#Refusing to crush them when they're weak is foolish
eyeballcommander · 1 year
Have you ever killed children?
On occasion. If a child manages to be an actual threat I won't hesitate.
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bionicle-ramblings · 1 year
This is based off of the post made by @sepublic
And it's basically, Time Trap with a Time Loop
Tw/Cw for violence in this one because WE'RE GOING THERE!!😃
Vakama sets a time loop using the Mask of Time right as Teridax comes to attack him, demanding the mask. Vakama, saving the "Time loop" card for later, threatens to smash the mask with a hammer, like before
Teridax calls his bluff and Vakama just shrugs, goes, "Okay. Bet," and swings. Teridax IMMEDIATELY charges and attacks Vakama, getting a hit on him with shadow lightning. It hurts, it's disorienting, and Teridax will donit again if Vakama does not hand over the mask
Vakama, after a headshake and some hyping up, does not and readies his disk launcher instead. He gets a harder hit of shadow lightning, one that Teridax doesn't stop until Vakama stops screaming, and just gives him a few more shocks for the hell of it before calling him foolish and reaching for the mask
Everything resets with Teridax and Vakama standing off, Vakama threatening to smash the mask, even as he's still shaking from the fact that he DIED and still feels the remnants of the lightning through his system
Teridax attacks him again, this time with his weapon, and ends up impaling Vakama through the torso and smashing him against the ground instead. After another refusal to hand over the mask, Teridax tears his weapon free and puts it through Vakama's chest, having to actually stomp it in because metal's not easy to puncture
The two are back where they started, though Vakama has to leab against a tree or something and holds his chest because HE GOT IMPALED TWICE
Here is where Teridax suspects there's some time tomfoolery going on and decides to test the theory by asking Vakama if he knows the full extent to what the mask can do, and Vakama admits he isn't sure, but he has a solid idea, having used it a few times
Teridax is impressed, but then asks if Vakama really knows what he's doing with the mask, seeing as how he's mostly been a blunder at being a hero
Vakama counters that by saying he's ready to make up for his mistakes as he readies both his elemental powers and his disk lanucher. Teridax, seeing that Vakama is still having trouble standing, just approaches, says nothing, and just places a hand on Vakama's shoulder before asking if he actually means that, because he's got a lot to make up for
Vakama does mean it and Teridax stops him from using his powers or weapon by just quickly, just gently and socially breaking Vakama's arms, to make things just a little easier for Teridax to pick him up by the neck and ask the real question: What did Vakama do? Why do they keep moving back in time after Vakama dies?
Vakama, a little shocked at having his arms broken, can't exactly explain, so Teridax simply goes, "Fine," and crushes Vakama's head, and it's not quick at all
And Teridax has it confirmed to him that, yes, Vakama set a time loop on them both, one that resets everything Vakama is killed, and Vakama, weak and admittedly injured, confirms this. And there are only two ways things will go from here on, either Teridax can accept the terms Vakama lays out or the mask gets shattered. Teridax points out there's another way this goes: Vakama ends his stupid game and hands over the mask; as he's figured out by now, dying sucks, and he has no way of ever winning against Teridax, not even with a time loop on his side
Vakama does know that dying sucks, and he hates it, and he knows he'll never win, but he will never hand over the mask, not when he has so much on thebline and so much to fight for on Mata Nui
Here is the moment OP had where Teridax threatens Vakama with mostly painful deaths, and Vakama, in pain already and barely recovered from what's been done to him and mostly unarmed, like with no weapons, simply challenges Teridax by saying he(Vakama) will be the judge of that
Teridax makes good on his promise, killing Vakama as many times as he can
Throwing him off of a cliff and drowning him in the shallows when Vakama's still moving
Absorbing the Toa Metru, powers and all
Beating him and kicking him senseless
Ripping him to pieces
Crushing him in a landslide
Turning him to stone and breaking him into pebbles
Burning him alive
Impaling him body numerous times with spikes
Letting some Rahi beasts tear him apart
Dropping Vakama from so high up he passes out first
Dropping him in deep waters where the pressure affects him and makes drowning worse
Using sonics and sound to kill Vakama; pretty sure vibrations and sound alone can do severe damage
Decommissioned by Vahki
Trampled by a kikanalo stampede
Melted into alloy
Compressed into a cube
Suffocated due to a vacuum forming and removing all the air around him
It's all exhausting and Vakama is barely able to stand after all of it, though he does just lie on the ground, just rellishing in how nice laying down is, before getting up and asking Teridax how many times they've done this, if Teridax is recycling ideas, even if TERIDAX is ready to call it a day, because Vakama isn't
Teridax, tired and frustrated, snaps that he will keep killing Vakama until the time loop stops, that he'll keep dying so everyone else can hopefully live. Teridax, furious and worn down, ultimately relents, agreeing to Vakama's terms, but also warning Vakama that he won't be able to pull that trick again, not when he'll have more at stake with the matoran and Mata Nui
Vakama still leaves, though along the way, he finds that his leg is injured to the point that he can't walk on it, and has to fashion himself a make-shift crutch to leave, ending the loop and returning to Mata Nui, still hurt by all he's endured, but at least successful in finding the mask of time
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life-of-ice · 5 years
Apparently I'm an even bigger sucker for AJR then even I thought I was. Ya boi wrote down my interpretation of the stories of as many AJR songs as I could get a hold of.
