#I've found new brushes and they're incredible
thekaiserroll · 3 months
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I have to brag a little
I'm working on a wintersberg fanart and I think this is the prettiest Heisenberg I've ever drawn. None of my Heisenbergs looked this good. I'm so proud of this one.
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nonotnolan · 11 months
Group Project
"I don't care if most people skip this step," Aiden said, taking a pre-swap photo with Nathan. "I still don't completely trust Swapper technology, just... I don't have many other options. Professor Carmichael has been riding our asses all semester, and this damn group project is worth 50% of my grade. I, uhh... I appreciate you doing this for me."
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"You're the one paying me," Nathan said, grinning into the mirror with two thumbs up. "As long as you follow the basic rules, I don't really care what sort of extra safeguards you want to throw in. And don't worry, I think it's cute. Commencing swap... now."
Aiden barely had time to panic before he found himself staring up into his former face. The biggest shock was feeling Nathan's coiffed hair brushing against his forehead. The nerd came well recommended by Frat Row-- at this point, he probably spent more time outside of his body than inside of it. Certainly it hadn't been Nathan spending time at the gym to earn these arms. He had graduated college last year, but instead of getting a full time job, he hired out his services to anyone who needed to pass tests or make presentations. At $500 per swap, the legality was the only barrier to making it into a career. "So, you remember the rules, right?" said Aiden's body.
Hearing his voice like that was incredibly odd. "Yeah, we've got to stay swapped for 48 hours or else the Campus safety test will know we used our Swappers. You aren't liable if you get caught, I already paid you up front, no refunds. We had to jailbreak our Swappers to override the 12 hour standard limit, so I'll get arrested if I try to contact customer service. Anything else I'm missing?"
"No hard drugs, but any amount of sex and alcohol is fair game," Nathan said, as he reached into Aiden's waistband to fondle his new package. "Nice dick, my guy," he said, giving him another thumbs up. "That's gotta be, what... at least seven inches?"
Aiden blushed, deeply embarrassed to see his body acting so corny. "A bit under seven and a half, yeah," he said. "Aa-anyway, I'll be at the house if you need me."
"Have fun," Nathan said, giving him an exaggerated wink and slapping him on the shoulders. "I've swapped with several of your brothers. I know you're gonna have a good time."
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Preston was outside, taking advantage of one of the last warm afternoons before fall turned into winter. "Damn, bro, you hired Nathan? Looks like someone was worried about failing their classes. So, who are you?"
"It's Aiden," I said, feeling very self conscious about my newer, frailer body as I found myself staring at Preston's hairy chest.
He just laughed. "Wait, Aiden? I didn't even know you had a Swapper! Damn, dude, you must be desperate to pass."
"I... yeah," I said, avoiding eye contact. Was Nathan a gay man? That was fine if he was, just... did that sort of thing stick to the body? He'd never really noticed the cleft of Preston's chin before, but he was-- Nathan's body was-- incredibly horny.
"A word of advice, Newbie," he said, sitting down his book. "Most of the Swapper nerds, or at least the ones worth hiring? They're gay men. Don't try to fight it. Just enjoy the ride. You'll be back to your no-homo self in 48 hours." He flexed his chest, letting his pecs bounce. "Or maybe you'll be a bit more worldly," he said, laughing as Aiden tried not to sneak a glance. "Getting a compliment from a gay dude feels real good."
Aiden practically sprinted toward the main doors, eager to escape the awkward situation. "Yeah I'll keep that in mind thanks bye," he muttered, cursing Nathan's gym shorts and their inability to hide an erection.
"Well, damn bro, look who it is! Someone hired Nathan!"
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Sitting over in the lobby were two other guys who were using their Swappers for the weekend. The guy in black was probably Carter-- the dude had a lot of Puma gear, and it was possible he'd changed shirts at some point. Besides, it was hard to imagine anyone else scowling that hard. The blonde guy, however... that could be anyone.
"Uhh, hey... guys..." Aiden said, quickly learning that Nathan had a foot fetish. "You, uhhh... you also have a group project tomorrow or something?"
The blonde guy just laughed, closing his laptop as he stood up. "Oh, I've got a group project in mind, alright. I was just telling Carter here, even though both of us look like twinks, neither one of us are really bottoms. But with Nathan's body here, well... I think that solves our problem. Don't you?"
He nodded, following wordlessly after the two men as they entered the nearby library room for more privacy. Just enjoy the ride, Preston had said. Aiden suspected he was going to be doing a lot of riding tonight.
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inviisiiblelee · 6 months
Alastor & Rosie in a tea party setting, gossiping about anything really up to you, please!
Rosie was always an incredibly gracious hostess, as far as Alastor was concerned. Before his disappearance, they'd often meet up just like this, Rosie having put together a little table by a window for people watching, tea glasses and pot ready and happy to share. It had been so long, and after the events of recent times, he really wanted to feel a sense of normality again. He arrived right on time, as always, and Rosie welcomed him with a big smile and open arms. They shared a brief hug, before the both of them settled themselves.
“Alastor, it feels like it's been ages!”
“Believe me, Rosie, I feel exactly the same. It's good to have real company for once.”
“Oh, you. Please, help yourself before we really dig in!” And he was happy to, finger foods galore and with the most pleasant of crunches. Nothing quite like a little bone marrow for lunch, indeed. She poured him a nice cup of tea, and he added a dash of cream to it before leaning back. 
“So, tell me, honey, how are things?”
“Insufferable, as usual,” came Alastor’s response, with a widening smile. 
“Oh, do tell, darling!”
“Things at the Hotel are just as miserable as you'd imagine! Charlie is just as fervent as ever, trying to get new patrons, and now that Lucifer is there—”
“So that really was him?”
“Yes, yes, he's chosen to stay there for the time being while he helps. Not that he's doing that much, anyway.” 
“He does seem a little empty-headed, doesn't he?” Her comment earned a laugh from Alastor, and some of the tenseness in his shoulders slipped away. 
“I am so glad you agree, Rosie. I've been doing my best to curb them all, and they're all terribly intrusive. Even Husker has been acting quite clingy."
“Really? He's always been a little protective, but clingy?”
“Exactly! After the end of the battle, he insisted on following after me and staying far too close. Even striking out didn't really deter him.” 
“You poor thing, you deserved plenty of space and rest on your own time!”
“Precisely my thoughts. I am fine, but he even sent Charlie checking up on me. It's been such a nuisance! So it's much nicer to be able to come out here.”
“Well, I am always happy to have you, you know that, Alastor! We all love you around here.”
“Oh, I know. If I could spend more time here, I would. But, please, enough of my silly tirade, how are things in your realm?” Alastor took a long drink of his tea, a delightful chamomile. Rosie grinned back at him, taking a drink herself.
“Things are lively as ever, of course. Susan has been less of a pain, all things considered, you might even be so lucky as to avoid her on your way out. The folks here are fairly happy, although there has been some talk of visiting the hotel from some, they've taken nicely to Charlie, as expected.”
“Naturally. I'm sure she'll be happy to have them in any case.”
“There have been a few sightings, though, of Vox and Lucifer both around these parts.” Alastor raised his brows. “They're both taking to spending an odd amount of time with Susan, I think she's developed some attachments. Whether she likes either of them, I have no real idea, I avoid them all.”
“That's probably for the best. Lucifer is infuriating to share breathing space with, and Vox has become quite the nuisance.”
Rosie peered at him for a long moment, but she brushed on to a new topic. “People have been saying something interesting, though, about someone unsavory coming in!”
“Oh? That sounds interesting, who?”
“Well, you didn't hear it from me … but they're saying it's you!”
The two laughed together happily, and Rosie shared more mundane little stories for his entertainment. She had many from the last several years that he hadn't heard, and he found himself happier than he'd been in some time.
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gliyerabaa · 5 months
Oooo how about prompt 4 of the fluff list for gelphie??? 🙏😌
4. “What are you doing up?” “My personal heater went away.” 
okay i tried writing this like. five times. and no idea i had stuck with me. but then this idea came out of left fucking field.
just bear with me. this au I've crafted for this prompt is not everyone.
imagine, if you will, some world where gelphie can have biological kids. whether it be through traditional means (amab enby elphaba) or IVF or maybe strange magical pregnancy. this fic explores that premise.
lots of people have Very Strong Opinions on the idea of gelphie as parents but like. just indulge me on this. i dont know what canon this is supposed to take place in so please dont ask!!
Glinda stirred awake, she'd been sleeping so restlessly all night. Pregnancy hadn't been nearly as bad as she'd expected in most aspects. Her bouts of morning sickness had been brief and relatively bearable, her cravings had been all within the realm of Elphie's culinary capabilities, and oh, her sweet dear Elphaba had been so incredibly supportive every step of the way. Maybe that's what had made the experience so pleasant thus far, having such an attentive and loving partner...
Still, no amount of doting could fix her sleeplessness, and she wriggled free from her sleeping partner's embrace to take a quick stroll to the bathroom. She stood up and stretched, realizing she'd need to hurry to the toilet-- the damn baby had situated herself (Glinda was dead certain that it was a girl) right atop her bladder in a manner that was most uncomfortable.
After relieving herself, Glinda took a moment to simply marvel at herself in the mirror. She was six months along now, and had the belly to prove it, complete with stretch marks that her younger self would have despised. But now, she found them almost endearing, a telltale sign of the love and commitment between her and Elphie, manifesting itself in the form of a new human life.
With a hand on her stomach, she spoke quietly.
"You're gonna have such an amazing life, little one. Your auntie Nessarose can't wait to meet you. She'll be your only real aunt, but Elphie and I have agreed to give the boys honorary uncle-hood. You'll have a blast with your Uncle Fiyero's kids, they're all so sweet. And Crope and Tibbs are thinking of adopting once you're born, it'll be like you have a sibling of your own, someone to grow up alongside."
Glinda gasped as the baby kicked. She looked up to see Elphaba standing in the doorway, smiling sleepily.
"And have I mentioned," Glinda said to her stomach again, "That you have the most beautiful, amazing parent in the world?"
Elphaba grinned, then knelt to the ground, pressing a kiss to Glinda's belly. "Hello, my son." (Elphaba was insistent that they'd be having a boy, a rather bold claim for someone who defied conventional gender standards.) They stood up and pecked a kiss to Glinda's lips, "And hello, my sweet."
"What're you doing up?" Glinda asked with a yawn.
"My personal heater went away." Elphaba said, pressing a kiss to Glinda's forehead, "I swear, carrying our son has made you so much warmer, literally."
"What can I say?" Glinda smiled, brushing off Elphaba's insistance that they were to have a boy, "Making an entire human is a lot of work, generates a lot of heat. Feel her, she's kicking!"
Elphaba placed a gentle hand on Glinda's abdomen, smiling as they felt the baby move slightly.
"I didn't just come here to find my beautiful space heater of a wife, you know." Elphaba said, "I came to make sure you were alright."
"I'm doing fine." Glinda answered, taking Elphaba's hand, running a thumb over their wedding band, "Baby hasn't been letting me sleep much as of late. So I've been passing time, telling them stories about just how loved they are going to be. By Nessa and my parents and the boys..."
"But by no one more than us." Elphaba said, kissing Glinda sweetly, "I can't imagine the toll this is taking on your body, but you're doing an amazing job and I'm so, so proud of you."
Glinda, who had never taken praise well, blushed. "Please, this is just a natural bodily process. I wouldn't be doing nearly as well as I am without your support and attention, and most of all, your love."
Elphaba grinned, picking up Glinda in a sweet embrace and lifting her to sit on the bathroom counter, kissing her soundly.
