#hand holding is so important to me because sometimes other forms of physical touch are difficult
eepymonstrr · 3 months
random hand holding. briefly tangling our fingers together. always knowing where each other’s hands are and easily being able to reach them. nuzzling your hand with my hand to let you know i’m here. running fingers along the veins and tendons because they’re se
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kikiyoomis · 1 year
you've accepted the fact that sakusa does not enjoy physical affection. early on in your relationship you did try to initialize some small forms of physical affection but you were always met with the expression of repulse and so you quickly gave it up. so now, almost a year into your relationship there has been little to no physical affection between you and sakusa.
"so you haven't even had your first kiss even though you've been dating someone for almost a year?" your friend says, baffled at the thought of it.
"f/n nevermind their first kiss they haven't hugged or even held hands," your other friend pipes in.
"wow, y/n you're really a virgin in all aspects."
"guys it's really not that bad. he's a nice guy and physical affection isn't everything," you say sheepishly but you can't help but agree with them to some extent.
you too, aren't someone that needs physical affection as a form of love but you do enjoy it. and a little ashamed to admit it, but you do get touch starved sometimes.
there are many nights where you wished that sakusa would just hug and hold you to comfort you on your rough nights or give you a kiss in appreciation. even though he's willing to call and listen to you rant, sometimes all you want is just a hug from him as a form of comfort.
so your solution to this, was to by plushies as his hug replacement.
the first time he came over to your place roughly seven months into your relationship, he was shocked at the amount of plushies you acquired. you remember coming up with excuses about how they were so cute you couldn't help yourself but you were too embarrassed to tell him the real reason.
"i'm so happy that you're available today for a date," smile happily as you take a bite out of the homecooked meal sakusa made for your anniversary.
"i took the day off," sakusa says, taking off his apron before taking a seat across from you. you look up in surprise but you're greeted with sakusa's soft smile. "does it taste good?"
"yes it tastes amazing but why did you take the day off? the tournament is starting soon," you say. sakusa rarely took days off especially when tournaments are around the corner. you were sure that when he said that he was available today that meant that the entire team was given the day off.
"because you're important too. i wanted to celebrate this milestone with you." you face flushes red at his statement so you busy yourself with the food to hide your embarrassment.
"...thank you for taking the day off then," you say quietly, heart fluttering just like when you had a crush on him.
"y/n, there's something i want to talk to you about."
and just like that, your heart instantly drops to your stomach. what could he want to talk about? he literally made your heart flutter just a moment ago but now he makes it feel like it weighs a thousand tons all of a sudden?
"w-what do you want to talk to me about?" you stutter out, nervousness evident in your voice.
"it's nothing to worry about but..."
"i've been thinking for a while that uh..." sakusa's face suddenly starts to turn red. so much so that the tips of his ears are also turning red. from the sweet and confident air that he had just a moment ago suddenly turned nervous and bashful.
"... thinking that... you..." he mumbles out.
"pardon?" you ask, not quite hearing what he said.
"i said, that i've been thinking about how i wanted our relationship to be more... "
"kiyoomi i literally cannot hear what you're saying," you say, suddenly wondering what he wants with you.
he rests his chin in one of his palms and he turns away from you so that all you can see is the back of his head and his bright red ears.
"i want a more physical relationship with you. i want to hug and kiss you y/n"
your eyes widen in shock. was this the same guy that displayed an expression of disgust whenever someone's hands accidently touches him? who is this and where did your boyfriend go?
"but i thought that you..." you trail off, not believing your ears.
"i wanted to for a while actually, but i thought you didn't like it so i held off on it. there were times where all i could think about was how nice it would've been if i wasn't a coward to just give you hugs and kisses like a normal boyfriend would," sakusa says sheepishly.
this was a new sakusa that you've never seen. in fact you don't think anyone has ever seen sakusa like this.
you quickly get up from your chair and walk around the table to sakusa's seat and without any hesitation you throw your arms around him.
"kiyoomi you're actually so stupid!" you laugh as sakusa jolts in surprise at your sudden back hug. but he quickly relaxes into your touch and turns so that he wrap an arm around your waist.
"yea, yea i'm stupid," he smiles before quickly planting a chaste kiss on your cheek. "happy one year my love, no need to hug those plushies when you have me" he whispers before hiding his bright red face into the crook of your neck.
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emocowboylvr · 9 months
hii! would you be interested in doing a fic or headcanons about carl x narcoleptic!reader? it's just i never see it anywhere and i really struggle sometimes. you don't have to --just asking, but thank you. <3
Hi!! Yes of course. To do this i definitely had to educate myself a little further due to the fact that I only know the super basic information about narcolepsy. I'm happy to learn more and to do this for you!! (Also sorry it took so long.)
Thank you for requesting this and feel free to give me feedback and send more requests if you like this one.
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Narcolepsy is tough to have during the apocalypse.
It’s important to be constantly alert and awake, but that’s just not something you could do. You often felt drowsy, if not completely exhausted or drained, and the consistent moving, running, and fighting definitely didn’t help.
When Rick and Daryl, while out on a run, found you alone in the woods one day, they brought you back to Alexandria, where you met Carl.
Since Carl was your age, the two of you became friends very easily.
At first, it worried Carl that you were so tired during the day and he suspected that there were further problems, such as you not being able to fall asleep at Alexandria for some reason, or even the possibility of you being sick.
When you became closer, he asked questions, and you told him that you were narcoleptic, which led to a long discussion and a learning opportunity for him because he was uneducated on the topic.
Since the apocalypse started when he was so young, he is uneducated on a lot of topics concerning disorders or anything medical.
When you started dating, he tried to understand more about it, but at first was a little confused. He would recommend things that you know wouldn’t help, but you still thought it was cute that he was trying.
He never got annoyed when you’d fall asleep during the day, not even a little bit. He’d just use it as an excuse to hold you.
Carl is definitely a physical touch kind of guy, though he doesn’t like to show it in front of other people.
When he’s near the group he’ll do very subtle things, like put the side of his foot against yours or his pinky finger through your belt loop. If he’s feeling touchy that day he might hold your hand in front of everyone. But in the seclusion of the two of you he’s all over you.
But his favorite form of physical contact: getting away from everyone else and finding a comfortable spot for the two of you two lay down, where he would allow you to fall asleep on top of him, while he flips through the pages of a comic book he’s already read a thousand times.
The sound of his thumping heartbeat could be heard in one ear and the faint sound of his breathing could be heard in your other. You had always thought that it helped you sleep easier. You felt like it kept you asleep and from waking up during the night so often and you didn't have as many nightmares.
Maybe you just told yourself that because you liked when he held you.
Carl also loves to have “sleepovers”, although he hardly sleeps. He isn’t an insomniac or anything, but he often has a hard time falling asleep. He keeps himself up with his thoughts. But the weight of your body on his, and your soft skin that he would very gently caress in order to not wake you, would help him relax.
Sometimes you’d wake up after a nightmare, very visibly upset. Being narcoleptic, you had them often, and the apocalypse and your traumas from it really made it worse.
Your sudden stirring in bed would wake him from his sleep, and every time he would pull you closer to him, lazily tracing circles over your back or running his hands through your hair. He would place soft, loving kisses on your forehead or the bridge of your nose, and very groggily he’d mumble something like “Come here, it’s okay” or “Go back to sleep, I’ve got you.” Before he’d fall back asleep himself, probably before you did.
Of course, like every other capable member in Alexandria, you had to pitch in, which you didn’t mind, but you had night watch, and god was it hard to keep yourself from drifting off. It was only for half the night once a week, but still torture nonetheless. The moonlit sky and the faint wind in your ears almost lulled you to sleep. Your eyelids would feel like they weighed ten pounds and your body would just beg you to let it rest. But you fought it.
You’d force yourself to pace around or sing a song you used to love to keep yourself from falling into the drowsy temptation.
Sometimes, when Carl couldn’t sleep he’d come out there with you and talk to you, and every once in a while, you couldn’t help but lean on his shoulder and shut your eyes.
Every now and then he’d come out there to talk to you and he'd have to watch you struggle to keep yourself awake. He just couldn’t let you fight yourself to keep your eyes open so he’d sneak you inside really quickly, tuck you in, and take your shift for you, even though he’s already done his.
I really hope this is good enough, and honestly, like I said, I'm still learning about narcolepsy, so feel free to tell me anything I could do differently!!
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hawkeyeslaughter · 7 months
Someone mentioned in a post I saw that BJ’s love language is probably Acts of Service. It mentions the way that he’ll show how much he cares about Hawkeye by doing things for him, including the last episode in which he writes “GOODBYE” in giant letters with rocks instead of just saying it 🤦🏻😂
So I’m curious: what do you think the other characters’ love languages are? :)
WAIT THATS SO CUTE 😭😭 i love that so much . and thank you for the ask !!!!
