whiteconduit · 10 years
Nathassia Devine & Her Band at Sunrise Festival
Live Gig review
It was an almost eerie feeling as the madcap compere screams "here she is Nahassia Devine"... the act before had managed to totally clear the tent but there were 4 camera crew and several photographers whirring away and looking super absorbed.
The band kicked in and the introduction didn't disappoint, mesmerising electronica and with real live drums...I was in the right place!
The girls walk on stage..and everyone was a little bit in awe....it has been a while since I have seen such full on "showwomanship" with music that feels so incredibly deep, my stomach is churning a bit with the sub base (not that I would ever complain about that)...  
3 songs later and of course the tent is filling with very intrigued flambouyant looking festival peeps, i can see puzzled looks on faces in a i thought i have seen it all before at a festival.  
Boom we are transported to electronica heaven as Nathassia gyrates to "Dark or Light" which we are told was co-produced by those cool progressive Russian dudes Moonbeam.... and fck me she can sure sing...I actually thought surely she cant look that good, make music that good and then actually sing unaided live...but for me the best bit...she is better live...
I clock 2 security guards walk in and they stare like zombies with strange fixated grins for 20 minutes and i swear they didnt move a muscle...
The band perform "cosmic" to perfection and suddenly its the last song...the tent is packed...i see a crowd somehow blend into one as "you will recall" is played to perfection which i predict will be a classic if ever released...
Its all over....no one knows what to do...there is no encore planned...the band look somehow embarassed and surprised that people are asking for more.... then like a sledgehammer festival life hits me over the head....bollox i have to face the shitty mud!!!!  
Review by White Conduit
You can see pictures from the performance at https://flic.kr/s/aHsjYTvDzt 
Live at Cats Cradle, Sunrise Celebration, Saturday 31st May, 2014
http://www.nathassiadevine.com Photography by: Michael Stuart Neale
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