yihuimiao-blog1 · 5 years
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I named this song god and demon. It's because I wrote this song based on a very famous movie called a journey to the west. The film is about a fairy who comes to earth to find her Mr. Right. But it never occurred to her that her beloved was a monster. They're not meant to be together. But then the fairy was forced to marry by another monster. The man risked his life to save her from another monster. But the sad story of two people still did not come together in the end. I want to express this kind of sadness through this song. I divided the whole music into four parts according to the background of the story. 0 to 30 seconds is what two people don't know when they first meet. Thirty seconds to one minute and thirty seconds is when the fairy knows the identity of the man she wants and tries to pursue him. One minute and 30 seconds to two minutes and 30 seconds for the genie to save the fairy. Finally, the fairy looked sadly at the back of the monster. First of all, in order to express my sadness, I chose Chinese guzheng, erhu, and flute as the main instruments. Another reason to use these instruments is that it's an old movie. So it's good to use some old instruments. But I interspersed it with modern electronic music elements. These elements are a good foil for the atmosphere and emotional reinforcement. Different elements make the layers of the song clearer. This is my first attempt at the fusion of ancient Chinese style and modern electronic music style. I used to think music was rock and roll. It only works for noisy music. However, through this attempt, I found that it could be presented in music in a different way. It can be used as a background to reinforce the theme. Used to express different levels of emotion.
But there are still many challenges in the creative process. For example, the background electron music match. As I said before. Music doesn't mix well with old instruments. Like at 1:30. I still haven't pushed music to a new level. I used some percussion instruments and sounds to improve the rhythm of the music. But the effect was not particularly dramatic. The corresponding story should be the monster to save the fairy regardless of personal danger. A violent scene during a fight. But unfortunately, I didn't get a perfect promotion.
In fact, I think the most difficult part of a song is the creation of the main melody. The theme is really the soul of a song. In order to make the theme not single. I learned through youtube. Learned to create multiple keys. And adjust the length, the pitch. I also learned a lot about plugins that are very useful. Such as alchemy, space d, etc. These plugins helped me integrate music into the theme.
Here is my project link:https://soundcloud.com/9tueanvexjdn/god-and-demon-1
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yihuimiao-blog1 · 5 years
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In the afternoon of April 26. My team and I were at the Sydney Conservatory Music theatre for a two-hour recording session. I invited my good friend Edward to play the famous piano song "river flows in you" for us. Team member Agnes kept track sheet. Team member Yiruma reserved the recording room for us and provided the stander. After everything is ready. We started our first recording attempt. Based on the recommendation on the canvas. The best place to record them is the recorder placed behind the piano. But sadly, the piano is against the wall. We can't move the piano. So we put the recorder on the right side of the piano. About 30cm away from the piano. Unfortunately, the first recorder did not master the skills of using the recorder and did not record the sounds. A second recording was made after debugging the device. For the second time, I recorded the whole song in its entirety. But unfortunately, because the equipment is very close to the air conditioning. I recorded the sound of the air conditioner. The sound of the air conditioner makes noises. The third time we recorded, we turned off the air conditioning. A perfect recording in the same spot. The fourth time we changed the recording position. We set the recorder on the right side of the piano near the wall. After recording, we found that the location was too close, and the recording effect was very poor. There was a lot of booms. And then we did a bunch of recordings in the same place. There were a lot of glitches in the recording process, such as mistakes during the process of playing and the sound of us walking around. But these can be edited later. It gives us a lot of material. We also interviewed the players after each recording. Let him share with us what went wrong in each performance. Fortunately, we did four full recordings and a small number of recordings in a limited amount of time.
In the process of editing, the connection between the two tracks is really difficult. First of all, the volume should be consistent so that there will be no disconnected sound. Second, make sure the notes are coherent. Don't jump. Making sure the editing is accurate is the most important thing! So I used a fade-in method to make some connections between tracks.
Here is the link of the product:https://soundcloud.com/9tueanvexjdn/rivers-flows-in-you
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yihuimiao-blog1 · 5 years
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The inspiration for this song comes from two very popular electric acoustic songs, "walls" and "Fractures", which is a very quiet style, whereas Fractures is a slight rocker song. My goal is to make a fusion of their two songs. Make music to express your feelings. The background story of the mood is: in the process of growing up, difficulties will always come without warning. It is difficult to overcome difficulties alone, and it is very pleasant to be helped by others. In the beginning, I chose a very slow guitar as the main melody, and then slowly entered a fast rhythm sound, with some drums and bass to create a rock atmosphere. The sound is then slowly muted in preparation for the climax. Because I want a sudden effect. Distinguish it from the previous connection. Slowly back to the original melody. I think the most difficult part of the creative process is the production and connection of the climax. Because the total feeling does not reach the desired height and effect. But if it's too obtrusive and doesn't connect well with the previous melody. So I'm going to add a fade-in or fade-out effect for the connection. In addition, in the existing melodies, such as drum set, there will be some very harsh postscript sound cannot be deleted alone. I'm going to take the equalizer and turn it down. There is also a very difficult balancing point between instrumental music. The sound should not be too low over the main melody. In general, the creative process is very difficult, whether it is technical or musical. But I am very happy after finishing the creation. For a designer who doesn't have any basic music knowledge. You can hear your own music. I was very proud. Love music even more.
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