#also i switch up which side i sleep on like once a year
heirofnight · 25 days
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so long
pairing: azriel x reader
word count: 1.8k (of heart-crushing angst)
based on this request: could you do something for azriel based off ‘so long, london’ by taylor swift! thank you in advance 🩵
a/n: this is literally just soul-crushing angst. that's it. pls give feedback, and lmk what you think <3
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i saw in my mind ferry lights through the mist i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away
you stood with your back to the rest of the room, peering out at the velvety night sky that was blanketing velaris.
your arms were wrapped around yourself, and you'd opted to put all of your focus towards counting each bright, twinkling star in the onyx sky - anything to avoid turning around, which would result in meeting the eyes of the male sitting on the bed behind you.
you'd heard the sheets rustle as azriel shifted his weight against the mattress. he huffed out a dejected sigh, his wings rustling in anticipation of the conversation that was inevitably going to take place.
you'd shook your head then, squeezing your left shoulder in an attempt to ground yourself, silence your swirling thoughts.
my spine split from carrying us up the hill wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill i stopped trying to make him laugh, stopped trying to drill the safe
"i can't keep doing this, azriel," you whispered hoarsely, sniffling once.
although you couldn't see him, you felt the tension that stiffened his slouched frame after you uttered those words.
"i've felt this way for awhile, but i kept telling myself to ignore it - i've ignored you shutting down, shutting me out for days. i've ignored the way you've so-," you paused, trying to reign in your quickly escalating emotions before continuing, "so obviously have been going out of your way to avoid me, and i've even ignored you leaving my bed in the middle of the night to return to your own rooms - to sleep alone," you breathed out a quiet laugh devoid of any humor.
when he offered you no response, you kept going, "i'm exhausted, azriel. i am tired. i cannot keep forcing this relationship along, and i refuse to allow myself to continue to be involved with you when it is so clearly one-sided," you finished, voice shaky yet firm.
i stopped CPR, after all it’s no use the spirit was gone, we would never come to and i’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free
you finally turned around, daring to meet the hazel eyes of the male that, a year ago, handed his heart over to you in the palms of his beautifully scarred hands. you were both so happy in the beginning. he'd given you everything, he'd shared everything with you - his past, the horrible, vicious past that he'd endured. every thought, every feeling that made itself known at any given moment. he had slowly but surely opened himself up to you. no crevice was left undiscovered - and you had granted him the same.
but, for what? so much wasted time, wasted energy.
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over the last few months, azriel had begun to revert back to his old ways - to the point where, you'd sometimes had to ask yourself if it was all a dream in the first place. this abrupt, glaring switch had been flipped, and it almost felt like you'd never known him at all.
even now, it was like looking into the eyes of a stranger. his shadows were twined tightly around himself - a safe cocoon that rendered him wholly hidden from you. his expression was cold, unreadable. before you was the shadowsinger, but you'd fallen in love with your az.
and if this heartbreaking shift in his demeanor wasn't awful enough to endure, he was also refusing to even speak to you about it. you'd receive grunts and hums in lieu of actual verbal responses. did you not even deserve an explanation?
"so, i'm done. i'm done trying to make this work, i'm done bending over backwards. i've only broken myself in half in the process. i am not going to be the only one fighting to keep this, this - whatever this is, alive. thank you for all of the times we've had, but i'm done," you sneered, cringing at how professional your last statement felt, sounded.
so far from where you'd both begun.
and you say i abandoned the ship, but i was going down with it my white knuckle dying grip, holding tight to your quiet resentment
his eyes were cold and full of disdain, all of that anger and negativity being directed towards you - boring through you so intensely, you'd sworn for a moment that his gaze would leave gaping holes on every part of your body it touched.
he cleared his throat, his voice sounding like pure gravel, "so that's it, then? you're just - giving up?," he spat, his shadows swirling around him angrily - the sight reminding you of furious storm clouds preparing to decimate the land beneath them.
you must have been hallucinating.
giving up? you narrowed your eyes, taking a moment to process his words before you spoke.
"giving up?," you repeated out loud, voice hard and disbelieving.
"azriel, have you not been listening to me? have you not been bearing witness to how hard i have tried, and tried, and tried over the last 5 months?," you stepped towards him, face twisted in anger.
"how dare you?," you spat, hands slapping against your thighs as you gestured in utter shock. "i would have died for you, azriel. and several times over these last few months, it felt like i was heading in that direction," your voice lowered, growing dark.
he winced at your words, head dropping to stare at his hands that sat folded in his lap.
so how much sad did you think i had, did you think i had in me? how much tragedy? just how low did you think i'd go ‘fore i’d self implode? 'fore i’d have to go be free?
"i'm sorry," his voice hoarse and full of gravel - remorseful.
you paused, dropping your own head toward the floor.
"it's a little too late for that, az," you softened at his nickname escaping your lips, your heart aching at the familiarity of it. proof that you'd both been more than just strangers to each other at some point, even if that was the heart-wrenching truth now.
he shook his head to himself, running a frustrated hand through his jet-black waves.
curls that you'd play with so frequently when he'd begun to shut down right in front of your eyes. the action always seemed to bring him temporary piece, settling the raging storm that was beginning to brew within his molten-honey eyes.
your hand twitched at the memory, urging you to do the same thing for him again - now. but it was over, past the point of no return.
you swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? i died on the altar waiting for the proof
you bristled, straightening your posture after a pregnant pause of silence - you'd realized that he had nothing else to offer. no more words, no more explanations, no energy to fix whatever had irreparably split you both in two.
there was a point - about three months into the relationship - where things were so good, so heart-achingly perfect, that you were absolutely positive that he must be your mate. that was the only explanation for how well you both intertwined with each other. surely, there could be no other male walking this planet more made for you than azriel.
now, that thought almost made you laugh, the irony of it all almost paralyzing.
and so, with azriel offering you nothing further, you began to stride towards his bedroom door. this was it. he had no reassurance to give, no proclamation of love, no argument against the truth.
it was over, and that was that.
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and I’m just getting colour back into my face
three months had passed since you had ended your relationship with azriel on a devastating note.
you'd avoided the entire inner circle for that entire timeframe. you'd stopped visiting the town house, the house of wind. you'd stopped visiting rita's, and the bakery that you knew feyre loved to frequent. you'd opted to ultimately avoid the rainbow entirely. you couldn't bare it, couldn't bare the thought of running into any of them.
the thought of their pitying eyes assessing you after everything that had happened - it was suffocating, it would leave wounds almost as deep and bloody as the breakup itself.
but, as time progressed, you'd begun to heal. you'd met new friends at a cooking class held across the river. and as time went on, you were even able to stomach the food you'd spent so much time learning to create.
and then - it happened.
you'd decided on a whim to accompany your new friends to a café alongside the sidra after a cooking class one evening. it was a beautiful night, the clearest sky you'd seen in what felt like months. you weren't sure if this had anything to do with the newfound clarity you'd received since ending things with azriel, but regardless, it was welcomed.
you were sat around a small, round table right next to the peaceful river, the stars reflecting off its surface in a way that threatened to steal your breath each time you glanced over.
you felt true peace, surrounded by company - friends, friends that were yours, and not yours and azriel's.
a laugh trickled out of you as you listened intently to a story being shared around your table of wine and appetizers. you glanced to your left, squeezing the arm of the new male beside you - leaning against his frame as you both giggled. you'd met him at these aforementioned cooking classes, and you'd be lying if you said he wasn't a large reason behind your continued attendance.
your eyes met his, and you shared a warm smile, and that's when something behind his head - in the distance - caught your focus.
the apex of large, membranous wings. you felt your face blanche at the realization, and you leaned back in your chair hesitantly, heart stuttering against your ribcage.
and sure enough, there stood azriel. he'd already found you, and his narrowed gaze pinned you in place. he was with his brothers, and they seemed completely unaware of your presence at all.
but azriel was always aware, of everything, all the time. and he was painfully aware of you, sitting next to a male that was not him. hooked around his frame as if you were sewn together.
his shadows twirled and looped around him ominously, and you knew him well enough to know that although his expression was blank and unfeeling, his shadows always gave his emotions away.
he was pissed.
but you offered him a tense, pained smile. you felt dizzy, but you nodded once in his direction anyway.
as if to say, i see you, and i'm here, and so are you, and that's okay
it was over, and you'd met someone new, and you had come to terms with that - with all of it.
and you'd wanted him to do the same.
so long, london stitches undone two graves, one gun you’ll find someone
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a/n: this shit HURT. angst with no happy ending makes me want to claw my eyes out. but i hope you enjoyed this request!
a/n x2: i am just getting home from a morning shift, so if any of this was written poorly or not .... great, it's because i've been awake since 4AM. so sorry!!!
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themissinghand · 9 months
aahghh i'm happy that your requests r open :33 i want to ask for a Jinwoo x sleepy male/gn reader.. basically the reader falls asleep somewhere but always wake up in the most random places. Bellion has found them sleeping somewhere in the shadow realm more than once and no one knows how they got there. it's actually concerning-
this can either platonic or romantic idc rly
take care!
Solo Leveling: Sleepy Bois are Cute Too!
Summary: 3 times that Jinwoo caught his partner falling asleep on him, and the one time he didn’t. Not in any particular order.
In which Jinwoo is worried, but you reassure him every time. 
Pairing: Sung Jinwoo x sleepy GN! reader
Note: Last one for 2023! Will be back in the new year :) 
Warning: None. Just fluffy goodness. 
Jinwoo is worried about your sleeping antics.
He’s worried that when you fall asleep, he will never find you again. 
He took all the precautions, making sure there was a shadow soldier by your side when you fall asleep, keeping a tracker on you (with your consent of course!), and even taking you on his missions to ensure you don’t disappear on him. 
“Jinwoo-ah, don’t worry, I can protect myself.” 
Sure, you were an A-class weapon maker, and yes, you knew how to use your weapons well, but no matter how much you reassure him, Jinwoo is a protective person by nature, knowing how dangerous the world can be. 
He also knows how dedicated you are to your craft, spending days on end without sleep or food to create S-class grade weapons for the world to marvel at. 
But it was only more of a reason for him to protect you from those greedy hunters and associations! 
Perhaps that was where your sleeping habits stem from, the lack of sleep.
It didn’t start off this way, as at the beginning of your relationship, Jinwoo found you cute for dozing off like a baby. 
It was during a movie night, where the two of you cuddled on the bed, and holding each others’ hands. You dozed off very shortly after the movie began, and Jinwoo couldn’t help but pull you closer into a hug. 
Loving your warmth and the peace you bring, Jinwoo easily fell asleep by your side. 
Only to wake up with you not by his side. 
In panic, he rushed around the shared home to find you, only to get a call from his sister, and see you at his mom’s house. Apparently, Jinah found you sleeping in Jinwoo’s old room.
“It happens sometimes…but don’t worry! I’m usually safe.” Your reassurance didn’t make Jinwoo feel any better about it. 
The next time, it was when the two of you were bathing together. 
Jinwoo hummed, satisfied and relaxed, as you washed his hair, scratched his head, and massaged his shoulders. Your voice was soothing, as you told him about your next weapon idea. 
Until suddenly, he felt a hard knock onto his back, making him turn around quickly to see you dozing off. 
He withheld a snicker before he switched your positions, and had you lay on him. 
“(Y/N), how could you sleep in the middle of doing something?” Jinwoo whispered, and although he gently rocked your body, he didn’t bother trying to wake you. 
Jinwoo made sure you were comfortable, and finished the bath, before carrying you like a princess to your shared bed. 
“Jinwoo?” Your slurred words made him smile, and he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“Bedtime, your favourite time is here.” 
“Yay~” Your dopey smile made him happy as he covered the both of you with a blanket. Jinwoo snuggled close, and this time, made sure to hold you tight, so you wouldn’t disappear on him again. 
Your little snores, and light breathing lured him to sleep. 
The next day, you were gone. 
This time, he searched the home, and even checked with his mom and sister, but nothing. 
This time, he panicked, and immediately searched everywhere for you. 
Like a parent who lost their child, he searched far and wide, until he found you sleeping on top of the Korean Hunters Association’s building. He immediately hugged you close, waking you up from your drowsy state. 
“Jinwoo? What’s wrong?” You who have just woken up from your long sleep didn’t understand why Jinwoo was hugging you so desperately. You patted his back as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
“Are you okay? How did you even get up here?” 
“What are you talking about-” Finally registering your current location, you were shocked. 
“This isn’t our home.” 
When Jinwoo registered your confusion, then acceptance (almost too easily), he couldn’t help but feel helpless. If you didn’t know how you got here, and he didn’t sense your disappearance twice in a row, Jinwoo knew he had to be careful. 
This was when you and him talked of the dangers and of the precautions you should take to ensure your safety. 
One time, Jinwoo had a nightmare. 
Of the times where he was still an E-class hunter, where he was still weak, poor, and helpless. 
Of the times where he had nothing to his name, but only shame and disappointment. 
He felt powerless, feeling the shadow of a cold blade cutting into his flesh and warm blood spill from his body. 
He woke up to you calling his name and wiping his face. 
“Jinwoo! Are you okay-” Jinwoo hugged you tightly, knocking the air out of your lungs for a moment, as he inhaled your scent. 
He then noticed you wearing his hoodie, clearly oversized for you, and your messy bed hair. 
Then he remembers you, who had taught him how to use different weapons, and how to not get scammed by weapon dealers. 
From then till now, you have supported him, and he has found your talent in return. 
“There there, my little king.” Jinwoo smiled as he felt little pats to his back, and kissed the crook of your neck. 
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
The next time, when you disappeared, Jinwoo knew where you were immediately. 
He didn’t panic, nor did he fret, though this time, he really did question your abilities as an A-class weapon maker. 
Were you really an A-class hunter at this point?
Jinwoo observed, perplexed, as you once again emerged from an unexpected slumber, this time in the shadow realm. 
With a yawn, you flipped to the other side on the throne, and without any sense of danger, you curlled into a ball, and fell asleep again.
Jinwoo quickly went over to you on the throne, and picked you up, before sitting down and placing you in his lap. He made sure you were comfortable before he looked to Bellion for any explanation. 
“My Liege, I…have no excuses. I was unable to sense any changes in the shadow realm and was unable to find out how Their Highness was able to arrive here.” 
Bellion, equally puzzled, knelt before the two of you, ashamed. 
“Bellion, stand. It’s not your fault. Even I can't sense when they disappear. But keep others updated on the situation.” Bellion nodded, before standing and leaving you two space. 
"How does this keep happening?" Jinwoo asked, and sighed, concern etching onto his face. Even so, he caressed your cheek, and woke you from your slumber.
Like a cat, he saw you scrunch up your face, and even pushed his finger away, before popping open one eye.
“Jinwoo? Where am I now?” It became a habit of yours now to observe your surroundings every time you woke up. 
“In my realm, in my castle, and on my throne.” 
“Huh.” It took a moment for you to process.
“How did I get here?” 
“No idea. But I'd rather have you here than outside.” 
“Well. This is new.” You ruffled your messy bed hair, before a hand pulled your chin back to face Jinwoo. 
“You were sleeping on my throne…were you thinking of me?” Jinwoo’s hand slowly cradled your face as he stared at you with intent. 
“Maybe?” You cheekily answered, before replicating the same action back. However, you steal a quick little peck to the corner of his lips. 
In the next moment, his mouth lands on yours passionately, completely taking your breath away as he pulls you in further and further, until you’re completely at his mercy.
Pinned to his throne, wearing his oversized black silk pajamas, and puffy lips, you realize that maybe you should learn to control your sleep antics. 
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rxmqnova · 9 months
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Y/N: 3 years old Scarlett: mommy Lizzie: mama ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Mommy" Y/N sobs, pushing her head into Scarlett's neck, holding her mommy's shirt for her dear life that her small knuckles turn white from the strong grip.
"Honey, it's so early. What's wrong?" Scarlett rasps out, switching on the lamp that's on the nightstand and sitting up, looking at her little 3-year-old confused.
"Mommy, Y/N no good" The tiny girl whines, pushing her head into Scarlett's chest and crying loudly.
Scarlett's eyebrows furrow in confusion, wondering what could bother her little one. Her eyes widen when she presses her lips to her daughter's head, touching her tiny one's forehead and finding it to be way warmer than it should be.
"What's wrong?" Lizzie rasps out, Y/N's cries waking her up from her sleep.
"Mama" Y/N cries loudly, looking at her other mother with red tired puffy eyes, making Lizzie pout.
"Oh no, what's wrong, my baby?" She asks softly, stroking her daughter's cheek with her finger, but Y/N doesn't respond though, only turning her head back into Scarlett's chest and crying even more.
"She's really warm. I think she has a fever" Scarlett explains, rubbing her crying daughter's back and giving her a kiss to the top of her head.
"Oh no" Lizzie sighs, rubbing Y/N's back as an attempt to calm her daughter down.
But suddenly Y/N turns her head to the side, holding her tummy as the content of her small tummy gets all over the floor.
"Mommy!" Y/N lets out a loud cry, absolutely terrified of what has just happened.
