#dante and matteo
syncopein3d · 4 months
Shun the Light: A Friendly Review
Introduction and Format Explanation:
I've just finished reading Shun the Light by @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort. In the communities where I spend most of my time here on Tumblr, I see occasional recommendations but nothing I would call a review, so I thought I'd go into a little more detail about why I enjoyed this story. I'm still a relative newcomer here in 2024, so if I'm wrong about that, send links in the notes and I will include them here!
The reason I think a positive review might be useful to my audience is that, when people praise a story, they seldom give enough detail for me to know as a reader if I will also want to read it. These are stories I liked personally, and this means that reviews will mostly be of hurt/comfort stories with happy or at least ambiguous endings.
Ambiguous here means characters may part, or may have dangling plot threads for later, but they have survived and are in some way better or recovering. Please always read authors’ trope/warning lists before taking off into their other work. I review hurt/comfort without NSFW usually, but lots of whump writers have both h/c content and NSFW, torture, pet, slave, or other subgenres of whump. I support everyone in this community, and I don’t want anyone to be mad at them or me because you dove directly from a reviewed story into something you didn’t like or were triggered by.
This doesn't mean I disliked everything I didn't review; I read a lot of stories and can't review them all. This is just for stories that are completed according to the author (something of a rare category already) and that I thought deserved special mention.
I'll attempt some light analysis, but I won't ask authors if I'm right about their intent first, so you only get my reader impressions on it. As such, I might be wrong about some or all of how I describe a story and its lore. I don't insist on death of the author once a review is up, so authors are welcome and encouraged to comment!
A werewolf and a vampire meet under difficult circumstances and forge an unlikely bond through various injuries and incidents.
I will try to refrain from gushing, since the author is no doubt tired of seeing me type rows of capital A’s on the story posts themselves. This is a very sweet and pleasant hurt/comfort story. It feels warm and comfy even in the slightly gory parts. If it’s possible to write a cozy Universal Studios Horror Gothic, it’s this right here. A lot of it takes place in the same old house and its environs, increasing both the intimacy of the story and the sense of warm familiarity. This is just a delightful palate cleanser if you’ve been reading darker material lately and want to just sit back and feel better.
Characters and Setting:
The story centers on Dante and Matteo, a vampire and a werewolf who wander into each other’s lives by accident. Both are well-intentioned, both are grieving what they lost, whether recently (for Matteo) or long ago (for Dante). When misunderstandings happen, it flows reasonably out of the difference in their ages, their circumstances, and their mutual exasperating tendency to assume the other person’s emotions incorrectly. There’s some delicious angst as a result of that.
Dante is an old soul both literally and figuratively, low-energy and depressed, without rapacity of any kind. The only times he uses a vampire mind control ability are when he is helping to care for Matteo – motivating him to get up the stairs to bed, soothing him to sleep, helping him feel better. It’s almost never for his own benefit. Matteo is not a roaring monster so much as a whipped stray, used to disappointment, expecting the worst. He has a giving heart, but he can’t believe Dante would care about him in return. This doesn’t feel like he’s being stupid in a writing sense; it feels like he has been taught by bad experiences that he has no value. I thought that was handled really well. The dynamic is excellent.
As I mentioned, a lot of the story happens in and around Dante’s house, a slightly decayed mansion where the graves of his loved ones are and which, we receive the impression, he has been haunting like a ghost for some years now. Gradually, we come to see it as more of a safe haven as the story advances, the characters and their exchanges transforming the atmosphere even though the old house remains nearly unchanged. There are brief moments in the woods, in a small nearby town, but they’re not important; they hover vaguely around the place where the characters seem to belong.
Themes (Mild Spoilers):
A lot of stories with vampires in them try to work with themes of renewal. A lot of stories with werewolves in them try to work with themes of found family. Tropes aren’t inherently bad, it’s all in the execution, and it was very interesting to see those two things collide and mingle in this.
Dante needs someone to drag him out of his grave. Matteo needs someone to care and give him value. We morph from the two of them trapped in a slowly rotting antique, wounded and exhausted, to the two of them taking care of each other with more purpose and determination inside what is becoming their home. I would hope that, if the author writes a future story still set here, they would work on renovating parts of the house, as a metaphor for their ongoing dynamic; or burning the place down as a symbol of moving on from their traumas into a new life. But that’s just me writing fanfiction. The story is complete in itself, and I love it.
