My mom is going through some personal issues where she’s feeling really betrayed by her family, and she told me today that I have to become a doctor no matter what, because if I don’t, the little respect and dignity my parents and I have left will be gone. It made me tear up, because most people make fun of Desi parents forcing careers on their kids’ heads, but they have a reason for that and that reason is that they just want what’s best for their kids.
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When I was very young, I loved making up stories. My grandpa noticed that whenever I talked to him and inspired and encouraged me to write. To this day he never forgets to ask me what I’m writing, and if he weren’t there, I probably would’ve given up writing a long time ago.
my own experience
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My grandma told me my only purpose in life was to drink juice and be happy.
Anonymous submission
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Wholesome Desi Siblings #1
“When my 7 year old brother was showing me his mediocre trampoline somersault, he also decided to announce homophobes are morons. Amazing.” ~ @imran-kaan
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not totally happy with the fabric but hey
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Wholesome Desi Parent Moments #1
(This is my own experience)
My mom lectured me on how it's important to play stupid when it comes to chores so that when I get married, my in-laws won't take advantage and use me as a servant. She also said that men suck and that no matter what, I have to work and get a good education if I want respect. My dad agreed with her, saying that men suck. I'm so proud of my parents.
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Hello, welcome to this blog, a blog dedicated to positive Desi experiences! Submissions are always open, and use they/fae/she pronouns when referring to me!
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