immerensis-deus · 2 years
upset that my qpp knows me so well
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nadeshikogf · 4 months
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・*。chii-tan~ ♡ (*´ω`*)
credit 💕
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cinammonelles · 5 months
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I want to talk about this page in particular because the implications here are so riveting.
Lavi is currently 19. Allen is believed to be 16.
Which means that either
The Bookmen are lying
Bookman Jr. did die then and Allen either didn't age the first few years or his age got fucked up multiple times before he met Mana
The first seems highly improbable at this point tbh. If the Bookmen were planning to make Allen take the poison to make him remember his past then lying about when Past!Junior (presumably) died seems counterintuitive and would only make Allen mistrust them more once he was in full possession of his memories.
It doesn't seem like Allen de-aged to an infant. He says his earliest memories are from when he was in the circus. Even if he did age back to an infant, he would've needed caretakers and nothing in the story suggests he had any.
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(Note how little Allen doesn't have his Innocence in the last panel. What the fuck does this mean Hoshino.)
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Allen looks perhaps 4-5 in both of these panels. If Past!Junior died over 19 years ago and Allen aged linearly since then, then he would have to be 23+ by now. Even considering the possibility that he aged back to an infant, he he should be 19+ by now and he looks barely over 17.
We can assume that he must've aged in a somewhat even fashion once he joined the circus because otherwise the performers would've commented on it at some point of time.
What happened in the years between Junior dying and little Allen getting into the circus? Was he in a child's body till he acquired his Innocence? How did he even acquire his Innocence in the first place?
There's also a final possibility that came to me while I was writing this post— Lavi was born while Past!Junior was still alive. He was born with the 'mark' because Past!Junior was no longer fit to be a Junior. I genuinely have no idea how Hoshino will explain this. Will it be some sort of corruption? Memory loss? Chronic illness?
All of them seem equally unlikely options at this point. But so did the possibility of Allen and Bookman Jr. being different people before this chapter :)
Either ways, this was a very intriguing chapter and I'm looking forward to whatever Hoshino has in store for us.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
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SYNOPSIS: Knowing too much may become your downfall: that was the motto that Kaeya lived with until the day he dies.
TW/s: delusional thinking, yandere tendencies, unrequited love, toxic dynamic/s, implications for Diluc’s matchup + darling, conniving bastard won’t say a fucking word, master manipulator, we are going down the memory lane of “fucking people up”, nsfw tws include human trafficking, experimentation, operating on individuals and other things. Please dni if you are uncomfortable.
NOTE FROM HR: Happy Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, it seems that Kaeya has a few things he’d like to express. I do wonder what they are, considering he did seem a bit somber…
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Kaeya was never expecting to be able to get ‘in’ to such a tight-knit company like this, and especially when his lineage can cause people to raise some eyebrows. After all, no one in their right mind would have the chance of employing someone and getting them on the waitlist when they value the sense of ‘authenticity’ to their rentals.
And for him, he might be right. They do value that, but now, it seems they decided to forego their morals for how pretty he looked in the standards of the human population all across the globe.
Now, Celestia Inc. isn't all that bad. It's not that glorious as people make it out to be, all due to its shady past, but it was enough that people don't bother to raid it one day in hopes of having to take it down. After all, they are everywhere online: people may mention their sudden rise in certain niches, and some even mention their still standing operations. One of them was, surprisingly enough, MixMatch.
A dating site.
Back then, it was closed for a group of people to join. A payment for being a 'rental boyfriend', with its payment costs going as high as one can dream. They pay you at least 10 million when you manage to get matched with someone, and entertain them enough that they'd be satisfied. If they aren't, you get 5 to compensate for your troubles.
To Kaeya, this doesn't seem to be a 'dream come true'. To him, he knows that this feels more like a ploy to get others to join in. It was a marketing strategy, so when people join this 'free' and 'hot on the app store' dating app and website, they'd get traction oh so quickly.
He didn't like the idea. It sickened him. But he couldn't be bothered to correct them.
