@grimgrinnr said: " That can still be arranged. "
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"Look, no hard feelings Al, but you kinda lost the mystique after our tussle."
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fangedweasel · 1 year
@ladiesofhell said: "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"-Daisy ((-wheeze- they should've planned XD))
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"MY FAULT? If you hadn'ta got in my way, I'd be busy picking off the rest of them right now!"
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911lsbts · 13 days
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It sounds like Carlos (Rafael Silva) may have to deal with some conflict in his (new) workplace in the final season of 9-1-1: Lone Star.
TV Insider has learned exclusively that Enlisted star Parker Young has been cast in a recurring role opposite Silva. He’ll first appear in the premiere, airing on Monday, September 23, at 8/7c on Fox. Young will be playing Ranger Sam Campbell, a straightforward, acerbic, seen-it-all Texas Ranger who thinks Ranger rookie Carlos may not be ready for all job requires, especially in a new case involving a series of armored truck heists.
Check out the full versions of our exclusive photos of Young alongside Silva in 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 above and below. As you can see and we have confirmed, Adam Baldwin is also back as Detective McGregor.
“Sam Campbell is one of our major new guest stars in Season 5. He’s a seasoned Texas Ranger who starts out as Carlos’s rival, but they quickly form a brilliant partnership that takes them to some very dark places,” executive producer and co-showrunner Rashad Raisani tells us. “Since the day we conceived the role, I’ve always known I wanted Parker for it. Not only is he an action hero, he’s funny, warm, and whip-smart. He’s an absolute star and as you’ll see he brings his A-game to this arc.”
The seeds of Carlos moving over to the Rangers was planted at the end of Season 4, in May 2023. His father was murdered just before his and T.K.’s (Ronen Rubinstein) wedding, and his killer has yet to be found.
“I think that Carlos is not the same since his father’s murder and will do whatever it takes to get an answer, some answer, any sort of answer, and he will take the path necessary to [do so],” Silva told us after the Season 4 finale. “He’s not going to stop until he gets an answer.”
Now, in the fifth and final season, Carlos’ obsession with solving his father’s murder is going to put his and T.K.’s marriage to the test. Uh-oh! (X)
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bloodrvvvsh · 2 months
Code Red, Code Blue. Chapter 1: Acquainted.
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Synopsis: When the BAU is led to a case in Seattle, with Seattle Grace Mercy West as the focal point. And after an unfortunate incident involving two cups of hot coffee and a ruined pair of scrubs, Spencer meets a girl that changes his whole life.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Lexie Grey
Warnings: Typical CM discussions of crimes, typical Grey's discussions of gore and medical talk (very minimal, though!), meet-cute, literally one (1) offhanded "killing yourself" joke
Word count: 3.0K
Notes: My baby.. she's finally finished... Please enjoy, I spent way too long on this!
Likes are appreciated, but reblogs and comments help writers more!
Wednesday, September 29. 9:42 AM in Quantico, Virgina.
Spencer had only ever been to Seattle once.
Working in the BAU took him all over the country. Cases popped up in every corner, in every state, in every place you could possibly imagine. He had seen nearly every part of the vast landscape that was the US of A.
The last case that had led them across the country to Seattle was The Seattle Strangler, back when Gideon was still on the team. Spencer had mixed emotions about that thought. But he was a professional and he was going to do his job.
Their current case was as close as you could get to clean cut and dry in their line of work. Women in their 20s being stabbed. Pretty simplistic, right? 
The one connection each murder had, though, was that every single woman was eventually directed to Seattle Grace Mercy West. And while the hospital was a fairly major one, it was a Level 1 Trauma Center, after all, which meant a lot of patients, it was definitely raising a few alarm bells in their heads. Each woman was also eventually declared dead at that exact hospital.
It could never hurt to check every possible lead, could it?
Spencer used two fingers to rub at the sleep clinging to his eye still. He tried, and failed, to stifle a yawn as he shifted in his seat. Although he was quite used to struggles with sleep (hence his dependence on caffeine), it never truly got any better. 
“Late night?” Morgan inquired. He propped his arms on the top of Spencer’s seat, peering over the other man’s shoulder.
Spencer shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep,” he replied. He frowned softly, continuing to try and rid himself of the tiredness that stuck to his lashes before he was interrupted by another yawn.
God, he could really use some coffee right now.
He glanced down at his watch and his frown deepened. They still had at least another two hours until they would land. 
Spencer would consider himself a fairly patient man. He didn’t mind waiting, hell, he most often played the waiting game in his job as a BAU agent. But right now, sitting on that jet running on only five hours of sleep with not a drop of caffeine in sight, he was feeling just one moment away from simply losing it.
Not like it would actually happen, though. Spencer wasn’t that kind of guy. He was calm and reserved, even in the face of adversity. 
Hotch’s voice cut through Spencer’s internal monologue for the moment, snapping him back into reality. “We’re going to head to the police station first,” he began, casting a glance over each BAU member in eyesight, “After we get all the necessary facts, we’re going to head to the hospital. Sound good?” He was met with a round of nods from everyone and he nodded back.
Wednesday, September 29. 11:23 AM in Seattle, Washington.
Lexie needed a goddamn break.
Being a surgical resident had to be a punishment designed in one of the seven pits of hell. How dare she desire to save people's lives, right?
At least it was better than being an intern.
She loved her job, don’t get her wrong, being a surgeon was her dream. It’s just that she couldn’t remember the last time she got more than four hours of sleep a night and she was just so tired all the time. From running around constantly to several hours long surgeries to forty-eight hour shifts. 
Not to mention the constant drama and tragedy that filled the Seattle Grace Mercy West halls. You couldn’t turn a corner without hearing about someone sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend or about another MerDer breakup or another surprise pregnancy. Really, sometimes it was just ridiculous.
Lexie herself had been the victim of that good ol’ SGMW drama. She was trying to pull herself free from the clutches of it all, but it always seemed to follow them all. Like some sort of curse was placed on that very hospital.
But that was besides the point. The point was that she needed just one moment of peace, away from all the chaos of the hospital and the drama. Was that so selfish of her?