Final Comments and Recommendation:
This is a lovely, cozy story about two sad people treating each other’s wounds. That’s one of my favorite flavors of story, and if it is for you, too, this is absolutely for you. When I say I like whump, this right here is what leaps to my mind. For fellow loss-of-consciousness fans, Dante has a numbing venom that’s used for that purpose several times, so there’s lots of that here, too. I can hardly recommend this one wholeheartedly enough. If you like hurt and comfort at all, you really, really should give it a look.
My writing masterpost is here, including more Friendly Reviews!
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texaschainsawmascara · 9 months
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dr-milfi · 1 year
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“Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky.”
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paradox-complex · 2 months
sketch of Matteo's post war life as I already have decided Marinella’s
Matteo's struggles are futile. Dante has decided his life is in France and doesn't plan to live in America any soon and asks as the letter quotes:
“My mentor promised me a good career and a wonderful boutique in France, as I have slowly realized that Italy isn't for me and well, I don't think America will be either. So here I am, asking you selfishly to change our promise, and in short:
After the war is over, if you're still alive, come with me, come live in Paris.”
scenario one : Matteo unwillingly accepts the offer, he leaves once again without any warning and sails to France, living forever with his lover as Dante becomes a famous painter and Matteo his assistant to the work, he starts wood carving as a hobby until it becomes an actual job, living a beautiful unbothered life.
On the other side, Marinella is left behind in America, alone with her husband and moving to Virginia after the discovery, they live a modest yet happy life and have children, but she will never forgive her brother for leaving her behind again.
And so, the family shatters completely.
scenario two: Matteo doesn't accept, after all he went through, after everything he won't leave the country he fought for.
He stays with Marinella and her husband, living a decent life yet remaining alone, he tries to find a wife but never succeeds, when Marinella’s husband is away he takes care of the kids and manages to catch up with his sister again.
Yet, Dante lives his life alone, regretting his choice but not changing his objective, continuing to paint, he eventually gets married and finds a new muse.
Matteo eventually gets sick and dies, close to his sister, but never happy.
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brother-emperors · 1 year
like, two years ago I was doing some writing for a comic where Lorenzo de’ Medici and Francesco de’ Pazzi would’ve had a 1959 Ben Hur-Messala lovers turned bitter enemies sort of dynamic, but the Medici Family-Roman Imperialism comparatives I was working into the subtext were a lot to unpack for a story that started because I think the Medici show sucks
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seethesound · 18 days
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ginogirolimoni · 5 days
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"Per ch’io mi mossi e a lui venni ratto;
e i diavoli si fecer tutti avanti,
sì ch’io temetti ch’ei tenesser patto;
così vid’ïo già temer li fanti
ch’uscivan patteggiati di Caprona,
veggendo sé tra nemici cotanti".
(Inferno, XXI, 91 - 96).
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boltscutter · 20 days
starter.               dante de angelis and serena alderidge.
the city loomed out underneath dante's feet as he took in the view from his 83rd floor office , business phone pressed firmly to his ear as his other arm found itself laid across his chest . ❛ thank you senator owen , i'll pass your well wishes onto my father . he'll be pleased to hear you've made the correct decision . ❜ the sound of the door didn't interrupt him , only caused him to turn and hold a finger in the air at the sight of serena walking through the door . ❛ yes , i will . please speak to my assistant if you need to reach me again . goodbye . ❜ in one swift motion he hangs up and steps over to his top desk drawer . from it , he picks up another phone and tucks them both into his jacket pocket , and a watch that he swaps with the one currently on his wrist . finally swinging his gaze back to serena , it was evident to dante she had something on her mind . ❛ what's wrong ? ❜
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spaceny · 1 year
mo's dynamics tag dump !
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syncopein3d · 4 months
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From @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort 's Shun the Light part 11, found here.
This line really hits me hard. Just right here, where my heart should be.
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The participating authors for the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament: the general list + a google form to add other proposals
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Podesti Francesco - Torquato Tasso reading Jerusalem Delivered to the Estensi court
The start of the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament (first edition) is getting closer, but first I want to post the general list of the authors partecipants.
