#31 oc's
barrenclan · 10 months
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"Issue #31: Blood"
I only hope it felt like falling asleep.
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onyxrx · 6 months
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aizawa sketches
my first actual post, wowwie (and ofc it’s aizawa related)
all of them, drew with zero proper structure and straight out of my noggin. none of them are probably anatomically accurate, but they look good enough to me until i look back at it a few months later and die of cringe.
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caemidraws · 4 months
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Last session notes
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cry-ptidd · 26 days
As a major fan of historical fashion with a current fixation on 18th century Versailles fashion, I desperately need to see Laura in 18th century Versailles fashion, pretty please? 🥺
(Also, did Laura take advantage of the Reign of Terror period of the French Revolution and basically saw and made it an all you can eat buffet? Taking the ‘eat the rich’ literal? Also Laura singing ‘Cą Ira’ would give me life lol)
Here's your Versailles Laura anon ✨ (she's not a fan sadly)
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Also, Laura during La Terreur is a well-fed Laura.
She didn't ideologically participate in the Revolution, but she loved the chaos and violence because it gave her a lot of coverage. Any sightings of her were dismissed and corpses littered the streets. She ate a lot in that period (which helped her recover from her wound) by eating the decapitated/hanged bodies all around and snatching the leftovers. She still knows the original revolutionary songs by heart in 1999.
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sweaterface · 7 months
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lawrence and toni with their favorite puppets
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therightrighthand · 2 months
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So the votes came in, and as promised, the Fallout variant of Del for the Del-verse DEE, the (semi) super mutant! This is actually a pt.1 of 2 because another idea for a Fallout Del came to be in the process that works in parallel, so you lucky bunch get 2 Del's for the price of one!
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And obligatory ref sheet for Dee and her best pal in the world, Rolls!
[???] "Audio recording, date [REDACTED] between Doctor Langstrum, Senior Institute Bio Division, and myself [REDACTED] regarding project D.31, and D.31-B."
[D] "Hello [REDACTED] Hows [REDACTED]?"
[???] "no formalities, please, Doctor. This is a report, not a casual chit-chat. Let us start with Subject D.31, who were they, and why were they picked for projects D.31-A and D.31-B"?
[D] "Oh, right, of course, god forbid we act like people in this place. But, yes, right, straight to business. Let me go on record to remind everyone this project was over 20 years in the making with plenty of oversight, so I refuse to take the blame for D.31-A and B's cost and actions."
[???] "Answer the question, Doctor Langstrum"
[D] "Fine!- Fine. During my early tenure as the Senior Head of the Bio Division, I inherited a task to find suitable host subjects that showed signs of advanced evolution on the surface. Whilst [REDACTED] was busy trying to look for Vaults, I focused on the livestock not on ice."
"After a few years of blood testing, we eventually came across subject D.31. A 'raider' with an unfathomable resistance to radiation without grotesque mutation. Truly an anomaly of evolution, which we believe could unlock the secrets of radiation immunity. In principle." "After 'acquiring' the D.31 we transported her back to the institute and kept her body in cryogenic storage for future study and experimentation. Since then she has been the base DNA code for various projects and studies."
[???] "In this stage of the interview, I'd like us to focus on subject D.31-B, the 'Semi-Super mutant'?"
[D] "I resent that name! Our project far exceeds the original, there is nothing sub par-. Hmph, let me exsplain. The F.E.V virus (Forced Evolution Virus) left to run rampant on the surface only served to create powerful, idiotic monsters. Our Institute variant, the I.F.E.V was designed to improve on the formula using D.31's DNA to create 'Super Drones'." "By limiting their strength, increasing their endurance, allowing for a moderate intellect and mental programming, we would be able to prepare ourselves for the future! Imagine a workforce that is compliant, invulnerable to radiation, able to consume toxic food, strong enough to cultivate the land, clean up the pollution and build cities to our specifications! They would prepare the surface for the humanities future population"
[???] "This project is a recent project correct?"
[D] "Yes, at least one that has taken over 20 years to refine"
[???] "And how many of these "Super Drones" have been produced?"
[D] "...one"
[???] "One?"
[D] "It is still in its infancy. Our first trial subject, subject D.31-B, is still above us now, and we are still collecting data."
[???] "Tell me more about D.31-B"
[D] "D.31-B is the I.F.E.V built clone of subject D.31, who remains in cryo-stasis. With her DNA, we were able to create D.31-B and use her underlining consciousness to build the basic cognitive functions."