"Oh, honey… That's okay, sweetheart. That's okay" Scarlett immediately stands up, carrying her daughter into the bathroom in case she needed to throw up again and also to get her out of the dirty pajamas and give her a quick shower.
"Mommy, I don't like it" Y/N sobs, holding her tummy with her hands once again which Scarlett understands and immediately holds her daughter in front of the toilet.
As expected, the poor little girl throws up again, crying after doing so. Y/N hasn't been sick for quite a while and she absolutely hates this… who wouldn't?
"I know, sweetheart, I know" Scarlett sighs, helping Y/N to rinse her mouth with water before showering her real quick and getting her dressed into a pair of clean pajamas.
Y/N barely keeps her eyes opened by now, so Scarlett carries her back to the bedroom that is all cleaned now thanks to Lizzie who walks into the room as well with some medicine for her little girl, only to find out the tiny one is already fast asleep.
Two hours have passed since Y/N fell asleep, though now all three are in the bathroom once again, giving Y/N another quick shower, because the little one's tummy just doesn't want to hold any food or drink.
"Would you like to watch a cartoon or anything, sweetheart?" Lizzie questions, carrying her daughter back to bed, Scarlett following behind them.
Y/N only weakly nods, making both mothers sigh, absolutely hating to see their child in pain.
Lizzie carefully places Y/N on the bed before getting in next to her, the little one immediately laying her entire body on her mama and reaching her hand to hold Scarlett's hand.
When Y/N's satisfied and holding her mommy's hand, Scarlett switches on her daughter's favorite cartoon. Though noticing how tired Y/N still is, she knows Y/N will be out like a light in a few minutes.
"Are you comfy there?" Lizzie asks, pressing kisses to Y/N's head and pulling the covers up to cover them both.
"Mhm" The tiny one nods weekly, not really paying attention to what's her mother saying as she's glued to her cartoon by now.
Just like Scarlett expected, Y/N struggles with keeping her eyes opened, Lizzie's hands that are rubbing her back aren't helping it at all and soon Y/N loses the fight, closing her eyes and falling into a deep slumber.
Scarlett and Lizzie let out a sigh, knowing today and the next few days will surely be hard for all. Though Y/N is their baby and they are willing to do anything to make their little girl feel better.
ScarLizzie masterlist
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quite-right-too · 10 months
Piece of Art
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: The Doctor sees your newest tattoo.
One year.
You had been travelling for an entire year.
Granted, time was subjective when you are in a literal time machine, but the point still stood. For your timeline, it had been three hundred and sixty-five days of adventures.
It seemed like the Doctor also knew. He was up before you — which was normal considering his “superior Time Lord biology” allowed him to have “a considerably altered circadian rhythm” and he didn’t need much sleep.
He was already up and running around the console by the time you were up, hair tousled like he had been running his hands through it. You admired him from the doorway as he checked the screens, putting on his glasses and analysing the data that was written in that beautiful circular language.
“So, what’s the plan today?” you asked with a smirk, arms crossed and leaning against the coral entrance to the console room. The Doctor jumped for a second as he was brought out of his focused state.
He gave you his signature Doctor grin and began to flip various switches. “Well,” he drawled, “I was thinking we could go to Dracea VII. They have a wonderful festival that comes around every ten years. The food is amazing.” Nimble fingers typed into his keyboard as he watched the Gallifreyan symbols change. “Just imagine it. The sky's the perfect shade of lavender while the various rivers that flow through the city are a shimmering gold. The grass is soft, almost like silk, and is a deep blue. The entire planet is gorgeous.”
You couldn’t help the matching smile that spread across your face. “Sounds wonderful.”
“Alright!” he exclaimed, pulling a lever down hard as the TARDIS began to groan and lurch through the vortex. “Allons-y!”
A final thud upon landing threw your balance off. As you were sent stumbling, the Doctor reached out and grabbed your arm, pulling him into you as you both fell to the floor. He caught you, just as he always did. Your shared laughs filled the console room as you savoured the moment.
“Come on, up you go,” he grunted as he helped you to your feet. “Off on another adventure, us!” He grinned as he grabbed his overcoat and pulled it over his shoulders, adjusting the collar as he put it on. Once satisfied with how the garment sat, the Doctor held out his hand. His fingers wiggled in invitation. Chestnut eyes sparkled with the excitement of being able to spend time with you.
You loved it.
Fingers now laced, the door to the TARDIS was thrown open. Instead of the beautiful grass and rivers the Doctor had described, you were greeted with what appeared to be a sewer system. A very dirty sewer system.
As the two of you stepped out of the doors, the Doctor looked around with a grimace on his face. “What the-” He was quickly cut off with a low rumble.
A rumble that came from directly above you.
Although you both moved away from the now-noticed pipe above your heads, it was too late. The putrid smell of hot garbage assaulted you as you felt yourself get splashed with the brown mysterious liquid.
“Fucking dammit!” you yelled, lurching away.
The Doctor grabbed your hand, pulling you back into the TARDIS. Your shirt seemed to have gotten the worst of it. Not wanting to continue the contact of the sewage against your skin, you pulled your shirt off and discarded it on the floor of the console room.
“Alright, that was not where I intended to land. Sorry about that.” As the Doctor looked up at you, he froze. Standing before him was your shirtless form, bearing a semi-new tattoo.
The vibrant blue phone box that took up the space on the right side of your torso was beautifully surrounded with a galaxy. In the background, the Earth was able to be made out. 
His feet moved of their own accord. Before either of you knew it, he was standing directly in front of you, staring down at your ribs. “When did you get this done?” the Doctor murmured quietly, his hand coming up to hover above the piece.
You moved your hand up to his, pressing his fingers against your skin. “You can touch, Doctor.” You smiled at how enraptured he was. “I got it the last time we were in America. Probably around three months ago? Did you know that Los Angeles has some pretty amazing tattoo artists?”
“This is brilliant.” The Doctor was in complete and utter awe. “Why haven’t you shown me this before?” He traced circular patterns over the tattoo with the pads of his fingers.
“I don’t know, just…” You trailed off, mind melting at the feel of the skin-to-skin contact. “Wanted to wait for the right time.”
“Well, I love it.” The Doctor wasn’t lying. His eyes were staring into your soul. He loved it.
“Good,” you breathed. He was so close to you — it made it so hard to think.
I love you.
The words caught in your throat.
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wosowrites · 2 years
Hot Tub Tease (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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Warnings: ⚠️ flirting, teasing, swearing ⚠️
A/N: Idk how I feel about this one tbh. i also changed the point of view. Also, lmk if you guys wants a part 2.
Prompt: In which the reader plays for the lionesses and can’t sleep, so she decides to go to the hot tub at the training facility, only to find her captain already there.
You lay in bed, your hair tangled and messy with sweat. You were roooming with your best friend, Ellie Roebuck, and you two had no privacy from each other. Ellie was lying in her bra and a pair of small shorts, while you were lying in a muscle top and underwear. The low cut sleeve of the top had shifted, exposing your breast, covered only by a small calvin klein bra. Your bottom half was covered by a matching pair of grey underwear, and nothing else.
With a heavy sigh, you switched to your side, eyeing the peaceful figure of Englands back up keeper. You were jealous, jealous of how she slept while your brain was home to nightmares. Nightmares that had been haunting your brain, and sleep, ever since… always. So, silently, you stood up from your bed and walked towards your suitcase in the corner of the room. You pulled off your tank, replacing it by a hoodie that was either yours or Ellie’s, and then slipped on nike pro black shorts. You headed towards the door, opening it gently and closing it with just as much caution.
As soon as you were out in the hall, you raced towards the roof of Saint-George’s park, heading towards your favorite place in the whole facility. The hot tub. As you pushed open the door to the roof, your hoodie was already half off, and the second you abandoned the grey hoodie, your nike pro’s were around your ankles and long forgotten as well. With the intention to feel the water all over your body, you started taking off your bralette.
"Hello to you too, y/n/n. Don’t stop on my behalf." A teasing voice said. Y/n did the opposite of what the voice demanded, stopping her action and quickly pulling down the bralette to cover herself up. "Leah?" y/n asked, squinting to try and see the figure in the hot tub. The lights on the hot tub opened, shining in blue and purple tints. "I told you not to stop." Leah pouted. "Mhm, and you’re clearly drunk." you added, dipping your feet in the warm water and sitting on the edge of the tub, eyeing the flask in her hand. "Tipsy." Leah corrected, eyes glancing down at your toned stomach. "What is it, Lee? Captain duties catching up to you?" Y/n asked, letting her body fall into the water. You tie your hair up into a messy bun, watching as Leah peered at you through her eyelashes, sending heat to your cheeks and making your heart beat like a drum. "Just exhausted. Ever since winning the euros I feel like I can’t catch a break." Leah admitted to the girl, younger only by a year. "I get that." Y/n said softly, starting to make her way towards Leah. The midfielder got increasingly closer to the blonde defender, until their faces were only inches apart. "It’s because they love y’a, everyone loves Leah Williamson." Y/n teased, enjoying the side of a small blush creeping onto the captains cheeks. And just as she seemed like she was about to lean in for a kiss, y/n spun away and grabbed Leah’s flask out of her hand. "Hey!" Leah whined as the younger lioness got out of the hot tub and poured the liquid into a plant.
"As your captain, that was not nice." Leah said as you regained your place beside her. "Tomorrow morning Leah will thank me." You answered simply, turning your head to look at the blonde, who’s eyes were once again fixated on your stomach. "Eyes up here, Williamson." You said, secretly liking the way her blue eyes traced you. "What does this mean?" Leah asked, tracing her fingers over your collarbone where the words ‘sensibility problems’ were written in cursive. "Something my dad and I used to joke about." Y/n simply answered, heart beating impossibly fast.
You find yourself to be next, your hand extended, tracing a tattoo just above the top of Leah’s bikini bottom. "Don‘t just do that, y/n/n." Leah said, shifting her position slightly. "Don’t do what?" You said innocently. "Do what you just did to me?" you added. "Touché." Leah laughed.
And then quicker than you knew it. You had stood up, peering down at Leah who was still sitting down, arms resting on the edge of the hot tub. "What are you doing?" Leah asked, her voice hoarse. "Shush." you answered.
You let your dry hair loose, and flipped it to one side, sitting down to straddle Leah’s lap. Your fingers traced her features, her impossibly sharp jawline, her nose, while her hands rested low on your hips.
Everything seemed perfect, and Leah was about to lean in until the high of being around the beautiful blonde woman seemed to disappear. "Shit!" you yelled, standing up and starting to climb out of the hot tub. "What?!" Leah answered, jumping up as well, not knowing why. "My keycard. I forgot my keycard in the room." You answered. Walking towards the edge of the roof and leaning against the railing. "That’s what your thinking about right now?" Leah laughed, following you and pressing her body against the back of yours. "Yes, yes it is. Because it’s 2:00 am and I can’t wake up Ellie and-" you started ranting. "You’ll just sleep in my room. I’m not rooming with anyone right now." Leah said.
You turned around so that your back was pressed against the railing, and so your face was inches apart from Leah’s once more. "I don’t have clothes to sleep in." You whispered. "We can arrange something." Leah said softly. "Don’t look. I’m taking the wet clothes off." Y/n said, referring to her soaked calvin klein set. "Yes ma'am." Leah said, letting the midfielder free from her trap between her body and the railing.
You made quick work, slipping off your bra and underwear and replacing it with the hoodie and nike pro’s you had forgotten about, all while keeping your eyes on Leah who never once attempted to sneak a peak. "Okay. You’re good." You said. Leah turned around and walked towards you. "So… sleeping with or without clothes?" Leah asked teasingly. "With. You are still drunk." You said clearly. "Okay then. Let’s go."
Arrived back at Leah’s room, she scanned her keycard and let you into the room. "Messy as always, captain." Y/n teased. "Ha ha. Take your pick of clothes." Leah said, gesturing to her suitcase.
So, you did. Even though you could have easily slept in your hoodie, you chose to slip on one of Leah’s shirts, one loose enough to be comfortable, but tight enough to show off a little. You changed in the washroom, and came out to see that Leah had changed into shorts and a sports bra, and hung up her bathing suit and the undergarments you had used to swim.
"C’mon." Leah said, sitting on her bed and opening the covers like a door.
You smiled at her slightly, and lied down on the bed, your head resting on a soft pillow that smelled like Leah. But the second the blonde had lied down beside you, you shifted so that your hand rested on her stomach, and your head, on her chest.
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shina913 · 2 years
On Tilt, Part 1 | KNJ
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On Tilt, Part 1 Definition: a poker term for a state of mental or emotional confusion or frustration in which a player adopts a suboptimal strategy, usually resulting in the player becoming overly aggressive.
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On Tilt Masterlist
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Pairing: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
Rating: M 🔞; NSFW
Genre: idol!AU; angst; fluff; smut
Warnings: unhealthy relationship dynamic; cussing; explicit sexual conversations; dirty talk; clit play; heavy petting; oral sex (F-receiving); intercourse; orgasm denial; fingering; masturbation (mutual); exhibitionism; stamina!; multiple orgasms; pining; unrequited love; miscommunication
Word count: 4.5K words
Summary: You’ve said time and time again that you wouldn’t lose yourself to him. You were in control now. You were going to make better choices. For a minute there, you were able to keep up with it. It wasn’t ‘til Namjoon’s extended break that you found yourself falling into old habits. Will you ever learn to quit Kim Namjoon?
A/N: First off—boop! Title change! This was going to be called something else but decided to switch it up last-minute. I've had this sitting in my WIPs for a while. So long that ago that this was was actually drafted before the first hiatus announcement in June. This is the first time I am writing an idol!AU (please be kind)! I’m not sure how many chapters this will be yet…could be two, could be three. For now, please enjoy and let me know what you think! Now, excuse me while I get side-eyed by my WIPs.
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You are jolted awake by your phone blaring loudly. What time was it? It was still dark out.
“Hello?” You croaked out drowsily–your eyelids fighting to stay closed.
“Hey.” You’d recognize that rich baritone anywhere.
“Uh…hi.” Your eyes flickered, pulling the phone away from your ear to figure out what time it was. Too early. 
“Remember that dark blue strappy dress that you had?”
“W-what?” You responded after a beat once your brain lurched forward. “Where are you?”
“Los Angeles. Just chillin’ at the hotel,” he rasped. “Were you sleeping?”
“I was,” you answer dryly.
He chuckled into the phone. “You never used to need that much sleep.”
“Well…I’ve changed. And you have, too,” you point out while rubbing your eye, mid-yawn. “We’ve already had this discussion.”
“I know, I know,” he relents, effectively dropping that subject. You fall silent on the other line. A few beats later, he asks, “Are you alone?”
You scoffed. “Namjoon, who else would I be with?”
He laughed from deep within his chest and it tickled your ear. “So–can we keep talking about that dress?”
After rolling your eyes, you try to wrack your brain for any memories of whichever dress he was referring to. You owned so many over the years. “I don’t know…I’m kind of drawing a blank–”
“Whenever I pushed one strap off, the other would fall, too.”
As soon as he said it, that certainly narrowed it down. You zero-in on the dress and the memories came rushing back, hitting you like a tidal wave. You hummed at the nostalgia. The dress used to be one of your favorites–and clearly, it was his too.
“Now I remember.” It was a navy-blue, silky, cowl-neckline dress with spaghetti straps. It had an asymmetrical hemline–the longest falling right above your ankle but it had a pretty high slit that went up your thigh. If you picked your feet up too high while climbing some stairs, people would get an eyeful. Luckily, back then, you and Namjoon always took elevators. Except that one time when you both snuck into the emergency exit where you had a little private moment by the stairs.
You blink the memory away. “That was a nice dress,” you say leisurely, trying to fight off the drowsiness. Maybe he wasn’t even thinking about that scandalous-looking slit…or that night by the steps. 
“And I also remember that it had that sexy slit that went all the way up your left thigh…” he drawled. “That came in handy that one time by the steps? You know, the emergency exit?”
Fuck. He could read minds now, too? You were wide awake now. “Uh huh…” you drew out while your eyebrows furrowed. What was he up to?
“Mmm…you had great legs.”
You sat up on your bed. “‘Have’.”
“Sorry, say that again?”
“I have great legs. Present tense,” you corrected.
He gave another deep, throaty laugh. “I will not object to that. I love your legs. I love having them wrapped around my neck—like that time I came home to you after that show?”
Your mouth went dry. That was the night he made you cum so hard that you bit him so deep on his shoulder that you drew blood.
“Joon…” you rasped. 
“So, did either of you do anything fun last night,” Lani asked while she perused the brunch menu. You’re not sure why since she ordered the same thing every time.
“Happy hour with a couple of coworkers. We went to a bar that had an indoor bocce ball court. I’d never been but it was pretty chill. Also, everyone should try playing drunk bocce ball,” Jia giggled.
“What about you, YN?”
“Oh, you know—not much. I had a quiet night, after work; turned in early and then…had- accidental-phone-sex-with-Namjoon,” you say in rapid-fire succession.
