wingsoffandom · 9 years
Survey Couture 18- Sweet Mother Teresa on the Hood of a Mercedes-Benz
I think y'all know who gets credit for the title, but if you don't... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiV_1HfmC0I
“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.”
― Anna Wintour
Levi comes back to an empty apartment.
He isn’t sure if it's relief or disappointment that greets him alongside the stillness of the silent apartment, but it can’t be relief, as the tightness in his shoulders doesn’t release and he jumps at the meow of the cat when it appears, the echoes fading into the empty rooms as it rubs itself against his new Balmain jeans. Another date with the lint roller, he sighs to himself.
His foot taps quickly as he searches for a hanger in the closet by the entrance. He decides it’s not disappointment either. There seems to be a drought of hangers in this particular closet, and if he was sad he wouldn’t be taking the time to find a single goddamn hanger. He get’s lazy when he’s mopey.
He checks the time on his watch. Only a minute has passed since he’s last checked it, and he finally decides that it’s anticipation.
Eren was breathing heavily by the time he reached the elevator, skidding to a stop in front of the doors and bouncing up and down as he willed it to arrive sooner. By the time he’d left Armin’s place the watch on his wrist had read seven thirty, and although Eren wasn’t quite sure why, he felt almost as if he was late to something. He knew Levi started making dinner around this time, but it wasn’t as if that mattered...
Maybe it does, he thought to himself, breathing a sigh of relief as the doors finally opened.
Mikasa was inside.
“What have you been doing?” She asked suspiciously, noticing his quick breaths and red face. She lifted an eyebrow when he balked at entering.
“I was over at Armin’s,” he replied as he finally stepped into the elevator, hitting the button for the penthouse.
“What’s the rush then?”
“You’re not going out at this time are you?”
“No! I just wanted to get back to the apartment soon.”
“I don’t know!” Eren replied, exasperated. “I just did I guess, what’s the big deal?” It wasn’t that he didn't want to answer Mikasa, he just honestly didn’t know. He had a sneaking suspicion though, one that was spurred on by the little Armin shouting in his head.
Mikasa looked at him. He could never tell what she was thinking, and, somewhat unfairly, the opposite was true for her. She always knew what was going on in his head. To be fair, most people did; Eren had been called an open book on multiple occasions. Maybe it was a weakness, maybe a strength, who really knew. At times like these though…
Eren cringed under her gaze. Yeah, definitely a weakness.
“Nevermind,” she shrugged, apparently deciding to let it go. It was a pleasant surprise for Eren, although he had his doubts about the truth of the statement. He was almost certain that there was a more detailed interrogation planned for his future.
The silence lengthened as the lift continued going up. Eren noticed the sketchbook in her arms.
“How’s it been going?” Eren asked, nodding towards the item in her hands.
Mikasa’s eyes lit up. “Good. Really good. I’ve been feeling inspired. I got to tour the fabric warehouse today, and it was just amazing.”
Eren smiled at that. It wasn’t a common sight, Mikasa being excited. It had only been a few days since they had first arrived, but Eren could see how taken Mikasa already was. Both her and Armin had instantly adjusted to their new lives. Now, they hardly seemed any different than those who had years rather than days of experience. Eren wasn’t so sure about himself, but he wasn’t not enjoying it, so-
“What about you?” She asked, interrupting his thoughts
“Yeah. Good. Really good.” He grinned.
Her face unexpectedly split into a grin to match his, making him smile even wider. “You’re smiling!” He exclaimed, shocked.
Mikasa shrugged. “You’re happy, Armin’s happy. I’m happy.”
Eren grinned at the simple statement. “No kidding Armin’s happy. That little shit has a date tonight.”
Mikasa’s eyes bugged. “WHAT?! He didn’t tell me!”
Eren laughed at her offended expression. “Yeah, he almost didn’t tell me either. Our son’s grown up,” he said, wiping a fake tear from his cheek. “Soon he’ll be moving out and getting a well paying career and-”
“Eren,” Mikasa interrupted, “He already has a well paying career. And he’s already moved out. Hell, you have a well paying career, that’s more of a miracle than Armin going on a date.”
Eren pretended to be offended. “Wow rude.”
Mikasa ignored him. “It’s kind of crazy though, isn’t it? All this.”
“Yeah… crazy. But in a good way. Like that one pizza we had with the bacon wrapped crust. Do you remember that?
Mikasa gave him the look.
“Oh come on you must remember that, it was like a defining moment in my life-” The elevator dinged as it reached her floor, interrupting his trip down memory lane.
“Eren your body's a temple,” Mikasa sighed as she stepped through the opening doors.
“Yeah I know, why else would people worship it!” he shot back.
She shook her head,  making a noise that could have been a sigh, but Eren could have sworn she had just muttered something about ‘giving that asshole a talking to’ as the doors closed behind her. He sincerely hoped she was talking about Armin and his secret shenanigans and not him.
He leaned his head back against the mirrored wall as the elevator continued to rise, thinking about the last few days, what Mikasa had said. And the promise he had made Armin. It is kind of crazy, all this.
And it’s about to get a helluva lot crazier. Eren thought to himself as the elevator reached the top floor.
He stepped through the doors.
It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy cooking.
He just couldn’t appreciate it as much as he normally did when the bright kitchen light seemed to hold some sort of personal grudge against his eyes. Levi glared at the frying pan in his hand. He could hear the sound of a door opening above the whir of the fridge and the incredibly insistent meowing of the cat. He ignored both the cat and the door, his eyes slowly turning to the row of spices as if they might provide some inspiration as to what he could make, but their colors didn’t seem as bright as they usually were. He didn’t hear the footsteps coming into the room. He also didn’t feel his hand let go of the heavy pan.
Levi jumped at the sudden shout.
“Jesus Levi, you okay?”
Levi rubbed his eyes as his brain finally comprehended that it was Eren who was now standing in front of him and holding the pan he did not remember letting go of. Eren, with his sea green eyes and floppy chocolate brown hair and-
Levi turned his eyes towards the ground and tried to ignore the pounding in his chest that had suddenly decided to mimic the pounding inside his skull. His drifting gaze settled upon the pan in Eren’s hand once again.
“Yeah...fine.” Wow Levi, you should win an award for the most original lie in this fucking century.
Eren’s raised an eyebrow dubiously as if in agreement with his thoughts.
Levi sighed. “Just tired is all. And I have a headache. Here, I can take that,” he said, hand brushing Eren’s as he took the pan from him, turning his back to the boy as he placed it on the counter. Levi could feel Eren’s eyes on him.
“Do you want me to help with dinner?” Eren asked after a few moments.
“No, it’s okay I just… god, I don’t feel like cooking.” Levi sighed, rubbing his temples as if it might make the headache left over from the day's events disappear. Panic attacks always left him feeling shitty.
“Then don’t,” Eren blurted out, pausing before he continued. “Let’s go out. For dinner I mean.”
That was new. That was very very new. And very unexpected. Well, maybe not that unexpected but he had purposely chosen to ignore it like an idiot and now he was going to regret it and make it seem like he didn’t want to because of course he did-
Since when had ‘of course’ been his mental reply to the uncomfortably insistent mental question of do you want to go out with Eren fucking JEAGER?!
Well mind you he didn’t necessarily ask you out, he just wants to eat dinner so don’t get your panties in a twist, the reasonable part of Levi’s brain (which he assumed had long ago died in a hole somewhere in the mess that was his head) reminded him.