When he joined, he found that it was the same as those corporations he worked at prior. As a host in the past, he managed to get himself used to the workflow and gained traction in over a month. He's heard others comment on how he seemingly captured the public's eye from how different he is, and from his reputation from other countries, they were coming in like drones.
He liked the attention he's got because of that. And yet, for him, it all felt rather empty. Like it wasn't meant to be this long-lasting, and he needed— no, he craved for more.
He was greedy. A greedy man with a hollow heart.
Each smile he sent to his clients was not a genuine smile. Each wink and 'kind' gesture was all a ruse. A stage performance. He didn't feel anything for these people, and he didn't even feel the same as they do. Each confession they have for him was always met with the hollow words of 'I do feel the same way that you do', only to see them get the safer way to go.
He's aware of the dark side of MixMatch. After all, their Boss was nothing short of a past harbinger who stepped down. No one knows his name, no one knows who they are— but their workers all fear him.
He's seen him order the cleaners to get rid of the drugged clients. He's watched them all go down in their homes, ransack and ruin the place, and return with the client gagged and in a drugged rest. He watched with emptiness as they were then operated on with shady doctors, Dottore having a hand in some of these as he used their bodies for his sick desires.
He watched them become human sacks, their bodies empty of their organs but full of salt and junk, and for Dottore to tell them to take the organs down 'below'. He watched them become tied, their jello-like body being tossed to another set where they would be disposed of.
It's a fucked up operation.
Everyone knows this when they get signed up.
And yet, because of regulations, they can never breathe a word of what goes behind the scenes. Not to their friends, families, their coworkers, therapists, no.
Not a single word can be escaped from the confines of Celestia Inc.
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If you asked him how his first date went, Kaeya would answer that it went… Interesting.
Sof was definitely the type many would like, especially for a casa nova like him. She isn’t too picky with who she wants, and her affectionate behavior made it easier for the duo to banter. However, what he didn’t like was the fact she’s blind to any sign of danger.
Such is the payment of being the ideal girl many would date, he mused. But I don’t like people who can’t see what danger is, much less even enable that without thinking that they will get hurt, too.
Kaeya is picky with what he likes from someone, and it’s why he’s so high maintenance. To his credit, though, he makes it obvious in his profile. He wanted someone that would be responsible, that would be able to handle the spontaneity of their dates, and that they won’t even judge him if things were going somewhere that isn’t in their plans.
And although many did swipe right on him, he looked through their profiles before checking to see if they were worth it. The answer? None of them were.
Well, except a few, like Sof.
Which is why he’s now regretting that decision, as he realized that she’s simply not the one he preferred to stay with. She was interesting, but he disliked those who can’t even see past the warning signs that go to their face. He found it more or less… Idiotic, in his standards.
Alas, he needed to keep pretending. That’s what he’s good at, after all.
“Where do you want to go?” he asked Sof as they left the restaurant, his easy-going smile present on his face. “I have a few places we can go to next. Although, since it’s getting a bit late, we can plan on heading back home after a short shopping trip.”
“Oh! Uh… Yeah, we can go out and get some groceries. I wanted to try baking when we get home,” Sof replied, a pep in her step as they walked to where he parked his motorcycle. “Hehe, I didn’t know you were a cat person, Kaeya. Have you owned a cat before?”
“You can say that,” he answered, tossing a coin and catching it deftly with one hand—a small trick he’s used to doing when they were simply chatting. “I own a maine coon back home. My brother, Diluc, isn’t a fan of cats. Never was, anyway, since one scratched him when he was young.”
Granted, they were both young and their father warned him, but he knew they were both too mischievous to listen. It was why Diluc hated cats, even when he became a magnet to them.
“Really? Hehe, that’s funny! I remember a friend of mine who hates cats…”
Try as Kaeya might, he could only tune out what Sof was saying. There was a sense of difficulty in paying attention to someone he doesn’t really enjoy being around. He thought of the matches he swiped as those who he really wanted to be with, but meeting with Sof, he felt disappointed.