(Not gonna lie, some of these made me cry.)
AJR Analysis : Living Room
Overture- Is good songs smushed together
Infinity- This is kind of one of the only love songs they will ever write. In this he is kind of asking if it was all in his head and that she was kind of perfect to him and all his troubles fell away when she was there and it's just a really sweet song.
I’m Ready- This is when they are really confident and happy, and excited for their first album to come out. They also want to make other people happy
My Calling- He is finding his calling, which is represented by ‘ I'm sailing the clouds”, and he's pretty confident it is his calling as said by teh “It might be my calling”.I think the “A heartbreak and hundred red balloons, now i'm off the floor” means he found his calling when he broke up with his significant other, and finding his purpose made him happy, or euphoric. He kinda thinks that he's going to put himself into this completely, and there's no going back, so he’ll let you know when he succeeds.
Thirsty- This is a silly party song about drunk people being really intense and excited.
Pitchfork Kids- This is literally one of the most intense song in the album and it is so hard to analyze in the beginning. He’s saying if he should spend time running for his life and that the “Pitchfork kids” are coming for him, orlike peer pressure and popular kids and people and if he gets away he’ll still be singing his. 
Livin’ on Love- This is about a guy who has a crush on someone, and that someone makes the first move. He explains he likes to take it slow, and he doesn't want this relationship to end, and looks like it'll be smooth sailing from there.
Big White Bed- He's thinking about his future with someone he lives. He would imagine living with his significant other for the rest of his life.
The World is A Marble Heart- He feels betrayed that his ex left him because of promises his ex made him when they first started dating. He's just kinda bitter.
The Green and the Town-The Giants they refer to are adults. They know they're  growing up, and they hope they can keep their youthful tendencies. He wants to be able to come back home someday, and relive his younger days.
Big Idea- They are really confident after a big success. And while they might be a small fry in the world of music, they are taking what they can get. They feel like you can do anything you put your mind to. But for now they are going to celebrate.
Growing Old on Bleecker Street- He's kind of saying it's kind of pointless to dream alone and that he is going to take his and wait for someone for him to make him happy. And that time may wash away his memories but him and the person in the song and him will still cry together. This song is really hard to put into words but i think the music and the lyrics are really beautiful. The music really complements the words too. It's a beautiful ending to a beautiful album.
AJR Analysis : The Click - Deluxe( https://youtu.be/PZz1Gxdb_tA )
Overture- Unfortunately, this is just a very well put together mashup of the other songs.
The Good Part- He's not sure he's made it yet and he doesn't know what or where it is but still really wants to be there but he doesn't want to go through all of the hard parts in the middle and, this is just stealing the name but, just wants to skip to the good part.
Weak- He wants to be stronger and resist those who want to get him in trouble, despite how he knows that trouble he gets himself into is fun for him. He keeps refusing, his past keeps interfering as though he had an addiction in the past.” One hit” almost certainly refers to that.
