mudandmire · 3 months
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Azriel made a deal with the Mother ten years ago: his service in return for Eris's life. Azriel leaves no impression on the world anymore, no footprints or sounds. The only thing he leaves behind are rivers - endless erosions of blood through the stone he bore the day Eris died. His obedience, in return for Eris's survival. There is no other way.
Yet the decade passes, and The Autumn Court is falling into turmoil. In the midst of the heatwave drying out their crops, trying to discover who wants him dead, and delicately balancing his bargain with the Night Court and the unpredictability of his volatile father - Eris finds an even greater secret. One he probably wasn't ever supposed to know.
AH first chapter is here!! I'm ✨terrified✨ This is for all the lovelies who inspired me, but also those who were so so kind and liked my little pet project. I have little experience being in such a forward, loving community, where every praise you have is shared. I adore it, I'm working to be more like y'all because there's nothing like kindness shared ❤️
I have no idea what I'm doing 🫠. I am Completely Obsessed with this idea - it's taken over all my thoughts at work, too, so that's fun. Hope you enjoy a lil snippet from the chapter :D
The woods hang their breath; fog in the trees, swirling through the limbs of pines. The flurry comes down faster collecting in the strands of Eris's hair and in his sooty eyelashes.
At his side, his blade weighs heavy. The two males continue to talk over the body sprawled in the snow. Their voices ring from far away, lost to the near silence the forest has collected around them in this little clearing.
Azriel makes to take a step toward Eris, but jerks back like a string being pulled taut. He shifts to right the strain, casting a narrow-eyed glance to the barren branches, as if something sits there—watching.
"Would you stop running your mouth and get the knife?" The second male points a long, pale finger to the bag in the snow, having been shucked off in relief when they made it to the clearing.
The knuckles on his fingers are raw, a ruddy red color from dragging a body through the cold. Azriel's shadows follow his gaze, the rage filtered through them that he has no allowance to feel. He watches him; finds the aspects of his face and the clothes he wears and documents it. The male isn't all that impressive, and apart from having the same pointed ears high fae have, he would've easily mistaken him for a lower rank: a farmer, perhaps.
White flakes catch on the dark, muddy brown strands of the fae's hair. He brushes at his runny nose as his beady, dark eyes scan over the clearing.
They sweep over where Azriel is standing, and continue on.
"Got it!" The second male shouts, echoing through the still silent woods. Not a bird calls back. Not a single scamper of little paws through the crunch of snow and twigs answers.
Foolish fae, they should know better than to trust a silent wood. Azriel thinks to himself, the shadows chittering in agreement.
The first male rubs his hands together, the friction faint, his breath pooling like great clouds in front of his narrow face. "Fucking finally." He says, and pulls out a crumpled, awkwardly folded piece of paper from his pocket. "Now, give it here."
He passes the knife over. An unassuming silver shine that catches the watery light, it's hilt wrapped in worn leather. It looks like it would be lost in an armory and never found again.
Azriel feels the muscles along his shoulders tense, his legs stiffening in the snow as if being rooted to the earth. He's much more comfortable with the knife in the second males hand—a little bit awkward, unaware of consequences tied to the blade like a red ribbon.
The shadows go shrill, piercing through the muffled drone of Azriel's thoughts. They bring forth the accompanying jolt of his heart—the twist deep in his stomach as he catches the mad glint in the males eyes as he holds the knife aloft.
"Ten thousand gold marks, Lachlan." He whispers, nearly to himself. There's a sheen on his thin, pale lips from how many times he's licked at them. "And we've got it."
A smile, crooked and strangely excited, grows on Lachlan's face.
Foolish, the shadows whisper, delighting in the wait just as much as Azriel is. Unwise creatures—their spilt blood will be refreshing.
The second male pauses, just enough for Azriel to catch it and take it as his cue.
