your nose against his, allowing your eyes to close as you pressed a kiss to his head, letting his head rest at the top of your sternum. “I want to remember you, all of you. You’ve always been there, in the back of my head for years and I haven’t even noticed. You’ve always been a part of me,” you gulped faintly as his nose pressed lightly against your collarbone, grazing past the skin there, lips dotting small kisses along the exposed flesh above your mint charm necklace.
“I used to wonder why I was obsessed with honey. Sam used to tease me that there was no pleasing me,” he continued pressing kisses up your skin, “No matter what honey I tried, I never liked it, it was never right. Now I know it’s because,” he paused at your pulse point, teasingly licking up the thin cords of your neck that shielded your arteries from exposure. The attention made you keen, a faint whimper escaping your lips; one you instantly regretted as you felt his responding smirk against your skin. “Your scent is the honey I was missing. My mate’s scent,” he murmured, placing a possessive kiss just below your ear.
“Mate?” you whispered, the question at the forefront of your mind promptly evaporating the second he started to suck gently on your pulse point, fangs brushing against the skin without breaking it.
“Mine,” his voice was at a near growl, which sent a warm spark directly to your core.
“Make me remember, mo chridhe,” you weren’t quite sure where that phrase kept coming from, an underlining need to say it, but you decided not to question it. “Please-“ your pleas died off with a small breathy moan as his kisses moved up just far enough to suck a line of hickeys right under your jaw.
“Gladly, Sweetlin’ I’d do anything for ya,” as his voice got huskier, his accent started to slip in. He rolled a bit of his weight onto you, moving his lips higher again to claim yours. He was dominating, just a level below overwhelming; too much without being too much.
As your lips are being kissed, very thoroughly mind you, his hands start to push up your shirt, a random button down you happened to have on a chair earlier and Nat must have put on you while you were passed out. Must have had blood on the other shirt.
Your skin was heating up, your hands finding their way onto his body. One hand pressed against his abdomen, nails scratching faintly, enjoying the little groan he would give you in response. The other hand in his thick curls, finding purchase in them as you arched faintly against his touch.
“Bucky?” you murmured, biting your lip as you pressed your forehead against his. “Bite me,” you paused before adding in a soft voice, “Claim me.”
He pulled away, icy blue eyes wide, voice hoarse, “How do you know about vampire claims?” It was a little archaic, but a vampire could claim another nocturnal, and sometimes even humans. It wasn’t painful per se, but it would be for life.
“When I was doing research into vampires, I read it in one of the older texts.” You whispered, suddenly nervous. “Y-you don’t have-“
“No, no, Sweetling,” his hands pulled away from your hips, tenderly holding your face in his palms. “I just want you to be sure. Being Bound to each other is one thing, we cannot control that, but Claiming? It’d be forever, no one would come near you,” his thumbs gently rubbed circles into your cheeks, eyes watching your response carefully.
“I know… I’m yours, remember? Forever,” you placed your hands on top of his, pressing a soft kiss against his fingertips.
His face softened, his thumb running along the seam of your lips, his eyes glancing down before focusing on your eyes again. “And I am yours,” he agreed, smiling faintly. “I remember…. Are you sure you want this, Little Witch? You don’t have to let the past define you - define us.”
“I’m sure. The past isn’t making this decision for me, Bucky. Our past brought me to you, but I fell in love with this version of you. I love every form and every part of James Buchanan Barnes.”
“God, I love you,” he confessed before pushing forward and kissing you. Desperate as he kissed you deeper, demanding in his ministrations. You pushed his hands back onto your hips, your own hands quickly finding their way back to his hair, tugging him closer as you moaned softly against his lips. He groaned softly, his hand gripping your thigh and pulling it over his waist.
Lips breaking apart for breath, voice hoarse and gasping pleas. He simply smirked in response, your hands moving past his shoulders to tug his shirt up. He pulled away, sitting up, chuckling as you whimpered softly from the loss. “Patience, baby,” he teased, pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside. You blinked a few times, your brain connecting to your body again before pulling your own shirt off, looking up at him shyly. He ran his hands down your sides, before tugging your hips closer to where he was kneeling on the bed. “If you want to stop, just say the word,” he leaned over you, foreheads pressed together as he kissed you again, this time softer, with more reverence.
“I want this, I want you. Don’t stop, Angel Eyes,” you murmured against his lips, eyes fluttering closed with a small moan as his hands ran up against your inner thighs, pushing them apart.
“Gladly, Sweetlin’” his touch was teasing, but his hand soon moved right over your throbbing core, making you gasp softly. He dragged your shorts and panties off with one tug, throwing them aside hastily before his fingers returned to your folds, teasing as he spread your slick around. “Fuck, you’re so wet. Is this all for me?”
He pressed harder against your clit, rubbing small circles there making you cry out. “Ye-yes! All… all for you,” your hips jerked against his hand, choking out a moan as the pleasure started to electrify every nerve in your body.
“Is that right? How bad do you want me, Little Witch?” You whimpered softly, your mind swirling, unable to fully formulate a response. Your hand gripped his wrist, writhing under his touch as his hands started to tease your entrance. “Answer me, baby,” he warned against your ear, thoroughly enjoying your squirming. He kissed down your neck, taking his time teasing your skin with his teeth. Your hands quickly gripped onto your comforter, toes curling as he kitten licked your nipple, lips attaching to it before sucking harshly.
“So- ah! So bad!” You cried out, breathy moans escaping your lips as he slid two fingers into you.
He pumped them in and out slowly before curling them against your walls, smirking against the skin of your collarbone as you practically wept. “There it is,” he marveled, soon pumping his fingers faster against that spot, his thumb rubbing circles into your bundle of nerves as he sped up.
The knot in your stomach tightened, your heart fluttering as you neared your edge. “Please, James. Please,” you practically begged, not noticing his smirk as he watched you squirm for him, his free hand pressed against your stomach to keep your hips from moving.
“That’s it, Sweetlin’, let go, I’ve got you,” his hand pushed your hips down as you arched against him, the show of strength adding to the building ecstasy. The knot snapped, sending you into euphoria as you moaned his name. Electricity ran up your spine and down your arms, gripping onto him as little sparks surrounded you.
He watched you in awe, slowing his hand once you squirmed away from his hand from the overstimulation. He chuckled, pulling away from you as your eyes opened. You groaned, the first sight you saw being him sucking his fingers clean. You tried catching your breath, pushing off of your elbows to sit up, grabbing onto his jeans and pulling him close with it, attacking him in a heated kiss.
Your hands immediately went to the button of the jeans, practically ripping it off as you unzipped them. “Off. Now,” you gasped against his lips. He nodded, obliging as he pushed his knees up off the bed to stand, scrambling out his jeans and boxers. You bit your lip, smirking as you watched him trip over himself. He froze, unsure if he should continue, giving you the ‘deer in headlights’ look. You sat up on your knees, pulling him closer and using his surprise to push him down onto the bed, putting yourself on top of him. “Need you now, babe,” you murmured. Straddling his hips, you kissed him deeply as he lined himself up.
Slowly lowing yourself down onto him, you moaned, feeling the stretch of his length. He wasn’t small by any means, so you slowed down, whimpering softly as your hips met his, his length fully seated in you. “F-fuck, you feel so good,” he mumbled, his hands gripping onto your hips. You preened at the praise, taking a moment with him bottomed out, adjusting to his thick length.
“So do you,” you lean your forehead against his, pressing kisses across his face as you softly rock your hips. You moved slowly, lacing your hand in the hair at the nape of his neck, your other hand gripping onto his shoulder as you raised your hips a little faster. You dug your nails into the thick cords of his muscles, moaning as you moved. His hips bucked up against yours, making you basically mewl out, “Fuck.” You whimpered, your eyes closing as he fixed his stance, continuing to meet your hips thrust for thrust as you rode him. “Couldn’t just let me be in control, huh?” you teased, circling your hips against his.
He chuckled, gripping your hips to still you. “Bold of you to assume you’re in charge here,” your eyes opened in slight surprise, a chill going up your spine as you realized his eyes were a mix of his witch and vampire sides, red with a golden ring around them. He took charge, slamming his hips up, making you yelp as the pleasure spread at the rough display, both arms around his neck holding on for dear life. You most definitely didn’t mind this side of him. “You take me so well, such a good girl,” the praise sends your head spinning, a fact he locked away in his head for later. “Fuck, Sweetling,” He groans loudly as he grips you tighter, using the angle to pound up into you.
“Fuck, ple-please,” your voice died off as he continued, in total control of your pleasure. One hand was wrapped around your waist, keeping you steady as he moved harder, his length pressing against sensitive nerve endings you didn’t even know existed. His other hand slid between your bodies, roughly circling your clit, making your body seize up, clenching around him.
“Cum for me, Sweetling,” his voice was husky, lips pressed below your ear, “Then I’ll Claim you,” he promised, his own moan cutting his voice off.
You could only reply in breathless whimpers and mewls, brutal yet beautiful bliss overwhelming your body as the familiar knot in your stomach snapped again. He licked right over your pulse point, his hips stuttering a bit as he praised you, “That’s it,” he practically snarled against your skin.
Just as the pleasure started to die down, you felt his fangs brush against your skin. You relaxed in his arms, perfectly boneless. “Come on, Bucky. Cum for me,” you nuzzled your nose under his ear, “Please,” you groaned quietly, one hand tugging lightly on his hair.
His growled softly, fangs bared before they sunk into your lifeline just as he came hard. You cried out, the bite sent euphoric sparks down your neck and spine, pooling at your core and lighting up your brain which sent you gasping and crying out into another orgasm. It was completely different from the last time Bucky fed on you.