Realizing that the silence Eren had left was beginning to extend, Levi took a deep breath and blurted out what he took to be a normal, neutral answer that subtly suggested he was maybe interested.
Oh yeah, so subtle. So, so subtle. As subtle as this sarcasm.
“Uh...I don’t really know the area..?”  
He didn’t need to look up to know that the boy was blushing.
“Come on kid, if you’re going to ask someone out you’d better have a plan.” Levi said, words falling like dying birds out of a tree that was his mouth.
Oh my sweet Mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes-Benz.You, Levi Ackerman, have FUCKED UP.
“I wasn’t-” Eren blushed even harder as he tried to express himself through any verbal form of the English language. “I mean…”
Well shit. Well SHIT.
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wingsoffandom · 9 years
Survey Couture 17- Get’cha Head in the Game (Trigger for panic attack)
Well everyone, I said I'd update at the end of June, and um... It's the last day of June? I've been told my greatest skills lie in the domain of procrastination. Anyways, this chapter does involve a panic attack, so if this is a trigger to any readers please please don't read! The plot is mainly tying up some loose ends from the last chapter and more of my hideous attempts at humor, so you won't miss much.
If you want to know when I’ll next be posting you can check out my AO3 account here
“True friends are like diamonds – bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in   style.”
― Nicole Richie
“Hanji, I’m a piece of trash,” Levi groaned dramatically as he flung himself into her office’s waiting room. The lack of response alerted him to the fact that she was not in the room. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “HANJI-”
“ONE FUCKING SECOND I'M ON THE PHONE YOU NEEDY PIECE OF SHIT,” said a voice from behind the office door, accompanied by a flying tissue box.
Levi pouted as he dodged the projectile, resigning himself to his fate and collapsing on the nearby settee with a sigh.
“Sorry about that!” giggled the suddenly cheerful voice from behind the door. “So about the third of July…” Levi tuned out the conversation, about to pull out his phone when a familiar blond man entered the room.
“Oh hey there Levi,” he said, “Is Hanji here?”
Levi stared at the man. “No. She’s currently exiting the earth's atmosphere,” he deadpanned. He sighed as Erwin gave him the look. “Jk, she’s in her office. On the phone. As usual.”
Erwin looked towards the door again, and then to his watch, sighing.
“Places to be, people to see? Since when did you become the popular guy, Erwin Smith?”
“You see, I have a date at six thirty…” He chewed the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. “You think she’ll be done by then?”
Levi stared at him. “A date. You have a date. Erwin Smith, captain of the SS Dad Clothes has a date.”
Erwin sighed and shook his head, turning towards the door. He was about the exit the room when he paused, turning slightly back towards the other man. Levi raised his eyebrow expectantly as a grin crept over the blond man's features.
“Indeed,” he said, swiftly sliding through the door.
Levi’s finger twitched.
Fifteen minutes of teeth grinding and an excessive amount of Candy Crush later, Hanji emerged from her office.
“What’s up buttercup? Ooo, sick rhymes.” She greeted him cheerily, ignoring the face he made at the sickeningly sweet nickname. “I know you wanted to chat, but I just need to run these documents down to marketing real quick, okay? I’ll be, like, five minutes!” She bounced past him, stopping briefly to plop a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for understanding honeybun!” She called behind her as she disappeared out the door.
“Hanjiii,” Levi whined after her, tossing his phone next to him. He sighed dramatically, wondering when everyone around him had gotten so busy. Guess I might as well do something productive too, he thought to himself, snatching the pencil he kept behind his ear and reaching for his sketchbook- His sketchbook. Which wasn’t there.
He froze, mind racing through the countless places he could have left it, the countless people who could be looking at it right now. He could hear his breaths begin to speed up alongside his thoughts- Gardens, downstairs, coffee shop, common room. His fingers were ice, the cold running up his veins in a way he recognized all too well. He hadn’t felt it in a while, that feeling. The kind that announced the arrival of shorter and shorter breaths, of a heart that was beating too fast, of fuzziness at the edges of his vision. He could hear the harsh rush of air going in and out of his lungs much too fast, the pounding of blood in his ears, louder than the pounding of his own heart. He knew he was shaking, but he couldn’t feel it. All he could feel was cold.
A door opened, slamming shut. “Okay honey bunches I’m back, what did-” Hanji paused.
“Levi? Levi!”
He could barely hear her voice over the pounding in his head, his chest. It was familiar, concerned, and rose in pitch when he didn’t respond.
“Shit. Shitshitshitshit.” She rushed over, gently grabbing Levi’s face and pressing their foreheads together, arms wrapping around him tightly as he shook soundlessly.
Time passed. He wasn’t sure how much, but he could smell the shampoo she had used that morning. He could smell the coffee on her breath. He could hear her speaking. Soft, like cashmere. He focused on that. Matched his breaths with hers. The ice began to drain, disappearing as the shaking slowed along with his breathing. He opened his eyes.
“You fucking asshole,” Hanji sighed in relief, squeezing Levi into a constricting hug.
“Sorry,” Levi managed to whisper when Hanji released him.
“You didn’t tell me that it was getting bad again.” She said.
“It wasn’t...well not really...I didn’t think… I thought I could handle it.” His thoughts flashed back to earlier that week. Flashbulbs, the press. Stress stress and more stress. He should have expected it.
“Levi...don’t be ashamed. You’re so brave, with all that’s been happening, okay? Do you know what triggered it?”
“My sketchbook. It’s gone,” Levi said, clenching his hands into a fist. “Which means that someone could have found it, or taken it, and uh,” he took a deep breath, “looked through it.”
“Oh sugar,” she said sympathetically, chewing on her bottom lip. “I’m going to get you some water okay? Stay here.”
“Okay,” Levi responded, watching her disappear into her office and reappear with a paper cup in hand. He took it from her, hands shaking slightly.
Hanji sat down next to him, folding her legs under herself. “I’m going to help you find it, okay?” She said suddenly, turning to look at him. “You don’t have to do it alone, but I will need your help. Do you think you’ll be able to do that? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable…”
“Yeah, I.. I can do it. I’m okay. Thank you.” Levi replied. His hands had stopped shaking.
“So what do you last remember drawing?” Hanji asked.
Levi chewed his lip in embarrassment. He remembered very well what he had drawn last, and Hanji did not need that kind of information, but there really wasn’t a way around it. “Erm, I drew Eren...on the catwalk…” He said, avoiding her eyes.
Hanji was obviously trying to hide a grin, but nonetheless Levi was grateful she was making an effort not to make a big deal about it.
“Well then...and after that you came straight here?”
“Yeah. I don’t remember having it on the elevator either, now that I think about it....”
“So it’ll be in the runway room then. See, not that big of a deal!” Hanji told Levi, punching him lightly in the arm.
“Unless someone took it… Eren, Reiner, and Bertolt all left after me.”
“Well, if I don’t find it in there I’ll check with them. One of them may have grabbed it to give back to you.” She said, jumping to her feet.
“Wait you’re going to look for it? Now? Do you want me to come?” Levi asked, getting to his feet.
“Nah, it’s okay. Stay here, I’ll be back soon!” She replied, opening the door. She was about to close the door behind her, but paused for a moment, turning to face Levi again. “Oh, and sweet stuff- we have a lot to talk about.” She grinned and winked, finally letting the door close behind her.
Levi groaned.