Tag list -
@c-starstuff-man0 @futurehunt @chunkypossum @somnolentsoul
(please please lemme know if I missed you or you want off or if I did it wrong fanks :])
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charlitosalcaraz · 6 months
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Carlos Alcaraz & Jannik Sinner 📍 Indian Wells, California, 2024 © Antoine Couvercelle
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noogats · 2 years
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forever thankful all my faves were playable 🫶
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compacflt · 1 year
in regard to the icemav convo about american made cars: I think it would be funny if after mav gets his regular license, ice buys him a truck that they can use for transporting stuff to the hangar and when he gifts it to mav all the man can do is laugh bc stamped across the ass is MAVERICK. It’s a 2023 ford maverick (in area 51 bc I’m partial to that color)
and mav likes it, but he doesn’t love driving it bc it’s so big (and he just likes being a passenger princess too much), so ice drives it mostly which inspires a whole lot of jokes about ice liking having maverick’s name stamped on his ass. bradley gags from the other room every time.
if it matters to u, i agree with this hc 150% on rhetoric grounds. thank god for your mind.
however i would like to raise the issue that recent american pickup trucks have become non-useful, overexpensive, and suburban-coded in a way i think ice and mav would reject. the ford maverick was built with the intention of dropping kindergarteners off at school, not of actually doing hard labor. see below infographic for what I mean.
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It’s a fucking travesty. Trucks are so ugly and useless now. the maverick is not immune to this. (maverick below)
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what good is having a fucking truck if it can’t even hold two REGULAR ASS BIKES in the bed. & when the bed is empty the chassis is unbalanced in a way that leads to more accidents etc. (tbf that was true in the 70s/80s too but im feeling more hateful towards modern trucks rn). In short—the modern American pickup truck is no longer useful, it’s a way to virtue signal to other Americans that you *think * you know what hard labor is, even when you’re driving around in a glorified odyssey with a teeny tiny bed that can barely hold a couple bags of mulch for the back garden
ice & mav don’t even have any little kids anymore, i think they’d consider a backseat useless & a waste of space
SO i would like to offer you a Compromise, which is that ice & mav buy either (or both) a 1974 ford maverick AND/OR a 1990 ford maverick
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for the Funny Name & coolness factor (& the “making Bradley vom cause of how cute his parents are” factor), and then soup up, like, a 1984 Chevy C10 for actual towing/hauling purposes.
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fairyniceyeah · 6 months
⌛🐶🌹❤️Oh, love is something good for us to share
Title from California (The Rose)
Summary: ATEEZ' Yunho is suffering from heat exhaustion at Coachella but he soon finds help from unusual caretakers – The Rose hyungs. But Dojoon and Jaehyeong themselves are not doing good either. (The Rose/ATEEZ - Crossover)
CW: emeto, talk of fainting
Sickie: Yunho (+ Dojoon/Leo + Jaehyeong/Jeff) Caretakers: Woosung/Sammy + Hajoon/Dylan (+ Hongjoong + Seonghwa)
Coachella was too hot. California was too hot. Yunho was too hot.
He had thought that filming the “Pirate King” and “Treasure” M/Vs in the Moroccan desert had been bad. But back then they had been able to take breaks in the shade, been able to drink between takes.
On the Coachella stage - despite it just being the rehearsal - under the sweltering Californian sun in a hurry to get everything perfect no real breaks had been possible. Wherever they had stood there had been sun. It had been exhausting. Within the first fifteen minutes he had gotten a bad headache, constantly blinded by the light, and he started feeling dizzy and unwell. The muscle cramps had started shortly after.
Yunho had tried to drink between songs but he had gotten too nauseous too soon. 
It wasn’t like it was his fault that he couldn’t deal with heat well.
He had been glad when their rehearsal was over (though he looked forward to the performance the next day) and they could get cooled down. So at the first opportunity once they were off-stage, Yunho had walked away from the group in search of a cooler place than their waiting area. The others had been too preoccupied with celebrating their successful stage and trying to deal with the heat as well. Poor Yeosang had looked downright sunburned, now matter how much sunscreen the stylists had put on him.
Yunho managed to stumble upon a bathroom, located at the far side of the artists’ area. To his surprise it was empty. 
Even better: Everything was deliciously cooled by an A/C and seemed clean enough. Not caring if he was delirious or thinking about any germs, Yunho just laid down on the cold tiles, feeling them absorb his body heat instantly.
Wow, that felt good. His clothes were soaked in sweat but the freeze on his back was amazing.
He closed his eyes, his heavy eyes with the hazy vision, and tried to catch his breath. He would get up soon to find his group. He would be fine for a moment here, he just didn’t want to brave the heat again.
Yunho nearly dropped off to sleep when he was irritated by loud voices from outside the door.
