flyingspicerack · 1 year
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Osoeri for @girlymatsu !!!!!!!!
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mickmundy · 1 year
EEEEE OMFG OKAAAY ;___; <33 WUAAAA IM SO HONORED U WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT OWUGOWUAA OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY so like. like i said in this post i can think of a couple ways to do it. i like the idea of them both being merfolk because ouwagaaa merfolk lore and nesting and cute flirting rituals and and and and!!!!! buuuut i also love the idea of lonely fisherman sniper being the object of affection of Flirty Mermedic who pines after him from afar....,.,
and i ALSO ALSO like the idea of mersniper being caught by mann co and given to medic to do whatever with (organ harvest.,., uh oh!) and medic unwrapping the tank Excitedly and then being like "HOOH!.,,. oh gott.,., what do we have here!!" but sniper is simply Too Stunning to kill.,., but in all three situations they fall in love.,., so.., that much i Do know..... SKDFKSDKFKSDKF!! but also just quick species notes for them
for sniper i think i'd want his fishy half to be a spotted wobbegong! they're sharks that are docile but still have sharp teeth and hunt from a distance! i think the color palette suits him really well too..!
medic could be so much... but i personally enjoy the idea of him being a blanket octopus! they're very smart, gorgeous and super poisonous... just like medic! HEHE..! (and yes i know tentaspy exists but If You Ask Me spy is more of an eel than an octopus. but i digress)
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Bestie Dee @5piecechickendinner (who you should all go follow Immediately!!! EHE) was asking me about it and i wanted to jot down my thoughts here too SO im gonna talk more about the human fisherman snip and mermedic HEHE...
IF IM KEEPING IT LIKE SIMPLE AND CUTE i think medic would just come across him one time while he's fishing (perhaps they're trying to eat the same fish? heh.. i could make a whole other post just on like. my personal MerLore i'd use but anyway) or he sees him swimming (we'll just say for the sake of this au that sniper has some kind of small corner of the beach To Himself that the public doesn't have access to) or sunning naked (as he's one to do just in general imo) and medic's like "owo! hoo!" and tries to get closer.,., i think once medic catches sniper's eye though (by that i mean just like. a glimpse of his tentacles/"tail") he's like "ohh, you're gorgeous! *A* c'mere, beastie.,"
and medic hesitates and ultimately Goes Away just because he's not sure he can trust sniper not to kill him (sniper Does kill fish after all). sniper looks for "that octopus" every time he goes out into the ocean but no luck.., then some time perhaps medic's curiosity gets the better of him (Of Course) and sniper's out on his boat and medic swims to the edge of it and uses his tentacles to tug on sniper's wrist or rock the boat and sniper hurries and looks over the edge and he can see Something..,, Moving.,, Down There.,., and he sticks his head/upper body under the water and comes nose to nose/forehead to forehead with him.. medic smiles Toothily and bats his eyes at him and is like "Hello.. uwu" and sniper's just like. awestruck and he tries to say something but bubbles come out because underwater HEHE and medic thinks its cute... so medic gently presses his forehead against sniper's and pushes him back so that he's Breathing Air and sniper croaks out a like "hullo.,.," and medic grins..,
i think sniper wouldn't Know that merfolk exist but obviously stories myths etc are fun.,. but now he's like holy crap.,., and he'd told people about this octopus he SWORE he saw and they'd be like "naaah.. get your head outta the water and go live a little!!" but sniper loves his Simple Life by the sea and so he's like >_> no and then he kind of starts entertaining like omg what if it was a mermaid... hah... imagine that. and then when he sees medic nothing can prepare him for him being Real.., and medic's like "(probably in german) my jolly sailor bold!" (<- i think this would be a nickname medic would give him because merfolk know human stories about them and that i think sniper is Not Jolly and medic has overheard sniper grunting and talking to himself while at sea LOL which medic thinks is cute) and sniper's like "huh.,? me....?" as if there's anyone around for like. 1000 square miles SKDFKSD and medic's like "mhmm..,, ywy" and sniper's just like.., speechlessly staring at him and medic's tentacles are creeping up the sides of the boat behind him and while sniper Does look Delicious he won't be dining on this human.., HEH...