He didn’t see her as someone that fits his needs. She was just another one of the fakes he had to deal with later. Such a shame. He was starting to like her, too. 
Alas, she isn’t perfect. She needs to be perfect. And he’s starting to get annoyed at the sound of her voice.
Too loud. Too piercing. Too imperfect.
No, she can never fit his standards. She never will.
“Mm?” he hummed, seeing her grab her helmet and his hands instinctively grabbing his own. Realizing what he was doing, he laughed.
“Sorry, I just did them while I was zoning out. Hop on, Sof, we need to go to the nearest store and get those supplies.”
“Oh! Of course, hold on!”
He could feel the motorcycle move as Sof got on behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. It reminded him of those scenes in romance movies, where the girl will cling onto her potential lover as they rode off, the sun setting in the background.
He recalled seeing it and feeling that it could be him with his lover, riding off the sunset and simply enjoying the air. The golden hour setting just right, the rays hitting their complexion as he looked at them. He remembered just how lovesick he got at the idea, he craved for that same feeling when he grew older.
Such wild fantasies. He needed to work for it, but how could he, when the people he met were too imperfect?
Riding off, he could see the scene play out. However, his eyes were focused on the road, his ears straining for the beeps and sounds around them. He needed to focus on where he was going, lest he, too, will drive off somewhere else.
Despite the noise that he heard, his mind remained clear.
He knew what needed to be done.
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Kaeya had so many things he's kept secret. Every client he has met, he's kept a secret that he can never tell.
Including the ones he sees ever so often.
It was a normal day when he came to the company as usual (and way before things went haywire, oddly enough), and he was assigned with yet another person to go on a date with. Although, the one he was assigned to date next had their form already in the red.
It all screamed imperfect to him. It just looked as though someone pushed her to do it all in one go, especially with the direct bias of seeing who she really likes in her profile.
It made him scowl.
How dumb were they to assign someone like that to him?
"█d████, are you sure you'll be assigning me with her?" Kaeya asked the matchmaker, watching them sigh as they gave him a look. "You know my tastes and all, but their form is rushed. I'm surprised that you haven't bothered trying to get them with someone else."
"Look, Kae, I tried. I tried, okay? But the others that fit them are taken by their previous matches. There is no way that they would simply accept getting switched like that," they explained, trying to assign his match. "Besides, we're running out of time. We need to get it sorted before the Boss gets mad!"
Kaeya scoffs. Seriously? They're always so concerned about someone else, it's ridiculous... And laughable, to boot.
"What will the boss do, hm? Would he come down and interfere?" he taunted them, scowling. "You and I know that he doesn't bother to try. All he does is simply hide himself in there because he's become too paranoid to even care."
"Paranoid? Paranoid? Please, Kaeya, do you honestly think he'd be too paranoid when he's raised a hand against me and the others?"
Kaeya's eyes narrowed. It was true that he raised a hand against them, but that simply proved his point. He didn't exactly understand why they would be so scared of a middle aged man that may drop dead over what happened weeks ago.
"Oh, that's right. You guys are paid enough to not care, don't you?" they taunted, laughing at his face. It sounded so... Forced. Mocking, even. It sounded like they were at their wits end with him, like the stress from the job got to their head.
"Yeah. Yeah, that seems to be it. You all have no remorse after being serial murderers, huh? And for what, your clients?"
"I'd stop talking if I were you, █████e," he warned, but they laughed at his face once more.
"Me? Stop? Never! You guys are all such a pain, I'm tired of playing nice!"
Even if Kaeya wanted to, he had to hold his tongue. Watching their face contort to mania, he was reminded of why the job was so twisted to the point of being inhumane.
It drives their workers into madness.
Watching Cupid lose it, he stepped back, mumbling an apology as he turned to leave. Even when he closed the door, he could still hear the echoes of their laughter, soon followed with sobbing. He knew that they were at their limit, but still...