“Leo, I told you that eating fast food was a bad idea”, somebody said in Korean. Yunho didn’t even have time to be confused about that - after all they were in an English-speaking country - then the door was pushed open and a few people came in.
Yunho seriously couldn’t care less. As long as they let him lie there, he was happy.
But then there was a surprised shout, a curse and somebody gently shook him.
“I’m good, it’s just hot”, Yunho slurred and blinked open his eyes.
As his vision cleared, he was taken aback.
“Woosung-sunbaenim?”he asked, confused, brain not quite catching up to his eyes. Of course he knew that The Rose sunbaenims were at Coachella too and they had hoped they would run into them. He just hadn’t expected that so soon. Mingi would be so jealous of him. 
At the moment the only feeling he himself could muster was some form of shame - here he was laying on a hopefully not too dirty bathroom floor, exhausted to the core. It didn't make for a good first impression.
“Isn’t that ATEEZ’s Yunho?”, a different voice asked.
“Leo, get to that sink before you actually puke everywhere”, Woosung commanded, not looking away from Yunho. It was kinda weird holding eye contact with his sunbaenim, Yunho mused. But he could only blink. It was as if his body was mush. “Jeff, go with him. Dylan, come here, help me with him.”
What was up with his sunbaenims? Were they okay?
It was kind of a coincidence they had all ended up in the same bathroom in this huge area. Maybe they had looked for a more private area too? Yunho didn't actually care enough to ask. He just wanted his peace. Probably would not get that but so be it. At least he could brag to Mingi.
A second person knelt down by Yunho’s side. Ah, Hajoon-sunbaenim, their drummer. The older man looked really worried for some reason.
“Why are you here alone, Yunho-ssi? What happened? Where is your group?”, Woosung asked gently.
“Uh, I was too hot. It’s cool here, dunno where they are, sunbaenim”, Yunho mumbled. Maybe it should phase him that he didn’t know where his members were but he was so tired.
“No, stay awake”, Hajoon said, placing a hand against Yunho’s neck, “hyung, his pulse is really fast.”
"Yunho-ssi, what else do you feel?", Woosung-sunbaenim asked urgently.
"Head hurts, kinda nauseous, my muscles were cramping. I just wanted to be cool again, it's so hot." Yunho groaned. Couldn't they let him sleep?
“Heat exhaustion”, Woosung said grimly, addressing Hajoon probably, “if not heatstroke. They just had their rehearsal under the sun, no wonder he isn’t feeling good. Do we have water and where the fuck is that electric fan?”
“We only have this left”, Hajoon answered and handed Woosung a half-full water bottle before jumping to his feet, “I’ll see if I can get more and find his group. Do we need a medic?”
“Yunho-ssi, do you have your phone?”, Woosung asked. Yunho just shrugged and let Woosung pat his pockets. The older man came up empty.
“Go get water and maybe ice first, Hajoon-ah. If you find a manager or whoever have them call ATEEZ. No, hey, Yunho-ssi, stay awake, please. You said you feel nauseous? Do you think you might need to be sick?”
“Maybe”, Yunho admitted shyly. He was really making a great first impression. Not.
“It’s okay, stuff happens. Don’t be embarrassed. Are you dizzy?”
“A bit.” Ah, to hell with impressions. He just wanted to close his eyes again.
“Can you sit up for me?”
Yunho shook his head a bit. Sitting up sounded like it would make his nausea and exhaustion worse. Why did his sunbaenim have to insist on this? He was happy enough alone on the floor.
“Jeff, help me sit him up, please. He needs to drink. Oh, you have the fan, gimme please.” 
Suddenly everything swirled as he was propped upright and Yunho gagged dryly. Nothing came up, probably everything that was in his body had vaporized already. Did that make sense? Yunho wasn’t sure.
Somebody tapped his cheek and Yunho tried to swat at the annoying hands. At least the breeze on his face from the fan felt good and the cool of the wall on his back was welcome. “No, open your eyes, Yunho-ssi. Or I will call an ambulance.”
That had Yunho awake. He did not want to go to the hospital. And he really did not want to see Hongjoong-hyung’s sad, pouting, disappointed face if he ended up there. Or any of the others’, really. Besides, they were at Coachella - he wanted to enjoy it.