“Sorry, w-what?” Jia chokes out as her eyes bulged out of their sockets. But before she gets another word out the server stops at your table to take your order.
After they walk away, Jia picks up on your last comment. “Now hold on a second–you can’t just drop ‘Namjoon’ and ‘phone sex’ in the same sentence and expect us to just take it in stride!”
“I didn’t know that you and Namjoon were into phone sex,” Lani says, waggling her eyebrows teasingly as she turned in her seat to face you.
“We weren’t. But their break is coming up and he’s been calling me for the past couple weeks–”
Jia sighed and admonished you. “YN, you shouldn’t be having phone sex with your ex.”
“Okay well, let me correct that–it was technically not phone sex but more of a…a trip down memory lane,” you clarified. “Also, he’s not my ex. We never really defined—whatever this is. So, how can you be ‘ex-whatever’ if you never really ‘were’ in the first place?”
“Fucking without labels. I like it!” Lani winked at you.
“What-everrr,” Jia says, annoyed. “He’s in and out of the country. When he’s here, he’s usually in the studio. You guys barely see each other but as soon as he calls, you come running.”
“Excuse me but I do not come running, Jia,” you argued.
“You just come,” Lani snorted.
You give Lani a deadpan look before turning to Jia again. “For real, though. I think that I’ve actually gotten better with this whole Namjoon business! Would it kill you to give me a little credit?”
Jia softens her expression at you. “Sorry, YN. It’s just that I really care about you and…when he left for that one tour then went straight back into recording the new album without seeing you–I saw how much it tore you apart." She reaches across the table to rest her on yours. "There are other guys out there. Other guys who can be present…who can love you and argue with you, in person. None of this complicated idol-bullshit.”
You tried. You really did. You put yourself out there, met other people…none of them lasted. Namjoon was always there for you. And you were there for him. You were familiar with each other. Neither of you needed a manual to navigate each other. 
With Namjoon, it was just like stepping into that navy-blue dress. Easy, comfortable…and you always felt sexy.
It was just too much work dating–trying to get to know someone new and getting used to them. You had grown too impatient for that.
Or maybe you just had to admit that you didn’t want to find someone new…because all you really wanted was him.
After playing the last night of the band’s stadium tour, Namjoon picks you up from your place so you could head on over to another hotel, only to switch cars, to drive off to another hotel. It was like a shell game. He needed to play it safe because he never knew who’d be watching or following him. It all came with the territory.
It was just before midnight. You paused before sliding into the backseat next to him. “I’ll need you to take me back home tonight.”
Namjoon cocked his head to the side, looking slightly disappointed. “You won’t stay the night with me?”
You paused, leaning on the open car door–fully intent on standing your ground.
“I’d really like you to stay,” he added with a flash of his dimple.
The truth was, you really wanted to. And once, back in the day, you would drop whatever you were doing whenever he was back in town for his visits until you ended up resenting him for it. You may not have learned to stay away from him, but you’d picked up a thing or two about having a healthier relationship–more for your sanity. “Look, let’s just keep things simple, okay?”
His chest lifted and fell on a deep breath. “As you wish.” With that, you climbed into the backseat of the SUV with him, shutting the passenger door.
“Can I schedule time for you to spend with me?” He asks softly.
You sat so close to each other, thighs and elbows pressed together…but there was an unspoken distance between you. Even though you enforced it, you still wished it didn’t have to be there.
“When?” You ask him with a hint of exasperation.
“I was hoping for one more night this week and all of next weekend for sure.” They were on an extended break. The other guys would disperse and travel back to their own hometowns after a publicly-announced hiatus by the record label. He’s decided to spend the next three weeks in your area.
You nodded then glanced sideways out the window. He vaguely mentions that it was another 10 minute drive to the next hotel–giving you time to think about how the rest of tonight could go. More sex? More Namjoon? You craved both–more than you’d like to admit…and it would’ve been much nicer without so many doubts and reservations.
You missed how carefree you both used to be. When you first met, there was no sense of time or what day it was. You’d go whenever and wherever you pleased. His schedule was packed but he always, always made time for you.
Sometimes, he’d go as far as clear out a whole place for both of you. Once or twice, he paid to access some museums after-hours. You’d stare at sculptures and paintings. He’d wax poetic about each piece while you hung on to every word he said. Afterwards, he’d take you back to the dorms and fuck you into the morning.
And then…the schedules just got more complicated. International attention heightened. Next thing you knew, he was on planes more often than he was on your bed.
“Listen,” he began, “You should know this is hard for me, too.”
“At least you have a clue about what’s going on,” you argued softly, turning away from him to look out the window while the car zoomed past your quiet neighborhood and into the city.
The announcement of the extended break was a surprise to you but he’d vaguely hinted at it several times during one of your clandestine meetings. What he hasn’t disclosed were his plans during this break.
Namjoon turned in his seat and reached for you, catching you by the nape and pulling you in. You closed your eyes, anticipating the moment when his parted lips would touch yours. His tongue caressed the curve of your mouth…the feeling had you leaning closer for more.
“Can we worry about the rest on a different day? I just want tonight to be about…us.”
Even though you went months without seeing or talking to each other, he always spoke of you collectively–never individually…never apart.
You nodded and gave him a small smile. The subtle gesture lit a flame. You stared at each other in the dark–only catching flickers of your features as you passed the staggered illumination of dim street lamps and tunnel lights. You saw him moisten his lips with his tongue and in a matter of seconds–the flame had escalated into a raging fire.
“Always so sweet,” he murmurs while you feel his finger brush the shell of your ear. The darkness combined with his deep, silky voice sends a shiver down your spine. “I’m going to spread you across my bed and lick you from head to toe.”
You hummed. “You’re good at that.” You were needy in an instant.
He pulled back, as if to look away, then surged forward again, catching your lips in a heated, hungry kiss. His mouth devoured yours, his tongue stroking, exploring. You were just as greedy for him, your hand sliding into his hair, seizing the roots while you had your fill of him. He cupped your breast in his hand, massaging it, his thumb and forefinger capturing your aching nipple and tugging rhythmically. You moaned, turned on to the point of no return.
“Fuck, YN,” he groaned, releasing you and falling back against the seat. “I want you. Right here. Now.”
Truth be told, you were incredibly tempted to demand that he raise the partition so you could climb him right then.
“Tell your man to drive faster,” you said in a rush as you pressed your thighs together–as if that would stop your juices from flowing.
He threw his head back, his laugh booming through his chest. Moments later, he turned his head, leaning against the headrest to look at you. “Fine. But when we get to bed, I’m taking it real slow.”
And boy, did he take it really slow..
“Namjooooon,” you dragged out. Fisting at the sheets, your body arched off the mattress, lifting yourself greedily to the torture of his mouth. You’d almost forgotten what he could do to you, how he could penetrate your skin to get into the very heart of you.
He held you pinned at the thighs, his mouth on your throbbing center, his tongue licking leisurely. The slow rhythmic strokes over your clit had you gasping. The need for an orgasm was so fierce, you were drenched in sweat, legs practically burning from the strain while he held you wide open.
“My god, your tongue…” you whined.
“Yeah? Did you miss it while I was gone?” He gives your sopping core a quick flick of his tongue.
“Ahhh! Yes…Oh my god, yes,” you groaned.
He slowly pushed two fingers into you, making you gasp softly. After a few slow pumps, he paused to turn his wrist so his palm was facing upwards. His thumb was now circling around your clit while his two other fingers, still buried in you, curled and stroked at the bundle of sensitive nerves.
The sensation made your whole body clench tightly–it won’t be long now before you’d start to fall apart.
“Yeah? Did you touch yourself?”
“Yes,” you distractedly admitted. Your mind, clearly elsewhere while he dangled you over the precipice of your climax.
And then you felt empty. Having withdrawn his hand, you saw him sitting up, gazing down at you. “Show me?”
“Show you what?” You asked, trying to regain focus.
“Show me how you touch yourself.”
You roll your eyes at him. “You’ve seen me touch myself.” You referred to previous nights when you’d call each other over video while he was away. “Now come on, please,” you begged. “Make me cum,” you almost whine.
“No, I want to see it in person,” he says.
“But you’re right here, how come I need to do it?” you argued. Any longer and you’d lose your lady-boner and call it a night.
“I’ll do it with you,” he answers. With a flash of his dimple, he sat back on his heels, dropping his hand to fist his cock.
Your eyebrows quirk, suddenly intrigued. You’d never touched yourself while he was in the same room with you. You shifted restlessly, your attention fixed on his long, nimble fingers.
“Come on,” he coaxes you while he stroked himself, squeezing right when he reached the tip, bringing a flush to his face.
Your core began to ache at the sight. Your fingers move of their own volition, sliding between your legs to rub your aching bud.
“Fuck, this looks so much hotter in person.” He was watching you closely, his gaze was hot and hungry. His tongue slid slowly along his lips, as if he was tasting you. When his teeth caught the fullest curve of his lower lip, you could have sworn you felt it.
You knew that look well. And you knew what came after it.
He thrusted hard, sinking deep in one lunge, wrenching a cry from you as you fell hard into orgasm. Neck arched and eyes squeezed shut, you laid on the bed as the pleasure pulsed through you, your core tightening around his cock as he kept his rhythmic ministrations.
He groaned, grabbing fistfuls of the sheets and pumping himself into you. The climax grew once more, spurred by the steady lunges of his hips...the feel of his cock fucking into you relentlessly.
You writhed helplessly, lost to him, desperately hanging on to the part of your soul that wanted to surrender. You gripped at the back of his broad shoulders tightly, your nails leaving marks and scratches at his repeated assault on you.
Namjoon’s lips were in your ear, his breath hot and needy as he growled after every thrust.
You felt the muscles flex as his body worked to give you another orgasm. You’d lost count after the second one. 
His teeth sank into your earlobe, groaning in pleasure while his abdomen contracted against your stomach, his sweat and yours mixing together.
“You won’t believe how much I thought about you this whole time,” he gasped. 
So he has thought about you. In what way? Thought about fucking you? Or thought about you just because? As much as you wanted to unpack that, you brush the thought aside. Right now, he was dicking you down real good–and that needed 100% of your attention.
“So g-good.” You swallowed past a dry throat.
He drove the point home with every thrust, fucking you so thoroughly you couldn’t think beyond the need to cum again.
Your body was not your own as he had come to fully possess your whole being.
Namjoon was the only one who could do this to you...make you mindless...drive you crazy. When you were in bed with him, you were his. Ready and willing to do whatever he wanted, to take whatever he chose to give you, knowing he would make you orgasm over and over...
You whined, feeling his grip tighten on you, every muscle on his body gathering as his own climax brewed.
You realized then that he was hanging onto you as desperately as you were to him, you felt that urgency in every breath, every touch. 
Your eyes stung with tears when your orgasm hit, sucking the air out of your lungs, causing spots in your eyes. A long, drawn out moan escaped from your mouth–a mix of pleasure and relief.
“Ah, baby.” He kissed you, absorbing the sound, slowing until he was just circling his hips, feeling every hard inch of him inside you. “I love that sound you make when you cum. It tells me how good I make you feel…how much you love me touching you…being inside you…”
How much you loved being serviced by him. How much you loved—
He rips the thoughts away from you when he takes your mouth, kissing you deeply. His hips circled again, making you feel every inch of him. The slow, purposeful stroking over your nerves kept you hot and on-edge.
“I missed you so much, YN,” he whispered into the kiss. “Did you miss me, too?” He asks in a soft, almost pleading tone.
When you didn’t reply, he brushed the sweat-slicked hair strands away from your face and searched for the answer in your eyes.
You stared back at him wordlessly, your jaw slackened while your core rippled along his length. His eyes clenched shut and his lips parted, his body tightening along with yours. “No, no. Not yet. I don’t want to cum yet.”
“Please..come on, Joon….” You were begging and didn’t care. You just wanted him to come. You wanted it more than your next breath.
“No. I’m not rushing this.” He reached behind him to grab your wrist, bringing your right arm up and over your head. His other hand pushed beneath your bottom, lifting you into a smooth, easy thrust. “Hmm...so good. So perfect for me. Always.”
You wanted to tease him with your own little naughty comeback, to play the game just as he was, but you couldn’t think of anything. You were at a loss for words.
“Stop thinking and just feel it…feel me,” he murmured, nibbling on the corner of your mouth, dragging his lips across your jawline. “Let me make you feel good, baby. That’s all I want. To make you feel good.”
Turning your head, you caught his lower lip with your teeth and let him.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” His thumb brushed the corner of your brow and drifted down to your cheek, tucking stray strands behind your ear.
Your lips twisted wryly while you laid in bed, cocooned in him. You glanced up at him. “How sexy you are. It’s embarrassing how often I think about that. I need to get over it already.”
He cupped the back of your thigh and urged you tighter against him, teasing you with an expert roll of his hips. It was sickening how much he knew his way around your body. “As if I’d allow you to do that.”
You scoffed, pushing off him slightly. “Huh. ‘Allow me?’ A little cocky there, aren't we?” Deep down, heat slid through your bloodstream…your body becoming way too greedy for him.
“Don’t tell me you don’t prefer a fan who’s more starry-eyed and would easily drop their panties for you, Mr. Kim.”
He ignored your jab. “What I want,” he purred, cupping your jaw and rubbing your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb, “...Is you being too busy thinking about me to think about anyone else.”
You pulled in a slow and shaky breath. You were completely captivated by the smoldering look in his eyes, his sexy-as-hell voice, his body, and the mouthwatering scent of his skin. He was your drug, and there were no signs of you kicking the habit.
“Namjoon,” you breathed, completely entranced.
With a soft groan, he sealed his mouth over yours, stealing away thoughts of what time it was with a lush, deep kiss…a kiss that almost succeeded in distracting you from seeing the slightest hint of insecurity he’d just revealed.
You pushed your fingers into his hair to hold him still and kissed him back, your tongue sliding along his. 
His arms banded around you and tightened possessively. “I want to spend the weekend with you down by the coast—naked.”
He had a little known vacation property by the beach. There were suspicions from gossip sites but nobody could ever confirm. He had taken you there a few times. It had its own private beach access and was remote enough so nobody would randomly come snooping.
You giggled. “Sounds like every guy’s wet dream.” As big of a kick as you got out of Namjoon in a bespoke suit, you much preferred him stripped down.
“Is that all we’re going to do?” You wondered. “You want me laying there, all ready and splayed for you?”
He let out a deep, sexy chuckle. “We could go on a hike. Maybe swim? Watch the stars. We’ll have some food to eat…and then I’ll eat you out,” He traced vague shapes on your hip bone with his pointer finger, making you squirm.
“Haven’t you had your fill?” You ask him.
“Of you?” He laughed. “Can you fit the ocean into a cup?”
You scrunch your face in confusion. He was always good with his metaphors, which flowed easily into his lyrics.
“You and your damn hyperboles.” You remarked with a laugh.
“I don’t exaggerate. It’s just a fact,” he answers frankly. For a moment, your head floats up into the clouds again. You feel a light, warm fluttering within your chest.
“So–would you be okay with that plan? You, me–alone in a beach house…clothing completely optional?”
With a sigh, you acquiesced.
Lani eyed you as you slid onto a bar stool at her breakfast nook the next morning. She knew when she saw your makeup-free state, which betrayed the shower you’d taken just a half hour before. She quietly poured you a cup of coffee, sliding it towards you. She opens the fridge and puts the creamer next to you.
“I forgot how much I like Namjoon,” she said casually as she looked out her kitchen window, watching his black car with heavily tinted windows drive off.
You nodded while stirring in the creamer in your coffee. You liked Namjoon, too. Thing was, in his line of work, the way the band was just starting to hit their stride globally–it made things…painfully uncertain.
“You two gonna work it out or what?”
“I don’t know,” you say vaguely, taking a long sip of your coffee…as if it held the answers to all of your questions about him. “At least this time, I know the rules.”
“Okay so maybe I don’t like him so much anymore.” Lani poured herself another cup and took a sip and sighed. “I always had a feeling that he was in love with you,” she says unceremoniously.
“He’s in lust,” You countered dryly. “And…whatever, I can live with that. It’s the other stuff—the way he talks to me sometimes, as if there’s more. I keep running all of these scenarios in my head, about why he keeps coming back to me—that part is hard for me to deal with. It’s kind of a mind-fuck.”
“You know that I know some people who can knock some sense into him,” she deadpans as she peered at you above her coffee mug. 
You smiled. “I think it would be better if those people knocked some sense into me instead.”
“We can do that, too. It’ll be like a two-for-one deal.” She tapped her mug against yours. “But you’ve got plenty of sense. You know what you’re doing. You just wished you weren’t doing it,” she chuckled. “And he obviously doesn’t have a clue or else he wouldn’t risk letting you get away. He’ll never find anyone better, you know. Someone who knows him inside and out.”
You snorted at her. “Don’t get all sappy on me now, Leilani. I might have to kick your ass.” She laughed at the way you invoked her full name. You were only half-joking. In reality, you felt emotional and…attached. Sex with Namjoon did that.