However if i was going to.,., say.,.., write a Fic.,., (smirk) i ALSO love the concept of the story being a bit more Deep/Dramatic.... the idea of sniper being a hunter and tracking this Rare Octopus that's said to have killed/slain/sunk ships and he's tracking this Beastie for like. YEARS and finally goes to engage in combat with it and a tentacle ends up smacking him and knocking him out and medic goes to eat him and is like "hmn.,.." pushes his hair back out of his face.., smells him.,., bats his eyes at him.., and medic admires sniper's tenacity and loves how Dangerous he is and decides to spare him., and leaves him floating on his boat and the sea is Deathly Calm and sniper wakes up and is like what happened and he looks over the edge of the boat and sees nothing and he's like no n n nono nono I LOST IT (the Beastie)...... both of them hunting one another obsessed with each other.., he leans his head over the side of the boat and medic's tentacles slither up the side of the boat and sniper notices them and looks to the side and sees.., mermedic..,
and is like Holy SHIT. HOLY SHIT and medic smiles Toothily and medic Lunges at him (much more graceful underwater than sniper is of course) and "breaches" and tosses sniper into his boat and pins him with his body weight and human hands and sniper's like "WH-" and medic smiles and is like "sehr handsome... must we kill each other, sailor bold?" and sniper's just in total shock and medic's smirk widens and sniper goes limp (but rest assured hes Hard) and medic glances over to see sniper's knife and picks it up with one of his tentacles and watches it glisten (shiny) and sniper's just watching him and is like "are you real? is this?? wh.,.," and medic grins and is like "how do you propose we find out? (Flirty)" and sniper's face flushes and medic bares his fangs and giggles and is like "i won't kill you.., but you're breathing entirely too much for my taste.,,." and leans down and kisses him and sniper Immediately Melts and medic smirks and starts humming and his tentacles start sliding up over the boat and up sniper's shirt and sniper nips at medic's mouth and medic giggles and is like "hoo! humans certainly are different," and sniper's like "whats that supposed to mean >:/--" and medic's tentacle slides over sniper's groin and sniper shivers and moans (he is Wet) and mermedic's like "mmn, but clearly not So different! >v>" HEH....
GRAAHHH THRASHES AND GIGGLES.,., i love merperson aus so this is ummmmmm VERY self indulgent.,., *taps my brain* One Hundred Billion merfolk aus alone.,, HEHHEH.,.,.,
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angelbvn · 10 months
date idea: scaphism!!! <3
omg how interesting!!! eeee that would be quite fun wouldn’t it…. except why feed yourself to some bugs and animals when i could eat u :> /hj
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sttoru · 1 year
Hi, Anya!!!! <333 How have you been?
I'm sorry I was silent for so long. :c I got busy and every time I'd try to write you an ask, something would come up. I'm also sick (my allergies are acting up + my period has just started). (* ´ ー`)
But, I've finally watched the barbie movie and also started watching the new Jujutsu Kaisen season. (ง^▿^)ง I managed to watch the first five episodes and I can't wait to watch more. It's understandable why everyone is back in their jjk phase, seeing the characters animated again is great!!! And I really loved the barbie movie, but I won't lie: I knew nothing about it, so I was horrified when the men started being disgusting and embarrassing. (ọvọ)
Ps: Your new theme is so beautiful, I adore it (I love winx and Stella is one of my favourites). <3333
Pps: Mosquitoes are so annoying, if they disappeared I'd be so happy. But the biggest problem in my house are the ants (I'm terrified of them because of childhood trauma). (⁰~⁰) They are always wandering around my room, getting on top of things, there are even some bigger ones with wings that love to be on my ceiling. (-_-)
Ppps: Congratulations on 2.8k!!! (◕ᴗ◕) (you might have reached more than that by the time you read this). You're always reaching so many milestones, I can't keep up, but I'm always proud of you and your works!! ( ŏ̥̥̥̥nŏ̥̥̥̥ )
Pppps: Take as long as you need on your break, Anya. ♡ I hope you enjoy uni and feel better soon!! ୧⍤⃝💐
ᰔᩚ I love you, take care. ᰔᩚ
- ☀️
SUNSHINEEE !!! my day suddenly started to get way better by the time i read this >_<
MY BABY ITS OKKK!! im so glad u r still here thooo thas all that matters xx i’ll always wait 4 u even if it takes years so dw i understanddd!! (also :( hope u feel better soon, pls take careeee !!!)
JJK S2!!! im glad u watched it :3 i forgot to ask who ur fav jjk character(s) is 🧍🏽‍♀️ but fr once i watched s2 i immediately got hyped for the rest of the episodes cant waitttttt (ignores the shibuya arc) ++ the barbie move arghh so iconic, but yeah tthe topics discussed in the movie can b pretty unexpecteddd hope the rest of the movie was fun&fine 4 u though !!
ANTSSSS??!?? WITH WINGSSS??!!!!!!!! ma’am, my condolences 😞☝🏽 no actually thats a big nightmare bcs they can be everywhere yikes maybe you can buy like insect poison or search on the internet for the most effective solution that could be placed in ur room to at least keep them away from your own little space 😭😭
BUT THANK YOU SWEETSSSS !!!! my angel i missed u sm i hope u r doing well & pls take care of urself, stay hydrated & dont forget to put on sunscreen when going out (if its still sunny & hot where u are!) ilysm stay healthyyyyy
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inkykeiji · 1 year
I was hearing some music and I happen to come across your blog and seeing that rockstar daddy Dabi and the first song that came to mind was Government Hooker by Lady Gaga now I kinda wonder what’s it going to be like I’m pretty excited ngl.
omg i love it!!! government hooker is such a dabi song in general ahahaha i hear it in edits literally all the time <3 well he’s very loosely inspired by blackbear ehehehehe so (*/ω\*)
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seoktized · 3 months
EEEEEEEE i’ve read every taerae piece on this APP where are the taerae writers 😖 PLS THANK U LOVE !! you do the same <33
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i’m a slut for pretty hands and.. taerae fits that criteria. i need him.
taerae is also a gamer so he’s definitely skilled with his fingers! he knows exactly what will have you arching your back and screaming his name,, with just his fingers.