— i think hawkeye’s is definitely physical touch . it’s pretty obvious when you watch him the more he likes someone the more touchy he is with them … leaning into trapper when he laughs , arm consistently around radar whenever he talks to him , hugging and leaning into bj , letting the others sleep on him , holding margaret when she’s upset , a hand on henry’s shoulder … i could go on and on . “ oh but he’s always touchy with everyone “ because he loves everyone ??? next question
— i think trapper is less of an acts of service guy ( i think a lot of the stuff he does is just because it’s funny ) and more of a quality time guy . i mean of course it goes without saying that he’s always hanging around hawkeye because he loves hawkeye , but i think we see it reflected a ton too with this patients ; there’s several instances where we see him hanging around their bedsides in hopes they’ll get better . and there’s several instance where we see him just hanging out with henry or hawkeye or even frank doing nothing . but doing it just because he loves them and wants to be around them and i really think that’s sweet lol
— it’s so a hard to tell with frank because obviously we don’t see him do any loving acts a ton , but if i had to assign one to him i’d say gift giving . frank is so stingy that even getting him to give something to someone of any value ( whether it be a necklace or a signature on a form ) is monumental . and when he does i feel like it must be because he loves them . deep down . just a hair
— henry is words of affirmation without a doubt in my mind . like we see him struggle with using his words to express how he feels ( like in ‘ henry , please come home ‘ where he stutters before telling hawkeye and trapper that they’re swell , and giving radar a pat on the head ) , but he really shows how much words mean to him in episodes like ‘ ceasefire ‘ and ‘ abyssinia , henry ‘ . i also think in episodes like ‘ sometimes you hear the bullet ‘ or ‘ the trial of henry blake ‘ or ‘ sticky wicket ‘ when he offers encouraging words or is straightforward about how he feels , he means them . and he’s saying them to express that he cares , and i think that’s big for him . so yeah , words of affirmation for henry .
— margaret is quality time , even from the early seasons when she took so much consideration on setting up her little dates with frank . she just likes spending time with people , with the patients , with her nurses , with potter , with the swamp rats . she finds time , even with how busy she gets with being head nurse , to take little moments with people she cares about . i think its more subtle , but i think it’s very important to her character to notice .
— radar is acts of service . i mean , yeah , a lot of the stuff he does is because he has to do it , but a lot of the stuff he does he doesn’t have to do , either . my always goes to ‘ showtime ‘ when he found the mother with the baby and went to henry with her when he missed the birth of his own kid . i love thag radar is always helping out in his own little ways when even hawkeye may be unaware . he’s just always going out of his way to help , and i love him for that . i love him for that .
— charles is words of affirmation to me too . i think opening up and being honest is a big big thing for charles , and i think since he didn’t really have anyone growing up to offer him those words it adds to the fact that he uses them as something he didn’t really ever have . its a big deal for him ,, it makes the scenes with his stuttering patient and the piano player more special . because he means it . because its coming from his heart .
— i’d like to think klinger is gift giving , as he’s doing manicures or sometimes giving things to the nurses or giving his little bits of fashion advice . i think its not always the physical things he’s giving away , but also little pieces of his heart through his kind acts .
— father mulcahy is acts of service , not only because he ( more or less ) has to because of his profession , but because he genuinely likes going out of his way to help people , i think . he worries that his profession doesn’t help people in the way the doctors do , because it’s not as obviously outwardly making a difference , and i think he struggles with that because his way of loving and helping isn’t ‘ enough ‘ sometimes . but i genuinely think it’s less about him being a priest and more because he has this innate love for humanity and he wants to help them .
— finally , i think potter is quality time and my strongest argument for thjs is the time he takes painting portraits of the 4077th members or his participation in the parties , despite the fact he doesn’t seem as though he’d be a party fella . i think both of those are just excuses because he can’t bring himself to admit he just likes spending time with his little found family
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anxietyfluffy · 1 year
Wanted you ask for your headcannons for Frank, 💝💔👗🔪🥇🎭❤️‍🔥💄😭 ( I love that man so much! 😭💙)
BLUE HEART ANONNN i missed you dude!! and ofc!! we frank fans gotta stick together FYWGWEUF this will contain spoilers and the angst hc is a lil dark but that's how I do angst babey 💝: to me, Frank has always read as a physical touch and acts of service kinda guy. like, for example, he struggles a fair bit to tell Karen verbally just how much he loves her, but to show it he tends to touch and hold her a lot as well as help her out with things. the acts of service hc is even hinted at in canon cus Karen stated that he helps out fixing small electronic devices around the house. 💔: this is both a mix of my hc and au - and really what would probably happen in canon if this were to happen - but i don't think Frank can really live without Karen. like, in an au where Karen dies but Frank doesn't, i think Frank would probably off himself because the person he loves the most is dead. 👗: Frank has numerous Hawaiian shirts in his closet as well as the same coloured jeans. he doesn't care - or want to - wear anything else. ofc he will, and he has clothes other than Hawaiian shirts and jeans, but he loves his iconic Hawaiian shirt because its comfortable to him. 🔪: I think everyone agrees that Frank has anger issues, so i wont repeat the truth UYFEGWWFE but, with Frank's training in the military as well as the fact his job is pretty physical at times, he's trained in some forms of martial arts. though i can't see stuff like Karate, i see more Boxing, Jiu Jitsu, Judo etc etc. how to fight and take someone down if needed. I can also see him being really good at Jiu Jitsu and Judo UEWFYUFEW 🥇: I can see small and big things he's good at. like something small is I can picture him being amazing on the grill, but a bigger one is that I can see Frank being amazing at giving advice (though he sucks when it comes to taking it). as much as he's harsh, i feel like he's good at pushing people to do things that makes them happy, and I think he tries to get people to do things they love because for a while he struggled to understand just how important love really is. 🎭: Ooooh.. I don't think Frank would lie a lot honestly, but. He'd absolutely lie if it meant he was (or, at least he thinks he's) protecting his family. Though, you can always kinda tell when Frank is lying, because usually he's pretty blunt and honest. Sometimes too much. ❤️‍🔥: KarenFrank time teehee. Frank adores Karen, absolutely, and I can see Frank giving Karen this certain look anytime he sees her. I dunno how to describe the look other than just full of pure love. She could look absolutely messy, puffed out after trying to get the girls to stop playing in some mud or something, and Frank would still put his hand on her cheek and look at her as if she was the sun and he was the moon, basking in her light. 💄: I've given my physical hc for Frank a fair bit - the fact I see him as tanned, as well as having darker hair and more greying streaks - but recently I've used his skintone on his dead body (dark, I know) because the colour is around the same, but it looks more natural compared to the vibrant colours I tend to go for. Here is a screenshot of the way I colour-picked the skintone off of the bodies - I go for the midtone of said body instead of either the direct lighting or the deepest shadows.
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😭: Well. There is an obvious answer to this one. But, instead of going that route I'm gonna explore how he felt more. I imagine Laura's death was the heavy ass stick on the camel's back. Because it was mentioned Frank was a solider before he was a cop, I'd imagine he'd have some sort of trauma related to that - especially with the fact he was in his 20s for a bit of the 80s, where a lot of wars happened. That likely PTSD mixed in with the death of his daughter probably made what was seemingly a small liking to whisky into an addiction, which lead to his life crumbling more when Karen divorced him. Might I add, they didn't even divorce because they weren't in love, it was heavily implied Karen was still in love with Frank, and then Frank was clearly still in love with her too, esp cus all the other women he got interested in in-game were just younger, more evil versions of Karen UEFGUFWE. From what I saw of the photo of Frank, Karen and Daisy - esp because she looks around 10-13 in that image while dying at 14-15, I presumed they were together - or trying to be together - for a bit, and then divorced. And even if Karen had full custody of Daisy, that image as well as Once Upon a Crime make me believe that Frank did have contact with Daisy, it's just Daisy didn't want to speak to her dad. Which, presumably, lead to more depression, and more substance abuse. This cycle only ends when he's dead - when he's with Karen and the girls again, and can live as a family all together again. It's clear that if Frank's family didn't crumble and fall apart - because of the actions of a dumb ass driver - we would have a very different Frank in-game. those are my hcs!! sorry its long i love talking abt the knight family sm and if given the chance i will ramble abt them.
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stingslikeabee · 9 months
size, sender measures the size of their hand against receiver's. // whichever verse u want 👁️
actions speak louder than words prompts . accepting
It was curious that for a being representing something as incorporeal as light, Melissa found herself craving more tangible mementos in the form of physical touch from the Sun-God. Maybe it was a sign of weakness - to need something that the priestess could hold onto instead of relying on the faith that nurtured her soul and served as the foundation for the life she had known so far.