“Arminarminarmin,” Eren called through the closed door, knocking when there was no reply.
“Just a sec!” came a muffled reply, through what sounded like a mouthful of toothpaste.
“Why were you brushing your teeth?” Eren asked when Armin finally came to the door.
“I’m going out tonight.”
“What. Like on a date?”
The stare that met Eren’s dumbfounded expression was one of pure disdain.
“So what brings you to my humble abode anyways,” Armin asked, breaking the uncalled for silence as he spun around to grab a blowdryer.
“Um, yeah, thanks for the topic switch but no thanks,’ Eren said over the sound of the blowdryer, still slightly shocked as he watched his friend dry his blonde hair. “Who in the world are you going on a date with?”
“I don’t know why you’re so surprised that I’m going on a date.”
“That’s not an answer Armin,” Eren whined.
“But like you seem so surprised? Like that’s kind of offensive?”
“It wasn’t supposed to be offensive, okay? Now answer the question...please?” he added as an afterthought.
“Fine. It’s just Erwin.”
“Erwin. Erwin Smith.”
“The one and only.”
“I’m trying to be upset right now. Key word trying.”
“I can tell,” replied Armin dryly.
“I don’t really know what to say.”
“Yeah no shit.”
“Umm I guess I’m happy for you?” Eren tried. “God this is so weird.”
Armin sighed, rolling his eyes. “So back to my previous question,” Armin began, switching the topic. “Why did you come over?”
Eren was about to reply when someone began to knock on the door.
“Is that...?”
“Can’t be,” Armin replied, confused. “Unless he’s an hour early…”
He stepped past Eren, made his way to the door and opened it. “Oh, hey Hanji.”
“Hey Armin,” she said breathlessly, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. “Is Eren here?”
“Yeah, right through there…” he gestured, trailing off as she dashed inside.
“Eren! This is super important- do you know where Levi’s sketchbook is? It’s not in the runway room and I seriously hope Reiner and Bertolt don’t have it because their room door is locked and we all know what that means,” She said, shuddering in mock disgust.
“Sorry no-” Eren began to reply before he remembered. “Oh wait nevermind I do. I have it right here,” he said, reaching behind him to grab it. “Reiner gave it to me…” he explained, trailing off as he recalled exactly why Reiner had given it to him. Luckily Hanji didn’t seem to notice as she grabbed it out of his hand.
“Thanks a million darling!” She called behind her as she ran out the door.
“What was that about?” Armin asked, bemused.
“Does she ever make you tired?” Eren asked the general room, avoiding the question and the eye contact that followed it.
The leaves of the house plant in the corner seemed to droop in agreement.
“Well guess what mon ami!” Hanji said as she flung the door to her office open. “I found it! Eren had it, Reiner gave it to him or something? I don’t know, it was weird.”
Levi took the offered sketchbook from her, smiling in relief. He felt safer with it in his hands. “Thanks asshole” he said, flipping through the pages as if looking for something. He inevitably came upon a certain sketch.
“Yeah no problem,” Hanji replied, grinning at the return of Levi’s normal self, vulgar language and all. “But in return…”
“I’ve got to explain.” Levi guessed dryly, subconsciously covering the page with his hand.
“Everything!” Hanji added on with a dangerous looking grin. “But you know,” she said a second later, voice and expression softening considerably. “If you don’t want to, just let me know.”
Levi considered this for a moment. “To be honest I’ve kind of avoided thinking about this topic myself, but that's obviously not doing me much good,” He snorted sarcastically. “You know what? Fuck it. I’m going to spill my heart out for you. Feel blessed,” he said, accentuating the statement with a stab of his index finger at her chest.
“Yes sir!” Hanji replied, grinning.
“Don’t call me sir,” Levi frowned, “Makes me feel old.”
“Okay, okay, I”m going! So you know how he has those perfect, sea green eyes? Yeah, anyways that’s basically how this starts....”
“So Eren, why’d you have Levi’s sketchbook?” Armin asked, staring intently at the other boy through the bathroom mirror.
Eren blushed, leaning against the frame of the bathroom door. “He drew something…”
“You know, you’re so bad at this kind of thing that I don’t even have to guess what the drawing was, never mind who it was of.” Armin said, rolling his eyes.
“I don’t understand how you can guess something like that, Armin,” Eren groaned. He didn’t even bother denying it. Armin would have seen right through him, thanks to Eren’s hideous ability to lie and Armin's strangely accurate intuition. “It’s not like Levi and I-”
“You know what I don’t understand Eren?” Armin interrupted, turning to face him. “How you and Levi aren’t together yet. You obviously both like each other, but one of you is too thick skulled-” he paused to slap Eren’s head, “-to even NOTICE what the other thinks, and the other- I don’t even know about the other!” He said frustratedly. “He’s probably too busy running an internationally famous fashion line to deal with your BULLSHIT INCOMPETENCE at the same time!” He paused to take a breath. “God, sometimes I don’t understand how you two manage to tiptoe around the subject so well, you’d think one of you would have accidentally tripped into the other’s arms at this point, if not the other’s bed!”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t think he was interested in you as well.”
“Oh my god I am actually amazed that someone can be that oblivious! Do you even have eyes?!”
A doorbell rung, just as the glowing green digits on Armin's watch changed to six thirty, interrupting the extremely one sided conversation they were having. Armin shook his head quickly, taking a deep breath to calm himself. “Okay, I have to go,” he said, pushing past Eren’s shocked figure, “But before I do, YOU-” he paused to poke him in the chest, “-are going think about what that man means to you, and YOU are going to tell him what you decide.” He turned back around, muttering under his breath about ignorance and relationships. “Promise?”
 “Promise!” Eren barely managed to squeak out before the blond boy disappeared.
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
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Is2g if this becomes a thing I will cry tears of joy.
Art and edit by me :)
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
SURVEY COUTURE 16-Walk Walk Fashion Baby (part 2)
I have a lot of apologies to make.  Mostly for this chapter being insanely late and I seemingly to have disappeared off the face of the planet, but also for the fact that I don't know when the next one will be written.  I can make a lot of excuses, but for now I'll just say I've been extremely busy, and will continue to be. I won't make any promises about another chapter being uploaded this month, but I will promise that this fic will be finished, hopefully over this coming up summer. I have absolutely no intention of discontinuing this fic, because I honestly love writing it, I love the feedback and support all of you lovely people give me, but sometimes life gets in the way. So thank you thank you thank you to everyone who's stuck through with me, I hope you continue to do so, and happy holidays. Here's a chapter(:
“The secret to modeling is not being perfect. What one needs is a face that people can identify in a second. You have to be given what’s needed by nature, and what’s needed is to bring something new.” ― Karl Lagerfeld
“Hey Levi, could I borrow you and Bert for a sec?” Reiner called, motioning for them to come over to where he and Eren were standing.
“You almost done?” Levi asked as he headed over, placing the sketchbook he’d been working in for the last couple of hours on a nearby chair.
“Yeah, just need to do one more thing and then he’s all yours,” Reiner smirked. “Could you guys just stand on the edges of this runway? Confidence test.”
Levi and Bertolt positioned themselves on either side of the yellow strip, barely a meter between the two.
“Okay so Eren,” Reiner started, positioning himself next to Bertolt, “You’re going to do everything we've taught you today, the walk, the turn, the pose, but you need to do it down the runway we’re standing around. Some venue’s are relatively small, so you need to get used to walking inches from people without feeling awkward. Start whenever.”
