#ep: accepting anxiety
millyrocking · 3 months
the raw after SS 97 is so fucking somber. the arena was dark and quiet as DX came out. you could hear a pin drop. the tension was THICK.
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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thatgenericwriter · 17 days
When Time Stops || Gregory House
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Paring: Gregory House x gn!reader
Summary: reader is at home when they get a surprise visit
Warnings: angst, cussing, mentions of blood, guns/gunshots, wounds
Word Count: 1K
P.s. based off of season 2 ep 24 also requested by anonymous
The frantic pounding on the door to your apartment woke you from a blissful slumber. Groggily leaving your's and House's shared bed, you clumsily walk to the door. You let out a small swear as you slam your knee into the small table by the door before opening it.
You are met with the flushed face of one of House's ducklings, Chase. You and Chase had a pretty good relationship almost like siblings in a way. You had seen him with almost every expression on his chiseled face, but you had never seen him with this much worry, fear, or anxiety.
His face softened slightly at the sight of your messy hair and skewed pajamas before returning to his worry filled expression. "House has...he's been...he...House was shot."
It felt as if time itself had stopped. Chase was still talking, probably trying to calm you down, but all you could hear was the rapid heartbeat in your ears.
'How is this possible? Shot? Shot! How could he get shot in a hospital!? Is he okay? What if...what if it's fatal?'
Your spiraling thoughts distracted you from Chase grabbing your shoes and a bag of essentials. You only noticed you were walking when Chase opened the passenger door of his car for you.
He gently guides you into his car and clicks your seatbelt in place before jogging around to the other side. You blankly stare out of the window, your leg constantly bouncing anxiously.
Time passed so slowly. It feels like an eternity had gone by before you finally pull into the hospital parking lot. Before the car even fully stops, you are jumping out and practically sprinting through the hospital to the OR where you know House will be.
Just as your about to sprint through the doors leading to the OR, you feel a pair of strong arms hold you back. They pull you towards their chest, holding you close in their arms you hear them start to whisper in your ear.
"House is going to be okay. The bullet missed anything serious. He will live." Willson's reassuring whispers cause you to finally accept your reality.
Your knees buckle underneath you and James slowly lowers both of you to the ground. You turn in his arms and sob into his chest. He comfortingly rubs his hand up and down you back, whispering reassuring thoughts into your ear.
It’s been almost an hour since you arrived at the hospital. You're currently sitting in House’s chair watching as the cleaning crew cuts out the patch of carpet with House’s blood splattered on it. Bouncing his iconic ball between your hands trying desperately to stay calm as you wait to hear when and if House makes it out of surgery alive.
Although the bullet missed anything important, it still shattered inside of him causing the surgery to go longer than expected. You hear the door to the office open and you turn to look at who came through.
Cuddy stands there with a smile on her face. You feel your shoulders instantly relax and you stand up and walk into her expecting arms.
“Can I see him?” The momment Cuddy told you what floor he was on, you were sprinting out of the room. Frantically pressing the elevator button, you prayed that he was truely okay.
Standing in front of the doors that lead to his floor, you take a few deep breaths before opening the doors. There he is, looking annoyed even in a drug induced sleep. You slowly walk up to his bed, looking him over seeing the bloody bandage across his upper stomach. You were crying again.
You feel the tears streaming down your face. Tears of relief but also tears of anger. You were beyond furious. ‘How could someone do this to House? Your House? Why would they do this? Don’t they know he has a family here at work? That he has you?’ Your thoughts are interrupted by a series of ragged coughs.
You look over at the man who is lying in the bed next to House’s. He looks over at your tear stained face, then his eyes trail down and stop where your hands are attached to House’s hand.
“That bastard had someone waiting for him?” The confused look on your face made him let out a pitiiful laugh. “I shot House.” The world stoped once again. This time instead of feeling like you were drowning, all you could see was red.
Anger fueled you as you rushed over to the other bed. Before you can kill the man who shot your precious House, you're being restrained by large arms around you.
"You know, we have to stop meeting like this." Wilson slowly pulls you back over to House's bed.
The man in the other bed softly chuckles at you before going into another coughing fit. All you can do is glare at him and hold House's hand once again.
"Shouldn't he be awake by now? That bastard over there is! Why isn't House?" All Wilson could give you was a shrug, explaining that the anesthesia lasts differently for everyone.
So you waited and waited and waited some more until you felt a slight twitch in his fingers. You look up at his face waiting for his eyes to finally open. And when they did, and he locked eyes with you, you started crying once more.
You feel his hand stroking your cheek wiping away the tears as they fall. You nuzzle your face into his hand, having a hard time believing that he's actually okay.
"Hey idiot, why are you crying? I'm obviously okay." All you could do was laugh at him. Even in the most serious of times he's still managed to be an ass. But he's your ass, and he's alive, and that's all that matters to you.
Author's Note: hey so I know it's been a while and this request is from a very long time ago and that's my bad but I'm trying to get through these request and I'm trying really hard to not give in to the writer's block but I will be writing more I will be getting through these requests even if it kills me
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blindmagdalena · 3 months
thoughts on ep 4?
ohhhh man this is gonna be really long and disjointed because i just finished the episode. i'm just gonna be focused on the homelander stuff here bc i feel like that's what we're all here for lol
the energy he brought to that whole situation gave me the most intense anxiety. i feel like not even he was entirely sure how all of that was going to go down, but as soon as he was there, all these memories that he had repressed started flooding to the surface. obviously his relationship with Ryan is causing a lot of his trauma to come to the forefront, and this is the culmination of that.
i think what caught me the most off guard was how run down the place looked. a concrete basement with shoddy computers and post-its everywhere. a bunch of techs. it was so small, and yet it's like homelander said. it was a lot bigger when he was a child.
it was their day job. it was his whole world.
that very first moment when Marty calls him John, and he corrects "Homelander," in that boyish voice, i almost burst into tears.
the moment where he's staring at the incinerator made me feel ill for him. i already knew what was coming, and it didn't disappoint.
"I had nightmares about that exact moment, and you can't even remember it."
i had chills throughout this entire scene. it was such a succinct way to lay out how dehumanized he was his entire life. that so many people stood by and were so desensitized to his torture. they tuned out his screams entirely and played little games to pass the time. all while he watched.
this time, when Marty calls him John, there's no quiver in his voice. "Homelander," he corrects firmly, smile tight and closed. direct eye contact, waiting for a challenge. but they won't. he knows no one will stop him. not just because they can't... but because they simply won't. they wouldn't save a child. why would they save Frank?
"You're sorry? Now?"
this whole scene is such an interesting parallel to his conversation with Vogelbaum in s1, where he asks, "You want forgiveness? Now?"
something he rightfully denied Vogelbaum. in this instance, however, we see Homelander enacting his vengeance and giving that forgiveness... but only once they're dead. only once they'd paid his price. once they've suffered as he did. I forgive you.
the only time anyone expresses remorse for what they've done to him is when they're faced with it. when the regret eats away at them not for the harm they caused, but the damage done to the world, or to their own safety.
immediately following that, we see him call Marty over and not just apologize, but very specifically he asks, "Can you forgive me?"
it's perfect foreshadowing for what he's about to do to him. can he forgive the same thing Homelander is about to?
the scene that follows is so profoundly uncomfortable i had a lot of trouble watching. the reality of Homelander's life and teenage years is something that we as a fandom have always been very cognizant of, but seeing it addressed so plainly on screen was both nightmarish and vindicating.
i remember being really squicked out by his comment regarding Ryan getting Zoe pregnant, but it makes total sense that raising Ryan is bringing a lot of his own childhood sexual trauma to the surface. there's SO MUCH to be addressed here that it could be it's own post. but what's great is when Homelander calls an end to it: it's the moment Marty says he's sorry.
"I forgive you, Marty."
this is all about Homelander accepting what happened to him. facing it and the people who were part of it head on.
speaking of...
BARBARA. i know she's public enemy #1 right now, and rightfully so, but i found her so profoundly interesting. did she know Homelander was there? she didn't seem surprised at all. why would she come without backup? how did they even contact her with everything shut down? i don't know, but whatever the case, i really got the impression she already knew what she was walking into. she made a real attempt to get Homelander away from the other scientists, but he wasn't going to be swayed. they were already doomed.
she antagonized him. They were just doing what I told them. It's not their fault. It's mine. Leave them alone.
it's very apparent to me that among his fractured personalities, she represents the kinder motherly one. she, like Stan Edgar and Vogelbaum, are elevated above the other scientists. she's a figure of authority and she spoke to him as such.
"They were scared."
"I was a child."
"They were scared!"
and he does recoil at that. we KNOW Homelander hates being feared. it was his trigger with Madelyn, it's what kept him from lasering that crowd, and it's a blatant, desperate lie when he says to Starlight, "...being feared is a-one okie doke by me."
"Everyone was terrified of you from your first breath."
she breaks his heart a hundred times in this scene. from the reveal that he killed his mother in the same way Vogelbaum told him his son did—the source of that lie?—to the statement that their greatest success was making him obedient by withholding love. by turning his heart into a pit of need.
a sharp juxtaposition to Vogelbaum's You're my greatest failure.
and then she says to him no matter what you do, you will always be human.
here's the thing about Homelander's humanity. he doesn't associate it with kindness or love. he associates humanity with all the worst things that have ever happened to him. cruelty. selfishness. betrayal. his entire life he's been used and abused by the people who were supposed to protect him.
of course he doesn't want to be human. doesn't want his SON to be human. look at what humans have done to him. they're vile, they're vicious, they're dirty.
in another life, that desire could have been his drive to be good. if he'd only had a single fucking example of it.
"I'm not human. And neither is my son. And I'm gonna raise him so that he knows it."
in other words, he'll raise his son the way they failed to raise him. Homelander wants desperately to raise his son with the love he never had. he just doesn't know how to.
ultimately, like Vogelbaum and Stan, Homelander can't bring himself to kill her. he tears apart the people she tried to save, and he leaves her to stew in her own fucking mess.
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bengiyo · 8 months
Last Twilight Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, we learned that Day’s surgery was unsuccessful. We time skipped over his mom figuring out things to see that Mhok is having anxieties about Day and conflating them with Rung. Mhok has become overprotective even as Day has begun using his cane and exercising more independence. Mhok lied about a job opportunity in Hawaii and upset Day. Day reacted in the most extreme and broke up with Mhok.
So…we’re just skipping over the aftermath of that fight? They really just broke up and now it’s years later and Day is graduating? That whole journey ended on one lie? Be serious.
Did they really try to fake me out like Mhok might be the groom for Porjai? Be serious now.
