#don't know if i'd call them shitposts really
supervisormeero · 1 year
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Syril Karn/Dedra Meero + Reductress headlines (Part I)
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kimbapisnotsushi · 6 months
here are some more miscellaneous post-ts headcanons but this time we're not going pro teams we're taking a walk on the side of your average working adult let's go!!
okay let's be real do we REALLY think lev is in charge of his own social media accounts bc i feel like that's a dumpster fire waiting to happen
i'm going to say yes because it's funny as hell
he tweets things like "lol i worked with [insert older veteran actor here] today i had no idea he was such an asshole" and gets frantic phone calls from the pr team like three seconds after posting
his instagram is also full of like. really blurry casual pics and just doesn't look professionally curated at all but the fans love him for it
i'm actually super curious as to whether he gets typecasted a lot and if so i'd love to know what it is
i want to say goofy comic relief side character?? so when he gets selected for a serious drama role nobody is expecting him to blow it out of the water but he does!!!!!!
also another thing lev does that gives his pr team a heart attack is when he posts anything vaguely related to his love life. which funnily enough are the only quality non-shitposts he does himself
like you've got the aesthetic silhouettes against a wall, the hands intertwined on a candlelit table, the vague tweets of "so lucky to wake up next to you. wish it would never end <3" and everyone's going WILD trying to figure out who it is
(and, well, nobody is going to notice shibayama yuuki liking the posts amidst all the other pro volleyball players who do, right?)
shirabu's got a rep in med school for having the worst fucking bedside manner of all time
well not really i think he's like. the kind where fellow/older colleagues and such judge him for it and they think that he could stand to be a LITTLE bit nicer but if he works with kids or whatever i bet the kids would actually really like him.
he's dry and straightforward and calm and takes them seriously and treats them like adults. the only thing he does to baby them is dumb down the medical jargon into an explanation they can actually understand
ugh shirabu actually makes me really soft for what an asshole he is
oh but if you're a bitch ass bastard for no reason he'll try to be as snarky as he can be without like. getting reported to hr or whatever
sorry i know this probably isn't how medical professionalism works irl once again i just think it'd be really funny
also can i just say that i think it's the funniest fucking thing that komi became an actor. like where the hell did THAT come from
i feel like he got thrust into doing a role for a class play during cultural festival season and got hooked on it probably? because literally when else would he have the time to get into/practice that kind of shit
that's probably a fun fact he drops during a magazine interview or something LMAAAAO
"yeah volleyball practice took up most of my time, and i never really thought about doing anything else. but then things changed in my third year of high school when i got cast for cinderella . . ."
speaking of fukurodani. yukie and kaori my beloveds
i skipped out on them during my managers post which i regret deeply and dearly so here they are!!
full disclaimer i don't know how sports promoters actually work i'm assuming they promote whatever sports games they are assigned instead of just sticking to one sport only? which means that whenever kaorie gets her hands on something that isn't volleyball she gets a dozen texts from bokuto moaning about betrayal and treason and all that
when kaori gets with someone she meets through work (so someone on a pro sports team) the rest of fukurodani are like "okay but he's a BASEBALL PLAYER" as if being a baseball player is the most atrocious thing a person could be
kaori's like "guys come ON i told him all of you were cool!" and everyone's like "now why in the world would you tell him that"
yukie has a decently popular cooking channel that is loved not for her yummy recipes or her aesthetic filming but because none of her kitchenware matches
she just collects whatever she likes + a bunch of shit that's been gifted to her and while it should make her kitchen look cluttered it's all just very cozy and lived-in
like. all her pots and pans are different colors and themes. no pair of chopsticks are the same. she has a ladle shaped like a dinosaur and a teapot glazed with magnolias on the side
her recipes DO slap tho she and osamu collab a lot
UGH i love them living nice fulfilling adult lives i wish that were me
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scoobydoodean · 9 months
links to all the crit dramas? plz? pretty pretty plz? with plzes on top?
Bestie that is a BIG ask and I did not keep up with all the links for all of these (nor would it be feasible to link all of the wank that happened in some cases, and I think in other cases, it would be poor form). But here’s a rundown in (to the best of my memory) chronological order.
Poor wet cat failed pacifists Cas
I think this one may have more context than I know—it's a fairly common motif anyway and has been for years. But the disk horse was reignited at some point because Courtney Queermania said that Dean is, in fact, willing to be inconvenienced by Cas. This did not sit well with anti-dean destiels, who went on the post to tell Courtney they are wrong about everything because *looks at notes* Cas was dedicated to pacifism and Dean forced him to be an evil killer or some other made up nonsense. Dean also forced Cas to fall from heaven and poor bumbling billion year old baby Cas can't even take a shit without Dean's say so, so everything is always Dean's fault and he can't even be grateful and is mean and evil and probably abusive too etc etc. Funny stuff from people who ship Dean and Cas. Btw. Elements of this camp had been sending Courtney hate mail for months before this for daring to post a poll featuring canonical events that occur in the actual show.
Deangirl Uquiz
In April, I made a 50-question True/False uquiz called "How sus do you look to a deanfan (me)?" and said you were sus if you got anything less than like an 80 or something. It was supposed to be a silly, tongue-in-cheek shitpost. I did most of my fandom interaction over on @i-make-fun-of-spn-characters at the time, but intentionally did NOT post this uquiz over there (to a much larger audience) because the uquiz I'd made was meant for a small group of like-minded mutuals and followers who would actually understand the context and find it amusing.
Well. It ended up spreading.
Deancrits got ahold of it and were very very mad that I dared to say things like, "Dean is not largely responsible for Sam and Cas's issues" and "People should have laughed at Dean's jokes more" and "Sam and Cas didn't actually deserve Dean's trust in season 4/6 because they were gaslight gatekeep girlbossing and could not be trusted". They grabbed my uquiz to use like a fleshlight, then discarded it on the ground and cried that it was too big around to suit their tiny wieners.
Deancrits drove their followers to brigade my post and my page. I received hate mail. People spewed venom at me directly. Worst of all, someone I don't give a damn about told me I am not funny. :(((( People pushed and made uquizes to "combat" mine. I spawned countless vagues all over spnblr--some supportive, some spewing venom about deanfans violent hatred (???) for Sam and Cas. Whole mutualships were lost between people I didn't even know over this uquiz. It was nuts out there.
