#Eow spoilers
minas-linkverse · 2 days
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They're cute :) This game is cute
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myrathefarmer · 3 days
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I’ll find you 🌟💎👑
silly bonus:
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blueskittlesart · 6 hours
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post-eow shenanigans based on this post. you see the vision
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wickedcriminal · 7 hours
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But who's keeping score, anyway
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demiboydemon · 17 hours
HC that Zelda, while relieved, is a little offended that the townspeople don’t recognize her because of a cape
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powdermelonkeg · 11 hours
Unhinged Echoes of Wisdom theory time
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"One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide and malevolent forces rushed forth from the fissure."
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"All the while, Null continued creating rifts, working ceaselessly to return the world to a void."
Sound familiar?
We know Null can generate echoes of literal end-game boss monsters:
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And that they're fully capable of thought, however tied it is to their master.
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Is this Echoed Zelda speaking with Null's voice? I don't think so. I think Null made her to do something and then she acted autonomously beyond that—for one, OUR Zelda's echoes aren't player-controlled, and for two, Null HAD Link; Echoed Zelda here acts like she, personally, has to take care of Link to get the Prime Energy back, and goes there herself.
What DOES Demise want the Triforce for? What does he want in general?
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Destruction, by all appearances. His goals only seem to be direct opposition to Hylia, rending the world asunder, and domination.
And then, given the appearance of his portal to his final battleground...
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What if Demise and his army were Null's first attempts at destroying the world it was imprisoned in? An echo, one that can copy things of its own accord.
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His task to subjugate the world so the goddesses couldn't interfere with Null's plan.
What about the curse?
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When he's making this curse, he still has Zelda's soul within him. He's speaking with the power of Hylia behind his words.
Which, if a god's power cast it, it's no wonder that a god's power can't break that binding.
The cycle isn't just eternal. It's divine.
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verflares · 2 days
diversity win! the great primordial evil who wishes to return the world to a state of pure nothingness is also nonbinary!
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friendlybatteringram · 20 hours
Nintendo: So there's a primordial entity of untold malice from before the dawn of creation itself that's trying to return all of existence to the stark nothingness in which it flourished. We need a hero to take it down.
Kirby: On it.
Zelda and Link:
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ixtaek · 18 hours
The fact that Gorons are traditionally portrayed as rough and tumble guys who value raw strength and Darston is clearly a little book nerd mumbling about angles and calculations and every Goron loves him anyway because he cares a bunch I just—AUGH.
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minas-linkverse · 2 days
If Zelda x Dohna catches on, promise me you guys wont fall into that racist/colorist fandom trope where the poc in a relationship is the burly, dangerous seeming one with slob tendencies, while the pale(r) character is so uwu pure and must be protected. Promise me...
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golvio · 2 days
Now that we've got a little guy who's called a "fairy" and is sort of a divinely made construct looks like this:
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I'm a bit curious about what that means about this:
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I also wonder if that implies anything about the Great Fairies considering the "teardrop hair" shape motif from the Wind Waker Great Fairies seems to make a return in EoW's Great Fairy, or if that's just an easter egg/design shout out. The same goes for the Sword Spirits, since their designs seem to have been inspired by the WW Great Fairies and Fairy Queen, too.
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runecatwrites · 2 days
All About Rift!
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Howdy, Linked Universe fandom! I’ve been seeing a lot of headcanons and art about how our new lil guy would fit in with the rest of the Chain, which is amazing - he deserves all the love! I thought I’d make a list of things we know about him from the game so everyone can get to know him better.
-His hometown is called Suthorn Village, and is at the southernmost edge of the map. It seems to be in a deciduous forest, but it never (or almost never) snows there, so the climate is probably like that of the southeastern US. He has his own house and lives alone.
-As a child, he was “stolen away.” Being “stolen away” is how people in this Hyrule refer to being drawn into a rift. Historically, it’s usually just children who are stolen away, and they never return. However, Link miraculously survived and made his way home, along with all the other kids he was stolen away with. This is probably because he and Zelda are the only ones who can move inside rifts, and it’s implied that not only did Link get out, but he rescued all the other kids that were with him too.
-Each person who’s been stolen away loses something. It seems that most of the kids lost their memories of the event, and became quiet and despondent after. Link lost his ability to speak, but that seems to be the only negative aspect for him. He also gained the ability to sense rifts, and so has dedicated his life to seeking them out and keeping people safe from them.
-He makes a habit of patrolling the nearby woods and protecting people from monsters. One of the first NPCs you encounter in Suthorn Forest/Suthorn Prairie area is calling out for help from Link, as he is surrounded by monsters while out foraging.
-He has a close relationship with Lueburry, an old man who lives in the woods near his village. Lueburry is a researcher and the one that crafted Link’s weapons, including the Sword of Might.
-He is very expressive!!! It’s noted that though he can’t speak, his expressions and emotions shine through loud and clear. It should also be noted that though he can’t speak, he can vocalize (like wordless yelling). So unlike Wild pre-Calamity, he doesn’t hide behind a mask and appears to have little trouble conveying his intentions and how he’s feeling.
-He seems to be fairly outgoing and is a notable figure in his village. He’s well loved! He makes a habit of interacting with people, including children. One boy in the village recounts how Link taught him about snow.
-He doesn’t know Zelda at all. He knows of her, of course, but they have never met (until the events of the game).
-He gains possession of the Triforce of Courage during the final boss battle with Null, but after the battle it seems that it leaves him and the full Triforce (or Prime Energy, as it’s called in this game) reforms.
-He gets his voice back at the end of the game. It’s noted at one point that he keeps fighting back against the rifts as if he hopes that if he fights hard enough, he might be able to speak again. And he does! After Null’s defeat, he and Zelda are teleported to Castle Town and Link is shown animatedly telling a crowd of people what happened, seemingly at great length.
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into-the-linkverse · 3 days
echoes of wisdom, man.
the treatment of zelda as a protagonist in this game is wonderfully done. they don't call attention to the fact that "oh it's zelda this time!" or do the whole "a woman!?! >:O" thing. they just...go along like normal. it's great. hyrule just doesn't care about gender (or class status, apparently) and i love that.
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sanchoyoscribbles · 11 hours
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pelted condé with teddy bears because i need him to know id die for him
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I am not an expert and correct me if I'm wrong, but does Echoes of Wisdom's depiction of Gerudo seem less offensive than the others?
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