Eren started, keeping his eyes straight ahead as he neared the three men.
Levi bent forward the tiniest bit, just far enough to be breathing directly into Eren’s ear as he stopped to pose. “Eren…” He watched the boys eyes widen at the unquestionably sultry tone of voice. “You have a camel toe,” Levi smirked.
“WHaa?!” Eren gasped, tripping and falling to the ground. “I do not!” He blushed furiously up at the smirking man as Reiner collapsed on the floor in laughter.
“Psych,’ Levi said smugly.
“Leviii,” Eren complained, getting up indignantly. “We’re not even competing yet!”
“Now we are,” He said, hopping onto the catwalk gracefully. “Lights, music,” he snapped his fingers impatiently.
He barely caught Reiner’s maniacal grin before his ears were blasted off by what was unmistakingly Adam Lambert.
“Oh fuck no Reiner fix that shit I refuse to walk to this-”
“Come on Levi,” Eren called from the ground. “Faltering already?”
“Shut up brat,” Levi brushed the jibe off, slightly annoyed that a little bit of teasing could make him give in so easily.The song had a strong beat to it though. This will be easy, he thought.
Left, right, step up to the spotlight
Why you actin uptight?
I’m takin’ you to school, thats right
Inwardly sighing at the cheesy lyrics, Levi glanced subtly toward the brown haired boy, trying to make out his expression past the blinding lights.
High, low, don’t tell me you don’t know
how to ever let go
I’m takin’ you to school, thats right
He was approaching the end of the catwalk, where Eren was standing. The boy blew him a kiss, obviously an attempt to throw him off. Like that was going to work. He responded with a smirk as he paused, rolling into his poses and turning seamlessly, keeping his eyes on Eren’s until the last minute.
Werk bitch you don't gotta stress this
got 'em feeling restless
show ‘em how its done alright
Eren followed the Levi down the other side of the catwalk, in another attempt to distract him. Trying so hard. He gave the boy a sympathetic expression, as Eren tried to make him react in any way possible.
Secret don’t care if you don’t keep it
don’t care if you leak it
Show ‘em how its done alright
Levi hopped off the catwalk as Reiner cut the music, sweeping his arms in the direction he had just come from, offering it to Eren.
“Thanks-” his sarcastic reply was cut of by the sounds of- fucking hell Reiner.
I want to start a revolution
A type of personal solution
We all have got our own pollution
It's all about the execution
Eren knew the song, he had practiced with it before. And it showed; there was an air of confidence around the boy that Levi couldn’t deny he was impressed by.
You got something to say, your hands are tied, open your mouth, open it wide
Let the freedom begin
Get on the floor, just let it drive, don't it feel good, don't it feel hot?
Feel the fire within
Levi could feel Eren’s eyes on him. He probably should have been meeting that gaze, but the way the stage lights shone on the sliver of skin above his low slung pants was almost as distracting as how tight the pants were.
I wanna see you strut, strut, strut, come on walk for me
Strut, strut, strut, how you wanna be
Everybody's looking for some love, but they don't know
How to let it all hang out and that's why they're solo
Solo, solo, don't wanna be solo
Solo, solo, don't wanna be solo
He didn’t want to meet the boys gaze- he wasn’t sure why, perhaps what was left of the animalistic instincts was telling his he should fear but the burning sensation, the source of which he knew was the two pools of green fire. But man was not made to resist temptation, least of all him. And feeling like a victim of Medusa’s allure he looked up- how many stone innuendos can we come up with, hmm?
“You look good from up here,” The mouth below the twinkling orbs smirked.
Levi hoped Eren couldn’t see the light pink that was dusting his cheeks. Or how he had just subconsciously bitten his lower lip.
Eren’s widening smirk dashed those hopes against the metaphorical rock that was definitely not pertaining to certain regions of Levi’s- oh shit.
The smolder level had definitely just been increased by ten.
I'll be your mirror
Darling, let your hair down
Show me what you're working with
And let me see you
Strut, strut
Levi sighed as the boy turned, and shifted his stance uncomfortably, eyes flickering back and forth between the door and the boy, waiting for him to reach the end of the runway.
He was gone as soon as Reiner cut the music.
  Eren hopped down, dashing to where the others were standing.”Wait- where’s Levi?”
“Already left, he seemed to have some *cough* issues,” Reiner snorted.
“But who won?!” Eren asked as he watched the innuendo fly over his head. Like a majestic eagle.
“He didn’t do it for the competition Jeager,” Bertolt responded, shooting Reiner a look. “Good job though, you didn’t make a fool of yourself.”
“Thanks Bertolt,” Eren answered dryly.
“Levi’s smart like that, he just wanted to see you under pressure.”
“More like a manipulative asshole…”
“Someone’s bitter about the camel toe incident,” Reiner snorted. “It’s like a thing Levi does to the newbies- trips ‘em up every time. Oh wow would look at my wrist- remember what we were supposed to do at the end of the day?” Reiner grinned, switching the topic with the grace of a three legged giraffe.
“No, Reiner please stop you’re making a fool of yourself,” Bertolt cringed, grabbing Reiner’s shoulder.
Reiner shrugged Bertolt off. “I’ll make it quick,” he promised, puffing out his chest. “By the knights of the rainbow table, aka me and Bertolt, I dub thee Levi-sexual, aka the only one who has a chance so go get it tiger,” He winked.  “Oh and by the way,” he said, sliding closer to Eren, “I thought this was pretty cute,” he pushed a thick sketchbook into Eren’s hands. “You can thank me later love,” he smiled, before he flounced out the room with Bertolt on one arm, leaving Eren frozen to the spot, his face a strange semblance of a goldfish.
Eren noticed that the sketchbook had the name Levi embossed on the cover as it fell out of his hands. It opened to a sketch of himself.
“Damn, I look hot.” he said the the empty room.
He could almost here Armin’s condescending sigh.
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
If you are looking for a book to read dear lord please go run to the nearest source of books and get ‘aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe’ by benjamin alire saenz. you will not regret it. every couple of pages there is a line that just punches you in the face and demands you to sit back and think. the story flows well, the characters are just fantastic and just all the awards to this story please.
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
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Wardrobe Color Guide
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
SURVEY COUTURE 15-Walk Walk Fashion Baby (part 1)
“And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.” —Lady Gaga
  Levi huffed silently as he gently lowered the amp to the floor of Eren’s room. Grabbing his phone, he plugged the headphone jack into the amp. The boy was still fast asleep, obviously having to forgotten to set an alarm considering that it was already two minutes past seven. You think he would've learned last time. Levi continued scrolling through his iTunes library. Decisions were hard, especially when it came to having to choose between Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga.
That was done ironically.
And so was choosing to start Eren’s day by playing Donatella at full volume.
I am so fab check it out
Levi hadn't expected Eren to wake up at the softer beginning, so he took the opportunity to let his inner sass shine and mouth along with the words. He was allowed to do the hip cock hair flick if he wanted.
I’m blonde, I’m skinny, I’m rich, and I’m a little bit of a bitch.
“No shit,” Eren snickered from beneath the covers.
Levi froze, eyes narrowing to slits as his hand slowly lowered itself from his hip as the song continued to play in the background.