Just like that, you felt something snap inside of you, the hole you felt in your chest all your life shifted, filling. The yearning gone, filled instead with contentment and consuming bliss. You could feel and hear Bucky whimper against your neck as he pulled away, hips slowing until they stilled. He still held you close, gently licking the mark on your neck, cleaning off your blood as the wound closed while you mewled softly.
You both just held onto each other, catching your breath, gladly pressed into each other. “Did you feel that too?” You whispered once your breathing became normal again.
He pulled away slowly, a small sheen of sweat on his skin but he was grinning at you. “I did… I think my vampire side is a little happy I claimed you,” he teased.
You blushed but couldn’t help your little smile. “I concur,” you joked, kissing him softly. The heat and passion from earlier dwindling down, both of you sated. He held onto your hips, turning and laying you both down on the bed again, holding you close, unwilling to let you go just yet. “Ya know, we didn’t get much talking done.”
His eyes lit up as he laughed, grinning as he kissed your temple. “I don’t think your Coven will mind much. Now rest, Sweetling,” he pushed a curl of hair behind your ear, tenderly holding you. Your legs curled between his, your body tucked into his broad chest, letting his scent mixed with the smell of sex surround you.
“You too, mo chridhe,” you smiled warmly, holding yourself close together as you let sleep take both of you into the depths of darkness.
mo chridhe means My Heart in Scots Gaelic
Permanent Tags:
@minetticatinwonderland​  / @lumar014​ / @maniacproffesor​ / @gollyderek​ / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ / @avengerstones​ / @momc95​ / @loving-life-my-way​ / @agentpeggybarnes​ / @marvelmaree​ / @thefridgeismybestie​ / @miraclesoflove / @hello-fanfiction-goodbye-grades  
Bucky Tags:
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Blood Bound Tags:
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sad-af1121 · 5 years
A Nuisance (One-shot)
Summary: Everyone has their bad days and unfortunately yours was a mixture of exhaustion and being sick. Steve and Bucky made it their goal to make your day a little better by spoiling you the best they can but how could they help when every ounce of physical love annoyed you? | Marvel AU | Pairings: Stucky x Reader Word Count: 2.4k Warnings: language, some angst? (idk if you count a pouty steve as angst but sure) fluff, comedy and cute-ness overload
A/N:  i’m sorry in advance if it seems rushed but i really did try to make it comedic and cute. It’s been a rough two weeks and i really wanted to get this done before the deadline for @babylevines writing challenge! Congrats on the 4k follower's babe! I hope you enjoy :3 Prompt: “Touch me with your cold feet one more time and see what happens.” | Thanking @isaxhorror for giving this a look through!  Feedback is welcomed 💜
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“They didn’t have any fresh lemons at the store so I got generic lemon juice,” Bucky informed Steve, shutting the front door of their shared apartment. He set the grocery bags on the kitchen island before pulling the contents out from the bags. 
Steve turned away from the stove, his eyes scanning the counter. “Buck, why are there so many ice cream flavors? I asked you to get what Y/N likes.” 
Bucky sighed, “I didn’t get one flavor of ice cream because I figured if I got the ones she likes, she can pick based off her mood when she gets back home.” He shrugged and walked to the fridge. Steve hummed to Bucky’s remark since he did have a point. 
You were called in to work in the early hours of the day, the sun wasn’t even shining through the dull grey-blue skies yet and on top of that, you were fighting a small cold. If it wasn’t for your stubbornness and your passion to work, Steve and Bucky wouldn’t have let you leave, let alone leave the bed. They constantly checked on you, knowing you were going to end up very cranky and exhausted for the rest of the day. After they both came back home from work, they decided to pamper you for the night. 
The house chores and dinner would be done by the time you got home. All you would have to do was rest and enjoy the evening and the following weekend with your boys. However, they were hoping that their plan would work and brighten up your mood, but that would be something they’d have to wait and see. 
“She’s parking the car,” Bucky smirked, looking up from his phone screen. “I’ve been texting Babygirl all day. Chill dude, worst-case scenario, she throws a pillow at you for treating her like some fragile pup.” 
“Ha, ha. Shut up,” Steve swallowed, throwing a kitchen towel over his shoulder. He was only this way when you weren’t feeling your best. If the world came crumbling down, Steve would make sure to be your shield, protecting you from any harm because you meant everything to him. Both you and Bucky kept the flame of life burning in his chest. 
The sound of keys jingling and the doorknob turning caught both of Bucky and Steve’s attention as they prepared themselves for you. Door swinging open, you trudged into your apartment, shutting the door behind you before slumping against the hard flat surface. 
Nose slightly discolored with droopy eyelids, you sniffled, sighing in what sounded like a tinge of satisfaction, “I’m hoooome!” You strained, voice raspy and heavy due to your sinus acting up again. Steve involuntarily pouted, his heart aching to see the sight of you so sick and tired. Bucky clenched his jaw and took a deep breath, steadying himself from the anger that was bubbling from within. He craved nothing more than to call your bosses and tell them a thing or two about a proper workplace and how to respectfully treat employees who were under the weather. 
Who else calls someone in to work and put others in jeopardy for getting them sick? It’s diabolical. 
Giggling at yourself, you move away from the door and set your things to the side, stepping into the kitchen, “What’s all this?” Eyes roaming across the stove then to the dining table, you saw dinner had been made and set for you. The corners of your lips twitched into a lopsided smirk as you looked up at Steve. 
“You didn’t have to do all this, baby. We could have ordered take out. I know how hard work can be on you two,” you turned and looked at Bucky who was already standing behind you with a smirk to mirror yours. 
“We wanted to do this for you, doll. You work so hard too, ‘n hell, if we want to spoil you, we will. Periodt.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut, cringing. “I get your trying to stay hip and modern but PLEASE don’t say that word around me again,” you chuckled as did the boys. 
Both Bucky and Steve began to walk toward you and your gut knew they wanted a kiss, but you stopped them the minute they got close, placing a hand on their chests. “I’m sick remember? I don’t think you guys want to get close to me.”
“We’ll be fine. We’re super-”
“Yeah, yeah, super soldiers but I’m not risking it, Steve. Once I’m feeling better, I’ll repay you guys in so many kisses that you’ll be sick of me. But as of right now, I don’t want to be touched,” you sighed, looking between Bucky and Steve. 
Bucky nodded and looked at Steve who seemed to be having a hard time dealing with your mood. You saw how his jaw clenched, his heart feeling the slight sting from how forward you were with your emotions and it wasn’t like Steve was against it. He needed to adjust. There was no doubt that Steve didn’t respect your wishes and so he stepped away, clearing his throat before busying himself in washing the dishes from cooking. You swallowed thickly, a small pout forming along your lips. 
“Hey, America’s ass.”
Steve turned and you blew him a kiss, hoping it would warm his heart and silently tell him you loved him. When he smiled back, a twinkle forming in his eyes, you knew he was okay. The feelings of content and relief washing over you. It was Bucky’s turn now and you did the same, blowing a kiss, then giggling right after. 
His lips bloomed into a toothy grin, his eyes sparkling with admiration and bashfulness. You found this incredibly adorable and you couldn’t help but ruffle his hair. After that, you headed to the bedroom to change into your pj’s. 
Once you disappeared into your room, Steve stepped away from the kitchen and joined Bucky on the couch who was playing a game on his phone. 
“Don’t mess with Y/N, okay? I think she’d find your annoyance anything but cute today. You saw how she’s acting. Wouldn’t want to ruin her night if you two end up arguing,” Steve warned with a sigh, reminding his lover. On your usual days, you’d find Bucky’s teasing hilarious and downright appealing. However, when you suffered through a rough day like today, for example, you and Bucky would get into a banter that neither parties like to endure. It wasn’t severely serious or anything of that sort and always ended up in kisses and hugs but Steve wanted to avoid that at all costs. 
Maybe he was treating you like a small puppy dog after all. 
“Ugh, baby. You’re the fucking beeeest,” you groaned into your food, your eyes practically rolling inside your head. Your taste buds pranced with happiness, the flavors bringing waves of satisfaction and desire for more. The heat from your supper opened your pores and sinus which allowed some of your tasting senses to come alive. 
Steve grinned brightly, looking over at Bucky who chuckled at the blonde for his victory smile. “Had to make my girl happy.”
“You mean our girl, jerk,” Bucky corrected, playfully glaring into Steve’s eyes whilst ripping a piece of baguette with his teeth, chomping on the bread. Steve’s face twisted with disgust and you barked out a laugh, your cheeks warming to how possessive they were getting over you. 
“Okay, okay, chillax dudes. I don’t want any bloodshed over dinner. Y’all can wait till after I’m done,” you snorted as Bucky threw a piece of bread at you. You threw one in return which started a mini food war. 
“No. Nooope,” Steve got up from the table and opted to eat on the kitchen island. “Totally unnecessary,” he whispered under his breath and it became unfortunate for him because you and Bucky ended up throwing food at him instead.
After dinner, the three of you decided to watch a movie since it was a Friday and none of you had to wake up early the next day. Bucky was picking out a movie, trying to connect his phone to the TV since he found a site that posted movies online without having to leave the comfort of your home and going to the movie theatre. 
You quietly sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around your body, waiting for Bucky. Technology wasn’t his thing but you gave him some room to try before you helped. It was the only way he was going to learn and you loved when he figured it out himself, his charming yet victorious smile blossoming across his face when he succeeded.
Steve had filled three bowls of popcorn since everyone ate theirs differently. Bucky didn’t like too much butter but you did and Steve was just in the middle with added caramel popcorn in the mix so it wasn’t unusual when you guys had your own popcorn rather than share it. He strolled into the living room, setting the bowls on the coffee table before deciding to take a seat next to you. 
In Steve’s mind, he thought since dinner was successful and you seemed to be in a better mood, you wouldn't mind if he cuddled, missing the warmth of your body and the touch he just craved so often. It relaxed his every sense, any contact sending an electrifying current throughout his body and sparking something in his heart. You felt like home and being touch-starved by you today wasn’t sitting so nicely with Steve. 
