#[ for netta ]
lacetulle · 11 months
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Netta BenShabu
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herpsandbirds · 7 months
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Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina), male, eat a tasty vegetation, family Anatidae, order Anseriformes, West Bengal, India
photograph by Rajesh Dhungana
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lunlumo · 1 year
Oh no Germans lost one band member
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crowleyaj · 10 months
thinking about how I went on eurovision tumblr in 2018, saw a lot of people outraged about israel not only winning and hosting the next one but also about being allowed to participate in the first place, went "wait what did they do" and proceeded to find out and start learning. meanwhile people now will watch footage and read news of actual genocide that no one committing it is denying and will still repeat israeli propaganda how it's all about defending from hamas and absolutely refuse to make any effort to learn anything. horrible
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nliast · 2 months
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a Dragon age's Oc commission for @thelearnedsoldiertoo :o
[Commission info][Patreon][Ko-Fi][Twitter]
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thelvadams · 2 years
why don't you look at cereza playing on a slide and maybe you'll calm down
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cavsracing · 1 year
now what is that Netta girl doing here, get her away from me
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mercurygray · 6 months
The Breakfast Club
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Ugh, finally! This only took me the better part of a week but I like what's here, and I hope you do, too. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed some new girls to this project - I didn't quite get them all in just yet but we've got all kinds of time.
It's 7:30 on a mission morning, and now that the flights are out, the second shift is eating breakfast.
It was a good thing that there weren't as many of them on a shift as the pilots, or they'd never fit at the breakfast table.
"Spare a little room there, Nina?" Cord asked, as politely as she could, looking for a space to at least put down her coffee cup.
Nina, a young woman of twenty with straw-blonde hair, nodded absentmindedly and moved her plate of toast slightly to the left to vacate a post-card sized plot of tablecloth, making no effort whatsoever to relocate the extremely large copy of Life magazine she was currently reading from the middle of the table.
Cord looked at Mae, sitting just to Nina's left, and the two women shared a small amused shrug. Nina was one of the younger girls in the group, and a lifetime spent on a big family farm in New Hampshire hadn't done a whole lot for her table manners. (And for a girl who professed to be small and shy, she sure did a lot of taking up space sometimes.)
"You not eating anything?" Mae asked, passing Cord the milk before she even had a chance to ask for it.
"I had some oatmeal before wheels up," Cord said, accepting the milk and pouring a very long dollop into her coffee, stirring calmly.
"You know, you're going to get in trouble one of these days, sneaking into that kitchen," Mae said wisely, taking a sip of her own cup.
"I'm not sneaking kisses, Mae, just a bite to eat. And none of them ever touch the oatmeal." Cord took a sip of her coffee and smiled, closing her eyes over the hot cup and cradling it in both hands. "Besides, I want to make sure I'm awake for takeoff."
"So when do you think they'll send a reporter to cover us?" Nina asked, still very deep in her magazine and a full page photospread of some WACs on bicycles, somewhere deep in the British countryside.
"Do we want that?" Netta asked, glancing at the magazine over Nina's shoulder, carefully spreading a thin layer of margarine over her toast and cutting into perfect, elegant triangles. (Everyone else tended to give the margarine a wide berth, but Netta was forever on about 'slenderizing' and no one wanted to tell her she was plenty thin already.)
"Have your name in Life Magazine so everyone at home can see it?" Ethel reached across the table for the pepper shaker and vigorously dusted her hashbrowns. "Who wouldn't? At that point you're practically famous."
"They're not going to send a reporter here, Nina. We're not interesting enough for that," Mae said with a practical smile, sitting back in her chair.
Nina looked up at Mae like the older woman had just told her they'd kicked a puppy. "We're plenty interesting! Colonel Huglin said last week we were winning the air war!"
"Not us personally, Nina," Mae specified, patient to the last. "It's more of a group effort - the whole 8th Air Force."
Nina sighed heavily and went back to mooning over her magazine photos. "They must be so brave," she said, clearly addressing the woman in the photographs. She turned over the next page in the photospread, the top image a sky white with parachutes. "I don't think I could ever do that."
Cord glanced down at the photo and shrugged. "It's not hard." Nina looked up dramatically. "Parachuting," she specified. "I've done it a couple of times. It's not hard, once you get used to it."
Ethel looked up from her potatoes. "Where did you ever jump out of an airplane, Lieutenant?"