Sober Up- He doesn't want to be left behind by the few people he wants to trust but they keep losing touch and his new friends are kinda bad (reference to drama) and i think this kind of touches on the three of their relationship as brothers that dont hate each other.
Drama- He is outgrowing his friends, and notices that they aren't exactly the best influence on him. His so called friends have overblown problems that really aren't necessary, and they are pretty as shown in the “Recently, he said that she said some shret that you wouldn't believe.”
Turning Out- He realizes he has really high expectations for a relationship, needs to reevaluate how he would like a relationship. He also needs to work on his maturity. He realizes he needs to know how to make a friendship before he does anything else.
No Grass Today- He refers to smoking when he talks about “grass”. It seems like he used to smoke, but stopped after he started performing. He doesn'to anymore, but is cool if you smoke because he understands that it has a kind of euphoria. He replaced his addiction with music, because it feels the same to him. As it is, his whole attitude is  you do you, I'll do me.
Three Thirty- He wants to get his work out to the public, but no one has yet to accept his work. He knows he needs more attention, and he wonders whether if he would get the success he wants by becoming more mainstream, like Ed Sheeran. He also wonders whether he can get success before he gives up.
Call My Dad- Something bad happened to him when he went to a party and hung out with a girl. He wants to be comforted and go home,which is why he wants to call his dad, as his dad represents home and safety to him.
I'm Not Famous- He's not famous and he embraces it. He embraces it because his problems are kinda embarrassing, and he doesn't really want to show everyone and lose all privacy in his life.
Netflix Trip- It goes through his life and some of his most influential moments in his life that this show had gotten him through. Also the show is the office, with Dwight, Michael, and Jim and head of sales. I also fit with times of when the seasons originally came out. It also talks about the show being over and he’s going through netflix looking for a new show to help him get through the times that are harder for him to get through himself.
Bud like You- Two really good friends being like why are people taking everything so seriously. And also like why is everything so expensive
Come Hang Out- He is always leaving himself out on gatherings with friends and people because he wants to keep working on his musical career. In the bridge he says “should i go for more clicks this year, or should i follow the click in my ear.” I think that's one of the more powerful lines in this song, because he's saying that he is comparing his popularity on the internet to the “click” or clique that keeps asking him to drop it for once and hang out.
Burn the House down- He used to be innocent and foolish wondering about how he looked and walked and now he isn't as innocent and now he wonders if he should keep his songs innocent even though he isn’t and everyone is now deceiving and stoof and he wonders if he should expose them with strangers on Twitter of bite his tongue. Lets just say he chooses to expose the crap outta them.
Role Models- He's saying that people are famous for all of the wrong reasons. I think this song really connects to their later song in neotheater, beats, because i think he is kind of worrying about losing all the best parts of himself and become what some of the more famous people are.
Normal- The background music sounds like a playground, which I think represents his childhood. He doesn't feel normal as people think it's weird he's spending time by himself. He wants to give up and stop trying since people think he's so weird. “My friends have all new friends” means that he doesn't want to be left behind, and he made something to make him popular, and that makes him sad.
Pretender- I honestly love the acoustic version. This song is, i think, sort of about the sang like if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you. He is basically saying that he has problems and insecurities but he hides them to be like everyone and he thinks hes right about the fact that he has to be exactly like everyone else. Also it makes an amazing mash up with next up forever.
Ajr Analysis: Neotheather (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvfyCBJfPPRukUpv-xRE6EWuHZeAosLJ) 
Next Up Forever- The perspective is very nervous, and people are encouraging him to get better and better. He is both hopeful for his success, and scared of it.
Birthday Party- This is the perspective of an innocent person. He describes all of the world's problems, like “ I bet my ignorance is always Bliss, except ignoring pigment in our skin, I bet my countries nice to immigrants”. He is throwing shade at our problems with racism and ignoring the other problems we have, like global warming and discrimination of the minority.  
100 Bad Days- This is from the perspective of someone who is trying to ignore his problems, and brush it off for tomorrow as his way of coping. Like for example, when his girlfriend breaks up with him.
Don't Throw Out my Legos- The perspective is from a person graduating from perhaps high school, and is moving out. He doesn't want to leave his childhood behind him completely.