But for every single moment where Rhayeon held out a hand to her, his faithful follower took it without hesitation. Every gentle brush of shoulders in a narrower hallway, the embrace that he sometimes offered her when they shared a bed, the soft trail of fingers pushing hair behind an ear - these were all treasured memories now; dutifully engraved into Melissa's heart and mind as proof that the Sun-God lived.
And perhaps, more important than that - that Rhayeon, in his infinite kindness and generosity, had seen fit to share his radiance with the high priestess.
The way Melissa's pulse quickened and how her breathing turned shallow during these moments was an indication that something was not quite right with the woman - but then again, to be face to face with divinity had not crossed her mind until a few weeks before, when all she had was impenetrable darkness surrounding a lost and forgotten body.
And it all happened again - when Melissa found herself engaged in conversation with the Sun-God only for him to suddenly pick up her hand, placing an open palm against hers as if comparing them. The gesture was so simple, so likely to be deemed common by anyone else - but not when it came from him and to someone like her. As if Rhayeon was breathing life into her form all over again, giving her a shred of his own essence by allowing mankind to take that shape. The creator and the creature - Melissa only able to be alive thanks to his blessing and his many gifts.
And yet - it was Rhayeon that looked at the brunette as if she was some sort of miracle when it was clearly the other way around.
"I do not presume to know what My Lord thinks or feels, but sometimes it does appear as if something troubles Your Radiance," her voice was low, almost like a murmur - they were close enough for Rhayeon to hear Melissa, but perhaps the woman had chosen to be quiet only because her claims were so bold. How did she dare to question him?
What sort of high priestess was she if such queries needed to be asked?
"Forgive me for being out of line, My Lord, but why look at me as if surprised I exist? I should be the one constantly thanking you and returning your blessings tenfold for rescuing me from the pits of despair that Ravina locked me in," the brunette sighed adoringly, moving to support herself on both knees while Rhayeon remained lying on his side, as he had been. His gaze followed Melissa, of course - the golden sunshine of his left eye never straying too far of the figure of his follower, even as she used both of her hands to once more press his palm against her chest, over a heart that fluttered wildly in the face of the intimacy of that act.
"I exist only because you willed it, My Lord. And I will never be able to convey how grateful I am for this miracle."
Suddenly bashful, the woman lowered her head - and the honey-like irises were hidden behind semi-closed lids, voluntarily depriving herself of the sight of Rhayeon as if he was indeed the sun himself, too bright and too powerful to look at. Lost in her own faith and contemplation, Melissa never knew just how painfully accurate her words had been to someone who was no ancient deity to a lost civilization - but a mortal like any other.
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notalostcausejustyet · 9 months
Text wall after this pic of the absolutely ridiculous pre storm sunrise from work yesterday.
CW for mentions of DV/SA/general trauma
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On being a survivor of violence and touch starvation:
Humans are primates, and primates are social creatures. Primates live in groups and spend a huge portion of time grooming socially. Touching, to reinforce the group bonds. Humans are primates and we need physical contact the same way primates do. Our brains don’t uptake serotonin correctly or make dopamine in the correct amounts without consistent physical contact from other humans. It’s a simple biological fact. A necessity born of evolution.
So. Where does that leave a person with a history of domestic violence and sexual assault? For me personally this is a huge conflict. I am constantly touch starved. I also generally hate touching 99.9999 percent of people. I’m jumpy and my limbic system exist in a state of high idling. I was out with friends last night and flinched so visibly when one of them touched me on the arm unexpectedly that she apologized profusely several times. And I hate it. I hate that every time I go to touch someone I have to talk my body back from a ledge. It’s always a conscious choice. But I WANT to be touched. I want to be held and comforted, to feel safe and like I’m a part of the human race. It’s such a mindfuck. This is something I need to have to be healthy, but that my body and brain were trained to understand as dangerous from an early age. And it doesn’t help that so many people conflate intimate touch with sex. And by intimate I mean cuddling, actually sleeping with someone, running your fingers through someone’s hair, holding hands, the sort of half hour long hugs you need when you have to breakdown sometimes. All of those things are things that we are biologically hard wired to need as a species. It isn’t about sex, it’s about being human and a part of the humanity around you. It’s about closeness and connection and safety. But it’s so damned hard when all your experiences teach you that you can’t have any of that because either there will be expectations attached or any hand offered comes in the form of a closed fist. And I don’t have a solution to this, I don’t know what the answer is. I’m just frustrated and tired and apparently in need of a proper platonic cuddle. I only know that I had dream about being held while I cried it out a couple of weeks ago and woke up feeling better rested than I have in years. That dream has such a chokehold on me that I wake up with my own hand gripping my hair down to the scalp most mornings. This all just screaming into the void. And to raise some public awareness about how important touch is, but how complicated it is our society and how fraught it is for those of us with trauma related to physical touch. We need to be human too.
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Would Leddie pick out trinkets for each other, ie jacket pins? Actually Leddie and love languages in general? But especially gift giving?
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Okay, to make this easier on me, I'm just going to break down how they each express different forms of love language because a healthy relationship doesn't just rely on one.
Gift Giving
Lucy has given Eddie so many different patches and jacket pins over the years it's not even funny
Eddie is also more than capable of sewing on his own patches, but Lucy almost always offers do to it herself and Eddie can't say no
She likes making things for him in general; pieces of costume for his characters, a knitted scarf, even just a bandana since he keep getting his other ones dirty
Eddie meanwhile doesn't do it as often, which he sometimes feels awkward about
He doesn't think he's that good at gift giving and he usually doesn't have a lot of extra money to spend, which he'd rather save to do something fun with Lucy
Once they're solidly together though things start to change
He starts to pick up pins and patches for her at gigs so she can have her own vest
When they've got to Ren Faires, he insist on buying her the perfect flower crown
He also at some point absolutely gives her one of his rings
Physical Touch
Near constant, for both of them
We're talking hugs, we're talking hand holding, we're talking kisses all day every day
I went into full detail about it here
They are that obnoxious PDA couple and there is no stopping them
Acts of Service
This one mostly goes to Lucy, even if Eddie is all over this too
Lucy expresses her love through food; making a nice meal, packing a lunch, bringing a tub of freshly made cookies to DnD, it's how she shows she cares
This is all good news to Eddie who had a stomach like a trash compactor
He loves absolutely everything Lucy makes and knowing it makes Eddie happy just makes her want to do it more
Lucy also is in the habit of just doing stuff for people
When Lucy had her first Hellfire meeting she stayed behind to help Eddie clean up without having to be asked
She becomes a chauffeur to the kids once she gets her license, she helps Corroded Coffin load up the van after gigs, doubles checks if anybody needs her to pick something up from the store; it's just what she does
Eddie's acts of service are a little different and not always as obvious
He helps Lucy carry whatever she needs carried without complaint
He'll becomes defacto designated driver on the rare nights Lucy decides to drink
Sticking around late at night while Lucy is at the theater so she'll have somebody to walk her to her car
Honestly they really start to become friends when Eddie offers to drive her home after Hellfire rather than she her ride her bike back home in the dark and cold
It's not as showy as some of Lucy's displays, but it's there
Quality Time
Another big one for both of them
Eddie and Lucy are the type of couple where if Lucy says she's going to the store, Eddie will literally launch himself over the couch and offer to come with her
They need their designated movie night with just them otherwise the rest of the Hawkins gang will just invite themselves over
It's really important to them to be able to watch a movie or read or just process a story together and then be able to talk or just joke about it after
Before they even get together, they really value that extra time after Hellfire where Lucy helps Eddie pack up and then he drives her home
It's really only an extra half hour, but it's time for them to really just talk one-on-one
Genuinely get antsy when the other has been away for too long
If Eddie or Lucy are out of town for some reason, they'll get on the phone late at night and just keep talking until one of them falls asleep
Words of Affirmation
You want to get Eddie to melt? This is how you get Eddie to melt.
This boy turns into a god damn puddle on the floor if Lucy gives him any kind of compliment
It takes a lot for Eddie to blush, but Lucy touching his face and calling him pretty will just about do it
And leaving a little note in his lunch? Forget about it, he's lost
Lucy is super encouraging to everyone she cares about, it just so happens that Eddie is especially receptive to it
But don't let that fool you, Lucy can just as easily turn into a mess if Eddie does the reverse
It's not so much when he calls her pretty, which he does, often, but more when he praises her for her skills or talent
Nothing will turn her into a blushing mess faster if after a performance Eddie sweeps her up and tells her how amazing she was
It's the actor in her, it can't be helped
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las-lus · 2 years
Hi friend!! I wanted to talk a little about your tags on this post because I think they are super important and insightful.