Throwing his arm over your shoulder, Steve adjusted himself on the couch before feeling his arm being lifted off your shoulders and into his lap. 
“Steve, c’ mon babe. I’m really not in the mood. I’m sorry,” you huffed, a tinge of annoyance lacing your words. “I warned you earlier about getting yourself sick.” You scooted away from him, hoping your soft eyes would make up for it but Steve just growled, getting up and fetching his sketchbook from the shelf by the television. 
Not only did he sit away from you but he ignored your attention, frustration weighing on his shoulders. He flipped through the pages of his book in search for a clean page to draw his emotions on and you mentally kicked yourself in the ass because you pushed Steve’s limit. 
Huffing in remorse, you snuggled against your blanket, cozying up with the soft material that smelled of lavender. Bucky had finally gotten the movie to play, rushed to the couch and decided to sit with you since Steve was sulking on the other couch. 
About 45 minutes into the movie, Bucky had his legs spread out, his head resting on the armrest while his body laid straight, his feet almost touching you. Lost in the plot of the film, you hadn’t noticed he pushed his sockless, icy cold feet under your blanket, the warmth wrapping itself around them. It brought a sort of relief that he wanted more warmth. More from you. 
So that was when he touched his feet against your heated thighs, his toes digging in and out of your skin as if he was trying to massage you like a cat would knead a pillow. Instantly, you withdrew a breath, your senses coming into reality. The cold shook you like a bolt of lightning, your nerves screaming for an escape. You allow a few minutes to go by, assuming he’d halt his actions. But the longer you waited, the more he thought it was an invitation to continue. 
The only solution you knew at the time was to take deep steady breaths, ignoring the fact that his freezing cold feet were touching your hot skin which brought a shiver throughout your body. You already had the chills due to your sickness and Bucky wasn’t making things any better for you now. What was up with your boyfriends today?
“Holy shit,” Bucky laughed at the television, pulling his legs back. You nipped your lips in happiness, doing a small victory dance in your head. Just as you’re getting comfortable again, Bucky placed his feet back in its previous position, causing you to huff out loud. 
“Touch me with your cold feet one more time, and see what happens.” 
Both Bucky and Steve whipped their heads towards you, their brows knitting together in confusion. You stare back at them, widening your eyes then signaling down with your eyes to show them the issue. 
Inhaling deeply, Bucky paused the movie, “Jesus, really? You could’ve just asked me baby before threatening me.”
Those words alone brought a lump of guilt in your throat. You were very snappy today and it wasn’t like you to get this annoyed. 
“Fuck, sorry,” you pouted. “I think I should just get to bed and leave you guys alone. I promise to be better tomorrow,” you whined quietly, your eyes darting between the two. 
Bucky silently gnawed on his lower lip before turning his attention to Steve and winking at the old soul. Steve himself was utterly confused but he knew that mischievous smirk in Bucky’s eyes which gave him everything he needed to know. 
As you were ready to leave the couch, Bucky leaped towards you, trapping your body underneath his as he playfully growled against your neck and jaw. You had no time to react differently, only the sounds of laughter breaking past your lips. Then came his fingers digging in your sides, the familiar zaps of delight coursing through your nerves. Tickling made your body turn into putty because once someone started, it was harder for you to escape their hold than it was to take it all in and not laugh. 
Steve took this time to record a video of the events unfolding in front of his eyes, using a filter that made voices very high pitched. It was one of his favorites when he made videos and he couldn’t get over the fact it made people sound like they were on helium. 
“Steve! St-stop recording and save m-meee!” you exclaimed, trying to catch your breath.
Your shrieks of bliss and neediness were enough for Steve to toss his book to the side and pull Bucky off your body, throwing the brunette to the ground with a loud thud. 
“What the fuck, Steve!” 
“Save it punk. Meet us in the room,” he breathed out a chuckle, sweeping you off the couch and carrying you to your bedroom. You buried your face into his chest in attempts to hide the growing smile that ached your cheeks even more. But you knew he already saw it and now he was going to make sure he gets all the kisses and cuddles he wants. 
Even if that meant getting sick because Steve and Bucky would risk everything for you. 
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that-damn-girl · 5 years
Pairing: Stucky (Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers) (MCU)
First part of  my collection of oneshots/drabbles for Stucky in the same universe in chronological order - His. Could be read as a STAND ALONE since ‘His’ is NOT a series.
Type: Fluff, mutual pinning, best friends to lovers trope.
Words: 3800+
Summary: Steve couldn’t grab his hand once and lost Bucky for 70 years. Now that he had an opportunity, he wasn’t about to let go.
Warning: Ignore anybody’s death in ‘Avengers: Endgame’.
A/N: This is my first story ever! It is also a submission. I am really thankful of @the-omni-princess for giving me the chance to take part in her 1K writing challenge.
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The world was greatly different than from what it was a decade ago. Progression through seven decades was a whole another story. One that the two hundred year old super soldiers were greatly overwhelmed with.
Bucky had accidentally clicked a few extra buttons when he was trying to navigate through Netflix on Tony’s why-the-hell-is-a-TV-curved-and-ridiculously-large-and expensive  television screen. Instead of various Disney movies that were displayed earlier, he saw a live feed of Gerald, Tony’s alpaca, grazing in the backyard.
He didn’t know until then that one could use the TV as a monitor to view feeds from different surveillance cameras. A few decades later they’d make it a fucking portal to go through, he thought. In all honesty, although confused, Bucky was throughly amused with all the new advancements he had witnessed so far.
He tried clicking a few more buttons to revert back to Netflix, but all that he saw was different parts of the house through the cameras. He kept it up until the feed from the kitchen pulled up, revealing Steve and Morgan making homemade cheeseburgers. Because ofcourse, this was Tony Stark’s house, with never-ending supply for making cheeseburgers, and they were dealing with Tony Stark’s child, a never-ending blackhole for cheeseburgers.
From after the “Blip”, who the fuck calls the most strangest event in the history that, old relationships were being mended while new ones were formed. Things between Tony and Steve were still rocky until everyone was brought back; until their final mission. They weren’t perfect by any means, but surely they were starting to get better with time, effort and understanding from both the sides.
In order to reduce the emotional distance between his former family members and his new ones, Tony wanted them to spend some quality time together. He wanted Morgan to have good people to look up to, good people to learn from, good people to guide her. Moreover, he wanted her have a good big family and to feel the love and adoration he always wanted as a child. And, as per Tony, what was better than babysitting for this?
Pepper and Tony would enjoy date nights once or twice a month, while one or few of the team members would babysit Morgan at their cabin. This time, Steve volunteered. Bucky, who wanted nothing more than to make up for the lost time with Steve, volunteered to tag along.
At the cabin, as Tony and Pepper prepared to leave for the night, Morgan was a little anxious. She knew Steve, but she hardly knew this metal armed stranger who accompanied him. She had seen various documentaries on all the avengers and she knew of Bucky as Caption America’s childhood best friend who fell off a train but was saved by some fellow human beings. Tony had shielded her from the dark parts in everyone’s stories for now. Although she didn’t know Bucky personally, she trusted him because Steve trusted him.
Bucky watched their dinner being prepared by Morgan and Steve…his Steve…
How he wished he could say that.
The domesticity of the look fluffed up his heart; it mesmerised him. Steve mesmerised him.
Back in the day, every young gentleman had more or less the same goals. A beautiful girl to wake up cuddled with, a decent enough job to support their family, unforgettable fun times with  their girls in their arms, a lively brownstone with their kids laughing and running in the backyard, and never-ending happiness in their lives. Like all others, Bucky wanted it all too. Except, he wanted it all with Steve.
At the moment, however,  he wanted to go back to Netflix. Cursing for not thinking of it earlier, he asked Friday to do so just at the moment Steve and Morgan joined him.
“What, I made dinner for three and you couldn’t even choose a movie to watch?” Steve said with humor in his eyes as he set the food tray on the center table and sat on the couch. 
“Just wanted the little princess here to have her choice. Again.” Bucky flashed a toothy grin to Morgan. She giggled at that.
“A princess, yes,” she said flashing her own toothy grin with one incisor missing, “but hey, not little! I am almost six years old. Mom and dad say I am a growing girl. A growing girl, not a little girl.” She tried to make a face as serious as an ‘almost six’ year old could with her hands at her hips. Both old men laughed at that.
“I apologise for the incorrect words used, my lady. How about I rephrase it? What would our brave and beautiful growing princess like to watch tonight?“  Bucky sat on the other end of the couch.
“Frozen, please!” She squealed with excitement as she sat between them. And so, ‘Frozen’ it was.
The movie progressed and the cheeseburgers had met their fate. All three of its occupants were slumped down on the couch, enjoying the movie and munching on fries. Bucky straightened his posture a bit and extended his arm to rest behind him, bent at the elbows, on the head rest of the couch as his body curved a bit towards Morgan. Having not seen the movie before, he was so engrossed in it that he failed to notice that another arm had already claimed the spot. The back of his fingers touched those of Steve’s, palm facing each other, a little proturded behind the couch. 
Normally, he would would have retreated his hand like all the other times he had. This time though, he wanted to know what would happen if he didn’t. The need to explore the boundaries rose within him. The want to  rebell, to ignore the illogical age old stigmas, and act on what he wants, what he thought was right. He didn’t know if he was defying society’s unnecessary made up rules. He had wanted a chance to be with the love of his life since forever. He planned on taking the chance. The realisation made him nervous.
All of a sudden he became too aware of his surroundings. The movie was forgotten. His heart beat loudly in his chest. He panicked, didn’t know what to do further. Would it be fruitful, he thought. He was very unsure of his newest decision to have what he had wanted all his life. He wanted to shift his arm, but at the same time, he did not.