I sexily evaded deancrits with my sexy ways while they chased me through the town square, trying to wrestle me into a hair shirt. I edited the uquiz with some more snark since deancrits made it all about them anyway, and changed my icon to flaming Elmo and probably changed my header to say "@ Deancrits Suck my Ass" or something I don't remember. I think I became genuinely angry at one point for about 5 minutes. After that, I remembered a deancrit casgirl took my 50 question uquiz several times in a row, shitting out their insides with rage the entire time, then posted the screenshot of their 0% to all of their followers like the trophy head of some vanquished beast, letting out a warrior howl of victory. To this day, I could not tell you why they thought this would stick it to me. However, this was so incredibly funny that to this day I still risk pissing myself laughing when I think about it. To get that 0, they also had to call Dean their poor little meow meow btw.
Vegan Sam
Every few years deancrit samgirls start this really funny disk horse about how Dean is an evil food tamperer who doesn’t respect that Sam is a vegan. This, of course, is also a violation of Sam's bodily autonomy (see section below). Victoria Angelsdean dared to make an original post stating that Sam is not, in fact, a vegan and never ever has been one. This made vegan Sam truthers really mad, and it was really funny.
Later on, because Courtney Queermania had been receiving a continuous stream of hate mail from deancrits since February, I had lodged a threat (blackmail) to make a second uquiz of evil and villainy in retaliation should any more hate mail be sent to Courtney. During the "Sam’s Super Special Most Violated Autonomy Stolen Valor" disk horse, I made good on this threat, and featured a question about whether or not Sam is a vegan, which made them mad yet again.
Also this post was fun.
Back in April, tumblr user christ-figure-bracket took it upon themselves to create a poll tournament to determine the ultimate christ figure in fiction. Samgirls have long enjoyed paralleling Sam with Jesus, and nominated him for the tournament. In the first round, Sam was put up against Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia—literal lion Jesus. Samgirls were determined to bring Sam victory. Much of SPNblr endeavored to assist because it would be funny if Sam won. I was a stick in the mud about it, and gave this as my reasoning:
#i’m sorry I know Sam beating Aslan would be funny but I can’t stand the sam = jesus take #worst thing sam girls ever came up with #and that’s a large hurdle to clear #not even because i have a problem with people wanting to read into things and explore symbolism #it’s because some of them get gigantic heads about it and then act like they’re being persecuted for their beliefs
Lo and behold—they proceeded to prove me right.
Very early on, some samgirls started telling people who voted against Sam to kill themselves, and complaining openly by name about fellow samgirls who didn't support their plight. However, the real trouble started when christ-figure-bracket made it clear in a humorous manner that they would prefer not to have wincest shippers in their notes. Enraged, angry wincest shippers began sending christ-figure-bracket hate mail, and adding wincest fic and art to their posts and sending it in DMs, and saying they were being persecuted for their beliefs. christ-figure-bracket could barely block them fast enough. Samgirls cleverly recollected—from a few hours before—that Sam had been placed against literal lion Jesus in the very first round. This and the wincest shipper blocking clearly implied christ-figure-bracket's barely-concealed hatred for samgirls. They were no impartial moderator—no! They intended to skew the poll to destroy Sam!
Anyway, christ-figure-bracket removed Sam from the entire tournament as a punishment. Sonic the Hedgehog ended up winning the whole thing, btw. Also I thought it was funny that Sam got kicked out so I said so in some tags. I got some absolutely batshit mail about my "unfandom behavior" and how I place myself as some "sane anti bully saint" and then the person pinned a vaguepost on their page about me choosing who to bully and who to baby for like a month.
Jesus!Sam disk horse returned for a part 2 when Courtney Queermania said something like, "Making a t-shape with your arms should be called 'Sammying'" and got this shit in their inbox:
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Dean winning the best tits poll
People got really mad that Sam didn't win this. There was also a lot of arguing about "tits" versus "pecs" and whether Sam has good tits or good pecs.
Sam’s Super Special Most Violated Autonomy Stolen Valor
One day, Courtney Queermania dared to say on their own blog, that they were considering whether Sam’s autonomy actually gets violated anymore than anyone else’s, and weren't sure that it does.
This suggestion resulted in a firehose of anonymous hate mail on Courtney's blog, about what a terrible evil person Courtney is for daring to think this, about how Sam is the specialist most autonomy-less adult baby ever to exist, and how deangirls daring to possibly deny this truth or suggest anyone else ever experienced a violation of their autonomy is a violation of samgirls bodily autonomy in of itself.
To be clear, NOT ONCE did any of us go on any samgirl's page to interact with ANY of them in any negative way. And yet, samgirls fully treated all of us as absolutely evil horrible insensitive people who were actually harming them irl by posting things on our own blogs. While their friends spewed absolutely vile hate messages at Courtney, samgirl blogs were making posts about OUR cruelty and how any of us daring to find humor within the onslaught was deeply evil and insensitive toward them. It was literally argued that Samgirls themselves are all super special victims of abuse who all of us (who clearly have never been through anything bad ever) were being insensitive toward. So of course that mode of thinking within the samgirl community encouraged the hate bombing to continue as some justified form of "retaliation" against our cruelty.
Genuinely I think the hate mail on this went on for like 1-2 months. Some really really ugly vile shit was sent mixed in with some really funny shit. Questions were pondered such as, "Wait a minute—how is everyone defining autonomy???" "Is a demon tricking Sam a violation of Sam's autonomy?"" "Do Deangirls just want to give all of Sam's Super Special Traumas to Dean, who has never been through anything, ever?" "How many incidents can PK come up with where Sam violated Dean's autonomy within 3 minutes?" I posted the aforementioned blackmail uquiz, and Courtney gave all of us this incredible baby Sam image that shall live on in infamy (and haunt all of our dreams).
Psychic!Dean or: Sam's stolen valor part 2
I believe it all started when Laura ilarual made a post talking about a funny headcanon they came up with in a discord server, wherein Dean managing to predict the future fairly frequently is actually a display of latent psychic abilities Dean isn't aware he has. Courtney Queermania also joked about it, which is a crime punishable by death, because Courtney (a completely normal, nice person) is actually the devil incarnate according to a variety of hate anons who have targeted them nonstop since February 2023 for literally no fucking reason.
This resulted in this hate mail, and also blended with the general autonomy disk horse that was still going on in Courtney's inbox at the time.
I think what was funny to everyone about Psychic!Dean was how spitting mad it made people for absolutely no reason other than it was somehow perceived as "stolen valor" by samgirls. I started shitposting after that about how Dean can sense hidden rooms. Psychic!Dean has become one of my favorite headcanons since—we're all rather fond of it now.