Man, they really want this escalator scene to give It’s All Coming Back to Me Now, but I just don’t think you can earn that in a time skip this abrupt.
Suddenly Aof cameo.
Mixed feelings about Mhok assisting Day like this. At least he revealed himself at the end? It’s giving Revenge of the Nerds (1984) or The Goonies (1985).
Day has had Mhok blocked for three years???
Are we really just gonna start flirting after three years like this? Come on, now. What has changed??
All the meddling is cute, but I’m still at the three years no contact.
Unbelievable. Mhok says he did a bunch of emotional work and then thanked Day for breaking up with him, only for Day to say, ‘I’m glad we can discuss this as adults,’ without saying anything else. “This is real damn ridiculous. This is belemptious.”
Mom, why aren’t saying any of this to Day???
I do appreciate that Day and Night worked out their issues, but everything with the supporting cast feels like it’s all happening between scenes. Like why is the dad here? Are he and the mom going to reconcile? Do we care about this in any way specific to these characters?
Aof seems to like when one of his leads is holding back really hard for some reason, but Day is just not a good execution of that at all. I am not on his side the way I was with Phupha, Jim, or Pran.
If Mhok gives up the work and life he’s built for himself for three years to be with Day, I’m going to be just as annoyed as I was at the end of Enchante with Akk having to work his way to Paris to be with Theo.
So…Day has done no emotional work on his issues with Mhok in three years? I don’t even think Mhok’s issue was about even pitying Day. What the fuck is this?
That car is about to get towed!
I just know Namtam had a good time running around in an airport wearing a wedding dress.
We’re doing this whole reunion scene, so has Mhok just…processed his grief about Rung? We’re just gonna get back together now? Mhok is still talking about his mistake? We’re just gonna take over the aftermath of Night and Porjai’s wedding?
Eye donation? Oh…..this is about to take a turn.
I don’t like timing this to right after the unearned romantic reconciliation. This is a bad look. I had seen some posts earlier, and this is as bad as described.
I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with Day getting his vision back, but putting it in the finale like this and rushing over the other conflicts makes it feel like a reward. It also has them quickly advancing past any other developments in Day’s life as he potentially reapproaches things he had before.
I’m feeling conflicted about them returning to the mountaintop, because there was so much acceptance in that first scene. I don’t know that there’s good mirroring here of any sort for this.
Final Verdict: 5, This Was a Huge Miss. I’m not sorry for this low rating on an Aof show. I cannot in good faith give this a 6 as decent but boring. The imbalanced writing between the romantic leads left me extremely dissatisfied for most of the back half show, and quickly showing your blind character adapting and even thriving in his circumstances just to have him monologue about being normal again at the end was so not the moment. @lurkingshan has already covered what this show messed up as a good starting point, and I want to state plainly that I will no longer be grading Thai BL on the curve of what the show is trying to be. It’s been ten years of Thai BL, and decades of BL and yaoi before it. These shows will be graded for what they are.
Jojo and Aof had big misses in the last year. Tee dropped the ball multiple times. Golf had a weird outing. New Siwaj failed me completely. We cannot worship these creators. They are just trying to make cool stories and help sell the juice. Sometimes they make really cool pieces that we love forever. Sometimes they flop. Aof tried something here and it didn’t reach the heights we expected of him. Directors are not gods. It’s fine for them to flop. There’s enough BL airing that a few shows being letdowns doesn’t leave us with nothing else to watch for weeks.
Still, I will say that I liked the chemistry between Jimmy and Sea, and I thought Mark and Namtam made a decent pair. When this show was good, I liked the moments.
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au where everything is exactly the same but Mikey’s spots change color depending on his feelings
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Details under the cut (it’s a lil long)
Most of the time, Mikey’s spots are his iconic yellow color. This is because Mikey is normally a genuinely happy guy.
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If Mikey is feeling multiple emotions at once, his spots reflect it. Like in the Gumbus episode - Mikey is embarrassed when what scared him is just a model train, but his initial fear over the whole ghost situation is still under there. In the Mrs. Cuddles ep, Mikey is openly bummed about the situation. I imagine he’s also apprehensive, because they’re tied up and can’t yell for help, so his spots are reflecting those two emotions. He’s like one of those multicolor lava lamps.
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The colors of Mikey’s emotions are based on Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions, because I didn’t want to make my own emotion-color wheel. This is more of a guideline, because it doesn’t include some common emotions (disappointment, embarrassment, overwhelm, panic, anxiety, etc). Also, see how “grief” is dark blue?? Yeah, nah. Whenever they lose someone (Karai, Leo), his spots go black.
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Shortly after the turtles begin their crime fighting, Mikey decides he needs to cover up his spots. It’s very awkward and uncomfortable to have the villains know exactly what he’s feeling, and makes it very hard to bluff once they figure out what the different colors mean. For his shoulders, he uses cropped hoodies. I can only find pictures of rather plain ones, but I imagine he adds his own Mikey flare to them.
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The bros and April all know what his different colors mean. Sometimes Mikey finds it annoying, but overall he doesn’t mind. The bros and April also know Mikey well enough they can still figure out how he’s feeling when his spots are covered.
Everyone questioned why Mikey’s markings did The Thing, but weren’t able to come up with an answer and just accepted it. Later on, they learn it’s because of Mikey’s natural affinity and connection to mystic power.
Building off that last one, whenever Mikey’s cut off from his mystic power, his spots turn a dull grey and lose their colors.
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ludi-ling · 5 months
Woooooow... just saw ep 9 of X'Men 97. I may not like all of their choices, but damn do they go hard and I appreciate the execution of it. The last minute was soooo much wow. Prof X mind controlling Magneto, Magneto helmeting him and about to kill him, Wolverine stabbing Magneto and Magneto un-adamantiuming Wolvie...wooooow...
I do not know what they're going to do next. I knew Rogue would go to Magneto based on her costume alone. That's the OG terrorist Rogue/villainous Rogue costume. I might not love that decision of her going to Magneto... but based on what's happened, it makes sense. And omg, her wearing Remy's trench coat? Cryyyying. The one thing I can see with Rogue going back to the X-Men is Magneto wanting to kill Deathbit because Deathbit is dangerous.
Because I still believe Remy is coming back. I cite X-Treme X-Men and everything Rogue says to bring him back. Absolute Points? Nexus Events? They don't matter. X-Men make their own miracles. I literally said this as my thesis for why Gambit is coming back and then hours later the panel appeared on my feed lol.
One more week of me screaming, crying and throwing up.
Rogue is pissed. She's had to face a trauma she hasn't had to ever face before. I can completely understand this trajectory she's walking. It makes sense for the arc that her character is going through in this universe. The bit where she handed back the trench coat though? That killed me.
Gambit will come back. It's just a matter of how and when. I can't believe people truly think he's going to stay dead. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I truly appreciate this series for taking something we all loved as kids and spinning it into an adult story. I know it's hard - literally everyone is miserable in this show - but damn, I suppose that's life. And I guess it's hard for some fans to accept the turn this show has taken when we all expected the gentle fluff of Romy in TAS. What Romy have had so far in XM97, and eventually will have, is something far more adult and something I'm far more interested in than the non-committal flirting we got in TAS.
Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of things in XM97 I don't agree with or like. But on the whole I think it's done a really good job in (let's face it) a short amount of time of achieving something smart and thought-provoking and visceral despite its flaws. I'm actually kind of excited to see what happens next. I'm ready to be disappointed again, but I'm ready to be pleasantly surprised too.
At the very least, it has got me inspired to write Romy again. A LOT of the heartache and anger and admiration I have felt watching the show I have channelled into writing The Tailor & The Seamstress, and it's been the first time I've been genuinely excited about fic in a while. So I have a lot to thank the show for, despite all the anxiety and angst it's given me.
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I’d love to request a fic with a female reader and a angsty/comfort storyline with the Bad Batch.
For a broad storyline I was thinking something by along the lines of a female reader joining the Bad Batch (per Hunter’s idea) and Crosshair and/or Echo not being very happy about it. However they eventually they come around to having another girl in the group.❤️
Winning Approval
Clone Force 99 x Platonic!Reader
Summary- You felt as if you were living a purpose-less life, so when Hunter asks you to join his crew, you say yes! Not everyone on the force is as happy though... Takes place during and after Season 1, Ep. 2.
A/N- Thank you so much for requesting! I appreciate it so much, but I think I'm done writing platonic xD. This was sooo hard for me to write. I love the challenge, but i'm not sure how great my platonic writing skills are!
Word Count- 1,454
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Growing up, helping people seemed natural. You remember discovering this when your old friend Kaiya fell and scratched her knee. It was second nature to dress her wound and comfort her. You were nine at the time.
Your mother enrolled you in medical classes as much as she could, you learned how to set bones, stitch holes, and treat infections. Amongst many other skills.
The city you lived in was soon taken over by the empire, but you found a way out before it was too late. That's where you found yourself- living with Suu and her husband Cut. The two had taken you in when they found out your home had been destroyed.
It didn't hurt when you found out you and Suu's parents knew each other in their youth.
When you had stumbled onto Hunter- he and his crew had set off a trap you had set in the fields. Your gun raised at him was lowered by Cut, claiming he knew them.
Things blurred together since then, everything moved so fast. Having to relocate away from the empire again was not something you fashioned. You were tired of running, and expressed your concerns.
Hunter initially suggested dropping you off at the planet of your choice, (a repayment for taking care of one of Omegas wounds).
Crash landing on a moon wasn't on anyone's roster, but it happened nonetheless. It did, however, give yourself an opportunity to prove yourself to them.
You helped Tech repair a part of the hyper-drive, earning his favor.
You shared your rations with Wrecker, earning his approval.
You played and entertained with Omega, earning her and Hunters trust.
Last was Echo. You wanted him to like you, as you enjoyed everyone's company. They were so kind to you, and didn't pay any mind to flaws. They knew themselves that they were defective- what was one more defect?
Maybe you were in over your head, would they really accept you as a member of their squad? They just met you a week ago. For all they knew you were an Empire spy... You couldn't deny that you wanted to stay though. You felt like you belonged- finally.
When Echo still avoided you like the plague and the ship was ready to fly again, you felt like you had run out of time. You sulked around the ship for awhile, waiting for Hunter to ask where you wanted to be dropped off.
That was until you noticed- he hadn't asked you. It had been hours and he had said nothing about you leaving.
This made you crack, anxiety like ice through your veins.
"Hunter, I mean this in the least selfish way possible. But, why haven't you asked where I wanted to go yet? What planet?" You thought you messed up when his face fell. He looked dissapointed?