The sound of sneakers shuffling and her racing heart filled Lexie’s ears as she rushed through the halls. The occasional ‘excuse me’ slipped from her lips, trying not to crash into everyone that was in her way. 
When your attending pages 911, you don’t walk - you run.
Her feet skidded to a stop as the familiar emergency room came into view, nearly making her trip with the sudden halt. Her movements seemed almost practiced with the near mindless way she moved - triage gown, tie in the back, gloves. This wasn’t her first trauma, and it would be far from the last.
“What do we have?” Bailey’s voice cut through the millions of other noises filling the room - the rustling of fabric, the snapping of latex gloves on skin, the chatter of voices. The ER was ever far from being quiet.
“28-year-old woman stabbed fifteen times in the torso, majority in the chest,” Owen shot back. He rushed forwards when the glint of red and blue lights followed by the sirens that would follow them for the rest of their lives came into view, and the rest of them marched behind.
“God, overkill much?” Cristina muttered low to Meredith. Bailey, who heard everything always, shot a glare over her shoulder. Cristina threw her hands up in defense, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. Her face fell the minute Bailey turned away and she shook her head with a quiet scoff.
The doors to the ambulance flew open and out rushed a woman on a stretcher. “BP is 158 over 92, HR is 92,” an EMT announced. Owen cursed under his breath as he took the railing of the stretcher into his hands.
“She’s hypertensive,” he announced. Quickly, other hands began to grab onto the stretcher as well, guiding the women into the hospital doors. He barked out a few names and different orders and Lexie slowly loosened her grip on the railing as her feet quit keeping pace before stopping entirely. She watched as the woman was rushed towards a trauma room, a frown falling on her lips. Trauma was never a pretty sight.
With a sigh she made her way to the receptionist desk near the ER entrance doors where a few of the other residents left behind had gathered.
“That’s the third stabbing in less than two months,” April remarked. A little frown began to form on her lips as she flipped the chart in her hand. “And they’ve all been women in their late 20s.”
She didn’t have to say it. They were all thinking it. The glances exchanged spoke a thousand words.
“You don’t think..” Meredith trailed off. She shot a look towards Cristina, then glanced back at April. The current hypothesis wasn’t looking so hot.
“It’s probably just a weird coincidence,” Lexie was quick to interject. Her words did little to quell the tense energy that filled the emergency room. “I mean, Seattle’s a big city. Plenty of crazy people doing crazy things. I’m sure they’re not related.” She waved a hand dismissively. Then she added, “It is getting close to the holidays. Don’t crime rates increase during the holiday seasons, or something?”
The pager attached to her hip beeped. She groaned, a pout appearing on her face at the sound. She unclicked it from the waistband of her scrub pants to take a glance at the numbers displayed on the screen and she sighed once more. It was Derek.
With a murmur of, “I’ve got to go,” that was met with a few dismissive waves of goodbyes from her fellow residents, she made her way towards the elevators, absolutely not ready for whatever Derek had in store for her now.
Wednesday, September 29. 2:17 PM in Seattle, Washington.
One thing you never want to hear in a hospital is silence. And that’s exactly Lexie had been greeted when she emerged from the imaging room, a stack of paperwork and scans ordered by Derek in hand. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something was absolutely happening and she’d be damned if she was left out of it.
It all started to make sense, though, as she made her descent down a floor of stairs and she noticed a group of her coworkers crowded behind a corner. Mentally she counted heads - Cristina, Meredith, Alex, Jackson, April.. All five of them in the same place at the same time, clearly hiding from someone (or something?), always spelled trouble.
Cautiously, she made her way towards the group. She tried to stand on her tip-toes, trying to look over their shoulders to see whatever the hell it was that was making them all stop in their tracks, but to no luck.
Finally with a huff, she decided to pipe up. “What are we looking at?” Her sudden appearance obviously spooked them, as they all nearly jumped at the sound of her voice, but they quickly relaxed when they realized it was just Lexie. She flashed a little smile that was short lived and didn’t quite reach her eyes with an utterance of ‘sorry’. 
“Them,” Meredith said. Lexie leaned to the side and she followed the finger that Meredith pointed with. Never would have Lexie guessed what would be standing before her right now.
There, talking to the Chief and Owen, was a group of people that certainly didn’t look like they belonged together. One man in particular, though, stood out among the rest - a tall man with curly brown locks and the most beautiful face Lexie had ever seen. “I heard they’re FBI agents,” Cristina cut in, knocking her out her little lovestruck daydream, and Lexie’s head snapped so quickly to look back at her, it’s a wonder it didn’t break.
“What?” Was all she could manage in response. “FBI, wh-” She shook her head, trying to clear her head from all the thoughts racing through it. “What would the FBI be doing here?” Her voice dropped low, almost to a rushed whisper.
Cristina shrugged. “Hell if I know.” Lexie frowned. And just as she opened her mouth, ready to say more, Owen gestured in the direction of their little gathering. And when the group of supposed FBI agents looked at them, they all took off, scattering away in their different directions, like roaches when you turned the lights on.
Except for Lexie. She was frozen in place, her blood running cold in her body when their hard eyes locked on her. She forced another smile, a nervous little giggle escaping her as heat washed over her cheeks in heavy waves. She raised her free hand to offer them a half-hearted greeting before pointing behind her with her thumb and then promptly spinning on her heel and hurriedly trying to escape the embarrassment that was that interaction.
Wednesday, September 29. 2:45 PM in Seattle, Washington.
Spencer had drank approximately four-and-a-half cups of coffee since landing in Seattle, and he was not quite satisfied yet.
Would he ever truly be satisfied with the amount of caffeine he consumed? Could anyone, really? The answer didn’t really matter. Not to him, anyways. Especially not now, when the tiredness ran bone deep and the day was nowhere near close to being finished. So, he was going to get another cup.
“I’m going to get some coffee,” he announced offhandedly as he pushed himself up from his seat. 
Morgan raised an eyebrow at the young genius as he started to make his way in the direction of the coffee machines. “Really?” Morgan said. “Another cup of coffee? Seriously, kid, you’re going to kill yourself with all that caffeine and sugar you consume.” Spencer waved a hand in response and Morgan could only shake head with a small smile falling over his lips.