Gun Safety: A Commentary on pillows and black store clerks
This is two different diskhorses in a trenchcoat that happened with deancrit destiels/casgirls. Once again—me and my friends never went on anyone's page to interact with anyone in a negative way.
This disk horse had two related flavors: is Dean bad and evil and the devil incarnate for 1) sleeping with a gun under his pillow and/or 2) Shooting Jack in the back to get his attention and keep him from strangling a black store clerk to death? Also, are either or both of these things abusive because of... the lack of gun safety?
I suppose you can guess what side deancrit casgirls landed on regarding both of these issues. It was suggested that the sheer possibility that Dean might hurt poor white baby Jack's feefees should trump the life of the innocent black store clerk he was strangling to death in a rage. Naturally.
Regarding the former vein of discourse: Someone got really really mad at Victoria angelsdean and me for making posts on our own blogs that didn't frame Dean as the source of all evil in the world for having a gun under his pillow, and started going through our blogs reblogging things and being an insufferably condescending asshat in tags with a very transparent goal. Among their complaints, were that "The Prisoner" is an incidence of "domestic violence" against Cas, and that Cas shoving his hand into a child's chest to feel for his soul causing him excruciating pain is perfectly fine, but Dean sleeping with a gun under his pillow is *looks at notes* abusive to Jack. Also they thought it was very important to remind all of us that their dad was in the army for some reason.
I was completely unable to take any of this seriously. If you haven't been on my page long, you might not be very familiar with my potty mouth, but it's important here. I've been here a long enough time that I've seen countless kind people get hate bombed by ugly disgusting assholes in this fandom, and this year I simply had enough. Somewhere around the 20th time I saw fellow deangirls get absolutely vile messages from deancrits or obnoxiously condescending reblogs full of nonsense in the year of our lord 2023, I started endeavoring to embarrass them. One way I did this was by equating deancrits who come onto deangirls blogs to police their posts and act like insufferable condescending assholes... with a dude who walks into a men's locker room and immediately whips his dick out. Everyone else is clothed, but this one dude starts running around naked, showing everyone his cock and going "LOOK HOW BIG MY COCK IS. SUCK ON IT" and not only is he being annoying and weird and harassing people—his dick is actually tiny. Basically I began saying, "Stop whipping your dick out on everybody else's blogs, acting like your cock is big and huge and bulging and I need to get down on my knees and suck it. No one is going to suck you tiny cock just because you decided to whip it out."
I used this metaphor with the person who was being a condescending ass on my blog. I promptly got accused of making "violent sexual threats" by one of their friends, and then another one showed up to tell me, "If internet cancellation were real, you would be so cancelled for this." I changed my header to say, “Cancelled by Ligma Balls” and blocked like 6 people and my blog has been blessedly free of deancrit casgirls throwing tantrums and trying to hit me with their babyhands since.
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chongoblog · 1 year
mashup question!
how would you go about mashing more laid back/ambient tracks (ex. parts of celeste or portal)?
are they simply unmashable, or do i need to expand my mind and open my third eye - or just reel in the shitter brain that needs the whole song fried in shitposts?
I don't think I'd call them "unmashable" per se. Then again, anything is mashable, it's just a question of if you can do it well, and I'd argue it's even possible to do it well.
Using the OST's you're mentioning, I'll pick a song from each and say how I'd go about it.
So this track is from the first level of Celeste. Like most of the songs in Celeste, this one is still in 4/4, so you could theoretically make a solid mashup out of it, and one that fits tonally if you wanted to pick a lighter vocal. For some reason the first thing that comes to mind is the verse of "Bring Me To Life" (not the chorus), but that might just be my meme brain.
Now this might not be helpful since you specifically said more laid back/ambient, so I'll pick a song that's absolutely more fitting to that description. That being 9999999 from Portal 2
This one is definitely a lot less driven by the standard 4/4 type rhythm seeing how it's in 3/4, and its ambience definitely makes it feel very surreal. I think that it's still possible to make a mashup out of this. Off the top of my head, I had an idea for a 4/4 song that would fit it pretty well...
It might be worth seeing if I can get a higher quality vocal stem than this, but I think that Muse's tone of voice with the melody would work really well with this vibe. The time signatures don't match, but I think that finding ways to artificially extend each line might add to the surreal and almost unsettling nature of the backing track. I also don't know how the keys line up, but yeah.
That said, I actually really like this particular idea and I might try my hand at it real quick....so stay posted for that I guess
But to answer your question, I don't think you need to open a third eye or anything. Just try things. See if it works. Worst case, it doesn't. Best case, it does.
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Alright so as far as introductions go, I guess I should probably make one before I get too far into this.
My name's Leonardo, and you can call me any version of that that you want (Leo, Leon, Leonard, Nardo[my favorite], either way, it's all the same to me.) My pronouns are He/Him. I am an artist, author, animator, and a DEDICATED CLAWCODE ENTHUSIST (Hence the name)
I am also VERY autistic and don't get tone a lot, so tone tags are very important to me, especially when there's joking or sarcasm involved.
I know the Spiderverse Fandom isn't particularly alive (SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP) but I will try to post often, even if it's just a shitpost here and there. I really want to help feed into the ClawCode brain rot since the content for these two is SEVERELY FUCKING LACKING. So. If you have requests for things, I will probably end up doing them! My asks are always open, and I'd love to hear from anybody. I don't have any friends that love them the way that I do 😔😔
I have not had Tumblr before! Which is a little insane, so I'm new to all of this and learning how everything works. Please forgive me if I don't know the proper etiquette on this app lmao. My friend has been guiding me through all of this and told me to make an About Me post, so that's what I'm doing.
Here are some tags that will frequent my posts!
Yapping Hour - Will either be used for headcanons, or short stories/ideas/other ClawCode related crap. It's just going to be a general tag that will probably go on most of my posts from here on out.
Slur Gallery - Will be of the art I post of them, be it ship art or other :3 because everybody deserves a gallery of slurs to look at. AND JUST LOOK AT THEM!
Earworm - Is the tag I'll use when there's music involved, like songs that remind me of them (and the heavy analysis that goes with it **COMING SOON**), or animatics that I'm working on, or just anything that has to do with a song. Edits, artworks, the whole shebang.
Talkaholic - This will ALSO be used for mini stories/facfics, but more often than the yapping hour. So if you wanna read my writing of them that's what you can find it under.
Offline - will be under posts like these, where it isn't directly related to anything, just random blocks of text or other art that I feel like posting.