Acts like these were considered scandalous in his time when men did it with other men. He was conditioned from his childhood days to not seek comfort in a man's touch. However, the twenty first century was different from the twentieth. The beliefs and practices in this age were different than those in his.
Peter, the rookie, along with Shuri, the genius, tried to keep him updated with the changes that had happened in the world while the time his freedom had not been his. He was slowly coming around to using gadgets on his own.
As time passed, HYDRA advanced it’s technologies. The Winter Soldier was not taught about using them though. He was the deadliest soldier in the history of mankind, and their greatest asset. The possibility of him going rogue anyhow was too risky for any of his handlers to entertain.
His teenage friends had introduced him to internet and many spects of it. The nerd in him was overjoyed. He learnt about vines and memes. Caught up with the new movies and all time classics he had missed. Got to know about PRIDE.
He loved how people were expressive in this new era. Although not totally eradicated, social biasey regarding gender, racial and religious discrimination plagued a much smaller population than in his time. People were more logical and radical with their thoughts in this regard atleast.  One could be with whoever they wanted, live a life however they wanted. People were supportive and respective of other’s preferences and choices. Bucky loved it all. But he didn’t know how to talk about it with the man he loved with all his heart.
Although he suspected it, he didn’t know for sure if Steve felt the same way about him. Sure there were lingering touches here and there and hugs that lasted a bit too long for best friends, but it was hard to decipher the intentions behind them. He knew he had to talk to Steve about it at some point or the other. Then why not take a step towards it then? That’s why he decided he would take charge then.
Slowly and meekly, Bucky took a deep breath lightly and nestled his little finger in the crook of Steve’s little finger. He remained as still as possible as he sensed Steve stiffen. He cursed at himself loudly in his head. Surely Steve didn’t want him like that. Bucky was just Steve’s childhood bestfriend, who had been with him through thick and thin, literally. He was a reminder to Steve of what his earlier life was, not the desire to look forward to a future with better improvements.
His thoughts paused when he felt a movement against his ring finger. He realised Steve had nestled his own third finger against his. His heart rate picked up again. He felt little spurts of confidence break inside of him which led him to join their middle fingers. His heart did a happy lil jump when when Steve moved forward his own index finger, soon their fingers were interlaced.
Warmth seeped through Bucky’s arm. He felt full in his heart, in a way he couldn’t describe. Just holding hands like this, the simplest of gestures of affection, was a big deal for these two men when doing it with each other. The only times they’ve held hands is to when one needed to drag the other or needed help being pulled up during mission. Bucky finally felt how it was like not holding hands for necessity but just because his heart desired it.
He felt a sliver of hope. His mind though, felt full and empty at the same time. Maybe his suspicions were correct, maybe not. He couldn’t think straight with the weight of the Steve’s hand encompassing, encircling, enveloping his. He preferred not to think too much and just enjoy it while he could.
Little did he know that Steve considered him as his childhood bestfriend, his buddy, the driving force to want to be better both before and after the war, and so, so much more. Steve couldn’t grab his hand once and lost him for 70 years. He wasn’t letting go now.
They were in the same position throughout the movie. Too afraid of any change changing the other’s mind.
As the movie ended, Morgan was hungry again. She wanted to have a chocolate milkshake before she could go to bed. Both men were hesistant about it, but couldn’t say no to her puppy dog eyes. Again.
As the men prepared it in the kitchen, she busied herself with finding a stuff toy she forgot where she last kept it. 
After the movie, both men weren’t happy with not having any physical touch anymore. Since they had had a taste of it, they longed for more. But both were too unsure of themselves to initiate.
Bucky once again saw Steve tinkering with the ingredients in the kitchen as his hip leaned against the counter. The domesticity of the look fluffed up his heart once again. He wanted to hold his hand once again, forever and never let go.
Steve lined the inside of Morgan’s cup with chocolate sause just the way he had seen Wanda do it once. A bit of it dripped on the back of his palm just below his thumb on the hand he was holding the cup with. So focused on the task at hand, he didn’t notice it.
He had an ithy feeling at the junction between his moustache and slight beard. Placing the cup at the counter he went to scratch the itch with the same hand smeared and the chocolate sause at the corner of his mouth rather messily. He noticed it now. Bucky did too.
While Steve looked around for paper napkins, Bucky leaned off the counter, turned fully toward Steve and wiped the mess with his metal thumb in two slow strokes as his metal palm lay against his cheek.
Steve stiffened again. Bucky cursed at himself again.
He shouldn’t have done that. Holding hands was one thing. Cupping cheeks was another. Not removing your hand when the requirement for the said action was fulfilled, was a whole another level.
Again Bucky wanted to remove his hand, because he feared he was stepping over Steve’s boundaries, but he didn’t want to at the same time, because his heart just wanted to do so.
His eyes moved from Steve’s lips to his eyes, oceanic blue just like him. Someone said the truth about being able to look into one’s soul through their eyes. Because right at that moment, he saw himself in Steve.
Both were simple men before the war. Both wanted someone to love, to be with them through their highs and their lows, to be with them and support them at all times, to trust and confide in them, to share the silliest and most important things with them, to remember them and be remembered by them. Both wanted this 'someone’ to be each other. Both longed for each other.
As they affectionately looked at one another, Bucky glided his thumb over Steve’s lips once, then twice. Despite it being his cold metal-arm, all Steve felt was sweet warmth.
Bucky’s eyes moved back to his lips. He leaned forward after gulping. Steve followed right after him.
Earlier, the societal norms were against them, then time. Right then, both were in their favour. However, they forgot an almost six year old factor.
Right before their lips could touch, just a centimetre apart,  Morgan came back in the kitchen yelling, “I found it. Finally!”
Shocked to the core at sudden intrusion, both men jumped apart is they had touched lava. A slight tinge of pink could be seen on both their faces. Suddenly feeling slightly embarrassed and not wanting to make eye contact, both looked at Morgan.
She held a cute red and gold teddy shaped Ironman. Steve let out a sigh and a small laugh simultaneously, dipping his head low. Bucky smiled.
Steve went back to making her milkshake and handed her the finished product. The hungry child drank it one go. They then took her upstairs, made her take a bath and brush her teeth.
When they tucked her under the cover and proceeded to leave, she quietly asked them to tell her a bedtime story.
“Sure princess,” Steve sat on one side of her bed, leaning against the head rest, legs half down and one hand behind her pillow.
Bucky just stood there, unsure what to do. Morgan looked at him expectantly. Steve nodded at him and he went to sit on the other side of her bed, copying Steve.
“What kind of a story do you want to listen?” Steve asked combing through her hair.
“A love story!” She looked excited.
Steve wasn’t great with stories for kids. He looked at Bucky, intially for help, but then he looked into his eyes and immediately smiling down at Morgan said, “Once upon a time, there were these two people, two friends, Stephanie and James. Best friends actually.”
He looked up at his best friend. It took Bucky a moment before he caught onto Steve’s play. He could only stare at his friend, with eyes a little wide and surprise on his face. He understood why there was a female character alongside James and not a male. He was anxious to hear what Steve had to say next.
Steve continued, “They had been so for as long as one could remember. Always playing together, running together, being together, no matter what. They cared for each other, always had each other’s backs.
“They protected each other, even from the meanest bullies. They took hits for each other if it meant the other stayed out of harm’s way.
“If someone needed to find one of them, they could as well search for the other since they always stayed by each other’s side.
“Where one went, the other followed. A friendship like theirs was so rare. Luckiest were the people who had even a fraction of what they had.”
Steve took Bucky’s hand behind Morgan’s pillow in his and interwove their fingers. He looked at him with a fuzzy feeling inside his chest as he said, “Their love for each other unparalleled by any other.” He squeezed his fingers.
Bucky’s heart swelled. He squeezed right back. Something burst inside of him. He didn’t know what, but it made him feel giddy like never before.
“Stephanie idealiesed James for his bravery, his confidence-”
“And James idealised Stephanie for her goodness, innate goodness.” Bucky intervened with a smile brighter than the stars.
Lost is the beauty of Bucky, both inside and out, Steve took a while  before he continued, “There was a group of bad people who wanted brave men like James for their own cruel intentions. They kidnapped him and Stephanie couldn’t stop them.
Like any other close friend, she missed him dearly. She was angry at herself. She hated the day James was taken from her. She hated her inability to save him. She regretted not trying harder.”
Steve was looking at his lap. Bucky tightly squeezed his hand and said, “She didn’t know that there was nothing that she could have done to save him. It wasn’t her fault by any means.
“There was Fate which played it’s tricks. Nobody is stronger than the turn of events undertaken by it. Nobody could be above Destiny, no matter how much they wished. Their pair was just an unlucky lot, unfortunate enough to be under Fate’s wrath.”
Steve stared at Bucky, not believing what he said. To an extent, he knew he couldn’t have saved Bucky from falling off the train all those years ago, but the guilt of not just trying harder ate him alive everyday. He replayed every decision he made that morning, every action he did. The 'what if’s never ended…
Nevertheless, Steve said with eyes on Morgan, “After a very, very long time, Stephanie found a way to rescue James from those bad people. She didn’t believe there was finally a chance she could be with her long lost companion again. She was determined to take that chance and make it happen anyhow.
“She did succeed in rescuing him. She had never been as happy as that day before. He returned to her a little broken and damaged, but she didn’t mind it since he was stronger in his own right more than ever. When she had said she would be with him forever, she meant during both his highs and lows.
“Even time was not able to break their preciy bond. Her affection for him had never faltered. Instead, it had increased tenfold.
“The sudden detachment, the longing, the way she felt after their reunion, it all made her realise…” He stopped speaking and looked at Bucky again, lower lip shivering.
He took a deep intake of breath and said, “She realised  she had loved him all along. She loved him in every sense of the word, in every possible direction, in any possible way. Together, they fought their way through the bad men, making sure they’d never take him away from her again.”