“Oh, you’re getting coffee?” JJ perked up, craning her neck slightly to catch Spencer’s eye before he disappeared. “Do you think you could get me a cup, too? Please?”
Spencer nodded. “Cream and sugar?” A grin split across JJ’s face at the idea that he remembered what she liked in her coffee. Although, with Spencer, he couldn’t have possibly forgotten in the first place. “You know it!” she called out to him. “You’re the best, Spence!”
“No problem,” he called back to her as he turned the corner. 
The trek to the elevator and up to the coffee carts was not a particularly long one, but it did give Spencer enough time to get lost in his thoughts. His movements almost ran on autopilot as he got on the elevator and pressed the button with the number four painted on it.
His feet moved for him, guiding him in the direction of exactly where he wanted to be. Ideas and different theories of their current case filled his head as he walked.
All of this to say - he was not paying attention. Not one bit. Not even as he mindlessly ordered two coffees - one mocha latte with room for sugar and one black with cream and sugar. Not as he began to round the corners that he was starting to become familiar with from turning around so many times due to his near caffeine addiction.
Not even as another body rounded the same corner as him.
It wasn’t until the harsh impact came, the colliding of two people knocking hard into each other and hot coffee being dumped all over each other, that he really came back to reality.
Lexie gasped as the coffee crashed right onto her, burning through her scrubs and stinging her skin. She glanced up, wanting to look whoever just ruined her scrubs in the eye, and it was like the whole world slowed for a moment.
It was cute supposed FBI agent guy. 
Her jaw went slack, practically hitting the floor, and all she could do was stare. She almost wanted to pinch herself, check if any of this was really real, but the hot coffee burning her skin told her it was true.
“I’m so sorry,” The words fell out of Spencer’s mouth in an instant. He glanced around in search of something, anything, that could clean up the mess he just made, but he was coming up empty. “Really, I am so sorry-”
Lexie shook her head. “It’s fine-”
Spencer’s eyebrows pinched together. “I just spilled hot coffee all over you, it is not fine.” Lexie could feel her heart skip a beat.
“No, really, it- it’s fine,” she chuckled. “I have another pair of scrubs in my locker, it’s okay.” Spencer didn’t seem satisfied with that answer.
Now it was his turn to shake his head. “Can I make it up to you? You know, for.. getting you doused in coffee and ruining your scrubs.”
Lexie hesitated for a moment. While he was very cute, and seemingly very sweet, she barely knew this guy.
But something inside her told her to take her chance.
“Uh,” she bit down on her bottom lip. She waited for a beat. “Yeah,” she found herself saying, “Yeah, why don’t you buy me a coffee?” Spencer’s whole face lit up at her answer.
Could you blame him, though? Even covered in coffee, the woman before him was absolutely stunning.
“My name’s Spencer,” he finally added. “Spencer Reid. Doctor Spencer Reid, actually.’” Lexie arched a brow at him, head tilting to the side. “Doctor, huh?” she echoed. “Are you, like, new around here, or something? Did you transfer from another hospital?”
“Oh, no. I- I’m not an MD, I’m, uh.. I’m a PhD.”
Lexie slowly nodded her head. “Right,” she muttered. The smile on her face couldn’t seem to budge. “Well, I’m Lexie,” she stuck a hand out to him, “Doctor Lexie Grey, MD.” They both grinned at her words before chuckling. Spencer found himself thinking her name was beautiful. He glanced down at her outstretched hand and then so did she, and for a moment they were both just staring at her hand.
Finally, he spoke up again, “I- I don’t do handshakes,” he spit out. “The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It’s, uh- it’s actually safer to kiss.” 
Lexie nodded her head once more and let her hand fall back to her side. She ran her palm down the side of her thigh, subtly trying to wipe the gathering sweat. A part of her was tempted to ask if he wanted to kiss her, but she held off. For now.
“So, are you a germaphobe, or something? Or do you just know a lot of different facts?”
“Both, actually,” he said. “I, uh, I have an eidetic memory, so I remember everything I read. A lot about bacteria.”
“An eidetic memory?” Lexie echoed. “Really?”
Spencer nodded, a smirk worming its way onto his lips as he began to rock himself on his heels. “And an IQ of 187 and I can read 20,000 words per minute.”
“Oh, so you’re some sort of super genius, is that what this is?”
Spencer shrugged and his smile seemed to grow. “I don’t think intelligence can be defined by arbitrary measures. But for all intents and purposes, I am a genius.”
“You know, that’s really weird, because I actually have a photographic memory,” Lexie said. She tilted her head to the side again. “Does that make me a genius, too?”
Spencer chuckled. “Well, being a doctor isn’t an easy thing to achieve. Especially being a surgeon. I would imagine you have to be fairly smart to become one.”
Lexie’s own smile seemed to grow as well. “Well, Dr. PhD, why don’t you tell me a little bit more about yourself?” She nodded her head in the direction she came from before she started to walk. And Spencer found himself following behind her.
For some reason, Spencer felt like he wasn’t going to regret spilling coffee on her.
for @gghostwriter bc i don't have a taglist <3
(if you would like to be crcb taglist, let me know!!)
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Union pensions are funding private equity attacks on workers
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On October 7–8, I'm in Milan to keynote Wired Nextfest.
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If end-stage capitalism has a motto, it's this: "Stop hitting yourself." The great failure of "voting with your wallet" is that you're casting ballots in a one party system (The Capitalism Party), and the people with the thickest wallets get the most votes.
