welovemarysue · 11 years
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welovemarysue · 13 years
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welovemarysue · 13 years
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welovemarysue · 13 years
What the fuck?
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welovemarysue · 13 years
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welovemarysue · 13 years
Really! nonsense!
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welovemarysue · 13 years
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welovemarysue · 13 years
Fanfiction lovely moments: pt.3
When you're enjoying an M rated story and the author skips the smut.
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You know, if I'm reading M rated stories, I EXPECT smut.
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welovemarysue · 13 years
What. The. Fucking. Fuck.
WTF; really!
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welovemarysue · 13 years
Ugh, I don't like this!
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welovemarysue · 13 years
Fanfiction lovely moments: pt.2
That moment when you realize the story you're enjoying has been abandoned.
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welovemarysue · 13 years
Kobe Bryant & Jesus Christ (yes, my friends)
This story is my first. I found god when i was 12 (2 years ago) and since then I have been channeling all of my love into my worship and stories. If you aren't Christian, I hope you can still enjoy this and give God a chance.
All at once it all happened, He was there... standing with a face filled with Suduction. I asked "Why have you come back?... I thought we agreed to live apart after what happened in Mascow." He sayed back to me, "Well... you know me. I cant ever stay apart with you. Not after what happened in Moscow." I replied, "But.. but we agreed..." Jesus put his finger to my lips to silence me. He then said backed to me "Kobe, You were god's gift to the world. And that also means you were God's gift to me." I knew deep down that Christ was right. He had always been. But i couldnt face him after what happened that day. "look..." I said "I betrayed you worse than Judas. I betrayed your love. Much like as Shack left the Lakers." Jesus shushed me again. He had the most sincere look in his eyes. They tempted me to think unthinkable thoughts. He advantced towards me and i backed up. "Why do you run, Kobe?" He questioned questioningly. "Its been so long... Im afraid..." I replied. "What would your dad say?" I asked. "He doesn't have to know." said Jesus.
My back was to the wall now. I couldnt back up any further. Jesus pressed his large pink lips against mine and I tasted the fimilar flavor of rose pedals. I could no longer contain myself and i embraced him and his love. "Oh God! Take Me!" I yelled. Jesus kissed down my neck and unbuttoned my pants. I felt so hard. I hadn't been this aroused in years. Noone knew how to turn me on like our Lord and Savior. Now i had him once again to myself. Christ began to rub my erect penis through my boxers. "Oh, Kobe! You are bigger than i remembered!" said Jesus as he began to lift my shirt off with the other hand. My hard black nipples were exposed now. He began licking them softly with the tip of his tounge. I had always had a thing for when he did this. It was a thrill i missed. Jesus slipped his hand down the back of my underwear and began to tickle my recktum with his pointer finger. "Kobe, You havent had sex in a while have you?" The lord asked. I blushed and said nothing. He smiled at me and continued playing with my ass. The light grazing of his fingertip against my asshole gave me unspeakable pleasure. I wanted him. And I wanted him now.
By The Lie Unwritten.
Hahahahaha. Nonsense!
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welovemarysue · 13 years
Adam Lambert & Joe Jonas
"Joe! How dare you? Don't you know the how much shame you've brought upon your family? Do you? We raised you to be better than this! Oh! What God must think of you!"
Joe trembled and backed into the wall, pressing as hard as possible against it, trying to fall through it. But his father just got closer till he was right up in his face. "This is why we didn't want you to move to L.A., we knew something like this would happen! But not with another man! This is unacceptable!" He saw Nick and Kevin nodding over dad's shoulder. Joe faintly heard his mom crying from across the room. He wanted to hug and comfort her, but his dad was in the way. Not that she would want him to anyway, she was crying more from shame and anger.
As his father continued yelling at him, Joe slowly realized that something was off. Why was his family confronting him in a humongous cathedral? And why (for the love of God!) was his dad wearing a black and purple kilt? Just as his brain was about to put all the pieces together, he felt the wall disappear, to be replaced by a warm chest and strong arms encircling and holding him. Joe felt warmth spread through his entire body and he turned around, looking up into Adam's gorgeous face. Adam was taller than usual, because he had on the outfit he'd worn during his performance with KISS last year. He looked stunning.
Adam reached down and brushed the back of his hand gently across Joe's cheek. "What's going on angel? Did you tell them about us?" Adam looked concerned.
Joe nodded mutely as he turned around again, so that his back was once more pressed against Adam's chest. His dad had finally shut up, he had his arms folded and was tapping a sandal clad foot impatiently.
"So," he finally stated, after a long pause, "is this the man who sodomized you?" Joe nodded again, deciding to ignore the offensive way that the word was used. "Are you going to be married?" He looked stern and pissed, but at least he wasn't yelling anymore, and his mom had stopped crying; she'd come closer to inspect Adam, her make-up somehow perfect, wearing a pearly white Cinderella gown. Nick and Kevin were gone.
Joe was about to say 'maybe someday', but Adam spoke first. "Of course not." Joe turned around again to look at Adam, shocked.
More here.
By AdommyAddict.
Mmmmm... I think "For your entertaintment" it's a great album, but this is ridiculous. It's well written though, I may give it a shot. Na, just kidding.
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welovemarysue · 13 years
Well, this is not happening. Ever. But let them dream!
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welovemarysue · 13 years
Oh, please. Let her grow up a little, you pervert.
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welovemarysue · 13 years
"The Love of Ash and Pikachu"
"P-Pikachu I-I I… love you!" Ash's voice rose as he forced out the last part, making it reach a squeaky stage. I was floored. HE loved me and had just admitted it! He loved me! His Pikachu! His friend, his buddy! I had misunderstood what he wanted to say! How great I felt, like some awesome new power jolted to life in my chest.
"Pika PikaChu!" And this meant language nothing but pure, happy gibberish. Then I said "I love you too Ash!" and jumped on him, snuggling into his arms, letting out a purr. For a moment we laid there and cuddled. Eventually we fell asleep in the afternoon. I was happy to be with him, My lover, Oh how great he was. I could not help but fall asleep with a smile on my face.
By Nitz X
More here.
Aaah...I love the smell of funny crack in the night! And yes, my friends, there is lemon in it. 
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welovemarysue · 13 years
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I am a big fan of Kakasaku, but hope this never happens. Hate OC children; except for Enoki, he's fine.
Picture by ShipperTrish
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