“Oh no, please continue,” Eren said cheekily as her stretched languidly on the bed, “After all-”
Versace promises I will, Dolce Vita
Levi was not amused. “Couldn't get your lazy ass out of bed? What a shame,” he replied as he stalked to the edge of the bed menacingly, grabbing the mop of brown hair and yanking it up to his face. “Let me help you.”
Eren’s shout of pain matched the shout of Donatella! rather beautifully.
“Mi mi bella,” Levi tsked in fake sympathy, as he exited the room, dragging Eren behind him.
“I’m sorry i’msorryi’msorry please let go of my hair I actually like it you know-”
“Wash it then,” Levi finally relented as he released the chunk of hair he had been holding, wiping his hand on his slacks. Alexander McQueen could deal with a little bit of hair grease. Or he could just buy new ones. Consumerism, woo.
“I’m not going to ask how much those pants you just defiled with my hair grease cost,” Eren sighed forlornly, staring at Levi’s thigh.
Levi shrugged it off, though he did feel a bit guilty. “Reminds me, we’ll need to go shopping sometime soon. Can’t have my models being underdressed,” he sniffed at Eren’s ratty shirt and boxers.
“Ouch,” Eren frowned, “Who wears designer pyjamas anyways?”
“If you've ever slept in silk you’d understand.”
“You are actually the epitome of rich white business man, god I think I can actually smell the sugar daddy.”
“So stereotypical. But if we’re going with that, guess who’d be in the other half of the sugar daddy relationship, model with a high student debt?”
Eren blushed maroon, embarrassed to realize that it was actually slightly true. Well, minus the sexual favours. Kinda.
“No denial, hmm,” Levi said, raising an eyebrow speculatively. “Well, I’m not going to ask about your fetishes-”
“Oh my god no It’s not like that no please just stop talking oh my god.” Eren groaned into his hands. “Topic change. Now. Please. Why do you have Lady Gaga in your phone?”
“The playlist it’s under is entitled ‘Cliche Runway Songs’. They would be courtesy of Hanji. She probably got them from Erwin. I mean he listens to Ke$ha, god that man needs more of a makeover then you do.”
“Thanks...I guess?”
“Wasn’t really a compliment, but yeah whatever, eat breakfast, make yourself presentable. We have some work to do today”
                                                      “Welcome to floor 27, otherwise known as practice room 1.” Levi introduced the room as he swung the door open, narrowly missing Eren’s face.
The space took up the entire level, split by a single elevated catwalk. The floors were crisscrossed by colored runways, some thick and some thin, some curved and some at right angles. It almost looked like a warehouse with its large stage lights scattered throughout, but it wasn't ugly. Kind of the converted New York warehouse charm.
“Woah,” Eren blinked as Levi turned the multitude of lights on.
“Get used to it. This is what you’ll be staring at on the runway,” Levi replied, seemingly unaffected by the bright lights.
Eren was momentarily distracted by the sound of the door opening again. He turned around to see Ymir and Krista enter the room, followed by Annie.
“Oh hey Eren!” Krista smiled as she noticed him. “Looks like we’ll be learning together!”
“How unfortunate,” Ymir muttered under her breath.
“Actually, you won’t be. Male modeling is quite different,” Levi corrected.
“Why are you here?” Annie interrupted, noticing Levi’s presence.
Levi looked unoffended by Annie’s probably unintended rudeness. “Reiner and Bertolt told me they were taking a day off. I was going to start Eren’s training.”
Annie raised her eyebrow skeptically. “Yesterday they were making out in the commons...must have gotten the dates wrong.”
“Then why aren’t they here?”
“Exactly. Excuse me while I go skin their lazy asses. Girls, stay here.” Annie said as she stalked off to find Bertolt and Reiner.
“Can’t they get fired for that?” Eren asked, confused.
“Technically, yeah.” Levi responded, sounding slightly pissed off. “But those two are some of the best out there, it’s more like I pay them to stay rather than to work.”
“So Mr. Ackerman, why were you going to teach Eren? Do you have experience in modeling?” Krista asked, breaking the silence they had fallen into. Ymir raised an eyebrow in mild interest.
Levi shrugged. “Yeah, a bit I guess. Started out catalog modeling-”
“Oh my god please tell me you modeled Levi’s that would be too funny.” Eren snickered.
Levi glared at Eren. “Calvin Klein actually brat.”
“Underwear?” Eren wolf whistled. “Can’t believe you didn’t model Levi’s though, what a wasted oppertunity.”
“Yeah whatever kid, I got a good contract and decided to stick with it.”
“So how did you get into fashion industry then?” Krista questioned.
“I tried to get into runway- practiced for years, but every agency I went to told me I didn’t have to height required,” Levi frowned, “Eventually I realized that the only reason I wanted to do runway was because I loved the clothing, so I just said screw it and switched to fashion.”
So that’s why he’s so sensitive about his height, Eren realized.
“Krista’s not much taller than you,” Ymir realized, eyes narrowing.
“Yes, luckily I don’t care for those requirements as much. And women have many more opportunities in the modeling industry. If she wasn’t here she could probably model petite.”
Their conversation was interrupted by Bertolt and Reiner being dragged through the door by Annie.
“Sir,” she said sarcastically, releasing the shirt collars of the two males.
Reiner popped his collar angrily. “Oi, this is Ralph Lauren. Respect it.”
“Maybe you should learn to respect your employer.” Annie shot back.
“Play nice kids,” Levi drawled. “Anyways, we’ve just wasted 10 minutes, so let’s try and make up for it hmm? Looks like I’m not needed anymore, but I don’t have much to do today, so I’ll just go grab my sketchbook. Try to be productive while I’m gone.”
“I call catwalk,” Annie said as soon as the door closed.
“Aww come on Annie,” Reiner complained.
“We don’t even need it Reiner,” Bertolt sighed.
“But we doooo!” He cried, twirling around the dark haired man.
Annie shook her head in disdain. “You are so gay. Come on you Ymir, Krista.”
“We’re all gay here darling!” He called back, flipping her a friendly bird. He quickly turned to Eren. “Right? Cause otherwise you’re not allowed in the club.”
“Umm-” a confused Eren stuttered.
“Wait don’t say this is like the perfect opportunity to hone my gaydar. Make sure you know your sexuality by the end of the session,” He said, winking at the dumbstruck boy.
“I apologize for my associate-” Bertolt began.
“Reiner we have work to do.”
“Fine fine. Ok Jeager. First things first- music.”
“Not the most important thing-”
Reiner rushed up to Bertolt. “Hush,” He whispered dramatically, placing a finger on his lips. “Levi left his phone here, and Hanji’s playlist is on it. This is my jam.”
“Right just ignore him please I don’t know how he became successful to be honest. SO first things first-”
“You are a clothes hanger.” Levi interrupted, having silently slipped back into the room without anyone noticing.
“Sorry what?” Eren asked, glancing over to Bertollt who didn't look confused in the slightest. “Last time I checked I wasn’t.”
“No, you’re literally supposed to act like clothes hanger,” Bertolt explained for Levi. “The point of runway models is to show the clothes, not themselves. You don’t want to be bringing attention to yourself, hence the blank face and all that.”
“Exactly,” Levi confirmed. “Now let’s see what you can do. Start at the end of the blue runway.”
“That seems so degrading,” Eren said, contemplating what Bertolt had just said as he headed to the end of the blue strip.
“Shut up and walk,” Levi winced as feedback echoed throughout the room.
“Sorry!” Reiner yelled, barely heard over the pounding bass that was now blasting through the speakers.