Oil And Water - THIS tag will be about the fanfic I am currently (excruciatingly slowly) writing! It doesn't have a happy ending and is meant to be a HEAVY angst story, like hurt/no comfort or very little comfort. I have one chapter out currently but will be working on more soon (and will make a separate post about it! But I will link it here as well. MOTIVATE ME TO WRITE IT /HJ)
Prowler Party - Is what I'll put on ALL of my posts as an extra way to help find me if one so desires d=(^o^)=b
OOC - On the chance that I might make something intentionally out of character, I will put this beneath it. I know a lot of people don't like mischaracterization, or incorrect portrayal of a character, but sometimes it's really fun to write, so I will be including that was well.
I think that's all that I can think of right now (I'm running off of an hour and 40 minutes sleep), but things may change or be edited in the future. But for now, I'll be signing off.
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khaoray · 3 months
tag game!
i was tagged by @thitiponqs, thank you mona <333
1. why did you choose your url?
sometimes a character/actor combo takes over your entire brain and you all saw how insane khaotung playing ray made me
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
this IS the sideblog beloveds as much as i wish i could make it my main but also @mqjima as it's my gaming blog
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
2011. i accidentally deleted my first blog so this one has 'only' existed since like 2014
4. do you have a queue tag?
'i'll take queue to the moon' it's a play on a jonghyun lyric :)))
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i'll be real with you i do NOT remember
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
poom is the most beautiful man in the entire world
7. why did you choose your header?
sandray own me heart and soul
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
it's this one. baby numbers really but alas.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea and wouldn't know how to check bc this is a sideblog. if we're both sideblogs they cancel each other out and just say following lmao
10. how many followers do you have?
i have been stuck at 1.8k for like 6 months please i long to reach my next milestone
11. how many people do you follow?
i recently went on a clean out so 142
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
this entire blog was built on gifsets and shitposts it's a core part of my identity.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
if i'm awake, i'm probably here dkshkasjdh <- REAL AND TRUE MONA!!! (if i'm at work it's a lot less hurray 12 hour work days <3)
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
no, but i did once have an army camped in my mentions for like a week bc i said i disliked their music one time that was fun
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
if they're in relation to supporting artists on this site and just generally mentioning that you should reblog more then i agree with them. if they're a direct call to action then i think they're stupid <3
16. do you like tag games?
yes bc it means people remember i exist and i am in constant need to validation asdfghj
17. do you like ask games?
generally speaking yes
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i mean with 13k followers i'd say you are mona lmao. but honestly most of my mutuals feel famous To Me but maybe that's just bc of the circles i run in?
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no but seeing @markpakin in my notes always lifts my mood bc i know they're about to say the most insanely complimentary shit imaginable to me rin's talents are truly to be admired 😘😘
20. tags?
i don't know who hasn't been tagged at this point lmaooo but if you haven't and you want to then go ahead and use this as your excuse!!!
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
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🖤 My name is Olya, I'm 21 years old, so please consider this before following and please DON'T INTERACT if you're under 18.
🖤 My pronouns are they/them (I updated them once again I apologize- 16.08)
🖤 I'm a native speaker of Deutsch & Russisch languages, but I mostly speak terrible English here (sorry about that!). I'm from München, although I'm not german by origin, but I was born and raised here! (I'm cameroonian and russian) 🖤
🖤 Some things that can trigger you that you'll definitely see here: BLOOD, GORE, BODY HORROR, !!CANNIBALISM!!, GRAPHIC DEATHS, INJURIES, HORROR IN GENERAL. I use common trigger warnings, but that's something you should consider. Also, I like to SWEAR.
🖤 I'm not a legacy/family type of simmer and my content is definitely not for everyone, although I truly enjoy others family gameplay and gameplay in general!
🖤 I'm fully wcif friendly, so please feel free to ask!
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🖤 I have pretty specific things here, which includes following images/topics: occults (especially vampires and sirens - well, one siren I'm obsessed with at least), tales of woe (I can't call my upcoming stories the other way), VERY bad edits, CAS pics and sometimes even gameplay (once in a decade, for sure...).
🖤 Also, LOTS of shitposting and Spotify related posts, personal posts, because I really want this blog to also be mine.
🖤 Please note that I really like to reblog people's stuff. I like to reblog. Like really.
🖤 I'd really like to become friends, and I love seeing other people's sims and stories, so I'll be very active here! If I annoy you - I'm very sorry :'> But you're always free to unfollow/block me, it's okay! I know I'm very annoying, so yeah.
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There's a bit of mess with my tags now, but here's at least a proper navigation! (still under construction!!!)
my edits | cas pics | wcif - answered | asks | !oc asks! | gameplay | interiors/builds | more about me!
navigation by the characters in the post - 🖤 ansel 🖤 lucinda 🖤 karina 🖤 eudelme 🖤 herr mannelig 🖤 Iðunn 🖤 cordelia 🖤
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fl00mie · 1 month
Excuse me for cutting into what's basically someone else's convo but regarding your nausea it might just be that your stomach isn't ready for it. When you go to sleep a lot of your body functions slow down simply because you don't need them at the time. This does mean that in a way it's not "ready" for food sometimes when you wake up and you end up feeling boated and sick when you eat anyway. It's particularly bad for hard to digest food like bread (gluten is hard to digest for a lot of people). This isn't a one size fits all but it might be what's happening to you when you feel unwell after brekkie. A good rule of thumb is probably to eat only when you feel hungry in the morning or go for something lighter. It could also be acid reflux which can also be caused by the body slowing down digestion which also causes nausea in the morning. Take these with a grain of salt because I am not a doctor though 😅 I hope you feel better! And as always give yourself time to feel comfortable in your art again. A shitpost where I don't have to worry about the quality and just want to deliver a funny punchline always makes me feel better so maybe that might help you ease yourself out of the sorta self expectations bump thing? Sorry it's hard for me to explain 😭😂 also hello Sunshine sorry to cut into your Convo 🙈🥹
oh wow i didn't think i'd get a biology lesson on freaking tumblr- but thanks anyway!! for the main intention and the information i genuinely didn't know :3c i mean, i stopped questioning it too much when it stopped happening to me, and i find it quite curious that the exact example you gave is something i've eaten for breakfast literally my entire life Dx i'm not sure if it's common to eat bread for breakfast in the first place- but maybe doing it so constantly made me stop having that nauseous feeling? i can't really tell, maybe this will be more useful for sun in case they're looking to stop that bad time (calling out sun☀️ somehow 'cause i can't @ them😭)
anyway, thanks again uvu receiving messages like this as if i were just having a normal conversation with a friend is somewhat comforting n n
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chemicalbrew · 2 months
by @radellama thanks bestie!!!