“Did he love her back?” Morgan asked him. Steve looked down at her before raising his questioning eyes at Bucky, who just beamed down at Morgan and said, “Of course, princess. That’s why it is a love story.”
Smiling then, she asked again, “Did they live their lives happily after?” Now it was Bucky’s turn to look at Steve, who replied, “It took a little while, yes, but their happily after was the most beautiful one out there.”
Content with the story, she thanked them. “It was beautiful.” She had said. Indeed it was.
Exchanging their good-nights, they made their way downstairs. As Morgan slept peacefully, they were left alone with their racing hearts.
The big question arose then. What would they do now? They didn’t need to hide or be evasive from anyone. They were away from prying eyes and judgmental minds.
Neither Bucky nor Steve knew how to proceed, still overwhelmed.
Daring to initiate, Steve softly called out to the other man in the house as they stood near the stairs on the ground floor. Bucky turned around towards him. They stared intently at each other without saying anything. Nervousness clogged their nervous systems.
Bucky knew now was the time to come clean. Everything was out in the open already. Their feelings were mutual. There was hardly anything to be afraid of.
Repeating 'You can do it, you can do it’ in his head several times, Bucky took a step closer towards Steve. “About upstairs,”
“I meant every word I said, Buck.” Steve quickly ushered before he could say anything else. “I-”
Bucky took a step forward, cupped his cheeks and crashed his lips with Steve. He didn’t need to hear anything else.
It was the same man for whom he had pledged to be strong and brave, to help and to protect at all times. To stick with forever. Steve had left his newfound family of superheroes for him, defied over a hundred nations for him. If it wasn’t for what Bucky hoped it was, he didn’t know the workings of the world anymore.
Steve responded in kind. He grasped the back of his neck and laid a hand on the small of his back, pulling him closer. His heart thumped in his chest. They kissed and kissed and kissed, releasing years of pent up emotions.
When they parted, Bucky rested his head at the crook of Steve’s neck, breathing his scent, basking in it. Even cloud mattresses could not make him as comfortable as he had felt in that moment.
Softly but confidentaly, without any doubts, since  They were way past liking each other, Steve whispered in his ear, “I love you, jerk.”
Goosebumps rose on his skin. “I love you too, punk.” Grinning madly, he kissed him again.
Steve pulled back a little to look at his love of his life. He was smiling too. Finally, finally Bucky was his, and Bucky could call him his. However, Bucky’s insecurities were still ever prerent.
“Hey, you… you’re… you’ll be with me, right?” He looked at the floor.
Pecking his lips strongly, Steve said, “Never apart.” He knew Bucky needed more assurance. Who knew him better than Steve?
“Yes Bucky, it’ll always be you. You’ll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more.”
With amusement in his eyes, Bucky said, “Don’t do anything stupid”
“How can’t I? We’re together till the end of the line, love.”
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 165
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Hi! Do you have that one stucky fanfic or oneshot where Bucky moved into a house that Steve died in in like 1940 and he slowly fell in love with Him and he ended up bringing him back by dancing with him? I loved it but I can’t find it!
Anon, Maddie and allegra-dreams sent in dance with a ghost by crinklefries (oneshot | 11,634 | T)
cevansebb said:
do you guys know the name of that fic where there’s like 100 things steve loves about bucky? thank you 
Anon sent in Fill My Lungs with Sweetness by starclipped (oneshot | 13,461 | T)
Anon 2 said:
Hi, I've tried everything and I am going crazy looking for this one fic. Basically it's post CATWS. Steve finds Bucky, and is trying to save him at Avengers Tower I think. Bruce Banner is his doctor? Bucky is really messed up, his ribs are so badly broken, they are in pieces and like floating? Thanks!
Anon 3 said:
i cant seem to find this book and was wondering if you could help :) i believe bucky and steve had a relationship before the war, but the story takes place in the present where bucky is found by the avengers but never with hydra and steve was taken by hydra at some point before and tortured but he finally got free and asked the avengers for help? and then steve told him about it in the hospital and bucky kept asking if he was okay when they were sleeping together sorry if it's too vague!!
Anon 4 said:
do you know that one modern bucky cap steve fic where they used to date then broke up then i think steve has to hide in bucky’s apartment for some reason? it’s pretty vague but i can’t remember anything else 
laughing-til-we-scream said:
I had an amazing fic bookmarked and I lost it when I got a new phone! It was a no powers modern day au and it was Bucky as a veteran who joined a "write to a soldier" program and started writing to "Captain Rogers" and they wrote back and forth and video chatted and then finally get to meet when he comes home! Any chance you could help me find it 😅
Anon 5 said:
Can you please help find a fic I’ve lost? All I remember is that canon Steve was taking a college class and using the name Grant. He became friends with his classmates, who figured out his real identity, but protected him. I think he may have been in a relationship with Bucky. Any ideas? Thanks so much!
metisecret and Anon sent in sleeping lessons by glim (oneshot | 23,656 | E)
buckysxmetalxarm said:
Hey! Hope all the mods had a great holiday! I was wondering if anyone knew the Christmas fic where Steve tells his mom he has a boyfriend so he needs to find someone to bring home for the holiday & he makes a post online & says he already told his mom his bf is named James & he finds Bucky online? I remember there was a snowball fight & Bucky was an engineer and made Steve like a magnetic floating planter for Christmas? Thank you!
Anon sent in But the Fire Is so Delightful by lisainthesky (WIP | 28,604 | M)
mmy0326 said:
Looking for a fic where Steve and Bucky find a little girl at a Hydra facility who is being trained as a Winter Soldier. Bucky then finds a pregnant girl at another place who is badly beaten by Hydra; girl has her baby then dies. Baby is named Luci. Haven't been able to find it in my searches.
Anon 6 said:
Hi, I’ve checked all the tags I can think of and have searched and googled to no avail, and would be so grateful for your help! There was a fic where Bucky was a city boy lawyer and his car broke down in a small town. He takes it to Steve’s garage to fix and they kind of get off on the wrong foot. Later, Bucky’s at a bar and Brock is being homophobic, and Steve steps in and saves him. They go back to Steve’s place and end up having sex. Anybody know it? Thank you!!!
Anon sent in The Heart Wants* by perfect_plan (complete | 21,079 | M ) *period-typical homophobia
Anon 7 said:
If you could help me it would really be appreciated! It is a fic where Bucky buys a big house and takes time to recover and stuff and Thor is there for a while and him and Bucky kiss a bit. Steve is out in the world destroying HYDRA bases, murdering people, and whatnot but Bucky really wants him to settle down with him but steve says he can’t. Natasha shows him how to be a proper spy in the beginning and when she realizes how dark he’s getting she tries to stop him. And Steve has a beard. Thanks
drjezdzany and dolphinqueen10 sent in The Ghosts Of Who I Used To Be by Brenda (complete | 107,289 | M)
dark-rose-21 said: 
Hey! There was a story where Bucky was a troubled teen that got sent to Steve’s farm during the summer as a punishment, but love soon entails. I can’t for the life of me remember it!
miraishu sent in Chase the Lightning From the Sky by SilverSlashes, TrishArgh (complete | 39,409 | E)
Anon 8 said:
I'm looking for a one-night-stand AU, it's after Steve's moms funeral. He starts crying when he gets alone when Bucky goes to the bathroom and i remember Bucky asking 'it wasn't your first time? you were way too good" and then he stays, and consoles Steve and the next morning they make pancakes and Bucky gives him his number if he needs friends to get through the grief. i tried looking everywhere, but I remember reading this on AO3, and it was so sweet, I hope you can help me find it again
polarisrrose said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic but I can't find it and I can't remember the specific tags I've found it under before. It's a dimension hopping au and Steve gets stuck in a non powers au where Nat works at a University and Bucky is his husband and he's a comic artist. They think he just has amnesia and for a while he thinks he won't make it back. Sam's in it too briefly and it has a Bucky centric sequel where the winter soldier has his own adventure to another universe. Thanks for the help if you can
Anon sent in Parallels* by spoffyumi (complete | 68,641 | E) */others
Anon 9 said:
Hi guys! I remember reading a fic a long time ago where Bucky is a siren and Steve tells him that mother nature clearly loves him because she gave him tools he needed to survive. I'm pretty sure that there's a second part to the story where Steve dies and comes back as a mermaid and is scared of Bucky until Bucky unlocks memories from his last life. Does this ring a bell to any of you?
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smutslutsclub · 5 years
Title: Tangled Dream Parring: Stucky x Reader Rating: NSFW 18 Warnings: language, smut, fingering, anal and vaginal sex, threesome Summary:  You reveal to your friends Nat and Wanda that you had a sex dream about two Super Soldiers in confidence, or so you thought. Word Count: 2317 A/N: Thanks to @shield-agent78 and @hotoffthepressfics for being my betas. Author: Vixen
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You woke up with quite the start, your breathing irregular, your mind disoriented, thinking what the hell just happened.  You never had that kind of dream before so you didn’t know exactly where it came from.  Well you kinda did. I mean look at the subject matter, two Super Soldiers in your company.  Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, they are the epitome of Greek Gods, well next to Thor who was an actual god, but these two were your teammates. Captain of the Avengers and his best friend who never saw you more than just another Avenger, another agent fighting the good fight.  So where the hell did that dream come from.
You got ready for the day like you normally do, trying to shake off thoughts of the dream, but when you got to the common room where most of the team had already gathered, you couldn’t think straight.  Clint and Sam watched as you poured creamer in your cereal and orange juice in your coffee, clearly you had something on your mind, but they weren’t ones to pry.  Nat and Wanda noticed that something was off about you as well, when you just sat there staring at the bowl before you.
“What’s going on with you?” asked Nat, “clearly you’re not yourself this morning.”