“Fine, if you want to skip the sappy shit, let’s just eat. Get off your ass and help me make breakfast.”
With a groan, you slid off the bar stool. You weren’t much for cooking–more about eating. “Damn. Can we get back to being sappy instead?”
Before you round the counter to head into the kitchen, your phone pings. It was a text from Namjoon, saying that he just got a last-minute individual schedule and that next weekend might be up in the air.
You scoffed after you read it, and practically flung your phone against the counter, where it lands with a heavy clack, startling Lani. “You okay, babe?”
“Yeah,” you answer instantaneously, swallowing your irritation, hoping it would pass.
Did you really expect anything less? The company liked to keep them busy even with scheduled breaks. Just because he wasn’t traveling, did you actually think you’d get some quality time with him? It was easier said than done.
Lani stands there eyeing you suspiciously. But before she picks up on your sudden contemplative vibe, you distract her.
“What do you need help with? Do you want me to cut up stuff? Mix? Beat anything?”
She laughs and goes on asking you to take some scallions and eggs out of the fridge to make pajeon.
“Did you want anything else in it? Ham? Kimchi?” She asks you.
You sighed. “I’m cool with whatever,” you say, noncommittally.
She tells you to chop up the scallions, showing you the right way to position your fingers and hold the knife. You mimic her actions thinking that it wasn’t that difficult to learn.
Now, if only Namjoon were just as easy to figure out.
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Next◥ | Main Fic Masterlist
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Tagging: @internetjunkdrawer @deepseavibez @itdoesntmatterwhy @yu-justme
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hugsandchaos · 3 months
Breakfast, Bitches
Summary: The story where Modern!Shadow makes Boom!Team Sonic breakfast after a sleepover. You can say it’s because he cares about them, but he says it’s because Meh Burger is very unhealthy and he’s not letting them eat it for breakfast. Because he cares about them.
Quick Notes: This is my first time writing Sonic Boom after over a year ago, which I think I’d like to leave in the past like something I can look back on and say “Oh I was still practicing back then, don’t take it seriously”. I think I did pretty good, but tell me if you think it needs more comedy or shenanigans, I just didn’t think many were necessary since it’s early morning. This is based off @zumbieve‘s Isekai’d Shadow AU, which I thought was really cool!
Word Count: 2,322
Something smelled good.
That was the first thing Sonic noticed when he woke up a few minutes ago. Something smelled good, really good. Good enough to pull him from sleep and motivate him to sit up. In doing so, he was confused not to feel the same familiar movement of his hammock. Instead he felt a soft blanket separating him from the floor. A quick look out the window and Sonic realized how early it was, and that he was in Tails’ living room.
The sun was still barely rising. The sky was a shade of blue with just enough light to barely make out the small fox sleeping nearby. Sonic smiled a little and yawned. For a moment, he considered going back to sleep. He could hear the others snoring quietly nearby. No, he had to investigate. As comfortable as the moment and makeshift bed was, he wanted to figure out what smelled so good. The blue hedgehog began standing up. He moved slowly as to not disturb anyone, and because he was still a little tired. Once he was up, he rubbed his eyes and looked at his feet. He stepped carefully over Tails, the maneuvered around Knuckles, who was asleep on the hanging couch with his legs hanging off? Sonic knew better now than to question, but… Why?
He turned to the direction the smell was coming from. It was coming from his kitchen, and as he paid more attention, he also heard the faint sound of sizzling and someone humming a tune. Sonic’s heart picked up and he was suddenly much more awake. He moved as silently as he could to feel for the light switch. Once he found it, he flipped it on to see who it was. The sudden glare of the light made him squint, but his eyes adapted pretty quickly.
“Shadow?!” Sonic exclaimed. Don’t worry, not the edge lord one. The short one.
Shadow briefly turned to him, a spatula in his hand while the other held the pan steady.”Good morning to you, too.” He said half sarcastically. He turned his attention back to the pan. Sonic, confused and curious, walked over to see what it was he was doing. Since this Shadow was shorter, he could look over his shoulder. Three pancakes were on the pan, placed far enough apart not to touch and have some space between them. Sonic realized that the smell that woke him up was Shadow cooking. He looked at the dark hedgehog with slight confusion.
Since meeting him, this different version of Shadow has been… an experience. He was distrusting of them at first, like they were of him, but both sides learned to trust each other. They even gave this Shadow a nickname incase of the awkward scenario in which the two Shadows meet; Shads. Original, right? Despite their original thoughts, this Shadow was actually a great addition to the group, and an excellent friend. In his own way, more often than not.
He’d been invited to the sleepover, and even though he didn’t talk much, his presence proved to make that evening a little more interesting. Sonic remembered that the best part was how he reacted when they found out how often they ate Meh Burger after ordering some last night. He looked disturbed and said that wasn’t healthy to eat that kind of food so often, and Knuckles joked that Meh Burger practically wasn’t food at all. Shadow didn’t understand it was a joke at first, but it wasn’t entirely wrong. Meh Burger really lived up to its name.
Shadow nudged the spatula under one of the pancakes and flipped it.”Check the plate over there.” He said, pointing to his left.”I made enough for almost everyone to have three,” Shadow swiftly turned around and glared at Sonic, “only three,” He turned back to the flip the second pancake, “and this last batch is almost done. Go ahead and get some, but keep the others in mind. They’re not awake yet.” He said. Sonic looked in the direction the dark hedgehog was pointing. As Shadow said, there was a plate of pancakes on the counter.
Sonic walked over to them and took a deep breath in through his nose.”Oh, that smells amazing.” He said. He couldn’t help but smile a little. He noticed the bowl of scrambled eggs and plate of bacon right of the pancakes.”You made eggs and bacon too?” Sonic asked, genuinely surprised. There seemed to be enough for everyone. When he turned around, Shadow had flipped the third pancake.
”Yes. It took me more time than I’d have liked since I had to leave to buy the ingredients, cook the bacon, pancakes, eggs, and then come back with them. I forgot to cook the last three pancakes, so I’m doing that now.” He said. He glanced outside, and so did Sonic. Streaks of pink broke through the light blue, a sign that the sun was finally close to rising above the horizon.”It was still dark when I started. Now that I’m almost done cooking, all there is to do is clean up.” Shadow added.
Sonic looked around the kitchen incase he missed anything when he first turned the light on, but he couldn’t find whatever mess Shadow was referring to.“I don’t see any mess.” He said.
“The dishes I used.” Shadow responded.
Sonic scanned the three options again. How long did it take for him to make it? And why?“Why, though?” Sonic asked as he turned around. Shadow was putting the three pancakes onto a plate and paused to give him a confused look. Immediately, Sonic raised both hands as if in surrender.“Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate it! But I don’t understand why.” He said.
Shadow came closer with the plate holding the last three pancakes. Sonic reached out to grab one, but Shadow gave him a stern look that made him laugh nervously and put both hands behind his back. Shadow stepped beside him and held the plate in his hands at an angle to let the pancakes slide perfectly onto the plate with the rest.“I used them, so I clean them.” Shadow replied. He turned around and grabbed the pan and spatula to start washing them in the sink, which looked cleaner than last Sonic remembered.
“No, I mean the food.” Sonic elaborated.
Shadow grabbed a nearby sponge and started with the plate.“I woke up pretty early and couldn’t fall back asleep. I got bored, so I looked at the time and decided it would be a good time to start breakfast. Also, because of habit.” He replied. He spent a moment scrubbing it, then grabbed a nearby washcloth to dry it. Sonic turned back to the pancakes. Surely one bite wouldn’t hurt. He picked one up and took a bite out of it.
For a second, he could practically feel a sparkle in his eyes. It tasted a little like heaven, with a bit of strawberry. He quickly ate the food in his mouth.”Oh my gosh, this is great!” He exclaimed, then proceeded to try to stuff the rest of it into his mouth. He made a few admittedly gross sounds that he knew made Shadow cringe. Sonic heard a small yawn and turned around to see Tails leaning against the counter for support, still sleepy.
“What’s great? And why are the lights on?” He asked tiredly. He rubbed his eyes as he began walking over to Sonic.
“Shadow made these pancakes.” Sonic replied. He took one from the plate and handed it to Tails.
He took a small bite and smiled.“These are pretty good!” He said, sounding a little less tired. He turned to look at Shadow, who was standing his toes to reach the higher cabinets Tails kept his plates in. Tails himself needed a stepping stool or to hover to reach them, but both brothers still found it funny that Shadow had to stretch a little. Both brothers tried to keep their laughter under control.”Thanks, Shadow!” Tails said. He was doing a better job at keeping his laughter down than Sonic.
Shadow turned around.“You’re welcome. Also, what’s so funny?” He asked.
Sonic waved a hand.“Nothing, nothing.” He said, trying and failing to get his laughter under control.”Just a small thing we remembered.” He said. Tails snickered at the joke. Shadow gave them a pretty disappointed look and turned back to start washing the pan and spatula.“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you have a short temper.” Sonic said.
“It’s morning, Sonic. Everyone has a short temper in the morning.” Shadow said.
Tails’ snickering was cut off with a yawn and he leaned against Sonic again. Sonic gave him a side hug and Tails continued eating his pancake with slow bites. It was a habit or something between them to have at least one hug in the mornings, and more often than not, Tails would almost fall back asleep leaning against his big brother.“I bet you especially?” Sonic teased.
Shadow chuckled softly at the joke.“Well, you’re not wrong.” He said. Sonic paused. Shadow chuckled. He just chuckled. Holy crap, that chuckle was somehow so nice to hear! Sonic wanted to hear it again, but it felt like his mind was running all over the place after hearing that. How was he this excited over hearing that laugh?”Anyways, I’m going to be heading out pretty soon.” Shadow said, interrupting Sonic’s thoughts.
“Wha — Already? But the others aren’t up yet! And you haven’t eaten breakfast!” Sonic said. He was suddenly determined to get Shadow to stay just a little longer.
Shadow put the pan and spatula away. He turned to them looking a little less grumpy and a little more confused.”I already ate breakfast, and I was under the assumption that you’d want me to leave after.” He said. Sonic sprinted to stand next to him, and Tails almost fell over, but caught himself against the counter. Sonic reached a high cabinet and opened it to grab a plate. He was definitely getting his second and third pancakes, and some bacon. And eggs, with ketchup, obviously.
“No way, man! Last night was cool, and today we’re going on a boring hike through the forest!” He said with an odd amount of enthusiasm. He grabbed a second plate and handed it to Tails when he walked back to the counter with the food.
Tails put his unfinished pancake on his plate and went to get some more food for himself.“Wanna come with us?” He asked hopefully. If Sonic wasn’t already smiling at the promise of actually good food, he’d be smiling at how Tails was acting.
Out of the whole group, Tails was the most nervous around Shadow. The first Shadow was a jerk to all of them, Tails especially for some reason. Hearing about that “fox hunting” comment made Sonic want to do things he’d probably end up arrested for. Plus, he’s still a kid, so it was no wonder he didn’t want to be near him at all in the beginning.
Last night changed that a bit, though. With some more time to talk, the group had learned a couple things about Short Shadow’s world. When Shadow explained what a motorcycle was, Tails wanted to hear more, and Shadow seemed almost happy to share information about them, including his own. Sonic had no clue what they were saying after five minutes and honestly found it a little boring, but Tails seemed so happy listening to Shadow talk about the different engines and whatnot, so who was he to interrupt?
Sonic probably wouldn’t say it out loud, maybe, but he was honestly proud of Tails seeing him start to trust this second Shadow.
Shadow hummed.“Well, I don’t have much else to do, so exploring the island a bit more might be interesting.” He said.
“Turn the light off!” Amy groaned. The three of them looked over to where she was sleeping on the couch. She was trying to cover her head with the blanket to block out the light. Sonic glanced outside. The sky was now a mixture of pink, blue, and some yellow.”Wait, what’s that smell? Did someone make breakfast?” Amy asked. She sat up and lifted a hand to cover her mouth when she yawned.
Sonic got his food and some silverware. He walked over to the couch and sat down to eat.“Yep, and get this; Shadow made it. You’ve gotta try it, it’s really good.” He said. He used his fork to pick up some scrambled eggs covered in ketchup and ate them. It could just be the pretty much daily Meh Burger after so long, but he thought this food was amazing.
“Shadow made breakfast?” Knuckles asked. Apparently, he was awake, too. Still hanging off the other couch a little, but awake. He fell to the floor with a thud when he tried to get up.
Amy rubbed her eyes and smiled. She turned around to look at Shadow.”That’s really nice of you, Shadow. It smells amazing. Thank you.” She said. She got up off the couch to get some breakfast herself. Sonic heard another yawn from the opposite side of him and looked over at the somehow still intact blanket fort Sticks made the night before. Soon, Sticks emerged, her fur looking a little like a small mane with it all out of the ropes she used to tie it.
Shadow gave a small scoff in the kitchen.”It’s normal breakfast food. If you consider this amazing, then you’re eating more unhealthy garbage than I thought.” He said.
Sticks pointed at him.”Hey, don’t insult garbage like that!” She said. Sonic could see the eye roll from Shadow, and he was focused on eating. Whatever was said next was lost from Sonic’s ears. Forget Meh Burger, this food was even better than their milkshakes! Could Shadow make better milkshakes? Or better chili dogs? That, Sonic had to find out. Maybe he’d ask during lunch!
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possibilistfanfiction · 8 months
not truly a prompt but would love some more outside perspective for surgeons au
‘dr. v, hey, what’s up?’ silva says, leaning against the doorframe of the supply closet with far too much aplomb for someone who spilled chili all over himself in the cafeteria — in front of beatrice, who had, horrifyingly, just rolled her eyes with a smile — merely an hour ago.
you’re a little proud when dr. silva — usually infuriatingly unflappable — gulps. ‘hey, so, uh, well. i’m saying this in confidence.’
you resist the urge to just walk past her, because you definitely could, and you’re way too busy, but she’s unfortunately actually a great intern, switched to your service after beatrice told chief superion they had feelings for each other. which, well — it seems serious, and dr. silva has made beatrice, your best friend — your sister — happy, happier than you’ve ever seen her, so you’ve come to terms with the fact that ava silva is probably going to be in your life for a long time now.
‘go on,’ you say.
ava nods, steps into the supply closet and closes the door, glancing behind him quickly. 
‘the coast is clear, for whatever secret you’re about to divulge that i’m sure i won’t want to know.’ you know the coast is clear because you come into this particular supply closet to catch your breath when days are chaotic and overwhelming, to, on occasion, shed a tear or two over a bad outcome or, even more embarrassingly, a great outcome, too much family thanks sent your way. 
dr. silva isn’t deterred at all. ‘okay. um. beatrice cried herself to sleep last night. and last thursday night too. i know she doesn’t want me to know, or i guess, she probably doesn’t, but, like, i care about her, a lot, and i lov— ‘ ava shakes his head, a little panicked, but then soldiers on. ‘do you know why? is there anything i can do?’
beatrice, you are well aware of, has therapy every thursday, barring emergencies she can’t get out of. you also know, from years and years of watching her hold feelings in for days, weeks even, until she explodes a little, that beatrice is a slow processor, someone who needs her time to understand what she’s feeling. before she met ava, you’d text her every thursday, after she’d gone to the dojo or climbed or run, and you’d read a new study together (not sworn to secrecy) or catch up on love island (sworn to absolute secrecy). 
but now there’s dr. silva — ava; there’s someone for beatrice to be held by, someone to warm the cool side of the bed. you can understand from when you first started dating camila, the sheer panic that she would realize you needed things, the sheer panic that you needed her, that beatrice doesn’t want to share with ava whatever was difficult or sad or hard to process. beatrice is excellent at most things, including kindness, and especially including steadiness, and you know, no matter how open she is in therapy, that what she grew up having shoved down her throat is not an easy thing to overcome. 
‘she has therapy, thursday morning, every week if she can make it.’ maybe beatrice would be mad at you, but you don’t think so — sometimes it’s easier to have help, anyway. 
‘oh,’ dr. silva says, their shoulders relaxing immediately. ‘well that makes a ton of sense. i was worried it was my cooking or taste in music or something.’
‘i’m sure those things don’t help.’
she rolls her eyes. ‘thanks for telling me.’ thanks for knowing beatrice so well; thanks for loving her too goes unspoken; to dr. silva’s credit, she does seem to understand that there are lines too tender for her to cross.
you nod, just once, and motion toward the door. dr. silva steps aside, a little hurried, trying to be polite — for once.
‘i need post-ops on mr. williams, and then we have a consult with dr. masters.’
‘i can get you fired, you know.’
dr. silva’s grin, under the florescent lights in the hallway, is almost rakish. ‘i do know that, and i also know you wouldn’t.’
‘the next abscess i see is yours.’
ava just laughs.
beatrice slips into the supply closet silently, just behind you, a week later.
‘jesus,’ you grumble. ‘i’ve got to find a new spot.’
she’s undeterred, wearing a fleece over her scrubs and a bright orange fisherman’s beanie — silva’s undoubtedly; beatrice would never buy anything bright orange herself — a neat canvas tote from her favorite coffee shop on her shoulder — tired, and on her way out. ‘did you tell ava i had therapy on thursdays.’