“Drink”, Woosung said with a bit of force in his voice, “slow sips, we don’t want you to get sick. But you need to hydrate a bit. I am a bit scared of delivering you into Hongjoong-ssi’s care like this. He might kill me.”
“Joong-hyung is a marshmallow. Or a minion or something”, Yunho complained but drank a few sips of the offered water. Woosung gave him a bright smile and stroked Yunho’s sweat-soaked hair back from his forehead.
“Can you hold the fan yourself? Here you go. I’m sure he is, just not when I return you looking like this. Hell, I nearly fought RM and Suga once when they brought a sick Jaehyeong to me and I didn’t know what happened.”
“Sounds like a story”, Yunho mumbled as he took the fan from Woosung’s hand and took another sip. The bottle was empty then and he pouted. Drinking had helped a bit to clear his surroundings and he finally was able to focus on something else than Woosung’s face which previously had been the only thing he had been able to see clearly.
“It was - should have seen his tiny ass trying to threaten a guy nearly a head taller than him”, somebody said and Yunho turned to look at who had spoken. 
The man had his back to them, leaning over the sink, so Yunho couldn’t be quite sure. But considering their earlier conversation and that the other man by his side had blond hair (so Jaehyeong, their bassist and maknae who still was like five years older than Yunho), he assumed it was Dojoon, their keyboardist, vocalist and whichever other instruments that dude could play. Mingi was so enamored.
“Is he alright?”, Yunho asked worriedly. It was a bit curious to see his sunbaenims like that.
“Huh? Who? Leo? Yeah, that dumbass just thought that eating fast food before jumping around in the heat during sound check was a great idea, especially when I told him not to. Sometimes I am right, aren’t I, Leo?”, Woosung grumbled but he did look a bit concerned when he mustered his ill member.
“Fuck off, Sammy”, Dojoon replied, sounding very nauseated and ending his sentence with a harsh swallow. Uh-oh. “California, our worries make no sense”, he added in English. Why he suddenly switched languages Yunho wasn’t sure but he congratulated himself in understanding it. Maybe it was one of their songs? He'd have to ask Mingi. He was too tired to remember.
“That was not what I was going for with the lyrics. Like not even close”, Woosung complained, “and I told you multiple times that a large order of fries with a burger was a bad idea. I am from California, I know what I am talking about.” That at least answered the lyric question.
“Can we stop talking about food now?”, the third member, Jaehyeong, cut in, “besides: California, where people make freedom.” 
He, too, didn’t look so good, Yunho thought. Well, that was a lie. His sunbaenims did always look good. He himself was probably looking pathetic though.
“You too?”, Woosung asked, exasperated, “Freedom to make dumb choices, I guess. I can’t go with you lot anywhere.”
“Stop picking on me when I am not even there”, Hajoon complained from the doorway, holding a few bottles of water and an ice pack in his arms. That looked like a lifeline, pun intended.
“I wasn’t”, Woosung complained, but added a suspicious: “You didn’t overeat before practice, did you?”
“I’m not stupid”, Hajoon commented, earning himself a "fuck off" from Jaehyeong, at the same time that Dojoon apparently lost the fight against his stomach and raced to a bathroom stall. Disgusting sounds echoed through the bathroom and Yunho cringed. Hearing that did his own stomach no favor.
Woosung sighed and gestured at Yunho. “Joon-ah, you got him for a moment? I’ll check on … Joon-ah. Fuck your names.”
Hajoon rolled his eyes but he gave Yunho a kind smile as he knelt down by his side and pressed the ice to his neck. Oh, God, that felt good. Yunho moaned at the refreshing feeling, not even caring anymore how he was kind of embarrassing himself. 
“Hi, Yunho-ssi”, Hajoon said, “can you try to drink a bit more? Oh, Jeff, you too.” He pushed one of the bottles to Jaehyeong, causing it to collide with the other man’s legs. Jaehyeong just groaned.
“Idiots, all of them”, Hajoon commented and grinned when he got Yunho to giggle a bit. “I wasn’t able to locate your members but do you know any of their phone numbers?”
Quickly Yunho gave him Mingi’s phone number - the only number of his members he knew by heart. Hajoon typed it into the keypad. Before he dialed he looked up and called: “Sammy, you know, you could have just asked him if he knew any of the phone numbers.”