“Noth...nothing’s wrong. I’m just tired” you yawned still staring at the bowl in front of you.
“Is that why you poured the hazelnut coffee creamer in your cereal.” Nat teased
“It’s because you’ve been….”
“Stay out of my mind, Maximoff!” You cut Wanda off before she could say anything more.
Clint and Sam had since left the table, leaving you, Nat, Wanda, and the two super soldiers left in the room.  With much reluctance and prying, you decide to quietly tell your friends what was going on.
“I had a dream last night”, you started
“Oh? What kind of dream?” inquired Nat, her ears perked up to full attention.
“You know, a dream that you don’t just casually bring up in mixed company.”  
It took several seconds before Nat and Wanda realized what kind of dream it was that you were referring to.
“You had a sex dream last night?” Exclaimed Wanda
“Really, I don’t think the people at the gun range heard you!” you winced, hoping beyond hope that the two men were too preoccupied in their own conversation to have heard.  
“Yes...Now can you keep it down,” you whispered
“I’m sorry, Y/N” Wanda looked sheepishly
“So tell us about this sex dream, I want to hear all about it.” You groaned at the thought of recapping your most intimate dream.
“Oh. My. Gosh, you two are so embarrassing” you let out a sigh, “fine, but you can’t tell anyone. Anyway I had a kinky sex dream about a certain super soldier.”  
“Tell me you did not just admit that out loud” Nat chuckled. “ So let me guess, Steve or Bucky. Or  Both!” Nat smirked
“Ye...yeah..wait what?! Why would you mention Bucky?!” You stumbled over your words.  Nat and Wanda knew you had a thing for the golden blonde hunk, but you never looked at Bucky in that way, that is until your dream last night.  
“Oh please, who else would it be about.  It’s so obvious that you’re into Steve, and I can’t say that I blame you.  He’s a good looking guy. Bucky ain’t half bad either.”
“No one else knows right?” you worried your bottom lip
“The guys are pretty much oblivious to that kind of thing.  You have to pretty much hit them over the head and tell them you’re into them.”  She had been referring to her relationship with Clint and how he didn’t seem to notice that Nat had a thing for him. That was until she finally came right out and told him.  Now they are together and happier than ever.
You proceeded to tell them some of the details of your dream, at least what you could remember and were willing to reveal, by the end the girls were left with their mouths hanging open and you feeling flushed again.  You cleaned up your mess and spent the rest of the day either on the range, in the gym, or in your room.
The next couple of days you couldn’t even look at Steve or Bucky.  Anytime they came into the room you found a reason to excuse yourself, during mission briefings you couldn’t even look at them and the minute the meeting was over you bolting out of the room.  Any chance you got to avoid either of them you did.   As much as you tried not to think about them during the day, they were all you could think about at night.
You were just getting out of the showever after a nice long session with the punching bag trying to get your mind off the increasing sexual tension you were feeling when your phone chimed alerting you of an incoming text.
Nat: Hey where are you?
Y/N: Just getting out of the shower, why?
Wanda: Did you forget about movie night?
“Shit.” you muttered to yourself. You had forgotten all about the team movie night that happened every Saturday unless you were either on a mission or Tony had decided to throw an impromptu party.  
Y/N: Yeah, I think I’m going to bail tonight I’m really tired.
Nat: Nope, you can’t bail.  Everyone is here waiting on you and Steve says we can’t start the movie until you get here.
Y/N: Can’t you just tell him I’m not feeling well?
Nat: You know you can’t keep avoiding the issue.
Y/N: What issue might that be, oh wise one?
You had just sent the text when you heard a knock at your door. You quickly got dressed thinking it was probably Sam or Clint whining about how you were taking too long to get to movie night so when you opened the door the last thing you expected was to see the same two people you had spent the week avoiding standing before you.
“Uh, hey...what are you guys doing here?” you asked averting your gaze from Steve and Bucky.
“Came to check up on you doll.” replied Bucky.
“Wh...yeah, um, I’m fine.” you stumbled over your words.  God he looked good, they both did in their sweatpants and shirts that looked two sizes too small showing off each and every muscle of their finely built bodies.
“So then why have you been avoiding us?” Steve’s concerned tone resonating in the air.  
“What do you mean..I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve just been….” you studdered
“Look, sweetheart we’re worried about you.  You haven’t been yourself and you’ve clearly been avoiding Steve and me all week. What gives?”
“It’s nothing, I swear.” You try to get past them, but Bucky and Steve have blocked the doorway.
“Nope, not buying it.” Steve said as he crossed his arms, “you’re not leaving this room till you fess up and tell us why you’ve been avoiding us.”
“Later, right now everyone is waiting...movie night remember guys.” You try to get past them again.
“They can have movie night without us. Now are you going to tell us what’s going on?”
You became flustered and you could feel the heat in your face rising as you tried to figure out what to say.  You knew you had to tell them something or they wouldn’t leave you alone.  “Fine!” you resigned “I had a sex dream about you, happy now?!” You were embarrassed and mad and all you wanted to do was run out of the room and hide.  
Bucky and Steve gave each other a little smirk. They never let on that they had overheard the conversation between you, Nat, and Wanda.  Catching every sordid detail of your kinky dream, hoping they would get the chance to make your dream a reality.
“So...a sex dream” Bucky moved stepped closer towards you, causing your heart to race and you take a step back.  
“Going to elaborate, sweetheart.” Steve asked, as he stalked his way closer to you.
You suddenly felt like you were being stalked by two fierce animals hunting their prey as they pursued you till you were backed into a corner with no way out.
“I asked you a question Agent Y/L/N” Steve demanded as he pulled you away from the wall and stepped behind you pulling your back flush against his hard chest.  Bucky stood before you with lust filled eyes and you got weak in the knees.  God what have you gotten yourself into.
As much as you wanted to resist telling them your deepest desire you always wanted them to put your dream into motion.  You could also see by the look in their eyes that they weren’t going to let you go without finding out what you dreamt.
When you moved they moved, before you knew it, you were back in your bedroom and Bucky was slowly removing your clothing till you were left standing there completely vulnerable to the both of them.  You body had goosebumps from the sudden coolness you could feel from being naked and the anticipation of what could happen.  Before you could think about what could happen next Steve had taken the tie from your silk robe and tied your wrists together behind your back
“So are you going to tell us about this dream or will we have to find a way of making you tell us?” Steve growls in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.  You could already feel the heat building between your legs as Bucky closed the gap between you and began running his fingers lightly down your check then collarbone, then down to your heaving breasts.  He cupped your breast in his hand running his thumb over your hardened nipple, eliciting a pornographic moan from your lips.
Steve gently turns your head to look at him and captures your lips in a searing kiss while Bucky continues massaging your breasts with one had and the other is between your legs rubbing small circles on your clit.  You were puddy in their hands.  It was like they knew exactly what your dream had entailed without you uttering a word.  Slowly torturing you with their hands running up and down your body.  Their hot breath on your skin as each man would nip and lick from the crock of your neck, shoulders and all over your body making you melt into their arms.  If it wasn’t for the closeness of their bodies you would have been nothing more than a puddle on the floor.  
You gasped as you felt Steve move his hand over your ass and squeezed each cheek gently before slipping a finger in her tight hole, pumping in and out as Bucky did the same to your pussy.  Your hips moving in rhythm with each thrust, as you throw your arms behind your head reaching for Steve as you wrap your legs around Bucky’s waist, holding on for dear life as you bite down on your bottom lip till the metallic taste of blood was on your tongue.  You are so wet, already coming two or three times. In fact you had lost count. Your mind goes foggy causing you not to think straight.
You wanted them, no you needed them.  Needed both of them now to fuck you sensless and the two men could sense it.  You began to protest at the sudden loss of their fingers inside of you until you could feel the tips of their cocks begging for entrance.  You could only manage to nod your head yes telling them you were ready and with one quick thrust the two of them had thrust themselves deep inside of you.  All you could hear were their collective moans as they thrusted simultaneously into you over and over again until the three of you came as one.
Your legs felt like jello when your feet hit the floor, thankful that they guys still had a tight hold on your as your breathing regulated and heart began to slow to a steady beat.  Steve picked you up and laid you on the bed between him and Bucky cuddling close until the three of you drifted off to sleep.
You woke the next morning as the sun light began to drift through the curtain into your room.  You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and slowly opened them as you shook the fogginess from your head.  
Looking around the room you found yourself alone.  Your body ached, but you didn’t think much of it thinking it was just from over exerting yourself in the gym the day before.  You couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed as you make your way to the kitchenette for a cup of coffee, your mind going through how that dream felt so real, lost in thought you hadn’t realized that Steve and Bucky were already in the kitchen making breakfast.  
“Hey sleepy head, was wondering when you were going to get up.” Bucky smiled.
“We made breakfast” Steve chimed in “thought you’d be hungry after last night.”
You looked from one man to the other confusion written all over your face.  Were you still dreaming? You opened and closed your mouth unable to say a word.  
“Am I still dreaming?”
Bucky and Steve exchanged glances and laughed.  “No, sweetheart. You’re not dreaming. Last night definitely happened.” Bucky replied.
Steve kissed your cheek as he sat in the next chair and Bucky sat across from you.  You ate your eggs in silence for a moment when it finally dawned on you.  “You guys heard me talking to Nat and Wanda didn’t you?” You could feel your cheeks reddening
“Super hearing remember.” Steve smirked. “Now eat up, we’ve got a lot of time to make up for.”  