[???] "So D.31-B shares memories with D.31?"
[D] "Oh no, no, no, no, that would be catastrophic, we learnt our lesson with D.31-A. D.31-B's memories of her original source are removed, leaving only the basics intact, talking, eating, sleeping, so on, and with our programming, she was ready to get to work immediately after deployment."
[???] "How has D.31-B's progress been so far?"
[D] "Very good in fact. We left her to wander in a safe and isolated part of the commonwealth, and immediately she began to gather resources, build shelter and even cultivate land. All without any prompting or instruction, as she was programmed to do. Granted, her physical appearance has gotten her into trouble with people on the surface, being a mutant and all, but she's proven to be combat effective enough to stay alive." "Interestingly, she is now travelling with a companion as their follower, only reaffirming her subservient nature to help rather than follower her own goals. She even has a name, 'Dee', which I imagine is after the brand-code marking on her arm"
[???] "How is that not a security risk in and of itself, Doctor?
[D] "That's the beauty of our programming! Despite the obvious clue to her origins, she actively ignores it at every step. In a few more months we may even have a case to pitch this to the board for a full rollout."
[???] "Hmph, indeed. Thank you Doctor, that's everything I need for now regarding D.31, and D.31-B. Now, I'd like to turn our attention to the next topic of this interview. D.31-A. The Proptype."
[D] "... It's been 10 years [REDACTED], Sure they are a problem but, if they haven't found us by now then the-" [ Interview end ]
-- Find my Discord and other sites: linktr.ee/The_red_right_hand Do not use, repost or claim (rp) my art/character  Art © The-Red-Right-Hand
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k1nn0 · 1 year
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some mops
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a-song-for-ages · 2 months
Down Bad
Mix of hotd series and the books idk maybe
Somewhat eventual willem blackwood fic (age gap of like 13?)
no beta we go down like canon jon snow (he's dead)
pronunciation of daenerys that is used: dy(die)-nair-ris
Daenerys Velaryon sees her mother dressed as a nun and knows she's up to no good but decides to let the Queen do as she pleases without interfering. (If only all parents had such children.)
Pt. 1
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"Mother," her voice was soft, and still, and it cut through the air like ice. There was no warmth in it, not when she seemed to walk upon on her mother and her dragon - the less sensible of the two dressed like a virginal woman of a Faith she had little love for.
"Di," her mother turned, hair spun like the silver of the moon and gold of the sun - a stark contrast to her own, the black of night, the image that brought upon her family the scrutiny of lesser men and hisses of poisoned vipers awaiting to strike - nevermind the colour of their eyes, so light, her own, so dark, her brothers, and yet, contrasting and complimenting that wine of her own mother's.
Daenerys supposed if she and her brothers were the Targaryen children of Jahaerys and Alysanne reborn again, there would have still been doubts of their parentage, regardless of any dragon born to them in the cradle, or not.
Daenerys also supposed that if Visenya Targaryen had to appear to court in her ashes and declare them legitimate, she would have been questioned. And oh, the poor soul who would dare to do so. Daenerys thought of the three Maesters slain by her son, upon their questioning of his right to rule from the Throne. Would they have rathered he hid in the shadows and rule as the Hightowers did, when her grandsire had turned old and frail, tended to by maesters of their own, sending no word of when he succumbed to death?
There was no word to describe what she felt.
Luke. Dead. Arrax. Dead. Grandsire. Dead. Visenya. Dead.
Dead, dead, dead... dropping like ashen leaves of a weirwood tree.
"I am only going for a... ride," the queen's confidence had slowly died upon her mouth as she noted the pitched black of her daughter's eyes. They were calculating, and cold, and predatory, assessing her the same way Rhaenyra assessed those she had yet to consider as enemy, or ally. A dragon anticipating a hunt.
"If you were, then you would be wearing riding leathers," she said coolly, a brow only raising as the darkness dimmed in her eyes. "But you are not." Then there was a slight tilt to her head, and oh, how Rhaenyra saw her own self in her daughter's stance.
Rhaenyra regained her composure, and stopped her fingers from caressing the cool silver of her rings, when her daughter continued to drawl.
"And while Syrax is so stubborn to have you come to her for a ride," she paused, the dragon trilling a song in the air at the mention of her own name, maw opening the slightest in what would have looked like a gum-filled smile of a child who had gained recognition for a silly act... save for the fact that from Syrax's gums, came came black sword-like teeth protruding straight into one another. "She has come to you."