"Well, we were hoping you would want to stay. We were going to formally ask, but Wrecker and Omega are still making the poster." He rubbed the pack of his neck and chuckled a little bit. "Would you like to join us? If not, that's completely understandable. Just name the planet and we will be headed there." He stated, making sure you knew you had options.
"R-really? You guys want me to join you?" You wanted to smack your head at how cliche you sounded. Though, you didn't have time to think on it, as Hunter started talking again.
"We don't have an official medic. While Tech possesses all the knowledge needed, he doesn't have a, uh how do I put it? A steady hand when it comes to medical means." He reasoned.
"You are more than capable as we've seen, and between Wrecker and Omega we need a medic- bad." You smiled at this. You felt a purpose. Someone needed you! You would be able to help your squad and civilians you came across on any journey.
Before you could respond, Omega and Wrecker barreled through the mid-section of the ship. Omega held a small banner in her hand, and Wrecker a large sheet of paper. It was full of colorful pictures, drawn by the two.
Your heart warmed at the effort they put in, all to make you feel welcomed.
"How could I say no? You guys have been so perfect to me, and I want to help you guys as much as I can." You smiled up at Hunter, he patted you on the shoulder. His way of officially letting you on the squad.
After that day, things started to move more smoothly. Yeah, you had some bad run-ins, almost got captured a few times, and had many near-death experiences. But, you were with your family through it all. The only problem was Echo.
Maybe 'problem' wasn't too nice of a word. Echo never did anything wrong. He just, never seemed to like your company. You guessed he didn't have to like you, not everyone would. Because of this, you pushed back your guilty feelings surrounding him. That was until you over-heard a conversation between him and Hunter.
"Something feels off about her." Echo told Hunter. You couldn't see either of them, and didn't want to expose your position by moving.
"Yeah, and what's that?"
"I can't place it. I don't understand how everyone can just accept her, no questions asked." Echo sounded confused.
"She's shown us many times that she can handle herself. Plus, Omega needs another female on the ship.'' Hunter defended you, but still wanted to hear Echos concerns.
"She's not a clone. She doesn't think like us!" Ah, so that's why he's been so put-off by you. It was because you weren't a clone. You assumed he was so used to clones, that of course you were an odd piece in their clone family.
You slowly moved back to your sleeping cot. You sunk down slowly. It wasn't your fault, really. You can't control where or how you were born. Thoughts surrounded you. Was it that obvious? Were you that different from them?
As much as you wanted to pack your bags and not burden anyone else, you decided to talk to Echo first.
After landing on a planet to resupply, you asked to speak to Echo alone.
"Uh, sure." He replied, skeptical. You both exited the ship, though keeping close.
"Echo, I didn't really know how to bring this up. I figured I should just get straight to the point?" You asked, not wanting to waste his time.
He nodded, looking straight to you.
"I overheard you and Hunter talking last rotation..." You nervously picked at a nail. He still stared, not wavering.
"I can't help that i'm not a clone. I'm not sorry either, but I do want to know what I can do. To gain your trust." You dropped your hand, eager for his response.
He licked his lips, thinking. "I'm sorry you heard that..."
"Echo, I don't care. I just- I want to be a part of this family..." You mustered out. Now or never!
This surprised him, "What are you talking about. You already are!"
He seemed, mad? Was he really that disgusted by 'normal' humans?
"I can't help that i'm not a clone!" You regrettably yelled, throwing you arms up.
"That doesn't matter, everyone accepts you anyways!" His words were strained, like he didn't want anyone to know.
"Why don't you?" You whispered.
He sighed and took a step back. "When I first joined force 99, it wasn't as easy."
You couldn't imagine what he was referring to. You knew he was a regular clone before joining Hunter, but what did that have to do with anything?
After seeing your confused look, he continued. "I wasn't born a defective clone, I became one. It took a lot of time to understand how to use this. But you fit in so easily." He gestured to his mechanical arm.
"I had no idea you felt that way... I wasn't trying to mean anything-" He cut you off.
"I know, and really, we do need a medic. I was just being resentful, I'm sorry."
"I'm not trying to take anyone's place. The team wouldn't be the same without you. Besides, Omega adores you, and I think Hunter will do whatever it takes to keep her happy." You laughed, he luckily gave out a chuckle as well.
"Thanks. I think It'll just take some time to get used to the difference." He said, honestly.
"I get that, just let me know if there's anything I can do... Ya know, to speed things up?" You smiled up at him. It was then that you knew everything would be fine. That you really had found your family, and nothing could take you from them.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I am sorry if this isn't what you had in mind! Feel free to send in another request if you would like a more specific plot! Again, sorry that my platonic writing skills aren't that sharp! Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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ggukkiedae · 8 months
COOK WITH ME, YEAH? || ep.1 my ride or die, my other half
uploaded on january 15, 2024 to the bangtantv youtube channel and weverse. dialogue in italics are spoken in english
content warning: mentions tannies’ enlistments and separation anxiety (please tell me if i missed something)
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miya: “hi everyone! welcome to my new series: cook with me, yeah?”
she started clapping, even cheering a little bit before reality hit her
she sighed and looked off camera
miya: “you know, you could cheer for me”
jungkook: “you said you’d do the intro before introducing me!”
she got the folded cloth from next to her on her kitchen counter and threw it towards the direction of the voice
there was a yelp, laughter, then cut back to a smiling yoonmi
miya: “i’m very open about my friends, and armys like to see that, so i decided to start this series and introduce some of my friends to you guys while cooking with them! while cooking, we’ll be answering first few set questions i’m always asked on weverse or instagram when i post with my friends, then a few questions more specific to us as friends that i found on twitter by lurking”
while she was talking, a few pictures of her with her various friends were shown on screen
she held up her phone when mentioning the set questions
she lifted a small fish bowl with slips of paper holding questions when mentioning the more specific ones
miya: “this friend, well, i’ve known him since i was eleven. nine? we use international age now… anyway!”
she trailed off a little before laughing and waving her hand
miya: “we met as preteens, now we’re in our twenties. i literally can’t imagine life without him, he became my ride or die, and, because of how we were raised, he practically became my big emo-punk-looking soft boy other half. the oppas think we could have been twins in another life”
there’s soft thumps sounding from off camera
she looks over and starts laughing
miya: “he’s cringing and punching a pillow right now. everyone, welcome the person i’m sure you are all missing by the time this releases, jungkookie oppa!”
jungkook jogs in in his pastel pink apron cheering for himself while yoonmi clapped for him
jungkook did a little slide then a spin before bowing
yoonmi laughed at him, shoving him to the side
jungkook shoves her back then the video cuts to them standing together relatively calmly
jungkook: “i brought you chardonnay. i thought it would pair well with carbonara”
miya: “this looks good!”
jungkook passed her a two bottles of chardonnay, which she gratefully accepted
she pulled up two wine glasses and poured them some
they clinked their glasses together and finished their first glasses then she refilled them, setting them to a corner of the counter
miya: “like kookie oppa said, we’re making carbonara. want to explain why?”
jungkook: “namjoon hyung. he always talked about enjoying the carbonara in italy. mimi and i were talking about it when she was conceptializing these videos, so we decided to try”
miya: “shall we start, oppa?”
jungkook: “let’s go!”
the video cut to a clip of her filling a pot with water
there’s a clip of jungkook cutting up a slab of guanciale into cubes
when did you meet and what were your first impressions of each other?
miya: “contrary to popular belief, kookie oppa was very straightforward and blunt with me”
jungkook: “why? we became friends because of me”
miya: “i know! but people think we didn’t start talking until like weeks later”
jungkook snorted and looked at her while she added oil and salt into the pot over a flame
she looked at him
then she poked him with one of the uncooked noodles, which he swatted away
he turned on the other side of the stove and placed a pan on it, waiting for it to heat up
jungkook: “you were the only girl in the boys classes at the time. i thought you would be a vocal, but namjoon hyung said you were a rapper, so i was surprised. then i heard your satoori and got curious to find another busan kid in the company”
miya: “and you went straight up to me when you entered the training room. i was a little scared of you, but not really? i just didn’t know what to expect”
she brought out eggs and a bowl of pecorino romano cheese
jungkook started frying the guanciale
what are your names for each other in your cellphones?
miya: “kookie oppa? i have him saved as ‘ride or die’ with, like, the praise hands emoji”
jungkook: “i have mimi as ‘princess crazy’ with a crown”
she gave him a look, and he just gave her a smile
there’s a close up shot of the guanciale frying and a clip of jungkook trying it
there’s a clip of yoonmi trying it, too
there’s then a clip of her cracking the last of the eggs into the cheese, adding pepper, then starting to whisk everything together
describe each other in one word
jungkook: “yoonmi is music”
miya: “what?”
jungkook: “you literally live and breathe music. you're in your studio all the time, you always look for music to add to your playlists, and it seems like everything you do is very musical. the way you move in general has a rhythm, and the way you speak has a melody"
miya: "... you're nice to me today"
jungkook: "so i deserve a nice answer"
he took the pan off the heat and took the bowl and whisk from her
he gave her an expectant look while whisking while she just thought while fixing the pasta into the now boiling water
miya: "i think you're excellence. everything you do, you do it very well and to the best of your abilities. when you find something you struggle with, you work your hardest to become good at it. you're practically excellence as a person"
they met eyes then cringed before laughing
jungkook exaggerated his aggression with whisking the contents of the bowl while yoonmi walked off to the side
the video cuts to them clinking glasses and drinking their glasses of wine, now just waiting for the pasta to cook
what’s your favorite memory together?
jungkook: "that's hard to answer, mimi"
miya: "true, we've been friends for so long and together almost daily, so there's way too much to choose from"
jungkook sipped at his wine again
jungkook: “maybe when we wrote ‘stay’? do you remember that?”
miya: "when we slept in my studio for like three days?"
jungkook: "we cried, made jokes, watched movies, didn't namjoon hyung physically drag us to eat food that wasn't instant ramen?”
they laughed at the memory
yoonmi lit up at a thought
miya: "oppa, vegas!"
jungkook: "oh yeah! you weren't legal in america yet, so you couldn't go to the ptd parties in the bars"
miya: "but you took me around vegas for food and to look at all the different light and water shows! it may sound boring, but we had a lot of fun there"
there's a clip of yoonmi gently stirring the pasta then of jungkook pouring more wine for them
how often do you two have sleepovers?