‘well, you do.’
she clenches her jaw, seems to toy with what she wants to say. ‘thank you,’ she settles on, surprisingly but also not: beatrice is kind, above all else; kinder than you ever expect. 
‘i apologize,’ you find yourself offering, ‘if i overstepped.’
she shakes her head. ‘it’s — was it hard for you?’
she sags back against the closed door. ‘letting someone in, like that.’
‘well, i certainly didn’t choose ava.’
beatrice laughs, a little, but, ‘i don’t feel as if i had much of a choice. he’s, just, spectacular.’
you refrain from saying anything mean; there will be time enough, years and years and years of it if beatrice has any say. ‘he took care of you?’
‘as much as i let her.’
you have to smile, then; there are a handful of times you’ve been in charge of taking care of beatrice: after her parents visit, each time, especially in college, tears and hours of sparring; after she had top surgery, helping her take a bath and deal with her drains; once when she got food poisoning from a sketchy burger place she resolutely loved. ‘no small task.’
‘we’ve got to get better at that, don’t we?’
’speak for yourself. i’m a seasoned professional.’
‘ah yes, you, remarkably comfortable accepting affection and care. since the moment we met.’
you laugh; you can’t help yourself. ‘you’re happy?’
’sure you couldn’t pick someone less… ava?’
beatrice elbows you but it’s lacking any malice. you sling an arm around her shoulders, as close to a hug as you’d get under normal circumstances, especially at work. ‘you know,’ she says, ‘everyone knows you come in here to decompress. you’re not stealthy.’
you shrug. ‘intimidating, then. no one interrupts me.’
she lets you have it with just a small smile, kind once again, and makes to slip out the door. ‘i’ll leave you to it then.’
‘drinks later when you get off? perhaps just the two of us?’ a measure of care you’ve never been brave enough to offer but are always grateful to accept — your oldest friend.
‘i would really like that, beatrice.’
she nods. ‘text me when you’re done.’
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Living with Leon headcanons
ya girl is back with some galar-champ goodness! i gotta say, the living-with hcs have to be some of my favourite to write, i love the cute domesticity of it all. i wrote over 1k words of this to prove it! and i still probs have more to say
features gn! reader, a suggestive reference or two, and a wee bit of angst.
nsfw part 2 here
You jumped at the chance to move in with Lee
It meant you could spend way more time together
With his busy schedule, you could go a long time without seeing him in person
Five weeks at one point :(
Facetime just couldn’t cut it…
Your heart simply couldn't take it anymore!
Even just to see him briefly in the morning or at night
Share a quick kiss
Curl up against him in bed
You’d take any small, but precious, moments with your champion!
Truth be told, Leon's Wyndon penthouse wasn't much of a home before you moved in
It was picked out by Chairman Rose, paid for by him actually
Despite having lived there for YEARS
It never felt like home to Leon
Just a place to sleep, eat and workout
He never had the time (or motivation) to really just make it his own
With the exception of Hop's bedroom, which the two of them lovingly decorated together
He really wanted his brother to feel loved and comfortable whenever he stayed over
He wants you to feel that way too!
Lee lets you go as crazy as you want when it comes to redecorating
It's YOUR home now, and you'll be spending way more time in it
Even if it's not his taste, he still enjoys seeing your personal touch shine through the décor
Places you were not allowed mess with were Hop's room (duh), the gym and the master bathroom
Those last two are his sanctuaries! 
His gym isn't big by any means, but it has all his usual workout machines and free weights
A mat and bag for him to practice the fighting skills he learned from Mustard
Some stuff for his Pokemon to train too!
He likes to exercise in the mornings
At 5am eek
He invites you to join, though you usually just decline because that's VERY early and your bed is too big and cosy and warm and lovely
Sometimes though, you haul the covers into the gym and watch him work out all bundled up
Thoroughly enjoying yourself at the sight of his flexing muscles
While he thoroughly enjoys your shameless admiration
The one thing you do tend to join in as part of his work-out routine is the shower afterward ;)
Speaking of
The bathroom… omg the bathroom
There's a giant tub with jets
And he's got all the essentials
Bubble bath, bath bombs, Epson salts for when your muscles are cranky
He even has dried expensive seaweed from Hoenn if you want a seaweed bath that makes your skin so utterly soft
You swfinitely try and have a bath together once a week, it's the perfect way to de-stress, but also pamper yourselves!
His shower is also HUGE
And has jets too
Plus a waterfall option that makes it feel like you're in a sexy shampoo commercial
You have spent literally HOURS in there, it's so luxurious
And he can’t even complain because there’s plenty space for the two of you!
The drain gets clogged so easily from all his hair rip
Leon definitely takes care of appearance
His skincare routine is just perfection
His beard doesn't happen like that naturally either, he shaves quite regularly to keep the style neat
When you can, you love brushing Leon’s hair
He loves it too!
It’s so comforting for him, makes him feel all fuzzy
He likes when you style it too, even if it ends up a lil’ wonky
Like a lot of things about Leon his house, his TV is huge
He has a switch too!
Naturally, he gets competitive when you’re racing against each other in Mario Kart (but in a good-natured way!)
Cuddling on the couch while watching a movie is mandatory
If you EVER secretly watch the next episode of a show you’re supposed to watch together he will never speak to you again
His skill in the kitchen is not equal to his skill in battle, but he’s still pretty good
His meals tend to be on the healthier side, but he uses a lot of spices and seasonings to make them tastier
He makes a LOT of protein shakes be warned
Sometimes he even makes you breakfast in bed <3
He definitely has a secret stash of goodies for emergencies/when he doesn’t have to keep as lean during off-season
Of course, you do get curries from your local takeaway now and again!
Like every Galarian household, tea is sacred in your home
Both of you know exactly how the other likes theirs, and you both make sure it’s made to perfection each time
However you do butt heads on what biscuit to pair with your tea (and even the dreaded dunking debate :o )
By nature of the Pokemon League being such a phenomenon in Galar
Sponsorships are a huge deal
Meaning you often end up with a ton of free stuff
Leon lets you go through the goodies and take what you like
Most of the stuff is battle/sport related
You also end up with a lot of those rich people kitchen gadgets that are so much worse than what you already have
Why is dpes the blender need to be connected to the wifi?
You are secretly trying to get him to get a squishmellows sponsorships haha
When he's had a rough day, coming home to you is simply heaven
He'll climb into your arms and bury his face in his chest
Holding you so tight in the security of your shared space
While you play with his hair
In here, with you, there are no fans, no executives, no great big titles, no legacy to defend within an inch of his life
It’s just two lovers, taking care of each other
While he likes the apartment well enough (especially now with you in it)
He certainly does not plan to stay there forever
After he loses the champion title, he moves you into a beautifully vintage townhouse near the Battle Tower
It's definitely cosier and more lowkey
With room for a (sizable) family if that's your plan
And ofc a home gym and fancy bathroom
Plus a garden too, which you didn't have before!
He indulges himself a little and gets a cottage in Postwick for you to escape to when the hustle and bustle of the city gets a bit too much
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raindropren · 4 months
I think i should make a hermitcraft camp au
Everyone will be like 14-17 and it will be VERY Found Family!!!! U can take the hermits being family to eachother from my COLD DEAD HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Xisuma is the Volunteer camp counselor, His parents said it'd be good to be out in nature and would be good for him!! Real Life Experience!! and they dragged him into the role. He did not want to deal with kids(elementary schoolers can be mean...) but he was pleasantly surprised to find people more his age(That being 15 at the time) He took to it well but he is slowly going insane, do not mistake that.
The camp itself is just, alittle illegal, like a camp counselor started at 15 and i don't think he should of been without adult supervision but whatever!
by the second year of camp most of the hermits had already joined the camp! I have few ideas but here's some
Joe actually did want to go to the camp! He wanted to be a camp counselor but didn't really get the opportunity to sign up so now he helps out Xisuma whenever he can! A quarter threw the first year He dragged Cleo out of the new arrivals bus and introduced her to their little friend group! Cleo really didn't wanna be there but she also really didn't like going through the summer without Joe, so now she's here. in the wilderness :]
Did i mention that the camp is a summer camp, cause!!!
S U M M E R!!
Bdubs was super enthusiastic about the nature part, he wanted to look at cool moss!!!!(me too, me too) and then forgot about the activities part of camp and for a solid month Etho had to drag him out of bed just to do something other then sleep. They'd find him sleeping in trees. I think he'd be an amazing tree climber. He'd only wake up for the forest related activities and has skipped every single swimming activity since he got there. surprisingly it's a 50/50 on if he shows up to a craft activity. one time they had a special animal-care activity and when Etho mentioned the horses the people had brought ONCE and bdubs jumped up and sprinted to them. He did not leave those horses side until they left and after that they got a stable in the camp and bdubs and etho take cake of the horses everyday together! I like them :)
He and Etho share a bunk!!!! They're in the same cabin and after the horse thing they made a little shrine and their other cabin mates... are scared.
Mumbo joined at the same time as Cleo(On the same arrival bus and everything) and was very much the youngest(like just turned 14? maybe) He was the bbabbbyyy... and also exploded something on his first day! :D
Tango, Impulse, and Zed disappeared one night and came back the next day properly unhinged and wouldn't tell a single soul what they'd been up to but after that they're seen together more then not Lol
And the next year they came back speaking of Impulses friend Skizz who they were trying to convince the parents of to send them to camp aswell! It did not work until the 3rd year! Jump for joy, they did!
Grian joined, not wanting to be there at all, having a terrible time and then well
He caused Chaos, left for a week, then came back worse and decided he'd rather be there, super concerning to the others but he didn't speak a peep about it and then went back to causing(now slightly less destructive) chaos! He and Mumbo become extremely good friends, they bribed mumbo's bunk-mate to switch cabins with grian and now they're bunk-mates! it caused confusion for a week and then became the new normal! lol. I think he'd have a digital camera and he'd take pictures of the others, but also birds, so many birds. he'd rush to take a picture everytime he saw a duck, which was everyday, because the camp was RIGHT NEXT TO A RIVER!!! ya.
He would take care of the very few chicken's, and he got the others to help make the coop better because parts of it were rusting and breaking and he was scared that the chickens were gonna get hurt.
I think he'd be a only new arrival for the rest of that summer(so like he arrived like, 2 months into the second summer? how long is summer again? IDK) With hermits that join in season 5 probably arriving during the first month of summer? lets say? ya.
The 3rd summer had two new arrivals which was Pearl and Gem!! They arrived on the same bus and definitely had known eachother beforehand(aka Pearl went "I'm going to this camp next summer, u should come too :3" and Gem said "well okay i guess")
I think Grian and Pearl are siblings(you couldn't take that headcanon away if u tried LOL) and Pearl arriving was wweeirdddd cause grian had missed them arriving and then everytime he saw pearl he did a double take like 'did, did I just see who i thought I saw??????'
aka Grian did NOT know their Parents were sending Pearl to this Camp aswell teehe
I think Joel would arrive and be tackled by Grian, they knooww eachootherr aswell!!! yiippeee, I also think Joel and Etho should know eachother aswell, like they'd been to the same school and stuff lol.
Skizz Arrives and Impulse promptly gives him the biggest hug because He missed his best friend!!!!!!! it's been months!!!! they're dramatic about it.
I really have no other idea's, i wish i did!!!!
either way!! i think they have a camp group chat that is constantly getting chattered in even when it isn't summer lolsie
this was for fun, maybe i'll write more info i've thought about for this au, down again at some point, but ya!!! Fun!!! Yiippeee
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milkteahood · 2 years
Can I make a weird request. Kinda like a next day after intimacy with brahms, it just the roles switched and brahms having to take care of the reader cause the cant walk. I just think it be funny and fluffy. Also he doesnt know many chores so the next day it be up to us to clean up 😂
Note: I haven’t realized I have so many requests in my inbox since I was not here much, so my apologies for the delay lol anywayyyyy I love this idea
days with you
Brahms x reader
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As the morning sun broke through the window, you found yourself gently rolling over and away from it. Although it wasn’t long until an arm wrapped itself around you and pulled you closer. Brahms pressed himself against your back, his nose nuzzling your hair. It was quite cute, you thought to yourself, that even in his sleep, he can’t stand being too far from you. As you slowly opened your eyes, and the soreness hit your body, you started to recall the events that brought you into this situation.
Your memories were slightly foggy, maybe due to the lack of feeling in your legs, or maybe you were still too tired to think straight. Either way, you didn’t care too much, for even the little clarity you had that early morning was enough to fill your stomach with butterflies.
“No Brahms! How many times do I have to tell you? Throwing tantrums isn’t going to make me want to help you with any chores!” you yelled around the room, hearing his footsteps in the walls.
He didn’t talk much, not when he was angry anyway. After some years spent together, you decided it was time he learns how to do chores himself too. Initially he didn’t take it well, but it was understandable, all his life he had people do things for him. After a while though, he started to help, he realized it made you happy and realized that the happier you were, the more you will praise him and do what he wants.
“Stop acting this way! I’m tired too! And I’m done with your crap!” you yelled again, but this time, there were no footsteps. Was he ignoring you? The thought of it made you even angrier and for once, you weren’t going to go after him. And so you didn’t. You continued with your day, with no Brahms in sight.
As the night approached, you started to feel bad and worry. He didn’t come out for dinner, didn’t come for a shower, didn’t come in the room as you were changing. You realized he was probably really sad or really angry and you didn’t know which was worse. Either way it was you who’d have to deal with the tantrums. But to his credit, ever since you two became a thing, he has tried to get better. Which is why he didn’t break half the house in rage, but preferred to keep his distance.
You decided you had to find him. Both of you had a whole day to cool down and it was time to talk. As you made your way through the walls and to his old room, you found him sitting on the bed. Even with his mask on you could feel him stare right into your soul.
“Brahms..” you said.
“Leave.” he responded, his deep voice filling the room.
“I’m not leaving until we talk” you stood your ground.
He didn’t respond, just stood up and started to talk towards you. “Leave” he repeated, heavier this time. Yes, he was trying to intimidate you, you it was having the opposite effect. He stood there, towering over you. It was moments like these your height difference hit you. You just kept looking at him and you could feel him tense up. Was he really that angry with you?
Without realizing, your hand ended up resting on the side of his mask. But it was just for a moment, because he grabbed your hand and pushed it away. You looked at your hand and then at him again, even in his anger he was still being gentle. You didn’t want to keep poking the bear, but you also didn’t want to leave things as they were, so, in a very little thought decision, you ripped his mask off and kissed him. Your heart stopped for a second, lips on his, not moving at all. You only felt yourself breathe again when he kissed you back, although it was a very angry and eager kiss. His big hand holding you by the back of your head, keeping you in place, while your arms wrapped themselves around his neck. The kiss was hungry, full on emotion, and you knew in that moment you weren’t going to be able to walk the next morning.
“Brahms..” you said, rolling over to face him, gently tracing his features with your finger.
“Hm?” he mumbled, in a mix of child like voice and adult.
“It’s starting to get late, we should get up”
“I don’t want to, Y/N” he responded with the voice of a child.
“Well, I’m hungry” you pleated, giving him a smile.
After some back and forth he stood up and you did too, or better said, you tried too. Because the second your legs were forced to support you, they gave up on you. As your body met the floor, Brahms turned to you worried and kneeled down.
“Y/N?” his voice was concerned, eyes widened, looking at you
“I’m fine... I can’t feel my legs..”
He looked at you for a while, worried at first, not knowing what was wrong. As he saw you rub your lower abdomen, it hit him, and worry turned into a smirk as he helped you up and back in the bed.
“Rest” he said, and kissed the top of your head.
“So you’ll do the chores today?” you smirked, getting comfortable again, almost rubbing it in his face that he did it to himself.
As realization hit him, he bit his tongue. He was going to have to do the chores himself. He knew how to do his chores, but he had no idea about yours. He didn’t know white clothes shouldn’t be washed together with red ones, so now he got himself a few pink shirts. Nor he had any idea how long you’re supposed to cook something for, granted, a little burnt and crispy meal wasn’t gonna kill anyone.
Brahms didn’t go a few hours before coming back into your shared room and pick you up, still completely naked, and carry you downstairs. He didn’t say anything but you knew he needed help. The day consisting of him carrying you around and you pointing out to him how everything needed to be done, trying not to think too much about the rest of the messes you would have to clean up the next day.
You tried your best not to chuckle when he did something stupid, you knew that would hurt him. Instead you opted for encouragements, seeing that always worked with Brahms. The more you praise him, the more likely he is to do what you want. It kept him happy and gave you some peace.
As the day went by, your legs started to feel better and so you tried to help him here and there. Ultimately you found yourself in bed again, his head nuzzling your chest. You gazed at him, taking in his features and your nails gently scratched his back. Being around Brahms did have its ups and downs, but he was trying and he was slowly getting better and that’s what really mattered to you.
