How to choose the right domain name and hosting service for your business website
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You might have decided to avail of website designing in India services for a stunning website. But how thoroughly do you think about your domain name and hosting services? It’s an important decision.
If your website is attractive, your audience will visit it, regardless of your domain name and hosting provider.
Well! Don’t think so…
Your domain and hosting provider is a crucial element of your website. It can make or break the game for you. Hence it’s essential to choose both wisely.
How to choose a good domain name
Focus on the right domain extension (.org, .com, or .net)
While selecting your company's domain name, remember that .com is still the best. It is the easiest extension that everyone remembers.
My advice: Go with .com. If it’s already taken, then choose .net or .org. But if they are also occupied, try to choose a different domain name. And oh! Never try any weird extensions like .club, .pizza, .space, etc.
Brandable over generic
The creative and brandable name of your company is always preferable.
Remember: Your visitors should easily remember your domain name; it is the foundation of your brand.
A brandable domain name is unique, and it defines your company. At the same time, generic domain names are full of keywords and are hard to remember.
It should be easy to type
Look at the top brand names below:
Google, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, CNN….
They all are easy to spell. Your visitors should be able to type domain names without any spelling mistakes. If it takes more than once for a visitor to understand the brand name, it isn’t easy.
The last thing which may happen is your visitors will mistype your domain name and end up on a different website!
Here is an easy tip:
Tell your domain name to 10 different people and ask them to pronounce it. If most of them find the name difficult, you must simplify it.
Avoid Hyphens and numbers.
Hyphens will complicate your domain name. Imagine Facebook written as Face-book. Facebook might not have spread so quickly in that case.
The bottom line is your domain name should be smooth and punchy- hyphens and numbers increase complexity.
Stick with the letters!
Now enough about domain names; let’s move on to the web hosting
How to choose the correct hosting service
When we talk about hosting service, there are five primary considerations, i.e., speed, scalability, security, support, and hosting environment. Let’s discuss them in detail:
Visitors want a website to load in 2 seconds. Also, Google prefers websites with fast loading times. Although multiple factors affect website loading time, choosing a web hosting provider with enough processing and memory power will support the super fast speed of your website.
Security should come under utmost priority for any web hosting company. Their servers should have strong firewalls to monitor the unusual activity continuously. Your web hosting company should also support SSL certificates to add an extra layer of security. Also, SSL has become vital if you sell or accept payment on your website.
Does your company have resources with technical know-how who can manage the website server properly? If not, your hosting company should handle all such tasks. They should monitor and support your website 24*7 and resolve the outage issues.
Check your current website. Will you need additional resources in the future to accommodate more traffic, photos, and videos? If so, look for a hosting provider to manage that expansion.
Web hosting environment
Shared hosting is the least expensive option, which you can choose in case of a low budget. In this hosting, you share the server with other websites. Hence your website performance will be hampered in case of a traffic surge on other websites.
The next option is Virtual private server (VPS) hosting. Your website will be shared with other VPS sites in this hosting, but you will receive your dedicated server portion. Hence the performance of your website will never get affected by the traffic surge on other websites.
One more hosting is the dedicated one. In this, your website will run on a single server. Thus, you will get your dedicated storage space and power and can have complete control of the server.
Are you ready to register for domain and hosting?
It would help if you started considering your company name to buy a domain. Keep the domain name short and simple; choosing the extension .com is better.
While looking for a hosting provider, you must consider security, support, hosting environment, scalability, and speed. You can talk about these five points with your hosting provider to know their capability on them. Finalize your hosting partner based on this.
Further after choosing your domain and hosting partner, you can either create your own website if you have that much knowledge, or can avail of services of a reliable  website design services in India.
In any condition it will help if you know  how much it costs to build or create a website.
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