Break My Face- He's like Eff you, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about anyone but yourself, because you're kinda a jerk. If you only care about my looks, you have a lot more than me to fix.
Turning Out Pt.ii- He was a sad lonely person, and clung to the first person who would accept him. He realizes that that's what he did, and doesn't to want to burden her with himself anymore. He also realizes his decision might hurt her, and knows he needs to mature.
The Entertainment's here- He wants to distract himself from his reality so he doesn't have to think about his existence, like when he says “But I don't want to to think about my purpose on Earth” He is feeling numb as he has done the same thing over and over again. We think the school bell sound in the chorus is supposed to represent that as the school system is so rigid and uniform, but also rather boring.
Karma- A person is with a psychologist and is asking why he is so depressed as shown by his words of Doc or Doctor. The perspective feels like he has done everything he would to get better, but nothing is working, so it's a vicious cycle of being depressed, then getting depressed because he is depressed
Beats- The past line influences this a lot, but I think it's kind of like is he willing to throw away his dignity and creativity for the popular and expensive things that more popular writers and musicians say and make people think is popular. I think
Wow, I'm not Crazy- It's sort of touching on the fact of being the same in society but also being different. I think it sounds like he's convincing himself he's not crazy it's sort of just a social construct.
Dear Winter- I feel like this is a really nice and wholesome song compared to the rest of the songs. I feel like he is saying he is already proud and happy with Winter even though he hasn't even met their mother yet. I think it's a song where they is saying what he may not be able to say to them when they're older and won't listen to him. And he still has a lot to learn about being a good person and everything but he will still be proud and want to hang out with them. He wants to try really hard to be a good parent. #cool parent😋
Finale(Can't wait to see what you do next)- The perspective is like “ you have really high expectations, and I don't feel like I or anyone else can live up to them. So i'm going to do whatever I want because I don't feel like I have to deal with your expectations anymore. It's also like, I tried really dang hard, and there haven't been any results, as from the “You went hard, and you did fine."
No Album name yet
BANG!!- This songs begins with reminiscing about being a little kid who is allowed to fool around and be silly. He than has to "grow up" and is trying to pretend to adult, by doing adulty things like buying quinoa or other things ings like that."I'm way too young to lie here forever I'm way too old to try, so whatever Come hang, let's go out with a bang "those lines are talking about being at that weird age where you're definitely not feeling comfortable as an adult, or you're just really lost, you don't have to be at a certain age. He just goes fuck it, I'm learning to adult along the way, I'm sorta not succeeding, but that's ok.
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solohux · 7 years
would you ever want to write more hux/techie?? i don't mean to pressure you, but could you maybe do their first time?? they're soft with each other and very understanding (obviously-- they're brothers!!). techie clings to hux lovingly and hux whispers praises into techie's ear as he strokes his long hair
Armitage Hux does not believe in miracles.Every action is a result of hard work, perseverance and careful planning. The attack and subsequent conquering of the planet Peach Trees, as well as the incarceration of the mob boss known as Ma-Ma, was undoubtedly the result of Hux’s plans.But the finding of his lost twin brother was not anywhere on his agenda.Brendol Hux Jr., younger than Armitage by only eight minutes, was said to have been kidnapped by slavers when he was just a boy, and it’d been their father who’d told Armitage of his brother’s disappearance.‘Junior is much too weak to be sold to anyone,’ Brendol had said, staring down at the papers on his desk. ‘He’ll be dead already. It would be foolish of us to waste our efforts looking for him.’Eight year old Armitage had received forty lashes for yelling at his father to do something to help little Bren.Hux had lost hope long ago that his brother remained alive. But cowering in the corner of the central control room in Ma-Ma’s operations had been a red-haired man—boy—begging for no one to harm him. Hux didn’t even have to see his face to know that the captive was Bren.Even as Hux perches on the side of Bren’s bed—who now chooses to go by ‘Techie’—, Armitage can hardly believe that he has his brother back beside him. He’s sleeping soundly, head resting on one pillow whilst curled around another pillow, snuggling into it and breathing softly.