The principal issue is that every literary canon is constantly changing, with more critical studies over the years. I've thought about it, read and searched, and the solution I found has two parts:
I will take the principal authors from this list, which in turn is based from the studies of Gianfranco Contini and Asor Rosa. The list is too long and many names are only chronicles and essayists, so I'll chose the principal ones, trying to balance between north/south Italy and male/female authors (taking into account that many authors that we study are men). As you will see below under the cut, the list is already pretty long, doing some math the challenge will be 2/3 months long.
Still, I recognise that this isn't 100% unbiased and fair, so I opened a free and quick google form when you can add a maximum of two authors that you don't see in the list. This considerable limit is to avoid having too many names - if in some answers I see more than 2 names, I'll take into account only the first 2 listed.
After much thoughts, I also chose to don't include living authors or authors death only recently (before January 2023). The reason is simply to avoid potential issues in the community, like bashing between fandom or admirers of some specific author, or going too far like offending some people near the author still alive or recently deceased. Maybe if this tournament will end well, a second edition could be made next year and maybe with the addition of living authors! (I'm already thinking to do an italian or european cinema tournament in the future but this is still in the draft).
Under the cut, you will find the list of the authors already part of the challenge, name-surname with the surname in alphabetical order. If you don't see a name that you want to see, use the form to add it!
edit: I added the ones from the surbey so far, all in italics. There are names that have been sent but already on the list.
Dante Alighieri
Sibilla Aleramo
Vittorio Alfieri
Cecco Angiolieri
Pietro Aretino
Ludovico Ariosto
Matteo Bandello
Anna Banti
Giambattista Basile
Giorgio Bassani
Cesare Beccaria
Maria Bellonci
Pietro Bembo
Matteo Maria Boiardo
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giordano Bruno
Dino Buzzati
Italo Calvino
Andrea Camilleri
Giosuè Carducci
Guido Cavalcanti
Carlo Collodi
Vittoria Colonna
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Giacomo da Lentini
Caterina da Siena
Alba de Céspedes
Cielo (Ciullo) d'Alcamo
Edoardo De Filippo
Federico de Roberto
Grazia Deledda
Umberto Eco
Beppe Fenoglio
Marsilio Ficino
Dario Fo
Ugo Foscolo
Veronica Franco
Carlo Emilio Gadda
Natalia Ginzburg
Carlo Goldoni
Antonio Gramsci
Francesco Guicciardini
Tommaso Landolfi
Giacomo Leopardi
Carlo Levi
Primo Levi
Carla Lonzi
Niccolò Machiavelli
Alessandro Manzoni
Giovanbattista Marino
Giovanni Meli
Pietro Metastasio
Eugenio Montale
Elsa Morante
Alberto Moravia
Anna Maria Ortese
Giuseppe Parini
Goffredo Parise
Giovanni Pascoli
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Cesare Pavese
Francesco Petrarca
Luigi Pirandello
Angelo Poliziano
Luigi Pulci
Salvator Quasimodo
Gianni Rodari
Lalla Romano
Amelia Rosselli
Umberto Saba
Emilio Salgari
Jacopo Sannazaro
Goliarda Sapienza
Leonardo Sciascia
Matilde Serao
Gaspara Stampa
Mario Rigoni Stern
Italo Svevo
Antonio Tabucchi
Torquato Tasso
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Pier Vittorio Tondelli
Giovanni Verga
Giambattista Vico
Renata Viganò
Elio Vittorini
Giuseppe Ungaretti
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Shun the Light - Ch 13 - The Talk
Slow Burn | Refuge | Decision | Mend | Hunger | Thin Mints | The Garden | Philip | Moments | Full Moon pt 1 | Full Moon pt 2 | Tend | Absolution |
Author's Notes: Just some long overdue conversation~
Content Warnings: werewolf whumpee, vampire caretaker, sprained ankle, recovery, emotional whump
One step at a time.
Matteo clings to the railing with both hands. He lowers his good leg first, then follows with his sprained one. His body protests each and every movement, but he persists, intent on reaching the living room. A record is playing low and Dante will be there, reading or drawing or some other hobby.
"Almost there...Almost there..."
"What do you think you're doing?"