“Sorry”, Yunho mumbled, feeling himself flush. He should have thought of that. If only his head didn’t hurt so badly.
“Wha…? Oh”, Woosung’s voice came, then a middle finger appeared under the stall. 
“Hey, I didn’t do anything. Neither did you, Yunho-ssi, he’s just a grumbling old man”, Hajoon said with a laugh. He seemed happy to tease his hyung. Somehow he reminded Yunho of Jongho.
“Wait until you turn thirty, I will make so many jokes”, Woosung called, then went back to comforting an obviously still very nauseous Dojoon.
“You’re still over a year older than me, hyung”, Hajoon teased and winked at Yunho. Oh, teasing to make Yunho more comfortable with his sunbaenims. That was actually kind of nice.
“I’m going to call Mingi-ssi now”, Hajoon said and put the phone on speaker.
“Hello?”, Mingi’s deep voice filtered through the air. Yunho smiled a bit, he did want to be reunited with his members. Just somewhere cool. 
“Hi, Mingi-yah”, Yunho whispered before Hajoon could say anything.
Mingi gasped and he sounded panicked when he answered: “Yunho? Yunho-yah? Where are you? We were so worried? Hyung, no, wait….”
“Yunho-yah?”, Seonghwa’s worried voice came instead. His overprotective eldest hyung must have snatched the phone from Mingi. 
“Urgh, give that to me”, Hongjoong said, sounding further away and then louder: “Yunho, baby, where are you? Whose phone are you calling from?”
Yunho hid his face in his hand. His members were embarrassing - Seonghwa and Hongjoong actually acted like parents sometimes.
“Uh, mine,” Hajoon said, obviously suppressing a laugh, and introduced himself: “Hajoon from The Rose.”
Instantly the other side of the phone turned quiet. “Sunbaenim? What’s going on? Thank you for calling”, Hongjoong asked, trying to sound polite and not overly scared. He failed spectacularly at the last part.
“Yunho’s just not feeling so good”, Hajoon started to explain. It was very obvious at that moment that Hajoon was one of the younger members of The Rose - he had never learned how to deliver bad news and not make anybody’s leader panic. 
Before he could get any further, however, he was interrupted. It would have been rude in any other situation but it was actually kind of sweet how worried Hongjoong got.
“What’s wrong? Where are you?” There were probably a thousand bad scenarios running through the leader’s head at that phrasing. 
Hajoon quickly gave a description of their whereabouts to Hongjoong who promised to be there as soon as possible and was about to hang up when Yunho mumbled: “Hyung, I really don’t need all of you to come. Take Seonghwa-hyung. Don’t bring Mingi.”
“Alright”, Hongjoong said softly, “hold on, baby, we’ll be there soon.” The call ended.
Hajoon had his eyebrow raised when Yunho looked at him. “Why don’t you want Mingi? Aren’t you like best friends?”, he asked curiously. 
How did Hajoon know? It would be something an ATINY would know but that didn’t really make sense, did it? Urgh, thinking hurt. 
“We are”, Yunho confirmed instead, “but he is totally a Black Rose. I doubt that he wants, uh, this to be his first real interaction.” He awkwardly gestured at Jaehyeong, who had sat down by the sinks and was slowly sipping on the bottle of water Hajoon had given him.
“Fair enough”, Hajoon agreed, grimacing. "Actually, thanks, I guess."
They looked up when the stall door opened and Dojoon and Woosung stumbled out. Dojoon was still very pale and Woosung had a stabilizing hand on the small of his back. But Dojoon was looking much better than earlier.
“How are you?”, Jaehyeong asked dejectedly when Woosung deposited Dojoon next to him. The older man just groaned but accepted the bottle of water their leader pressed into his hand.
"Thanks for asking, Jeff. Oh, me? Yes, I am feeling better too, thanks", Jaehyeong said rhetorically, a bit annoyed. He acted a bit like San when he was pouty. Weird.
"Be nice, kid", Dojoon replied, causing them to argue quietly.
Woosung ignored them and came to crouch down by Yunho’s side again. “Are you feeling better then? Or should I prepare to run from your leader?”, he asked teasingly.
“Uh, what?”, Hongjoong asked from the door. None of them had noticed him and Seonghwa entering. With all eyes on him after the rather not eloquent question he turned beet-red. “Sunbaenims”, he muttered and pulled at Seonghwa to make them bow.