During the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese state would bill the families of executed dissidents for the ammunition used to execute their loved ones:
In end-stage capitalism, the dollars we spend to feed ourselves are used to capture the food supply and corrupt our political process:
And the dollars we save for retirement are flushed into the stock market casino, a game that is rigged against us, where we are always the suckers at the table:
Everywhere and always, we are financing our own destruction. It's quite a Mr Gotcha moment:
Now, anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. We are living through a broad, multi-front counter-revolution to Reaganomics and neoliberal Democratic Party sellouts. The FTC and DOJ Antitrust Division are dragging Big Tech and Big Meat and Big Publishing into court. We're seeing bans on noncompete clauses, and high-profile government enforcers are publicly pledging never to work for corporate law-firms when they quit public service:
And of course, there's the reinvigoration of the labor movement! Hot Labor Summer is now Perpetual Labor September, with 75,000 Kaiser workers walking out alongside the UAW, SAG-AFTRA and 2,350 other groups of workers picketing, striking or protesting:
But capitalism still gets a lick in. Union pension plans are some of the most important investors in private equity funds. Your union pension dollars are probably funding the union-busting, child-labor-employing, civilization-destroying Gordon Gecko LARPers who are also evicting you from the rental they bought and turned into a slum, and will then murder you in a hospice that they bought and turned into a slaughterhouse:
Writing for The American Prospect, Rachel Phua rounds up the past, present and future of union pension funds backing private equity monsters:
Private equity and hedge funds have destroyed 1.3 million US jobs:
They buy companies and then illegally staff them with children:
They lobby against the minimum wage:
They illegally retaliate against workers seeking to unionize their jobsite:
And they couldn't do it without union pension funds. Public service union pensions have invested $650 million with PE funds. In 2001, the share of public union pensions invested in PE was 3.5%; today, it's 13%:
Giant public union funds like CalPERS are planning massive increases in their contributions to PE:
This results in some ghastly and ironic situations. Aramark used funds from a custodian's union to bid against that union's members for contracts, in an attempt to break the union and force the workers to take a paycut to $11/hour:
Blackstone's investors include the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS). The PE ghouls who sucked Toys R Us dry were funded by Texas teachers.
Then there's KKR, one of the most rapacious predators of the PE world. Half of the investors in KKR's Global Infrastructure Investors IV fund are public sector pension funds. Those workers' money were spent to buy up Refresco (Arizona Iced Tea, Tropicana juices, etc), a transaction that immediately precipitated a huge spike in on-the-job accidents as KKR cut safety and increased tempo:
Petsmart is the poster-child for PE predation. The company uses TRAPs ("TrainingRepaymentAgreementProvision") clauses to recreate indentured servitude, forcing workers to pay thousands of dollars to quit their jobs:
Why would a Petsmart employee want to quit? Petsmart's PE owner is BC Partners, and under BC's management, workers have been forced to work impossible hours while overseeing cruel animal abuse, including starving sick animals to death rather than euthanizing them, and then being made to sneak them into dumpsters on the way home from work so Petsmart doesn't have to pay for cremation. 24 of BC Partners' backers are public pension funds, including CalSTRS and the NYC Employees' Retirement System:
PE buyouts are immediately followed by layoffs. One in five PE acquisitions goes bankrupt. Unions should not be investing in PE. But the managers of these funds defend the practice, saying they "facilitate dialog" with the PE bosses on workers' behalf.
This isn't total nonsense. Once upon a time, public pension fund managers put pressure on investees to force them to divest from Apartheid South Africa and tobacco companies. Even today, public pensions have successfully applied leverage to get fund managers to drop Russian investments after the invasion of Ukraine. And public pensions pulled out of the private prison sector, tanking the valuation of some of the largest players.
But there's no evidence that this leverage is being applied to pensions' PE billions. It's not like PE is a great deal for these pensions. PE funds don't reliably outperform the market, especially after PE bosses' sky-high fees are clawed back:
Pension funds could match or beat their PE returns by sticking the money in a low-load Vanguard index tracker. What's more, PE is getting worse, pioneering new scams like inflating the value of companies after they buy and strip-mine them, even though there's no reason to think anyone would buy these hollow companies at the price that the PE companies assign to them for bookkeeping purposes:
To inject a little verisimilitude into this obvious fantasy, PE companies sell their portfolio companies to themselves at inflated prices, in a patently fraudulent shell-game:
What's more, PE funds aren't just bad bosses, they're also bad landlords. PE-backed funds have scooped up an appreciable fraction of America's housing stock, transforming good rentals into slums:
PE is really pioneering a literal cradle-to-grave immiseration strategy. First, they gouge you on your kids' birth:
Then, they slash your wages and steal from your paycheck:
Then, they evict you from your home:
And then they murder you as part of a scam they're running on Medicare:
As the labor movement flexes its muscle, it needs to break this connection. Workers should not be paying for the bullet that their bosses put through their skulls.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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darlingcloudie-9 · 5 months
i find it incredibly funny how both Sonic CD & The Murder Of Sonic The Hedgehog, two very important games regarding Amy lore (CD birthed this girl into existence + the whole presmise is “rescue Amy and stop Eggman from taking over Little Planet b4 it’s too late”, and TMOSTH is centered around Amy’s birthday party on a bullet train(?)) coincidentally land on LGBTQ+ visibility/appreciation days.
Like yeah, TMOSTH was birthed a day before April Fools cuz it’s a game for that occasion, but March 31st is ALSO Trans Visibility Day! And Sonic CD was birthed on September 23, which is Celebrate Bisexuality Day.
But what does all of this mean exactly? Uhhhh idk just something fun i wanted to point out. Also, i can totally see Amy liking Sonic but also liking girls too. They’re both pretty so she doesn’t really mind 💕
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sterekposevents · 1 year
If you want a low-key Sterek event for fall, here's an open posting event to consider. @sterekposevents is hosting....
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Fall in Love with Sterek
Autumn is calling… Fall in Love with Sterek!
This is an ao3 open posting event for fall themed Sterek stories but feel free to also post on Tumblr or Twitter and tag @sterekposevents so we see it and can repost it for you.
Hosted by Sterek Positivity Events (SPE), Fall In Love With Sterek 2023 will officially run from September 23, 2023 to December 21, 2023, though the collection is open for posting now if you write something early and want to include it.
So what are Stiles and Derek up to this fall? Are they just meeting, or have they known each other for a while? Are they coming back to town, or have they been in town for years? Are they pack, or do they barely know one another?
Take us on a journey with Sterek this season with all the fun things to do in fall…and let us fall in love right alongside Stiles and Derek.
Want to write a drabble? A ficlet? A one-shot? Novella? How about a novel-length story? All are welcome!