He looks up to find Dante standing in the foyer with his hands on his hips. Matteo sighs and sits down on one of the steps.
"I never thought I'd say this, but I can't spend another minute in that bed. I needed a change of scenery."
And some company would be nice.
"You could have called for help. Did you at least take your medicine first?"
"What are you, my mother? Yes, I took it."
Dante gives in and goes to help him up. They make it to the living room without incident, where Dante eases Matteo into a recliner.
"Thank you," Matteo says quietly. He never wants to take the care he's been given for granted.
Once Dante has him settled he goes to the record player and turns the album over. He resets the needle and gentle instrumental music begins to play.
"All of the records are Mr. Townsend's," he says, motioning to a full shelf. "I never got to get my music...or any of my things."
Matteo relaxes into the chair and watches Dante return his spot on the couch and pick up a shirt he is in the process of mending.
"I get that. I didn't take much with me when I left home. And what I did bring I lost during a transformation."
"So...you left home because this happened to you."
"Yeah," Matteo admits quietly. It still hurts to think about. "On my first full moon the wolf wrecked my apartment. I got lucky that the tenant on the lower floor was away that week or god knows what might have happened. After that, I left the landlord most of my money for the damages, sent a letter telling my family I was traveling, and got out. Never looked back."
Dante hardly reacts, but there is a deep sadness growing in his eyes like gathering storm clouds.
"And the one who turned you," he asks carefully, "was it the boyfriend you told me about?"
"Yeah, the bastard. He must have known something would happen - he asked to stay over on the full moon. I never found out why, or why me. Maybe he wanted to kill me, maybe he wanted a...a mate or something." He makes a face at the thought.
Dante silently takes it all in while still working the needle in and out of fabric in a steady motion that's as relaxing to Matteo as the music.
"When it happens," Dante asks after a while, "you don't have any control?"
He sighs. "No. It's like I go to sleep and the wolf takes over. I don't remember a thing the next day - I just wake up with the consequences of whatever it did."
"Like jumping out of a third story window?"
"...no. That was all me."
Dante abruptly stops sewing and turns to stare at him.
"You were right there," Matteo tries to explain. "Another minute and it might have attacked you. I had to do something."
Dante slowly puts the shirt aside and gives Matteo his full attention. "You were protecting me?"
"Well, yeah. You let me stay here. Gave me food. You've been really good to me. I couldn't just let it rip your throat out."
"So you..." Dante almost laughs. "Wow. That was..."
Matteo blames his post-moon hangover for the stinging in his eyes.
The two fall into a thick but comfortable silence, both reflecting on the things they have said and heard. Dante resumes his sewing and Matteo rests.
By the time Dante speaks again, the final song on the record is fading.
"The house has a fallout shelter. Maybe you can use it next time."
Matteo's heart skips a beat.
"Next time?"
"If you want to stay that long, of course. You can do whatever you want."
The offer is only for him to stay another month, but it's so much more than Matteo dared to hope for.
It takes him a moment to find his voice.
"Okay. Yeah. Yeah, it's worth a shot, right?"
Dante doesn't reply, doesn't look over. If Matteo wasn't watching him so intently he might miss the hint of a smile. But before it can fully take shape, Dante is up and crossing the room to change the record, and the moment is gone.
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lil-gae-disaster · 2 months
Fredericks relationships to all the other amrev ocs - overview
Just note that I'm jus writing down what I remember, so if I forgot someone, pls lemme know! :D
Without further ado, let's get started
Jonathan - friend, later lover
Hamilton - close friend
Catherine - close friend, later considered older brother
Joseph - enemy, later considered little brother
Giles - drinking buddy
Claudia - post war friendly
Carol - fun uncle/father status
Marko - friend
Abe - older brother figure
Nicolas - oldee brother figure
Augustus - aquainted/friends
Benedict - maternal cousin
Dante - maternal half brother
Matteo - friend
Frances - friend, one sided crush on her side
Jay - aquainted/friend?
Jaques - friend
Augustus - paternal cousin
Charles - aquainted/friend?
William - minimally aquainted
Henry - drinking buddies
Mabel - friend, later brother status
Anna - gossip buddy
Adele - gossip buddy
Fabienne - close friend
Remy - friend
William L. - friends, nearly brotherly bond
Conan - enemies, occasionally friendly
Zephyr - older brother figure (?)