“Don’t bow, Hongjoong-ssi, Seonghwa-ssi”, Woosung said with a smile.
It was Seonghwa’s turn to flush. “You know us, sunbaenim?”
“Of course”, Hajoon agreed, “Woosung-hyung is totally an ATINY. I think he has merch, actually. We all love your music. Also we tried to do the Bouncy challenge and I nearly ruined my ba… too soon?” He glanced at Woosung who just rolled his eyes.
“Yes, three weeks is too soon, brat”, Woosung replied, “also, may I remind you that you cried more than me that day?”
Hajoon seemed to choose to ignore the second part though he ducked his head a bit. The cough that he muffled with his hand sounded suspiciously like “grandfather” but Woosung just gave him a simultaneous warning and exasperated glance before focusing his attention on ATEEZ's eldest.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa both seemed as taken aback as Yunho by Hajoon’s confession of being ATINY. It was not everyday that a sunbaenim who you adored adored you right back. Wow. While Hongjoong had turned a bit red again (maybe he just had sunburn though?) Seonghwa couldn’t quite hide his shock, evident by his wide eyes and open mouth.
"I'm glad you are here, Hongjoong-ssi, Seonghwa-ssi", Woosung said, pulling them out of their awe, "I think it's only a case of a bit of heat exhaustion but you should get Yunho-ssi checked out by a medic, just in case."
"Thank you, sunbaenim", Hongjoong replied, distractedly, and rushed over to Yunho now that the greetings were over. Well, to be fair, the only thing that probably had stopped him before had not actually been social conventions but rather confusion. 
Hajoon scooted to the side to make space for him and ended up beside Yunho, also leaning against the wall. With his head pounding and eyes dropping, Yunho leaned sideways and rested his head on his shoulder. Maybe it was a bit inappropriate - after all they had known each other for less than an hour but he was tired. Hongjoong only looked worried and surprised but nobody said anything about it.
"Baby, we were so worried when we realized we didn't know where you were", Hongjoong mumbled, placing a cool hand tenderly against Yunho's cheek, "you can't just run off, especially if you don't feel well."
Yunho flushed a bit under the attention. All eyes were focused on him and it made his skin crawl. He had not wanted attention. That had been the first reason why he had run away. Apparently you couldn’t feel unwell anywhere in peace. Deep down though, he was glad.
"Didn't want to make you worry", he mumbled, staring down at his lap. Now that the excitement had died down again he felt like he was hit by a truck. And not an ice-cream one. "I was just a bit too hot."
"You never handled the heat well", Seonghwa sighed, taking Yunho's hand in his own, feeling the pulse in his wrist. “Remember filming Pirate King and Treasure?”
Hongjoong groaned. “Yeah, that was fun. Sorry, Yunho, we should have paid more attention. I hope he didn’t bother you, sunbaenims?” 
If Yunho hadn’t been so comfy he would have been offended. Being a “bother” was Wooyoung's job. But he was content to just watch with half-lidded eyes.
“Not at all. He’s a delight”, Woosung replied, “and please, stop calling us ‘sunbaenim’. ‘Hyung’ or our names are fine, ‘sunbaenim’ makes us feel old. Hajoon, I am warning you.”
The drummer had opened his mouth to probably make another joke but decided he wanted to live another day. Yunho giggled a bit. Their dynamics were funny, he had to admit. 
“Alright, thank you. Hyung”, Seonghwa said, “we don’t want to keep you here, surely you have other things to do?”
It was at that moment that he looked around and seemed to take in Dojoon’s and Jaehyeong’s complexions for the first time. He faltered for a moment then his face turned worried.
“Are you alright?”, he asked. God, he really was a mother sometimes. Even to people like four or five years his senior.
“Yeah, they will be fine. They are just regretting their decision to eat before jumping around in the heat. Turns out, what a surprise, it wasn’t a good idea”, Woosung explained before the two could defend themselves.
“You’ll hold that over our heads for the rest of our lives, won’t you?”, Jaehyeong whined, throwing his empty water bottle in Woosung’s general direction. He missed spectacularly. 
“We had that particular problem before”, Hongjoong said pointedly, staring at Seonghwa. 