bonus if he’s eating you out while fingering you . skilled tongue + skilled fingers … yea he’s pulling the best orgasms you’ve ever had out of you!
taerae definitely knows how much you love his hands/fingers so he teases you until your begging him to finger you hehe. he’s all like “well i guess i can..” he’s joking but he gives you the most mind blowing orgasm Ever.
and when/if he makes you squirt he’s just staring at your pussy, mumbling about how he wants to make you squirt again. rae makes it his mission to make you squirt like that again.
rae one chance.. i beg u
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signanothername · 2 months
WAAA not really an ask but just wanted to say your storytelling is a huge huge inspiration to me! I've always sorta struggled with that sorta thing and you're stuff gives me motivation to try!! Also I love how u draw killer it's so... him
AND IM SO GLAD IT GIVES YOU MOTIVATION TO TRY!! Cause the funny thing is, storytelling is something that i also really struggle with, but not necessarily art wise, so like, when I make comics I can easily imagine what the art would be like and how it would flow, but once I reach the dialogue? I get stuck BIG time, it’s like I can imagine what i want, but I struggle with how to word it if that makes sense, words are just so hard to think of for me vhhchchc
So what i usually do is make the dialogue in two parts, first i’d I write everything I have in mind down, without thinking whether it makes sense or if it suits the character, and once i got everything written down, then i start actually refining it and thinking about the little details like whether this character would actually say that, or if it makes sense or if it’s better for the flow of the story
Sometimes, I know what I want the dialogue to be, but I struggle a lot with how i want the words to go, for example, the “little life update” comic
I struggled a LOT with the dialogue for that one, here are a few examples of dialogue I removed, changed, added and edited
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I originally had Killer say “I get easily overwhelmed” before I changed it to “it gets overwhelming”
It’s such a small change but for me, it makes a very big difference, cause Killer usually feels detached from himself, so it just didn’t make sense to me that he would use “I” in regards to his own emotions, so I changed the dialogue so it would match Killer’s detachment and used “it” instead
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Here I originally had the entire dialogue to be “monsters and Determination don’t mix well” followed by “ I mean my body’s already suffering from it”, but when I reread it, not only did it make the flow of the comic awkward and jumpy, but it also made me think “literally everyone in the Undertale fandom knows that I don’t need to reiterate it to them like they’re stupid”
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Here I decided to add “but you already knew that” to the og dialogue, to further emphasize Nightmare’s manipulation of Killer
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Here I removed an entire sentence saying “cause it’s not like you truly cared about my wellbeing” cause it felt a bit too spiteful even for Killer (who’s extremely spiteful bdhdhsh) and it gave the vibe Killer wanted Nightmare to care about him, which is not what I wanted to imply at all
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And then the biggest change, the last few panels, the og dialogue and the one I used are completely different, and it’s mostly just me not knowing how to end the comic originally, but then when i reread it I realized that 1- Killer wouldn’t care about Nightmare’s feelings of loneliness when he barely understands his own emotions, 2- the dialogue felt extremely out of place with the rest of the comic, and 3- this comic wasn’t about Nightmare, it was about Killer and I needed to keep it that way
Anyway sorry for rambling about it but it genuinely makes me happy to see people loving my storytelling when i struggle a lot with it hahahaha
AND THANK YOU! Killer is my son and I just want to do him justice, glad to see so many people loving the way I write him EEEEEEEE
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jellyvibes710 · 11 months
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Hdikabwunej????!!!! I noticed that a panel in the most recent part is missing B U T
This is so amazing!!! SUPERMAY!! Thank you so much for adding the link to my tumbler and credit!!! you did an amazing job and your English is so good!!
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I don't even know what to say?? Just
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flanzee · 7 months
what did u think of the anime ?? thoughts on wallace’s characterization ? seems to be heavily debated. love ur art !!
hello!!! :] thanks for liking my art EEEEEEEE
for a long time i saved my opinion about the anime because the first few days it came out it was a war zone out there and people with a different opnion would've be jumped on hahaaaaaa.... but ANYWAYS To this day I'm still neutral about it. Not what I personally expected. After my first watch I felt so devasted tbh LOL I took me a while to even get closer to it again and watch some of it for a second time. BUT with time, i slowly started to appreciate what I did liked about the show: the amazing animation!!!!! it's one of the things i praise of, alongside side the music (which i still listen time to time) Now everthing else... is something... I don't like how Scott was handled in this show nor The whole plot for the last 3 episodes ifykyk 😭😭😭 like at ALL. And something that people always praise about the show is how the Exes now had more depth and and were fun too watch but imo the only one who stands out was roxie and matthew...everything else felt half cooked... todd just being part of a Gag and istg i feel ike the Twins talked/did more in the comic than the anime 😭?!?! they didnt gaf about them even here LMAOO
I feel like this show could've been so good if the people behind it weren't thinking about "doing everything we can do in 8 episodes and conclude it because we are sure we wont get a season two!" you know?? and these last episodes are the prove of it and that they were running out of time
About Wallace's characterization, back then I've mentioned to my friends once that i felt like he was OOC at first. Him pretending that didn't cared about Scott did hurted a little ahaha. But after Bryan mentioned that he wasn't OOC, wasn't being a dick like everyone else was saying-including me lol-and that we should've be looking at his actions rather than his words[?]I stepped back and think "well Alright if he say hes not I guess i'll go with it. I guess. thats just his way to cope with scott's disappearance. I think. .... Ah. ... I get it now........... I see.......!!!!!!!" and understood that perhaps he's not the kind of person to admmit his real feelings, But Being with Another Scott the day after hes gone, Being in a Movie about Scott's life, Tell the director that there should've be a scene of him and Scott making out just to later have sex with the actor that played Scott and was also only interested on him while he was on his Scott custome WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's true that actions says more than words!!!!!!!! wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
for the vibe color thing….. PINKKK :3
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holy shit no way
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There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort 🌷- pick a character or a few and come up with a prompt and I’ll write a fluff blurb <3
hi hi can u do robin buckley and her asking u to go out with her (which u assume is just as friends) but then she confesses to u on the date and it's just super cute
this is so awkward why cant i phrase things normally
Eeeeeeee thank you, I love you, this has been sitting in my docs for forever but you're finally back so it can finally see the light of day!!!