"I love you," Glinda whispered as they parted. Elphaba knelt down, placing a kiss on her stomach before getting to work massaging her aching feet, "You are too good to me, my dear."
Two and a half months later, the baby arrived. A healthy girl, who did not have Elphaba's green skin, but did have their raven hair. The midwife had insisted that she'd never seen a baby born with as much hair as her.
There was the matter of a name, then. Elphaba had been taken aback when Glinda had suggested her middle name be that of their mother, but they warmed up to the idea, and so, surrounded by joyous family and friends, they settled on what they'd agreed to be the perfect name: Indigo Melena Thropp-Upland.
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storyofmychoices · 6 months
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Yoga & Pancakes
[Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle Masterlist] 
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle (F!MC)
Other Characters: Shreya Mistry, Atlas Ernhardt
Book: The Elementalists
Word Count: ~900
Rating/Warnings: teen, suggestive language
Submitting to: @choicesmonthlychallenge ; @choicesficwriterscreations
Synopsis: Emma, Shreya, and Atlas run into Beckett at breakfast and Emma discovers a new Attuned food.
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"Let me guess—" Emma began, quieting Shreya's excited tone. "Some famous Attuned chef I've never heard of but who probably catered an event for you has prepared some incredibly magical treat for breakfast?"
Shreya pressed her hands to her hips, her smile falling slightly. "You make it sound so utterly dull." 
Emma opened her mouth to apologize, but Shreya continued. 
"You've been spending far too much time with Atlas. We've got to get you back to society."
"It's not me." Atlas shrugged. "Don't worry, Emma's still the sunshine of our group. She's just a little cranky this morning... she didn't get much sleep." 
"Is everything alright?" Shreya looked over her friend, beginning to think of healing spells. 
"I'm fine," Emma insisted, brushing off Shreya's worry, shooting her twin a quick don't you dare glance. She looped her arm with Shreya's pulling her forward.  "Now, let's go see what is so special about breakfast today. You were telling me about the chef and his specialties?"
"I wasn't but now that you asked—" Shreya began rambling off facts about the chef and private events she had catered. 
Emma smiled and nodded along, trying to keep her eyes open when she was desperate for a nap. Not looking where she was walking, she bumped into a tall student in line in front of her. "I'm sorry—" she began, recognizing his dark blue blazer before he even turned back.
"Emma?" Beckett couldn't help the smile spreading across his blushing freckled cheeks. "I did not think I would find you here. I thought you were  sleeping in."  
"Oh, yeah," Emma's cheeks warmed as her gaze shifted to Atlas for some help, but she merely found her twin smiling in amusement, watching their awkward encounter. 
"Why would you be sleeping in?" Shreya questioned with concern. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?"
"Oh, I think she's feeling just fine," Atlas smirked. "Just a little worn out from some early morning—or was it a late night—'yoga'." She added air quotes to the last word.
The hue across Beckett's face darkened at Atlas's words. 
"And here I thought 'yoga'"—she offered, using air quotes again, "—helped you relax, you seemed quite exhausted but very dreamy—" she mimed gagging, "—when you returned this morning at... what was it... 4:30 am?"
Emma chewed her lower lip. 
"Oh! OH!" Shreya's lips drew into a knowing smile of amusement. "No wonder you're tired. Keeping our girl up all night, Harrington? Impressive! I didn't think you had it in you. I bet you two worked up an appetite."
"I beg your pardon?" He didn't think his face could flush any darker.
"Okayyyy," Emma tried her best to move them along. "Look, we're next. Oooo, pancakes. I love pancakes. Pancakes are so delicious. Did I ever tell you the time when I was six and my parents made me pancakes shaped like a bunny for easter? Oh and they cut up bananas on the pancakes and added chocolate syrup, there's really no end to what you can do with pancakes. Strawberries on pancakes are also delicious. Did you know, pancakes—" 
The trio stared at her, Beckett in relief and Shreya and Atlas with amusement, her rambling words trailing away. 
"Would you like to say pancake one more time?" Atlas teased. "I don't think you've said it enough."
The cafeteria worker handed Emma a tray with 3 large, fluffy, circular pancakes. A look of disappointment fell on her face. "Huh, I expected more. They look just like tuneless pancakes."
"Oh, they're so much better!" Shreya announced gleefully as she guided them to a booth on the side.
"So when do I find out what makes these pancakes magical," Emma questioned. "If I eat them will confetti rain down? Will I make weird noises?"
"Not this time," Shreya replied. "These are no ordinary pancakes. They're shape-shifters. Watch this." She focused on the pancake on the top of her stack, concentrating on a single image in her mind. Slowly, before their eyes, the pancake transformed into the shape of a blossoming orchid. 
"Woah!" Emma marveled. "How?"
"It's a centuries-old recipe passed down. The chef has yet to reveal the secret, but I've been working on wearing her down. She can't say no to a Mistry forever."
Beckett didn't dare contradict her. Usually, he'd love bragging about his superior knowledge—it was rather a simple spell. He had learned it at the age of five— but right now, he didn't want the conversation shifting back to him or Emma. 
Emma focused on her pancake, her gaze momentarily shifting to Beckett, admiring the way the glowing sun kissed his face through the ornate stained glass windows. The pancake transformed into a heart, with a B + E appearing at the center. 
"Bleh—" Atlas choked, before picking up her pancake, which she had turned into a mace, dipping it in syrup, and biting off the end. 
"What are you going to make?" Emma questioned curiously of Beckett.
"I can think of something he could turn it into for her." Shreya wagged her brow, enjoying as the pair blushed. "Thinking about last night, Harrington? Be careful or you never know what might appear."
"Gross," Atlas mumbled through a mouth full of pancakes. "I'm trying to eat. I don't need any graphic "yoga" depictions popping up on the nerd's plate. It's bad enough I've seen them kiss. I can't stab my eyes out with a pancake dagger."
Shreya laughed, holding her hands up in a peaceful truce. Her mind quickly returned to the shopping trip she had scheduled next, the pancakes on her plate following suit, one turning into a long gown and the other a shopping bag. 
Emma and Beckett breathed easier as the conversation shifted. Laughter bubbled between them as the morning sun shimmered around the space. Despite the teasing, their free hands tangled together beneath the table. 
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This is just a silly little idea that popped into my head. It's not edited, so please forgive any mistakes.
My Atlas is demiro.
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wickedlyqueer · 8 months
do you have any elphaba headcanons? like just in general. your last headcanon post was really fun to read!! :)
Hmm, I feel like I put most of my Elphie headcanons in my fics so after 7 years I doubt there's much new I have to deliver but here goes:
Elphie is intersex, non-binary, aromantic and bisexual. I might stray from this sometimes for the sake of a fic, but it does feel like "straying" from their Original State to me.
Elphaba never makes the first move on Glinda, fully convinced it's one-sided. If you put all my fics next to each other, you'll see a pattern where Glinda pretty much always kisses or confesses first. Or, figures it out and makes Elphaba confess. It's just not in Elphie's self-depreciating nature to move first (which is ironic, if you watched my wicked is gay video. bc I make the case Elphaba is super impulsive and Glinda always needs to think everything through. But, this is the one area where Elphaba restrains herself. And Glinda does move. But only if she's sure it has the outcome she wants—hence why gelphie can be such a delicious mutual pining ship).
Elphaba's character is full of adolescent angst and esp in canon that trauma takes a hold of them. But, as I've gotten older myself and found more stability, I really like to play around with a mature(d) Elphie. Who might still have some negative thought spirals, but has enough life experience to recognize where it comes from, and doesn't get lost in it. Sometimes I do worry it strains too much from their "core" character, but I find it so tempting to play with, because it's such unexplored territory.
Like, Elphie is such a tragic character on a fundamental level, that giving them a happy/cathartic ending is about the most radical thing you can do. Which does feel really in character again, somehow.
Actually, I'm going to stop myself, bc I'm noticing that I'm brushing very broad strokes, which doesn't make for a fun list (like the gelphie one), but that's because — especially when it comes to details — I've always argued that:
Whatever you headcanon Elphie as, you can argue the complete opposite of that, and it still would feel in character.
(e.g. Elphaba has the cleanest room. Elphaba has the dirtiest room, or is Elphaba an incredible cook or a terrible one?)
Both make total sense to me, because Elphaba's character depends so heavily on the context they're in. So if you want more fun/quick Elphie headcanons, I feel like you'd actually need to give me a setting. :') Because through making this list, I realized it heavily depends on that.
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lookingfts · 4 months
Would you ever consider adding to one of your older AU’s?
First of all. Just found you. Welcome to tumblr. I’m so happy that you allow fans to bounce ideas off you and praise your work. I really love your fics. But I thought that when I read the ‘say my name’ AU that I had found a new favourite AO3 writer. But it wasn’t. I had read you before but wasn’t really paying attention other than loving your story.
That story was the 2 parter with the one night stand gone wrong because Kate was convinced that Anthony was a serial killer. 😄 but it was the follow up that I really loved. Where they role played what that might look like. I loved you exploring ‘role play’ in that sorta dark way. Borderline unhinged with enabler Kate. 🤗 And canon Anthony kinda gives those sort of ‘obsessive’ vibes off anyway. Would you ever continue in that vein with more of that true crime role play. Or something a little darker? I think you’d be killer at it. Pun intended. 🥰
Thank you so much! So I've been thinking about the idea of a Dark!Anthony story (there are several great ones, but it's not something I've dipped my toe into much). That led me to workshopping a dark fairytale fic with the incredibly imaginative @ladykettlechips. Sort of a loose Beauty and the Beast AU except they're both crazy and both have powers. Here's a little snippet! There's a lot of backstory hinted here that would be more in the full thing, of course, but it's Dark Anthony, Dark Kate, murder, lust, magic, obsession. All the good stuff.
He was so beautiful.
It was endlessly strange, to hear Anthony speak of the way others saw him. Scarred. Deformed. Grotesque. Kate had tried hard to envision it, to view him as the monster he claimed to be. But he only became increasingly handsome to her as the days wore on.
Especially in the golden light of the flickering fire. Especially when he was looking at her that way, soft devotion in his fathomlessly deep eyes. Disbelief, almost, that Kate was still there, by her own will and not his. In his arms, nothing but the thin fabric of their nightclothes separating them.
“My father wanted a bigger garden for my mother,” he said softly, stroking his hand over her side. “She liked hyacinths. So I created them for her. My father was surprised by how suddenly they had grown, as if overnight. I think perhaps he suspected. He did not have magic, but his mother did.”
Kate waited silently. She was not a patient woman by nature, but she had a lifetime’s worth of patience for the slow unveiling of Anthony’s soul. 
“I did not know.” His voice caught, and he swallowed. “I did not know he was allergic to bee stings. I did not even know the flowers would attract them. I was young and naive and I only…”
Reaching out, Kate brushed her fingers through his hair, watching the lines smooth slightly on his face as he leaned into her touch.
“I only wanted to help. I only wanted them to be happy.” Anthony seemed to struggle with the words, as though his throat was closing. “I promised myself, Kathani. I made a solemn vow that I would never use my magic to please others because all I ever did was fail them. And I have stayed true to that promise for ten years. But now I find myself failing again. Because all I want is to please you. To give you everything you desire.”
He looked up at her, broken and desperate, searching for - she did not know what. Her approval? Her absolution?
Kate had nothing left to give him but herself. Her body, her mind, her heart. “You are everything that pleases me,” she whispered, pressing her forehead to his as she cupped his jaw tenderly. “I desire nothing else.”