"A farewell, then, perhaps," her voice was casual, and her shoulders were laxed, but Rhaenyra knew, if anything, her daughter's mind often contradicted what she showed on her body.
"But to where?"
Daenerys had then folded her arms over her chest, and lowered her chin and looked pointedly at her mother - as she did to Jace and Luke and Joffrey and Aegon and Viserys when they were caught mostly by her, trying and failing to do what only she could. (Silly things, Rhaenyra remembered, like stealing the marbled balls from the Council room of her father's... back in King's Landing, when they were so very young, and her father was hale as a horse.)
Rhaenyra shut her eyes and considered telling her daughter the truth, before she decided against it. The less that knew, the better... but that did not mean she would be any less honest to her daughter, who had a most unnerving ability to tell when someone was lying. (And mostly, in her youth, when those light eyes she seemed to get from Aemon Targaryen, if what Rhaenys said was true, would train themselves upon a person, it felt as if she was mostly seeing through them, not at them. It had unnerved Rhaenyra when little Di was a babe, but she slowly grew used to it, until she found herself hoping to hide a thing from someone... and then she would find those ghost eyes of her daughter set on her.)
"I cannot say," she said, swallowing indiscernably, "but I trust that you will keep the knowledge of my venturings to yourself -"
There was a slight smile on her daughter's lips, but it was so bare that Rhaenyra knew it could disappear as quick as a feather on the wind.
Her daughter only nodded, rolling her eyes as she, "So a fool's errand, then."
Rhaenyra pursed her lips, and flexed the hand to her side, breathing out and deciding, "Mayhaps we shall see... I will only know once this course has been taken and done with."
Daenerys did not look entirely convinced otherwise, but Rhaenyra trusted her daughter to keep her secret, as was the habit of theirs, protecting each other's, not as mother and daughter often did, but as something other. Like friends. Like sisters... if Rhaenyra was to have one that would be entirely hers, and not her father's or Alicent's or anyone else with whom she had to share with... then yes, that was what her daughter was to her... and Rhaenyra was never sorry for it. Neither was her daughter, who had only looked slightly annoyed, but accepting and trusting of what her mother had planned. Even if she didn't know the half of it.
Approaching her daughter, Rhaenyra took her cold hands and rubbed them warm, bringing her only daughter to look to her, now, a slight frown had made its way to her lips.
Rhaenyra hated seeing her daughter so displeased, and said, "I will be back before the week's end."
Daenerys's displeasure only grew, as she turned to look away from her mother, not entirely thrilled at whatever information her mother sought to hold from herself - from Jace. She knew once her mother's disappearance became known, he would be the most wroth of them all. And it would only be her who would have to deal with it (now that Luke... Rhaena, Joffrey, Aegon and Viserys were all gone.)
Rhaenyra pulled her daughter in for a tight hug, and Daenerys reciprocated, holding her arms tight round the stiff grey clothes of her mother, and laying her head on her chest. I hope you know what it is you are doing.
"Do not die," was all she said, and when Rhaenyra kissed her daughter on her forelock, Daenerys had pulled away the slightest, eyes larger than a full moon, and shining with worry for all the dangers that could possibly present themselves to her mother.
"Do not worry yourself," Rhaenyra said, smiling at her daughter as she caressed the side of her face. "I will not." And Daenerys seemed to relax in the slightest at that.
"Have Syrax take flight near wherever it is you are to go," Rhaenyra looked as if she were to consider contesting that advice, "or, as far as she can take flight without raising enemy alarms. If she should not do so, then I shall, though only she would know when your life is threatened."
Rhaenyra smiled at her daughter, holding her face in both hands now, and she said, "If this will ease your worry, then of course," and she kissed her daughter on the head, before turning to give Syrax a last look - the she-dragon crooned and shook her head as Daenerys would when she walked out from the sea, body soaking wet, eager to reach the warmer waters in her room...
Rhaenyra turned back to her daughter, and with one last touch of her palm on her cheek, she left.
Daenerys hadn't watched her mother walk away. She hadn't said any goodbyes... hadn't liked any of it, ever since both her fathers departed themselves from her life. (She remembers the many men she considered a father figure... let it be her own grabdsire, or the White Cloak Ser Harrold Westerling, who served her own mother from the time long before she was a babe. They were all either gone now, to the Stranger or Balerion or the Sea or the Roots of the earth, or so far from her that she could not hope to hear their breaths.)