a/n: ummm to many princess bride references but I love it more than anything soooooo i'll reference it til I die <3 wc:2.4k Also, like, hardly proofread :( but I hope you like it <3 (you're an amazing friend and everyday I'm so grateful for you sara)
“Steve,” Robin rushed behind the counter and kept her back to the edge, a poor attempt to not be recognized. “Steve, Steve, Steve, please, I beg, I can’t do it. You have to help me. When do I ask you for anything?”
“Literally every day.”
“Steve, please, literally I am asking you to help the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and you’re saying no.”
“I still don’t understand why you can’t talk to her.”
“Why can’t I talk to her?!” She looked around frantically trying to find you, making sure you weren’t close enough to hear her panicking. “Jesus Christ! Have you met me?! I’m a disaster. Last time I talked to her, I couldn’t stop!”
“I remember, Keith got all bent out of shape cus you left a line of 3 people.”
“Heh, yeah,” she agreed with a sarcastic laugh. “Also, I was saying so many things even I couldn’t keep up. It was horrible. It was so bad, I—” Steve turned her around by the shoulder and you smiled at her and held up the VHS in your hands. She finished the other half of the rotation and stopped Steve from running off to the back. “You cannot leave me alone, please, I beg of you,” she mouthed.
He twirled his finger around in the air, meaning ‘turn around,’ and pushed the swinging door open with his back, mouthing “Do it”. Leaving Robin to her own devices indefinitely.
“Hi, um, just this.” You put The Princess Bride on the counter. The 5th time you’ve rented it in 6 months (which she definitely knows from the records on your account and definitely not because she’s been keeping a mental note of everything you like. That’d be ridiculous).
“You really like this one.”
Your eyebrows kind of twitched in a way that made her regret so much as breathing wrong around you, but it vanished before she got the chance to grovel for forgiveness. “Yeah, uh, I really like it.”
She doesn’t even need to ask for your phone number anymore. It’s been on constant repeat in her mind since last Saturday and every Saturday before that. “And your phone number?” But she thought it’d be weird, too forward for you to know she knew it by heart.
“You don’t know it by now?” You raised an eyebrow and she gave you a half smile. She typed it in faster than you could watch her fingers to make sure she got it right, and the lack of hesitation did not go unnoticed by you. She really knew it.
“Uh, did you know…while they were filming, Andre the Giant needed an ATV to get around set since it was like, up on a big hill?” She asked while you counted out the change. She didn’t even want exact change. She’d put up with it. She’d make 97 cents for you, even though they’re fresh out of dimes.
“I did know that. Did you know Cary Elwes broke his toe on said ATV?”
“I did not. How’d he manage that?”
“His foot got caught on the petal and I guess it was enough to break his toe.”
“Oh wow.”
“Sorry, it’s uh, a little over.” Your fingers brushed her palm as you handed her the coins.
“Thank you,” she whispered and you felt the chill of her hand, but you wanted nothing more than to warm them in yours and never let go. She never counted change so fast, just to get to give it to you faster; for your fingertips to brush again. “Um, heh–“ she cut herself off for fear of further embarrassment.
“You were saying something.”
“Yeah, it was dumb. I don’t–“
“It’s not dumb.”
“Now I’m curious so you kind of have to tell me now.”
“I suppose I do then. Do you want–” she huffed and started over. “Are you doing anything Thursday night?”
“I’m working til 6, but I’m free after that.”
“Yeah, at the- the arcade.”
“The arcade, yes. But what were you thinking?”
“You asked if I was busy, was that just out of curiosity or did you want to go out?”
“Go out?”
“Is that a question?”
Robin just then noticed how close both of you were leaning on the counter. “Um, heh,” she cleared her throat with an awkward laugh. “They're having a special showing, at the drive in, just a town over, and uh, I was wondering if you–If you’d wanna go with me?”
“I’d love to, but I don’t have a car, my brother has it that day.”
“I don’t either.”
“My brother usually picks me up, we get off work at the same time so he could just drive me over to yours and we can figure out something else?”