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paradox-complex · 2 months
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some silly stuff
-hes got a german background
-grew up in a french family
-his back is really fucked up (from beating and for his bad posture)
-doesent fight in the war
-doesent have a real surname
-matteos boyfriend basically (idk why I put that twice)
-loves 'La Divina Commedia' (ironic isn't it)
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thealmightea · 3 months
🔁 reblog if you ship this couples like me...
[ come back for more to check for the newest because believe me when I said this will continue til the end of time ^^ because apparently I like collecting ships like collecting stamps or coins or cards. ]
in alphabetical order
9-1-1 - Eddie and Buck (Buddie)
9-1-1 Lone Star - Carlos and T.K (Tarlos)
Addicted - Gu Hai and Bai Luoyin (Heroin)
Addicted - You Qi and Yang Meng
Alles was zählt - Deniz and Roman (Dero)
Animal Kingdom - Deran and Adrian (Derdrian)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Aristotle and Dante (Aridante)
As The World Turn - Noah and Luke (Nuke)
Brothers & Sisters - Kevin and Scotty
Call Me By Your Name - Oliver and Elio (Olio)
Casualty - Jez and Mickey
Class - Matteusz and Charlie
Cuffs - Simon and Jake
Days Of Our Own - Sonny and Will (Wilson)
Dead Boy Detective - Charles and Edwin (Charwin)
Degrassi - Dylan and Marco
Degrassi - Miles and Tristan
Degrassi - Riley and Zane (Ziley)
Demain Nous Appartient - Rayane and Jack (Jayane)
EastEnders - Christian and Syed (Chryed)
El Cor De La Ciutat - Iago and Max (Maxiago)
El juego de las llaves - Valentin and Daniel
Emmerdale - Robert and Aaron (Robron)
Élite - Omar and Ander (Omander)
Eyewitness - Lukas and Phillip (Philkas)
Fisica O Quimica - Fernando and David
Free! - Makoto and Haru (Makoharu)
Free! - Rei and Nagisa (Nagirei)
Free! - Sōsuke and Rin
Freier Fall - Kay and Marc
Glee - Blaine and Kurt (Klaine)
Goede tijden, slechte tijden - Lucas and Edwin (Ludwin)
Grey's Anatomy - Nico and Levi
Hannibal - Hannibal and Will (Hannigram)
Hawaii Five O - Steve and Danno (McDanno)
Heartstopper - Nick and Charlie (Narlie)
Hit The Floor - Zero and Jude (Zude)
How To Get Away With Murder - Connor and Oliver (Coliver)
Hunter X Hunter - Leorio and Kurapika
In The Flesh - Simon and Kieren (Siren)
Interview with The Vampire - Lestat and Louis (Loustat)
Julie and The Phantoms - Alex and Willie
Kuroko no Basket - Aomine and Kise (Aokise)
Kuroko no Basket - Kagami and Kuroko (Kagakuro)
Kuroko no Basket - Kiyoshi and Hyūga
Kuroko no Basket - Midorima and Takao
Kuroko no Basket - Murasakibara and Himuro
Legacies - Ben and Jed
Les Misérables - Enjolras and Grantaire (Enjoltaire)
Love Simon - Simon and Bram
Love Victor - Victor and Benji (Venji)
Man In An Orange Shirt - Steve and Adam
Man In An Orange Shirt - Michael and Thomas
MCU - Steve and Bucky (Stucky)
MCU - Spiderman and Deadpool (Spideypool)
MCU - Wolverine and Deadpool (Poolverine)
Merlí - Pol and Bruno (Brunol)
Merlin - Arthur and Merlin (Merthur)
Merlin - Percival and Gwaine (Perwaine)
Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed - Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian (Wangxian)
O Beijo do Escorpião - Paulo and Miguel
One Live To Life - Oliver and Kyle
Oz - Chris and Tobias
Please Like Me - Arnold and Josh
Please Like Me - Geoffrey and Josh
Prisma - Daniele and Andrea
Queer As Folk - Ben and Michael
Queer As Folk - Brian and Justin (Britin)
Queer As Folk - Drew and Emmett
Queer As Folk - Ted and Blake