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~
@buckysforeverprincess @ellaprime68 @chuuulip @thatfanficstuff @mychemicalimagines @dj-lowkey @hotoffthepressfics @shield-agent78 @bloodiedskirtts @ayanemoonlight @collette04 @hardygal69
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Are you willing to write a Stucky with a child that has Cystic Fibrosis? If so, can it be a domestic fluff? Like Bucky finds the kid and they remind him of Pre-serum Steve so he and Bucky take them in. Thank you if you can. (I'm sorry just want to see a CF character in a fandom I love)
Hi dear!! I was very nervous to write this as I wasn't very aware of the symptoms of CF. I went on a lot of medical sites and I think I have the information right? If not I am so so sorry and I will redo it!! Also I'm going to make their child a daughter but feel free to switch up the pronouns!  -Selenophile
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Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition, which means that it is something you are born with. Cystic fibrosis is known to cause your lungs to produce extra-thick, sticky mucus. This mucus builds up and clogs your airways. Side effects include persistent cough with phlegm, postnasal drip, wheezing, shortness of breath, inability to exercise, as well as poor growth and low body weight despite a good appetite.
Y/N reads the doctors note every day. When she was younger, she didn't understand one word of it. At two years of age she would hand over the card to the family that had high hopes of adopting a little girl. They would usually leave without her. Her housemother, Mrs. Hamilton, always played it off as a different type of superhero form the comic books. Not a lot of adults want superhero babies. It was so easy to believe that. Now she’s 18. She getting released into the real world Luckily, her friend offered her house just till she can find a college to stay at.  Y/N had to learn the hard way that adults don't want a sick kid.
“Hey kiddo” Mrs. Hamilton said, her tone soft like silk.  “You read that dumb note everyday. It means nothing.”
“It apparently does. No adult wanted me in my 18 years of being here.” Y/N retaliated. 
“Don't think about that. They didn't deserve you anyway.” 
Y/N sighed and picked up her tote bags. “I’ll miss your kindness, Mrs. Hamilton.”
“You have my number if you need me.” 
“I know”
They shared a long tender hug. Y/N pulled away once she felt a little tickle in her throat. The tickle sadly turned into a whole fit. 
“Hey, if you ever need me to pay for your Bronchodilators, please text me. I don't mind.”
“Of course Mrs. Hamilton. Ill see you around.”
And with that, Y/N made her way down the stairs. This place, so familiar, was now going to be apart of her past. She remembers running all around with her “brothers”. Patiently eating dinner with her “sisters” was the best. Even exploring the world with their gender-fluid and non-binary siblings was so exciting. Mrs. Hamilton and her always had the best talks. Mr. Hamilton helped with her homework. So, so many memories from this place. She’ll miss it.
The outside world was so much different now that Y/N was out on her own. She took her meds this morning, so that once gross, pollen-infested air didn't even bother her anymore. Her brave feet carried her away from the place she used to call home. The first order of business before heading to her house of 2 months though, get some lunch. Wendy’s has a pretty amazing salad and it was only 2 blocks down. Lucky for her, 2 blocks was her walking limit. Off she went.
That's where Bucky and Steve were enjoying a lovely lunch as well. Steve had a hamburger, and Bucky had some chicken nuggets.
“Alright dear” Steve said “Check Wendy's off your list”
“Already did. I think its pretty good! Not my favorite though.” Bucky replied happily. 
The newly-founded couple have been going to one fast food place a week to introduce Bucky to different types. Any fast food restaurant one could think of, they're going. It was a mix of a date and bringing Bucky up to modern times. It was good for them.
“Bucky, all you get is chicken nuggets you should branch out.” 
“Leave me aloneeee I love my chicken nuggets”
They giggled together, and returned to eating. That's when Y/N walked through the door. She was already panting. Not even realizing, she passed the two men who would change her life. 
Y/N stood patiently, waiting to order. Bucky watched her. Her small, skinny stature reminded him so much of young Steve. Even the way she panted after walking in. Steve would do the same.
“Who are you looking at my love?” Steve questioned.
“Oh, the girl on line. She reminds me so much of you. Skinny, Small, I heard her panting. Look she's coughing now too. What was it called?”
Steve turns around and smiles “Bucky she's cute but what's your point?”
Bucky jumped up “I'm gonna talk to her!”
“That's cute love but please come back id like to enjoy our date before our next mission”
The long-haired man nodded, skipping happily over to Y/N. Just as he was approaching though, an older man came behind her and snatched her wallet. Bucky was ready to pounce, but Y/N was first to it. She was so weak, so she flung right off with a simple push of the man.
“Hey doll, you alright?” He asked softly. 
She nodded weakly, already shaking. Steve rushed out the door to follow the man.
“That's my boyfriend, he’ll get your wallet. Why don't you sit with us? I’ll get your lunch! What would you like?”
Y/N looked up at him. “I-I” she took a minute to wheeze out a cough “T-that's too kind of y-you.”
“Please its my pleasure! what would you like?”
Y/N tells him a simple Caesar Salad. He happily picks her up, along with her stuff. Bucky told her where she was sitting, and she made her way.
This is so weird. Y/N thinks to herself. She takes a seat regardless through, watching the tall blonde walk towards the shorter brunette. She sees her wallet and feels at ease. 
“She’s either a runaway or an orphan whos turned 18. We need to take her in” Bucky whispered into his ear. 
“Or she's just heading off to college? I cant put a girl a risk” Steve whispered back. 
“Please Steve. She reminds me so much of you. She cant survive out here one her medication runs out. And to be honest? She seems like she has a low dosage the way she's still wheezing and coughing like that.”
“One day James. If she changes my mind in one day, we can keep her”
Bucky happily kissed Steve's cheek. He carefully grabbed the salad and took it to the girl. 
They ate together rather happily. The couple learned her name was Y/N. She’s and 18 year old girl who just came out of the system, just like Bucky hypothesized. To sum up her condition , she showed them the note - which was only kept for nostalgic purposes - which made Steve feel connected to her more. 
“So no one adopted you because you have Cystic Fibrosis?” Bucky asked
“No one wants a sick kid”
Steve sympathized. “I used to have CF too. Once I got the super solider serum I never had to deal with it again. I understand where you come from though. Being constantly underweight and small, also no matter how hard you try you cant become better at exercise. I get it.”
Bucky took Steve’s hand and kissed his cheek. Y/N smiled, continuing to eat her salad. She didn't even question the fact that he was Captain America, she understands how it feels to be bombarded with questions. 
They managed to convince Y/N to stay for the night. She fought them on it, telling them they were being way too nice for a girl who was about to ruin their night. Bucky continued to tell her to shush it, while Steve was having a change of heart.
It was a good night. They watched TV together, enjoyed a lovely home cooked dinner, talked some more about each other and even played some old timey board games. Y/N had the time of her life. No way on Earth would she do this with any other adult who offered her help. Since Steve had a similar experience and Bucky helping him through said experience, it gave Y?N the confidence to take the offer. She never regretted it
That one day became one week. That one week became one month. The one month became a year. Steve and Bucky were there every step of the way. Convincing to ask the little web slinger Peter Parker out to prom, taking said prom pictures, helping Y/N with homework, taking her on cool adventures. The day of her high school  graduation they gave her the gift of a car. She gave them the official title of Dad. When the papers for official guardianship were clear, it was the happiest day of the trio’s life. 
Now, its the night before Y/N goes to college. Her bags were packed. Her small, cozy bedroom looked so vacant now. Her dads were cuddled up on the couch.
“Got any room for a jellybean?” She asked softly. 
“Yes we do! Always!” Bucky cheered happily,splitting apart from Steve. The small girl jumped in, which was a big mistake since she was already taking deeper breaths. 
“Did your school accommodate for your CF?” Steve asked, giving her a big fat kiss on her cheek.
With a giggle, she replied “Yeah dad, They put me in the closest dorm to the classroom. They also put me on the lower floor on the dorm building. AND Peter said he was gonna help me out.”
“You and Peter are too cute, I'm happy he takes interest in you”
“Thanks Dad 2″
Y/N leaned right into her dad 2 where she was scooped under the chilly metal. Steve got up, moving to the fleshier side of his husband. Yes, in the year Y/N lived with them, they finally got themselves together and got married. Y/N was Bucky’s maid of honor, and she joined in on the couples first dance. 
They watched the stupid soap opera that was on late at night. all three of them couldn't even keep up with what was happening.
“Dads, I love you” Y/N blurted out. 
“Woah kid, you better catch your breath, because we love you too.” Bucky responded as Steve reached over, playing with the girls hair. Her happy giggled gave Steve and Bucky the message: they changed this girls world.
Send all requests to the Inbox!!💌
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averyrogers83 · 5 years
Tangled Dream
Title: Tangled Dream Parring: Stucky x Reader Rating: NSFW 18 Warnings: language, smut, fingering, anal and vaginal sex, threesome Summary:  You reveal to your friends Nat and Wanda that you had a sex dream about two Super Soldiers in confidence, or so you thought. Word Count: 2317 Square Filled: Kinky Confessions for @star-spangled-bingo and Stucky for @marvelbingo A/N: Real life reels its ugly head. Sorry for the extremely late submission for #thecap2challenge prompt: “Tell me you didn’t just admit that out loud.” Thanks to @shield-agent78 and @hotoffthepressfics for being my betas. Author: @averyrogers83
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You woke up with quite the start, your breathing irregular, your mind disoriented, thinking what the hell just happened.  You never had that kind of dream before so you didn’t know exactly where it came from.  Well you kinda did. I mean look at the subject matter, two Super Soldiers in your company.  Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, they are the epitome of Greek Gods, well next to Thor who was an actual god, but these two were your teammates. Captain of the Avengers and his best friend who never saw you more than just another Avenger, another agent fighting the good fight.  So where the hell did that dream come from.
You got ready for the day like you normally do, trying to shake off thoughts of the dream, but when you got to the common room where most of the team had already gathered, you couldn’t think straight.  Clint and Sam watched as you poured creamer in your cereal and orange juice in your coffee, clearly you had something on your mind, but they weren’t ones to pry.  Nat and Wanda noticed that something was off about you as well, when you just sat there staring at the bowl before you.