Ao3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/SPE_FallinLovewithSterek_2023/profile
Here’s a few ideas of things Stiles and Derek could do or experience this fall…
Baking contests Pie eating contests Bobbing for apples Apple picking Candy/Caramel Apples Bake sales Cider tasting Wine tastings/tours Hayrides Corn mazes Halloween/Samhain, All Hallows Eve Thanksgiving Bonfires Sports: Football, Lacrosse, etc Dances Movie nights Fairs or festivals Craft shows Pumpkin Carving Crochet/Knitting Farmer’s Market Harvest Festival Haunted Houses Horror Movies Drive In Movies Jewish Holidays Polish Independence Day (November 11, 2023) Unconventional Handwarmers Hiking Horseback riding Octoberfest Leaf Peeping/Scenic Drives Fireplace Potluck dinners Candles Food bank Chili Cookoff Petting Zoo Murder Mystery Party Tag/Touch football Soups/Cooking/Recipe Sharing Pumpkin Patch Decorating Contest Camping Trip Reading/Library/Book Store Sunflower Field Pumpkin Art Cabin in the Woods Arts & Crafts Projects Acorn Painting/Collecting Leaf Jumping Scavenger Hunt Backyard Games Smores Fall Bucket List Cooking Baking Ghost Tour Escape Room Nature Walk Street Fair Scarecrow Contest Puzzle/Board Game Night Truth or Dare (Fall-Themed)
Questions? send an email to [email protected]
If you're on the SPE discord server, you've likely already seen us talking about this. Same with the Sterek Writers server. If you aren't on those servers but would like to join, let me know and I'll get you an invite to both!
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rafaelsilvasource · 13 days
It sounds like Carlos (Rafael Silva) may have to deal with some conflict in his (new) workplace in the final season of 9-1-1: Lone Star.
TV Insider has learned exclusively that Enlisted star Parker Young has been cast in a recurring role opposite Silva. He’ll first appear in the premiere, airing on Monday, September 23, at 8/7c on Fox. Young will be playing Ranger Sam Campbell, a straightforward, acerbic, seen-it-all Texas Ranger who thinks Ranger rookie Carlos may not be ready for all job requires, especially in a new case involving a series of armored truck heists.
“Sam Campbell is one of our major new guest stars in Season 5. He’s a seasoned Texas Ranger who starts out as Carlos’s rival, but they quickly form a brilliant partnership that takes them to some very dark places,” executive producer and co-showrunner Rashad Raisani tells us. “Since the day we conceived the role, I’ve always known I wanted Parker for it. Not only is he an action hero, he’s funny, warm, and whip-smart. He’s an absolute star and as you’ll see he brings his A-game to this arc.”
The seeds of Carlos moving over to the Rangers was planted at the end of Season 4, in May 2023. His father was murdered just before his and T.K.’s (Ronen Rubinstein) wedding, and his killer has yet to be found.
“I think that Carlos is not the same since his father’s murder and will do whatever it takes to get an answer, some answer, any sort of answer, and he will take the path necessary to [do so],” Silva told us after the Season 4 finale. “He’s not going to stop until he gets an answer.”
Now, in the fifth and final season, Carlos’ obsession with solving his father’s murder is going to put his and T.K.’s marriage to the test. Uh-oh!
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queerpgs · 21 days
Friday 6th September - CAIN
Good evening my crepuscular cavaliers! We have a new GM, Alice, making her QueeRPGs debut this coming Friday with CAIN.
For those of you who haven't heard of it, CAIN is a new RPG by Tom Bloom, creator of the RPGs Lancer and Goblin with a Fat Ass as well as author and illustrator of the web-comic Kill Six Billion Demons.
Mission Log: Operation Weeping Mountain Location: Rowbury, pop. 64 2012.01.13 09:43 - A man is found dead with limbs removed. Subsequent investigation by local police force fails to find a cause. 2012.01.23 19:11 - A woman is found dead and bisected in the local sawmill. Local police called. 2012.01.23 23:01 - Exorcists dispatched. Commence operation. Humanity is cursed, host to a roiling psychic sea barely understood or controlled, a phenomenon arising purely from the darkest portions of the human soul. While most humans are blissfully unaware of its presence, others are more sensitive. When it grows wild in these hosts, SINS appear, terrifying supernatural monsters that are anathema to reality itself. CAIN is the solution, the global supranational shadow organization dedicated solely to the hunting and execution of SINS. It’s mission is clear, its purpose steadfast. Is there anything better than a good hunt? Just think, you’re all set to slaughter to your heart’s content. YOU are an exorcist, a powerful psychic soldier and tool of CAIN, honed and wielded for one purpose: WIPE OUT THE STAIN
Pack your pencils, a fistfull of D6s, and come down to West End Games on Friday 6th September, it's going to get interesting. Please arrive at 18:00 for a 18:30 start.
Due to the nature and content of this game all players must be over the age of 18. Content Warnings: Abuse, Gore/Violence, Mob Violence/Lynching, Financial Poverty, Death/Murder.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
This recap of important dates tho
omg that is so many 😳
August 31, 2022: Three Spanish players face the press after the incident of a private conversation with the president, Luis Rubiales, was leaked. Jorge Vilda's resignation has been requested there - information which is then rejected by the players at the press conference.   
September 22, 2022: The association releases a statement that 15 players are on strike and that they will not allow pressure from the players, and that all must apologize if they want to return to the national team.   
September 23, 2022: The open letter from the players is leaked and later in the evening the players release a response to the union through their social media.   
30 September 2022: Jorge Vilda withdraws his national team squad - all 15 players are out of the squad against Sweden. The union captain also states that 15 new players are the only solution to the conflict as he will not resign.   
30 June 2023: The Spanish World Cup squad is withdrawn and several of the striking players are included - among them: Ona Batlle, Aitana Bonmati and Mariona Caldentey. 
August 20, 2023: Spain win a historic World Cup gold after Olga Carmano scores the game's only goal against England. The national team's achievements are overshadowed when confederation chairman Luis Rubiales took the liberty of kissing Jennifer Hermoso on the mouth without her permission.  