Instead, the young princess looked on into the sapphire eyes of her mother's dragon, and only thought, 'You best protect her when the time calls for it,' which somehow managed to elicit a huff from the she-dragon, who stretched her wings and gave her one last look before she took flight.
No doubt, the dragon named after the Goddess of festivities and drink had seemed to say, 'As if I have not done that my entire life.'
And Daenerys smiled then, ever so slightly, the air around her cold, but the warmth in her palms providing some comfort to her.
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naughtynoodle056 · 3 months
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I only draw the best and most high quality weight gain content lmao
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artnerd1123 · 2 months
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Artfight attack dump 4!
And this marks 31 attacks/revenges for the year!!! I’ve officially hit my goal :]
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vexxed-anomaly-blog · 16 days
Oh boy, first post! Meet my son, my Pressure oc, Z-31 in his enclosure. :)) He was human, now mutated with eel & piranha DNA.
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anglerflsh · 4 days
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anyways sketch designs of these two when they're 37 and own a library in a quaint town somewhere
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cyberwhumper · 11 months
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The familiar whirring of the drill sends an uncontrollable shiver of primal terror up Whiskey's spine. Baxter had made such a display of removing the bolt from the corpse's leg that it was impossible to not realize what exactly the man had been planning all along.
Still, he had been subdued somewhat easily this time, the sheer shock clouding his judgment with a thousand confusing thoughts he could barely keep track of. He struggles against the tape binding his arms behind his back, but from that position he can hardly move at all. The foot on his neck felt heavier with each passing second, so heavy he'd bet if it wasn't for the adrenaline keeping him forcibly awake he would have long slipped into unconsciousness, barely able to breathe.
Baxter laughs at the pointless fighting. He makes a point of turning the drill on and off close to Whiskey's face to watch him suddenly jolt in panic, then wheeze and gasp from the effort.
"Easy there prick, don't knock yourself out just yet. What fun would it be if you weren't awake for the best part?"
He doesn't answer, but indignation is written all over his face.
"Aw, don't look at me like that." The man mocks his captive, pointing the drill at the bolt lying on the floor as if ominously in wait. "Your friend tells me it misses you! Wouldn't wanna disappoint a friend, right?"
"Fu..ck yo—" The foot presses down harder. His entire body tenses in panic then erupts in labored breathing when it finally eases up.
Baxter kneels right on top of Whiskey's free leg, pinning it under his weight to allow easy access to the ankle. The man groans in pain.
The drill does not go through bone easily.
Tag list: @whumpsday // @demondamage // @squidlife-crisis // @whumpedydump // @cyborg0109 // @whumpfish // @astrowhump // @the-scrapegoat // @whatwhumpcomments // @dustbunnywhump // @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question // @dokidokisadness // @moss-tombstone // @kinderlamb // @maracujatangerine //
If you’re interested in being added to the tag list, please let me know!
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pegameuntir0 · 28 days
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whumpsday · 11 months
K&J: Kane's Whumptober Bites #31
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, recovery, comfort
@whumptober Day 31: “I thought that I was getting better.” / Setbacks / “Take it easy.”
didn't end up making it through whumptober, but here's the day 31 piece i had planned anyway :)
It was one of those nights. A night where the faces of Kane’s tormenters haunted his mind both in dreams and awake.
Awake was worse. At least a dream, he could wake up from, safe and sound in his room below Jim’s house. But the memories, those were worse. They were real, his skin tingling as he recalled the pain. The snap of a forcibly-broken bone, silver pressed against vulnerable flesh, the sting of a cattle prod, the wrathful kiss of the sun.
He gathered up his blanket and crawled underneath his bed, wrapping himself up there. It still didn’t feel safe, even though he’d been freed. The missing lock on the basement door felt more exposing than ever. Kane never imagined he’d miss being captive so much, but being Jim’s captive was safe.
It only got worse as the sun rose. He couldn’t see it from down here, of course, but his clock told him all he needed to know. Now he was well and truly trapped, a sitting duck for any hunters who wanted to pay him a visit and reintroduce him to the pain he’d been so spared over the past months.
But the sun brought more than just terror, here.
Jim woke soon enough, giving the door a couple of knocks before peeking inside. “Kane? You in there?”
Just as Jim was about to leave– right, it was okay if Kane wasn’t there, he was free to come and go as he pleased now– Kane piped up, his voice small and scared. “Yes, sir.”
Jim sighed, the sad kind. “Bad night?”