“Oh, that’s what yesterday was about?”, Yunho asked. Seonghwa flushed and stuttered: “I … uhm, I’m sure the food was just out in the sun too long.”
“Yeah, sure”, Hongjoong deadpanned, “but you are right, we should get going. We already sent the kids back to the hotel. They fought hard to stay and are really worried about you, but we all deserve a night off. The only thing they can do at the moment is rest. But I fear Mingi may have paced a hole in the hotel’s carpet by now. Anyways, Yunho-yah, do you think you can stand? We’ll take you to the medics to get checked out and then how does a nap sound?”
“Heavenly”, Yunho mumbled, “hyung, I am so tired. My head hurts too. But I can stand.”
“Still nauseous?”, Hajoon asked gently. Shockingly, no. Yunho shook his head. 
“Okay, that’s good”, Hongjoong agreed, “medical and then you can sleep.”
“Up you go”, Seonghwa said and with his and Hajoon’s help Yunho was standing. Well, leaning on his Seonghwa-hyung but he was on his feet. Hongjoong reached up and smoothed Yunho’s hair out of his face.
“Why do you have to be so tall, Yunho-yah?”, the captain asked fondly.
“You’re just tiny, hyung”, Yunho quipped, causing Seonghwa, Hajoon and Jaehyeong to laugh. 
Hongjoong groaned. Woosung patted his back in a sympathetic gesture. “I feel you, Hongjoong-ah.”
They all burst into laughter again. Hongjoong and Woosung both had similar pouting expressions on their faces.
“Okay, let’s actually go”, Hongjoong said, shaking his head, and turned to Woosung and Hajoon, who had come to stand beside his leader, “thank you so much for your help, hyungs.” He bowed a bit.
“We’re happy we could help. Feel better soon, kiddo”, Woosung replied and turned to Yunho. To the dancer’s shock he actually hugged him. Oh, wow. Hajoon followed suit. 
“Thank you”, Yunho mumbled and looked at Dojoon and Jaehyeong who were cuddled up together still, “I hope you two feel better soon as well.”
“Thank you”, they echoed. Jaehyeong waved and Dojoon added: “I’d hug you too but I think I’d puke again if I have to stand up.”
“Great, let’s get you idiots back to the hotel too”, Woosung mumbled and knelt down beside his two unwell members.
Yunho, Seonghwa and Hongjoong waved at them until they left the bathroom.
A health check by a medic and an order to rest and drink plenty later, Seonghwa and Hongjoong led Yunho back to the hotel. He nearly fell asleep on Seonghwa’s shoulder in the elevator but was shaken awake by Hongjoong. He whined.
“You can sleep soon, you big baby”, Hongjoong said fondly, “just, you scared us today. Really scared us and I hate to think what would have happened if The Rose-hyungs hadn’t found you. We’ll talk about that another time but for now be prepared to have five anxious dongsaengs fuss over you.”
The captain unlocked the door and as soon as they entered the hotel room, Mingi practically assaulted Yunho with a tight, comforting hug.
“What happened? Yunho, why were you with The Rose-sunbaenims?”, Mingi asked, never letting go. Yunho was content to be just held.
“Well, the The Rose-hyungs found me, actually”, Yunho said and couldn’t help but brag: “Woosung-hyung called me a ‘delight’.”
Mingi’s shocked and envious face definitely was worth getting heat exhaustion.
But he would never dare admit that particular sentiment to his Hongjoong-hyung.
Yunho liked living.
Notes: Guys, I’m not from America and have never been to Coachella. I tried to research a bit but I couldn’t really find much about security and backstage areas for the artists. I doubt they will just walk around with the other people though, so a more comfortable and sanitary backstage area is what I imagine. Correct me if I am wrong and get me a ticket then:) 
This was written before Coachella, so I didn't know the performance times yet! I decided to change a few things so this is now after the rehearsal which was during daytime.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ Fairy's Masterlist - The Rose  
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absolutelyzoned · 4 months
i want to put mike milligram in my mouth and chew him up like a post-it note. relatable im sure. send post
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miyagi-hokarate · 9 months
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You pretty okay too.
Happy birthday to Daniel LaRusso (posts art late and rushed)
Redraw of this shot
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mur-art · 1 year
thanks for answering my texacali question!!
and as a kind of extension to that (but also on the opposite side, i suppose)… how is it that caliyork is the relationship california deserves/pos?