jungkook hummed while thinking
jungkook: “a lot, actually. i slept over at mimi's a lot for a while to help her take care of yoonseollie and the puppies back before she graduated. nowadays, we sleepover in each other's house just whenever we feel like it"
miya: "yeah, but we still see each other almost everyday even without the sleepovers. oppa, the pan?"
there's a closeup of jungkook placing the guanciale from the pan onto a spare plate
what was it like working on jungkook’s solo album together?
jungkook: "oh, yoonmi wrote ‘yes or no’ back in 2018, if you all know what was going on then"
he wiggled his eyebrows at the camera, making shove him to the side
he pulled her into a noogie while she squeaked in surprise and started to hit his arm
jungkook: "she was falling in love! this kid! look at her, falling in love so young!"
miya: "oppa, let go!"
jungkook: "i still remember the first time you admitted you might have been in love"
miya: "oppa!"
she stomped on his foot, making him let go
she was fixing her hair while he laughed at her
miya: “in all seriousness, oppa told me right away when he started pulling golden together that he wanted to use ‘yes or no’ and to have me feature on a track he’d promote, so i edited ‘yes or no’ just a bit then i listened to ‘seven’ to start writing my verse.”
jungkook: "it was comfortable, you know? a sense of familiarity. then i wanted to make a song for army, and mimi actually translates my thoughts best, so we wrote please don't change together in a music style similar to one we've been listening to a lot. you know songs used for dancehall?"
miya: "I've been listening to a lot of latin and afro beat music"
there's a clip of yoonmi tasting one of the noodles
and there's a clip of jungkook throwing one at her wall (it stuck)
she looked at him then threw a noodle at his face, which he ate
does bam play with yoonmi’s pets?
yoonmi transferred the noodles into the pan where the guanciale was cooked, turning the heat on high
jungkook stepped back and gave a loud whistle
there were pitter patters of feet running, and you see bam and dipper running in
jungkook bent to pet the dogs
jungkook: "you don't see her, but nala is here, too"
miya: "our pets are siblings. they all go to stay with my brother or kookie oppa's brother when both of us are busy, so they bond a lot"
she turned the stove off then opened the freezer jungkook looked up and pointed at something yoonmi pulled out a small tray with frozen treats
they gave them to the dogs who all scattered away after receiving treats then they washed their hands
miya: "this next part needs extreme focus, so excuse us for being silent for a moment"
jungkook: "mimi, i think the pan is the right temperature"
there's a clip of jungkook pouring the sauce and adding the guanciale into the noodles while yoonmi mixed it
jungkook placed the bowl down
yoonmi looked at him, so he got a bit of the pasta water and added it into the pan
there's a close up of the pasta being stirred
there's a closeup of jungkook plating the pasta
the video cuts to them sitting on the floor in front of her couch, their plates of pasta and glasses of wine in front of them
but jimin is now with them
miya: “jiminie oppa is here!"
the three of them cheer while jimin waves
he puts his arm around the two maknaes, bringing them closer to him and rubbing his head with theirs
jimin: “my busan babies! my cute babies made me pasta”
jungkook: "hyung, let go!"
they're all speaking through laughs
yoonmi speaks up
miya: "jimin oppa is here to try our pasta, and he has the special honor of reading us the last question! but first, have a bite, oppa”
yoonmi handed him the third plate while jungkook handed him a fork
jimin twirls a bit of the pasta onto the fork, laughing a little about how awkward it was to do that while the two were watching him
he takes a bite, tilting his head before humming in approval
he swallowed and looked at the two
jimin: "this tastes really good, babies! i think it's a 100 out of 100!"
she grinned while jungkook handed him his glass of wine
yoonmi held up the fishbowl of questions for him while placing the plate back on the table
miya: "now the last question, oppa"
jimin stuck his hand into the bowl, swirling it around while giggling at the two maknaes
he pulls one out and reads it to himself first before chuckling and taking another sip of wine
jimin: "I'm curious, too, actually"
jungkook: "then read the question, hyung”
how does it feel knowing jungkook is about to enlist?
yoonmi visibly tensed while jungkook’s head snapped to the side to look at her
jimin put his free arm around her and rubbed her arm comfortingly
miya: “i’ve been seeing my therapist about this, and she said it would be a challenge for me. the oppas and i always talk and hangout, especially me and ggukoo oppa who talk to each other daily and see each other almost everyday. i’m honestly scared, but i’ll have to push through. i can do it. i think i can”
jungkook: “i’m honestly very sad about this. mimi and i are used to going to each other for almost any and everything we can think of, and we have gotten used to each other a lot. while i am worried about her given her separation anxiety, i’m also a little scared for myself, especially for the five weeks of basic training where i won't be able to talk to or be updated with her at all”
jimin: “don’t worry, babies. i have people to watch over our princess, i’ll be watching over jungkookie, and this will all pass by very quickly. just you wait”
jimin leaned his head on jungkook’s then turned to kiss the top of yoonmi’s head
the video cuts to them with finished plates and empty glasses, all smiling towards the camera
yoonmi, now seated in the middle, spoke
miya: “that brings an end to this first episode of cook with me, yeah? thank you to kookie oppa and jiminie oppa for coming to spend the day with me! if any one of you would like to try what we made at home, the recipe will be in the description! see you next episode!”
the three of them wave to the camera, then the video cuts to black
after a few seconds, jimin appears sitting in what looks like yoonmi’s home office with a question along the bottom of the screen
what do you think of miya and jungkook’s friendship?
jimin: “it’s a treasure. you don’t see friendships like theirs often where they’re raised together by the same group of people while experiencing the same things. our maknae and makdungie developed a connection over the years that us hyungs and oppas ourselves can’t understand, but they understand each other, they have fun, they keep each other in line, and they do love each other. i’m pretty sure they were twins in another life. but, yes, their friendship is like a rare treasure”
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taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread @allthings-fandoms @jammingjaem
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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mooncalf87 · 8 months
Lucifer hcs?
Ep 8 spoilers!
He is a softie for Vaggie, they bond over both being fallen angels
He and Husk fly around together a lot, they don't have a super close bonded friendship, but they enjoy their little outings
Lucifer uses his magic to interfere with Alastors radio broadcasts (Alastor is THIS close to murdering either Lucifer or himself)
He has a pretty short wing span so when he is flying he has to move all his wings pretty fast and usually looks like a humming bird
Is secretly REALLY good at drawing
This mans depression and anxiety levels are off the charts, but they are slowly getting easier to manage now that he is back with Charlie
He never really got to know Sir Pentious, but Lucifer was the one who painted Pentious's portrait after his death
He loves popcorn. It is an unhealthy obsession.
When he has meetings with the Goetia family, he can totally tell that the random IMP sitting on Solas's couch is totally his secret bf
He and Lilith had a INCREDIBLY hard time trying to get Lilith pregnant, due to her being a human soul and him being a heavenly being
He and turn into any animal and sometimes turns into a cat to annoy Husk
He has a very hard time accepting the fact that Lilith isn't just gone for a little while, he still has a hard time admitting that he knows she will never come back
He still wears his wedding ring but Charlie is finally able to get him to take it off
he likes stuffed animals
This bitch can not figure out how to use tape for the life of him. Whenever he tries to use duct-tape he basically just wraps himself in it by accident
He needs his apple cane because he actually sustained a long lasting leg injury during his angelic fall, that he can't heal with his magic (he also hates to talk about it)
Is Chaggies #1 fangirl
Sometimes he dresses up as the apple at Lu Lu World for fun (whenever Charlie asks him why, he says, "its my theme park so I can do what I please")
He likes wood carving in his spare time
Sometimes forgets hes the literal KING OF HELL and is like "?????" When people bow to him on the streets
Even though he is Lucifer himself, he can still get hurt. Charlie HATES it when he bleeds
Dispite their mutual dislike for one another, Lucifer is very greatful Alastor was there for Charlie and her dream when her dad wasn't
Dramatic. This man is the textbook definition of drama. Can gossip for HOURS with Ange
Loves human watching. He can observe earth using his magic, and loves just. Sitting there. Watching humans go about their daily lives
Send me HC asks!!!!!!
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neptune-scythe · 1 year
We as a society do not talk enough about Freddy Carter's acting in EP 2x05, specifically the scene after the tea in Bhez ju
There are a lot of subtle things that a lot of people probably wouldn't pick up on unless you've had a panic/anxiety attack that I really admire and appreciate
From the moment that scene starts he is looking down, avoiding looking directly at anyone else
He has that exhausted, glazed over, not entirely present look
When he speaks it's quiet and slow, completely absent of the usual bite of sarcasm or annoyance
He only looks up and regains more of his usual attitude when Jesper speaks to him
And that could be interpreted in a couple different ways
Until then it's been all business talk, the seven of them all discussing the job. And as someone who has had a panic attack on the job in front of people ... it leaves a deep shame and embarrassment especially when it effects or hinders the job. And Kaz is obviously feeling that
But in a group conversation it's easier for him to avoid being the center of attention, yes he's still mostly leading the conversation, but the focus of the group is fairly evenly distributed between everyone
But Jesper makes it personal, he singles out Kaz and makes a comment directly to him and only him. And not just any comment. "It's as if I know you"
Now you could interpret that as simply Kaz having attention put on him and thus putting his facade of strength back on.
It could even be a fear of being known, or jesper noticing that he's struggling ... noticing his weakness. Of needing to mask it, so he looks up, he makes eye contact, he plays the character of Dirtyhands the gang leader and shoves everything else down
But I like to think of it another way.
Jesper is one of, if not the oldest friend Kaz has, and one of the people he trusts most. And Jesper may not have been present or known of Kaz's panic attack in shu han ... but he was there in the carriage to Hellgate. And what did he do? He immediately tried to help, and he never questioned it, never pried or made a big deal about it. He saw Kaz in a weakened state, and proved that he could be trusted with it, that he would help and not use it against him.
So rather than a fear of being seen in this moment, I see it was a comfort in being seen. "it's as if I know you" Jes may not know why Kaz panicked, or anything about his past, but he knows he has a weakness, and he doesn't think any differently towards him because of it.
And more than just the words he says, it's the way he says them, it's that usual casual way that Jesper talks, it's his lighthearted banter. It's normal ... as if nothing had happened.
And that is, in my opinion, why Kaz reacts the way he does. Because Jesper is safe, and with just a simple comment he has shown that he doesn't think any less of Kaz, and not even just Kaz as a gang boss but him as a person.
