wisneycloud · 5 years
After how many years of not reading any JDox fanfiction, I’ve just gone back and re-read a couple of my favorites because it was 2am and I was bored. Oh, the feels. THE FEELS. ;~;
My Lows and Highs
My Last Kill
Edit: Adding one more to this list as I am currently reading.
My Love Potion
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wisneycloud · 6 years
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A tiny voyager ready for a new adventure 🌱
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wisneycloud · 6 years
This is my new art blog, where I’ll be posting all my stuff from now on 
Hi everyone!
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My name’s Sara and I’m a freelance illustrator (who finally decided to open a blog for her art) I’ll be posting both traditional and digital art and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did making it!
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wisneycloud · 6 years
Hi?? Your magic tattooed stiles is hecking gorgeous. I love love love the way you extended his arm out and had the runes run down from the tree, and i love the details you gave to the background, the light balanced coloring, the stunning physique, everything. Thank you so much for your art
Thank you very much for the sweet message! ❤ It's a pretty old drawing of mine, but I'm glad people still like it
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wisneycloud · 6 years
I will always remember Christopher Lee as that horrifying moment in the LOTR commentaries where Peter Jackson says he started to direct him on how to act like he’d been stabbed and Christopher Lee goes “no no peter dear, when someone is stabbed like this, THIS is how they look, they don’t make a sound, air just leaves them all at once” and peter jackson remembers in that moment that lee was in the secret service and just slowly backs away.
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wisneycloud · 6 years
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wisneycloud · 6 years
mood: i want to read a story exactly like one of my favorite stories i’ve read a thousand times but not THAT story because i’ve read it a thousand times and i want to read a new one but it should be exactly like this one.
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wisneycloud · 6 years
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This is such a stellar piece of artwork, I really love this. I’ve come to love red and when complimented so beautifully, as @galaxyspeaking has done in this piece, it’s just so pleasing. 
628 Days until Episode IX
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wisneycloud · 6 years
Erasing Vanessa Gottleibe is bi Erasure of Hermann. Hermann can have been with Vanessa and is now with Newt. Hermann can be bi. HERMANN CAN BE POLY. Hermann can have laYers.
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wisneycloud · 6 years
What she says: I’m fine.
What she means: I understand the Chronicles of Narnia was at its heart a fairytale with theological analogies for children. But why did Lewis never address how they had to adapted to life on Earth again. Why does no one talk about how the Pevensies had to grow up with a kingdom of responsibilities on their shoulders, only to return to Earth and be children. Take Lucy, she was youngest and perhaps she adapted more quickly-but she had the memories and mind of a grown woman in an adolescent body. Edmund literally found himself in Narnia, he went from a selfish boy to mature and experienced man. He found a purpose and identity through his experiences to come back as just Edmund, Peter’s younger brother. Did people wonder why the sullen, sour boy came back, carrying himself like a wisened king? Did his mother wonder why he and Peter suddenly got along so well, why they spent so much time together now? And Susan, the girl of logistics and reason came back with a difference in her. She learned how to be a diplomat and ambassador, Susan the Gentle had to live to endure not-so-gentle circumstances. She had the respect she wanted, only to be just another teen girl. And Peter, he entered the manhood and maturity he so wanted. He earned the responsibility and stripes he yearned for. He learned to command armies and conduct the menial tasks demanded of a king to rule a nation. But he came back, appearing to be just anther glory-hungry boy. Not to mention the PTSD they must have struggled with. Especially Edmund. How often did he wake up in a sweat, screaming a sibling or comrade’s name? His parents believe it’s the war, but it’s an entirely different one he has nightmares about. How often did he have trouble with flashbacks and mood swings? And how many times did he and Peter sit over a newspaper or near the radio listening to reports on the troops. How often did they pour over lost battles and debate better strategies. Did their parents ever wonder why they seemed to understand flight war so well? How long was it before they stopped discussing these things in front of people? Why does no one talk about this??? 