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Burning Down | MYG
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: smut, crack, DadYoongi!AU, BadCop!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: weapons - guns, switching POVs, angst!, allusions to murder, mentions of blood, references to war, allusions to choking, Yoongi is not a good guy (ymmv)
Word Count: 1.8k
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: You're going to finish what you started. But Yoongi won't let you take it all away.
A/N: Everyone thank Yoongi for those recent D-Day concept photos, because they inspired me to write another chapter! I think we're closing in on the end here 👀
Unbeta’d as usual. I’d love to know what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
Part 5 💵 Bad Cop Masterlist 💵 Part 6
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The house is dark when you turn into the driveway. Tall trees on either side of the gravel pathway stretch endlessly into the cloudy morning sky, their thick canopies providing the car with cover from the rain that’s just starting to fall. 
Jungkook leans pretty heavily against you as you walk him to the door, and your knock is a little clumsy while you struggle to keep your partner on his feet. A light flickers on in the window, and then the door suddenly wrenches open from the inside. A rather handsome man peers down at where you’re slumped under Jungkook’s arm. 
“Holy shit, what the fuck happened?” 
Seokjin is not an agent. Seokjin is a former combat medic. You’d met years ago on a tour in a foreign land. He’d saved your back and you’d saved his, more than once. The blood you’d shed together had formed an inseparable bond between the two of you that meant more to you than your actual family. Which is why you’re here, in the middle of the night, holding a man who is slowly bleeding out all over his doorstep. 
“For fuck’s sake, come in, I just bought that mat.” Seokjin ushers the two of you inside, glancing around. His house is fairly secluded, the copse of trees bordering the property protecting him from prying eyes, but he’s been in enough battles to know that you can never be too cautious.
He leads you and Jungkook into his living room, ordering you to help your partner onto the couch. He disappears for a moment and returns with a first aid kit - not the kind you’d find at your local pharmacy but one meant for the battlefield. You don’t ask why he has one so readily available. You know what it’s like to be haunted by war; always prepared for the day those ghosts might return.
You also don’t ask why he happens to have a small freezer in his basement where he keeps bags of blood. After he’d retired from the armed forces, Seokjin had gone into private practice. You have no idea just how “private” that means, what type of clientele he might be stitching up, accepting payment under the table instead of involving insurance. Or cops. It might be your place to ask, considering you’re a federal agent, but right now you’re not about to look a gift horse in the mouth - not when Seokjin’s busy saving Jungkook’s life. 
Afterward, as Jungkook sleeps, blood slowly being transfused back into his strong body, Seokjin makes you some tea and he sits in the kitchen as you stand and sip, staring out the window at the rain. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” he asks gently, rubbing a hand over the scruff on his chin. You haven’t even apologized for waking him so early. 
“No,” you reply honestly, but then you tell him, as much as you can without compromising your mission. As if it hadn’t already gone to hell anyway. You talk and talk, and soon it’s not the details of the job you’re describing, soon it’s how things between you and Yoongi started, how they progressed, how they ended - in bullets and blood. 
Seokjin is quiet once you run out of words. He drums his long fingers on his placemat, watching the spoon resting there as it bounces from the rhythm. “Well, to be honest, that’s not the worst break-up you’ve ever had,” he drawls after a few seconds. 
“Fuck off,” you snap, but your lips twitch of their own accord. He’s not wrong. “It wasn’t a real relationship. It was all part of the plan.” 
“Is that so?” Seokjin levels you with a sober look. “Then why are you here, wearing a groove into my kitchen floor with your pacing, while your partner drains my last bag of O neg? Was that part of the plan, too?” When you don’t respond, he plows on. “Because it seems to me that you went a little too deep this time. Got a little too entangled. Would you say that’s accurate?” 
“Sir, yes sir,” you chirp sarcastically, saluting him with your middle finger. Seokjin’s eyes crinkle as he laughs, and for one brief second, you’re back in the field, joking with your friend, and not sitting in his house panicking while your mission goes up in flames. But then you hear Jungkook stirring in the other room, and Seokjin’s laughter fades as he rises to check on his patient. 
Seokjin, as always, is right. You’d gone too deep this time. Let yourself believe the lie. As much as you didn’t want to admit that you could be compromised, you knew the truth. You’d fallen for Yoongi, and now you had to clean up the mess you’d made, before anyone else got hurt. 
Even if it meant breaking your own heart.
Seokjin wanders back into the kitchen. “The transfusion is almost complete, but he’s gonna need to rest for a while longer.” 
“Can he - “
“He can stay here, that’s fine.” Seokjin looks so tired. You wonder how you must look. Probably about half dead. “But what are you going to do now? Call for backup?” 
You shake your head and reach into your satchel, pulling out the box from Yoongi’s safe. Inside, as you’d expected, lies a key. 
“No. I’m gonna finish what I’ve started.” Jimin’s face flashes through your mind and your vision goes red. And then Yoongi’s, and your heart pangs, even as you make your vow. “I’m gonna bring him down.” 
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Yoongi hates this. 
He hates hiding. His safe house isn’t nearly as luxurious as his other house or the vacation home he’d just bought on the bay. Most of the rooms here are nearly empty, save for a random couch or table. Except for the one room that is fully stocked with guns and ammunition, along with a small safe stashed with emergency cash. But beyond that, the house is bare. It’s not meant to be a long-term residence, he knows, but he hates it anyway. 
He also hates not having his daughter with him. He’d called Da-som’s friend’s mother at dawn and told her that he had to go out of town for work suddenly and asked if she could look after her for a few days. Not having her by his side fills him with anxious energy, makes him want to claw his skin off. He hopes this won’t take more than a day or two. 
But that. That’s the thing that he hates the most - not knowing. Not knowing where you are, or what your plan is, or how any of this will end. Makes him feel weak. Powerless. Like he used to be. 
Like when Da-som’s mother left him.
He fucking hates feeling powerless. He will not go back. 
From his perch on the table that serves as the sole furniture in this room, Jimin watches him stalk back and forth, like a tiger prowling his cage. He doesn’t say anything to Yoongi, likely not wanting him to bruise his throat again. Jimin’s developed a bit of a squeak when he laughs, and it has not amused him in the slightest. Although Yoongi thinks it’s pretty funny.
The burner phone in Jimin’s pocket buzzes and he flips it open. “Any sign?” 
Yoongi halts in his tracks, waiting.
Jimin sighs. “Fine. Just keep looking.” He tosses his phone on the mahogany surface, merely shaking his head at the older man. 
Yoongi resumes his steps. Where the fuck did you go? You couldn’t have gotten very far in Jungkook’s police cruiser. It never returned to the station, and Yoongi’s goons are sweeping the area under his orders. But even though he has everyone searching for you, you’re nowhere to be found. 
“We’ll find them,” Jimin finally speaks. “It’s just a matter of time.” 
“Time is running out,” Yoongi spits back. The longer you’re gone, the more likely it is that you’ve called in reinforcements. Set a trap in motion. He can’t just sit here and wait for the walls to close in on him. 
He needs to move. 
“Listen, I nailed the kid, so he’s undoubtedly slowing the two of them down. We’ve got guys watching the hospitals, the clinics, every medical center in a 100 mile radius - there’s no way they’ll get past us to get him some help.” Jimin smoothly slides off the table, brushing dust from the sleeves of his button-down shirt. “We just have to be patient.” 
Yoongi immediately pounces forward, pressing Jimin back into the wall behind him. He doesn’t touch the younger man, but holds him in place with the intensity of his stare. 
“No. I’ve been patient. For five fucking years now, I’ve waited to take my place at the top of the chain in this goddamn city. And now that I’m here, I’m not going to fucking hide and wait any longer. YN-” he curses silently at the slip-up, “she isn’t going to take everything from me.”
“What are you saying?” Jimin asks, wincing at Yoongi’s glare. The usual sociopathic gleam in Jimin’s eye is dimmed under the older man’s gaze. He’s terrified right now.
“There’s a key in that safe that she stole. It belongs to another box, where I have kept a very important list. Among other things.” If only he hadn’t kept that safe at his house. If only he hadn’t brought you there. If only you were who you said you were. “I’ve got to get to that list. It’s the only thing that she needs to bring this all down.”
“And you think you can get to it first?” 
“No.” Yoongi laughs, a cold, ugly sound that sends chills down Jimin’s spine. “I’m sure she’ll beat me to it. In fact, I’m counting on it.”
For the first time in hours, Jimin grins. “Okay, so an ambush, then?” 
Yoongi nods.
“You know I’m in. But… everything you just said, how you just got all this power…” Jimin pauses, considering his words very carefully, “are you prepared to lose it all just to beat her?”
“I’d rather lose it all in a blaze of glory than have that bitch steal it from me,” Yoongi retorts, ignoring the stab of pain in his chest when he snarls the word ‘bitch.’ Stop it, you pussy. Stop pretending like she means anything, he berates himself. 
“Blaze of glory? Fuck yeah, let’s go.” Jimin pulls his handgun from his holster and cocks it. 
Yoongi smirks. “Let’s burn.” 
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Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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marvelmcumania · 6 months
You are my only love - Part 1
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Fem Reader Summary: That life's fate wasn't meant for both of you but the this did! WORD COUNT:1.4k Setting: Modern World and The 80s
A reincarnation au fic. Hello Everyone this is my first fic on Tumblr and there will be mistakes, so forgive Updates won't be frequent will be updated at any time English is not my first language Do not repost Feel free to reblog and let me know your thoughts
Navigation | Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist |Steve Rogers Masterlist
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They say we somehow always meet in the next life and this was the same thing with Steve Rogers and Y/N L/N a tale of tragic love but a tale of love that becomes one of the best things ever happened to them.
Sweetheart, I will always be with you
You are my only love
You woke up from your nightmarish dream again. And it has happened daily since you were 10 years old at first your parents consoled you but when it started increasing whenever you took a nap they decided to take you to therapy and yet still the therapist couldn't help. The scream of the deep blue eyes which felt familiar looking concerned at you and then blood pooling down from both of your bodies.
It made you feel real that the person's sinister eyes held a great obsession for you, whereas this blue-eyed man held a deep love for you. Sighing you got up from the bed rubbing your eyes.
"Why does this happen to me?"
You entered the kitchen taking a glass of water taking a sip of it.
"Are you okay there?" Natalie your roommate was sitting on the sofa watching her late-night show.
You whipped your head looking at her and shook it giving her a smile that didn't reach your eyes." Nah I am good" keeping the glass on the shelves "What are you watching?" you said taking a seat beside her.
"F.R.I.E.N.D.S" she nonchalantly said handing you the popcorn box
You took the popcorn "One of my favorite shows"
"Mine too" You both laughed when Joey wore all of Chandler's clothes. Forgetting the dream for the moment
The next you woke up on the sofa checking your phone it was 7:00 AM shrugging you set it aside looking straightforward and sighing weirdly you didn't get the nightmare again Looking sideways Natalie was sprawled on the other side of the couch TV sound dimmed.
"Hey Natalie" you whispered trying to wake her up she blinked her eyes looking at you. "Uhm it's 7:00 AM and you have your office timing at 11:00 AM it's better if you sleep some more in your room."
"Oh thanks" she yawns taking the remote and switching it off. She gets up stretches her body and reaches her bedroom stopping midway you were scrolling on your phone looking at the schedule. "Y/N?"
You looked up from your phone" Yeah?"
"At night time you were murmuring something about 'save me' 'please don't kill him' and 'I will never marry you' Like were you having a nightmare?" Your eyes widened at what Natalie said even though it wasn't in the visuals you still had it.
"Oh?" your eyebrows furrowed this was now going out of hands "I don't remember it"
"I think it's something more than that Y/N/N" You raised your eyebrow at her "Look I don't know how to say this but it's something related to your past lives"
"There is nothing like past lives Natalie" You went back to your phone heart beating radically. "These are some weird rumors and conspiracy theories"
"Y/N/N" she called you out making you look up once again "They aren't and it's a different thing also known as reincarnation. I read that on the internet"
"And is there scientific proof" You were now getting irritated was she now making fun of you she became quiet for a moment.
"I wish I could have proved but don't come running near me when your therapist thinks about it"
You scowled at her, looking back down to your phone and chewing your lips. Natalie sighed and went back to her bedroom. What if Natalie was right that this is something related to past life but you ignored her.
You get up from the sofa get ready for your office and resume your daily routine of brushing your teeth and having a good bath You come out and pick up your outfit of the day. Combing your hair making it into a messy bun. Well, you didn't have an appetite for breakfast and the only thing that would help her now was coffee. The best thing is to watch until the shop opens the park scenery.
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You were never a fan of morning walks, but to clear your mind and reach your office straight away, you decided to take two rounds and sit on a bench and mull over Natalie's talk with you. Taking out your phone, you typed about it to clear your doubt, and as you thought, well, it's 50 50 to believe in reincarnation theories.
You were looking ahead, lost in your own thoughts. When you felt something down your leg looking down, you saw a cute dog sniffing around your leg and nudging his body around your legs.
"Oh hey, bub" you bought your hand to check whether he trusted you. The dog looked at you bringing his nose near your hand and sniffed you making sure you weren't any bad guy and showed you his head and scratched his head "Are you lost bub?" looking at his collar his owner must be here somewhere.
"DODGER" The dog turns to the source of sound his tail slightly wagging "DODGER WHERE ARE YOU?"
"I guess the screaming man is your owner huh?" The dog just huffed not getting too interested in their owner's voice "Don't tell me you had a fight" you chuckle seeing the dog growling meaning they indeed had some fight. "Okay how about we go near him and make him tell you sorry with huge treats"
You began to drag the dog who was hesitant at first but soon made up your speed and soon enough you came face to face with the yelling man who was out of breath
"Hey" you yelled at the man who turned to look at you before you could make a move you stood there seeing the man but the dog began dragging you breaking your concentration and almost making you fall "Hey bub calm down"
"Oh my God Thank you, "the man says squatting down to give some scratches to the dog "Never do that again Dodge you scared me you want the toy I will buy you but" he hugs him "Never leave" You are looking at their interaction when the man glances up at you "Thank You Again"
Your breath hitches looking at the man his blue eyes giving you a familiar face the man in your dreams. You just nod at him giving him a smile "A very active dog I see"
"Yeah" he chuckles "and when I decline something of his favorite he just runs away"
You give him a smile and look back at the dog giving him a small ear scratch you are scared to look at him what if he remembers you what if the dream you always had has been the same it's been more than 2 minutes and you can already feel the sparks and connection the attraction towards him.
Before he could say anything your phone started ringing disrupting your talk It was from your colleague Natasha "Uhm Sorry I need to pick this up"
"Yeah sure" he nods giving you a similar smile you always have seen in your dream.
You pick up the call "Hey Nat!" answering when a screeching sound comes behind the caller.
Where are you?
"Uhm at the park?" You turned back before giving an apologetic smile to Steve. Hearing a huff from her "What is it, Nat?"
Do you realize what the time is now? We will be late for the office
Taking a look at the watch it was indeed late for you and you needed to catch the bus how much time did you spend here maybe the thinking made you late "Okay I will be right there just wait for me Okay?"
Yeah, hurry up!
You cut the call turning to the man who had been standing, you were surprised to find him gone along with his dog. A shiver ran down your spine as you scanned the area, but there was no sign of him anywhere. Questions stirred in your mind as you tried to make sense of his sudden disappearance. Had he simply walked away while you were distracted?
But with that, you felt more connected with him the man from your dream who looked exactly the same with furrowed eyebrows you left the question lingering in your mind and then left the park to meet Natasha at bus stand.
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starrgaziinggg · 1 year
chapter thirteen -> feelings and secrets (written, 4K words)
directory | next chapter ->
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"Okay, so that concludes the meeting?" Chan begins to wrap up, clasping his hands together. You take it as your queue to gently nudge Jeongin's side, forcing him awake after having dozed off halfway through your regular Friday afternoon student body meetings. It was safe to say Jeongin may not have been the best choice for the demanding role, yet here he was.
The sun was streaming through the large floor to ceiling windows of the meeting room, so you didn’t blame him for letting the warm sun send him to sleep. You were feeling hazy yourself, having to force yourself to stay awake through Chan’s words.
Jeongin smiles sleepily at you, leaning his head on your shoulder momentarily while the others conclude the discussion about the relevant topics, primarily the events of the charity week occurring at the beginning of the next month.
"You have until next week to choose the specifics for what you will actually do, but you've now chosen your teams for the events, right?" Chan asks, and you all nod your heads - bar Jeongin, of course, who just looks to you with a raised brow. You wave your hand, indicating you'd inform him of what he'd missed later.
The charity week was a week of events that ran once per semester. This year, your chosen charity was World Vision, and your collective aim was to raise a large sum of money to send off. It was known that most of the students that attended you university and their parents were well off, which meant it could hopefully be achieved.
There would be a multitude of events held throughout the week, and opportunities to donate constantly. It was your job as a member of the student body to advocate for the charity and push for as many donations as you possibly could.
Although it was difficult to balance the duties that came with being a student body representative with uni work and a social life, organising the dance course's activities for charity week was a great way to take your mind off of the shit show that was social media right now. Thankfully, Jisung's tweets were very well received, and he didn't get in too much trouble, but you dread to think of would could have happened to him if that weren't the case.