Kaz makes eye contact with him, and regains more of his usual attitude and behaviors for the rest of the scene, and that is, in my opinion, because of Jesper. Not because he is trying to fake normalcy to avoid being seen, but because he has been seen, and accepted without question or negativity. Jes has taken away his embarrassment and shame in that moment, not all of it, of course. But enough to handle, enough to go back to the task at hand, to move on to the next thing instead of focusing on his failures
This was supposed to be a praise of Freddy Carter capturing that post panick attack hangover but the kazper brainrot took over whoopsie
But yeah
Shout out to Freddy Carter for that scene
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mikuni14 · 2 months
Takara's Treasure - Ep 4
I admit that I watch Takara's Treasure with morbid fascination 😆 I don't vibe with this romance at all, I watch it like a scientist wondering what will happen and how the show will handle this relationship.
I read with interest the opinions about Taishin from people who explained his behavior and respectfully, but I disagree. (I would like to emphasize the word respectfully just in case 😘). First of all, I fully accept that I may be misreading this character because I may have a completely different background and character than those who understand him. That being said, I think the problem with Taishi lies largely in the script. First of all I think Taishi would be more believable in this story if he were YOUNGER. Second, the script is not consistent in showing his character, because sorry, but either you create a completely clueless person who is clueless about everything, or you make this character innocent, naive, or having difficulty "reading" people and themselves, and it applies to everything. Taishin correctly recognized the threat in the form of his stalker and correctly called for help, just as he correctly recognized the figure on the roof as someone who might want to commit suicide, rather than just standing and gazing at the clouds. Going out involves panic about what to wear, which is 100% just the behavior of an ordinary person. Somehow he got into college, and if I'm not mistaken, in Tokyo (?), so I assume he's a good student, which means he must have had some education. At the same time, the series portrays him as someone who is so clueless that someone else has to silence him so he doesn't sound "weird" (???), someone who has been still wondering about the concept of people being attracted to someone of the same sex, and is completely unable to connect the dots between how he panicked when someone invaded his space and him invading someone else's space by rummaging through their bag (edit: I forgot the most important thing, which is him interpretating of his feelings towards Takara, which the series shows as both comedic and romantic). For me it just doesn't add up.
We've already had characters in BLs who are clueless, uninterested in love, characters who are just figuring out what's happening to them, what this new feeling, new state, new reactions of their bodies are - including people in college. But these characters were consistent, their behavior was logical, and above all, it didn't make them stupid and problematic at times (I feel like if Taishin was not a sweet uke, but a macho guy, and Takara was a cute, petite girl, the reaction to him , his stalking behavior and "weirdness" would certainly be different). Ae from LBC analyzed his new feelings, consulted with his friend, Chu Sang Wu from Semantic Error had a whole meltdown because of his new, unknown feelings, Mork from My Ride was also confused about his feelings for a guy, in many other series the characters were surprised with their often new, anxiety-provoking, unknown feelings, they panicked, analyzed them, discussed them. But in each of these cases everything was logical. And series still can keep as much as possible that the characters are clueless and "do not fit into generally accepted norms" (that's why so many viewers identified with Ae - many called him our demi king ^^ and Chu Sang Wu as a neurodivergent character, or with Mork and him discovering his bisexuality as a grown man).
tl;dr imho Taishin should be clueless in all social situations, not just the select ones that fit the script. And he really should stop his stalking, strange actions and rummaging through people's things (and.. it's actually getting worse! and it's presented as funny, cute and romantic!). There are limits, and quite often legal limits to finding out something about your crush (in Chery Magic, Adachi/Achi had no idea that he was someone's object of affection and that that person knew almost everything about him, because his boundaries and right to privacy were never violated). Sorry to all Taishin fans but for me what Taishi does and what he says is not romantic or cute in any way 🤷‍♀️
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 months
Dethrone - Chapter 10
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Summary: Their betrothal is announced at court and they discuss their thoughts and plans on how to go about the ascension. First stop on the tour is Storms End and Aemond can barely control his temper with a useless Lord Borros. Aemond tries to keep his composure around his needy betrothed.
Warnings: 18+, bathing together, oral(f receiving), fingering, nudity, thigh riding, half of a handjob, swearing, mention of murder, political plotting?
Authors Note: I’m going to lock in on this fic and start editing it quicker (i say this to myself everyday 😵‍💫), he looked so good in ep 4 it’s crazy
Word Count: 4.5k ?
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“Princess, I have your dress!” Kaenna calls from the other side of the door, knocking waking me and Aemond.
“One moment!” I reply falling out of the bed as the sheets tangle my legs.
“Princess?” Kaenna asks worriedly.
“Kaenna please give me a moment! I’m putting a robe on!” I call out rising from the ground to see a smirking Aemond.
“Into the tunnels now!” I whisper pointing at the entrance.
Aemond chuckles and grabs his pants putting them on with haste. I have my robe on and approach the door. I wave at Aemond telling him to hurry up before Kaenna gets too curious. Aemond is shutting the door to the tunnels as I open the main one.
“I’m sorry, I’ve slept in.” I say yawning pulling the door shut behind her.
Kaenna brushes past me and makes her way into my chambers. She’s holding a gown bag and hangs it up near my wardrobe. She takes in the messy state of my room and looks at me knowingly.
“How long has he been staying in here with you?” Kaenna asks crossing her arms.
“What are you talking about?” I ask brushing her off walking over to the gown bag.
“Aemond. That’s his jacket. Is it not?” Kaenna points to a jacket that is indeed Aemonds.
“He left it here last night.” I reply flatly not trying to give anything away.
“Hm.” she eyes me suspiciously. “I found a seamstress who was able to make your vision come to life.” she opens up the gown bag showing me the work of art.
“It’s absolutely breathtaking and exactly what I wanted.” I say in awe of the beautiful gown in front of me.
The gown itself is a dark blue it’s almost black. It has two twin black dragons coming down over the shoulder. They both create a plunging neckline and meet in the center. The sleeves come to a point and has a loop that wraps around my middle fingers. The dress clings to my body, yet flows elegantly around me.
Kaenna helps me put the gown on and it fits perfectly. She brings out a box and hands it to me. I open it and inside is a beautiful sapphire necklace that she helps place around my neck. She braids a small crown on my head but leaves the rest of my hair cascading down my back.
“You look absolutely beautiful.” Kaenna smiles at me affectionately.
“Thank you.” I smile hugging her tightly.
“Do you want me to pick up your chambers while you’re at court? Or will I find other items that belong to Aemond?” she asks raising an eyebrow.
“If you could, I would appreciate it.” I say with tinted cheeks. “You most likely will find more of Aemonds belongings here.” I say truthfully as I head towards the door.
I open the doors and Aemond is standing outside of them waiting for me. He’s at a loss for words as he takes in my gown. He stalks around me like a predator circling his prey and hums in appreciation.
“You look absolutely divine, my Queen.” he dips his head down to whisper in my ear offering small kisses. “May I escort you to court?” he pulls back and offers me his hand which I accept.
We walk down to the throne room in no rush, relishing in each other’s company. People are still making their way into the hall as we turn the corner. I’ve never considered who I’m to stand with at court. I’m suddenly overcome with nerves and anxiety over what to expect and what could be expected of me today at court.
“What’s wrong, my love?” Aemond asks softly before we enter the hall.
“Who do I stand with? Do I have to go by them? Is it intrusive if I stand with you? Do we stand alone together? I should’ve been asking you more questions about court and-“ he cuts me off from spiraling even further.
“Stand with me and it matters not who we stand by.” he turns me so I’m facing him. “We are just having our betrothal announced to the council and the public who attend. We have nothing to say or do. I would never allow you to make a fool of yourself.” Aemond reassures me putting his hands on my shoulders and smiling softly to me.
“Thank you.” I look up at him appreciatively.
We walk in together and stand next to Alicent with our heads held high. I can feel Jace and Luke staring at me as I stand with the family members that they despise. The murmuring in the hall comes to a close as Viserys is announced and walks up the throne. He sits down and declares the floor open.
I quickly find out how dull court is. Hearing everyone drone on is making me tired. I fidget with my fingers trying to find a way to stay awake and alert. Finally I hear Viserys begin to make our announcement.
“Our lost princess has found love with my son, Aemond. They are to be wed after their tour to celebrate with the realm.” Viserys announces joyously causing a rush of cheers and scattered whispers to go through the hall.
I feel eyes on me from all over the room and I step closer to Aemond. This tour is news to me, although I’m quite excited to explore with Aemond. Celebrating with the realm will allow us a great opportunity to make the connections needed for ascension. Viserys stands and dismisses us as he leaves the hall.
“Did you plan that?” I ask looking up at Aemond.
“You said you wanted to fly and see the great house atop Vaelys. If you don’t want to we can cancel.” he says worried, searching my eyes thinking he made a mistake.
“No no! I would love to see the great houses at your side.” I beam up at him, unable to contain my excitement.
“Congrats brother.” Aegon booms slapping Aemond on the shoulder. “You’ll finally have somewhere to stick it besides your fist.” His words cause me to frown knowing how much they’ll affect Aemond.
I tug Aemond away from Aegon to avoid the fight that was bound to happen. Ser Criston comes up to us as we’re leaving and says Alicent would like to speak to us in her chambers. He leads us up there in silence and offers his congratulations as he opens the door for us.
“Congratulations!” Alicent coos pulling me into a hug first and then Aemond. “You two make such a beautiful couple.” she says sincerely taking us in as her smile broadens.
“Thank you mother.” Aemond replies hushed trying to hide his blush.
“Look at you!” Alicent quips. “I’ve never seen you so shy and bashful before my son!” she laughs as she goes to lounge on a chair.
“Mother,” Aemond groans rubbing his face.
“Hush now,” Alicent motions us to join her sitting. “You both will leave out on the tour in two days time. You’ll be visiting most of the great houses in hopes to make connections. I will not have you visit Runestone if you don’t wish it. You may if you want, but it is completely up to you. Overall, I’m anticipating this tour lasting around three turns of the moon.” Alicent begins filling in some of the details we were unsure of.
“Three turns of the moon?” Aemond asks as I raise my eyebrows at how great that length of time is for us to be traveling alone.
“Indeed my love.” Alicent says nodding. “It will end on Dragonstone with a traditional Valyrian wedding ceremony to unite you two in the old ways. This is a major opportunity for you both to create strong alliances and make dear friends. Invite nobles of high standing to the ceremony so many can bear witness.” my brain begins to calculate if she knows our plans due to her choice of words.
“I’m blown away by your generosity and planning Alicent.” I smile warmly at her trying to assess her body language.
“Thank you, Princess. If you both do well this may help set other plans in motion quicker than expected.” Alicent says giving us a pointed look.