Anthony captured her lips, tipping her head back as he pressed her against the pillows, the warmth of his hands searing through her gown. He brushed his nose against her neck, his eyes shut tightly as he inhaled her scent. “I could never create anything so perfect as you, Kathani Sharma.”
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
trust prompt 17, percy and scanlan? seasoning of post canon if the chef feels so inclined but also beggars cant be choosers 😭
17. showing them something close to their heart this is really more than percy and scanlan but ig they're the focus.
When Scanlan steps into the foyer of Castle Whitestone, he's startled by the activity whirring all around him. Staff appear and disappear as if by magic, each carrying a tray of food or a stack of linens or some other creature comfort, and none of them seem to notice the bewildered gnome in their midst. He stands there, unsure of where to go or what to do, until a voice from above calls his name. He looks up to see Grog's enormous form at the top of the grand staircase, waving enthusiastically at him.
Scanlan scurries up the steps, weaving in and out of the castle staff. "Hey, big man. Sorry I'm late."
Grog shrugs. "You missed all the screamin'." With that terribly ominous statement, he turns and heads down the hall, and Scanlan has to scramble to keep up.
The castle is labyrinthine, and Scanlan quickly gives up hope of remembering where they are. Honestly, he's shocked Grog hasn't gotten lost himself. After a few minutes, they're in front of a set of grand marble doors, which Grog pushes open without knocking. "Found 'im!"
Inside, Scanlan sees gorgeously appointed chambers, with a roaring fireplace in the sitting area across from the massive four-poster bed that Scanlan could nearly walk under without ducking. Without waiting for him to ask, Grog scoops him up to set him on the edge of mattress, which is covered in a luxurious eiderdown.
Under the covers, propped up against a mass of pillows, is Vex, her hair sweaty and matted around her face, and in her arms, a tiny bundle, swaddled in a lavender blanket. Percy stands just beside her, with tired eyes and a dopey grin. Scanlan feels a swell of pride in his chest, as if he were the one to have brought a new life into this world they've saved. "Hey guys! So, anything new with you?"
Vex huffs out a little laugh. "I'm glad you're here, Scanlan. We wanted you to meet your namesake."
Scanlan faces crumples in confusion. "Are you serious?"
"Fuck no," Vex says with a snort, and okay, Scanlan has to admit that that was a good one.
"Here." Percy leans down to carefully scoop the little baby out of Vex's arms, and then he walks around the foot of the bed to come sit beside Scanlan. Finally, he can see his friend's baby, a pale, sleeping thing with a dusting of white hair and the roundest cheeks Scanlan can imagine. "Her name is Vesper Elaina."
Scanlan reaches a hand over to brush his hand over Vesper's, and her little fingers, even in sleep, instinctively curl around his. Scanlan's breath catches in his throat; this is what he missed, the lost moments with Kaylie he can never get back.
"She's perfect," he says quietly, more sincere than he's ever been in his life. "Absolutely perfect."
Scanlan has never seen such easy joy on Percy's face. "She's the best thing I've ever made."
He can't help himself. "I agree. I promise not to throw this one into a pit of acid."
Percy lets out a half-manic laugh. "I...would appreciate that, yes."
"Unless you think you've got more demon problems. In which case you know I'm here for you, bud."
Percy balances Vesper in the crook of one arm so he can wrap Scanlan into a side-hug with the other. "I know you are. If I ever need to throw my daughter into a pit of acid, I absolutely know who to call."
"If you're going to talk about killing our child with acid before she's even two hours old," Vex drawls, "can you do so outside so that I can sleep?"
Scanlan makes the perilous slide down onto the floor. "Of course, Lady de Rolo." He lets Grog lead them out of the room so that Vex can rest, and as Percy walks so very carefully with his new daughter in his arms, Scanlan elbows his shin to get his attention. "For real, though. This is incredible. What a beautiful addition to your family."
"To our family," Percy reminds him. "You're not getting out of uncle duties, Shorthalt. Someone has to teach her how to be a pain in my ass."
Scanlan salutes. "Mission accepted."
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simpforfandom231 · 8 months
Love conquers hate
As requested! Rachel is being bullied and it takes a huge toll on her but her girlfriend is to the rescue!!!
warning: depression, underweight, just sad feelings
Rachel Zegler, the rising star in Hollywood, was on cloud nine. Her career was skyrocketing after her stunning performance in the latest blockbuster. However, the glitz and glamour of fame came with a dark side that Rachel never anticipated - the relentless onslaught of online bullying.
As the news of her success spread like wildfire, so did the hate. Negative comments and hurtful messages flooded Rachel's social media accounts. Anonymous trolls attacked everything from her appearance to her talent, leaving Rachel feeling vulnerable and exposed. It seemed like every positive comment was overshadowed by a sea of negativity.
Amidst the chaos, there was one constant support in Rachel's life - her girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, a pillar of strength and unwavering love, stood by Rachel's side through thick and thin. They met during a mutual friend's gathering, and from the very first moment, there was an undeniable connection between them. Y/N, with her kindness and understanding, became Rachel's refuge from the storm of online hate.
One evening, after a particularly brutal day of online harassment, Rachel slumped onto the couch, her spirit shattered. Y/N approached with a warm embrace, sensing the pain etched across Rachel's face.
"Hey, love. It's going to be okay. They're just words, remember? You're so much stronger than this," Y/N whispered, gently brushing Rachel's hair away from her face.
"it just hurts, you know? I never signed up for all of this," Rachel sighed, her eyes filled with tears.
Rachel couldn't believe how quickly the tide had turned since the release of the new Snow White movie. What should have been a triumphant moment in her career became a nightmare as online trolls targeted her with relentless and hurtful comments. The comments about her appearance, particularly her body, cut deep. Rachel, always confident and self-assured, found herself spiraling into a pit of self-doubt.
As the months passed, the weight of the criticism took a toll on Rachel's mental health. She started eating less, haunted by the voices of those who criticized her body. Each bite felt like a judgment, and soon, her once radiant spirit began to wither. Nights became the hardest for her. Y/N, her supportive girlfriend, worked long hours, leaving Rachel to confront the darkness alone. She cried herself to sleep, the harsh words echoing in her mind.
One evening, as Rachel stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, tears streaming down her face, Y/N walked in, concern etched across her face.
"Rachel, what's happening to you? You're not the same. Talk to me, please," Y/N pleaded, gently placing a hand on Rachel's trembling shoulder.
Rachel hesitated, then finally broke down, recounting the hurtful comments and the toll they had taken on her self-esteem. Y/N listened attentively, anger and sadness flickering in her eyes.
"That's enough, Rachel. You don't need to change for anyone. You're perfect just the way you are. We'll get through this together," Y/N reassured her, pulling her into a comforting embrace.
Despite Y/N's reassurances, the toxic environment online continued to poison Rachel's self-image. One day, Rachel tentatively broached the topic of plastic surgery, her voice shaky.
"I've been thinking, Y/N. Maybe if I change a few things, they'll stop. I just want the comments to go away," Rachel admitted, her eyes searching for validation.
Y/N, however, was having none of it. She took Rachel's hands in hers, looking deep into her eyes.
"Rachel, you are not the problem. They are. Changing yourself won't make them go away. We need to find a way to deal with this together, but altering your appearance is not the answer," Y/N declared, her voice firm with determination.
The relentless wave of online hate not only targeted Rachel Zegler but also extended its claws towards her girlfriend, Y/N. While Y/N wasn't in the public eye like Rachel, the trolls attacked her for not being an actress and for being in a relationship with someone as prominent as Rachel.
Y/N, accustomed to the scrutiny that often came with dating a public figure, managed to shrug off the comments aimed at her. She understood that fame brought both love and hate, but it was the attacks on Rachel that cut Y/N to the core. Every hateful comment thrown at Rachel felt like a personal assault on their relationship.
One evening, as Y/N returned home from work, she found Rachel sitting on the couch, a mere shadow of her former vibrant self. Dark circles framed Rachel's eyes, and her once radiant smile had faded into a distant memory. Y/N's heart sank at the sight of her partner's deteriorating condition.
"Rachel, love, you need to talk to me. I can't bear to see you like this," Y/N said softly, kneeling in front of Rachel and gently taking her hands.
Rachel sighed, a heavy burden evident in her eyes. "Y/N, I can't escape it. The comments, the hate—it's suffocating me. I don't even recognize myself anymore."
Y/N pulled Rachel into a comforting embrace, her fingers gently running through Rachel's hair. "We can get through this together, Rachel. You're not alone. But we might need to take a step back from all of this, for your sake."
The couple decided to distance themselves from the toxic world of social media. Y/N encouraged Rachel to focus on self-care and finding joy outside the digital realm.
However, the scars of online bullying ran deep. Y/N witnessed Rachel withdrawing from the world, avoiding public appearances and choosing oversized clothes to conceal her shrinking frame. Y/N knew she had to do something more to help Rachel reclaim her sense of self.
One day, Y/N gently broached the subject of seeking professional help. "Rachel, I love you, and I hate seeing you like this. Maybe talking to someone, a professional, could help you navigate through these emotions."
Rachel, initially resistant, eventually agreed to attend therapy. The sessions became a safe space for Rachel to express her pain, fears, and frustrations.
The apartment was cloaked in a hushed stillness, the soft glow of the television casting a melancholy atmosphere. Rachel Zegler sat curled up on the couch, her faithful companion Lenny nestled against her. The air was heavy with the weight of Rachel's emotions, exacerbated by the venomous comments she had just read online.
Y/N had taken fewer hours at work to be with Rachel during these trying times. However, on this particular evening, the responsibilities of her job demanded her presence. She had reluctantly kissed Rachel goodbye, promising to be back as soon as her shift ended. Little did Y/N know the storm that was brewing within the walls of their home.
As the cruel words of online trolls echoed in Rachel's mind, she felt a wave of vulnerability wash over her. The comments about her appearance and cultural identity stung deeply. The tears, uninvited, slipped down her cheeks as she clutched a throw pillow in an attempt to find solace.
Lenny, sensing his owner's distress, nuzzled against Rachel, offering a silent yet comforting presence. The television droned on in the background, its flickering light casting shadows on the walls that mirrored the shadows in Rachel's heart.
The apartment echoed with the haunting sound of Rachel's sobs. She had always been passionate about her craft, pouring her heart and soul into acting and singing. The recent wave of online hate, fueled by some controversial remarks she made about the Snow White movie, had taken a toll on her spirit. Rachel felt the weight of the world on her shoulders as tears streamed down her face.
Despite her love for the arts, Rachel was only human. The relentless barrage of criticism had chipped away at her resilience, leaving her broken and vulnerable. She stumbled towards the bathroom, the cool tiles beneath her feet a stark contrast to the warmth of her despair. The once vibrant actress didn't care about the comfort of her shirt and sweatpants as she mechanically turned on the shower and slumped onto the floor, letting the water cascade over her.
Two hours passed, and Rachel remained in the same spot, in the same position, lost in the sea of her own despair. The sound of her name being called was distant, unheard, as Y/N, concerned and searching for her, discovered the heartbreaking scene in the bathroom.
Y/N's heart sank as she took in the sight of Rachel, makeup smudged, hair dripping wet, fully clothed, and consumed by sorrow. Y/N didn't utter a word; instead, she silently retrieved a towel, turned off the shower, and gently wrapped it around Rachel's trembling form. The air in the bathroom seemed to grow heavier with the weight of unspoken pain.