You were also dreading the inevitable next 'secret' that this awful account was going to expose next. It was as if you were constantly glued to your phone, refreshing Twitter like a fan girl on steroids with a constant lump in your throat. Nothing had been posted since last week, though, so you hoped it was going to be a one off.
"Excellent," Chan says, distracting you from your thoughts. Jeongin lifts his head from your shoulder to pack up his belongings, as if he'd used them in the first place. "I think we're taking a well needed break from alcoholic induced social events this week, so if I don't see you guys during the week I'll see you again, here, next Friday."
The way he switches so quickly from his head-screwed-on leader mode to his laid back, casual friendship mode never fails to crack you up. It's as if he has a split personality, and you commend him for being able to juggle everything as efficiently as he does. Once you finish packing your bag, Ryujin makes her way over to you. As the admin of the student body, she sits to the right of Chan in the school's meeting room, whilst Changbin - the vice president, sits to the left.
It was definitely an awkward hour, the two of them on edge with each other after their conversation over coffee the other day. Ryujin had come home and spilled everything to you and Hyunjin, sprawling on your bed beside you and delving deep into their conversation. Hyunjin had even taken a break from his art piece to listen intently to her, putting his input in and giving her advise when she asked for it.
Having Hyunjin over was a lot...nicer, than you'd expected it to be. He was quiet and pleasant and save for the hour he got bored and had a rush of energy, he kept to himself and worked hard at his painting. It was nice to have his company, the two of you not speaking and simply getting your work done in peace. His artwork came out beautifully, too, which left him heading home in a great mood.
That photo he'd posted was still on your mind, though you'd never admit that out loud. 
"God that was a drag," she drawls, flopping to lean on the table in front of you as you stand up, the others heading out the door. "I love Chan, but these things could be over in fifteen minutes if he kept it simple."
"He'll have an aneurism if you tell him to shorten them," you snort, walking out the room with Ryujin's arm linked in yours. Lia and Yuna had told you earlier they were going shopping after the meeting, so you watch them walk in the opposite direction to you and Ryujin after saying goodbye. They'd invited you guys and Chae too, of course, but you knew if you indulged in their shopping spree you'd spend far too much, and the cost of being a Uni student did not come cheap.
So, you'd arranged a quiet night in with some of the guys. Jeongin had just bought a projector, so the plan was to hook up Jisung's fancy laptop to it and set it up in your dorm. You would have gone to the guys dorm, except Minho's recent cooking escapade had not ended well, and he'd informed you that his dorm had smelt like rotting eggs for half the week. Decidedly, your dorm was the agreed upon source of comfort for the night.
Chan had some more meetings with some uni higher ups about charity week, so he'd bailed, and Changbin and Ryujin's awkward situation had caused him to give it a pass too. Seungmin said he'd be making an appearance after his classes. Since half of his double major was English, he attended lectures at your sister school, the mainstream Uni across the road, which meant his schedule was pretty jam packed.
That left Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin, Felix and Jeongin turning up at your doorstep holding various different items an hour after you'd gotten back to the dorm.
"What's all this?" You hear Chae ask as the raucous tumbles into your dorm. You make your way out of your bedroom to greet them, Ryujin following behind you after the two of you had scrolled on tik tok for the hour in between your meeting and now. The boys were all in their comfy clothes; hoodies and joggers, much like you girls.
"Jeongin's got the projector," Minho informs you as he gives you a smile and hands you a box. You'd barely seen him this week, since he was starting to skip classes more regularly. You were surprised he hadn't been reprimanded for it yet, but Minho somehow got away with anything and everything. "That's a cake."
"I've got snacks!" Felix says cheerily, showing you bundles of crisps and bags of chocolate in his arms.
"Why have you brought a cake?" You ask, smiling at your blonde headed friend as he sports his usual grin, turning back to Minho. He shrugs.
"It was my, 'I'm sorry your deep dark secret got posted on the internet, here's a cake' cake, but Minho and Felix somehow forgot that I don't like chocolate icing, so now you guys can eat my pity cake," Jisung explains, already flopping onto the sofa with his laptop, though he's smiling as he says it. He's received mostly praise and positivity over the internet recently, so he wasn't in all that of a bad mood about the whole ordeal.
Felix smiles sheepishly, dumping the snacks onto the table. The other guys start making themselves comfortable too, Hyunjin flashing you a grin as he flops down beside Jisung. Minho has to step in and help Jeongin set up the projector when Jeongin announces he actually has no idea how to work it, and it takes them a further twenty minutes to set the whole thing up.
You're not complaining though, since after a collective agreement to watch the second Shrek movie (arguably the best one), you're nestled in between Chaeryoung and Minho on the sofa with Ryujin between your knees on the floor.
Surprisingly, you all sit relatively in silence, save for some commentary throughout the movie. You pinned it down to the fact that everything surrounding your group had been nothing less than dramatic recently, and you could all use a chill night together to relax. Seungmin shows up halfway through the movie, taking a seat on the floor.
You're just about to choose a second movie to watch when Yuna and Lia turn up, their arms littered with shopping backs. Yuna sighs exasperatedly, dumping the bags on the ground when she comes in, whilst Lia says a hello to everyone before going into her room.
"Do the stores you went into have anything left in them?" Minho scoffs, raising a brow at his blonde haired friend. She sticks her tongue out at him. "But seriously, how much did you buy?"
"A lot," she replies, gleaming. You shake your head at her with a smile, loving her dramatics. She was an actress through and through. "The stores were giving today - I bought, like, twenty things in one shop alone."
Ryujin whistles, grabbing Yuna's bags and sifting through them. You were sure she'd give you a proper haul tomorrow. "This is some good shit," she says, nodding. "I'm so jealous, I wish I had money to splurge."
"What about the bee movie?" Jeongin interrupts absentmindedly, leaning over Jisung to watch him scroll on Netflix for a movie. Seungmin shakes his head, standing up to join them.
"We watched that last week, remember?" He says, and Jeongin nods with an 'ah'. Seungmin leans his hands on the side of the sofa before looking up at Yuna. "How do you even afford all that?"
Yuna shrugs, snatching the top that Ryujin was eyeing up and shoving it back in her bag. "Daddy's money. He's gonna cut me off soon though, I just know it."
"Your dad lets you buy all this?" Seungmin says, eyebrows raised. "Damn."
"He likes spending his money on me," she counters, collecting all her bags before making her way towards her bedroom. "I may as well take advantage, right?"
Seungmin rolls his eyes with a small smile as Jeongin points to the laptop screen. Hyunjin makes a face at you, mimicking Yuna and her shopping bags, and you can't help but to laugh with him.
"What's so funny?" Ryujin says to you curiously, turning to look up at you. You simply wave your hand in response, sharing another look with Hyunjin as if you two are in on some silly secret. It was as if you couldn't help yourself gravitate towards him recently.
"What about titanic?" Hyunjin perks up, looking towards Jisung. There's a collective squeal from you girls, and Yuna and Lia both thumbs up the movie as they join you, Yuna already having changed into her pajamas. They both squish up on the floor.
"Not happening," Jisung groans, and you remember how he'd told you it was the only movie that had ever successfully made him cry.
"Oh come on," Felix protests with a whine, finishing off a bag of gummies. "It's a phenomenal movie!"
"I'm in agreement with Jisung, here," Seungmin says, giving up on the movie search and slumping back to the ground. "It's so long."
"Yeah, but it's worth it," Chae tries to justify, pleading after having to put up with Shrek for an hour.
Hyunjin looks as you, as if he wants you to back him up, so you sigh in defeat. "It's one of my favourites," you say, feeling everyone's eyes turn to you. "Plus I'm injured. Injured girl rules all."
Jisung and Seungmin groan together, knowing they've been defeated as Jisung searches the movie and starts playing it. Yuna even goes as far as to turn off the lights, leaving the glare of the movie screen the only illumination in the room.
Three hours later, almost everyone is in tears after having sat through the movie in almost dead silence. The only noise that was heard from you was during the sex scene, when you laughed as Jisung attempted to cover Jeongin's eyes.
"It's so sad," Felix sniffles, wiping at his eyes with his hoodie sleeves when the credits roll. Yuna turns the lights on again, and turns to reveal her red puffy eyes. Ryujin laughs at her, but she's none better, tears practically streaming down her face. The only dry eyes in the room are Seungmin and Minho. Even Jeongin, who's always trying to keep up with a tough exterior has tear marks on his hoodie.
"Hyunjin, I hate you," Jisung bawls, unable to hold back his tears. "Do you enjoy making grown men cry?"
"Hey, I'm crying too!" Hyunjin defends himself, and when you look over his eyes are brimmed with tears. He wipes them away sheepishly as he smiles at you. You think it's so cute he gets so emotional at movies like this - you remember when you'd all gone to the cinema to watch something Felix suggested and he was sobbing beside you the whole way through. "Plus, you're hardly a grown man."
Jisung only scoffs in return, attempting to get his sniffles under control. "How are you two not crying?"
Minho and Seungmin turn to eachother, and Minho shrugs. "I've watched it a million times, I know the plot. Plus, when have you ever seen me cry?"
"True," you say, giving him a nudge with your shoulder. He chuckles at your tear stained cheeks and offers you his hoodie sleeve, which you take and use to wipe your eyes. "Seungmin? Jack Dawson's death didn't hit hard for you?"
He shakes his head with a brown, his dark brown hair flopping over his forehead. "Not really. Like Minho said, I know the plot, and it's expected."
"You're insane," Yuna gasps, unable to comprehend the fact that the saddest movie of all time hadn't been able to make him shed a tear. "You must be made of steel."
He only shrugs in response, standing up and stretching out his limbs. "Should probably head back; that movie went on for ages and I've got shit to do tomorrow."
That spurs a collective agreement from the guys, the ones on the floor repeating Seungmin's action. Jeongin shakes his legs out after having them cramped up to his chest to make room for Lia beside him. "It's a Saturday, have a rest."
Seungmin ignores the comment, picking up his jacket and putting it on. You stand up too to say your goodbyes to them, when Minho tugs at your arm.
"Help me up," he whines, so you pull him up with a roll of your eyes. You miss the way he winces as you do so, turning to give Felix a hug, the boy waiting patiently with his arms open.
"Why don't we go for coffee tomorrow?" He says when you hug him. "Dance crew study session, like the good old days?"
"I'd be up for that," you reply with a nod, since you hadn't had anything planned for tomorrow anyway. "We do have to have our ideas ready for our practical on Wednesday, so would be good."
"We do?" Minho questions with his arm slung round you as his goodbye, which makes Hyunjin laugh as he leaves his departing conversation with Yuna.
"Maybe you should start attending lectures," he says slyly, looking toward you with a smile after Minho rolls his eyes and removes his arm from your shoulder. Hyunjin steps towards you, bringing you into his chest momentarily. You're slightly startled by the action, since Hyunjin is never really physically affectionate with you like Felix or Minho are, but you accept the hug. Everyone else was hugging goodbye, anyway.
"Maybe you should hop off my dick," Minho retorts, sticking out his tongue as Hyunjin pulls away and picks up his jacket.
"Gross," Jeongin gags.
You shake your head, laughing, in an attempt to ignore the butterflies forming in your stomach. "So, study date tomorrow?"
"Sure," Hyunjin confirms, looking over to Chaeryoung who turns away from saying goodbye to Seungmin to give a thumbs up.
"I could use it," Minho admits, and Felix claps his hands.
"Great! Aw, we're getting the old gang back together!" He smiles, and he's so happy that you don't tell him your 'gang' talks regularly on your dance group chat and is with each other almost every day.
The guys all head off then, leaving the five of you girls alone with a pile of sweets and crisp packets strewn everywhere and a half eaten cake on your table. You start cleaning up instantly, not wanting to have to deal with it later.
"So," Ryujin says, slyly coming up to you and nudging your shoulder before starting to pick up the mess. The other girls begin helping too. "Mr Hwang hugging you goodbye? Now that's an unforeseen action if I've ever seen one."
You give her a look, but your facade cracks when you can't help but to sigh with a smile. "Am I reading into that too much? Or was that a moment."
"That was most definitely a moment," Ryujin confirms, taking the trash bag Lia hands her with a smile and starting to dump the rubbish into it. "He didn't hug any of us goodbye."
You smile inwardly, unable to help yourself. You wait until Lia is back in the kitchen before you say, “Is it bad that I kind of like him?”
Ryujin laughs - a loud, bent over hysterical laugh as you watch her with raised eyebrows. She steadies herself with a hand against the arm of the sofa as Chaeryoung comes through at the noise.
“What on earth is all that about?” She questions, clearly fed up with cleaning as she flops onto the sofa and puts her fear up on the table.
“She’s finally admitted she’s got feelings for Hyunjin,” Ryujin says, grinning at Chae like a mad woman.
Chaeryoung’s eyes visibly light up, and she turns to you with a smile. “You’re kidding!”
“I never said I have feelings for him,” you point out, though it’s futile at this point since your two friends are squealing together. Shaking your head at them, you finish clearing the last of the trash up.
“We called it months ago,” Chaeryoung sighs, a glazed look in her eyes. She pulls her long dark hair behind her ears. “I like to think this is all because of me.”
“It kinda is,” Ryujin responds, moving the trash bag so you can dump the remanence into it. “You cracked the surface, and they did the rest.”
“Can we stop talking like we’re in a movie, please,” you groan, flopping down beside Chae and letting Ryujin dispose of the trash bag. “I can’t believe I actually probably like Hyunjin. Past me would piss herself.”
“That she would!” You hear Ryujin shout through from the kitchen, followed by audible confusion from Yuna and Lia.
“He definitely likes you back, anyway,” Chae sighs excitedly, clapping her hands. “It’s so obvious. When are you gonna tell him?”
“Woah woah,” you say, putting your hands up. Chae frowns at you. “We literally just reconciled our differences a couple weeks ago - let’s not move too fast here.”
“Well you need to tell him,” Ryujin says blatantly when she returns to the room, standing with her hand on her hip. “Or else we’re gonna have to watch him pine after you all semester.”
You roll your eyes at her. “He does not pine after me, Jesus,” you say, though you watch your friends share an obvious look. “I’m just gonna see how things go for now, and if I’m still feeling this way in a couple weeks then I’ll think about telling him.”
Ryujin and Chaeryoung groan simultaneously, Ryujin throwing up her hands exasperatedly. “We finally get a bit of drama that doesn’t make me want to cry and you’re not even gonna indulge us?”
“Charity week,” Chaeryoung says with a shrug, making you both turn to her. “It’s two weeks away - if you still think you like him, that’s your deadline for telling him.”
“I have a deadline now?” You stress, thinking about how you’d only started to realise your feelings towards Hyunjin yourself not half an hour ago. Chae nods decisively.
“It’s the perfect time. There’s always the big party at the outdoor auditorium at the end of the week with fireworks and stuff - how romantic would it be to declare you feelings then?” She gushes, clasping her hands in front of her chest. Ryujin turns to you with a crazed look, nodding.
“She’s so right. Plus, if my relationship scenario is a shit show, I want to live vicariously through you,” she smiles.
You tilt your head at her, thinking about what she’s told you about her conversation with Changbin the other day. “I thought you said you were on good terms now?”
“Yeah we are, but this whole ‘just being friends’ kind of sucks. If he wasn’t all over the place right now I’d be with him. I dunno, I just…feel like I need someone right now, but he just can’t be that person,” you nod, placing a hand on her knee to comfort her.
“I’m glad you’re mature enough to understand that,” you say honestly, Chae nodding her head. Ryujin had always been such an independent person - her self sufficience and bold personality having slightly intimidated you when you’d first met her. After the shit show that was last semester, you’d seen her demeanour crack, and you’d sworn to yourself to try and not let that happen again.
“It will be so much better for you in the long run to have some time apart. You still like each other, you still want to be together, just not right now,” Chaeryoung says with a sad smile, resting her head on Ryujin’s shoulder momentarily. “Right person, wrong time.”
“I guess,” Ryujin sighs. “Doesn’t suck any less though. You know what we should do next weekend? Clubbing.”
You instantly groan at the idea, knowing clubbing was not your scene these days. Your group used to go clubbing regularly, but you’d decided the late nights and hangovers were just not worth it anymore. You would, however, indulge your sad friend if she needed you too.
“Fine,” you say after a second, which makes Ryujin smile. Chaeryoung agrees too, and after finishing your talk with the other girls when they come through to join you, you all go your separate ways and head to sleep.
The next morning, you wake up at a surprisingly reasonable time, the sound of Yuna practicing lines making you stir. She’s up earlier than you, for once, which is rare for her, but you knew she had auditions for the end of year show coming up soon, so she’d been practicing lines non stop.
You’re just about to grab your phone to check your messages when you hear her scream. It startles you, causing you to practically jump out your skin and rush through to her room. Lia is right there with you, sharing a panicked look as you both burst through the door, staring at the back of Yuna’s head.