“Turn that shit down Reiner, the whole building doesn’t need to know you like Adam Lambert!” Levi shouted back.
“They already do!” Reiner’s booming laugh echoed across the floor.
Levi sighed, turning back to Eren and Bertolt. “Come on,” he nodded impatiently to the boy.
“But I don’t know anything!”
“Just go for it.”
Eren grimaced. “Fine, but I’ve never done this before, just keep that in mind.”
“Just translate what you do in photoshoots to movement. Both are about the confidence. Now come on, we don’t have the entire fucking day.”
Eren tried to think back to the countless fashion shows he’d watched with Mikasa. One foot in front of the other, shoulders back, head high. You’ve totally got this Eren. Walk to the beat of the music. Adam Lambert’s telling you to strut. Listen to Adam Lambert.
“Okay, you can stop,” Levi called out, walking towards Eren. “That was surprisingly good…” Eren’s eyes lit up. “... if you were a girl. Which you are not.” Ouch.
“First things first- forget everything you’ve ever seen with female models- have you ever seen a male model walk?”
“Not really? At least not that I remember.” Eren replied.
Levi frowned. “Okay, that’ll be your homework. For now…” Levi snapped his fingers. “Bertolt- demonstration.”
Bertolt nodded silently, walking a couple of meters down the runway.
“Ok now watch his legs and arms,” Levi started as Bertolt began to move. “Only female models do the hip sway, one foot in front of the other shit. Male modeling is all about the ‘swagger’, so notice how the feet are side by side but with longer strides.  Also remember to walk to the beat of the music, but you were already doing that. We’ll try some more challenging beats later, and then music transitions as well. Now pay attention to the arms. Just let them sway naturally, but keep your shoulders as still as possible. Leave your hands relaxed, you don’t want the fingers unnaturally flat or curled like a fist, so just let them bend them at the middle joint. Good posture is a given- you know, shoulders back, head high. You seem to have that under control though. And remember your confidence, that’s what it’s all about.” The man indicated for Bertolt to stop, motioning for Eren to go back to his original position. “Thanks Bertolt. Let’s see what the brat’s got for us now.”
Eren started again, slightly more confident now that he had some tips.
“Your feet are too far apart brat, you look like a fucking giraffe.”
“Thank you, you’re really helping my confidence you know,” Eren replied sarcastically while he fixed his foot placement. He barely heard the “Much better,” that Levi mumbled under his breath. He still smiled.
After a while Levi wandered over to where Ymir and Krista were practicing, giving Eren some much needed breathing room. He spent the next couple of hours bouncing between the two, throwing tips and sarcastic comments at them every so often. Eventually he sat down on the catwalk with his sketchbook, looking up just often enough that Eren could feel his piercing gaze on his back. He left the room soon after, returning with some food and proclaiming a ‘lunch break because Jeager looks like he’s about to faint’.
Eren eagerly rushed over the shorter man, grabbing the package that Levi held out to him. “Thanks so much!” Krista threw in, glaring at Eren’s lack of manners.
“Oh right, yeah thanks,” Eren attempted to say through a mouthful of a low fat chicken wrap.
“Disgusting,” Levi wrinkled his nose at Eren’s full mouth. Eren grinned in reply, leaving Levi shivering in horror.
“When you’re done eating we should go over your ‘look’, okay?” Levi said, trying to ignore Eren’s eating.
“Well I’m like already done so…”
“Did you actually just finish that whole wrap in under a minute. That’s incredible in a mildly disgusting way...kind of like an anaconda eating a crocodile.”
“My anaconda don’t-”
“Sorry,” Eren said, “did Nicki Minaj kill your mother or something?”
“Just my faith in humanity. Anyways. Your look. Remember what I told you yesterday?”
“I am a lion. Rawr.” Eren grinned.
“Yeah, except now you look more like a five year old in a ball pit. Lose the smile, unless you can make it look like a lions.”
“Predatory,” Eren said, narrowing his eyes and adding a bit of a smirk.
“Ooh, big words,” Levi mocked. “But it’s better. Try the pout now.”
Eren tilted his chin downwards as he stared at Levi, widening his eyes and raising his eyebrows while sticking out his lower lip slightly as he glanced upwards through his eyelashes.
Levi’s mouth twitched slightly, as if he was laughing inside his head. Eren felt a smile creep onto his face as well.
“Oh stop smiling at each other you two ya look like a couple of sappy teenagers,” Ymir commented.
Eren blushed wildly. “As if you and Krista weren’t doing this either!!” He replied indignantly.
“Yeah, but I’m her girlfriend,” Ymir replied. “Unless I’ve missed something…”
“Come on brat,” Levi silenced the two. “Back to work. Give me anything you’ve got, off the top of your head.”
“Eyebrows,” Eren demonstrated, cocking an eyebrow “Open mouth,” he continued, letting his lips part slightly and lifting his chin up . “Sad,” Eren pouted slightly and lifted the inner ends of his eyebrows. “Angry,” he brought his eyebrows together in a glare. “Side glance,” he turned to stare downwards at his shoulder. “Eyes,” he finished off with, lowering his eyebrows and increasing the intensity of his stare.
“Those eyes are certainly working for you,” Levi handed out the rare compliment. “But will you be able to keep those on in front of a crowd?”
Eren flicked his hair, pasting on a look of fake contemplation. “Hmm, well it’s not very hard to hold an expression, so yeah. Duh.”
“There is something known as too much confidence,” Levi commented dryly, standing up abruptly. “Fine then. After Bertolt finishes teaching you some of the turns and poses, I’ll challenge you.”
“The game is on,” Eren grinned.
Bertolt hummed the Sherlock theme quietly in the background.
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
Hey there! I read your Survey Couture aside, and I wanted to know if it's a series? I noticed that some of the other posts were numbered. I really like it and if it's a series I want to read it all! :D
Yup, it's a series! It's all posted on my tumblr, or you can read it in ao3, here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1895757/chapters/4086060
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
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snk girls in girly dresses, cuz i felt like 
my tablet works again ;U; I’m so happy 
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
*doesn’t have internet access for a week*
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
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Fashion Tips
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
So FINALLY my laptop has been fixed. It took forever but I have been released from my computerless hell. 
On the things y'all actually care about: Survey Couture will continue to update, and I'll try to get the next chapter up by tuesday. No promises though, because life is school and school is life, same goes for future updates, they will probably be less frquent because of aforementioned reasons.
Anyways, thanks for sticking through this everyone!
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
So I opened my computer today, and it was like a skittles commercial had occurred on my screen...so yeah, my laptops out  of commission for a while. This means I probably won't have the time/materials to complete the next chapter for a while, which I'm very very sorry about but apparently the laptop gods hate me. So this fic is unfortunately going to have to go on a temporary hiatus for a while, until I have a working computer again (I'll let you know when my  computer gets fixed).
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
SURVEY COUTURE ASIDE-Maybe it's Maybelline- Maybe it's Something More
A bit of NSFW If you don’t want to read it, you don’t have to, yada yada you know the drill. 
Levi entered the apartment to the sound of Eren playing the guitar quietly, the tune slightly familiar, just recognizable enough to probably be the kind of song you heard on the radio way too often.
“I’m home,” he called out, not really knowing why. It wasn’t like the kid needed to know it.
The strumming stopped.
Just as Levi turned to place his sketchbook on the table, Eren entered the room, leaning against the doorframe and smiling softly.