Sighing, Y/N retreated to the bedroom, determined to provide comfort and warmth for Rachel. She selected fresh sweatpants, a soft shirt, and her own hoodie – an offering of solace for the woman she loved. Returning to the bathroom, Y/N found Rachel still in the same position, her tear-stained eyes avoiding any connection.
The room filled with the hum of the heating fan as Y/N set the clothes down and closed the bathroom door. She retrieved a hairdryer and Rachel's brush, arranging them on a little seat beside the shower. Y/N approached Rachel, her silent presence a comforting reassurance.
Without uttering a word, Y/N gathered Rachel into her arms, lifting her bridal style from the cold shower floor to the prepared seat. Rachel's eyes remained cast downward, avoiding the gaze of the person attempting to piece her back together. Y/N began the gentle process of undressing Rachel, replacing the wet and cold garments with the warmth of fresh clothes.
Y/N, methodical and caring, moved through the familiar routine with a sense of purpose. With Rachel's wet clothes discarded, she plugged in the hairdryer and took the brush, gently untangling the knots in Rachel's damp locks. The rhythmic hum of the hairdryer filled the room as Y/N meticulously dried every strand, ensuring not a trace of moisture remained. The act was both tender and deliberate, a silent promise to bring comfort to the woman she loved.
Rachel sat in silence, eyes fixed on a point in the distance, avoiding the gaze of the one trying to piece her back together. Y/N, understanding the unspoken pain, respected the silence. The brush glided through Rachel's hair, a soothing gesture that spoke louder than any words could.
With Rachel's hair now dry, Y/N moved on to the next task. She retrieved a gentle make-up remover and kneeled down in front of Rachel. The actress, still avoiding eye contact, faced Y/N as the latter delicately wiped away the remnants of mascara, lipstick, and other cosmetics. Y/N knew the discomfort that eye contact brought, so she worked diligently, focusing on the task at hand.
As Y/N finished removing the makeup, she moved with purpose to clean up the aftermath. The wet clothes were placed in the bathtub for washing, towels were tidied, and the cotton pads soaked with remover found their way into the bin. Y/N worked silently, the only sounds being the soft echoes of her movements.
Rachel, still seemingly a vessel of emotions, looked at the ground, a mixture of exhaustion and vulnerability etched across her features. Y/N, understanding the fragility of the moment, picked Rachel up again, carrying her with a gentle strength towards their bedroom. She laid Rachel down, opening the blankets to envelop her in warmth. Rachel turned away, seeking solace in the shadows.
Leaving Rachel momentarily, Y/N went to the kitchen, the comforting scent of chamomile tea filling the air as she prepared a water bottle and brewed Rachel's favorite tea. Gathering a protein granola bar and some candy – a sweet remedy for the taxing emotions Rachel endured – Y/N returned to the bedroom.
Placing the offerings on Rachel's bedside table, Y/N arranged them with care. The water bottle, chilled and refreshing, sat beside the steaming cup of tea. The protein granola bar and candy were a thoughtful addition, a silent acknowledgment of Rachel's need for a bit of comfort. Y/N sat on the edge of the bed, the warmth of her presence a silent reassurance.
Rachel, still turned away, felt the weight of Y/N's love in the quiet gestures. As Y/N watched over her, the room filled with an unspoken understanding – a promise that, no matter how harsh the world outside might be, within the walls of their shared sanctuary, Rachel was cherished and cared for.
Y/N, having carefully arranged the comforting items on the bedside table, moved to the closet. Her nimble fingers sought out Rachel's favorite sweatpants, a comforting and familiar choice. With a gentle touch, she pulled them off the hanger, letting the soft fabric cascade in her hands. Y/N then reached for Rachel's hoodie, another item that held the essence of her girlfriend's warmth. Swiftly changing into the borrowed clothes, Y/N found a subtle solace in the scent that clung to the garments.
Rachel, having turned around to take sips from the tea, caught the soft smile playing on Y/N's lips. It was a silent acknowledgment, an unspoken understanding of the small comforts that brought solace in times of distress. The room remained steeped in silence, a shared space of healing where words were unnecessary.
Still embracing the tranquility, Y/N opened the bedroom door, allowing Lenny, the faithful canine companion, to enter. The door closed with a soft click, and Y/N, with a quick detour to the living room, retrieved her bag before returning and securing the room once more.
Silently, she took her place on her side of the bed, leaning against the headboard. Y/N opened her laptop, the soft glow of the screen illuminating her face as she delved into her work. A first-year nurse in the operating room, she flipped through digital documents, the rhythmic clicking of the keys echoing through the room.
As Y/N immersed herself in her tasks, she felt a gentle hand wrapping around her abdomen. Startled by the unexpected touch, she glanced down to see Rachel's small body snuggling into her side. A sense of warmth and tenderness enveloped them, bridging the emotional gap that had widened earlier.
As Rachel nestled into Y/N's side, a soft smile graced Y/N's lips. Returning her gaze to the laptop, she continued her work, her free hand gently finding Rachel's and interlocking their fingers. The ambient light from the laptop cast a subtle glow, creating an intimate atmosphere in the dimly lit room.
Y/N stole glances at Rachel, noting the weariness in her eyes. It had been a while since Rachel had experienced the solace of uninterrupted sleep. Sensing Rachel's exhaustion, Y/N whispered softly, her voice a soothing melody, "You can sleep, Rachel. I'm right here if you need anything."
Rachel closed her eyes, surrendering to the embrace of sleep for the first time in months. Y/N, ever the caretaker, adjusted Rachel's position, allowing her to rest comfortably in the crook of Y/N's sitting form. The room, now illuminated only by the bedside lamp, cocooned the couple in a serene tranquility.
As Y/N returned to her work, she hugged Rachel a little closer, sighing sadly as her hand rested on Rachel's waist, where her hipbone felt more pronounced than before. The impact of the past months, marked by the toll of relentless online bullying, manifested in the physical changes in Rachel's body. Y/N, acutely aware of the toll taken on Rachel's well-being, couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow.
Believing Rachel to be asleep, Y/N whispered to herself, a soft monologue of love and admiration. "You don't deserve this, Rachel," Y/N murmured, her words a balm to the wounds inflicted by cruelty. "Your eyes, when the sun hits them just right, they're like brown orbs that light up the entire world. And your smile, oh, how I miss the way it would brighten up when I brought home your favorite candy or tickled you until your laughter filled the room."
Y/N's tender words were a silent plea against the weight of the hate Rachel had endured. Y/N hated how the beauty in those moments had dimmed in the face of relentless criticism. She pondered aloud, a lament for the impact of harsh words that went beyond the surface.
The room held a sacred stillness as Y/N continued working, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting shadows that seemed to dance to the rhythm of the city outside. The only sounds were the muted clicks of Y/N's laptop and the quiet breaths of Rachel, finally succumbing to a peaceful slumber.
The room held a fragile stillness after Rachel's soft admission, her voice weighed down by the exhaustion and despair she felt. As she tightened her grip around Y/N, her words revealed the depth of her emotional fatigue, acknowledging the broken pieces that seemed irreparable. In a whisper, she confessed to Y/N that she believed the nurse deserved better than what she had become.
Y/N, stunned by the vulnerability in Rachel's words, set aside her laptop, fully embracing the actress. Resting her cheek on Rachel's soft hair, Y/N spoke tenderly, "You're exhausted, I can see that, but it doesn't change how much I love you. I don't want anyone else, Rachel. I want you, broken pieces and all."
Rachel, now fully cuddled into Y/N's embrace, sniffed, recognizing that she had reached a painful rock bottom. Y/N, sensing the fragility of the moment, simply held her, offering a silent reassurance that spoke louder than any words could.
Y/N, breaking the silence, gently inquired about Rachel's upcoming film. Rachel, her voice subdued, mentioned that filming was scheduled to begin in two weeks. Y/N, a mix of softness and determination, insisted that Rachel call it off and delay the production. She was done with seeing her girlfriend treated so poorly by both the online world and the demands of the industry.
With a resolute determination, Y/N reached for her phone and called her boss. The conversation was short but firm – she wouldn't be coming into work for the next week and a half. Y/N had made a choice, and her priority was clear: Rachel's well-being.
Rachel's hunger made itself known, and Y/N reached for the protein bar. Opening it, she pulled a small piece and gently fed it to Rachel, who accepted the offering with a mixture of gratitude and reluctance. Y/N couldn't ignore the reality – Rachel was starting to show signs of being underweight.
In the gentle glow of the bedside lamp, Y/N spoke softly, her voice a comforting murmur, "Tomorrow morning, I'll be right here with you, making sure you eat." The words were both a promise and a plea, a declaration of intent to fight against the forces that sought to erode Rachel's spirit.
As Rachel ate half of the protein bar, Y/N's expression softened, and she offered a genuine smile, praising her girlfriend's effort. "I'm so proud of you, Rachel. Every step you take is a victory," Y/N reassured her, hoping her words would be a small spark of encouragement in the darkness that enveloped Rachel.
However, the room's atmosphere shifted when Rachel's voice, laden with sadness and hurt, broke the fragile quiet. The weight of her admission hung heavy in the air as she confessed to Y/N that she was not just feeling depressed – she felt dead inside. The little girl within her, the part that radiated innocence and joy, had been buried, and Rachel was haunted by the fear that this hollow shell was all that remained.
Y/N, taken aback by the raw honesty and the magnitude of Rachel's pain, tightened her embrace, cradling her gently. Rachel's plea to be brought back from this emotional abyss struck Y/N to the core. The anguish in Rachel's voice tore at Y/N's heart, and she whispered softly, "I promise you, Rachel, I'll bring you back. No matter how deep this darkness is, we'll find our way out together."
Rachel, her face buried in the crook of Y/N's neck, clung to the comfort of the embrace. "I'm scared, Y/N. The little girl inside me, she's gone, and I'm afraid she's haunting me," Rachel confessed, her vulnerability echoing in the quiet room.
Y/N, feeling the weight of Rachel's despair, gently lifted her chin, meeting her tearful eyes. "You're not alone in this, Rachel. I'll be right here, guiding you, helping you rediscover that little girl. We'll face this together, and I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back to yourself."
The room, once filled with a sense of quiet determination, now held a poignant ache. Y/N's promise became a lifeline, a beacon of hope for Rachel in the vast darkness of her emotions.
The night had passed, a respite from the usual torment of nightmares and restless sleep. Rachel, after some time of much-needed rest, had finally succumbed to a more peaceful slumber. Y/N, feeling the pull of exhaustion, also drifted into a restful sleep beside her.
As the morning light began to filter through the curtains, Y/N gradually awakened. A gentle pressure on her chest prompted her to glance down, discovering Rachel still deeply asleep, holding onto Y/N's hoodie with a grip that suggested an unconscious fear of letting go. Y/N smiled at the sight, both touched and concerned by the vulnerability Rachel displayed even in her sleep.
Carefully, Y/N wiggled out of Rachel's grasp, not wanting to disturb her peaceful rest. With utmost delicacy, Y/N stood up and gathered Rachel in her arms. The living room seemed like a safer place to continue the morning, so Y/N headed there, with Rachel caught between the realms of sleep and wakefulness.
As Y/N settled Rachel onto the couch, the actress mumbled something about unicorns, prompting a silent chuckle from Y/N. It was a rare moment of levity in the midst of the emotional turmoil that had enveloped them.
Y/N, determined not to disturb Rachel's newfound peace, gently tried to loosen the grip Rachel had on her hoodie. She pulled a soft blanket over her girlfriend, ensuring she was snug and comfortable. Y/N then took Lenny by the collar, guiding him quietly into the kitchen, reminding the curious pup not to disturb 'mama.'