“If you really want to go, we should go. I really want to take you.” You both smiled brighter than the sun at that. But then Robin had to go and have the worst idea of her life. Worse than following a middle schooler into a secret Russian bunker. “Maybe, uh, Steve could drive us?” She definitely saw the way both corners of your mouth dropped, but you were quick to pick them back up.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s uh, that’d be great. Pick me up at 6:15, yeah? Give me a chance to get ready and then we’ll go?” Robin nodded, mortified, dying on the inside, how could she be such an idiot. You spoke while walking backwards towards the door, “Great, you have my number. Give me a call if anything changes.” You never speed walked to the car. You didn’t even have the chance to turn the key in before you were throwing your head back against the rest. “Fuck, fuck, fuuuck,” then you realized you walked out empty handed. No tape in sight. “Goddamn it.” You were not going back in there.
“Oooohhh, is somebody ready for their big date?” Cecelia, your coworker, walked into the bathroom where you were checking your eyeliner in the mirror.
“It’s not a date.”
“The drive in with Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington? Sounds like a date to me.”
“He’s just dropping us off.” You so, so, so carefully fixed a flake of mascara without messing up the rest of the look.
“Oh, so you’re going with someone else?” Cecelia leaned her back against the small cabinet diagonal from the 2 stalls. “Tell me everything.”
“You know the girl he works with, Robin?” She cocked her head. “Buckley?” Still nothing. “Dirty blonde, in the marching band, plays the trumpet, took AP Spanish freshman year? It was a whole thing.”
“Oh her. Yes, yes, I know her…You’re going on a date with her?”
“Well, I was kinda hoping yeah, but now she’s having Steve drive us ‘cause neither of us have a car, so now I just don’t know.”
“But you want it to be a date?” She stepped up to you and licked her thumb to fix your lipstick.
“Then kick him out. Make him fetch you guys some drinks, some popcorn. Tell him to see how many numbers he can get before the Fire Swamp.”
“They’re like a bonded pair! I can’t just separate them like that.”
“You can and you must.” And then she checked her watch. “Better watch it, Sappho. You’re cuttin it close. All that yearning is gonna make you late.”
“Fuuuuckkk.” You groaned then practically ran out the door.
Right out the door and right into Robin.
“Hi,” you smiled regardless of the disappointment in the lack of romantic undertones. You smiled big, and so did she, like your faces didn’t know how to do anything else when you looked at each other.
“Hi, how– how are you? I didn’t mean to scare you, they told me you’d be back here and I didn’t want to seem like a jerk and wait in the car for you to come out because that’d be– that’d be pretty, really shitty. And… yeah, how are you?” You were surprised she didn’t run out of breath, she hasn’t run herself out like that to you in a while. She hasn’t been nervous around you like that in a while.
“I’m good, better now that you’re here. How are you?”
“Good, really good. It starts at 7 but we should get going now if you want a good spot.”
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
“Perfect…I, uh, I hope you don’t mind, Steve brought Max and El, the boys had a campaign and they were all bored.”
Everything she says makes this less and less of a date. Whatever, doesn’t matter, you’ll take her in whatever way you can get her.
“No, that's ok. They’re cool.”
“The coolest.” She offered you her arm which you gladly took.
You’d known each other for months, why did it feel like you didn’t know what to do with each other.
“Hey, how’s it goin?” Steve asked when he got out to open the back door for both of you.
“Good, pretty good. I’m excited for tonight.”
“Good. I should warn you, me and the kids–” “We’re not kids.” “ –will probably be taking off early, Max wants to go look at some supernatural museum she found nearby, but we’ll definitely be back to pick you guys up. It’s a pretty short walk.”
“We have to walk there?!” Max asked with enough attitude to rival Mike’s. Steve gave her a look paired with a sharp nod trying to get her into the front seat. Trying his hardest to be a good wingman.
She shook her head and mouthed fine, then El took the middle seat and Max did the same head nod with her to get her to one side. Robin slid in first to take the middle and you got the seat next to her.
It was a fun ride, Steve and the girls were at their funniest, doing their best to paint Robin in only the most complimenting light. You got the perfect spot. Not too close to the front or back, the perfect distance to see the whole screen but not have it in your face and the concession stand was far enough that it was a walk but there’d be none of it’s traffic buzzing around you.
Somehow, Robin convinced you to stay behind and fix the radio to the right frequency while Steve took her to get a pep talk drinks and popcorn before he left.
“You’re gonna be fine. You were great in the car.”
“Steve, no, listen to me, I cannot do this alone. You cannot leave me.”
“Robin, listen to me. Ok? The whole time in the car she was smiling, she’s having a great time. She really likes you. You feel that electricity?”
“The electricity? Between you guys, it’s like off the charts. You got this, man. You’re fine.” He put a hand on her shoulder and El handed her the massive popcorn from one side and Max gave her the extra large slushy with two straws from the other. Then they both gave her big smiles and two thumbs up.
“You got this,” El said and Max gave her another pat on the shoulder and off she went.
You had just got the radio right when you saw her coming down the row of cars. Clearly, her hands were overfull so just as she came up to the car you opened the door and oh fuck.
In a flash of blue, slushie was all over. All over Robin, that is. “Oh thank god none of it got in the car.” She gasped, though her lips were on their way to turning just as blue.