“Hey,” he greeted.
“So what did you do?” Levi questioned as he made his way towards the kitchen. Eren followed close behind him.
“I met Reiner in the lift and he invited me to go down to the commons with him, bunch of people were hanging out there because apparently no one else has started working or anything,” Eren responded, looking pointedly at Levi.
“Tch,” Levi scoffed, “Honeymoon period. They’re soon going to find out that the ‘Creation Committee’ as the so like to call themselves is a bitch.”
“The Creation Committee, where dreams come true and social lives are extinguished,” Eren grinned. “So am I supposed to think that you’re more lenient?”
“Saute these onions, brat.”
Eren sighed dramatically. “Not even after hours…Anyways, I went down cause I didn’t really have anything else to do and then Jean was there and he’s a total asshole right? So we got into this argument about something or another but then like Connie’s got the hots for this girl that works at some cafe or something-”
“Sasha?” Levi interrupted.
“Yeah! How’d you know?” Eren asked, curious.
“I go to that cafe a lot. She’s one of the baristas.”
“Wow coffee shop cliche much.”
“Oi, their tea blends are amazing.”
“You don’t drink coffee?”
“Stains your teeth.”
“I’ll agree with you there. I swear by chai tea lattes.”
“How original,” Levi commented sarcastically.
“Hey don’t judge the chai life.”
“I’m judging.”
“Shut up. But anyways it’s probably super weird for you but have you noticed that like eighty percent of your employees want to bang you.”
“Your transitions astound me.”
“Avoiding the topic...but like Reiner and Jean were talking about you and Reiner has a boyfriend like did you know this?”
“About the boyfriend? Yes. About my sexiness? Yes also.”
“But like, would you? Or do you have a rule about people working for you and stuff like that-”
“No, there isn’t a rule about that, but I do have a rule about one night stands and shit. I’m not twenty anymore.” Levi paused in his cooking to turn around and stare at Eren. “Where’s this coming from anyways?”
Eren’s eyes widened as his cheeks turned cerise. “N-no reason just wondering ‘cause Jean and Reiner brought it up and yeah…”
Levi’s eyebrows did not seem to believe him.
Dinner passed quickly with their easy bantering. Eren didn’t bring up the earlier episode, Levi didn’t remind him. Maybe one day he would.
It was as they were washing the dishes that Levi took Eren’s earlier suggestion to heart.
Do something crazy. Levi grinned inwardly to himself.
“Oi brat, you’re not washing them right,” Levi complained as he stretched his arms around Eren’s torso and grabbed the dish. He grinned cockily as he felt Eren freeze.
“The way to do it,” He said slowly and seductively, “Is to use just the right amount of soap, because it acts as a lubricant. I’m sure you’re familiar with that. Just rub up and down, up and down, remember not to clench too hard, until you feel the-”
“I- think I’ve- got it,” Eren choked out as he tried to squirm out of Levi’s arms, refusing to turn to face the man. Levi releases him.
“Actually you know what, let me do the dishes, it’ll give me peace of mind. Go shower or something, you smell.”
Never in his life had Levi ever seen someone so relieved to be told they smell.
You manipulative asshole, Eren thought to himself as he stripped down, finally in the safety of the bathroom. Not fair.
Eren could still feel the burning heat on his cheeks as he stepped into the shower; he thought it would have dissipated a little since it had oh so recently traveled downwards, but to his great chagrin he realised neither would be going away soon.
Fuck you a million times over Levi, this is all your fault. Eren told himself as he let his hand travel downwards.
He took it quite literally.
He can’t get Levi’s lips of his head as he slows strokes his already half hard dick. Can’t get the taste of liquor out of his head, can’t get the feeling of Levi’s denim clad thighs in between his. Can’t help imagining that the denim isn’t there. Eren inhaled sharply.
Levi’s hand pressed tight around his waist, the seductive tones he was using just minutes ago as Levi tells him just exactly how-
“Nnngh,” Eren moaned, biting down on his bottom lip. Quiet. There’s only a wall in between you. If anything, that thought only makes him want to moan louder.
Come on Eren, Eren can almost hear Levi’s sultry voice, can almost feel his lips brushing against the shell of his ear, Come for me.
Maybe they aren’t Eren’s hands starting to move faster. Maybe it’s Levi’s mouth, Levi’s tongue around his cock and maybe that’s what just swiped the beads of pre-cum of the tip. A light scrape, just enough to make him wince- who knew? A swirl of his tongue over the pain, making it disappear. Eren can feel his legs starting to shake as he braces himself against the slippery wall of the shower.
The backs of his eyelids are imprinted with Levi’s thin grey eyes, like daggers. His mind likes to photoshop, likes the idea of adding more black, blown-out pupils leaving only rings of silver, likes the idea of the way they widen when he touches him right there, oh god right there Eren. Swollen lips, airbrush some pink on the cheeks. Take a picture brat, it’ll last longer. Pan downwards- those abs don’t need any imagination, Eren’s seen the charcoal definition on the paper white skin in the flesh. Down down, remove those, remove that. I guess that’s what makes up for his height.
Harder, faster,more, more, more. Levi’s looking down at him for once, Eren watches as his black eyes squint shut, as his mouth falls open, mouthing Eren’s name. You’re beautiful, so beautiful…
“Levi!” Eren’s mouth falls open, eyelids crushing together as he shakes through his orgasm, white stars everywhere, legs struggling to hold himself up. His hand grapples at the wall and he’s gasping like a goldfish-
“What brat, did you fall a break your neck or something?” He hears through the wall.
The vermillion flush hasn’t disappeared yet.
If anything, it’s come back.
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
SURVEY COUTURE 14- Waxing, Assholes, and Rose Gardens
“There is no better designer than nature.”
― Alexander McQueen
Levi watched as Eren’s hands ghosted over his stomach. Levi forced his eyes away.
“Stop it,” he said.
“Stop what?” Eren asked, confused.
Levi waved his hand vaguely. “Touching yourself.”
“That sounded dirty. And I can’t help it. It’s so smooth.” Eren responded
“Well still, people are staring.” And so am I.
“Who cares? I’ve just checked something off my bucket list.”
“Waxing was on your bucket list?” Levi asked, bemused.
“Hmm, well I’ve never really thought about my bucket list. I just kinda assumed it was on there...”
“You’re really weird sometimes, you know?”
“Thank you!” Eren grinned. “What’s wrong with that? Makes people remember who you are.”
Levi considered that for a moment. “I’ve never thought about it that way before.”
“Do you actually try to be normal? Cause it’s not working.”
“Since when have I not been normal?”
“Well since you became famous, duh. Being the designer of one of the most popular fashion labels isn’t normal despite what you may think.” Eren laughed.
“Well, but that’s a good kind of being different.”
“Different can’t be categorized into good and bad Levi. There aren’t only two types of people in the world; no one’s the same, and you can’t change that.”
“But I can prevent my name from being associated from things. Such as hanging around an exhibitionist,” Levi replied, nodding towards Eren’s hand.
“I’m not an exhibitionist!” Eren laughed, swatting the back of Levi’s head. “And who cares about what others think of you? Live a little, do something crazy!”
Levi froze. Who cares what others think of you Levi? You care. You care so damn much. What would Eren say about that? Hmm? Eren, king of not caring? The kid who can laugh at a magazine saying he has daddy issues? You’re weak Levi. He can do anything, and you’re left lying in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, picking apart every little thing you did that day. Not sleeping because you spilled a cup of coffee at the cafe three nights go. Pathetic.