Hux smiles, pulling off his gloves to stroke his fingers through Techie’s long hair, remembering how greasy and messy it was when he was found. Despite his brother refusing to have it cut, it’s softer now, almost fluffy, from being washed and conditioner regularly. Granted, it’s Hux who has to wash it for him but he certainly doesn’t mind. He wants to spend every moment with Techie, to try and make up for the 21 years they’ve lost out on.
“Armie,” Techie moans, still sleeping but managing to startle Hux. “Oh. Oh, yes. Mm.”
Hux can’t help but be pleased that Techie is dreaming about him, even more so when his brother begins bucking his hips slowly in the bed, gyrating them, humping the pillow he’s holding onto.
“I’m here,” Hux whispers, stroking Techie’s cheek, blushing at how his brother’s arousal seems to be growing. “Bren.”
Techie moans and opens his eyes, blinking a few times before registering Hux’s silhouette next to him, his hand on his cheek.
“Big brother,” Techie sighs., smiling, happy to see him. “I thought you were working late.”
“I’ve left Ren in charge of the bridge. I couldn’t wait to see you.” Hux kisses Techie’s cheek, knowing that never wanting little Bren to leave his sight is unreasonable, but the Galaxy can’t be trusted. “What were you dreaming about?”
“Wh-what? Oh. Um…I can’t remember,” Techie says. He shifts in the bed, rolling over but Hux has already clocked the slight bulge underneath the bedsheets.
“It’s alright,” Hux whispers. He shuffles onto the bed to lie beside Techie, enamoured by the blush on his pale cheeks. “You can talk to me about anything. You know that.”
Techie hums quietly.
“I…know, Armie, but this isn’t, I mean, I shouldn’t–”
“Techie,” Hux says, and the younger freezes, gasping at the use of his preferred name. “It’s alright.”
Hux can almost feel the electricity between them as he holds Techie’s gaze, staring into the eyes that shouldn’t be there; the emerald green eyes of their mother should be shining back at him, not these false, blue bionic eyes that only remind Hux of the neglect and abuse that his brother have suffered through.
If only Hux had kept him safe.
“I was dreaming about you,” Techie says, finally. “You…were kissing me. Touching me. It was…good.”
Hux bites his lip. Stars–he’d be lying to himself if he said he hadn’t dreamt of the same thing. Techie is the only person he’s ever loved, the only person he’s ever truly trusted, the only person he wants to spend his life with.
“Ask me,” Hux says, cupping his brother’s cheek. “Ask me to kiss you.”
“Kiss me,” Techie replies without hesitation, lips puckering, breath quickening. “Armitage. Please.”
The breath has barely left Techie’s lips before Armitage’s are upon his; it’s a neat kiss, not messy or as needy as Hux thought their first real kiss would be, considering this is his darkest fantasy. When Techie breaks the contact to breathe, Hux merely gasps, unable to speak.
“I want you,” Techie moans, and for a moment, Hux wonders whether he’s spoken instead; the same words came to his mind. if Sam can read minds because he was thinking and feeling the same thing. “Take me. Oh Maker, Armie. I don’t care, please.”
“Hush, darling, hush,” Hux whispers, slipping his hand underneath the bed covers, finding Techie’s half-hard cock and stroking it delicately. The younger preens underneath his brother’s warm hand, bucking up like he was moments ago in his dream. “I’ve got you, Techie. It’s my job to take care of you, hmm?”
“Yes, big brother, oh,” Techie arches up into Hux’s hand, his lips consumed in another soft kiss.
In a dizzy haze of arousal and excitement, Hux pulls the blankets back from Techie, tossing them aside and moving to sit between Techie’s spread legs, his thin sleep shorts failing to cover his erection. His long, thin legs splay themselves open for Hux to fit between them, pelvis jittering in anticipation.
Their clothes are gone in a matter of seconds and seeing Techie’s wonderfully pale body never fails to send shivers across Hux’s skin. They’ve showered together and slept together before, but never has their nakedness been so intimate. It’s intoxicating, Hux thinks, to have his twin so close to him.
Techie’s cock is twitching as he moans and whimpers, watching as Hux lubes up his fingers and begins preparing Techie’s ass for him, scissoring with two fingers, never failing to break eye contact.
