#And the Dragonborn's Hair is part of Dint999's BDOR pack
nabexis · 1 month
More Val Serano screencaps under the cut (Spoilers for the end of his romance)
Fair warning, these are all self-indulgent lol.
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Inigo appears to have brought a snack and Kaidan is settling in by leaning back (he looks like he didn't realize there wasn't a back to the bench and is about to fall over lol)
We have the DB Gang all here. The Dark Rose crew as well as Gore, Carylalind, Inigo, and Kaidan.
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"Welcome Aboard, it's the middle of the night so we need to wait like... 12 hours before we begin this thing. What, Val didn't tell you we were supposed to start at Dawn? ... Sorry, but you need to wait. I'm still writing up the speech. Just like. I don't know. Stare lovingly at each other for the next several hours, yeah?"
Next this group of adorably sweet shots I got before I realized I had to wait until dawn to start the wedding lol. Whoops.
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"You're married! Now, kiss!"
Then some retakes of earlier photos for the actual wedding. Included both because I like both.
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"Congrats, Val! .... Val? ....Ohhhkay. They're really uh... going at it."
And finally my favorites. Fathis attempting to congratulate but then realizing they should probably just go get a room lol.
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"Ok, that's enough, get to your cabin already!"
This mod has been super fun and I'm so excited for the upcoming Mage's College update!
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