“What’s going on with you?” asked Nat, “clearly you’re not yourself this morning.”
“Noth...nothing’s wrong. I’m just tired” you yawned still staring at the bowl in front of you.
“Is that why you poured the hazelnut coffee creamer in your cereal.” Nat teased
“It’s because you’ve been….”
“Stay out of my mind, Maximoff!” You cut Wanda off before she could say anything more.
Clint and Sam had since left the table, leaving you, Nat, Wanda, and the two super soldiers left in the room.  With much reluctance and prying, you decide to quietly tell your friends what was going on.
“I had a dream last night”, you started
“Oh? What kind of dream?” inquired Nat, her ears perked up to full attention.
“You know, a dream that you don’t just casually bring up in mixed company.”  
It took several seconds before Nat and Wanda realized what kind of dream it was that you were referring to.
“You had a sex dream last night?” Exclaimed Wanda
“Really, I don’t think the people at the gun range heard you!” you winced, hoping beyond hope that the two men were too preoccupied in their own conversation to have heard.  
“Yes...Now can you keep it down,” you whispered
“I’m sorry, Y/N” Wanda looked sheepishly
“So tell us about this sex dream, I want to hear all about it.” You groaned at the thought of recapping your most intimate dream.
“Oh. My. Gosh, you two are so embarrassing” you let out a sigh, “fine, but you can’t tell anyone. Anyway I had a kinky sex dream about a certain super soldier.”  
“Tell me you did not just admit that out loud” Nat chuckled. “ So let me guess, Steve or Bucky. Or  Both!” Nat smirked
“Ye...yeah..wait what?! Why would you mention Bucky?!” You stumbled over your words.  Nat and Wanda knew you had a thing for the golden blonde hunk, but you never looked at Bucky in that way, that is until your dream last night.  
“Oh please, who else would it be about.  It’s so obvious that you’re into Steve, and I can’t say that I blame you.  He’s a good looking guy. Bucky ain’t half bad either.”
“No one else knows right?” you worried your bottom lip
“The guys are pretty much oblivious to that kind of thing.  You have to pretty much hit them over the head and tell them you’re into them.”  She had been referring to her relationship with Clint and how he didn’t seem to notice that Nat had a thing for him. That was until she finally came right out and told him.  Now they are together and happier than ever.
You proceeded to tell them some of the details of your dream, at least what you could remember and were willing to reveal, by the end the girls were left with their mouths hanging open and you feeling flushed again.  You cleaned up your mess and spent the rest of the day either on the range, in the gym, or in your room.
The next couple of days you couldn’t even look at Steve or Bucky.  Anytime they came into the room you found a reason to excuse yourself, during mission briefings you couldn’t even look at them and the minute the meeting was over you bolting out of the room.  Any chance you got to avoid either of them you did.   As much as you tried not to think about them during the day, they were all you could think about at night.
You were just getting out of the showever after a nice long session with the punching bag trying to get your mind off the increasing sexual tension you were feeling when your phone chimed alerting you of an incoming text.
Nat: Hey where are you?
Y/N: Just getting out of the shower, why?
Wanda: Did you forget about movie night?
“Shit.” you muttered to yourself. You had forgotten all about the team movie night that happened every Saturday unless you were either on a mission or Tony had decided to throw an impromptu party.  
Y/N: Yeah, I think I’m going to bail tonight I’m really tired.
Nat: Nope, you can’t bail.  Everyone is here waiting on you and Steve says we can’t start the movie until you get here.
Y/N: Can’t you just tell him I’m not feeling well?
Nat: You know you can’t keep avoiding the issue.
Y/N: What issue might that be, oh wise one?
You had just sent the text when you heard a knock at your door. You quickly got dressed thinking it was probably Sam or Clint whining about how you were taking too long to get to movie night so when you opened the door the last thing you expected was to see the same two people you had spent the week avoiding standing before you.
“Uh, hey...what are you guys doing here?” you asked averting your gaze from Steve and Bucky.
“Came to check up on you doll.” replied Bucky.
“Wh...yeah, um, I’m fine.” you stumbled over your words.  God he looked good, they both did in their sweatpants and shirts that looked two sizes too small showing off each and every muscle of their finely built bodies.
“So then why have you been avoiding us?” Steve’s concerned tone resonating in the air.  
“What do you mean..I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve just been….” you studdered
“Look, sweetheart we’re worried about you.  You haven’t been yourself and you’ve clearly been avoiding Steve and me all week. What gives?”
“It’s nothing, I swear.” You try to get past them, but Bucky and Steve have blocked the doorway.
“Nope, not buying it.” Steve said as he crossed his arms, “you’re not leaving this room till you fess up and tell us why you’ve been avoiding us.”
“Later, right now everyone is waiting...movie night remember guys.” You try to get past them again.
“They can have movie night without us. Now are you going to tell us what’s going on?”
You became flustered and you could feel the heat in your face rising as you tried to figure out what to say.  You knew you had to tell them something or they wouldn’t leave you alone.  “Fine!” you resigned “I had a sex dream about you, happy now?!” You were embarrassed and mad and all you wanted to do was run out of the room and hide.  
Bucky and Steve gave each other a little smirk. They never let on that they had overheard the conversation between you, Nat, and Wanda.  Catching every sordid detail of your kinky dream, hoping they would get the chance to make your dream a reality.
“So...a sex dream” Bucky moved stepped closer towards you, causing your heart to race and you take a step back.  
“Going to elaborate, sweetheart.” Steve asked, as he stalked his way closer to you.
You suddenly felt like you were being stalked by two fierce animals hunting their prey as they pursued you till you were backed into a corner with no way out.
“I asked you a question Agent Y/L/N” Steve demanded as he pulled you away from the wall and stepped behind you pulling your back flush against his hard chest.  Bucky stood before you with lust filled eyes and you got weak in the knees.  God what have you gotten yourself into.
As much as you wanted to resist telling them your deepest desire you always wanted them to put your dream into motion.  You could also see by the look in their eyes that they weren’t going to let you go without finding out what you dreamt.
When you moved they moved, before you knew it, you were back in your bedroom and Bucky was slowly removing your clothing till you were left standing there completely vulnerable to the both of them.  You body had goosebumps from the sudden coolness you could feel from being naked and the anticipation of what could happen.  Before you could think about what could happen next Steve had taken the tie from your silk robe and tied your wrists together behind your back
“So are you going to tell us about this dream or will we have to find a way of making you tell us?” Steve growls in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.  You could already feel the heat building between your legs as Bucky closed the gap between you and began running his fingers lightly down your check then collarbone, then down to your heaving breasts.  He cupped your breast in his hand running his thumb over your hardened nipple, eliciting a pornographic moan from your lips.
Steve gently turns your head to look at him and captures your lips in a searing kiss while Bucky continues massaging your breasts with one had and the other is between your legs rubbing small circles on your clit.  You were puddy in their hands.  It was like they knew exactly what your dream had entailed without you uttering a word.  Slowly torturing you with their hands running up and down your body.  Their hot breath on your skin as each man would nip and lick from the crock of your neck, shoulders and all over your body making you melt into their arms.  If it wasn’t for the closeness of their bodies you would have been nothing more than a puddle on the floor.  
You gasped as you felt Steve move his hand over your ass and squeezed each cheek gently before slipping a finger in her tight hole, pumping in and out as Bucky did the same to your pussy.  Your hips moving in rhythm with each thrust, as you throw your arms behind your head reaching for Steve as you wrap your legs around Bucky’s waist, holding on for dear life as you bite down on your bottom lip till the metallic taste of blood was on your tongue.  You are so wet, already coming two or three times. In fact you had lost count. Your mind goes foggy causing you not to think straight.
You wanted them, no you needed them.  Needed both of them now to fuck you sensless and the two men could sense it.  You began to protest at the sudden loss of their fingers inside of you until you could feel the tips of their cocks begging for entrance.  You could only manage to nod your head yes telling them you were ready and with one quick thrust the two of them had thrust themselves deep inside of you.  All you could hear were their collective moans as they thrusted simultaneously into you over and over again until the three of you came as one.
Your legs felt like jello when your feet hit the floor, thankful that they guys still had a tight hold on your as your breathing regulated and heart began to slow to a steady beat.  Steve picked you up and laid you on the bed between him and Bucky cuddling close until the three of you drifted off to sleep.
You woke the next morning as the sun light began to drift through the curtain into your room.  You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and slowly opened them as you shook the fogginess from your head.  
Looking around the room you found yourself alone.  Your body ached, but you didn’t think much of it thinking it was just from over exerting yourself in the gym the day before.  You couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed as you make your way to the kitchenette for a cup of coffee, your mind going through how that dream felt so real, lost in thought you hadn’t realized that Steve and Bucky were already in the kitchen making breakfast.  
“Hey sleepy head, was wondering when you were going to get up.” Bucky smiled.
“We made breakfast” Steve chimed in “thought you’d be hungry after last night.”
You looked from one man to the other confusion written all over your face.  Were you still dreaming? You opened and closed your mouth unable to say a word.  
“Am I still dreaming?”
Bucky and Steve exchanged glances and laughed.  “No, sweetheart. You’re not dreaming. Last night definitely happened.” Bucky replied.
Steve kissed your cheek as he sat in the next chair and Bucky sat across from you.  You ate your eggs in silence for a moment when it finally dawned on you.  “You guys heard me talking to Nat and Wanda didn’t you?” You could feel your cheeks reddening
“Super hearing remember.” Steve smirked. “Now eat up, we’ve got a lot of time to make up for.”  
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~
@buckysforeverprincess @ellaprime68 @chuuulip @thatfanficstuff @mychemicalimagines @dj-lowkey @hotoffthepressfics @shield-agent78 @bloodiedskirtts @patzammit @drakelover78 @quantumarvel 
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