“Will I be your first?” Hux asks, grinding two of his fingers against the walls of Techie’s hole.
“…Yes.” Techie blushes. “I wouldn’t want anyone else to touch me. Just you, Armie. I’ve thought about you so much–”
“As have I,” Hux says, removing his fingers and stroking his cock in his wet palm. “I’ll be soft, Bren. It’ll sting but it’ll be alright. I’m going to make you feel so good.”
“I trust you,” Techie smiles. Stretching out his hand, Hux threads his fingers through his brother’s, entwining them, bringing their connected hands down to rest on the sheets. “Fuck me, Armie. Fuck me.”
Hux, veins burning with arousal, wastes no more time and immediately pushes in the tip of his cock, gliding it in and out very slowly as Techie flinches and tenses underneath him, his legs spread as wide as they’ll go. The younger grasps his hand hard, and for a moment, Hux fears broken bones.
“Keep going,” Techie says through gritted teeth, red hair fanned out around him. “I’m alright.”
“You’re doing so well, Tech,” Hux says, using his free hand to give a few rewarding strokes to Techie’s cock before pushing himself in a little bit more. “My beautiful boy.”
There’s a narcissistic voice in Hux’s mind, reminding him of the strangeness of crushing on someone who’s identical to him, but he ignores it, being sure that crushing on his brother would be considered stranger. But Techie is more than his brother; Hux is sure that they’re soulmates.
Still panting heavily, Techie struggles to stay still, his mind obviously conflicted between wanting the pleasure but feeling pain, so Hux lifts Techie’s legs to help open him up, kissing his pale thigh to help soothe his nerves.
“A-all the way,” Techie moans. “Go all the way in, fill me. Please, need you, Armie, don’t make me wait!”
Using both his hands to spread Techie’s ass cheeks–and his legs fall to either side of Hux’s hips once released, Hux groans as he pushes himself up to the hilt inside his brother, watching with hungry eyes as he spasms and shakes, prostate found.
“You’re so good for me, taking all of my cock,” Hux says, leaning down to kiss Techie’s cheek. “You’re mine in every sense, Bren. I’m yours and you’re mine.”
“Armitage, yes, yes, I love you, oh Maker, I need you so much, big brother.”
The bed creaks with the growing roughness of Hux’s thrusts until the squeaking is drowned out by Techie’s moans and Hux’s groans, syncing with one another, thriving off the other’s pleasure. Hux’s hands bracket Techie’s ribs, their chests almost touching as the eldest drives them both towards their climax, Techie’s nails making lines down Hux’s pale back, making him.
“Let me see you come,” Hux whispers into Techie’s ear. “You look so pretty when you come.”
Unable to respond with anything coherent, Techie nods and cries out, pumping his shaft in time with Hux’s thrusts until he’s orgasming hard, shaking and grabbing onto Hux as though he’s an anchor, stopping him from floating off into space.
“A-Armie, I love–”
“I love you, too, Bren. Techie. My baby boy.”
Hux’s climax is much quieter and softer, spilling inside Techie before collapsing on top of him, stroking his hand through his soft orange hair, admiring the all-over blush that’s consumed his body.
“I don’t think anyone else could make me feel like that,” Techie says, throat a little gruff from his yells.
“I don’t want anyone else to even try,” Hux replies, rolling off and laying beside his twin, still combing through his hair, unable to comprehend just how ethereal Techie looks post-sex.
Hux smiles, hoping this will only strengthen their bond as brothers and as lovers, fearing that indulging in their fantasies will push them apart. But as his mind continues to writhe in complicated emotions and as he tries to find something reasonable to say, Techie’s uncluttered mind seems to be working in a much simpler way. He leans closer to Hux, sighing quietly before capturing his lips in a kiss, halting Hux’s doubts that this will do anything but make their love stronger.
“Don’t ever leave me, Armie,” Techie says, snuggling closer to Hux, tucking his head underneath his brother’s chin. Wrapping them in the blankets and then engulfing Techie in his embrace, Hux kisses the top of his head.
“Never again, Techie. I promise.”
Armitage Hux does not believe in miracles, but even his brilliant mind has no other explanation for why he’s been blessed to have his brother back in his arms.
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