wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Peepers: I’m gay
Hater: I thought you were a Watchdog?
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Peepers: Well? Say you’re sorry.
Hater: Uh…
Peepers: You can’t say it, can you?
Hater: I can say it!
Peepers: Then say it.
Hater: I’m solly.
Peepers: Did you just say you’re solly?
Hater: I’m soggy.
Peepers: You’re soggy?
Hater: I’m sarmy.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Sylvia: Do you support gay rights?
Peepers: I am gay.
Sylvia: You’re dodging the question.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Dominator: I thought I killed you?????????
Hater: Yeah but I’m okay now
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Sylvia: Why are your shoes soaking wet?
Wander: There was a puddle.
Sylvia: Why did you step in it?
Wander: It was a puddle.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Hater: Flabdrassit, the smoke machine broke!
Awesome: I could stand behind it and vape.
Peepers: You are an atrocity.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Ryder: (Hands Wander a blaster)
Wander: Oohhh no, no, no, no, no! They’re only shootin’ at us because they’re angry! If we shoot back, they’ll just get angrier.
Ryder: Buddy, you’ve got a good sense of humor but a lousy sense of timing. Fire that weapon!
Wander: Fire it? I don’t even like lookin’ at it….
Ryder: I said fire that weapon!
Wander: Alright… (Looks at it)  You’re fired.
Wander: I did it as gently as I could.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
One of the Watchdogs, to Lord Hater: Sir, I typed your symptoms into the search bar and it says you could have ‘network connectivity problems’…
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Peepers: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak, like, look at this flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing. 
Sylvia: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Peepers: Where’s Hater?!?
Sylvia, to Wander: I told you to keep an eye on him!
Peepers: Wander, where is he??
Wander: Sorry, Mister Peepers, we haven’t seen him since the last time we saw him.
Peepers: Okay, but when was that?
Wander: The last time we saw him… was definitely the time we saw him last.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Sylvia: Hold on! You don’t go toward the scary sound!
Wander: That’s what we normally do.
Sylvia: I really don’t like that about us.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Peepers: Sir, no! You cannot launch Wander out of a cannon!!
Hater: But he wants to be launched from a cannon.
Peepers: You’re not supposed to encourage his terrible ideas!
Wander, in a cannon: fiRE!
Peepers: No! We cannot launch Wander! 
Peepers: Sylvia, back me up here!
Sylvia, her finger hovering over the launch button: what
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Lord Hater: (Walks in with a blanket over his head)
Commander Peepers: Sir, take that off…
Lord Hater: No, because unlike SOME PEOPLE, this blanket will never hurt me!
Lord Hater: (Runs into a table, knocking things over) OOW!! AARGH, I HATE YOU, BLANKET!!!
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Sylvia: Pay for your gay little eyeball crimes.
Peepers: That’s homophobic.
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
Lord Hater: Huh. I didn’t know you were gay.
Commander Peepers: What have I EVER done that made you think I was STRAIGHT?
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
As much as I love ‘I would kill for you’, it kinda really loses its impact if the person saying it is a villain who already kills at the slightest provocation
’I would refrain from killing for you, I would spare them all if you asked me’ is a very sexy alternative, and a much more powerful declaration of love coming from a character prone to violence
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wanderoveryond3r · 2 years
#wander over yonder#commander peepers#the helmet has intense shadow the hedgehog vibes and i don’t know how to feel about that
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