He watched Eros come by, giving him a knowing look.
"Did you push them over the edge?" Eros asked, scowling. "They're going to leave the company after this week. Don't make this harder than it has to be, Alberich."
"I didn't expect them to break this much and you know it, Eros," he reasoned, but they only shook their head and walked off towards their office.
"That doesn't mean that you and everyone else weren't at fault."
Watching Eros enter their office, he could only sigh. Perhaps he's in a bit of denial, but he didn't think that she, of all people in the industry, would ever say that.
It truly goes to show where his dedication and loyalty lies.
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If there was one thing he was right on, it would be his second date.
Unlike Sof, his date with Eli did not go as well as he had feasibly hoped for. Maybe he had his doubts set too high, because he was convinced that she simply wasn’t fit for the app as a whole. To him, he had thought that she would ever learn from her mistakes, but the way she acted like she was the one being inconvenienced irked him.
He hated that she’s too avoidant. He hated those types of people.
To him, he never understood why you’d go on the app to find love. Will you ever treat those you dislike the same way? Act like you were the one being inconvenienced, and not the one that has to deal with your childish acts?
Kaeya can be mischievous in his own way, yes, but even he has decorum. And frankly, he despised those who think they can act so two-faced with him. He isn’t a fool.
While his date was busy acting like they were in a good relationship (and not one where she wanted to ditch him in the middle of the day), he took the chance to check on his phone. Already, he could see notifications from TeyvaTweets, rambling about how her recent date is not the one for her.
[ I wanted Alhaitham or Wriothesley, but this guy swiped right instead. ]
[ He’s pretty, but I don’t really like him all that much lol. ]
[ Oh god im gonna get back on my date, going to lyk if it goes horribly. ]
He turned the phone off and frowned. He didn’t want to show it, but he does sometimes wonder if her being nice was simply just a ploy to keep him entertained. After all, she has expressed (on her private account, that is) that she’d drop Kaeya to “go after that hottie”, whilst attaching the photo of the boss of MixMatch.
What a joke.
They all know that the Boss would simply use her and leave her to rot. No one would look at him, go through his background, and tweet at how they can still try to get to him. ‘To get to know him better’, as one would say.
“Hey, uh, I gotta go. I have to go to the hospital to check on them.”
Lies. He knew she didn't. Besides, she couldn’t be bothered to look him straight in the eye as she told him. What is he, an idiot?
Still, he was glad it was over. Putting on a face of mock concern, his brows furrowed and he spoke.
“Oh? I see… Do you need me to drive you there?”
“No need! I can handle it,” Eli answered, packing up her things as they left the cafe awkwardly. “I’m so sorry if we have to cut it short. You must have so many plans for our date today, especially when things are getting hectic in the agency.”
Kaeya laughed, but not out of amusement. It was simply out of… politeness, in a way. Sure, he had work to do with the agency, but what they’re doing is far more different. And for him, he could hardly care if he had lost that job because he decided to slack off.
After all, he knew his date didn’t bother to give him the respect he deserved. So why should he do that in return? He’s bound to see her tweet again about this ‘awful experience’ or something.
“It's alright, I was thinking it’d come to this. I’ll catch you later then.”
Waving at Eli, he watched as she did the same and left, though the sight of her walking so stiffly as if she was scared of him brought him a bit of amusement in return. When he was sure she was gone, he lowered it with a sigh.
Another failed date, and this one was the worst he’s gotten. Unlike Sof, he didn’t feel all too bad about Eli—after all, both of them never liked each other, so why should he?
Pulling up his phone, he began to dial someone’s number. He, truthfully, never thought of needing help from the likes of him, but he had to call it when the truth was staring at him in the face.
That he and a few others needed their services to deal with a few too many bad matches, and especially ones that want to get near to those that will never look twice. Especially those who thought of him as a good guy for his actions.
Then, he clicks the call button. And it starts to ring.