1. why did you choose your url?
multiple reasons:
I chose chemicalbrew as my go-to handle everywhere important, because the handle I picked for this purpose as a teen is cringe
I like having canon URLs; especially if they are kind of hard-to-get and\or subtle references, which this one is perfect for, IMO. The last time I felt good about a handle in this sense was when I went by theplanetbuster
I like katzero :) a normal amount :) and I always will I think :)
Chemical Brew is just a good track and I love being reminded of its existence every time I log on anywhere.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
I'm too lazy to upkeep them, so I compensate with my tagging system... Well, there is actually one where I wanted to put my writing if I ever did any, but in the end all writing I do is roleplay stuff on discord that's not meant to be shared widely HELP. And what I do end up getting out once in a blue moon, I just put on AO3...
I used to hoard a whole lot of URLs, but I got scared of getting terminated for a second time, so aside from the almost empty writing blog I mentioned earlier, I just hoard five that I'd hate to see anyone else have (some of these I used to go by, too)
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Almost ten years; I haven't remade once, so you can see this just by going to the archive (don't do that, actually)
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do, and it's a Transistor reference :) I can count on my hands the amount of times I've queued stuff, though.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
Found this place while looking for Zelda fanart; thought it would be easier to use the dashboard instead of checking individual pages. At least I think that was the biggest reason. IDR
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Zero I like him :) At this point it feels wrong if I don't have him as my pfp on here and\or discord so... here he is!!! (since I'm still Four on discord) Not to mention that I kinda need him here to match the rest of my stuff.
I put the NB flag border for Pride month this year for fun and I'm too lazy to put the old version back (also, once again, I like weird subtle shit like that.).
7. why did you choose your header?
I always choose my headers with purpose, though it's not quite the case here: this is a holdover from when I was cherrymegablaster, and it's meant to directly complement that URL in a way that's obvious if you played the game. LOL
I kept it because it's funny to call a drink a chemical brew (and because there's not enough DLC footage for me to make a nice gif with. There's a few stills I really like, but I prefer my headers animated!) ...and because I'm just really happy with the gif.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I can't be assed to use the site that scans for this stuff and I'm not proud of my ancient random shit that blew up a bit anyway. So... I'll just tell you this gifset I made on a whim is the one with the most notes.
I REALLY hope the rainbow katzero set outpaces it one day because it's also continuously showing up in my activity and it's easily the one I put the most work into. I need to get off my ass and make more gifs!!!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
...does anyone keep count of that? just the right amount to keep me happy :3
10-11. how many followers do you have? how many people do you follow?
343 \ 1414. why are these such nice numbers
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Yes, but I don't post them, I just send them to my friends on discord. I'd say hatewar but it's on fire alone counts as a collaborative shitpost of the highest tier, but barely anyone knows what I mean and I love it.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Ehhh, it depends... I know I check my activity mostly every morning just in case, and I check the dod3 and katzero tags once or twice a week, but it's not a strict schedule thing, I forget sometimes :] The tags are slow anyway, and I have sooo many active katzero posters blocked that it's even slower for me :p
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
I don't think so..? Definitely not in public, I've had arguments with friends I made here, but it's a different thing. I think everyone on my dash is largely chill and has moved on past the disk horse or whatever the fuck
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
16. do you like tag games?
That and 'reblog and put your opinion on X \ what you did today' is always really fun, I <3 being annoying about minor details in my boring life (also I'm literally doing one rn, aren't I)
17. do you like ask games?
Yes, but I never get any asks, so I don't reblog them too often. :]
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@/ositia, they're a very good artist and I miss seeing them around
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I have only had two crushes in my life, and one of them was on a former mutual I've drifted apart from. I know he won't be reading this cause he blocked me, but I still think about him and I hope he's moved to a nice enough place, at least :")
20. tags
uuugh just do this if you want to
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pharawee · 2 months
tag game ✨
I was tagged ages ago (sorryyy! 🙏) by the lovely @markpakin. Thank you so much! 💜
1. why did you choose your url?
Way back when I got back into giffing after a year of lurking in the BL fandom I needed a new url. I don't like using urls that are too obviously fandom-related (I don't mind them on other blogs at all!) but I did like Pha from Gen Y so I saw an opportunity and took it. This is before they killed Pha off due to some stupid fandom vote and ruined p much every couple in the series. 🤡
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Anyway I still really like the name so I'm probably never going to change it (I say all of this as I sit on @winnertanatat).
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have archived sideblogs/fansites for old fandoms but other than that...
Oh wait, I have @dancingwithmyphone now where I reblog all the pretty things that I no longer reblog on here because it's mostly about Thai BL now. Does that make @pharawee the sideblog? 🤣
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Uh, since 2011, I think?
4. do you have a queue tag?
I used to use my queue for aesthetic posts (that now go on @dancingwithmyphone) but now I exclusively use it for posts that tag me. I named the tag ♥ because ♥
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because livejournal went under (I'm aging as I write this) and none of its clones seemed like a good alternative.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I had to (and also I really like YourMOOD):
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7. why did you choose your header?
I made a header for every new HYBS mv. That was before they divorced called it quits and now I'm actually a bit sad every time I look at my header. I should really make a new one. :(((
8. what is your post with the most notes?
I'm super happy to say that it's about Thai marriage equality.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
Uh. Is there a way to find out?
10. how many followers do you have?
I recently reached 6k followers, half of which followed me after I started posting about BL. I honestly don't even know what to think of a number this big lmao hi!!
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11. how many people do you follow?
The sidebar says 298.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
No, only shit posts.🥁
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Several times... but not as often as I used to because I have some serious hobby burnout right now. :(
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No, never. I'd cry.
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
I don't reblog them. Which is probably a bit petty, sry. 🙏
16. do you like tag games?
I love them so much but I just don't have the time to do them very often and I feel so bad about it. I even have them all saved for when I find the time but then I never do. :((((((
Of course then I also feel bad when I no longer get tagged in things due to not doing tag games. I am the architect of my own destruction.
17. do you like ask games?
I do! And I love sending people asks for ask games because hopefully it brightens their day a bit. 💜
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
You're all tumblr famous to me. 🥰
No, really, when I first got into BL tumblr I felt a bit like
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Negl I still do. Idk what the arrows are. Weird fandom takes on twitter and mdl, I guess.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Don't tell @cytharat but I've been crushing on her for ages. ❤️
20. tags?