Kane felt the bed creak above him as Jim sat down, the delicious smell of human blood ever-closer. “It’s really over. I know it feels like it’s not sometimes, but you’re not going back.”
“I know, I just–” The memories wouldn’t go away. His mind and body wouldn’t let him forget, no matter how far away he got, no matter how safe he was. “I thought I was getting better.”
“You are,” Jim assured him. “This just happens sometimes. Doesn’t mean you’re back to square one.” He set the blood down. “Take it easy and give yourself time. It’s been five months, you’ll get there.”
“Thank you,” Kane said, already feeling just a little better.
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therightrighthand · 2 months
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And Pt.2 of the Fallout-Delv-erse lore! Because honestly, I couldn't pick between soft lovable herbo, and murder hobo, so we're getting both.
D.31-A, rouge Courser jerk of the Commonwealth.
Follow on from Dee & Rolls
[???] "Audio recording, date [REDACTED] between Doctor Langstrum, Senior Institute Bio Division, and myself [REDACTED] regarding project D.31-A"
[D] "Again, I am going on record to state that there was plenty of oversights on project D.31-A and-"
[???] "Please Doctor, let keep to the questions. How about we start with what D.31-A is, and it's history."
[D] "Hmmph ... Fine. -sigh-, well we may as well start at the beguining with the Synth Program. After the sucessful test run of our 3rd generation Synth in the Capital Wasteland passing undercover as human in 'Rivet City', full production of next gerneration syths were approved for masss production."
"And whilst the topic of Synths seemed focused on under-cover intigration, security was also a keen concern. Our second genration synths, though tough, were far from subtle, and a militerised third generation synth seemed nessasery. The goal was to create something with a bit more bite, a single agent, rather than dozens of gen-1's and 2's littering the commonwealth."
"D3.1-A was the answer to this, our first official prototype of the Courser's we know today."
[???] "Why was D.31's biodata used for the Courser program? And can you explain in detail why they were so well equipped for a prototype?"
[D] "Well, obviously, D.31's DNA proved to create a natural resistance to radiation, so it only made sense to base D.31-A on their genetic makeup and memories, as we had done with Gen-3 synths so far."
"As for their ... 'equipment', you must understand that in the early days of testing, D.31-A wasn't built like our truly synthetic Coursers. They were designed to combine the most physically powerful elements of our Gen-2s with the outer fleshy coating of a Gen-3. Machine, wrapped in flesh."
"At the time, we believed Courser's would be going toe-to-toe against Death Claws and super mutants, so we ... built them to durable, strong and-"
[???] "Exessivly costly?"
[D] "Effective. We built them to be effective. However, as time went by, we realised that less was more, and discreet agents worked more effectively than super-powered assassins."
[???] "Can you tell me what led to losing D.31-A in the field?"
[D] "... again, I want to stress the oversight wasn't just on myself or my team at the tim- ok ok, fine."
"After successfully activating D.31-A and testing them rigorously for months, we felt it was time for a field test in the Commonwealth. So we fitted her with an old raider outfit, had her infiltrate an encampment, and simply let her get to work."
"Needless to say, she was effective—almost ferocious, in fact, if you could call it that."
"But, unfortunately, during the fight, a nuclear device was launched, which knocked out our communication with the Synth handlers observing the experiment. After several hours, we deployed security teams and mercenaries to scout the location and report back. There was no sign of D.31-A ... or her handlers, whom we believed to have been killed by D.31-A"
[???] "What led you to believe it was D.31-A?"
[D] "The entire team had been torn apart and stapled to a concrete bunker with steal poles through their chests and their power systems removed. The working theory is that the blast may have ... damaged ... D.31-A's hardware and left them to go-"
[???] "On a five-year-long murderous rampage of Institute assets, including research centres, 23 mercenaries, 12 staff members on the field, and 18 Courses?"
[D] "... Look, it's been months since we've heard from her, and this speculation that she is helping the railroad is preposterous. It's more than likely that her power core has started to falter, and any information on the institute has been damaged in the process."
[???] "Which brings us to the point of this interview: to uncover the lack of oversight that led to a hostile agent that we cannot stop with information on our most sensitive security protocols. What makes you so sure that information has been destroyed?"
[D] "Because I built her [REDACTED] and if she still had access to our location, our relay, and our defences, we would have been dead a long time ago..."
-- Find my Discord and other sites: linktr.ee/The_red_right_hand Do not use, repost or claim (rp) my art/character  Art © The-Red-Right-Hand
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