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(ID in alt text)
I thought it might be worth adding to the discussion that sometimes one person can't do all of these things, which is why it's so important to have a community, and also why it's important to recognise multiple forms of participating in a community. Maybe someone can't hold my hand because they're touch averse, but they can still sit with me while I process something difficult. Maybe one person is bad at makeup but they give you all their old eye shadow and introduce you to their brother who can show you how to get your liquid eyeliner perfectly symmetrical.
There are a lot of things on this list that I would do in a heartbeat. But I don't think I could punch someone, even a cop or a nazi. It isn't in my nature and I wouldn't be very good at it. I think, though, that I could get between someone and a cop to try to defuse a loaded situation. I know a few people willing to use physical force in the right circumstances, and if I knew in advance that might become necessary, I could ask them for help. I think I could take a punch from a cop to shield someone in my community. I guess you never really know until you're in that situation - maybe I really would punch them, or maybe I'd freeze up - but my experience in similar situations suggests I'm best suited to distracting, defusing, and supporting the person who's being targeted. I think it's worth validating these kinds of alternatives for people who can't or don't want to engage in direct violence themselves.
Do you disagree? I'd be interested to hear your perspective.
Hi friend!! Sorry about the late reply, i loved that ask and wanted to take my time answering it.
I 100% agree with you. I have dear friends (including you!!) Who are very far away and yet feel like community to me bc I know they would read my sorrows and send me insightful advice; i think this translates well to people who are close but can't do the physical things (hug and punch cops). Maybe they can't punch a cop, but they would let me stay over their house when I need, and they would patch up my face or take me to the hospital if I got hurt. Or even just listen to me cry on the phone bc i needed a friend.
Once I went to pride with the girl i was seeing (she follows me here too lol if you see this, hi?), And when we left a cop followed us for a couple of blocks. We couldn't punch him, ofc, so we walked a little faster and stop at a supermarket until he went away, but we didn't let go of each other's hand and i think thats community more than anything else.
Thank you for the reply btw 💞💞💞 i love your thoughts
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thewolfisawake · 1 year
Can A Fire Bird Love a Broken Bird
Romantic or Platonic: Romantic
How Many Within Your Ship: Two
First Impression:
Amara: (by my very wrong guess) What an odd person...
Noita: He has quite beautiful hair.
When is the Anniversary: There is no set date for wedding since that hasn’t come about with them. But it might as well be their shared birthday of December 13th. They recreate romantic moments on that day.
Who Looks Forward to Celebration: Hear me out, Amara was the one into it before hand. Like I can’t think of all the celebrations they’d be into but birthday is consistent because it’s so important for them. Amara never had a birthday--he remembers at least. When Noita offered their birthday, it was more so that it was something better than the actual day. But of course Amara is like ‘the world gave my songbird on this day, of course I wanna celebrate.’ And it got a ‘wait, no.’ He had to be excited about it first and then Noita didn’t want to make the birthday suck because it is now his day and he’s just so happy about it. So now they’re both into the celebration but it was definitely started by Amara.
Favorite Celebration: I will give you one guess. Although the Halloween-like holidays are second.
Pet Names:
Amara -> Noita: Songbird is pretty much it. It’s usually a serious moment if he straight up calls them Noita.
Noita -> Amara: Love (yes they are that bad at names) although I find more commonly it’s some form of ‘you __ bird’ (silly or foolish being most common). Them calling Amara by his name isn’t unusual on the other hand.
1-5 Words to Describe This Ship: This life is worth living (Amara’s POV) / You cursed me with happiness (Noita’s POV) / Sunshine x Grump (Me)
Matching Outfits: You’d think they wouldn’t care but honestly I think Noita has too much pride to do matching outfits. They would see it as lame and say no.
Unnatural Hair: I mean, by technical standards, they both have unnatural hair. But let’s be real, Amara’s hair is pretty unusual/stand out. It also may or may not be magical.
Physical Affection: I think Amara would die if doesn’t get physical affection from Noita every other day. I am being hyperbolic but he does love the cuddling, hand holding (the salacious bastard), and the like with Noita. While it isn’t Noita’s love language, I do think it’s super sweet and important that they let Amara be touchy. Like with anyone they aren’t close with, they literally bristle. It takes time to be where it’s they bristle instinctually but let go soon after. But because of how Amara’s warmth is rolled into his touch, Noita at this point doesn’t even react anymore because they know it’s him and know he’s safe.
Early Riser: Amara, hands down. He rises with the sun literally. So while he likes to just chill, see sunrise and all that, Noita’s asleep. Probably from staying up too late again. It leaves time for him to get a headstart on breakfast (why is he just so good??)
Their Song: I don’t know if they have a precise song. They do have a playlist. But I think a newer song from when that was made is ‘Come Home With Me’ from H.adestown.
Motif: Sun and Moon, baby.
Prefers Actions Over Words: Both depending the situation. Amara tends to physically show his love to Noita very clearly and very abundantly. Noita also shows affection physically but in little ways and usually privately.
Who’s In Front of the Camera/Works Behind the Scenes: Actually...I don’t see either as being in front of a camera. So behind the scenes it is.
What is Their Wallpaper: Amara is not that good with technology but I do think he could figure out the camera and probably has the wallpaper of the two of them. Noita would not have anything particular for their wallpaper. Mainly because they do not want to have any conversation point with their comrades.
What is Their Flower: Amara’s favorite flowers are blue lotuses. Noita’s are red spider lilies.
What is Their Scent: I imagine that Amara has more of an earthy scent like amber and sometimes the faintness of sunflowers. Noita doesn’t have a strong scent but what is prominent at any time is the scent of rosemary.
Where Would They Travel for a Week: There is no particular place that they would choose since they already travel quite extensively. However there was a fondness for Greece, especially on the islands.
What Makes The Other Comfortable to Them:
Amara -> Noita: Their quiet protectiveness like a hand to pull you back from danger. The tranquility that surrounds their presence.
Noita -> Amara: The ability to love so unabashedly and peaceable, no matter how difficult it is. The lack of judgement that cares not what they are.
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blnk338 · 2 years
heyyy so i’m back with more random late night thoughts i am so sorry except that i’m not anyways
okay okay okay sooo since roach is (selectively??) mute he uses BSL and ASL to communicate. but now that he and rigo are exploring each other’s bodies talking and being cutie patooties together, i’d assume that roach like. still communicates non verbally and signs. soooo like how much ASL/BSL does rigo know?? prolly not much BSL i’d assume bc he’s american 🦅🦅🦅 so like could we possibly get a lil scene or blurb or mention where roach is kind of teaching it to him or something?? bc that would literally be so cute IDK 👀👀 IM JUST SAYING QUEEN you do you. we’ll eat that shit up anyways 😌😌
killing me with this ask, anon, truly
rigo's really just hardly getting by, a lot of what he does is read roach's fingersigning and is slowly learning ASL from both reaper and roach
and for you, just for you (and all my other tumblr followers), i will give you a sneak peak at an unedited snippet of c25...
Third time. This is the third time Rigo spelled his name with a 'q' instead of an 'r'. With time to kill between missions, Roach and Rigo made it their shared goal to fully get the former into the saddle, with the simplest of ASL. They'd been doing really well with texts and scribbles on scratch paper (or important documents, but were Price and Gallagher gonna care? Probably not...) But unlike Reaper, who seemed to pick up both ASL and BSL like it was nothing, her counterpart was struggling a lot more. They'd gone over easy stuff like "hello," "hungry," "bitch," "bacon," and "dick," but it was kind of important for Rigo to know his own name.
Gary inhaled slowly, holding his breath for a second before the Californian sheepishly grinned before him. "Fuck up again?" The Brit shook his head and held up his hands, this time much slower than the last, spelling out the shortened name. "R," "I," "G," "O," before his hands settled. He watched as the American's hands were brought up, a determined frown across his features while the green-eyed man sat with a content look.
Rigo was cute, to say the least. Sun-kissed sepia skin with a million and one freckles, big brown doe eyes that glittered when he looked over at Gary, wavy deep-brown-nearly-black hair cut into a mullet that swept around his cheeks in the most handsome of ways, a big toothy grin to match his harmonious laugh-- not to mention how touchy he was-- yet in a way that understood boundaries. Their first introduction was polite, proper, though, without any physical touch. Standing awkwardly on either side of Laswell, they waited for the rest of the 141 to unload off the plane. The blonde woman had translated a quick back and forth between them, but otherwise, Gary noticed he stayed pretty quiet. That was until Reaper had gotten more comfortable. It appeared that when she warmed up to the team, he did too.