“Levi?” Eren asked, concerned. Levi could see the worry in his green eyes.
Levi stumbled, grabbing on to Eren’s arm to steady himself. “Sorry, I just...we should be heading back. I uh, I need to meet up with Mikasa so we can go over some...some things about the collection…”
“Yeah of course,” Eren agreed, still sounding slightly concerned. Levi was thankful he didn’t press the issue any further.
The walked the rest of the way back to the entrance in silence, breaking it as they entered the foyer.
“I told Mikasa I’d meet her in the gardens,” Levi explained as he stopped before the elevator. “You can do whatever now; I’ll see you back in the apartment around eight?”
“Yeah,” Eren nodded, eyes piercing into Levi’s. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re looking a little pale.”
“Side effect of dark hair,” Levi smiled. The smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Okay,” Eren smiled back, raising his hand as he called the elevator. “See you then,” he said as he stepped into the elevator.
Levi sighed in relief as the doors closed in front of the boy.
He didn’t believe you at all. He’s going to wonder what’s going on. Dinner is going to be awkward. Maybe you should tell him. He’s going to think you have issues.
Levi shook his head free of those thoughts. He checked his watch. Five minutes. Perfect. Grabbing his extra sketchbook and pencils from behind the front desk, he headed out the doors and towards the rose garden to meet Mikasa.
  “Jeager! What’re you up to?”
Eren started as he raised his eyes to the blond man that had just stepped into the elevator, interrupting his thoughts about Levi. He had been so preoccupied with the Levi’s odd behaviour that he hadn’t noticed the doors opening. “Oh, hey Reiner, nothing much. I’ve got some free time now.” he said to the blond man.
“Levi finally released you, did he? You should totally come hang with everyone, I’m just heading to the commons right now. Marco wanted to get to know the new kids or something.”
“Eh, why not? I haven’t really gotten to talk to anyone recently,” Eren replied, following Reiner down the hall.
“Yeah, no kidding,” Reiner agreed. “Levi’s had you up there for what? A day and a bit now? That’s some Rapunzel shit right there.” Reiner laughed.
Eren blushed as he realised that it was true. “Yeah, something like that…”
Reiner hummed sympathetically. “Yeah, Levi’s a bit weird sometimes. But he’s hot so, ya know brownie points and all.”
Eren stumbled, coughing loudly despite the fact that he agreed wholeheartedly with Reiner’s statement. “So you’re ah…”
“Gay? Yeah, Bertolt’s my boyfriend. Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate though,” he said, winking as he opened the door to the commons.
“Ayyyy Reiner!” Came an obnoxiously familiar shout from the couch. “Eww, you brought Jeager?”
“Ugh, it’s an asshole. Or should I say a horse?”
“That joke stopped being funny about five years ago.”
“You stopped being funny even before that.”
“Oooo, shots fired,” Connie sang teasingly.
“So why isn’t anyone else here required to be doing work right now?” Eren asked as he sat down on the couch next to Armin. “I mean I had to actually fucking do shit today.”
“Poor baby,” Annie answered scathingly from her location in the corner of the room.
“Well you are rooming with Levi,” Marco told him sympathetically. “It’s only to be expected.”
“Erwin told me we weren’t starting anything until Monday,” Armin informed him, Connie and Jean nodding in agreement.
“Yeah we’ve mostly just been hanging,” Connie added. “I found this great coffee shop down the street-”
“Naw man, you just discovered the hot chick that works there,” Jean snickered.
‘Who?” Eren asked, confused.
“Oh, some girl named Sasha that likes food almost as much as Connie. Jean keeps saying that they’re destined to be together,” Armin supplied as they watched Jean and Connie argue over the topic.
“Never thought I’d see the day when Connie would be in a relationship before I was,” Eren groaned. “That’s depressing as fuck.”
Armin smiled questioningly at him.
“Your speech patterns are different. I’ve never heard you swear so much before.”
“Must be all that Levi influence,” Reiner piped up from where he had been talking quietly to Bertolt. “Kid spent almost an entire day alone with him.”
‘Woah there Eren, is there something you need to tell us?” Jean grinned wickedly. “Especially after the party…”
“Let’s please not go down that road. I think you can understand my reasons. I was hungover, I just decided not to leave the apartment-”
“Ohmygod you banged him after the party didn’t you. Lucky asshole.”
“Guys don’t talk about Mr. Levi that way it’s weird -” Armin tried to interrupt.
“What the actual fuck, it’s better than fucking you, you horse faced asshole, I bet you get off to being called a horse, ‘cause that’s certainly what seemed to be happening-”
“You little shit I don’t even like you, how the hell did you even come up with all those fucking stupid horse puns anyways, I bet you planned them before-”
“You’re just jealous that I chose Levi over you-”
“What the hell is it with you two and your huge ass egos? If you’re that competitive over your sex life, why don’t you just fuck each other? I’m leaving,” Annie hissed as she slammed the door behind her.
Jean and Eren paused. Reiner whistled softly. Armin cringed
“Did you actually fuck him though?”
“Lame, he’d be a total sugar daddy.”
Eren sputtered.
“Why does everyone want to fuck our boss?!”
  “You’re here early,” Levi commented as he walked into the rose garden, Mikasa’s sitting figure coming into view.
She turned to face him. “It’s beautiful here,” she said simply.
“Beauty is inspiring.” Levi responded.
“Mhmm,” Mikasa hummed, holding her sketchbook up for him. On the grassy ground beside her were a selection of pencils and colors. Levi took the sketchbook from her. It was open to a sketch of two dresses. One was a simple full length strapless with a fanciful lattice pattern in a light brown, with pastel rose appliques twining up the sides. The other was much simpler, an almost sheer mint green empire with a deep scoop neck and petal sleeves, but what intrigued Levi was the dusty pink belt and straps that sat just below the bust and gave an almost suspender-esque look.
“The...harness thing, it’s very different. Unique.” Levi told Mikasa.
“In a good way or a bad way?”
Levi paused as he was hit by an overwhelming sense of deja vu. He could almost hear the conversation that had occurred between himself and Eren mere minutes ago.
“Your brother told me a few minutes ago that there’s no such thing as a bad different or a good different. That they’re the same.” Levi sat down on the grass next to her. “And I think that’s what fashion is about. The ability to create ‘different’ without it being classified as good or bad. The problem is, most people can’t understand that. Hell, I didn’t understand that until a couple of minutes ago.” Levi sighed. “At the beginning, you have to think like the masses. That’s the hardest part, getting other people to like you. Once they like you though… you can do whatever you want. Because they don’t care what you design, they only care about your name. And yeah, that sounds fucked up. It is. But hey, if it lets me express myself...”
Mikasa looked at him.
“Why are you taking advice from Eren?”
Because I respect him. “He’s not a complete idiot.”
Mikasa cocked her head, expression unchanging.
“You’re not as mean as they make you out to be, Levi.”
“I’m going to take that as an insult.”
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wingsoffandom · 10 years
I love your fic, I read the whole thing in one night and it was absolutely worth it~ I was wandering, how often do you update it? ^^
Thank you so much!!!! uwu
I usually update every sunday, but schoolwork has started getting to me, so updates may start getting a bit sporadic-I'll do my best though!
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