@cytharat because I like her shoelaces 😘
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polaroidcats · 11 months
It just hit me. For part 2 of assigning german/austrian songs to the marauders, this time with Remus:
Egoist by Falco.
You know it's true.
(This is the only Remus bashing you will ever get from me, he is my babygirl and he has never done anything wrong in his life ever)
Oh wow okay I didn't know I'd be coming home to Remus bashing in my inbox today but here we are! Why are you calling him an egoist? Just because he abandoned his pregnant (so very straight) wife (so very straightly) and didn't take responsibility for that until a 17 year old kicked his ass? Idk what you're on about, that's a weird AU, Remus would never do that.
I see your Falco and I raise you: Junge Römer. You know Sirius played that song on repeat for like a week and thought he was the funniest person ever because of Remus's name.
Also I should note, I'm a bit tipsy (ON REMUS WINE!) atm so this is NOT the official German Remus playlist, this is the shitpost version of the official German Remus playlist, here we go, no thoughts just vibes:
Okayokay I'm thinking abt austrian music now and since we're pretty much the only 2 people invested in these playlists anyways I won't worry about the musicians being well known or not (though I'd love to know which of these you knew and which you didn't!).
May I sugesst Wolfgang Amrbos' Die Kinettn wo i schlof as homeless Remus Lupin's crying song. I feel a bit bad about putting this on the list because the song is genuinely so good and emotional and it made me cry when I was a child (I grew up listening to Ambros) but yeah. Uhm. No further explanation, also idek if you'll understand the dialect lol
DIALECT! When making the german Sirius list one of my Remus thoughts was what the german equivalent to welsh/scottish remus is and I've come to the conclusion that the obvious answer is Vorarlberg. SO obviously Vo Melo Bis Ge Schoppornou has to be included on the list. No I don't understand much either but it's still german (and imho one of the sexiest german accents, I said what I said).
Ham kummst is toxic wolfstar divorce AU core!!!!
Okay this one is actually a serious (lol) suggestion I think Remus would actually really like and relate to Sie mögen sich by Kätpn Peng! ALso maybe Tier by Käptn Peng?
Meine Sonne by Grossstadtgeflüster as angsty REMUS POV either poa era or first war or sth
Also I know this is officially the inofficial Remus list but i had another galaxy brain idea - Aurélie by Wir sind Helden is a song about french Sirius in an AU of our german marauders AU.
oKAAAY ANYWAYS BACK TO AUSTRIAN MUSIC Ich Lebe by Christl Stürmer is also a Remus/wolfstar song now, because I said so.
sepp haT gesagT wir müssen alles anzünden is just pure chaos marauders vibes tell me I'm wrong.
okayyy back to remus Irgendwann bleib I dann dort by STS is also Remus. ANd Gö, du bleibst heut nacht bei mir is needy Remus in a werid fwb situation with remus or sth idk
ALso since I've given up any pretense of choosing things that make sense I also suggest 1001 Nacht is about wolfstar friends to lovers slowburn. YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE
Okay also I just wanted to add something by AnnenMayKantereit because why not, and I'm sure there are better songs but I decided on 21,22,23 purely because of the youth/death themes and bc Jily died at 21 and Remus and Sirius died in their mid-late thirties.
okay now i made myself sad i need one more nonsense answwer and then i'll post this glorious completely coherent masterpiece
I was going to go with LaFee for a tasteful last song but then spotify suggested Tokio Hotel and who am I to disagree?! you can't tell me angsty early 2000s german teenage werewolf remus lupin DIDN'T listen to them, I'm sorry but he really felt the lyrics of Durch den Monsun.
yeah idek what this is i'm sure it's EXACTLY what you expected (lol) uhm i blame the remus wine. Any thoughts on the playlist??
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catusbeanius · 3 months
I had saved up 160 pulls this year just for that card!! (20 single keys, 8 tenfold keys and 1900 gems that i never used) He came home in 80 pulls BD
I also got Ace's Dorm Uniform at 30 pulls and Rook's Dorm Uniform at 100 (I wanted to see if I'd get Lilia's Stitch/Dorm Uniform) So, I'm only missing Cater, Epel, and Ruggie to complete those dorms!! Fun fact, I'm not Rook's biggest fan. BUT WAIT!! I still appreciate his character, dwdw. Time to yap about Rook rq
One interesting thing about him is that he doesn't really fit the NRC vibes, imo. Everyone else is kinda believable to meet. You don't exactly meet stalkers every day. Tbf, you don't meet prince dragon-fae guys every day either, but you'll meet loners with a non-typical family. Ig, by that logic, you could say Rook's hunter/stalker-ness is his unrealistic part, but I feel like it's too major to just brush off.
Same kinda goes with Floyd, but I don't dislike him. Weirdly enough, I probably should hate him because I've been chased around like Riddle is and I hated it.
Oh, also, they (Idr who in particular, I think it was Ridde or Ace) called Lilia horrible to be in an emergency with and I both agree and disagree.
On one hand, I've been in semi-emergencies and hated it when people weren't taking it seriously (mostly bc ik I'd be the one responsible and it feels like they're not respecting my panic smh) but, also, Lilia is a trained warrior. Ofc, they don't know that. Also, I think Lilia has a tendency to overestimate humans. At the same time, I think he's learned enough to estimate them better. I say them like I'm not a person too, smh /j
Completely off topic, but I almost died last night watching the mv for Risky Venus. At the end, they were all facing the right, but Niki was facing the left and it killed me. I wheezed and then I couldn't breathe so I had to cough. Risky Penis almost killed me :'( (I'm pretty sure there's something weird with my lungs, but it hasn't killed me yet soooooooooo)
Anyway, that's all my twst yapping for today. I almost forgot, HAPPY PRIDE!!!!