Suddenly, Rigo was everywhere. Usually at his friend's hip, but gradually, he was there helping with unloading, eating with the team, joining in on the post-mission barrack parties (Scrabble and scary movies), and even sitting closer to Roach. Gary'd noticed that the guy would occasionally catch his eye, sending him a sweet smile, before going back to jabbing at Reaper, who he'd sometimes call "Grim," "pendejo," or "puta" (whatever that meant). After a short while, Rigo was starting to greet him with half-hugs, claps on the shoulder, and even reaching over to pick a piece of dust or dirt off Gary's goggles. Maybe it was because he was always around Reaper, or perhaps he was just that nice, but it never seemed to bother him that he was always wearing some sort of covering.
Rigo started to sign "R," crossing the wrong finger over the other, stopping to laugh at his own silliness, then returning to signing the correct "R." Shit, he was really nice to look at. Knees touching on Roach's room's carpet, the only light being the shitty lamp in the corner, Gary watched him form the other letters. For some reason, every time the Californian looked up, it was like he was scanning the exposed features of the Brit. Without goggles, his beautiful eyes could be shown to the world, and boy, did Rigo absolutely relish in that.
On the final letter, "O," Rigo mimicked a handjob motion, giggling again as Gary shoved him a little. Instinct suddenly had him grabbing Rigo's hand, forcing his fingers to pause and move into an 'o' shape. There was a pause, a hitch in Rigo's breath, as they both realized how little space there was between their faces. Quiet and still was the world around them for that moment.
Without pulling away, his voice hardly above a whisper, Rigo asked Gary something that'd been itching at the back of his mind for quite some time now. "Hey, do you know, um," he swallowed, he was cute when he was nervous. "What's the sign for..." Slowly, Rigo's hand rose again. "K," "I," "S--"
Before he could even finish the second 's,' Gary'd pulled down the mask, grabbed his face, and slammed their lips together. The American jumped, squeaking a little in surprise, but melted into his touch, hands dropping to hold Gary's waist. Gary felt Rigo press forward, moving easily together, humming into the paler man. Lips breaking from his bright smile, finally pulling back and catching their breaths, they simply basked in one another's light. Shoulders rising and falling quickly, eyes locked onto each other, studying each other's features for just another few seconds before the American cut back in. "I don't think I understood that fully," he purred, lips curling up to crinkle his eyes. "Mind showing me again?"
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 1 month
Unlikely Places - Chapter 13 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter: 13 - Two Questions
'Have lunch with me.'
I replayed the sentence over in my head.
Had that been a question or an order?
I looked down at the hand still holding my wrist.
I expected to feel the usual rejection my body automatically responded with when someone touched me.
Only it didn't happen.
Nothing specific did for that matter.
The lack of anything happening to me, was a big deal.
There were few people that I could interact with on any kind of physical level and those few were my family and my friends.
Percy's touch was becoming less and less of an issue for me now but even with him I sometimes stiffened before I could stop myself.
Why wasn't I stiffening at Pierce's touch?
I looked up at him and caught him watching me with a curious glint in his eye.
The glean triggered what I had been waiting for.
I stiffened but even I knew the rigid set of my shoulders this time was due to reasons other than my aversion to physical contact.
"Um..." I murmur.
Pierce removed his hand and took a step back.
I was appreciative.
I may not be reacting physically as I usually did but my mind was still affected by his close proximity.
I could think better without him being so close.
"Would you like to have lunch with me?" he repeated.
I noticed it was definitely a question this time which initially triggered relief as I was about to firmly decline but as I did so, as my lips moved to form the words, I hesitated.
Despite all the reasons to say no and I had some very valid ones, I felt that sliver of curiosity I had been feeling about him raise it's frustrating head.
Pierce seemed to take my silence for acceptance as he said...
"Good. Come on," and started walking towards the door.
I didn't move.
I wanted to.
I really did and that was a difficult thing for me to admit but I also replayed our initial encounters and his follow up performance with his sudden appearance and continued ugly innuendos.
Those things just didn't disappear because I felt drawn to him and I was.
Nothing like this had ever happened to me.
I was never curious about someone I met.
I never became emotionally mixed up when dealing with someone and I had never been attracted to anyone and I was all of these things.
With him.
I swallowed as I finally came to terms with my feelings.
I didn't know why I felt the way I did.
I completely didn't understand him nor my reaction to him.
I just knew he made me feel things.
The curiosity to understand it was starting to overrule my usual grounded self.
Common sense and Pierce Luciano didn't seem to belong in the same sentence.
Pierce looked back at me when I still didn't make a move forward.
I stared back at him fighting an internal battle where I wasn't sure there would even be a winner.
Go with him or not?
Somehow, I felt I stood a chance loosing either way.
"You haven't answered me. Are you coming?" he quizzed his eyes curious as they watched me.
It was the lack of snide laughter hidden in his eyes that made me brave enough to address the life-sized elephant in the room.
I was nervous and I hated initiating conversations like the one I was about to have, but according to Archer and the guys it needed to be done and I had to agree.
"T-that makes us even cause you n-never answered my mine?" I finally said, looking at him with a shy but determined gaze.
"So, is that a no?" Pierce asked and I watched his nostrils flare as he breathed in deeply.
I held my ground.
I searched for the right answer.
It wasn't a no.
At least, I didn't want it to be a no but...
"Y-you have to answer t-two questions honestly."
He didn't say anything for a second and I thought he was declining but he suddenly flicked his hand in an ask-away gesture.
I felt relief at his agreement.
Relief along with a tiny flicker of pleasure deep inside at the thought that he was agreeing to answer me because not doing so meant my not going with him.
Was spending time with me that important to him?
I felt silly for feeling so happy about this possibility.
It was also confusing and irritating and maybe a bit scary as I didn't know what it meant or even what to do with it if it did.
Trying to dismiss the unfamiliar thoughts and feelings from my mind I focused on asking my questions.
It wasn't easy staring at him and asking but this kind of thing never was for me.
Some level of uncomfortable was pretty much the story of my life.
"W-hhy did you say what you did Friday night? And w-why did you show up at m-my house Saturday morning?" I asked.
"Why is it so important to know?" he countered with a sigh.
I continued to stare at him.
His expression hadn't changed.
His eyes had though.
For the briefest moment they had darted away from mine as if he was uncomfortable with my question, before they had quickly returned and were now staring me down.
So intense and straightforward was his gaze now that I had to wonder if maybe I had imagined his show of unease.
I knew I most likely had.
Pierce had from the moment I met him, projected a persona of unending confidence.
My two simple questions couldn't have possibly made him flinch.
Giving up on any hope of that, and focusing on getting an honest answer I went on to say.
"Admit it, y-you intentionally acted weird. Y-you got off on freaking me out. Y-your behavior raised red flags," I rushed out, irritation rising in me that he wouldn't just answer.
"Yes. Flags," I affirmed.
"As in with an 's' as in more than one," I continued to clarify, emphasizing strongly that I had some serious trust issues with him.
"So, are you scared of me?" he asked back.
I thought that was an unfair question but decided to answer anyway.
I gave a short sharp nod of my head.
"A bit."
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] GOOD MORNING ALY I SHOT UP TO WRITE THIS THE MOMENT I SAW UR ANSWER AND I JUST. I WAS. YEAH I WAS LIKE YEAHHHHHHH YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAH so anyway firstly HELP I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING AT "my cat is here as i write this she can explode too" PATCHES NO maybe yes like perhaps dont explode yet i would also like to know ur thoughts on xiao genshin impact before you do and i will allow it just get ur guts on the floor after ur honest answer patches
"NO BC i dont think ive seen full on infantilization of xiao (Yet.) but the thought of it just now esp w/ zhongli flooded dread through every ounce of my being dear Lord" i mean uhhhhh i Mean not gonna badmouth too much but there is Plenty of those fics and i definitely have my eyes unfortunately lay on age-regressing xiao but like. mentally. he acts like baby. i mean cool ok cool sure sure sure sure sure do what you enjoy of that typa familial interaction i respect u as i push it gently aside.
"zhongli Gets It zhongli knows whats up <333" yknow like THIS GETS ME SM its so important not just abt keeping them both in-character (at least in my perception of what canon is) its also. abt keeping their thoughts in line with it as realistically as possible. i think. i could go so far with how zhongli wud treat xiao with care and warmth and CAN address that sometimes,.. xiao can still be weak can still be the exact opposite of the hardened side he had been and while it does bring to the eventual guilt he feels like a child,.. like my good sir you didnt get to be a child before either. i think a little pampering is something u deserve (AND WHAT DOES PAMPER MEAN THAT DOESNT FEEL LIKE ZL IS BABYING HIM HONESTLYYYY cus in my view its just the former archon being indulgent but also treating xiao. as humanly as possible. as accordingly as what he needs. and xiao needs a Lot)
"said as if i dont put him in so many situations with So Much affection because i cant get the idea of him w/ the traveler specifically being very casually physically affectionate out of my head after seeing the way he holds onto them during that One cutscene" WELL I MEAN,... well i just eehhehehbvkfh though it does catch a lot of hearts especially in the beginning of liyue and iirc thats the second time xiao and lumine ever met in person at all. personally i dont see it that way then having that physical affection develop and have been staying like that in writing their development since (cus man am i so attached to the idea of an emotionally constipated/detached xiao so much that he doesnt just need guidance to overcome his conflicting worldview, but also to understand human emotion and how those two goes hand in hand).