In the midst of these moments, Y/N recalled a comforting presence hidden away in the back of their closet – Winston, the stuffed panda bear. It was a nostalgic relic from the past, accompanying Rachel throughout her life. Y/N, considering the potential comfort it could bring, decided to retrieve Winston.
As Y/N entered the living room, she found Rachel still blissfully asleep. Walking to the bedroom closet, Y/N retrieved Winston, a soft smile playing on her lips at the thought of the familiar stuffed bear. Returning to the living room, Y/N gently tucked Winston under the blanket with Rachel, almost instinctively knowing it might bring her additional solace.
To her delight, as Y/N carefully placed the stuffed panda beside Rachel, the sleeping actress, in her subconscious state, instinctively clamped onto Winston. It was a heartwarming sight – a testament to the enduring comfort that familiar objects could provide, even in the depths of sleep.
The morning continued in a hushed tranquility. Y/N, having done all she could to ensure Rachel's comfort, sat nearby, watching over her peacefully sleeping girlfriend.
Y/N moved silently in the kitchen, trying not to disturb the serenity that enveloped the living room where Rachel peacefully slept. She grabbed a protein shake for herself, recognizing the importance of self-care amidst the challenges they faced. A small plate accompanied her, carrying carefully chosen items that constituted a subtle but intentional effort to rebuild Rachel's physical and mental strength.
On the plate, Y/N placed a small piece of cheese, aiming to contribute to Rachel's muscle recovery. Blueberries and strawberries were added to ensure a natural intake of sugars, and baby carrots completed the ensemble, providing a boost of essential vitamins. To an outsider, the plate might have appeared tailored for a child, but Y/N understood that this was already a considerable step for Rachel, who had to start small in her journey towards recovery.
Balancing a glass of water, the plate, and her own protein shake, Y/N beckoned Lenny back into the living room, instructing him to stay in his bed. Y/N carefully arranged the food on the coffee table, creating a tempting display that awaited Rachel's awakening.
As Y/N settled in, she grabbed her notebook and a pencil, revealing a side of her creativity not widely known. Y/N had a passion for writing music, an activity she pursued for personal enjoyment rather than fame. Currently, she was immersed in a song that mirrored the situation Rachel found herself in – a song titled 'The System.'
Y/N's songs were known for their straightforwardness, a quality that resonated with Rachel. However, 'The System' hit too close to home, and Y/N hesitated to share it with her vulnerable girlfriend.
verse 1 : You think you’re better right? 'Cause nobody's seen what you've done in the dark but if I put your life in this light You would crumble and fight to survive or die but, bitch, I fucking knew that already I ain't special But I specialize in making you feel especially stupid for judging a human While you sit at home and the whole world can't watch what you're doing or follow and hate all your movements
What'd you expect? Did you think I was immune to what you were saying and didn’t see all of the disrespect? Do you think I'm not human, have no feelings, or maybe you think I’m fucking weak and now I’m pleading. Maybe you think I’m just too good and that I’m fucking cheating? Or maybe, just maybe you're blind And the hate inside your heart clouds your eyes and your mind and your ears when I rhyme
Verse 2
So what’s your excuse? What helps you sleep? You leave a negative comment not knowing what you soul you will reap. I bet you smile when you post, thinking you're hurting me, but you see The way the brain works you become what you speak I need peace! But y’all can’t offer that (you can't!) I held my ground, I didn’t sell my soul, I said fuck the fame, y’all can take that offer back Fuck a shelf you can't take me off the rack All the fame is not worth the heart attack You're insane, you're in pain, I can tell by what you're saying, but My bad, I forgot you were fragile
The soft rustle of Rachel stirring from her slumber caught Y/N's attention. She looked up from her notebook, a gentle smile spreading across her face as she saw Rachel's eyes slowly open and meet hers. Y/N leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to Rachel's forehead and whispering a soft "good morning."
Rachel, still nestled in the warmth of sleep, responded with a sleepy but genuine "good morning" of her own. As awareness gradually returned, she blinked, taking in her surroundings. Confusion danced briefly in her eyes as she asked Y/N how she ended up on the couch and whether Y/N had let her sleep for such a long time.
Y/N chuckled softly, her fingers gently playing with a strand of Rachel's hair. "You needed the rest, Rach. It's okay; you've been through a lot," Y/N reassured her. Rachel, slowly becoming more alert, snuggled closer to Y/N, finding solace in the comforting embrace.
However, as Rachel adjusted, her gaze fell upon the plate of carefully prepared food on the coffee table. A sudden stiffness gripped Rachel, and Y/N, attuned to her girlfriend's emotions, sensed the shift. The unspoken weight of Rachel's relationship with food hung in the air, a topic both tender and delicate.
"Hey," Y/N spoke gently, addressing the unspoken tension. "I thought you might be hungry when you woke up, so I prepared a little something for you. Just take your time, okay?" Y/N's words were laced with understanding, an attempt to create a safe space for Rachel.
Rachel, a mixture of gratitude and discomfort in her expression, nodded quietly. Y/N, respecting her girlfriend's feelings, continued to hold Rachel close, silently offering support and reassurance. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as the couple navigated the complexities of emotions and the unspoken challenges that lay beneath the surface.
As Rachel tentatively reached for the plate, Y/N couldn't help but hope that this small gesture would be a step toward reclaiming a sense of normalcy and self-care.
Rachel's eyes met Y/N's, silently pleading for understanding. In that moment, she had convinced herself that she wasn't hungry, that she could push through the discomfort. However, the concern etched on Y/N's face was undeniable. Y/N knew, perhaps better than anyone, that Rachel needed to start eating again, or the consequences could be dire.
Gently, Y/N began to argue, her tone soft but insistent. "Rachel, I know this is difficult, but you need it. You need to nourish your body; otherwise, it's going to take a toll on your health. I'm here for you, every step of the way."
Handling these situations was something Y/N had become adept at, but when it involved her own girlfriend, the fear and anxiety still lingered. Y/N spoke the truth, expressing how she could feel the prominence of almost every bone and articulating the genuine concern for Rachel's well-being. The weight of the situation hung in the air, creating a heavy atmosphere in the room.
As Y/N continued to gently coax Rachel, the actress buried her face in Y/N's neck, a whimper escaping her lips. The vulnerability Rachel displayed spoke volumes about the depth of her struggles. In a hushed voice, Rachel admitted her fear – the fear that if she ate, people would hurl hurtful comments about her body once again.
Y/N's heart ached for Rachel, and she tightened her embrace, offering a silent reassurance. "Rachel, those people don't define you. Their words don't hold the truth. You deserve to be healthy and happy. Let's take this one step at a time. I'm here to support you, and together we can face this," Y/N spoke with a blend of compassion and determination.
The room remained enveloped in a delicate tension, a silent battlefield of emotions. Y/N knew that breaking through the walls Rachel had built around herself would take time, patience, and unwavering support. It was a journey they would embark on together, one that held the promise of healing and rediscovery.
As Rachel clung to Y/N, the weight of her struggles palpable, the morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the couple.
Y/N shifted her body, turning towards Rachel with a determined yet gentle expression. Taking the plate, she declared, "Let me help you, Moonshine. We'll take it one step at a time, alright?" Y/N, drawing on her experience as a nurse, recognized the power of distraction, a technique often employed with young patients in the hospital. However, using it with Rachel, her own girlfriend, brought a unique set of emotions and challenges.
Tears welled in Rachel's eyes as she stared at the food, a mixture of fear and discomfort clouding her gaze. Y/N, attuned to Rachel's emotional state, acted swiftly. With a soft touch, Y/N gently guided Rachel to focus solely on her face, creating a space where the overwhelming presence of the plate was momentarily diminished.
Y/N, affectionately referring to Rachel as Moonshine, embarked on a journey down memory lane, recounting the playful escapade of a paintballing adventure. "Remember that time we went paintballing? You mocked my moonshine, and then you just dominated the game so effortlessly," Y/N reminisced, a hint of playful teasing in her voice. The memories seemed to captivate Rachel's attention, drawing her into the realm of laughter and nostalgia.
As Rachel began to share anecdotes about their beach outings, her laughter echoed in the room. Y/N seized the opportunity, breaking a small piece of cheese discreetly. With each vivid memory Rachel recounted, Y/N skillfully orchestrated the distraction, ensuring that Rachel's focus remained on the fond moments they had shared.
Unbeknownst to Rachel, a piece of cheese disappeared from the plate, consumed effortlessly amidst the laughter and storytelling. Y/N watched Rachel's reaction closely, gauging the success of their unconventional approach. It was a delicate dance, an attempt to bridge the gap between the present challenges and the warmth of shared memories.
The room, once heavy with emotional tension, now echoed with laughter and the soft exchange of stories. Y/N, determined to support Rachel through this difficult moment, continued to navigate the complexities of emotions with a delicate touch. In the gentle glow of the morning light, the couple found a moment of reprieve – a moment where the weight of the past began to lift, if only for a fleeting instant.
As Rachel chuckled at another memory, Y/N couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. The journey toward healing and rediscovery was a long and intricate one, but in that moment, they had taken a small but significant step forward.
Y/N, with a sense of quiet triumph, noticed the subtle change in Rachel's actions. As the memories continued to flow, Rachel, almost instinctively and without overthinking, began to reach for small pieces of fruit and cheese from the plate. Y/N's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and pride, recognizing that this was a positive step, however small, towards breaking the barriers that had surrounded Rachel.
Encouraged by the gradual progress, Y/N seamlessly incorporated more tales of their adventures – the spontaneous road trips, the cozy evenings spent by the fireplace, and the delightful escapades with Lenny. Each story carried a touch of joy, a reminder of the love and warmth that had defined their relationship.
Caught up in the allure of these shared dreams and memories, Rachel's demeanor began to shift. The tension that had gripped her slowly dissipated, replaced by a genuine enthusiasm. With a gleam in her eyes, she started expressing her longing for a vacation with Y/N, picturing sandy beaches, picturesque sunsets, and the carefree laughter that such moments would undoubtedly bring.
Y/N, sensing Rachel's eagerness, seized the opportunity to weave more details into the conversation, painting a vivid picture of the dream vacation. The discussions ranged from the destinations they'd explore to the adventures they'd embark on together. The anticipation of creating new memories, free from the shadows of the past, became a beacon of hope in the room.
As Rachel shared her vision of a vacation, Y/N couldn't help but smile. It was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the capacity to find joy and aspiration even in the midst of challenges. The plate, once a source of anxiety, now served as a backdrop to a transformative moment – a moment where the act of nourishing the body became intertwined with the nourishment of the soul.
In the soft morning light, Y/N and Rachel continued their journey through the landscape of shared dreams, laughter, and subtle triumphs. The weight that had burdened Rachel's shoulders began to lift, and the prospect of a brighter future emerged on the horizon. As they embraced the warmth of the moment, Y/N felt a renewed sense of hope, knowing that they were on the path to healing and rediscovery together.
Enveloped in the warmth of the shared dreams of a vacation, Rachel, now captivated by the vision of sandy beaches and picturesque landscapes, turned to Y/N with an eager sparkle in her eyes. "Where do you want to go, Y/N?" she asked, her curiosity genuine.
Y/N, her face lighting up with a dreamy smile, pondered the question for a moment. "I've always dreamed of going to the mountains in Austria," she confessed. "Just imagine, Rachel – hiking through the scenic trails, breathing in the crisp mountain air, and having Lenny bounding joyfully beside us. It's like a dream I've always held close to my heart."