I can’t help my eyebrows scrunching together at her words. I’m quick to change my expression and offer her a smile once more. What plans could she be possibly talking about? I look over to Aemond curiously as he smiles and pulls me closer to him. Alicent fills us in a few more details and dismisses us shortly after. Aemond escorts me out of her chambers and down the hall.
“This dress is absolutely breathtaking.” Aemond leans down to whisper in my ear.
“What plans was she speaking of?” I inquire raising my eyebrow, still not able to shake that conversation out of my head.
“What do you think, Your Grace?” Aemond asks playfully.
“You have told her of our plans to ascend the throne?” I hurriedly whisper. Has he not thought to discuss telling Alicent with me? I calm my voice and my temper and look to him expectantly.
“Of course. We would make much better rulers, no?” Aemond cocks his head to the side.
“Come,” I say pulling his hand. “This is no place for this discussion.” I say leading us to my chambers.
When we enter my chambers I’m relieved Kaenna has managed to clean up our mess. I see a pile of Aemonds clothes neatly folded on a chair with a note on top.
“Lie to me again princess and I’ll ground you like I used to. These are far too many clothes to simply be “left” here. - Kaenna, who raised you.”
I toss the note back onto the pile of clothes and let out a long exhale. So now Kaenna is going to lecture me the next time she sees me. I wonder how she’ll take the news of me and Aemond traveling the realm alone. I turn to Aemond and wait for him to start explaining himself.
“What are these plans that you’ve discussed with your mother then?” I ask crossing my arms, voice slightly clipped.
“I’m assuming they’re similar to the ones you were planning out the other morning on your own.” he hums sprawling back on my chase lazily.
“Enlighten me.” I say claiming the chair across him throwing my legs up on the table.
“Time out the right deaths and disappearances and we’ll have a clear path to our coronation.” Aemond says leaning back and studying me.
“Beginning with Aegons disappearance?” I cock my head watching his emotions.
“Indeed.” a smile begins to form on his face.
“Then Helaena and their children’s disappearance.” I add starting to go down my mental list that I’ve been forming.
“Mm, I hadn’t thought of that.” Aemond raises his eyebrow smiling at me.
“Which is why this conversation should have happened between us first. This is our future. I like having your mother as an ally and supporter but we should have spoken to her together.” I know my anger is seeping through my words and I don’t intend them to be so stern.
“I did not mean to undermine you. From this moment further it will just be us discussing these plans.” he says looking to me.
“Thank you.” I smile softly.
We continue planning and moving events along a timeline. Speaking this aloud and making plans to actually seize the throne captures my breath for a moment. I have never been able to actively make plans to make my dream finally come true. I smile finally feeling some sense of purpose having all of the pieces fall into place.
“We will have a clear path to coronation with these plans. This tour will be a great tool for us to ensure it’s smooth.” he hums offering me insight to his ideas as well.
“I would still like to be able to enjoy this tour.” I won’t miss this opportunity to see new things that I’ve only been able to read about.
“Of course, my love. We shall see it all and do whatever pleases you. They are celebrating us. We get to decide when we want to have advantageous conversations.” he assures nodding his head.
“There hasn’t been a royal tour in a while, we must make a good impression.” I think out loud.
“Everyone will love you and you won’t even have to try.” Aemond hums. “And we’re bringing our dragons, they’ll have no choice but to love us.” he chuckles lowly.
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The past day and a half has been chaotic as everyone is preparing Aemond and I, along with both of our dragons, to go on a tour. Gowns are made in haste so I can wear a new one at each house I visit. Kaenna helps pack my trunks for me all the while giving me a stern talking to about sharing chambers with Aemond before we are wed. She relents about the sleeping situation when it comes to the tour and makes Aemond swear to her I won’t be out of his sight.
“Of course. I promise no harm will come to her.” Aemond swears bowing his head.
I say a final goodbye to Kaenna before we exit our chambers. We walk slowly through the streets taking in Kings Landing before we’re gone for three moons. Once we reach our dragons, Alicent and Daemon come into view. They’re standing awkwardly by each other and look uncomfortable in each others presence.
“I expect you both to be on your best behavior and to show off the strength of this house. Make friends, but stay aware of your surroundings. Stay with each other and you both will be safe, I know this.” Alicent says grabbing our hands and squeezing them.
“Don’t make a fool of yourself and in turn make a fool out of me.” Daemon offers no other words and simply leaves.
“Tonight you will dine at Storms End and enjoy the Stormlands for the next week. Do your best to make allies and please take care of each other.” Alicent smiles softly.
“We will be fine mother.” he hums smiling down at me.
Alicent pulls us into one last hug and waves to us as she leaves. Aemond checks to make sure our bags have been secured. What we can’t carry on dragonback we have being sent to the houses to await our arrival. When he’s satisfied that everything is tied down and packed he walks over to me. He pulls me into a fierce kiss as I mold to his body.
“Let’s start our conquest, my Queen.” Aemond kisses my neck as he pulls back.
We mount our dragons and enter the skies. My hair whips wildly around me as I lean my body to adjust to our angle. Vaelys slips into a leisurely glide meeting Vhagar.
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We approach the Storms End in the late afternoon and begin lowering down to an empty patch of stone. Vhagar lands first as Vaelys circles the castle before landing next to her. Aemond and I collect our bags to bring down from our dragons and place them on the ground.
“Allow us!” a servant appears with a couple more trailing behind of him.
“Thank you.” I reply warmly offering them a smile.
They bow their heads in response and bring our bags into the castle. Aemond and I slowly walk into the main hall hand in hand. I’m blown away by the architecture of the halls and can’t stop myself from looking around and taking it all in.
“Wait until you see the other houses.” Aemond says casually, unimpressed almost.
“I can’t wait to see them all.” I say turning to him smiling. “Where are we going?” I ask realizing I’ve just been following him as we walk the halls.
“No idea. If we would’ve been greeted when we arrived, we would probably be in our chambers by now.” Aemond says slightly annoyed.
“My Prince! My Princess!” a voice calls from behind.
“Who might you be?” Aemond raises an eyebrow at what appears to be another servant.
“Lord Borros’ advisor. I’m here to escort you to him.” he says ushering us his way.
“Were we not important enough to merit a proper welcome?” Aemond says squinting his eye.
“Curious, I was thinking the same thing.” I agree cocking my head.
“I apologize for any dis-“ he’s cut off.
“I will hear it from Lord Borros himself.” Aemond silences him as we finally approaching him.
The servant leads us to the main hall and we’re greeted by Lord Borros lounging in his house seat. When he finally deigns to acknowledge us he sits there expectantly staring at us.
I know we are supposed to try our best to create alliances but this man is acting foul and I don’t necessarily think I would care for him as an ally. When I turn to look at Aemond he seems to be mirroring my sentiment.
“Good afternoon, Lord Borros. Thank you for hosting us, you have a beautiful home.” I politely smile trying to break the tension.
“It’s my honor.” he responds as if he couldn’t care less. He looks us over and then turns back to his servants. He continues to ignore us and I can feel my temper rising to match Aemonds next to me.
“Then I’m sure you’ll be absolutely bereft to hear we will only be staying for 2 nights instead of a week.” he finishes surprising me with the drastic change in time spent here.
“Terribly sorry to hear that.” Lord Borros tosses out at us. “My servant will show you to your chambers. Dinner will be at 7.” he finishes waving a hand towards us in dismissal.
The anger radiates off of both of us and I can see the terror it’s causing in the servant who’s leading us to our chambers. He lets us know our bags have been brought up and to simply ask if we need anything. I thank him sincerely before I shut the door.
“I think we should leave here now. That man won’t be won over with dinners.” Aemonds anger is still radiating off of him.
“I think we should try and stay for the two nights. Not for him, for me. I wish to look around and explore.” I turn to him hopeful eyes.
“Of course. I would not rob you of that.” He rises and walks to me taking my hand in his. “You deserve to be treated better than this and I’m disgusted with that beast of a Lord.” his temper starts to rise again.
“We have time before dinner to decompress. Come, lay with me.” I take his hand and lead us to the bed in hopes of simmering down.
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The dinner went exactly as expected and I had to talk Aemond out of having us leave immediately after. I don’t expect a warmer greeting in town but I still wish to see this part of the continent. We’ve sent word to Sunspear that we will be arriving earlier than expected and are awaiting their reply in the morning.
“My king,” I whisper into Aemonds ear. “when we rule we can have him replaced if he remains a problem. He’s nothing.” I smile as I kiss his neck.
“You’re ruthless.” he chuckles as his hands start to untie my dress.
We walk to our bathing chambers in a tangle of rushed kisses and flying clothes. We’re both breathing heavily as we reach the large tub filled with hot water. A blush rises to my cheeks as I fully take in his naked body for the first time.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Aemond growls lowly guiding me backwards towards the tub.
“You’re beautiful.” I breathe out looking up at him through my lashes reaching out to touch him.
“In the tub.” he shakes his head mischievously and backs me up to the edge of the tub.
I pout and slowly sink into the water as Aemond rummages through a basket. He sets out some candles and lights them. He walks back over to the me and brings along soaps and oils. He trails a hand across my back as he passes me to sit next to me in the large tub.
“I truly think you are the most handsome man I’ve met.” my voice barely audible as I trail my hand on his thigh next to me.
“Viktorya.” he warns grabbing my wrist.
“You’re right, we shouldn’t waste the hot water.” I say sarcastically as I reach over him intentionally grazing my chest on his to reach the basket.
We bathe in silence as we each steal quick glances at the other. I rise from the bath, unabashed, in search of a towel. I hear Aemond get out after me and a moment later he’s wrapping me in a towel. I turn to him and see that he has a towel wrapped low around his hips.
“Let’s go to bed.” he hums kissing the top of my head.
Aemond pulls us backwards toward the bed while attempting to dry me off. He sits down and moves to the other side so I can get in. He rests back against the headboard and I rise and move to straddle his thigh surprising him. He inhales sharply as my core meets his bare thigh.
“Gods,” his hands fly to my waist as he looks to me with a darkened eye.
He slowly starts guiding me on his thigh. I moan as I grind down causing my hands to fly to his chest at the surge of pleasure that washes over me. My towel falls back on the bed fully exposing me to him. Aemonds breathing becomes more ragged as his fingers dig into my waist.
Our lips meet in a clashing kiss. He nips at my bottom lip and slips his tongue in my mouth as I gasp. One of my hands slide down his chest to move the towel out of the way when he stops my hand from its destination.
“I want you to feel good too. Just use my hand instead of yours tonight.” I whisper breathlessly kissing his jaw.