He could vaguely feel it vibrate as he waited for someone to answer. The caller ID was someone that he knew too well, and especially with how their relationship is like after everything that has happened.
Each time he didn’t feel them pick up, he could only sigh and head to his ride. He knew they were avoiding it, but he wasn’t going to let up until he’s sure they’d take the call.
And when he felt his hopes dwindle, he felt the vibration of his phone stop, alongside a gruff and annoyed voice.
“Kaeya. I thought you and I agreed not to call each other when we’re both busy in work hours.”
“Hmm, we have, but I just needed to ask you a bit of favor, mr. Diluc,” he replied, humming in amusement. “Are you still looking for people that can help you with the wine tasting? Especially that new brew you made?”
He could hear Diluc take a deep breath, and the sigh that followed made him smile a tad wider. Even when they were all twisted in their way, he knew that Diluc remained the same way that Kaeya always knew him to be.
It’s a shame, though. They aren’t as close as he remembered, especially after what happened years ago.
“... Yes, I am. I found some that are willing, but they haven’t come back to inform me when they’ll be available.”
“I see… Well, I have someone I would love for you to meet. I’m sure you’ll like her—she fits you just right.”
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No man could say a single soul what Kaeya is capable of.
Some rumored that he was a demented man, masquerading as but as a young police officer who’s mischievous and doesn’t enjoy spending long hours in his work. Others, though, say that he may be one of those people who are involved in the mess that was the Ghost Killings, at how his smile and demeanor can be so… off-putting.
As for his beloved, the one he deemed to be perfect, well… It would be neither. Kaeya was Kaeya, after all. Even if he were to be sick in the head, there was no way in Hell would anyone be able to get a single word from him.
Descending downstairs, Kaeya looked over at the room he’s decorated all for his beloved. The one he was truly, truly meant to be was all kept safely in there, double locked for his safety, and so that no one may find them. Grabbing the keys, he began to insert them in the padlocks and turn them, pushing the door open when he was done getting through the restraints.
Laid before him was his own personal darling, all laid so pretty and docile on the bed he set for him. Sure, he couldn’t speak, for his mouth had been gagged, but those dull eyes spoke more than Kaeya’s one eye could ever hope for.
“I’m home, darling,” he called out, the lovesick man stumbling to the rather complacent lover he had in his house. “Oh, I do hope I haven’t left you rotting here for so long, my dearest. Work has been exhausting for me to deal with.”
They hadn’t said a word to him, but he didn’t care. It was almost like he heard them whisper something to him, making him laugh like he was demented.
“You’re jealous? Over what, pray tell?”
Silence. Then another beat of laughter, this time more unhinged and loose than the first.
“Over them? Darling, you wound me! They’re far, far too imperfect. I have simply made sure that the ones I got were to be taken care of. You always said you wanted to have their eyes.”
Oh, he’s aware of what happened to Ba. Ba had an accident years, years ago. Their relationship had been rocky, sure, but that accident had led Kaeya to go through grief. It was almost ironic, for he experienced the first of it by his adoptive father dying.
He was unable to do anything for his adopted father. Diluc resented him for his inaction, thus, their separation. And with poor Ba… He resents the world for taking him away.
The first time he’s felt love was during college with Ba, but it was the first toxic one he had. He hadn’t been the best man for his first love, and it led to them having arguments and extreme disagreements. It wasn’t always like this, but it hurts Kaeya when they fight.
It hurts to see the person he adored too much to hate him. Spew his name out like it’s a sin.
So when Ba died during the height of their biggest fight, Kaeya was going through it again. However, he had the means to… Assist Ba in his partings.
All it truly took was the cost of his heart and his eyes to get back what’s his.
Tracing over the open chest, he grabbed the bloodied, unbeating heart that he got from Eli’s corpse. Ah, it was too imperfect, but slotting it inside Ba’s felt like it was meant to be. Those eyes he took from another girl had been replaced, slotting in the ones from Sol.
He always resented those that couldn’t see, nor those who couldn’t feel.