Raw - Geoff and Pavel
Red White And Royal Blue - Alex and Henry (Firstprince)
Roswell New Mexico - Michael and Alex (Malex)
Rykter - Mathias and Erik
Salatut Elämät - Lari and Elias (Larias)
Sala Samobójców - Aleksander and Dominik
Schloss Einstein - Noah and Colin (Nolin)
School 2013 - Heungsoo and Namsoon (Heungsoon)
Sense8 - Lito and Hernando
Sex Education - Adam and Eric
Shadowhunters - Magnus and Alec (Malec)
Shadowhunters - Raphael and Simon
Shameless - Ian and Mickey (Gallavich)
Skam - Even and Isak (Evak)
Skam Belgium (Wtfock) - Sander and Robbe (Sobbe)
Skam France - Eliott and Lucas (Elu)
Skam Germany (Druck) - David and Matteo
Skam Italia - Niccolo and Martino (Martinico)
Spartacus - Agron and Nasir (Nagron)
Spartacus - Barca and Pietros (Bietros)
Station 19 - Travis and Emmett
Suits - Harvey and Mike
Supernatural - Dean and Castiel (Destiel)
Tatort Saarbrücken - Leo Hölzer and Adam Schürk (Hörk)
Teen Wolf - Danny and Ethan
Teen Wolf - Derek and Stiles (Sterek)
The Eagle - Marcus and Esca
The Halcyon - Toby and Adil
The Magicians - Quentin and Eliot (Queliot)
The Maze Runner - Newt and Thomas (Newtmas)
The Night Shift - Drew and Rick
The Old Guard - Joe and Nicky (Joenicky)
The Silmarillion - Melkor and Mairon (Angbang)
The Society - Sam and Grizz
The Walking Dead - Aaron and Eric
Torchwood - Jack and Ianto (Janto)
Verbotene Liebe - Oliver and Christian (Chrolli)
Voltron Legendary Defender - Keith and Lance (Klance)
Young Royal - Wilhelm and Simon (Wilmon)
Yuri! On Ice - Victor and Yuuri (Victuuri)
... to be continued ...
❣ Give me some recs pls ❣
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yourlocalfallenstar · 2 months
I was told to make one of these?.. Uhhh...
Hello ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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⋆°•☁︎ Name; Elio Beausoleil
⋆☀︎。 Age; 17 1/2.
☀︎₊˚⊹ Nicknames; Elly, Els, Bitch (from Mattie).
₊ ⊹☼ Gender; Gender Neutral (though I do usually use he/him prns)
⋆。°•☁︎ Godrent; Apollo...
✷༉‧₊˚. Powers; Light bending or getting possessed.
⋆.˚☀︎٠ ࣪⭑ Weapons; Many, many daggers and a bow and arrow.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ Favorites ⋆⭒˚.⋆
⊹.✮₊⋆ Color; Orange
⊹₊⋆ Food; Anything edible (Gumbo)
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.• Series/Movie: Matilda
༺☆༻ People; Ethan, Damien, Diane, Matteo, Camille
𝜗𝜚⋆₊˚ Song; Viva La Vida by Coldplay / Living On by ORE0
⋆.˚✰ Book; Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte / Coraline by Neil Gaiman.
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˖⋆࿐໋ Friends ˖⋆࿐໋
@damiedantediane - All of DLC, really.
@iceweavercatlover - Cool Spiderman dude.
@this-is-homophobic - As an extension of Damien, since they are engaged.
@welkombijspecerijen - He makes food. 👍
@glee-of-ares-wrath-of-aphrodite - Married to Dante, pretty cool god.
@rayof-damnsunshine - Therapist.
@love-lightning-forethought - Cool people who know Brook.
idk who else...
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Oh, and Matteo... I'll mention him a lot. Son of Aeolus and Circe, demiboy, Italian American, 16 3/4, blah blah blah.
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Ooc: I completely forgot I should've done this, so hi. I'm @debacleofdaemons and... 1, 2, 4... Yeah, those on the list. I also run the separate acc, which gives lore and wishes, @godofwishingwells.
I'm also @iceweavercatlover and @damiedantediane
IC - time for chaos OOC - mod in chat LORE - trauma!
thx ^^
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