“Robin, no, what about you?!” The urgency was enough to pull you over the center console rather than out the door and around the front to brush off the few pieces that clumped together. “Are you ok?! I don’t care about the car. I’m so sorry, my depth perception has been so messed up from staring at the computer all day, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was– I wasn’t thinking.”
“I don’t think that’s how that works,” she mumbled.
“Come on, let’s go change.” You started pulling her in the direction of the bathrooms.
“Into what, I’m soaked.”
“Yeah and if you don’t get into something dry; like my sweatshirt that I promise you I don’t need before you try and tell me I’ll be cold; you’ll freeze.”
“I really don’t– You don’t have to.”
“Yes, I do. Come on.”
You took her into the family one, the big clean one right in the center of all the rest. “Here.” You pulled off the big, fluffy, crew neck and she thought she’d drop dead when she caught sight of the way your shirt rose up the slightest bit. You held it out to her and it took her a second to remember that she wasn’t dreaming.
“Thank you,” and leave it to Robin Buckley to say the dumbest joke at the worst moment. Just as she was about to pull her soaked shirt over her head, “Wow, and here I was thinking we’d get to at least a third date before you got me in such a compromising position.” She said with an unforced laugh at the end with her head still deep inside her sweatshirt so she didn’t see the feature film that was your face trying to figure out what she meant.
“This is a date?”
Really catching her off guard while she’s pulling a soaked bra, now probably stained blue, out of the sleeve.
“Uh, did you– I just– I thought–” She tried to go for the door but you caught her eye.
“I want it to be.”
“You do?”
“I’ve been tearing myself up all week ‘cause I wasn’t sure. But I really wanted it to be. So,, is it?”
She nodded fervently, “Yes, yeah, absolutely.”
“Good, so uh, do you maybe wanna go get some hot chocolates instead and we can take that blanket Steve was trying to be sneaky about and cuddle in the back seat?”
“As you wish.”
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it and if you did I'd love to hear what you think <3 Comments and reblogs mean the world to me 💕💕💕 Support your creators babes
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toxintouch · 2 days
hi hiiiii, your vere x mc fic Decide really helped me finish my last artwork (the flowers are actually dayflowers 😊) soooo i just wanna say thank you so much, i really enjoyed the story - i've read it like 4 times now lol it's just so good 😭💕
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Eeeeeeee!!!! I'm so happy you liked it~!!! And happy I could assist in some way w/ your fantastic art, TS fandom is so nice I get to interact with amazing artists & watch the fandom circle of life (everyone getting inspiration and motivation from each other, etc) 😭😭
Tysm!! for the lovely comment your nice words got me to motivated to finally clean up my next Vere fic, which I am very excited to post. >:3 Once I, uh, write the ending.
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Also, new flower discovered! I looked them up a little bit and what cool flowers the symbolism
Link to the art in question if u are looking at this and haven't seen it go go go!
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"How long did you think you could hide that?" or "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."  for so cries the wolf au!
(cw injury)
Your flashlight carved a beam of moonlight over the forest floor, turning leaves and pine-needles into lizards and hedgehogs. Every rustle made you hesitate, every crack of a twig made you pause and swing the light around, scouting out your surroundings. One time the light reflected into the pupils of a deer, who promptly bolted from its sleeping patch while you instinctively tensed up.
A slow cold crept up the back of your neck as you progressed. The shadows stretched around you, a trespasser in these woods so late at night. Familiar trees mocked you with alien surroundings. Your palms were sweating against the flashlight and staff you carried. Another crack had you turning quickly, only to see nothing.
Alone still.
But the cold remained. It crawled up your scalp, the lurking sensation of being watched. Your breath came out too fast, no matter how you controlled it. As you swallowed, the cold abruptly dropped down your neck and into your sweater.
Letting out a shrill yelp, you hopped away, swinging your flashlight up into Eclipse’s face. He reeled, batting at the light, and promptly tumbled from his ethereal wire to splat into the forest floor.
“You asshole,” you spluttered, pulling free the unfortunate frog that had been left to wriggle down your back.
“Worth it,” Eclipse croaked with a grin.
“Fuck you.”
“Seriously, Clip. We’re working tonight. I told Monty that it was fine for it just to be us two, do you want me to call him in?” You folded your arms as Eclipse’s shoulders ducked in, the threat of being admonished by the older demon sitting heavily on them as they pouted. Reasonably chided, Eclipse shrank back down to your level, although it was less to look at you and more to look beyond you. Seeing from your perspective. It didn’t always work but they liked to do it anyway, and it helped you feel more secure as you turned back around to examine the forest around you both.
There had been two actual reports of campsites being hassled in the middle of the night, and one very strongly resurging rumour about an entity with glowing red eyes being seen in the woods at night. If there was one thing to get cryptid hunters rattling in your direction at speed, it was the possibility of a mothman lurking around campers, and you were going to make sure whatever it was either got the better idea of swooping tents or got a large metal stick to the nose.
Whatever the response, you were certainly not going without an entourage and you had plenty of volunteers these days (although Sun and Moon enjoyed being outdoors but rathered that they didn’t get so directly involved in your business - being fixed from scratch once was enough). So tonight, it was Eclipse.