I will say, though, the main reason I haven't made posts is because I don't have any comments on enstars (I almost got a perfect combo on enthralling theater though!! I also read hot limit and that was crazy) and I've been doing more oc stuff!! Do you wanna hear about it?? Too late, I'll yap rq
Not going too far into detail, but I've been calling it my oc gladiator battles (very misleading name, there's no gladiator battles in sight) and it started bc i watched someone bitch about high guardian spice (in 2024??? crazy) and was mildly inspired to make a shitpost. It has pretty much nothing to do with hgs, but I take a bit of inspiration!! As well as inspo from pretty much everything else I've consumed. I just wanted a highstakes comedy (which negates the highstakes, but it'll still be compelling. idk why I'm pitching this, I'm not doing anything fancy with it) with convoluted stories like enstars (if you don't know enstars, one group is literally a dude in disguise, an assassin, a king, and a chef who might be a cannibal. It's crazy. Another is a dude who lives in the walls, a fanboy, the king's little brother, and a priest. I love them all <3) I've also given them all nicknames which is really funny. So far, I have catboy (Cálictos), organ boy (Corgandry), blueberry headmaster/principal (Prof. Shrub), and goldfishie (has nothing to do with riddle, i just found a bunch of stock photos of fish. also, he has no name. I made him last night) and a couple other conceptual characters like a shady business guy that gives you discounts if you do sidequests.
lmk if you want more yapping about them!! Once again, happy pride!!
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This was supposed to be a paragraph long shitpost, but it somehow turned into a full blown drabble, which is mind boggling to me how that happened, haha!
It's unedited, so if there's any punctuation or any other sorts of errors it's cause all I did was write it and post it. I normally only ever write from third person so this was quite interesting!
Sitting with A.xlerod in his car after a drive out to who knows where, maybe there wasn't even a destination, and it's dark outside and really late at night and we're parked outside the building to his flat/apartment and I'm sitting there and he knows something is on my mind and the hum of the car still running is audible and he doesn't say anything he just kinda looks over at me concerned and questioning and I know he's looking over at me and I sigh trying to get the sudden weight off my chest but the more I think about it I can just feel it twist and get a bit worse and there's a sudden straining pain the back of my throat for a few split seconds.
I reach my hand over to the side of the seat and pull back on the lever that leans the seat back and I sit there for a few moments laid back a bit. I know he's still looking at me with a concerned look and I take a deep breath as I'm about to say something, just to have all the words taken right back out of me again. I know this feeling, I feel it time and time again, and I know exactly how it makes me feel and yet there's still no label for it. It's too complex.
"Kane?" He quietly calls my name, trying to bring me back to the present. He looks like he wants to ask what's wrong, but he doesn't need to.
I take another deep breath, and end up holding it. Every time I want to speak it just gets lodged up. I can't help but shake my head and ponder at if something happened that made me like this. If somethings happened.
"Miles..?" Was just about all I could get out. I normally don't call him Miles often. I don't know why, I had just gotten into the habit of calling him A.xlerod for some reason.
"Kane?" He said in response.
"Do you..." I had to fight for my words, "Do you ever feel like you can't talk?...Like you can't...speak?"
He was only quiet for a moment, "In what sense?" He asked.
"Like... It's all just nothingness. Weightless." I was trying to analyze the visuals my brain created and communicate it into sensible words, "Like, it just doesn't matter. That it holds the importance of..." I kept having to pause for several moments, my brain just couldn't fathom forming words at the moment.
But he waited. He didn't interrupt and he let me finish my statement, even if it was an empty one.
"Do you think anyone ever thinks about the factory that their T-shirt comes from?" I finally asked.
He looked a little confused at first. But the longer the short silence went on I could see him start to understand.
"Like.. do you think anyone ever really listens to the different noises their oven makes? Thst anyone really cares about hearing their stove turn on? Do you think anyone enjoys hearing their alarms go off?"
He wrapped his arms around his stearing wheel and leaned up against it, looking off into the distance, "I listen."
I don't know why it was surprising for me to hear. I didn't know my eyebrows were furrowed and my lips were tense until my expression loosened and dropped. Do you really? I wanted to ask. But I felt like I'd come off wrong if I said it outloud.
"How many people do you think enjoys hearing their kettle shout at them?" He questioned in response, and I couldn't help but giggle, "I'll always listen, Kane. I'd give you the microphone any day and listen. I want to hear about things that make you jump up and down from excitement and how you don't like the texture of one particular thing. I want to know every little thought that goes on inside your head. And I'll listen to it forever. Everything you say is worthwhile, Kane."
And I couldn't help but feel the corner of my mouth twitch, and the pain in my throat come back, and my breathing get all funny for a moment. And maybe, just maybe, for a moment, my bottom lip trembles and my eyes water up for a moment and I get all solemn. But it was better. It wasn't accompanied by any weight on my chest or like something was gripping at my heart. It felt so much more reliving and fresher, like I could breath easier.
"Yes, Kane?"
I didn't say anything. Words evaded me once more. But I didn't need words to communicate what I wanted. I reach my hand over to the door and I knew for a fact, that the second I got out this car and he got out and I walked over to him, I was going to squeeze the living daylights out of him. And if it means we topple over and are laying on the pavement, then I'm not getting up until it's all out of my system. And, I think the worst part is, I know he wouldn't mind. I can already picture his iconic smile across his face and him laughing wholeheartedly. He'll probably wrap his arms around me, one in my hair and the other on my back rubbing it, all joyously while he does it.
I don't mind him one bit.
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Hey Steph! How are you? I want to thank you for all you do keeping the fandom alive and united. I feel a lot of us come here for some guidance, at least so we can connect with others that have the answers we are looking for. What you do here is invaluable. Thank you.
That's the reason why I would like to share this with you and all the fellow fans:
I hope you can see this correctly. It's a survey about fandoms, it will be useful in a study about the vocabulary that we use and our knowledge about this spaces. This time is BBC Sherlock. I think it's a great thing that we can all do, and another place where we can share our love for this fandom and what we built together.
In virtue of this, I would like some guidance. In one part of the survey there is a section about phrases or words that we use that are specific of our fandom, and I CAN'T remember any (except maybe TJLC and Johnlock). Do we use a specific language with each other that it's unique of us? Some other code words? I can't remember.
Anyway, thank you if you read this and I hope you have a great week! ❤️
Hey Lovely *HUGS*!
First off, thank you for your kind words! I am glad you enjoy your time here and I hope I continue to make it worthwhile!
As for the link, yes! I did see that survey; I reblogged it a couple nights ago, and I hope everyone takes a few to do it! I plan on it as soon as I get a free moment myself!
Oooof, yeah there's a few I can immediately think of:
TJLC / johnlock, as you said
smoll (that was started by the Sherlock fandom)
john's red pants / red pants Monday
tea and jam (and there was something about John being a kitten? can't remember this one)
purple shirt of sex
I feel like "pillow princess" started with us, but I'm probably wrong
dark fuck prince Sherlock / dfp Sherlock (essentially where Sherlock has this weird dark, sometimes cold and/or abusive characterization that I personally don't jive with, but to each their own)
"setlock" is what we call the filming period
I feel like the sun and moon thing was started by us as well? Dunno.
bisexual lighting (while I don't think we coined it main-stream, it became a little more popular after our fandom spent a LOT of time examining it)
tinhatting / tinfoil-hatting (again, same with this one)
a bit of a selfish one here, because I am pretty sure I coined this one: the mary problem. Another one not really beyond my own blog and the small circle that follows me, but I did see a bigger blog a long time ago use it AND credit me for it, so whee.