At the same time, a video comes out from the locker room where Hermoso is heard saying she didn't like it.  
August 21, 2023: Rubiales hit back at the harsh criticism after the kiss to later that day apologize for the behavior in a video released by the Spanish Football Federation. According to Spanish media, the federation allegedly tried to force Hermoso to be in the video and tried to get her family members to persuade her. In addition, there were reports that the union had written a statement in Hermoso's name, which later turned out to be false.  
August 23, 2023: Jenni Hermoso issues a statement through the Spanish players' union and her agency announcing that she will initiate legal proceedings against Rubiales.  
August 24, 2023: There are reports that Luis Rubiales will announce his resignation at a press conference on August 25th.  
August 25, 2023: The press conference where Rubiales is expected to announce his resignation takes a turn. The union chairman is said to have said that "these people are murdering me in public" and then he repeated time and time again that he is not resigning. This to applause from, among others, Jorge Vilda and the management staff.  
Later in the same day, the Spanish World Cup heroes announced that they refuse to play in the national team unless Rubiales resigns.  
Hermoso went out on his channels and put down that the kiss was in some way mutual - "I don't tolerate my words being questioned, let alone inventing things I didn't say".  
In addition to the 23 World Cup heroes, another 35 players signed a letter demanding serious action.  
August 26, 2023 : The Spanish federation hits back at Jenni Hermoso in a statement trying to prove that Jenni Hermoso allegedly picked up the federation flag and hugged him.  
"Mr Rubiales has not lied - the RFEF and Rubiales will refute each and every one of the lies spread".  
Hermoso fights back and believes that she and her entourage were blackmailed into making a statement that favors Rubiales.  
In the afternoon of the same day, the announcement comes from Fifa - Rubiales is suspended for 90 days.  
Later in the day, information comes that several coaches and leaders are leaving the association in a coordinated mass exodus as a protest. Including Montse Tomé, who later becomes the new national team captain.  
August 28, 2013: Rubiale's mother goes on hunger strike in protest against all the negative publicity about her son. Ángeles Béjar locked herself in a church indefinitely - in the hope that there will be a resolution that her son deserves. 
During the afternoon, Spanish public prosecutors announced that they had opened an investigation into sexual abuse against Rubiales.  
The Spanish Football Federation is also said to have convened an internal crisis meeting to discuss Rubiale's future. During the evening, a statement came from the association demanding Rubiale's resignation and saying that he has seriously damaged Spanish football.  
September 1, 2023: Spain's government calls for Luis Rubiales to be suspended pending an investigation by the Court of Sports.  
September 5, 2023: Confederation captain Jorge Vilda, who led Spain to a historic World Cup gold, is fired and Montse Tomé takes over.  
September 6, 2023: Hermoso reports Luis Rubiales to the police for kissing her on the mouth without consent. The Spanish prosecutor's office has, according to AP, assumed that Rubiales risks a fine or imprisonment in one to four years - if he is judged guilty. 
September 7, 2023: In an interview with Piers Morgan, Rubiales resigns as confederation chairman of the RFEF.  
15 September 2023: Spain postpones its squad selection ahead of the Nations League. The Spanish players go out in an open letter stating that they will not take part and that they believe that the changes that have been made are not enough.  
Rubiales appears in court where the prosecution is taking precautionary measures. Rubiales cannot contact Hermoso and must be at least 500 meters away from her.  
September 16, 2023: Athenea del Castillo was the only one not to sign the open letter that went out on Friday - the striker believes that you have a duty to your profession and wants to play in the Olympics.  
September 17, 2023: The Spanish players receive an email from the federation stating that they must respond to the email within six hours to be eligible for selection on Monday. None of the boycotting players respond.   
September 18, 2023: The Spanish federation poodles before the selection of the squad for the Nations League and believes that it will carry out the requested changes.  
Tomé then takes out his first squad where 15 WC players are on the list. Also boycotting Mapi Leon and Patri Guijarro are withdrawn. The Spanish national team players come out with a statement that they were unaware of the selection and that they saw it on TV - Jenni Hermoso is out of the squad.  
The players are threatened with fines and suspended player licenses if they do not show up on Tuesday - but the stars mark that they did not want to be singled out via their social media.  
Hermoso hits back at Tomé who "wanted to protect her" by leaving her out of the squad. “Protect me from what? And from whom?", she writes in a statement.  
September 19, 2023: The Spanish national team players join the player hotel in Madrid and Valencia. The players clearly indicate that they are not satisfied and do not want to be there.  
Later in the evening, a seven-hour meeting begins between the players and the federation, where CSD (equivalent to the National Sports Confederation in Sweden) is the mediator. The parties agreed and the union promises structural changes.  
21 out of 23 players will therefore travel to Sweden for the match. Patri Guijarro and Mapi León are two players who are not completely satisfied with the situation.  
September 20, 2023: Mapi León and Patri Guijarro leave the collection.
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lexiklecksi · 7 months
My library (tag game)
Thanks @brotrustmeicanwrite for tagging me to make a little library of stuff I wrote that I want others to see. Here is their library. I'm tagging @charlies-storybook @sourrcandy @charitet @innocentlymacabre to compile their writing in a library. Rules are below!
My poetry zine:
This magazine is a 25 double-sided pdf with a unique typographical design, including 11 English collab poems, 3 English poems and 21 German poems with 23 matching black & white photos. You can buy it for the low price of a small coffee (3€) or pay more to support me.
My German poetry book:
German synopsis: Muschelbruchstücke ist eine Sammlung an Gedichten geschrieben zwischen 2014 und 2021. Der Gedichtband erzählt von den kleinen Momenten, die das Leben lebenswert machen. Diese Poesie des Alltags wechselt von traurig und melancholisch, zu schwärmerisch und verträumt. Die Gedichte sind Bruchstücke der Gedankens- und Gefühlswelt der Autorin. Zusammengefügt durch die Fantasie der Leser:innen ergeben diese Muschelbruchstücke ein neues Ganzes.