“You’ll probably want to go back up,” you explained to him. “If it is a mothman, they tend to be up in the trees a lot. You could get the jump on them by being up higher.”
“While leaving you rather vulnerable here on the floor if it’s not a mothman,” Eclipse replied.
“I’m fine. I’m hardy, I have the big stick, and I can call for you if I need to,” you said, giving him your best winning smile. They scrunched up their face, all four eyes squinting down at you before poking you on the nose.
“Cheeky,” they grumbled, before reaching overhead and swinging backwards up into the canopy. It never failed to unsettle you, the way he could ascend without any sign of the wire that carried him. But he called it a wire, so you would call it that too.
You were, however, already missing him. Logically you knew he was close by, but unable to see them? Your heart was already pawing at your chest like a sad cat. The forest didn’t give you a reprieve either, only an empty darkness.
Quietly you walked. If it had been silent before, it was a void now. 
The forest was holding its breath. 
Two feathery forms made a heavy impact right next to you on the path, nearly jolting the flashlight out of your hand. Scrabbling with the light, you reattached it to your backpack strap and flipped the staff over in your hand. Eclipse rolled across the dirt ground, the winged entity crouched on top of him with a wide maw open and showing off rows of teeth that would probably make Eclipse jealous. Massive moth wings with red crescent moons flickered in the light coming off your chest now, folding back as the mothman briefly turned to face you down. Massive red eyes gleamed and reflected back the light, the dark blue face cut through by a swathe of silver. He hissed low and deep at your face.
“Look, please get off my boy and let’s talk,” you said quietly. One hand raised in a calming motion, although that just earned you another warning hiss. “You’ve been causing a fair amount of trouble and-”
“Trespasser,” the voice rolled in your direction, sending cold up your back in a very unpleasant not-frog way. 
“My woods, asshole,” you blurted back, holding the staff more upright. So much for talking this through. The mothman crouched low, preparing to spring for you and your light, only to receive two large feet directly into his chest as Eclipse rolled back upright. The two tumbled over each other, exchanging snaps of teeth and flailing curved claws to each other's faces and chests. Trying to separate them out into individual blurs of purple and blue was nearly impossible.
Gritting your teeth, you struck through regardless. Swinging the staff around and over to smack into the chin of the mothman.
“Get - off - my - boy!” you grunted as you drove the mothman back with each concussive swing. Harried backwards, he swiped for you instead, only to have the strike blocked by Eclipse’s hand pushing him down.
“Two on one is cheating!” the mothman snarled.
“Buddy, you picked this - ” You weren’t able to get much further as the mothman kicked his feet out at your chest, the massive fuzzy paws tipped in hooked talons that hooked into your jacket. A weightless swing lurched your stomach sideways before weightlessness swung you true as the mothman launched into the air, carrying you both into the sky. Eclipse’s voice shouted out your name from the forest floor, a panicked shout fading out of earshot far too quickly. Flipping the staff around in your hand, you jabbed up into the joint of the wing best in view. The mothman screeched back down, insulted by your attempt to fight back. Up became around, everything rotating head over heel as a third body slammed into the pair of you. Suddenly it was all about trying to keep yourself from being clawed apart by the entities sandwiching you.
One of Eclipse’s feet kicked into the staff, braced across your chest, abruptly knocking the last bits of air from your lungs. The mothman grunted, flailing across the sky, and your vision blurred hard as wood impacted hard into your back.
Pain screamed up the side of your hip, Your fingers scrabbled around, one hand desperately trying to find something to cling onto as your feet attempted to find a nearby branch for you to slide down onto. It was…far. Several splinters managed to bunch up your shirt and prickle up your waist before you found something sturdy enough to balance on, staff in one hand and cut palm pressed against the tree.
As quickly as the fight had started, it had passed. Leaning against the tree trunk, you held your breath to try and listen out for any sound of the two clashing cryptids. 
Silence. The trees creaked around you, pine needles and leaves rustling.
Slowly you slotted the fire staff back into its packing, slinging it over onto your back. With the light of the flashlight still barely flickering and holding onto your backpack, you had some way to navigate your way down the tree. Every possible swish or rustle that could be a returning mothman had your head snapping around attentively, light swinging wide and illuminating the empty neighbouring trees. 
Then the light reflected back from large amber eyes and you had to hold back an aggressive shout.
“Careful,” Eclipse growled out, easily clambering into the boughs of your tree, the branches embracing them as they in turn embraced you.
“Sorry,” you replied. It was so easy to fold yourself into Eclipse’s chest, your hands finding purchase among the feathers. Black smudges stained your palms, mixing with the red. “Is he gone?”
“Mmm, flew away. Probably not coming back.” Okay, that wasn’t too bad. “You were very…protective, back there.” Eclipse’s arms tucked under your legs, easily lifting you into a secure grip.The trees began to ascend around the pair of you, pirouetting and sliding from branch to branch.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that,” you said softly. “I much rather be able to talk these things through. But he was aggressive and - “
“He bit me several times. I think the returning blows were well deserved on his part,” Eclipse grunted. “Plus - “ Their smile nuzzled into the back of your neck, promptly earning a round of ticklish giggles from you. “ - it’s cute to see you being protective.”