"him being casually affectionate gets me so bad but him being touch repulsed or touch starved or both or him only really accepting physical contact of anytime in combat because thats just how it works or him feeling as though he doesnt deserve the affection" THAT OSIAL FIGHT SEQUENCE IN THE TOWER ASUNDER FIC WHERE XIAO AND LUMINE FIGHTS SO SEAMLESSLY that lumine chose him specifically not just bc of his battle prowess on short-range but his ability to stay mid-air and helping her stay mid-air. throwing her in all angles so every side of osial isnt left out as they both fought. their skills and techniques despite the years and worlds of difference melding in instantaneously after mere seconds of being introduced to each other feels like a form of affection itself in battle its so PERFECT I DIE OVERTHINKING ABT IT explodes explodes.
"i actually have partially written with him enjoying/accepting it from lumine but having no idea how to reciprocate in the slightest" yknow the bits of ideas i told u especially abt the xiao deadge brainrot and wings ask where they have a certain intimacy going on. well both of them are close to the end of lumine's journey hence an important kinda-resolution of how they think abt their relationship (brainrot) and after the journey ends (wings ask, post-teyvat). my interpretation of xiao reciprocating these affections that doesnt just center from lumine,..... its built up on that confusion and xiao hesitates a lot, but can become fully accepting once he understands it. like the times lumine would feel so torn about her brother directly (quests with dainsleif), or any circumstance that relates to him (aranara world quests with nara varuna) that she needs somekind of grounding and he KNOWS lumine herself does it in his own depressing moments so its like a 2+2 thing. what she does for him, he does it back, simple as that. it used to be a logical, but a little careless thought process without the genuine care, but soon enough the concern he had for her would match the gestures he does in turn.
i overanalyze dat shit and how xiao would act the way he does bc i do Not. like naur way NO WAY i dont rlly believe strongly he instantly cares and goes almost perfectly affectionate on the reason its for lumine and her only. thats a big problem with me and seeing xiao regarding attachments and im pree sure ive ranted that sht often enough here HAHAAKFJHSD ANYWAY I JUST!!!!!!!!!!!!! man xiaolumi can get so specific to me sometimes and i love to explore this certain aspect of their relationship where they do grow to be close, but theres this?? invisible distance, somekind of barrier i cant explain between them especially when they conflict each other with their worldviews and understanding. and post-teyvat is where that barrier didnt really destroy between them, but enough that they can reach for each other. like yknow!!!!!! yknow,............. shniff
[also this is the most oot thing ever did u know i actually did drafted my asks before sending it to u on this doc so i can rmb what the fuck i was talking abt and how it relates to ur response and it happened like. prolly my second ask in the Very Beginning so anyway. the doc reached 59 pages 32k words probably more than i could ever write for my uni thesis light and love <333]
no bc. bestie shannon and i (first of all shannon if ur seeing this thats ur official title now second of all context shan is the one who reads at least half of these asks/conversations which is still WILD to me) have been watching rwby together lately and patches is there Most Of The Time and every time she shows up i point her out and we'll ask her rwby questions...... and idk ur rwby knowledge if any but blake is a character who has a largely black and white color scheme and gold eyes and cat ears and patches has gold eyes and she's black and white so every time Blake Specifically shows up we'll go "patches what are your thoughts on rwby character blake belladonna" and it makes me giggle sm and from now on whenever she shows up when im writing or playing genshin i know Damn Well im gonna start saying "patches what are your thoughts on xiao genshin impact" and she will Stare At Me with her big patches eyes and say nothing. and i will nod understandingly and say Wise Words Patches. sorry its not even 10am i got so much sleep and yet i am Deliriously exhausted anyways
AGE REGRESSION IS SO. i have sm respect for it esp as like a genuine coping mechanism and i cant really speak on fics for it but the thought of xiao specifically as a character regressing is so ??? i get it in Theory but in Practice. you can not tell me that that man would a) do that voluntarily under any circumstance or b) trust ANYONE enough to tell them if he did it involuntarily. sometimes u just gotta write fics where you baby the fave and i look away from those in general out of personal preference but i am especially looking away from ones where its xiao i can Not see it i can not imagine it in any world <- lying a little bit because now that im thinking about it i can under very specific circumstances but NONE within which and none of which would lead to him being like actually genuinely infantilized in any way shape or form. it simply would not happen i cannot see any fics babying xiao as being in character for anyone involved in the slightest
"xiao can still be weak can still be the exact opposite of the hardened side he had been and while it does bring to the eventual guilt he feels like a child,.. like my good sir you didnt get to be a child before either" LITERALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY king. king put down your weapon shed your armor let yourself Rest you were never allowed to do so before just allow it of yourself now trust the people around you to look after themselves and liyue and allow yourself to take care of yourself to maybe even be taken care of just a little bit. just a little. please. Please.
"cus in my view its just the former archon being indulgent but also treating xiao. as humanly as possible. as accordingly as what he needs. and xiao needs a Lot" naur dw i get it like there's a difference between like. okay how the Fuck do i word this. there's a difference between treating someone gently knowing their strength and capability and choosing to be soft regardless in a good, respectful way, VS flat out ignoring that persons capability and strength and treating them like glass and truly believing that they could shatter at any moment if thought of any differently. zhongli knows exactly who xiao is and what he's capable of, hes not about to forget any of that or cast it aside in order to act like xiao is this tiny, fragile thing. hes going to be well aware of it and still make the choice to be kind and gentle and accommodating, to try and give xiao some of the care and concern he's so rarely seen or known in his life. xiao can be cared for and maybe even pampered a little without it being weird or ooc or disrespectful or anything of the sort
"he doesnt just need guidance to overcome his conflicting worldview, but also to understand human emotion and how those two goes hand in hand" o(-( DIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no bc i genuinely love this so fucking bad especially just. the emphasis on his conflicting worldview and thinking about it and sajbdnamfnafgdsag. I JUYST WROTE LIKE A WHOLE PARAGRAPH but it was super fucking rambly in a way that made NO sense whatsoever so it is gone now goodbye </3 but god. yeah. Yeah.
"that lumine chose him specifically not just bc of his battle prowess on short-range but his ability to stay mid-air and helping her stay mid-air. throwing her in all angles so every side of osial isnt left out as they both fought. their skills and techniques despite the years and worlds of difference melding in instantaneously after mere seconds of being introduced to each other feels like a form of affection itself in battle its so PERFECT I DIE OVERTHINKING ABT IT" no bc this scene is the most important thing in the whole entire universe YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT IT FEELING LIKE A FORM OF AFFECTION ITSELF the way that they're able to just. to just. im. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM i cant even say anything the scene is Right There it speaks for itself you read it you Understand you get it. you get it. the fact that it happens So Quickly the immediate trust in battle the fact that they work so well together its just. and that had SUCH a huge influence on how i perceive them and how i write them, two very like-minded souls two people who've been through so much that no one else understands but who are able to find that understanding in each other, recognizing that the other has lived for millennia that the other has lost their closest family that the other has people they trust, people they care for, but still ends up isolated in so many ways. pasts and mindsets no one else could understand, seeing so much of themselves mirrored in the other. nothing exact but the similarities, the shared loneliness and hurt and deep buried longing, fuckidfngf. explodes. dies. ive already made a post about this im just repeating myself but man. MAN.
this is the part where i got distracted and suddenly its 9pm instead of 9am and i am just now finishing answering this but also significantly more braindead adn it shows. um. anyways.
"its built up on that confusion and xiao hesitates a lot, but can become fully accepting once he understands it." BASED AS HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what she does for him he does back... "but soon enough the concern he had for her would match the gestures he does in turn." crying shaking bawling sobbing GODDDDDDDD yeah. Yeah.
"i love to explore this certain aspect of their relationship where they do grow to be close, but theres this?? invisible distance, somekind of barrier i cant explain between them especially when they conflict each other with their worldviews and understanding" mmmmm i Think i get this like i am way too braindead to try to put it into words but i think i understand.
THE DOC PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i literally need to write at LEAST that much for this freakigngnfkng xiaolumi fic <- said as if i am not actively procrastinating writing more for it. but man looking at my guide/plan doc thingy for it i am Praying. 30k feels like so much and such a stretch but i also will like sneeze and the next thing i know there are 5k more words on the page so maybe. Maybe. perhaps. hopefully. Please. maybe.