“What the hell?” Ryujin says groggily, walking through in nothing but her underwear from the sudden commotion. Chaeryoung follows shortly after, her hair a riot and having obviously just woken up. You all crowd round Yuna who’s on her phone, watching her slowly turn around you with the colour drained from her face.
Chills run down your spine when she days, “That Twitter page posted about me.”
tag list
@cursed-mars-bars @https-skzology @imasimplol @hyunverse @aestaeticous @dorisnumber1fan @tasteskz-sword @amnmich @detectivedoodle @amara-mars @end0rchans @raresevng @thementallyunhinged @nhyun @lixie-phoria @llavendarlilacc
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madamemachikonew · 1 year
This Mortal Coil - Adeptus Baizhu x Chronically Ill Fem!Reader (3k)
A repost from my old account since I'm not sure how many people actually saw it what with all the visibility glitches. I wrote this for me to commemorate the year anniversary of my MS diagnosis, but sharing with all of you; a lot of Baizhu fans are chronically ill/disabled yet weirdly nobody seems to write for a sick reader...
The frail owner of the Bubu Pharmacy is secretly a snake adeptus, in the final phase of his life. While everyone knows of his quest for immortality, nobody knows the true reason why.
As he watches you, his sick mortal lover, sleep, he is alone with his thoughts and reminisces - both with joy and sadness - on your time together.
+++ Contains much angst and portrayal of degenerative chronic illness +++
It's on AO3 here.
In the still of the night, Baizhu sits perched on the side of your bed as you slumber. With a gentle hand he caresses your brow and head, taking comfort in the feeling of the silky strands of your hair as they run through his fingertips like sand through an hourglass. It reminds him of the precious gift of time. As he watches your steady breathing in the flickering lanternlight, he cannot help but reminisce in this quiet moment of respite from the bustle of the Pharmacy.
Looking down at you through long eyelashes, the glow of the lantern catches his amber eyes, which exude a kindness he shows to nobody else.
As he sits with you, he recalls the first time that you, his favourite patient, had sat in his office and told him “It feels like I’m disappearing.”
He had looked at you with a quizzical expression until you had described your confusion at how your limbs had become numb, tingling and weak, your brain foggy and forgetful. The mysterious numbness had started to creep up your body.
“Like you are disappearing?” he had replied, his voice hollow as he recognised only too well the symptoms you had described.
It had been an apt description, for it was in some respect, true. The incurable illness that was silently ravaging you was destroying your body, and with it, your very essence of self. Not only was it disabling the switches that allowed you to feel and control your body, but your very personality would slowly erode, not just from the weight of your troubles, but because your emotions were also becoming harder to control.
Baizhu’s heart aches at the recollection of how you had wrung your hands in the face of his sombre words that had turned your world upside down. And how his heart had broken that he had been the one to deliver the news that shattered your dreams before his eyes. With a painful look in his eyes, he thinks back to how he had relentlessly tried a multitude of remedies to bring you relief; pushed needles into your supple flesh to release the flow of your Qi energy, given you pills and tinctures, salves and ointments, massaged and stretched your muscles to release their painful tight spasms. And you had borne the discomfort of his treatments without any complaint. Unlike his other patients, not once had you ever complained of the bitterness of his medicines. Over time, he had realised that his desire and passion to heal you was not just that of a doctor, but as someone who loved you.
A loving gaze in his eyes as he beholds your sleeping form, he recalls how you had asked him what his favourite flower was. His heart swells with emotion at the thought of how you had brought him those flowers as a thank you gift for his efforts. He laughs softly to himself at the recollection that he had eaten them because he had not realised that they were a gift to display in his office. His heart had fluttered with joy when, in the course of your frequent charming conversations during your consultations, he had discovered that you enjoyed floral teas and infusions, because it meant that despite him being an Adeptus, you both had something in common.
As the lantern flickers once more in the silent bedroom, he remembers the day he had summoned enough courage to blushingly confess his love for you with soft and quiet words. Back then he had dreamed of you sleeping by his side as you do now, but had never dared to believe that it would one day become a reality.
“You’d love me, even with my illness?” you had replied in shock and disbelief, your eyes filled with tears. “Even knowing what is to come? Even knowing that I will one day lose myself and suffer the indignity of becoming nothing more than a shell?”
Your reaction had startled him, for it had never occurred to him not to love you or take care of you until his dying day. You were no less worthy of love just because your body had decided to destroy itself and it had wounded him deeply to hear you speak that way about yourself, as though there could be people in the world who would see you as a burden.
“You will always be you.” he had replied with misty eyes as he caressed your cheek. “No matter what comes to pass, I will always see you as you are now, radiant and full of life, for that person will always be in here. ” He had pressed a gentle fingertip over your heart before holding your trembling body close as you sobbed on his shoulder at his words, clinging painfully to him as your fingertips dug into his back as though your life had depended on it.
With a slender finger, he wipes his eyes before caressing your head once more, pulling the covers up a little around your neck, around which hangs a protective Adeptus amulet he made for you; his first gift to you that wasn’t medicine.
As he delves further into his vivid memories, he feels the same butterflies as he did on the day that he had revealed that he was in fact an Adeptus. He had done so with apprehension in his heart, for he knew only too well that a snake did not have the beauty or majesty of other Adepti. Unlike a crane or a deer, most people would shudder and recoil at the idea of a snake spirit. And your reaction had startled him once more; you had cupped his face in your hands, repeating his own words to him – that the person you loved was still inside of him, no matter which physical form he took.
A smile blossoms on his face as he recalls the first time he had unveiled his true snake form to you as you had knelt on the grassy mountainside under the moonlight. How you had giggled when he had coiled his large scaly body around you, given your cheek a soft boop with his nose and rested his head in your lap, his flickering tongue tasting your happiness in the air. Instead of running in fear, you had hugged him tightly and called him beautiful. Your gentle hands had given him headpats for hours and scratched under his chin as he purred with blissful contentment and nuzzled against your soft warm body. Your soothing touch, so replete with love, had sent him into a deep, almost hypnotic meditative trance. In this way, chastely holding one another under a blanket of stars, you had spent your first night together, both knowing true peace for the first time in your lives.
That night had been the first time in a long time that he had shown his true spirit to a mortal, and even longer since he had been touched with any degree of affection. He had wept hot happy tears at your unhesitating acceptance of his fearsome form. Since then he had been your constant companion as well as the guardian of your health and your heart.
A warm feeling washes through Baizhu as he thinks of how much he loves coiling around you as you sleep, emanating a healing frequency that vibrates and hums through you, relieving your pain and fatigue, soothing your frayed nerves and easing the tension in your muscles. It brings him so much joy to envelop you in the vibrant purr of pure love, knowing you can feel a sense of peace in the knowledge that you can entrust all of your fears, weariness and anguish to him.
With a soft smile, he remembers how you had excitedly asked him about Adeptus cuisine, wanting to make him something he enjoyed, and the eagerness with which you had been willing to try his dishes, no matter how unconventional to the human palate. He had replied that he liked to eat flowers with a pleasant scent for breakfast, as they bring him a good feeling inside, calming and relaxing his soul. You had laughed melodiously and told him how cute it was. He had never been called cute before and it had made him feel as warm inside as an afternoon nap in the autumn sun. He wondered if you knew how cute you had been in that moment, with your bright and honest smile. You had giggled even more when he had bashfully confessed that he had eaten the flowers you had given him so long ago.
In the days when you were more mobile on your feet, you would go for walks and fill baskets with his favourite flowers for him to eat, or infuse them as a fragrant tea for the two of you to share, or stuff them into his pillow so the calming scent would help you both relax as you slept. The scent and the sight of these flowers would forever remind him of you.
As he continues to caress your head, he recalls the nervous flutter in his heart when he had told you all about the four sacred Adeptus love rituals marking the various stages of commitment to one another and his joy when you had shyly asked if he wanted to perform those rituals with you. To mark the first attraction and your burgeoning connection, you had fed each other orchids and lotus seeds at the Ritual of Pink Clouds, so-named after the clouds at dawn and the satin blush on the cheeks of shy new lovers. The Ritual of Flowing Waters symbolised your intent to deepen your relationship, irrevocably entwining your lives and sharing all your joys and tribulations. You had both gathered purest spring water from two different mountain streams and solemnly poured it into a single cup from which you both drank. Then the handfasting Ritual of the Blossoms, tying a cord he had woven himself from auspicious and medicinal plants and flowers, pledging yourselves to one another in this life and all of the lives to come. And then, after he had meticulously prepared the room with incense, lanterns and ceremonial foods, and you had both bathed to purify yourselves in accordance with the sacred tradition, you became an entanglement of limbs on a soft bed of silk and flowers as you consummated your love with his human form during the Ritual of the Red Moon, bringing each other to the heights of divine pleasure with happy tears as you bonded yourselves to one another for all time, the Blood Moon demurely hiding its face to give you privacy as it eclipsed itself in shades of warm carmine. It had been a moment so intimate, it had felt as though your very souls had touched.
Replaying these memories in his mind, it devastates him that your physical vessel, which houses such a kind, loving and honest heart, is disintegrating before his very eyes. It is being ravaged by an illness that has swept through you like wildfire, bringing untold destruction in its wake as it eats your body, mind and soul from the inside, like an Abyss curse. When he had first met you, the Bad Days were few and far between, but lately they have been increasing in number, and starting to outweigh the Good Days. You are but a prisoner inside your own body, which has become your jailer and your torturer. Your own mortal enemy. It is as though your body is possessed of a maleficent spirit with a mind of its own, hellbent on wreaking some sort of revenge for a sin unknown.
As he looks down at you nestled in the cosy bed and hand-knitted blanket, he reflects on how he had encouraged you to be creative, to preserve your neurological function and manual dexterity and help brighten your mood. So you had learned to knit, and had made a purple scarf for him out of the softest yarn, a physical manifestation of your love that he could wrap around himself to keep warm during the winter months, his snake spirit being sensitive to the cold. With great fondness he had run his fingertip over the irregular stitches, where your fingers had faltered; the imperfections making its charm. He had given you baoding balls to manipulate, and the gentle peals of their magical chimes were a source of comfort to him - as long as you could turn them, it meant that things hadn't gone too far.
And now your loving hands are numb and weak, barely able to grasp a teacup or open a jar. The baoding balls have fallen silent. It pains his heart to relive in his mind how you had cried the day you had irretrievably lost the feeling in them in the space of a few hours, but not because of the loss of function. The biggest woe of your selfless, loving heart was that you could no longer feel him as you caressed him. With a tear in his eye, he remembers how he had coiled helplessly around you to comfort you and how you had both wept as you once again petted his head in your lap, unable to feel his ivory scales rippling beneath your fingertips.
While his fingers continue to absent-mindedly caress you, Baizhu’s eyes glaze and become distant as he recalls how, with despair in his heart, he had prostrated himself before the Lord of Geo himself, begging him for help. The stoic dragon king had looked down at him and told him dispassionately that this pain was a sign that it was a most sincere love indeed. But that the pain was simply a natural consequence of living an immortal life. He recalled how, his forehead pressed into the dirt at Morax’s feet, his tears had fallen, causing glaze lilies to sprout from the ground. In his desperation, he had picked the flowers and brought them home to you to grind into medicine, but their taste was bitter and they had had no therapeutic benefit.
In accordance with his contract, Baizhu had protected the mortals of Liyue in his own way – unlike other Adepti he was never a warrior, but a healer.
But the many centuries spent in service of his obligations have taken their toll, and his body is now weak and decrepit, as frail as the mortals he has served for so long. Even more so. Even Rex Lapis himself is not immune to erosion. And yet, the insolent logic of nightmare had brought you – the woman he had waited an eternity to meet – into his life when he was least equipped to protect you, when his healing magic was at its lowest ebb. He spent every day wracked with regret at his past actions. Perhaps if he had been less selfless, he could protect what he truly loved now.
The cruelty of the world pained him. The cruelty of seeing you suffer, the inability to relieve your sickness or cure you in any meaningful way, the tragedy of only finding you when he was at his most vulnerable and weak. He was not even strong enough to carry you to your bed. All he could do was slow the progression of your illness and keep the inevitable at bay for as long as possible, and each time it would sap his own body of its strength. But he would gladly give every drop of his life essence to preserve your joy of living and bodily integrity just a little while longer. Seeing your smile and hearing your laugh echo in the world for just one more day would be more than worth it. How could he know that you would gladly give up your own health if healing you meant losing him?
And now he finds himself maligned by the citizens of the Harbour, their ungratefulness manifest as they mutter behind their hands and mock him for his quest for immortality, besmirching his name with rumours of experiments and cruelty against the apprentice he sheltered from Director Hu. Being an Adeptus, he had known of Qiqi’s story and had felt indirectly responsible for her plight, having seen her mortal form shivering with cold and fear in that cave so long ago, when even he had been forced to reluctantly pick up arms. And so, despite not being a man of high calibre or courage, he tried to relieve his karmic burden by taking her in. Robbed of her memory in her immortal form, she had no recollection of him.
What the two-faced gossipmongers who kowtow to him whenever they need healing do not know is why he seeks to unlock the elixir of immortality. How he longs for them to understand that it is for his true love, so that her fragile mortal vessel may hold her soul to accompany him for the rest of his days. And it is for himself, so that he may live long enough to find a cure for her suffering and, if he cannot, so he may continue to infuse his essence into her weakened body, to preserve her a little while longer.
Tonight, he curls his frail human form around you, spooning you as you sleep, a look of serenity on your beautiful face. Today had been A Bad Day. But not The Worst Day. The plane of unconsciousness is the only place where you have any respite from the daily struggle. But of course, in the morning you will wake once more. With the sun always comes the painful feeling of dread in his heart. Will today bring more deterioration? Will today be the last day that you can feel a limb or walk unaided? Will today be the day that your sight will finally fail, or you will suffer the indignity of losing control of your bodily functions? Every cursed dawn will herald a day closer to your inevitable fate, which is why you both take refuge in the tranquility of the night.
For now, all this cold-blooded reptile can do is absorb your warmth as he presses his face into your fragrant hair, smelling of the flowers he so adores. And weep bitterly.
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Hi!! I hope you aren't being bombarded with asks rn! Now as much as I love my girl Sev, I was wondering if I can see more content on Ran. Like how did the relationship between Ran and Reader came to be and what happens in the relationship, soft things and NSFW things. They don't get enough rep 😭 (also I love your content pls dont stop 🙏🙏)
yes i love them!!!
men and minors dni
you guys are childhood sweethearts.
you meet when you're kids, you're each other's first crush and kiss, and then ran's family moves to the other side of zaun so you never see them again.
you guys meet again fifteen years later when you start working for silco.
the second you see each other it's like nothing's changed. you're back to being a kid again, laughing and goofing off and nervously flirting with ran. they still cut their own hair, they're still frighteningly accurate at darts, and they're even more beautiful than you remember.
silco catches on pretty quick that you and ran are practically attached at the hip now, so he lets you guys work together most days.
you guys have really similar taste. you spent your most formative years constantly by one another's side, so it's no surprise that you guys tend to like the same foods, aesthetics, genres etc.
it leads to ran constantly stealing your shit. you guys go out for dinner? ran's eating off your plate half the night. you're listening to a great new album? ran snatches the vinyl to take to work with them to show thieram. even your clothes!
though ran tends to dress in various shades of grey, black, and white, they jump at the opportunity to wear something of yours, even if it's rainbow tie-dyed.
you steal their stuff too, just to keep things even. though, usually your thievery has more mischievous motives than ran's.
like when you steal all their belts so they have to break out their suspenders. you fucking love when they wear them, it's like a built-in, appropriate for public harness for you to use. all it takes is one gentle tug on one of the straps resting on their shoulders and ran's eyes are getting big and dark.
ran's most definitely a rope bunny. they love being tied up and at your mercy. they love struggling against the binds and trying to break free-- they especially love when they do manage to break free and pin you to the mattress to have you exactly how they want you.
you call them houdini with the way they're always slipping out of their bonds.
they're the switchiest switch to ever switch. they love bottoming. they love topping. they love it all.
ran's quiet in public, but they're the life of the party when they're around people they trust. you, sevika, and lock are some of the few people who get to see their full personality shine.
they're a total fucking goofball, always cracking jokes and teasing their friends. they're strangely happy-go-lucky for a citizen of zaun, it's one of your favorite things about them. they're like a little ray of sunshine inside a very buff and grungy exterior.
they've got this adorable giggle of a laugh, it's fucking infectious. once they start, everyone else is laughing within seconds-- just from how cute their laugh is.
they're really into the live music scene in the undercity, and they're usually the one setting up various bands and dj's and singers to perform at the last drop on the weekends.
they're a shit singer themselves, but they're the type of person who can pick up any instrument and figure it out within a week. your apartment is always littered in various home-made instruments-- drum-sets made from old buckets, horns from old pipes, rubber bands stretched over boards as make shift guitars.
they'll always play you music when you can't sleep. your neighbors hate you guys-- there's always music leaking into their apartments at odd hours of the night.
ran's partially blind in their left eye, which is why they don't mind having their bangs obstructing the view. it also makes their accuracy with their knives and machetes and darts ten times more impressive.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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