ITEM #34 Edit to 2 minutes. Immunocompromised and elderly people are facing more isolation and stress than ever. Reach out to someone elderly or immunocompromised in your community in a video chat who has been on total lockdown and video interview them on the topic of favorites.  What is their favorite ice cream? Favorite color and why? Favorite movie and why? Favorite day that they remember?  Etc
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ITEM #32  (UP TO 30 SECONDS) Eurovision got canceled, but who needs it? YOU-rovision is here now. Write and perform an original, uplifting song of hope using instruments of your own creation. The 3 teams whose songs we like best will be featured on our GISH YouTube Channel and social media, so that's basically the exact same level of fame and fortune as Eurovision used to be. 
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ITEM #56  John Krasinski's @somegoodnews has been dispensing happy news to internets near you for weeks, but he recently sold the project and will be walking away from hosting. But he's not the only one that can spread cheer! Create your own @GNN (GISH News Network) broadcast of the best news you've heard all week and post it to social media. Tag @GISH, #GNN & @somegoodnews. 
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ITEM #68  Create a pendulum painting on a cake using thin frosting or glaze
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ITEM #67  Tank top. The other tank top: fashion a wearable armored tank. - Kat R. 
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ITEM #48  Up to 20 seconds. It's storytime! But lots of children are out of school and missing out on valuable literacy opportunities. Using large visual aids or a projector, and a real or home-made bullhorn or megaphone, distance-read to children on a nearby balcony. 
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IEM #61  Read Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack (Peggy McIntosh) and  (by hand) write something the essay made you think about differently. Can be up to one page. 
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ITEM #80  Hold a surprise party for your pet or one of your favorite toys or stuffed animals. 
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ITEM # 50  The conference may be virtual, but you're together in reali-tea. Hold a videoconference tea party with four participants: Align the images of all participants in a grid so that you seamlessly interact. Pour tea from one recipient into the frame of another, pass objects such as scones or cakes... you get the idea. 
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ITEM #46  There's an overwhelming wealth of how-to videos on youtube. How to repair a Whirlpool Dishwasher, for instance (I had to watch that one recently) or how to groom your golden retriever (had to watch that one too), but it's hard to find tutorials on some of the more basic life skills. Create a tutorial for something we don't normally get instructional programming for, but that is a necessary skill. For example, you could make a youtube tutorial on how to brush your teeth (but now you can't do that). Post tagged #BasicSkills and #GISH. 
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ITEM #42  Some people say that clutter is ugly. Those people just lack vision. Show us a beautiful accessory (a hat, necklace, broach, or corsage), created entirely out of objects from your junk drawer. (You may not use rubber bands or paperclips.) 
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ITEM #1  You know those videos where they pass around an object to a few different people and they each demonstrate a different imaginary or real use of that object? No? Well, it's epic, but we can't remember the name of it. Let's "next level" this and do it on Zoom with some or all of your teammates. Virtually "pass" a "Foliage Crown or Hat" around on zoom. Each headpiece must be different and they all must be wearable. The first person to pass something should just be handing off a handful of weeds. Every person thereafter should "receive" a different headpiece, put it on, take it off and "pass" it to the next person in the Zoom. 
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ITEM #44  Just because we're "socially distant" doesn't mean we can't all get together! Hold a long-distance concert performance with your neighbors on your porches or balconies. The song should be "All By Myself", "Close To You", or another song that references distance in some way. Post it to social media tagged #GISH and #LongDistantConcerts 
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ITEM #37  Each year, Gishers come together to make a profound difference in the lives of people or communities facing extraordinary hardship. Our community has helped cleared land mines from villages in Laos, housed and provided medical care and nutrition to Syrian refugee families, preserved hundreds of thousands of acres of endangered habitat, and many other accomplishments. Given the current civil unrest in the United States sparked by the recent murder of George Floyd and relentless oppression of people of color, for this GISH Hunt we've decided to rally your tremendous enthusiasm and support towards the Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) of the NAACP. This is an incredible organization that's actively achieving success in racial justice, equality and building an inclusive society. Properly funded, this organization has the ability and resources to make a fundamental difference in tipping the scales of racial inequality in the courtroom and the streets. Founded in 1940 under the leadership of Thurgood Marshall, who subsequently became the first African-American U.S. Supreme Court Justice, LDF, a 501c3, is the country's first and foremost civil and human rights law firm and America's premier legal organization fighting for racial justice.Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans. Over the years they've accomplished significant achievements in fulfilling their mission and now more than ever, we need to back them to help us right the wrongs of our society. So we invite you to join us in supporting them. Visit the GoFundMe Page here! Your GISH Item: Using the link above, create a Fundraising page for your team, and get family, friends, and others to donate. Since this is GISH and there's always an extra twist to everything we do, here's the deal: we also want you to get OTHERS to donate to your Crowdrise page. We know you don't need "points" as an incentive to help oppressed people, but since it is part of the Hunt, we want to maximize the power of these points to help. Get at least 10 donations from friends, family, individuals or businesses NOT on your team. You and your team members are welcome to donate to your campaign, but that is not a requirement for points- the Item requirement is to get at least 10 people to make a cumulative total of least 10 donations from donors who are NOT on your team. There is no minimum to donate for GISH purposes, but Crowdrise does require a minimum $10 donation be collected, and let's all please encourage others to be generous so we can make a profound impact. SUBMIT a screenshot of your team's page with a minimum of 10 donations on it. (To initially create a fundraising team, click the FUNDRAISE FOR THIS CAMPAIGN button.) If for any reason your team is unable to (or chooses not to) join this Crowdrise campaign, you may still get points for this Item by supporting another organization that seeks to improve your local or the broader community through increased inclusivity, resource enrichment or education. PLEASE SUBMIT PROOF YOU HAVE DONE THIS. If your team is in the top 10% of number of donations or dollar amount, you'll receive triple points for this Item. Our goal is to raise $40,000 at minimum. We know it's a lofty goal - but we believe in you. Misha and the GISH Gnomes have donated $10,000 to get us started. Let's do this! *100% of the proceeds raised on this page after Crowdrise fees will be donated to LDF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. There are no GISH administrative fees allotted from these funds. 
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ITEM #103  You're so amazing, you can make rainbows! Make a rainbow using light and water (like from a hose). 
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ITEM #89  Design your own GISH coloring book page! Your page should show off your idea of what the world will be like 20 years from now. Get a friend or adult to help you to color it in. - Inspired by Lauren F. 
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ITEM #69  Tigger King. - Jamie 
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