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itsliterallysophie · 3 years
I’d like to present to you a list of experiences (that society claims can only ever be romantic) which I’ve had with my friends, because platonic relationships are just as important as romantic relationships if not more so.
dancing in the kitchen at night in the light from the fridge (we listened to Rewrite the Stars and slow-danced in our pyjamas)
surprise visits (my friend drove over to my house after their shift at work to give me a hug after my exam didn’t go well)
looking after each other when sick (I used to keep extra painkillers in my bag for when my friend got headaches, my other friend always used to bring a spare hoodie because I feel the cold a lot, whenever we had colds we could bring each other our favourite snacks to share between classes)
baking together (I have a friend who is an absolute wizard at baking cookies. We made cookies at 1am and shared secrets while sitting against the oven door to keep warm)
forehead kisses (physical touch is one of my love languages to be fair but when I say goodbye to my friends who like hugs I always give them a forehead kiss too)
making each other playlists (i have a friend at uni so we don’t talk as much anymore but we always text each other a song each week that we think the other will enjoy)
watching the stars (when I first passed my driving test I drove into the middle of nowhere with my friend and we watched a meteor shower and saw the sunrise. we didn’t talk because sometimes silence is important too and there is comfort in just having someone there)
matching costumes (when we graduated high school my friends matched our costumes and went in animal onesies - we forgot a spare change of clothes and had to walk through town dressed as giraffes but it was funny)
going on a date (my friend and I didn’t have Valentine’s dates so we bought each other flowers and went to see a movie together)
holding hands (I have cold hands. my friend has warm hands. it’s simple science really)
picnic (we brought my dog too and my friend made fruit flapjacks and we watched the sunset)
surprise gifts (my friend brought me my favourite chocolate after my final exam)
New Year’s kiss (forehead kiss but it counts)
writing each other letters (we write each other letters on our birthdays including jokes, favourite memories, the future, the past, and everything in between)
I have many more examples but these are just a few. We’ve been taught to put so much emphasis on finding a romantic s/o that we sometimes forget we can experience love in so many other forms. And if you’ve never had any of these moments, don’t worry. You have plenty of time and someone out there is waiting for you to come into their life, be that romantically, platonically or some other way.
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writing-for-marvel · 2 years
Your Hand In Mine
Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader
Summary: Ransom was never a physically affectionate person, at least, not until he met you.
Prompt: @suck-tember day 1 prompt ‘fingers’
Warnings: strictly 18+ only, NSFW, fingering, semi-public sex. TRIGGER WARNING: mention of Ransom’s parents being neglectful and physically abusive. Mention of drugs and alcohol - not consumed by reader. Ransom is fairly soft in this
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: so I know it’s not focussed on oral fixation as intended for @suck-tember, but the prompt inspired this idea so I ran with it. Banners by @maysdigitalarts, dividers by @silkholland
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Ransom Drysale was always someone who liked to keep to himself.
Not that he didn’t enjoy going out, being the life of the party, managing to spend a regular person's yearly wage in one night, or arguing his opinion with anyone who was willing to take the bait.
But in the sense that he enjoyed his physical space.
He was smart enough to realise it was probably rooted in his parents not showing him physical affection as a child - no hugs goodbye, no forehead kiss goodnight, not even a damn high five for a job well done in school.
The only time his parents ever touched him was if he was being dragged somewhere didn’t want to go, their hands in a vice around his arm as he wailed and cried, like the spoiled brat they incessantly told him he was. His father sometimes resorted to physical punishments to prevent his weeping, regularly enough that Ransom quickly learned not to resist their demands, to simply go along with it if he were to avoid their punishment.
And with his compliance, went their last reason to touch him. Though, Ransom was thankful for that.
As he got older, Ransom’s aversion to physical affection born solely from innocent, non-sexual intentions only grew stronger.
Wherever he went he’d see couples interlocking hands, using any excuse to hold each other, sit in each other’s lap, mindlessly fiddle with the other's fingers, placing chaste kisses to foreheads, shoulders, hands.
Why would people want that? Why would you go out of your way to spend more time in connection with someone than you had to?
Ransom was by no means averse to some physical forms of intimacy - having a woman in his bed for the night who could wet his dick provided far greater pleasure than his own hand could. His body had figured that one out for himself.
But that was all about his own sexual release. It had nothing to do with romantic feelings, affection or comfort. Nor the satisfaction of his partner in those carnal activities. It was purely about himself.
How selfish.
Well, he was a Drysdale after all.
Nobody expected anything more of him.
And then he met you.
Your compassion for others were second to none, and even though Ransom had never done anything in his pampered and overindulgent life to deserve any sympathy, you showed him incomparable kindness nonetheless.
If Ransom wanted something, he got it. Friends and strangers alike never said no to him, not with the wealth and stature his family notably held. That same status was something you didn’t place importance on - you treated everyone the same regardless of their background or what material items they could offer you.
Most were too scared to call Ransom out for his bullshit, so he continued to toy the line to see what he could get away with - it was all a game to him, knowing his family money could buy him out of any real trouble he found himself in.
However, you were different. You told him off when he crossed the line. Held him to a higher standard than he held himself. For some strange reason, which Ransom couldn’t fathom, it seemed that you wanted him to be a better version of himself than the spoiled narcissist his parents had raised.
That intrigued Ransom. Mostly because society viewed him as purely the wealthy enabler who paid for everyone’s night out, but that’s where their attachment ended. He knew he was only tolerated because he funded lavish parties, supplied the alcohol and facilitated his so-called friends' drug habits - if it weren’t for that, he’d just be the dickhead nobody liked.
You had this endearingly inspiring quality about you which always made him feel like he could do anything, including improving himself to be more than just the pampered, pompous rich boy.
And he found that he wanted to. For you.
You would later tell him it was his courage and resolve to better himself that really made you fall for him. And though Ransom rarely felt shy, he was apprehensive to inform you that you were the reason he tried in the first place. Because that would mean admitting not only were you the only person on the face of the earth who actually gave a damn about him, but also the way he felt about you was developing into a deep fondness he was unable to control.
In most contexts Ransom was usually the person in charge, directing what needed to happen and when. Yet, when it came to his relationship with you, you were the one who instigated everything.
His lack of experience in affairs born of the heart rather than pure lust, made him feel like an insecure, inexperienced teenager. Yet you were always patient with him, which only resulted in his ever growing attachment to you deepening.
With a romantic relationship came expectations of chaste physical intimacy, and that perhaps more than anything scared Ransom. He couldn’t understand the reasoning behind wanting to be close to someone in that way, and with the deficiency of experiencing any physical touch his whole life, he was concerned he may never be able to provide that for you.
He felt comfortable enough to express this worry to you, and with the unparalleled empathy you possessed, you promised him to start off nice and slow.
You were both attending a book release for his grandfather when it happened for the first time. In tedious discussions with relatives who Ransom had completely forgotten how he was connected to, you inconspicuously reached over and interlocked your pinky with his.
That’s all it was. Just his smallest finger connected with yours. And yet he found himself never wanting to let go. That one minuscule act, that seemed at least outwardly to not affect you at all, had Ransom’s entire body paralysed.
You must have sensed his rigidity beside you. When you looked up at him, all wide eyed and believing you had done something wrong, moving to pull your hand away from his, he clamped his hold on your pinky even tighter.
Ransom wasn’t quite sure why he felt that if you were to let go his whole life would crumble before him. It seemed a drastic overreaction to a simple caress of fingers. But he felt that way deep in his chest nonetheless.
You must have been able to read his intent from the expression on his face - you were always good at doing that - because instead, you smiled up at him, scrunching your nose in the adorable, involuntary way he adored, and kept your finger joined with his for the rest of the party.
Ransom tried to not let the thought of innocently touching your hand consume him, but he failed miserably. He had previously only ever experienced repulsion at chaste touches, and yet he welcomed your touch so freely, only wanting to experience more of the warm sensation.
It wasn’t until two weeks later, while having Sunday family dinner at his parents house, that you chose to perform a similar action.
His mother was on a tirade about certain members of the family whom she didn’t approve of, something she ended up doing when she had one too many glasses of wine, when your name fell from her lips followed by the words ‘gold digger’.
Ransom’s hands were immediately clenched in fists, and rage boiled so fiercely within him that he wouldn’t be surprised to see steam billowing from his ears. He opened his mouth, ready to return the attack when it happened.
Your soft hand pried his fist open, nestling yourself between his fingers. You barely looked down at where you now connected with him, instead choosing to look deep into his eyes as if to say ‘she’s not worth it’.
He could feel his heart rate immediately start to slow down. The anger which had been ferociously bubbling in his chest now felt like barely a ripple.
All because you touched him.
Not sexually. Not in the sensual, teasing ways your hands would roam his body when you wanted him to fuck you.