My ya fantasy wip (wip page and masterpost)
Synopsis: Enya Arati, a half-breed of dragon and human, seeks revenge for her murdered family. She flees from her hometown Trevena and travels through the magical forest Avni, the high mountains of Zaltana and even the ocean in search of other dragon-borns. Humans, elafids, dwarfs, giants, satyrs and magical beings like faeries, elves, witches, and mages either help her or hunt her down. Will she get her revenge and set Trevena on fire? Or will her girlfriend, the siren Meara Kailani, help her forgive and chose a different path?
My flash fiction on AO3:
All my poetry collaborations:
Add one or more of your projects, finished or WIP, text or other media as long as it tells a story.
Add a link instead of text or images, so everything stays neat and organised.
Add a short description (feel free to use mine as a template)
Add TWs where necessary; If the tag would spoil too much add „TW proceed with caution“.
Tag at least 3 other people for every link you add.
If you weren’t tagged please still participate!
If you don’t want to participate, you can still tag other people you’d like to see here.
Tag list under the cut. Never miss a poem or a short story I write! Comment + if you want to be added or - to be removed from my tag list.
@matcha-chai @dg-fragments @silversynthesis @heartofmuse @scatteredthoughts2 @rhapsodyinblue80 @alaskaisnothere @stoic-words @september-stardust @wordsforsadpeeps @writingitdown @intothevortex @aubriestar @warriorbookworm @raevenlywrites @alex-a-roman @artsymagee @giantrobocock @theheightofdepression @writing-is-a-martial-art @beautifulimposter25 @callmepippin @a-musingmichelle @kirkshiresloss @rhythmiccreatorofbeuty @eos109 @azriel-alexander-holmes @tini-rat @captain-kraken
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"I'll keep it underground and I'll keep it unclean~♪"
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fangedweasel · 1 year
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july-19th-club · 9 months
READ IN 2023
NUMBER OF BOOKS READ:  52, but like 18 of them were Animorphs books
The dates are from when I started the book to when I finished it, so sometimes there’s a considerable gap if I picked the book up, took a break, and put it back down again. Sometimes the gap is two or three years. Don’t worry about it.
Last Smile in Sunder City (Sunder City #1) – Luke Arnold (July 2020 – BREAK – February 2023)
Practical Magic – Alice Hoffman (reread; September 2022 – January 2023)
The Farm – Joanne Ramos (December 2022 – January 2023)
Leech – Hiron Ennes (December 2022 – January 2023)
Late Eclipses, October Daye #4 – Seanan McGuire (December 2022 – February 2023)
Close Range – Annie Proulx (reread; January)
A Head Full of Ghosts – Paul Tremblay (January)
The Pallbearer’s Club – Paul Tremblay (January)
“Red Ballooning,” short story – Aimee Pogson (reread; January)
The Visitor, Animorphs #2 – K. A. Applegate – (January)
The Encounter, Animorphs #3 – K. A. Applegate – (January)
The Message, Animorphs #4 – K. A. Applegate – (January)
The Predator, Animorphs #5 – K. A. Applegate – (January)
The Capture, Animorphs #6 – K. A. Applegate – (January)
The Stranger, Animorphs #7 – K. A. Applegate – (January)
The Andalite’s Gift, Animorphs #7.5 – K. A. Applegate – (January)
The Alien, Animorphs #8 – K. A. Applegate – (February)
The Secret, Animorphs #9 – K. A. Applegate – (February)
The Android, Animorphs #10 – K. A. Applegate – (February)
The Forgotten, Animorphs #11 – K. A. Applegate – (February – March)
The Reaction, Animorphs #12 – K. A. Applegate – (March)
Dark Places – Gillian Flynn (January – March)
Gather the Daughters – Jennie Melamed (January – February)
The Woman in the Wall – Patrice Kindl (reread; February)
“Through This House,” October Daye short story – Seanan McGuire (February)
The Dream House – Carmen Maria Machado (February – March)
Bunny – Mona Awad (February – March)
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead – Tom Stoppard (March 23)
Let The Lord Sort Them: The Rise and Fall of the Death Penalty – Maurice Chammah (March – April)
Murder on the Orient Express – Agatha Christie (March – April)
Feast Your Eyes – Myla Goldberg (March – May; skimmed to finish)
One Salt Sea, October Daye #5 – Seanan McGuire (March – December)
When You Reach Me – Rebecca Stead (reread; April)
The Twyford Code – Janice Hallett – DNF April
Screams From the Dark: 29 Tales of Monsters and the Monstrous – ed. Ellen Datlow (April – June)
Sex Cult Nun – Faith Jones (April – July)
Some Desperate Glory – Emily Tesh (April – July)
American History – Alexandra Petrie (June)
The Andalite Chronicles, Animorphs #12.5 – K. A. Applegate – (June)
The Change, Animorphs #13 – K. A. Applegate – (June)
The Unknown, Animorphs #14 – K. A. Applegate – (June)
The Escape, Animorphs #15 – K. A. Applegate – (June)
The Warning, Animorphs #16 – K. A. Applegate – (June)
The Underground, Animorphs #17 – K. A. Applegate – (June)
The Emperor of All Maladies – Siddhartha Mukherjee (June – August)
Let Me Tell You: New Stories, Essays, and Other Writings – Shirley Jackson (July)
The Well of Sacrifice – Chris Eboch (July – August)
Plato & A Platypus Walk Into A Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes – Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein (July – August)
Babel – R. F. Kuang (July – October)
Boredom, Death Note #1 -Tsugumi Ohba/Takeshi Obata (reread; August)
Confluence, Death Note #2 – Tsugumi Ohba/Takeshi Obata (reread; September)
Hard Run, Death Note #3 – Tsugumi Ohba/Takeshi Obata (reread; October)
I Sing the Body Electric – Ray Bradbury – DNF October
Nickel & Dimed: On Not Getting By in America – Barbara Ehrenreich (October – December)
i actually can't find the ask game i thought i'd had last year and i might have just made that up in my head but if you want my opinion on any of these books please throw it in the ask box and i will do my best to answer :D
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fleetstreetpies · 11 days
Hi friends.
This past year has been terrifying, heartbreaking, uplifting, soul crushing, and every experience in between. I’ve lost a lot of my family, both stateside and abroad. I’ve raised my GPA in college. I’ve been at the same shitty retail job. Dear god. It’s been a long year.