But now, looking at his lover who owned those faults, he couldn’t help but laugh and love them all the same.
Ba is now complete. Kaeya knows that.
And yet those tears still fell as the beat of his heart was the only one left in the world.
The world that took Ba away, and his humanity along with it.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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nayypretty · 2 months
lucky girl syndrome
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La buena suerte fluye constantemente hacia mí.
Atraigo oportunidades y bendiciones en mi vida.
Mi vida está llena de abundancia y prosperidad.
Soy merecedor(a) de todo lo bueno que el universo tiene para ofrecer.
La buena suerte me rodea siempre.
Cada día es un día de suerte para mí.
Estoy abierto(a) a recibir la buena suerte en todas sus formas.
La suerte favorece a los audaces.
La suerte sigue al corazón valiente.
Atraigo la buena suerte con mi intención positiva
tiktok: @nayygirl1
instragram: @nayybienestar
youtube: @nayybienestar
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I am sorry in advance /hj
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vantacrew · 4 months
im saying this as someone who's been critical of niji since yugo's sudden graduation back in dec 2022 but some ppl r just spouting nonsense to justify their hostility....... "umm i think the new guy was a guy i was a mod for n he took advantage of his mods by making us pay him (well he didnt Make Us but some of us Felt Bad so those people did) n scammed his audience n did boyfriend experience asmr. also he was active as soon as 3 weeks ago when ppl usually do the whole 'indefinite hiatus' thing a few months before debuting elsewhere but. ik we've only heard one recorded n mixed line from the new guy but i think its him. unless it's not bc im not really sure since again we don't know much about him bc he's been announced for less than 24hrs but IT COULD BE HIM !!!!" PIENSALE POR FAVORRRRRRRRR
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luckyplushy · 4 months
While the phrase, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," may be useful in battle, applying it to social/interpersonal situations tends to work mot as well in practice. Mainly because they might just be *worse* than your enemy and not someone you want to be friends with, but I understand there are situations where it *does* rings true. Nuance exists.
But I admit, I have a personal reason for not liking the statement. I had watched as a former friend of mine become a person I did not want to be around as she surrounded herself with frankly horrible people (Racism and Making jokes about Genocide) all because they share the same dislike towards the same person. Sigh.
I miss her.
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immerensis-deus · 2 years
hey im sorry but i gave your boyfriend a screwdriver and well he tried to open the demon core. yeah he exploded, my bad.
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nadeshikogf · 4 months
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『 P C a n g e l z 2 0 0 8 』 
credit 💕
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wri0thesley · 2 years
also i think. if you. potentially added somnophilia to that equation. you wake up in the middle of the night and hes just there, touching you, and you cant fucking move, you just have to take it, - clover anon (emojis arent working for me atm)
it takes a lot for you to be able to sleep around tighnari already; this is a man keeping you captive, a man who you know is loved and venerated and adored, but you also know has shown none of that same politeness and respect to you (he tells you in a perfectly calm, measured voice that you are his mate and that he has chosen you for life, but you cannot help that think that the rudeness of being a kidnapping victim outweighs how sensibly he speaks to you, like a patient teacher with an unruly student). he pushes for physical affection - rubs his head against yours, curls his tail about your thigh, pets your head and touches your cheeks and presses little kisses to your face with his ears twitching merrily in pleasure.
you don't fight, because you have learnt that he has an infinite knowledge of botany, and some pollens and some mushrooms and some plants are more frightening than others. the one that had left you woozy and nauseous, so he had taken care of you with his brow creased in faux worry. the one that had made you so hot you burnt, and he'd made sure that you'd stripped off your clothes and gently (so, so gently, reverently, adoringly) wiped you down with a cool washcloth and set a mistflower beside your naked, sweating body (whilst staring, naturally, his pupils blown and his breath short and his mouth parted).