DON'T remember the EXACT phrasing, but it was something like "the fake baby is guns and money", where during the S3/S4 hiatus, speculation about the "baby" was that it wasn't real, and jokes devolved to "hahah the baby is Mary's secret stash of guns and money". It was silly and I loved it.
"something's fucky" came about after S4, and I don't know if it spawned from our fandom, but I'd NEVER seen it used before S4 shitposters used it.
Another I don't remember the exact phrasing, but "a camp gay and an angry bisexual dynamic"
phone = heart metaphor, the tea code, and food = sex metaphors
"the gay pilot"
I know I'm missing a PLETHORA of them... I've a terrible headache so my capacity for remembering things is very low right now, and I've been in this fandom for SO long, I've seen things come and go too often. If anyone wants to add to this list, please do!
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oletus-manors-log · 1 year
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Rules Of The Abode:
As I run this place, I have rules that must be followed. Failure to observe such regulations will be dealt with, and if broken enough times, you will be blocked.
I reserve the right to accept or deny a request.
This is more specifically to characters that I feel uncomfortable doing in romantic scenes, OR at all/in general. Most of it is just preference, but some of them have some personal shit that made me not want to delve to them, or it's because I genuinely can't do them justice (and believe me, I really can't.)
The following characters that I will not do under ANY circumstances are:
Kreacher Pierson [ Thief ]
Freddy Riley [ Lawyer ]
Bane Perez [ Gamekeeper ]
Burke Lapadura [ Mad Eyes ]
Polun [ Breaking Wheel ]
Percy [ Undead ]
Joker [ Smiley Face & Weeping Clown ]
The following characters I will do BUT only in platonic/familial sense, NOT romantic or NSFW are:
Ada Mesmer [ "Psychologist" ]
Emil [ Patient ]
Memory [ Little Girl ]
Galatea [ Sculptor ]
Robbie White [ Axe Boy ]
Lily Barriere [ Cheerleader ] (temporary only until we know her age)
This list will be updated as time goes on and more characters are revealed, so if you're curious to know who isn't available, check in here often.
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Please be specific on your request.
Before sending me a letter (ask) for a survivor/hunter, please be specific on what your request entails. Will it be a headcannons list for the characters? Would you want it to be more about a short story on a specific scenario? Or a drabble?
Alongside that, I do a variety of genres for specific characters. I can do:
Crack (sometimes, if the mood calls for it)/Shitpost
It will take a while until I open up to things like NSFW, so in the meantime, feel free to request these genres. Do keep in mind that I will answer requests slowly depending on what you ask.
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Patience is key, and remember the human behind the screen
Writing takes time, and as much as I hate to have people wait, it will take a while (days to weeks) for me to get to your request. I also don't take this blog above my own life as I have other commitments that require my attention.
As a disclaimer, I do answer requests that I'm able to depending if I have the time to fulfill them. However, if you pester me to rush through your request, there will be a chance for me to reject your request. After all, I am only human, and I'd rather not put my focus on this blog than anything else.
If you promise to abide by the rules, feel free to send a letter (ask) for a chat or a request. Have a lovely day, everyone.
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pileofpawns · 1 year
Intro post!!! Wauuugh! Finally!
I have been meaning to make one these for ages but I've never gotten around to it lmao
Hi there, I'm Plum! I'm 17 years old and my pronouns are she/her (though idc if you use they/them on me either). I'm a disabled aroace cis girl. Nice to meet ya! This is where I tip my brain contents into - Consistency does not exist here! I mostly post about my interests (which can change very rapidly), but also make generally nonsensical shitposts and rarely post art I make.
Misc info about me:
I'm okay with any and all gendered language being used on me. I'm not a guy but you can call me one if it's funny (or even if it’s not funny)
Common speech quirks and things I say and type a lot include "wowzers", "eep", abbreviating "-ing" to "-in", and capitalizing words for emphasis
I LOVE turtles. Can't get enough of em. My favorite species is the three-toed box turtle!
You are always free to mention me on posts or send me asks for literally anything! People nudging me to show me something they think I'd like brings me SO much joy.
Fruity fella who loves (literal) fruit
🐢💕 <- favorite emojis
I am disabled!! (I know I said it at the top) My disabilities include ADHD, dermatillomania, misophonia, mitral valve prolapse, and major depressive disorder. I’m only sharing these because I’m comfortable doing so and I want to talk about them!
I have a habit of calling anyone who I am even slightly acquainted with "bestie". If this makes you uncomfortable please let me know and I will stop!
I make visual art, write, and craft things sometimes! You can check out my stuff under the tags #plums art and #plum writes . I've also been playin the violin for uhhh... 7 years now?
I HATE discourse and I'm a strict inclusionist. This blog is safe for endogenic and mixed origin systems, self-diagnosed folx, folx who use microlabels, and pretty much anyone not trying to cause harm to others. Please keep discourse out of here.
I'm a scalie and also alterhuman in some kinda way!! I don't really label it lol but I am a three-toed box turtle in some capacity.
You can find me on ao3 here
You can find me on YouTube here
And you can find me on Discord under the user pickledplums ! If you shoot me a friend request or DM please let me know who you are first or I will likely not respond.
My blog name is a lyric from the song “Ghostdubster” from the “Super Ghostbusters Deluxe Edition” album by Vargskelethor. Give it a listen, funniest shit I’ve ever heard.
Spam likes/reblogs are okay!! They make me rlly happy :))
Non-definitive list of fandoms I'm in/media I enjoy:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (mostly 2003 and rise but I love all iterations)
Tales from the Stinky Dragon
Usagi Yojimbo
PaRappa the Rapper/UmJammer Lammy
Rhythm Heaven
Samba de Amigo
Magic the Gathering (not really versed in the lore but I do play the game!)
Dungeons & Dragons
Spongebob Squarepants (the main cartoon and the musical)
Kid Cosmic
South Park (I am not very active in the fandom anymore and have not watched the actual show in ages, but I will occasionally like/reblog fanart. I recognize the problems it and it’s creators have.)
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