Cord laughed. "Back home, in Dayton."
"Quit bragging, Cord," Mae said with a long-suffering grin. "Not all of us grew up with daddies in flight suits."
"Your dad's a pilot?" Nina looked impressed. "Why didn't you ever say?"
"More of an engineer," Cord specified, a little cagey. "But he's got his license - taken me up a couple of times."
"And Cord does, too," Mae revealed, having far too much being a fountain of information across the table.
Ethel put down her fork. "Now, why'd you ever sign up for this gig if you can fly?"
It was a serious question, and deserved a serious answer. Cord looked down at her coffee, considering her options. "Didn't think they'd let me get close enough to matter," she said, drumming one finger on the handle of her cup. "They only let girls fly stateside - and some transatlantic ferries. It'd be a lot of flight hours but…no action. At least here I know I'm doing some good."
"Captain Brennan, what do you think about it? " Nina flagged down the passing officer, already finished with her own breakfast and obviously on her way to her next assignment. "These gals in the paratroopers that everyone can't stop writing about."
"Like they invented joining the army," Ethel added with a disdainful huff.
Brennan, a good ten years older than the rest of the table, glanced down at the article, her eyes skating over the pictures of the women at calisthenics, and spilling parachutes, and fixing their hair. "I think it takes a great deal of courage to do something different. Combat's not something they've ever allowed women before, and that's a big change."
"Why would you even want to?"
"Because it's a challenge," Brennan said with a slim smile. "And they're women who like challenges - who want to see real change. Because if they can prove themselves out there, maybe one day the Army Air Force will let Lieutenant Callaway into a B-17." She smiled around the table and glanced down at the article. "I might not be able to do what they do, but I doubt they can do what I do, either. There's space in the army for all kinds." She glanced up at the clock. "Except anyone who wants to be late. I'd hurry along, ladies, we don't want to leave the third shift waiting for breakfast."
"Yes, Captain Brennan," came chorused from the table, and Nina finally packed up her magazine while everyone took last bites and drained coffee cups and set down napkins.
"Lieutenant Callaway." Cord stopped in her tracks. "Master Sergeant Knox said you were in the kitchen again this morning eating with the crews." She paused. "When you've all been told the ground staff eats second."
Cord looked guiltily at her commanding officer, caught out. "Yes, Captain."
Brennan's face had the slightest of smiles. "I told him that I didn't like tattle-tales, and if one of my officers wanted to make sure she was sharp for wheels up then he'd better accommodate her."
Cord let out the breath she'd been holding in, relieved as anything, and allowed herself a smile. "Yes, Captain."
Brennan nodded, implacable. "Don't miss your transport, now, they'll need you back at Tower."
Cord nodded, double-timing for the door and the waiting pair of trucks outside, ready to carry the morning crew back to their assignments.
"I told you she'd chew you out about breakfast!" Mae said quietly, as the rest of the truck chattered and gossiped while the engine idled and they all settled onto the bench seats for the five minute ride to the other side of the airfield.
"She didn't chew me out," Cord said quietly. "Told Knox I had a pass for it."
"And what do they always say about Irish luck?" Mae asked with a grin. "I want to see Knox's face the next time you do it. He'll be steamed."
"Get up at four-thirty and join me," Cord replied with a smile of her own.
Mae laughed out loud as the truck coughed into motion. "As if! A girl in this man's army's got to have her beauty sleep!"
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temunade · 1 year
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ciggy break
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silentgrim · 2 years
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absorbing ridgeport energy
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herpsandbirds · 9 months
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Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina), males, family Anatidae, order Anseriformes, Jagdishpur Reservoir, Kapilvastu, Nepal
photograph by सुगम ताम्राकार
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Tiny and Fluffy by Regina Via Flickr: Another encounter of the cute kind last weekend at the park. This duckling is a young red crested pochard. There were five ducklings and they were tiny, probably only a few days old.
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versacethotty · 1 month
I'm fucking crying
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dietariil-lustrat · 3 months
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omeryotam4 · 5 months
"It's ok sweetie you don't have to be afraid, Nettal doesn't exist and can't hurt you"
Meanwhile Nettal:
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-translated fro a local commentator
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jupitermelichios · 1 year
Netta out here in a costume that looks like a victoria's secret angel was also a final fantasy boss fight
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