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Ended up doing art for this one. CaliYork fans, come get your juice. (The juice is coffee. Straight espresso.)
To me, they give "old friends who one day see each other in a different light and then fall in love" vibes. Personally, I see this being a fairly healthy relationship, at least as healthy as these dysfunctional idiots can have. I feel like they might actually make each other better as people by being together, and that's always a good thing, eh? New York and Cali even in canon seem to get along pretty well, despite rarely getting along with anyone else. New York isn't afraid to call out Cali's shit but he does it in a more affectionate way that shows he actually cares. I think that's pretty adorable, ya feel me?
They're pretty equally matched in terms of influence and politics. They have a lot in common and wouldn't have to struggle with understanding each other fundamentally. I think they kinda *get* each other even though their personalities are a bit different. They definitely still give each other shit and fight sometimes because that's just who they are. But it's not as much of a challenge to keep up the relationship; it just kinda works. It's more chill and way less drama. (There is drama but they're dramatic in response to the world together and not at each other)
I personally don't find their relationship as interesting as like, TexaCali or Calivada just because there's less negative drama but I think for Cali's sake he would prefer it 😂. Or maybe he just likes drama. Scratch that, I KNOW he likes the drama.
I love this song for them:
Drop your own fav CaliYork songs in the reblogs/comments. I need a playlist for them.
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nowimhaunted · 1 year
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ravenxbones · 2 years
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um. fancy horse
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landofgay · 5 months
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meet Bart :^)
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frankenshane · 9 months
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reigning queen bee of the mean to other cats and horny club
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mx-heinous · 2 years
Cali/New York/Florida
So....that new sketch really got me shipping Cali and NY if y'all haven't seen my reblog spree. Now, I'm headcanoning that NY, Cali, and Flo are all dating each other.
I was talking to my friend about this and they showed me this
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Just the dynamic that Cali, the loneliest guy at the table, and New York, the most antisocial guy there, have is amazing.
Flo and Cali are literally roommates. The "California Joins The Table" video already showed how much in common the two have. Also, that moment in "Table News 5-8" where Cali's surfer side came out.
For Flo and NY, just imagine NY getting into a fight and Flo cheering him on/helping him.
Plus, NY has called both of them "B"
Imagine the shenanigans these 3 idiots are gonna get into.
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hoshigray · 4 months
Hi Hoshi Woshi!! I think I forgot to send my asks lmao but !!! Wow your new theme's so pretty 💚😇😇 You and Vegas always have the cutest matching themes I find it so adorable <3 <3 no one does it like you guys! ahh the guy she was Interested in is such a good manga- the art show is so unique and pops out so good
I've been doing okay tho! I recently visited turkey to see my a family friend's wedding and it’s been fun! I went horseback riding too so i can scratch that off my bucket list :DD what about you? do you have a bucket list? or at least … five things you wanna do in your life at some point? Ciaooooo
— california anon 💚💚
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CALIIII BABYYYYY 😢😢 I'M SO HAPPY TO HEAR FROM YOU, MISSED YOU LOTS HON!!! Awwww tysm, glad you think so 🤧💚🖤💚🖤 me and my wifey know how to do the theme game every time 💘 and YES, The Guy She Was Interested is so good, I'm happy that Arai is expanding on their Yuri characters bc I knew of them from Twitter back from their old art. I hope with the popularity of this manga that they'll go back to their old pairings and make a series for them as well 🫶🏾🩷🩷
Omg, a trip to Turkeyyy!?!? 🇹🇷 no wonder I haven't heard from you, too busy having the time of your life!! I hope the wedding was wonderful and wish the happy couple all the best in their new chapter 🥹💗 oh my, horseback riding sounds fun, you're such a lucky ducky!!! And yes, I do have a bucket list (although I need to write them down, lmao). Hmmm, the five things in that list are travel to at least one country per continent (minus Antarctica lol), visit or see Mt. Kilimanjaro, speak 10 languages, own a beach house, and see Great Whites at Guadelupe Island :33
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get-more-bald · 1 year
NEED to know what your Killjoy OCS are named PLEASE
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lemongogo · 1 year
ouhhh … ok..nodding..arms crossed .. hrmm of approval(< guy who just saw the clip of knives stabbing ppl in the face 4 the first time)
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