Aemond moves his hand from mine and unties his towel. The towel falls and I take in the full length of him. His tip is hard and red and I reach out to help relieve him. When my hand finally wraps around him, he lets out a pleasure filled sigh.
I resume rocking on his thigh and moan into our kiss. I squeeze him earning me a moan in return. I collect the beads of come that have appeared at the tip and slide them down his length. He groans into my mouth as my fingers linger and tighten around his tip before sliding down again. He removes my hand and pushes me back on the bed hungrily. He crawls over my body until we’re face to face.
“No more of your naughty hands before I lose control.” he breathes out before he kisses me.
He kisses down my neck and between my breasts. He makes his way to one of my nipples and sucks it into his mouth. He grazes his teeth on my sensitive bud and I arch my chest into his mouth. He chuckles and brings his sinister mouth to my other nipple.
“Aemond,” I whine as he trails kisses down my torso.
“Yes my love?” he looks up at me from between my thighs.
“Touch me, please,” I beg lifting my hips towards him.
“It would be my pleasure.” he smirks softly licking his way up my slit.
I cry out as his tongue flicks across my clit. He feasts upon me as if I’m the true first meal of this tour. He quickly slips two fingers in me and I immediately clench around them. I cry out at his brutal pace and throw my head back into the pillows losing myself.
“Fuck Aemond, yes, please please,” I cry out as my legs begin to shake.
My cries of pleasure seem to spur him on even more and his tongue begins quick teasing patterns on my clit. I grind myself against his tongue and fingers as I come with his name spilling from my lips. He slows allowing me to feel every moment of my high.
“You’re so beautiful when you come on my mouth.” Aemond says full of adoration petting my hair.
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I wake up to Aemond peppering kisses across my face and the sun peeking through the curtains. I slowly stretch and begin to sit up. As the blankets fall around me my chest is left bare.
“Beautiful.” Aemond looks as if he’s worshipping me.
We get dressed and slowly make our way to the dining hall to get something to eat in passing. As we’re on our way out of the castle we are given a letter sealed and addressed to us. Sunspear expresses their excitement and states they would be honored to host us earlier and longer than anticipated.
We make our way to the city with a new sense of enthusiasm. We start to explore the streets and shops as the sun begins to rise in the sky. The locals are more friendly and welcoming than expected. We eat at the food stalls and I stop and buy some jewelry from some local vendors. Aemond purchases himself a dagger while near the forge and compliments their craftsmanship.
We return to the castle only to drop off our bounty and change to celebrate with the city for dinner. Winning over the city and its people can be just as rewarding as winning over its Lord or Lady. As we dine with the locals we ask them about life here and how they treated. We listen intently for hours into the night.
We plant a seed of doubt in the people as we tell them of our departure in the morning. We tell them Lord Borros wasn’t welcoming and no longer wanted to host us. Listening and confiding in the locals will make it much easier if we need to replace Lord Borros.
We make our way back to the castle well after moonrise and begin packing our belongings. Once we’re ready to leave in the morning we retire to bed.
Although this first stop didn’t go as planned, I think it was still successful. We gained the people’s trust and planted some seeds. I’m hoping that the stay in Sunspear will be more welcoming and enjoyable.
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melloianv2 · 17 days
Janitor Girls
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Believe it or not, this was the thing I was doing for months.
Janitor Girls is a magical girl object show mixed with elimination game mixed with object-heads. It's a lore-driven show mixed with dark and light0hearted elements.
The girls themselves are aliens from a different planet, that was destroyed before this series started. They resides on another planet named Fridek. They work as janitors who cleans other buildings or houses with charge. The girls are magical girls in this planet specifically at the time, stopping crimes.
They tried to get money from regular gameshows like Jeopardy in order to live better than the job they currently in.
Until someone breaks into the building to tell them to assassinate a game host. From a different planet. Confusing the girls even having skepticism towards the object and about the host. They usually do not kill anyone, if they did it was by accident. They didn't know who the host was anyway. They weren't convinced to assassinate him, but they were eventually convinced to at least go to planet to see about the host and determine from there after hearing about the prize the host would give. They went to the planet and found out it was elimination game happening over there. They decided to talk to host to convince the host into hiring them as janitors to clean up every elimination game mess after its finished. In which the host accepts. From there, they investigate.
In a shellnut, they clean every single elimination game the host makes after the games are finished.
Now, if you want to read long descriptions, know about the characters and everything, just click read more for more explanation of the series.
Main storylines
There is 2 main storylines in the show. The Elimination game (obviously) and the Planet. However all the stories or side-stories connects to the these two storylines in particular.
The Planet is basically storyline about figuring out what happen to the planet and travelling across other planets or galaxy to find answers. They may discover new information about other planets or finding more enemies..and friends. This storyline has more action and fighting and lore, versus the elimination which is just more humor-sided.
Episodes are quite not a elimination for the day episode, more like elimination - Planet - maybe or might be slice of life ep (to get to know the characters more) - back to elimination or planet.
The Girls
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The janitor girls are the main characters. They pretty much have names instead of being named after the object they are.
Here's all the girls and summary of their personality:
Arcbella [arch-bell-a] (Duster Brush): The leader of the girls. She is smart and the one who makes sure the girls do not get out order. She more often to question something and not let it slide. She wants the answer, and she'll find it, even if its a bad idea. Sometimes her choices or opinion is wrong.
Claude (Mop): Claude is the tomboy of the group, often fond of sports and games. She is more competitive than the rest of girls. Though, she more likely to get angry then rest. SHe have major problem of thinking brawn over brain.
Petalz (Broom): Petalz is a nature and animals lover. She is the nicest, most empathy and the most caring out of the group. She doesn't judge anyone's appearance, and accepts who they are. She also rarely gets angry. She owns her own garden.
Fashon [fash-on] (Spray Bottle): Fashon is elegant, arrogant and sarcastic. Fashon is into fashion and makeup. She wants to be fashion model but cannot due to the fact she's a spray bottle. Forcing her to be in janitor position. She thinks highly of herself and gets angry if someone tries to insult her or think otherwise. She is quick to insult someone or something if she sees something she doesn't like. However she not entirely mean and arrogant, she does care and even regret what she says sometimes.
Emily (Scrubber Sponge): Emily is the anxious one. Emily is insecure and have anxiety, towards most things. Its way harder for her to adapt to anything because of it She often keeps a secret or really important information until its too late (which is the biggest flaw.) She also way more shy than the rest of the girls and problems with talking to newer people (social anxiety.) She don't even share the thoughts that are bothering her nor anything else. She is also the most insecure.
Veborg [verge-borg] (vaccum cleaner): Veborg is a robotic creation that was created from a planet. She was created to mimic the objects in the planet, and also to shapeshift. she somewhat of an prototype until the real thing. However, she became sentient and wanted to explore the world. Veborg is more of tech person the rest of the girls. She is quite native however learns very quickly. Unfortunately, she still haven't developed certain emotions, making it hard for her to blend in. She is the easiest to get tricked.
Ventte [Vent-ette] or Voideria (trash can): Ventte is the happy upbeat one who likes to party. She can be very determined and not give up so easily. She good at baking cakes and stuff, but not so great cooking meals. SHe is quick thinker and likes taking the easy way instead of the hard way. She is lazy when it comes to labor work or cleaning. She is also gluttonous, but she does not eat all the time, she more of soda drinker. ventte/Voideria is not actually her real name, as her real name is Trashie. She disliked her name and changed it.
The girls themselves are aliens that able to shapeshift into the object forms. Their species is called objecuion (veborg is robot but still alien.) They are actual objectheads/objectpeople creatures that is able to shapeshift into object form and object person form. Every since their planet was destroyed, they took on object form to blend in with the rest.
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(these are not accurate height, only one is Emily since she is the shortest. I dislike how I drew ventte, it more of the way I drew it and the outfit..might change it.)
These are the girls true forms. Which this form is called powered form. Without the magic, it just be a regular objecuion form. Each have their own separate abilities however at least one ability is a cleaning ability. They transform into these forms at will, excepet for Fashon. She the only one who uses a perfume bottle to transform. Their object forms is weakest, almost no power.
Archbella's powers are summoning gas, smoke, and able to clean dusty areas quickly.
Claude's powers are quickly clean stains, greater agility, greater strength and greater precision.
Petalz's powers are mostly nature-related abilities and animal-related abilities (able to talk animals, summoning them, the calling, etc). Other abilities are higher jumping and able to sweep anything away (that is dirty or leaving evidence.)
Fashon's Powers are chemicals. She able to control, summon or evaporate chemicals. It could be any, including cleaning ones. The cleaning ones often kills bacteria or other dangerous substances. Some of her chemicals can also reveal something hidden. Other than that, she have ability to see what others can't.
Emily's powers are invisibly, wind, and ability to clean hard stains.
Veborg's powers are sucking things from her suction hole, usually thins that are at least between tiny and medium. SHe also have similar ability to Claude when comes to high agility but its only when speed due to the wheel can boost up better. She can shapeshift her legs, detect technology, scan for data, and learning ability.
Ventte's powers are her infinite storage dimension called the void. The storage in located inside of her body, and the only way to access it…by entering through her mouth…and it's very easy to get lost inside the dimension. She can fit anything in in there, can be as big as a 4 stories house. Though she does not like using this ability too much with others as she only use it for herself (she really dislikes like when someone tries to enter the dimension without her permission.) When she in powered form, there's another way of entering by her opening her back or front part. [note: the void isn't her digestive stomach.] Other than that power, she summon black holes, travel through summoned portals, and ability to destroy anything… (Ventte is the only one who still have the void dimension in object form.)
Other Characters:
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Foxie is a fox plushie that appears in the janitors building to tell the girls about the tv host. He's alien from another planet. He doesn't really have much characters unlike everyone else in story, so admittedly he's more like a plot device. Foxie does have somewhat of an personality of being mysterious and not fully telling the information given. He also have abilities as he gave the girls semi-powered form called magical. That way, they have half-version of their powers as their object form.
Magical forms:
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Mr Sweeper [Mini Broom] is the janitor girls boss in the janitor building. He's the same species as them and even have powered form. He also technically their boss for magical girl stuff, as he watches over them. Whenever anything gets severely bad, he shows up to help. He didn't trust Foxie nor the whole mission entirely. He claims their planet is more important than some random object they don't even know.
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Sua is a dual speaker box who is friends with all the janitor girls. She helps the girls sometimes when they have mission or some issue that isn't related to cleaning. She usually a dj or party starter along with ventte for hangouts. She does not talk but rather communicate with hands or written papers. The reason she does not talk because her voice is very loud, can cause hearing loss. At the moment, she still haven't able to control her powerful voice yet. Her brother and sister was able to control theirs before her, though its because hers is the strongest. Though her voice can be used as a weapon due to how loud it is. Sua is trans and just a regular object that is born in planet Fridek.