As Y/N painted this idyllic picture, Rachel's eyes widened with a sense of shared excitement. The prospect of exploring the Austrian mountains, with Lenny by their side, seemed to kindle a flame of anticipation within her. Rachel continued to nibble on the fruits and cheese absentmindedly, the act now a subconscious expression of newfound comfort and engagement in the conversation.
Eager to share more of the envisioned adventure, Y/N delved into the details. "Can you imagine the breathtaking views from the mountaintops? The serenity of the alpine meadows, the melodic rustle of the leaves, and the feel of the cool breeze brushing against our faces. It's like a haven, Rach, a place where we can leave the worries of the world behind."
Rachel, caught up in the vivid imagery and the enthusiasm in Y/N's voice, nodded in agreement. "It sounds perfect," she whispered, a genuine smile gracing her lips.
As they continued to talk about their dream getaway, Y/N could see Rachel gradually embracing the positive momentum. The act of eating, once associated with anxiety, now seamlessly integrated into the discussion – a silent testament to the shifting dynamics of Rachel's relationship with food.
Y/N, sensing the progress, decided to add a touch of playfulness to the conversation. "And you know what, Moonshine? I bet Lenny would have a blast exploring the trails and chasing butterflies. We could pack a little picnic for him too," Y/N suggested, the image of their furry companion frolicking in the alpine meadows bringing a smile to both their faces.
The morning unfolded as a tapestry of shared dreams, laughter, and subtle triumphs. In the gentle light filtering through the curtains, Y/N and Rachel continued to build a vision of a future that held the promise of joy, growth, and healing. The plate, now almost empty, stood as a symbol of their journey – a journey that, with each passing moment, carved a path toward rediscovery and the restoration of a shared sense of normalcy.
As Rachel continued to weave dreams of potential vacation destinations, her imagination dancing between the romantic allure of Paris and the ancient wonders of Athens, Y/N found herself drawn into the enchanting possibilities. The conversation became a delightful exchange of ideas, each suggestion painting a vivid picture of the adventures they could share in those captivating cities.
Amidst the travel fantasies, Y/N's attentive gaze didn't go unnoticed. As Rachel spoke, Y/N couldn't help but notice the last remaining blueberry on Rachel's plate making its way to her mouth. A proud and slightly smug smile played on Y/N's lips, the subtle victory not escaping her notice.
Rachel, catching a glimpse of that smug expression, followed Y/N's gaze and looked down at her plate in shock. There, in the wake of her dreams and travel musings, was an empty plate. The realization hit her, and she couldn't help but be astonished by her own actions.
Quick to diffuse any potential tension, Y/N leaned in with a playful grin. "Well, it seems someone was so engrossed in our vacation plans that they finished off the plate without even realizing it," Y/N teased, her tone light and encouraging.
Rachel's eyes widened in disbelief, and she looked back at the plate as if expecting the food to magically reappear. Y/N, however, was swift to offer praise before any self-doubt could creep in. "Seriously, Rach, that's fantastic! You were so engaged in our conversation that it just happened naturally. It's a great step, and I'm really proud of you," Y/N expressed, genuine warmth in her eyes.
A mix of emotions flickered across Rachel's face – surprise, a tinge of disbelief, and a glimmer of pride. Y/N's encouragement was a comforting balm to the vulnerabilities Rachel had faced.
Encouraged by the positive atmosphere, the conversation seamlessly transitioned back to their vacation plans. "Paris does sound amazing," Y/N chimed in. "The art, the culture, the delicious pastries – it's a dreamy destination. And Athens, with its rich history, would be an incredible journey too."
The room, now infused with a sense of accomplishment and shared excitement, echoed with laughter and the anticipation of the adventures that lay ahead. In the quiet corners of their shared space, Y/N hoped that this small triumph would become a stepping stone toward healing and the rekindling of a spirit that had weathered the storm.
As the realization of her unconscious actions settled in, Rachel's face portrayed a mix of emotions – guilt, surprise, and a subtle undercurrent of pride. Y/N, ever perceptive to Rachel's inner struggles, could see the tumultuous thoughts playing out on her girlfriend's expressive features.
Sensing Rachel's internal conflict, Y/N extended a gentle hand, placing it comfortingly on Rachel's shoulder. "Hey, you did great," Y/N reassured her, a soft and understanding smile gracing her lips. "It's a journey, Rach, and each step is a victory. Don't forget that."
Rachel's eyes met Y/N's, gratitude flickering within the depths of her gaze. The weight of guilt seemed to lift slightly as Y/N continued to offer support and encouragement. "You were so engaged in our conversation that the eating became a part of it, naturally. Step by step, okay? This was amazing," Y/N added, emphasizing the significance of the moment.
The room, once tinged with the remnants of self-doubt, now held an air of positivity and accomplishment. Y/N's words served as a balm to Rachel's soul, a reminder that progress was possible, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.
"I know it's not easy, but I'm here for you every step of the way," Y/N affirmed, her tone sincere and unwavering. "We'll navigate through this together, and you're not alone in it."
Rachel, enveloped in Y/N's understanding embrace, allowed herself to absorb the reassurance. The morning sunlight, filtering through the curtains, cast a warm glow over the couple, symbolizing the hope that bloomed in the wake of small triumphs.
As the conversation shifted, Y/N guided them back to the dreams of future vacations, steering away from the weightier topics for the moment. "So, Paris or Athens? Or maybe both?" Y/N teased, hoping to maintain the lighthearted atmosphere while acknowledging the resilience displayed by Rachel.
The laughter that followed echoed with a newfound lightness, a shared understanding that progress was a continuous journey. In the quiet spaces between words, Y/N and Rachel embraced the promise of the future, where the act of nourishing the body and the soul would intertwine seamlessly.
As the morning unfolded with a sense of accomplishment and shared dreams, Y/N noticed a strategic opportunity to broach a sensitive topic. The atmosphere, though lightened by their laughter and discussions of future vacations, still held the shadows of Rachel's recent struggles with online negativity.
Seizing the moment, Y/N gently shifted the conversation. "Hey, Moonshine, there's something I've been thinking about," Y/N began, her voice tender and concerned. Rachel, still basking in the positive momentum, turned her attention to Y/N with a curious expression.
"I know social media has been a tough space for you lately, and I was wondering if maybe, just for a while, you could consider taking a break from it," Y/N suggested, choosing her words carefully. The concern in Y/N's eyes mirrored the genuine care she felt for Rachel's well-being.
Rachel's brows furrowed slightly, a mixture of reluctance and understanding clouding her gaze. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I want you to have some time to just focus on yourself without the noise from the outside world. Maybe it could help you recharge," Y/N continued, her words a soft plea.
Rachel sighed, the weight of recent events palpable in the room. "I guess it's just hard because it's been a part of my routine, you know?" she admitted, her fingers playing with a loose strand of hair.
"I get that, Rach. Social media can be overwhelming, and right now, I think you deserve a break from all that negativity. Just imagine it – no comments, no judgments, just you taking the time you need," Y/N encouraged, a reassuring smile on her lips.
The room fell into a thoughtful silence as Rachel contemplated Y/N's words. Y/N, respecting the weight of the decision, waited patiently for Rachel's response.
After a moment, Rachel looked up, her gaze meeting Y/N's with a subtle determination. "Okay, maybe it's worth a try. I could use a break from all that noise," she conceded, a hint of relief in her voice.
Y/N reached out, squeezing Rachel's hand gently. "I'm proud of you for considering it. Trust me, it might be just the thing you need to focus on yourself and recharge," Y/N assured her.
Encouraged by Rachel's openness, Y/N decided to lighten the mood. "Besides, imagine the bliss of not dealing with Twitter trolls and Instagram critics for a while. It might feel like a mini-vacation in itself!" Y/N joked, eliciting a small chuckle from Rachel.
As the morning continued, the decision to take a break from social media lingered in the air. Y/N knew that navigating this change would be a journey in itself, but she was determined to support Rachel every step of the way. The promise of a quiet, social media-free sanctuary unfolded, creating a space where Rachel could focus on self-care and rediscovery without the intrusion of online negativity.
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lokorum · 2 years
Hi! I really love your art. There's a certain haunting beauty about it. I was wondering how you got started in art and maybe what inspired you. I can't stress enough the hauntingly beautiful aspect of your art. Some pieces terrify me but they're really just so beautiful to look at 😅
hey!!! ahhhh thank you so much for your kind words, anon!! its a relief to know that im not the only one who finds my silly draiwings scary phphp
i've started to draw just like most of the folk i think?? by filling my university notebooks with super funny-looking and super anatomically incorrect sketches of my beloved oc phph i tried to work with oil but zero waste movement quickly got me and since then im drawing digital stuff only.
missing the feeling of paint on your hands face clothes and sometimes eyes tbh but also wow oil is expensive!! Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
phphpt my memory is bad. like bad bad. i remember having that burning feeling when i looked at something beautiful and i wanted to like...eat it? make it myself and no one elses? not very practical reply phphp sorry! i also really loved to watch film that i've already mentioned before - macbeth (2015) - its a treat for your eyes and ears trust me!! trailer still giving me a goosebombs!
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zdzislaw beksinski live in my head rent free since i was a pre-teen and im 1000% sure i'll die thinking about one of his paintings somewhere at the back of my mind. just look at this! man knew how to use a brush like no one else (´ ˘ `).。oO ( ♡ )
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sigur rós music and video clips are definetelly changed a lot in me. watching ekki múkk and all alright made me choke from tears and be speechless for days!
later in life i accidentaly went on the concert where at night - jambinai was part of the perfomance and their music hypnotized me just like all the moths around were hypnotized by the stage lights. i dont even remember what i was doing! just standing there absolutely still, looking at them playing phphp i probably looked like a creppy stalker (◞ꈍ∇ꈍ)◞⋆**✚⃞
but they make incredibly beautiful and sad music, and their connection song, if i get the meaning of it right, about people with disabilities and it always was important theme for me ♡
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from lately discovered sources of inspiration can reccomend little games i found on itch!
2:22 AM, how we know we're alive and NORTH!
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they're all pretty short from 20 minutes to 2 hours, but use every minute of their time!
ahhh hope it wasnt too much of an info dump and maybe someone find a familiar name here or discover something new for themselves! thank you again anon for your super cute and nice ask!! and thanks everyone to reading all this mess! have an awesome day!! |´・v・)ノ♪
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raytm · 3 months
         ❝ Akivili !  ❞  Universe's Laughter comes bounding up to their Trailblazing friend. A title bestowed upon fellow Aeon whether or not Akivili agreed with them. What matters to Aha is that they like the other Aeon, think that they're entertaining and their ambitious drive for adventure can make for an enjoyable experience. Not only that but Akivili is incredibly thoughtful !  Oh, how nice !
     Discerning whether or not they themselves are likable matters little for they do as they please. Boredom not allowed to seep into their playpen and seeking to shake up something for a good laugh. Though, they have readily permitted tears to fall, as it is a natural part of the ebb and flow in the universe. Where there is tragedy, there is room for joy. Joy can also be struck down by mood swings. Tugging back and forth is ultimately amusing to watch. It is as simple as that to the Aeon.