“My boy.” His hands gripped you tighter. “Am I rubbing off on you, sweet pup?”
“Pfft, I was always protective of you. Even when you were being a dick,” you replied with a soft laugh. The fondness cut through the pain still ebbing through your back and waist, and you allowed yourself to remain folded into Eclipse’s arms until finally their feet touched back to solid ground.
Surprise jolted you as you spotted the lights of the cabin ahead through the trees.
“You took us back?” you blurted out from confusion.
“Mothman gone. Job done. Why bother walking?” he replied, even now still carrying you towards the cabin. You gave a small wiggle, unwilling to go through the lack of dignity of being carried (again) into your home, only for the pain in your waist to flare aggressively. Breath stolen from your lungs, you gasped and curled inwards. For a brief few seconds the world was only you, pain, and the walls of feathers around you.
Eclipse’s murmur roused your attention. He’d been still for a while, you realised that now.
“You’re hurt,” he rumbled.
“I’m fine,” you lied. “Put me down, I can walk back.”
They did the opposite. Instead their hands tightened around you, pressure on the mote of pain that made you writhe and dig your fingernails into his chest. Eclipse hissed in return, buckling just a moment, as you both entered the front door light.
“You two have seen worse days.”
Montague and Moon both looked over the pair of you, one disappointed and one concerned. Eclipse quietly lowered you to the ground, where Moon took your dizzy hands and ushered you inside.
“It honestly looks worse than it is,” you told Montague. “We’ve had way worse scrapes and cuts from an aggressive mothman.”
“You have a hole in your side.”
Before you could question what Moon was talking about, he pressed his palm against your waist and pain flared again, causing you to cower away from the touch. Turning his palm up, Moon showed the blood smears to your face.
Before your knees could decide whether or not to give out, Eclipse’s hands were cupping under your legs again, not fully lifting you up but cradling you carefully as they manoeuvred you over to one of the new taller dining stools. Moon was already going for the first aid kit, Montague huffing as he nosed at the injury.
“How long did you think you could hide that?” he asked sharply.
“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t know it was there?” you replied just as bluntly, swinging bats at each other. Montague’s ears flattened, before he licked his nose and laid his head on your thigh with a low sigh. You apologised in kind, rubbing carefully at one of his ears.
Eclipse settled on the floor next to you - one hand on your back, another on your shoulder, and two on your hips. The palms steadied you as Moon lifted up your jumper, your backpack having been removed way before the door and discarded shortly after. You braced for the needle sting of the septic wipe, but it still made you jolt when the cold damp fabric came into contact with the bloodied hole. Eclipse’s hands promptly flexed, holding you still.
“What happened?” Moon asked softly.
“Found the mothman. He was kind of an asshole, and started fighting us,” you explained through gritted teeth. “Tossed me into a tree.”
“Could have been a branch impaled you then,” Montague murmured.
“Nothing like a little impalement to end out the night then.” Eclipse’s low warning rolled over your spine, their face pressed into the side opposite to Moon. Reaching awkwardly around, you placed your hand against his shoulder, and his hand found yours in turn. The night wasn’t quite over yet.
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spookyserenades · 5 months
that chapter was so!! good!!
the paranormal activity, the protectiveness from joonie, the lil bonding w jk and jimin, jin being the perfect gentlemen, hobis scenting, and TAEE WTF TAE
I CANT BELIEVE I WAS SO WRONG, but like i get it bc have u seen him? the man is majestic!
not me being jealous for reader too, ive said from day 1 , tae is like my comfort character in the series so i felt like i got punched in the face when he came out of her car with mf bedhead and hickies 😭😭 i knew it was the sneaky link on the phone! i was just in denial 💀
i deadass wouldve cried 🤣😭😭
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Ah I loveee the paranormal scenes so much they're literally so fun to write, I feel like a rat trying to scare you all heheh. And I've been waiting for protective wolfie Joon to show his true nature for CHAPTERSSS finally, some emotion! Jeongguk and Jimin.... one is a brat, the other is dream man. Hoseok too seems to be coming around to the idea of romance (finally!)
As for Seokjin. He and Yoongi in Trouvaille are actually my ideal boyfriends fdhjsakfa.... very self indulgent characters!
AH TAE 😭 I'm sorry your comfort character is giving you a bit of grief rn 🥺🥺🥺 I promise though, all that angst and jealousy will make things down the road even more delicious. Sneaky link 💀💀💀💀 LITERALLY WHAT IT WAS! I WOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE HUH????
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skittle-is-little · 6 months
:3 here is one of my fantroll, Staare
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he's a limeblood and really smart :3
thank u for answering!
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HES SO /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ i love him and his tall horns :33
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months
YAYAY i was selfishly hoping you would do some kevjean for the daylight fest…… i Adore when you write kevjean so im excited to read it aerie ^-^
aghhhhh hi anon ily thank u for sending me this TWT <33
i'm very Excited (read: horny) about vampire Jean!!! and kevin is going to be too!! ;))))
i literally sat down and wrote a page (mostly just notes and ideas) and i'm like EEEEEEEE
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