It’s the anniversary of 9/11 again, and I think this year is probably going to be the worst for anti-Arab and Islamophobic hate crimes since 2001. They’ve been progressively on the rise since Trump’s presidency began back in 2016, and have accelerated since the start of the genocide against Palestinians (yknow, the one where I lost a lot of my family). Anti-Arab racist propaganda most news outlets and social networks feed the American public has been on the rise and spreading like wildfire. And this year, the twenty-third anniversary of one of the largest scale terrorist attacks in the United States, I feel is going to be the worst.
The United States of America did experience a great loss of life during the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and during the passenger reclamation of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. Those 2996 people had families, friends, pets, and colleagues who loved them and valued them so deeply. And the people who have died from smoke inhalation and the diseases related to smoke inhalation over the past 23 years have just as many loved ones. These are people and families and communities and friends, not numbers.
One of my mom’s best friends was working in the Pentagon at the time of the attack. She was on the other side of the building in a meeting when the plane crashed. She survived. 184 of her colleagues and friends did not make it home that night. 184 never made it back from work. 184 people would never see their spouses and kids, would never go to a bar to watch a big sports game with friends, would never see their friends getting married or having kids, would never call their moms or dads again.
184 people died. They died. And that was only one of the attacks.
Their lives do not go unremembered.
Neither do the thousands and even millions of lives lost in the Middle East.
In the aftermath of the attacks on September 11, 2001, approximately 1,445,590 innocent Muslims in countries across the seas were killed in invasions by the United States. The goal was to eradicate terrorism, but the end result was another terrorist regime replacing the last. America itself often became the terrorist regime, even if only temporarily. Innocent people have died, and their blood is on America’s hands.
This doesn’t even begin to cover the murders and violence against Arabs and Muslims in the States.
People in other religious and philosophical communities, including but not limited to Sikhs, have been and still are being attacked.
My fear is that this year is going to be worse. Hate crimes are already rampant. People who are just trying to go to work or to school are being harassed, threatened, assaulted, or even killed. It’s not right to just sit back and not acknowledge that. People can twiddle their thumbs and turn the other way all they want, but in the end these are people with families who are in danger.
And I get it; this is small potatoes compared to what’s happening overseas. I know that intimately well. But PLEASE. I beg of you. Your Arab, Muslim, Sikh, etc. neighbors, friends, coworkers, family, and in-laws are all people too. They have families. They are alive. This September, keep them safe. Don’t speak over them. Amplify their voices.
Keep talking about Palestine, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen. Keep talking about what’s happening elsewhere. Keep talking about persecution of Muslims and Arab people. Keep talking about how misconceptions about other religions and cultures are spread in the US/global north. Keep talking about it. Keep calling genocide and apartheid states out for what they are. Keep speaking up and showing up. Use your vote. Use your platform to reduce harm that comes to others. Make it so that people CANNOT look away. All eyes on these places, and on genocide the world over.
No more lives lost. Never again, for anyone.
— an exhausted Arab Jew
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
EDEN.schemata(); launches in 2024, published by PLAYISM
Gematsu Source
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PLAYISM will publish illuCalab-developed and WSS playground-produced science-fiction mystery adventure game EDEN.schemata(); when it launches for PC via Steam in 2024, the company announced. It will support English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese language options.
Get the details below.
EDEN.schemata(); is a science-fiction mystery adventure game produced by WSS playground, also known for games such as Needy Streamer Overload. You start the game in a locked laboratory, where an android named Eve talks to you and you both notice the headless corpse called the “Professor” at your feet. You don’t remember anything, and Eve is the prime suspect for the murder, but you’ll have to work together to solve the case. The beginning sounds like any orthodox adventure game, but the more you play, the more you’ll learn about the truth, and the game’s user interface and game design changes as you progress, until you reach one of multiple endings.
The team behind this game consists of:
The developer EIKI’ from illuCalab., known for many other games such as GENSOU Skydrift, Living in the Ending World, and Takkoman.
The writer Van Madoy, known for the Revoir novel series and “Murder at Kogetsukan” (Fate/Grand Order).
The character designer and animator Yutaro, known for creating hand-drawn Touhou Project fan animations for over a decade.
The sound producer RD, known for “Sacrament” (Vatican Miracle Examiner ending theme) and Touhou Project arrangements.
PLAYISM will be cooperating with Why so serious to publish this title globally, and its release is scheduled for 2024. Please add EDEN.schemata(); to your Steam wishlist while you wait!
The Story
“Nice to meet you… again?” An android named Eve speaks to you, in front of a headless corpse apparently known as “the Professor.” Completely devoid of any sort of memory, you and Eve—an android and the Professor’s apparent killer—must uncover the truth of what really happened here. Use your powers of deduction to unravel the mystery of this locked laboratory, revealing one truth after another. We hope you enjoy this all-new type of mystery—the kind that’s only possible in a video game.
Ever-Changing User Interface Design
At first, it’s a simple point-and-click adventure game where you use keywords to progress the story, but the user interface and game design in general will actually change in accordance with your game progress. The story and user interface work together as the general game design gradually transforms, providing a brand new, almost magic trick-like game experience.
A Story that Unfolds through Multiple Playthroughs
This game has a “skip” function, but not a “save” function. The story loops and branches off constantly with every playthrough, and there are multiple endings for you to uncover.
Entirely Hand-Drawn Original Animation
The steampunk-style artwork and the character animations present throughout the game are entirely hand-drawn by a single animator, Yutaro. Simply observing the animations and watching Eve come to life is a breathtaking experience in of itself.
Word from the Developer
Even us developers are facing all sorts of new experiences and challenges every day making this game, but we’re having a lot of fun. Please wait a little longer until it’s finished!
Playable Demo at gamescom and PAX West 2023!
EDEN.schemata(); will be showcased at gamescom in Cologne, Germany (from August 23 to 28) and also at PAX West in Seattle, USA (from September 1 to 4). If you can, do stop by and try out the playable demo! Those who play the demo at these events will receive an original keychain
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
Publisher Announce Trailer
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