     Gloved hands pat at shoulders  —  once, twice, three times. Hard shell of a mask hides what true amusement might lie beneath, but the curved carving of a mouth seems to be accurate enough.  ❝ I've been looking everywhere for you !  It's almost like you've been avoiding me... Ah, but that's okay. I've found you now !  I have a very important question for you. ❞   Hands smooth off Akivili's body as Aha cants their head.  ❝ Can the Astral Express swim ?  You know, like in water ?  ❞  - @smusmaes ( aha )
For those whose journeys were everlasting who is to say which paths may intersect & which may never so much as brush one another. As if they were the coruscating stars illuminating the uncharted cosmos of planets never before seen, each connection left an impression upon the aeon, etched onto them as bright & memorable as each individual star. The Elation is not so different, ripples of a kaleidoscope of colors surging to coalesce as imminent laughter, with each place they touched the echo of joy rang high & strident. Some faces did become weathered by time, until the memories felt like tones of sepia & the voices waning into incomprehensible white noise. Aha was not one to be gradually forgotten, their presence as calamorous & smothering as their chiming voice in their ear. “ You found me.” Akivili says and their tone possesses no aversion, old friends often met upon the Trailblaze, it was an unavoidable reunion no matter the circumstance. Their buoyant step & encircling makes them more akin to a delighted comrade than an omnipotent portent of all of joy’s finest moments & most unbearable ones. Things were never boring upon that endless voyage, partially because Akivili never cared for stagnant tedium & also because eventually there would always be those like Aha who became entirely unforgettable in the aeon’s heart. “ I’ll have to endeavor to make it harder next time, I cannot imagine you find joy in anything that is too easy to obtain.” As if their fortuitous meetings were somewhat of a game, neither should end up bored as long as the other played their delegated role. Gilded eyes adhere to the other as they pat their shoulders, thousands of minute stars flickering in their gaze, it was more difficult to not wear a smile when the infectious traces of joy pressed down upon them with such intensity. Slowly, they cant their head, masked visage appraising their friend with no shortage of anticipation. “ Swim ?” Akivili echos the thought, ruminating upon it, for all the outlandish things the other could ask was this not a stroke of brilliance. They would have taken off their hat & bowed to the other for it was both preposterous an idea & something that could usher in a new possibility for the express, how could they be anything less than elated. In return, Akivili tilts their head, their conductor’s hat almost toppling from atop starry tresses. “ I can’t say that it does, shall I pick your brain, tell me about this express that can traverse even the vastness of the sea.”
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moonchild-in-blue · 11 months
Okay first of all I'm glad I found you in my notifications because I love your blog!! And your art is amazing!! I am in looove.
Also what type of watercolours are you using? And do you like it?
I'm looking into getting a new palette because mine is almost empty but I've only ever used this one palette I still have from highschool art class...
Okay, I'm a slut for compliments so, thank you SO much for that. Million kissies for you, sweet friend 😚💕🎨
As for the watercolours, I'm assuming you're asking because of my little whales. Technically, those were actually made with acrylics! More specifically, the leftover water from when you clean your brushes?
I'm working on a little ST illustration project, and I'm using acrylics (which is my main medium). The whales were just a quick little something to decompress/not let the water go to waste - it was a such nice shade of blue!
That being said, I actually do use watercolours (not that much lately but need to get back into it). I use the 30 colours pallete from Sakura. I've been using them for years, all throughout uni, and I really like them! They're nicely pigmented, very soft, and blend really beautifully.
(I have a few more recommendations, so I'll put a cut here - don't want to clog anyone's dash, oops.)
I will say though, I use a lot of coloured pencils, and the ones I use are water-soluble. I use the original Caran d'Ache watercolour pencils, and the Derwent Inktense - these are my favourites, they're incredibly pigmented and are veery smooth. I usually prefer to use pencils because they're fast drying, easier to carry around, and just plain convenient.
But yeah - Sakura Watercolour pallete, can't recommend it enough. It's super nice quality, nice compact design should you need to store/carry with you, and quite affordable. I've had mine for nearly a decade and never had any issues.
If you're willing and able to spend a bit of money though, the Windsor & Newton watercolours are my dreamies (I'm writing this with heart eyes). There's this quite famous artist, Agnes Cecile, who is their embassador, so maybe take a look at her Instagram page? W&N also have plenty of videos on their pages with demos/swatches, should you want to see as well. They're really unmatchable when it comes to pigment making.
Thank you so much for asking me, and feel to reach out whenever! I'm always, always willing to talk art with anyone. I hope this helped, and happy paintings! 🎨
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twinvenus · 2 years
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it was a really slow start this year... in january i didnt actually finish anything, all i have to show for that period is a single flight rising drawing -- i had another one, but it's now Lost Media (sadly) from when i got my new PC.
(more recounting under da cut! i've included a lot of unposted/unfinished sketches down here!)
march was a lot of desperate attempts to get back into drawing by sketching out little character designs i never posted, mostly wizards. that wizard right there is my favourite of the bunch. Fantastic energy from this creature.
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april is when i started getting into working on Gnome Lore that i have on my site, gnomes.neocities.org! gnomes are my special interest so the enthusiasm of learning about gnome mythology/history, and my own ideas for gnomes, actually got me COLOURING PIECES. incredible feeling.
this was the back end of my flight rising fixation, and included a few humanised sketches of my dragons Mirth and Gerana, pictured above. i was also getting really into WoW again at this time, so there were plenty of little wow-inspired sketches. + a bonus Jurgen from sam and max in the bottom left!
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the gnoments (gnome moments) carried on into the month of may as i designed other known mythological creatures. i also rehashed a beloved old DnD gnome OC called April and included her in that lore. love that lil gal.
during this month i got really into working on my neocities page, and so a lot of art i did was assets for that. you can see a majority of my May drawings over there on the lore page. :-)
june was a month of OC swag for me. i was totally inspired in the month leading up to ArtFight and put my heart into character design! from this beautiful month i got one of my new favourite pieces, shown there, of my ocs ZAP! APPLE and STEP KID. they're inspired by the band The Avalanches, specifically the album Wildflower. during this month i also created some of my newest and favourite OCs such as RANBOLIN, Beanie Boy, and Professor PJ!
during this i also did some new art for characters like irene, nadia, and D.A. Private Eye. i think a vast majority of this can be found in my "ocs" tag...
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and here it comes.... my traditional Best Month for art. i was popping off HARD this month even though i didn't do as much as last time. i am SO happy with everythign that came out of this year's artfight, deeply. here are some of my favourite pieces from that period:
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i was really into one-layer drawings this year. these were all done on two layers MAX, with the binary brush on sai. it really pushed me to be creative with my colours and detailing, and it's become one of my favourite ways to draw.
YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED. that the art for july features a certain Recurring Character. this is because in the month or so prior i had begun rewatching Naruto with my brothers. although the full-force naruto hyperfixation didn't settle in until months later this was the beginning of it. Rotating gaara in my mind always.
hmm... august got quite slow again. i might have been burnt out from going so hard in the other couple months. i have a few odd doodles from that month aside from the birthday gift to @l0gitex you see there, including THESE:
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i also started developing a naruto OC when some brainrot started to settle in. their name is kodama, after the tree spirits. i wanted them to be from konoha, you know, to match -- originally i wanted them to have that wood type stuff, but recently i've been thinking that something to do with funghi and mycelium networks might be really interesting, especially due to their connection with trees, and how kodama live inside trees. these were some outfit concepts but i think i'll change their colour palette to match konoha more. more blues and browns i think.
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the dawn of my BRIEF SPLATOON ERA! i haven't played since that month LMAOOOOO! anyways, i drew a few splatoon-related pictures in that time.
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birth of Blupi. as well as this September is the beautiful month in which i began to learn using Blender. here's a little ref drawing for the gaara model! (why do i keep doing stuff with gaara?????):
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i was so proud of how that model came out. i had some other models of OCs like tomato cloun and one of ranbolin i never finished rigging (i hate weight painting so much oh my god-)
man i wish halloween was like, anything here. during this month i started working again on my gnomes page so there were some more little designs done, visible on the lore page! specifically, the boggart and warren gnome were from October, as well as Awesome Rando.
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november was kind of an epic month for my OCs, actually! alongside my interest in naruto REALLY starting to fire up again i was redrawing and bringing back older OCs as well as bringing in beloved Clary! here are Ranbolin and Dee as well. <3 let's go girls
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beyond this the naruto brainrot had really settled in. so i began drawing my favourite characters: you know who. happy birthday Rock Lee!
OHHHHHHHH HERE WE GOOOOOOOOO!!!! DEPTHS OF HYPERFIXATION STRIKE!! i know i've posted a lot of art lately, and i'm so excited that i have -- i didn't know if i'd ever get this stoked again since earlier in the summer but i am so INTO IT RN!!!!!
check out this hinata wip:
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awesome thing about being fixated is i tend to finish a lot more of my drawings, it really carries my enthusiasm. so i'm hoping to have this picture finished soon! if not, many more will be finished in its place.
man if you read all of this ur a real one, thank you so much. i'm so excited to see what comes in art for 2023!!!!! MY wicked hands will concoct such bountiful imagery. I can feel it
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Ch 5 - Wedding Grey to Gold
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Part 6
Fire OF A Stark
A few weeks later
The next morning I am woken up by the sound of my sister and some handmaidens entering my chambers. Today was the day I couldn't escape, my wedding. But in reality it might be my escape from the horrors of this city and the people in it. The handmaidens tossed the covers aside for me before helping me pull my nightgown over my head, having me get in a bath. "Can you believe it, sis. You're going to look like a princess."
"Sansa swop out those pinchy shoes for my boots underneath the bed. I may not be able to not wear a dress. But I will get a say in the shoes." I told her staring at my wedding dress hanging on the door hook on the wall.
She nods going to get them, allowing me the chance to close my eyes and sigh the little bit of relief I will have for today. Father was now forced to walk with a cane and I'm even more frustrated that Jaime's words are running through my mind. I feel like he did it on purpose to drive me crazy. "It's a big day for you, Stark girl."
Shooting my eyes open I covered my chest with arms seeing the queen standing in the doorway she smirking in her dark red dress. "Your grace, I - uh didn't hear you come in..."
"You're little dove of a sister let me in. She's a fine young lady." She replied with her blonde locks falling over her shoulders.
Biting my lip in nerviness thankfully I was smart enough to not wet my hair because she would have seen the truth. I would have been brought before the king and probably executed. My father had told me that the king planned on trying to kill the mother of dragons that was said to be living across the narrow sea. The last remaining Taraegaryn, at least that's what we've made everyone think. "Yeah she is....have you come to check on me for some reason?"
"In fact I have..." She sits on the edge of the tub suddenly grabbing my chin in her right hand holding it tightly so I couldn't look anywhere but on her. "Don't think for one moment that my brother will love you. He isn't capable of such a thing. Not after my baby brother killed our mother. I just want you to know that!"
She dropped my chin where I kept my face turned away from her hearing Sansa coming back into the room with my boots like I asked. "I got the boots like you asked. Hello, your grace." She curtsies to her with a small smile.
"Such a sweet sister, little dove. I'll see you both later." Cersei exited the room without another word.
Running my fingers through my hair felt my heartbeat picking up and my chest tightening. "By the old gods and the new, is Tyrion the only normal Lannister in the family I'm about to marry into?" The next few hours seemed to go by so fast but maybe that is what it is supposed to do when your life is changed forever. Brushing my fingers over the long wedding dress it was white with gray scattered about it. Shrugging on a light clock Sansa had designed a direwolf head on the back of it for me.
Sansa was finishing putting some of my hair up into a crown on my head leaving the rest of it loose before someone knocked on the door. "Cadence, I have good news. I've been searching through the library and I finally found a book on dragons. Now I'm not sure if you are fluent in Valyrian. But there are pages that don't have it."