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wisneycloud · 6 years
to be honest, tumblr isn’t a very good place to be when you’re trying to make your mental health better…don’t believe everything u read, there’s a line between relatable posts and normalizing unhealthy coping mechanisms, so be careful if your goal is to be less negative.
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wisneycloud · 6 years
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Hermann & Newt + in the background
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wisneycloud · 6 years
“When Van Gogh was a young man in his early twenties, he was in London studying to be a clergyman. He had no thought of being an artist at all. he sat in his cheap little room writing a letter to his younger brother in Holland, whom he loved very much. He looked out his window at a watery twilight, a thin lamppost, a star, and he said in his letter something like this: “it is so beautiful I must show you how it looks.” And then on his cheap ruled note paper, he made the most beautiful, tender, little drawing of it. When I read this letter of Van Gogh’s it comforted me very much and seemed to throw a clear light on the whole road of Art. Before, I thought that to produce a work of painting or literature, you scowled and thought long and ponderously and weighed everything solemnly and learned everything that all artists had ever done aforetime, and what their influences and schools were, and you were extremely careful about *design* and *balance* and getting *interesting planes* into your painting, and avoided, with the most astringent severity, showing the faintest *academical* tendency, and were strictly modern. And so on and so on. But the moment I read Van Gogh’s letter I knew what art was, and the creative impulse. It is a feeling of love and enthusiasm for something, and in a direct, simple, passionate and true way, you try to show this beauty in things to others, by drawing it. And Van Gogh’s little drawing on the cheap note paper was a work of art because he loved the sky and the frail lamppost against it so seriously that he made the drawing with the most exquisite conscientiousness and care.”
— Brenda Ueland, If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit (via raggedybearcat)
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wisneycloud · 6 years
Headcanon: Hermann lost his virginity at 20, to a guy he met at a party Vanessa dragged him to. They never talked after that. Newt lost his at 23, which is lies about to everyone and defends when found out by pointing out he was A PROFESSOR when he was 18 and it was a very weird situation until he met a girl in Berlin while visiting family.
~Insert eyeball emoji here~ AWWW YEAH ANOn I LOVE ITSend me a Newmann/Newt/Hermann headcanon and let me write a thing?! 
Nights away from the Shatterdome were rare anymore, what with the kaiju activity ramping up more and more.  So they took these precious moments and made the best of them.  Meaning they went to a local bar and got hella drunk.
Newt was 3 beers in already and feeling great.  He had Tendo on one side, and a quiet, grumpy Hermann on the other.  A few other J-tech and science officers had come along as well, people Newt had seen in passing and sort of but not really knew.  But they were having a blast.  
Well, most of them, anyway.
“Alright!” Tendo hollered, smacking the table excitedly. “Here we go, guys.  We’re feelin’ good, we’re havin’ fun, let’s do this.  Virginity.  When’d we lose it?”
“Seriously, dude?!” Newt laughed, knocking back  what was left in his glass.  Damn, he needed a new one.
“Yes, seriously,” Tendo grinned, leaning forward. “We’ve been drinking and shit like this is always a fun topic of conversation.  Like me, I waaaaaas … 18!  High school sweetheart.  Yessir.  She was a cutie.  Her parents were out of town, the usual sitch.”
Newt snorted, reaching up to wave the bartender over and order another beer.  Glancing over, he saw the empty glass in front of Hermann, and ordered one for him as well.  His lab partner opened his mouth to obviously protest, but the bartender was leaving, so he remained silent.  Newt just grinned at him. 
“How about you, Herms?” he asked without taking his eyes off the man.  Hermann pressed his lips in a thin line and practically glared at him.
Continua a leggere
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wisneycloud · 6 years
no more ‘vampires who correct history books’
more vampires who don’t remember more vampires saying ‘i don’t fucking know man, google it’ more vampires not remembering important historical figures more vampires not recalling centuries worth of history more vampires saying ‘ that was at least 300 years ago, how the FUCK could i remember that detail?’ more vampires whose brains work like human brains
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wisneycloud · 6 years
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wisneycloud · 6 years
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