Now for the actual host and the planet:
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Aliala is the game show host for the elimination game called, Ready to Shine? contestant are post to win a prize, which a very special magical crystal that Aliala found. Whoever wins gets the crystal and money ($4,500,000). The show in on live television. The gameshow takes place in planet Vetrau, a planet with questionable rules.
Vetrau have a specific rule where revival and magic is banned, as if object dies, they die forever. Despite this, the game show is quite dangerous. Vetrau is post be sort of an dystopian. (side note that Vetrau is an gas planet.)
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Aliala is a wealthy rich fashion lover who often very arrogant to a degree. He is quite full of energy though, and most time in a somewhat good mood. However he is very petty, sometimes making his challenge based on petty reasons. He may be hidden sadist on top of that. He is also known to be easily jealous of someone if anyone manage to do something better than him, often leads to berating others. Aliala is 100% drama king and loves when drama happens among the contestant or somewhere in celebrities. He doesn't like it when conflict is solved. He also like to spend his money on a bunch of nonsense. Most of the negative traits is just for humor. There is good sides of him, sometimes he be nice and admit when he's wrong. He secretly metal. He pays his employees decent amount of money. Awhile Fashon and Aliala have similar hobbies, they do not like each other.
He takes awful long time picking out something to wear and putting on makeup. once per episode, he have a different outfit on. He not a fond of skirts at all.
Foxie claims Aliala is secretly an undercover evil guy, and this personality of his is just all an act. The crystal prize it actually him pushing the blame to someone else that he stole. Though, the girls aren't really convinced, since they just see him more of annoyance than anything else. Though Aliala does have huge personality shift when he's really angry or being aggressive.
Aliala is based on a mock orange flower.
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Aliala have a twin brother whose into the same type of fashion and makeup he's in. However, His brother is way more nicer and caring than him. His twin brother is said to more popular along the objects and invited more often him. He was given gifts a lot due to helping others. Aliala is very jealous of his brother, often times only make fake smile when near him. However, Aliala's twin brother been missing for years due to unknown reasons.
There are side villains called the filthy club (bacteria side-villains that just like dirtying up places.) and the dark ones (who been rivals of the janitor girls for years. They are the same species as them. They send one of their members to the gameshow to steal the crystal.) There's more villains than this but am not going to talk about them in this post.
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The planet that was destroyed:
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The planet is name Clorange. It got its name due to the ring on the planet looks like clouds instead of asteroids rotating it. It was planet of Objecuions, where they all once resided. Despite they have some villains in the planet, it was described be utopian. The place was describe to have freedom and no law. They was free and can just whatever, but they still had an economy. Everyone at least knew how to defend themselves in the planet. However, one day…someone came and destroy the planet, causing all the Objecuions to flee to different planets. Anyone who tries to put the planet back to together, mysteriously disappears.
All the girls are around their 20s and Archbella is the oldest. awhile mr sweeper is around his 40s.
Emily is bisexual, seen mostly attracted to women.
All the girls have their own homes and lives, they just choose to hang out with each other in one spot.
Archbella at the moment have the most developed backstory.
There is a specific bracelet that can make a object and objecunion temporarily.
This series sort of have romance.
What is the rating of this series?
For teens and up. I didn't want to quite make it for kids. There is no blood nor sexual topics at all.
Why have two main storylines? Why not one? why switch up??
To make it interesting instead of sticking to the similar formula. Also so to introduce elements in this universe. It always was post be sci-fi.
Aliala is a guy??
in universe, he often mistaken as a woman.
before saying else, he just a guy who so happens to like feminine attire. He just happens to be mean. There is also other objects that are male that like feminine attire. Though none of them is as mean as him.
Ventte's power sounds kinky
Its not post to be, it just the void dimension so happens to be located inside of her body. Its like if you throw away trash, it just be in another dimension. Why she have void in her body in the first place? let just say her mother is somewhat of an black hole.
Why is Ventte and Emily forms is fat?
I didn't want none of the girls forms to just be all skinny. I think it would just look boring. Besides, Emily is chubby. Every single bodytype post to be different, Like Archbella is hourglass, Claude is post be muscular with rectangle shape, Petalz post to be pear shaped, Fashon is inverted triangle shape, Verborg also rectangle and the skinniest, Emily is diamond and Ventte is round/apple.
Where the contestants?
I didn't draw them or talk about them, as this thing was already too long to begin with. Maybe later.
Was you inspired by anything?
II (inanimate Insanity), that one slice of life object show and that one magical girl object show that's only have a pilot. (can't remember the other 2 names srry.) But mostly inspired by the magical girl object show.
Is this satire?
Where did this concept come from?
It was a ridiculous idea I had about magical girls but janitors. It was originally objectheads until yea. Since I have nothing else to post, I posted this instead.
Is this Magical girl, gameshow or sci-fi?
Is this series going be very serious and dark?
It have its serious moments and dark moments, but never overly serious. It still keeps its humor.
Why object-humans? why not just have magical form in object form instead?
Well, because I kind of wanted a series where objectheads and objects co-exist in the same universe.
Are there's actual objectheads?
Will there be lgbt objects?
Will there be other aliens other than objects?
Yes, plenty.
Why do Foxie want Aliala to be assassinated? Why he makes these claims, where did he even find the girls? What did he even do to him? Where did he come from??
At the moment I didn't think of a reason yet. However what planet Foxie comes from will never be revealed.
Anyways that's wrap for this post, I don't know what to post after this, cya. I don't know what to post at all actually, All i have left is original content oopsie. anyway, cya.
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bengiyo · 8 months
Cherry Magic TH Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last week sucked. The boss tried to break up the boys, arguing that it harms productivity. Karan insisted on proving their work by meeting an unreasonable sales target, and ended up going back to the client that molested him previously. The boss showed up after a second assault had occured only to throw away the contract because of the humiliation. It was gross and stupid. Anyway, Achi revealed his powers, and Min and Jinta had a really cute moment over a Lego set.
I'm glad we're picking up at the reveal. This power always makes me wonder because I don't think in sentences in my head.
Amazing, Karan. He zeroed in on the most important information: Achi has known how sincere his feelings are for a while, so they can progress.
We are moving into the correct apartment this time!!
Goddamn Tay Tawan is beautiful. I'm having fun with Karan using the powers to touch Achi more.
Back to back ads. At least this one is horny.
This bed scene is so cute. I like Karan accepting the reality of this and just running with it.
Achi wearing the pajamas is still a great costuming choice.
New merch available in the GMMTV store!
Poor Rock. He didn't know!
I really love that Achi and Jinta made a promise to celebrate the success of his work. This is so great.
Jinta being inspired by them is a much cooler outcome. I also love Karan picking up on their telepathy, and Jinta reassuring him that he and Achi are just friends.
Newwie is so fucking big like whoa. Look at those arms. Look at those thighs.
Oh this is a great hug. I like that this version of Achi talks to Karan more.
I love Jinta so much. Like Tsuge, there is no shame in this man.
Yes, Min, chase his goofy ass down!
I still don't like the boss.
Oh, poor Achi. A month isn't actually that long, but this is all new for him.
Now, Rock, you gotta communicate with fujos in terms they understand.
Achi, please tell him about the assignment.
Damn, the boss already took that chance from Achi.
I really love the way Karan knowing about the power is leading to better communication between them, and allowing Achi the equity to express his anxieties.
I'm actually excited about the separation this time!
Oh, thank you TayNew for reminding us that you two are very willing to go there with each other. I have needed to see these two kiss forever. Count your fucking days, Cherry Magic Anime.
I'm so relieved that we came back on a good episode. I was worried about this show after last week's debacle, but this is all really fucking good. I love that the reveal of Achi's powers only helped him in his relationship with Karan. There's something so special about a man being thrilled that his gay love thoughts reached the person they were intended for and received the way they were intended. I love that so much of this episode was about Achi taking a step forward in his life. He expressed his desire to grow professionally and is taking that leap with the support of his boyfriend, and he took a step forward romantically by kissing Karan twice. I love that Jinta was inspired to take a step forward with Min, and Min didn't let him run away before completing the confession. We even got further confirmation that Pai is not romantically inclined at all right now. Fantastic episode.
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tinarannosaurus · 5 months
just got caught up with bob's burgers, and so far I'm enjoying season 14 much more than I expected to!
not to say I went into these new episodes assuming I wouldn't like them, but certainly the past few seasons (10–12 for sure) have fallen into a rut where like, there's a handful of episodes that are pretty solid, there's one or two that annoy me enough to skip over on any rewatch, and the majority are deeply neutral. the plots are just okay, the jokes are a little lacking, but the fundamental dynamics are still there, and I like those enough that bob's remains one of my go-to shows to have on in the background, even if I don't feel inspired or compelled enough to engage with the show the way I used to
but season 14 has been an unexpected departure (and actually, I think the back half of 13 as well) — it's funny, because I don't actually think the show is as funny as it used to be, but they're taking bigger swings with the plots in a way that's very rewarding to watch! I don't mind that there are fewer jokes, because I'm invested in the more emotional turns the show is taking
like—holy shit, "the amazing rudy"? a standout from start to finish. and I think a great example of what this season is doing in terms of its emotional arcs, and what I'm glad it's leaning into
I've felt very neutral toward bob's the past couple years, because it's felt so staid. there's an accepted level of consistency that bob's or any other animated sitcom maintains, and I get that, but I think the show really really struggled in its recent seasons with honoring that consistency, roughly maintaining the status quo, while also creating plots that were—and this sounds bad to say—but, plots that were interesting. there were a lot of low stakes, anticlimactic resolutions, unexciting premises—situations where there's not a lot of room for the writing to go, and not a lot for the characters to play off
but what I think this latest season is doing so well is leaning into its history, taking advantage of all the episodes of relationships and interactions and story they've developed to create setups that really fucking land! "the amazing rudy" is a phenomenal episode, but would it have hit as well in season 4 or 5, when we've only met rudy a handful of times? maybe, but I think it's so much more rewarding as this late series entry, when it can pay off all the previous mentions of rudy's home life, his relationship with his dad, his relationship with his—until this ep—unseen mom, his hobbies, his anxieties, his friendship with louise, the role the belchers play in his life—it's so good!!
this season is a couple eps shorter from the strike, but really hoping that the rest of the 14 and what's to come in 15 follows the trend, because it feels like the show is finally starting to figure out its voice and its footing again
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