"Thank you, Tyrion. This is incredible." A huge grin crossed my face, taking the book from his hands in excitement flipping through the pages faster than I had probably any other book.
Sansa raised a brow holding the hairbrush in her hands. A little taken back by my excitement. A few minutes ago I was moping around like a child not wanting to go to bed. "What's so exciting about that book, Cadence?"
"Because it tells about the history of the Targaryens. They're my fam - uh I just found their family interesting is all. And Tyrion was kind enough to find me thi." Spinning around in the chair to face her, my eyes beaming with joy. "Do you speak Valyrian? I would really appreciate a teacher that isn't a septon."
The youngest Lannister smiled as he spoke something in the foreign tongue to both Sansa and I. "Mirrī puñila, riñnykeā cadence."
"I'm sorry but what does that mean?" I asked not expecting him to immediately start speaking the language to me.
He rests hand over mine that was holding the book turning to a page folded inside. I unfolded it and saw some translations of the language in the writing I could understand. "It means I am a little rusty, my lady. That paper has some of the more common terms. I wrote them down seeing that you could practice. Maybe someday you and I can write in the tongue."
"I'd like that very much. Nyke hope....naejot gūrēñagon." I stuttered out attempting to read the words he had written on the page. But it didn't sound right coming from my lips.
"Gūrēñagon isse jēda ao jāhor." (Learn in time you will) He smiled replying back in the tongue until someone knocked on the door so he went and opened it showing us our father.
He slowly entered the room and I slumped my shoulders in defeat watching his cane hit the floor. He had to put most of his weight on the wooden stick. He paused in his step focusing his soft gaze on me. "I'd like to speak with my daughter alone please." Tyrion and Sansa left without another word where I sat the book on the table closing it softly. "You look beautiful, my little dragon."
"I don't think I'm ready, father." I breathed out twiddling my thumbs together in my lap.
"What do you have there, honey?" He asked, noticing the dusty old book Tyrion had given me.
Turning my attention back down to the book I opened it to one of the pages seeing the word Dracarys with multiple question marks beside it. Tyrion said he was rusty at this language but it must be something important or powerful. "Tyrion brought it to me. I told him I was interested in history. But he doesn't know the - our secret. I'm just scared that I'm going to have to hide who I really am for the rest of my life. The queen almost caught me earlier. It won't be long before someone realizes that this is odd." Gripping the part of my hair where the white tips met up with the brown dyed top.
"There's something you should know about the Baratheon children. They are actually Jai-" My father cuts himself off hearing a loud knock on the door meaning that it was time for the wedding ceremony.
Looping my arm through my father's, he intertwined our hands together. We walked through the hallway until we watched two large doors open and at the end of a long isle stood my soon to be husband. "No matter how he treats you, little dragon. Just remember I'll always love you, Cadence Lynesse Stark Targaryen."
"I'll always love you too, Eddard Stark. My chosen father." I mumbled under my breath seeing that we had reached the septon and Jaime. He was wearing a dark red tunic and some even darker red trousers. The long blonde hair all neat which actually weirded me out considering I was used to seeing it a little tousled around.
"Who gives the bride on this day?" The septon asked, looking between the three of us.
My father squeezed my hand briefly placing it in Jaime's open right hand. His eyes focused on mine rather than on anyone else. "Her father, Eddard Stark. Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King." He stepped away standing beside my two sisters who both silently watched.
Shifting my eyes up to Jaime, he was glancing behind me so I slowly turned my head seeing a much older man with white hair. He sternly watched us with almost no expression on his face. "It's my father. He came here to watch this. The day I become his heir again...don't worry my offer still stands. I won't leave you here."
"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The sept spoke softly. Jaime squeezed my hand before unlinking our hands so he could take off the red cloak with a golden lion banner on the back of it. Closing my eyes briefly, his hands placing it over the wolf where I didn't open my eyes until the septon spoke up. Wrapping a white ribbon around our intertwined hands. "In the sight of the seven. I hereby seal these two souls. Binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."
Turning to directly face Jaime I caught sight of his green eyes pouring into mine. Biting my lip there was something about the way he looked at me now. The other day he was teasing me and we were sword fighting one another being so serious and closed off. Yet now his eyes held a more soft and almost comforting presence about them, it was a relief to see it even for a moment. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crown, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days."
The septon untied the ribbon allowing Jaime to cup my face in his hands and I felt myself lean into him a little. He leans down gently pressing his lips onto mine. My whole body stiffened at first until I let my shoulders drop rather enjoying it. Moving my hands up onto his shoulders he broke the kiss before it got too deep whispering as he rested his forehead against mine. "Will you come riding into battle with me, Cadence?"
"Y-yes." Was the best reply I could give him, still consumed in the kiss. The desire to keep kissing him again but at the same time I could feel some glaring their eyes into the back of my head which most likely was the queen.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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divinerivals · 1 year
Okay, you don't really have to answer this, I don't mean to bring any negativity to your lovely blog, so if you delete this instead of answering, I'll understand.
But I'm just so confused with the Taylor-Matty relationship....one on hand, she says she's happier than ever, which I love for her. But also....Matty has made such incredibly offensive statements over the years, and I'm just very confused here. Half of Tumblr is squealing over him, and the other half is, from what I see, very understandably upset.
I know we don't really know these people and who they are aside from what they present themselves as publicly, I just don't understand what part is an act and what's not. And even if it is an act, are statements that have genuinely offended specific groups of people something to brush off as satire?
Hey nonnie!
Can you believe I typed this answer four times and keep deleting? I just keep rambling. I'm trying to cover all bases here even though you didn't ask for all of that.
POSSIBLE TW: For slight mentions of racism and homophobia
I'd honestly believe Taylor. We have no reason not to. They're happy right now. Maybe he's the one for her and maybe he won't be. But They're happy and despite everything they are trying to make this work. Clearly I'm on the squealing side of this. I've followed both of them for years. The news kinda surprised me first but the more I thought about it. The more they just make so much sense to me. Even if they didn't, It's not my place or anyone's place really to judge. I would have supported it anyway. I don't think there relationship is an act. Not in the slightest. I do however believe they had a looong talk or talks about his past, and his Truman Black persona he does on stage.
If you don't know allow me to explain, Truman Black was a name he used for socials when people found Matty Healy on facebook years ago due to his mom, Denise Welch. He created the name Truman Black instead and used socials. Truman Black is basically this anti woke character that makes an appearance at the 1975 shows. He's used in mockery to modern issues such as political, race, gender identity, etc etc. (If you've seen those "I don't think it's racist to say.." or "I don't think it's homophobic to say.." clips and then Adam cuts him off. That is Truman). (Here's a compilation of these to show it's a bit.)
This is all an act, as Matty is the complete opposite. Matty is a leftist who albeit extremely intelligent and self aware, does not have a filter. He often thinks before he speaks which as we know has placed him in some heated situations. Some within reason and others, have been pulled out of context. He has spoken on the ones out of context and fully explained. The within reason from what I've seen is when his fans are deeply upset and he realizes he fucked up. Then he addresses it. If people are pressed but not troubled he lets it go. Look at the podcast people were upset, especially with comments regarding Ice Spice. He took the time at his show to apologize. (you can find here on tiktok)
Recently, I wanna say in Feb/March he deleted all his socials. When a fan asked he said, "The 1975 is an eras based band and the time of him being an asshole is over." (you can find here on tiktok) I think moving forward Truman is gone. He's done with the act. I think Taylor had some part in that RE: them having long talks about his persona.
Now the podcast...people have a right to be upset. The conversation was jarring to say the least. I don't think it was podcast he should have ever been on knowing fans would listen and majority of fans don't find this satire, dark humor. From my understanding the The Adam Friedland Show's podcast (which was originally called cum town.) lines up with South Park in terms of humor so it seems to be if you get it you get it and if you dont you dont but that's not our fault you didn't get the joke. At least that's the vibe I get from hearing them. What's crazy to me, is everyone is blaming Matty when the dudes on the podcast said he didn't start anything. I do suggest people watch this:
TW: MENTIONS OF GRAPHIC NSFW TOWARDS POC (it's them talking about the buzzfeed article) Hopefully it helps put things in perspective.
Should we brush this off because it's satire? No. we should not. I don't and will never understand why people believe this kind of "humor" is funny. It's tasteless in my eyes due to the topics and the thin line this type of comedy is. At the end of the day that didn't mean intentional harm unlike certain politicians and other people in the world.
One more thing I wanna say before I end this, If you're unsure on your stance on Matty I suggest you look at videos of him with fans, of his talks during shows, and with actual interviews like the ones he does with Zane Lowe. You still might be put off by him and that's totally fine. I just simply encourage everyone to do research and not rely on a Buzzfeed article and what people who admit they don't know him say. I know people who just don't like them much like how some people don't like Taylor. That's okay!
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so since i got triggered by yk learning about a certain mha character being "redeemed" or whatever i wanted to actually find out the most i could about it to form my own opinion which led to me analyzing and looking at stuff (mostly other analysises and stuff just because the direct source stuff is still triggering for some reason jaja) and i'm just blown away (( mha lore rant ahead cuz there is no way i'm going to someone who knows me xd (( spoiler warning ofc ((that includes manga spoilers
SO i got the first impression they were just having all his victims brush everything under the rug for some silly "family comes first" kinda message which was supa triggering also cus i had media do that before,,i hate when that happens as a victim of familial abuse xd normalization is NOT my thing, also i'm an empath unfortunately which extends to fiction... personal screw you to some fans who completely missed the point of this part of the story >:( altho it's not a new thing that some mha fans are sh/tty
ANYWHO i found this wasn't how it was at all. the pain and the disgusting things that enji did is not glossed over as something unimportant, everyone is affected by it and acknowledges it. he's facing the consequences of decisions he consciously made and they're not water under the bridge. he's done unforgivable things and it's very well acknowledged by everyone involved including himself
i honestly saw fuyumi as inconsiderate and hated her but i realize that while she was being a bit insensitive and annoying imo, the actions and intentions she expressed don't paint the full picture. she did those things because she desperately wanted the family she didn't get/missed, so she failed to see how it was affecting her sibling and how hurt he still was. in reality, deep down, she still resents enji for what he did but she wants to be mature and gives him the chance to change. while she was being a bit self centered i can emphasize with her and think she's incredibly strong
the thing is, the focus isn't on forgiving him and going on as normal, which will never happen due to the damage he's caused, it's giving him the chance to prove he can do better. it's not about fixing the family and making things "normal again", it's about , as i've heard others say, making the family members lives better after everything. that's the intent of enji and that's the intent of shoto (should also be stated that enji wants to repent in general)
i highly respect natsuo and his decision to cut him off and not let his emotions get the better of him in the end. i also think it's really sweet that it's implied he attended the family dinner thing fuyumi was pushing to make her happy T_T I really mourn toya and love him as a character and i mourn the relationship him and shoto never got to properly have :( the exchange they had at the hospital was really cute and it makes me sad I HATE U ENJI UGHHH
i also thought hawks was annoying for associating with him but it's just that him and all might see that he's changed and want to give him a chance and i actually respect them for that like hawks was abused himself and he's still giving him a chance tldr hawks deserves the world
in the end i really respect the rest of the todoroki family for giving him that chance and being really mature and definitely strong and i guess i slightly respect him (SIGHS) because while i despise him i respect him for doing better and the best he can now (although i still think he should've just given them a massive amount of money and left cuz money talks)
(i also really adore how midoriya and UA gave shoto a safe space to get support and grow as a person hsksjdk i wish toya had found support
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