No, not like that at all. You were simply holding his hand with no additional motivation. You were gaining nothing from this exchange, the act was solely for Ransom’s benefit. Interlocking your fingers with his and affectionately rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand, as if it were the most normal and natural thing you could do.
And that’s when it all finally clicked in Ransom’s brain.
The reason all those lovey dovey couples that annoyed him everywhere he went couldn’t get enough of holding each other - why they’d use any excuse to be connected with their person.
Comfort. Support. Security.
The people currently in the room with him had provided the opposite of that his entire life - they had only caused him anguish and loneliness. It was all he was used to, and yet with a gesture as simple as holding hands, he knew for a fact he had found that solace with you.
Linda across the table repeated his given name a couple of times in the scorchingly frustrated way only she could manage when directing conversation at the son she regretted having. However, Ransom was too caught up in his body’s reaction to your affectionate touch to give a shit about his mother at that moment.
The table went silent as Ransom finally stood and declared “eat shit, we’re leaving.”
Heads held high, you walked side by side out of the hostile house, Ransom not letting go of your hand until he opened the passenger side door of his car. As soon as he let go, a feverish tingle rushed up his arm which he suspected only your touch could soothe.
“Thank you.” Ransom breathed out. Somehow the air in his small car wasn’t as stuffy as it was inside his parents' giant house. Ransom couldn’t remember the last time he thanked someone, if ever. Yet the words felt right in his mouth when you were the one he was thanking.
“You’re welcome, Ran.” You returned, seemingly knowing exactly what he was thanking you for without him needing to say it aloud.
As if to make him fall even harder for you right then and there, you chose that moment to yet again join your hand with his, and place a kiss to his knuckles. A warm, fuzzy feeling erupted in Ransom’s chest, one he knew for certainty he had never felt before.
It concerned him for a moment that possibly he was having heart palpitations, or an anxiety attack. But perhaps what startled him the most was that this feeling was actually a surge of love and devotion to you.
He had never loved someone before.
But when he looked into your eyes, he was sure. He could see his whole life in front of him. He never thought finding someone who would put up with him for longer than a night would be on the cards for him, and yet here you were, sticking by him even when you knew the dark and ugly parts of him.
It was both exhilarating and terrifying that for the first time in his life, there was someone more important to him than himself. Someone he wanted to truly be better for.
“Let me thank you properly.”
Without thinking, or even really knowing how he managed it in his small car, he shifted you from the passenger seat onto his lap, pulling you into a bruising kiss.
Ransom felt an inherent need to pleasure you with his fingers, the same part of your body which you had used to provide comfort to him earlier. Pushing your skirt up over your thighs, his hand instinctively reached for the damp patch already forming on your panties.
“Please Ran, please. I need you.” God you sounded so desperate, and that only turned him on even more.
Ransom wasn’t about to deny what you wanted when you asked so politely. Pushing your panties aside, he coated the tips of his fingers in your slick before slipping his middle finger into you. He could tell at once it wasn’t enough by the way you wiggled your hips eagerly to increase friction.
“Such a needy girl aren’t you?” He asked before generously adding an extra finger, your grateful groan in appreciation making his dick twitch. “Look at you, my gorgeous little slut creaming on my fingers right outside my parent’s house where they could see us. You like that, don’t you?”
All you could do was nod when Ransom used his thumb to draw small circles over your clit while simultaneously scissoring his fingers inside you, knocking the breath out of your lungs.
Unlike with his previous sexual partners where all Ransom was concerned about was his own orgasm, being knuckle deep inside your pussy was about your pleasure.
Did the sight of you whimpering above him, feeling your soft walls fluttering around his fingers make him painfully hard? Absolutely.
But this wasn’t for him. This was all for you.
He continued to relentlessly thrust his fingers inside you, instinctively curling them to brush over the spongy spot that had your thighs quivering, relishing the moans and whines slipping from your lips right beside his ear.
“I love all those pretty little sounds you make.” Knowing he was responsible for every breathy gasp, every whimper trickling from your lips only fueled him to pump his fingers faster, to hear more of them.
As he pushed you closer and closer to the edge, Ransom could feel your grip on his shoulders tighten and your pussy squeezing his fingers gloriously.
“Shit, right there! Oh God, Ran, I’m gonna cum.” Your head fell to rest your forehead against Ransom’s shoulder, fingers tugging at his hair and though your eyes fluttered shut in pure ecstasy, he couldn’t take his eyes off how beautiful you looked.
“That’s my good girl. Let go baby, I got you.”
Your entire body shuddered as the wave of your orgasm overcame you, crying out an incoherent combination of curse words and his name as your gushing climax coated his hand and the front of his pants. Though, Ransom didn’t relent the pace of his pumping fingers until he was satisfied that you had fully come down the other side of your high.
The dazed smile you shot him once you managed to sit upright in his lap again mesmerised him. In that moment all he wanted to do was give you mind blowing orgasm after orgasm so he could continue to experience the heavenly sight of your writhing body and that bewitching, satisfied smile.
Ransom removed his fingers from you and brought them up to his mouth to taste the slick of your release, which was as sweet as he knew your soul to be. Lord, he could just drown in the taste of you - something he planned on doing once the location allowed for it.
“Let’s go back to your place, and I’ll return the favour.” You mumbled against his lips in a sloppy kiss before manoeuvring yourself back into the passenger's side seat.
The entire drive home Ransom covered your hand with his on the gear stick, his large fingers slotting between yours perfectly.
In his small car beside you, driving ever further away from his old family house, Ransom had never felt more at home. He intrinsically knew that he’d never find a safer place than his hand enclosed in yours.
And because of that, someday, he’d make sure you knew just how much he cherished you by giving you a ring to wear proudly on your finger.
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ghostdrafts · 2 years
Can I ask some headcanons about being in a relationship with Gar Logan? He's my comfort character and there's so few content about him T^T
Oh, I feel your struggle, anon! Gar is also one of my comfort characters and there’s not enough appreciation for him, so I hope you enjoy!
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Requests open
Summary: Garfield Logan dating gn!reader
Okay, let’s start with one simple fact. When I say that dating Gar is like dating your best friend, it’s because he is your best friend. He wouldn’t be the kind of guy to make a sudden move out of the blue. He takes the time to get to know you and build a bond of mutual trust
He would spend months pining over you, but he’d never directly make his feelings known, but when you’re with him, he has a way of making you feel like the most important person in the world. He remembers the little things. What makes you laugh so hard soda nearly shoots out of your nose, the toppings you like on your pizza, your favorite movies and the victory dance you do when you beat him at some random video game.
If he lets you win on purpose, that’s nobody’s business.
The thing is that he just likes spending time with you. He likes seeing you smile and knowing that it’s because of him, but when it comes to who makes the first move, you’d probably have to spell it out for him before he finally gets the idea that you like him back.
You only officially date for about two weeks before he blurts out the L-word.
There’s no big confession or grand declaration. It just slips out on the spot, over the tiniest thing.
He immediately spirals into a panic of apologies and assurance that there’s no pressure for you to say it back, with self-scolding scattered into the mix, because I don’t know why I said that. Why would I say that?
If you do say it back, he’ll melt on the spot. He’ll pause for a moment, like he’s not even sure he heard you correctly- he can barely hear anything over the sound of his own heart racing like it’s trying to get away- but once it sinks in, prepare to be tackled with affectionate kisses and mumbled declarations of endearment, over and over again.
He spends the twenty minutes kissing every part of you he can get to, telling you how much he loves you and all the reasons why, how special you are to him and that you’re just amazing, overall.
His love language varies between physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. He falls somewhere between the three and will actively express each one of them in different ways.
He’s always touching you in some way. Whether you’re holding hands or your ankles are hooked together, sometimes he just touches you in a playful way- he’ll play with your hair, squish your cheeks, tickle you.
Nap dates are definitely a thing. Dick never mentions it when he stumbles upon you and Gar in his tiger form, passed out together, giant green cat cuddled around you protectively, but purring away. Kory doesn’t have the same good grace not to bring it up.
As far as other dates go, it varies from nights in with take out and nature documentaries to trips to the arcade and ice cream.
He would be so proud to show you off and let everyone know that you’re his! All bouncy and giddy with the brightest smile, introducing you as his partner. Even strangers. He would be that guy, saying ‘hold on, let me ask my s/o what they want’ when ordering food
He would also be extremely protective. If you ever get hurt, he has a hard time keeping his composure. It would take more than one person to talk him down, but he wouldn’t leave your side for anything. He’s staying right there.
Matching pajamas. Midnight snacks. Blanket forts and cheesy B-list movies. 80 different cuddle positions in the span of one night that usually result in all the blankets getting kicked off, but it’s okay, because he practically radiates heat.
All in all, Gar is just the best boyfriend anyone can ever ask for
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