but 'not fighting' is not the same as 'acquiescing', and tighnari has found a particularly dangerous plant growing in the avidya forest. picked every sample for himself and told every forest watcher what to look out for - and whilst you were sleeping, pressed a handmade little diffuser of his own creation beneath by your mouth and nose and watched as you breathed in the spores.
your eyes open as tighnari is peeling your clothes away. your mind races as he lowers his mouth to your neck, to your throat, brushing lips over your heart. ungloved hands coming up to cup your bare breasts, to tease your nipples to hardness. you try and open your mouth to protest, to ask him to stop - but nothing comes out. your tongue lies heavy against your teeth. you try to push him away - but your hands, your arms, your elbows and your shoulders and your legs . . . none of them listen to the command.
tighnari sees the way you blink, panicked - the way your eyes widen in fear, feels your heartbeat race beneath his touch.
"don't worry," he croons to you, like he's giving you another lecture on poisonous versus venomous creatures in the forest, just making sure you take in the information you're supposed to know. "i'll be gentle with you."
"you're beautiful," tighnari tells you, fingertips brushing your hips and your waist. "like a rose." you're panicking - eyes wide, nostrils flaring, heart pounding like a drum. but your body remains still as a grave, tighnari's hands and mouth and the brush of his hair and his searching, indulgent gaze the only things moving in its vicinity.
"there are no lasting effects," tighnari promises to you, as his hands work off the elastic of the shorts you slep in - as he breathes deeply in, his ears flicking in excitement, as your bared sex is revealed to ravenous eyes. ". . . well. you might be a bit sore in the morning, but that won't be because of the paralysing pollen--"
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cinammonelles · 1 year
Regardless of what his relationship was with the twins, this whole arc made me realise how truly painful the whole ordeal had been for Cross.
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He's known them since they were kids. And then Nea died in a horribly awful way and left a message that merely said "Find and protect Allen", and Mana lost his mind and memories and morphed into someone who was barely a shell of himself and Cross had to witness his downward spiral till he drew his last breath.
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It must've been so deja vu for Cross. We don't know for sure if he was there when Nea and Mana were on the run from the previous gen of Noahs but Cross was Nea's ally. And at the very least he definitely knows how they struggled.
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And then Nea died and Mana kept running alone. With Nea's last words reverberating in his head that was otherwise empty of most of the other memories they shared. Cross at the very least had Tim. Even though he served as an painful reminder of the relationship he shared with the twins(and Nea in particular).
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But Mana was alone till he met Allen(the dog). And then even Allen died and he couldn't even mourn him. It somehow led to him befriending Red, the real "Allen", which again, ultimately resulted in....
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And Cross had to witness all of that. He had to witness all of that and continue like nothing happened while also raising Allen and making sure he didn't find out any of it.
Its just so irrevocably sad
(Translation creds to Kougeki scans)
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honeyangel2002 · 6 months
My birthday is on Easter next week! 🎂🐇🍀🌸
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nayypretty · 20 days
I need the princess treatment👸🏼
I deserve princess treatment👑
I am thankful for the princess treatment I receive👑🌹👸🏼
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yxstxrdrxxm · 8 months
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[ YES ]
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Were you expecting someone?
How odd. Oh, well. It seems that this one can be considered a free for the last day of week 1.
Here's your reward. Take this as a gift from him.
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uncommon-alterhuman · 3 months
🥂🍀 anon here again!
no worries about not knowing the media, mostly just needed to get it off my chest, and it felt fairly safe here to do so… glad that others can understand the overall yuckiness of being overshipped.
if you’d would like to have a look at HSR and maybe find somewhere a bit more comfy, it’d be appreciated, but i don’t mind really!
thanks for letting me rant anyway~ ^^
-🥂🍀 (even though it’s already at the top.. dunno, signing off an anon feels wrong without doing this lmao.)
Hi again! Of course, we want this to be a safe space for everyone. But yes, us and many others do understand. And we’ll definitely try to look into it! We’ll probably reblog one of your asks if/when we get to it. Of course! Anytime<3
(Haha that makes sense)
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