vxmdetroit · 3 years
The bullet grazed Detroit, but a few weren’t so lucky. Elliot was just opening the shop, when he was held up right at the door...Detroit was already inside when this happened. He heard some commotion and ran out to see what it was, instantly, he had his gun to his side and already drawing it. When he saw that he was outnumbered, he regretted not being on top of his game as he placed his gun on the ground. They held him, Elliot, Kace, at gunpoint. They damaged everything. They took everything, and when it was all said and done, they left the three with a parting gift.
“FOR OUR PEOPLE.” They shouted as bullets rang out. Detroit, dunked down and reached for his gun first, only able to shoot one of the culprits in his foot. The shots strung Elliot in the neck, Kace in the shoulder and chest, and only grazing Detroit on his leg. The men left quickly....Detroit got up as soon as they did, and tended to his fallen shoulders. Elliot was left in critical condition....Kace had exit wounds, but would be okay.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
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TMZ REPORT: Tattoo Owner and 3 employees shot in armed robbery attempt.
More details to follow soon.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
Morning taking off 🚀 #newJaxxonlinks on the horizon.
By the way, don’t my wife look good? #fathertobe
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“Stop, you’d make anything look good.” He kissed her neck. “I just finished wrapping up my paperwork, so we can go and get ready.”
Detroit was at the tattoo shop signing off on some final paperwork. Crown Tatz was set to take off tonight. The opening party was being taken care of my @justxjazmina. Troit never was into parties, but this was a special occasion and a milestone within Detroits life. It wasn’t always normal for a trained assassin  giving up the job of protecting orders to running a tattoo shop. It was done though, and he couldn’t be more satisfied. 
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“You ain’t get the memo?”
His smile grew wide with so much pride to talk about his son.
“That’s my seed in there girl. When you first met me, you got to admit that I was a heavy nigga to deal with, but guess what, you dealt with me real good babe.”
He chuckled. “When and if ever you need to take a load off, do it, I can’t have you going into labor right when guest start coming.” He joked.
Detroit, even though he was busy with the club, placed Jazmina’s pregnancy first. He was going to make sure she was okay.
Detroit was at the tattoo shop signing off on some final paperwork. Crown Tatz was set to take off tonight. The opening party was being taken care of my @justxjazmina. Troit never was into parties, but this was a special occasion and a milestone within Detroits life. It wasn’t always normal for a trained assassin  giving up the job of protecting orders to running a tattoo shop. It was done though, and he couldn’t be more satisfied. 
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
Walking up behind her and embracing her fullness of soon to be motherhood, Detroit let his hands come under her arms as he ran his hands over her tummy. “How’s it going baby?” He looked at what she done so far and lifted his brows. “Wow...never mind, I see how it’s going.” He chuckled. “Damn you never cease to amaze me at how good you work, even when you’re close to birth, you still manage to take care of business. I love you for it.”
Detroit was at the tattoo shop signing off on some final paperwork. Crown Tatz was set to take off tonight. The opening party was being taken care of my @justxjazmina. Troit never was into parties, but this was a special occasion and a milestone within Detroits life. It wasn’t always normal for a trained assassin  giving up the job of protecting orders to running a tattoo shop. It was done though, and he couldn’t be more satisfied. 
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
Detroit was at the tattoo shop signing off on some final paperwork. Crown Tatz was set to take off tonight. The opening party was being taken care of my @justxjazmina. Troit never was into parties, but this was a special occasion and a milestone within Detroits life. It wasn’t always normal for a trained assassin  giving up the job of protecting orders to running a tattoo shop. It was done though, and he couldn’t be more satisfied. 
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“Doesn’t matter to me the communication.”
Detroit leaned down and pecked her head. He knew it was a lot, but Jaz was grown, and Jelena was her problem. Unfortunately, she would have to handle it because if he did, it wouldn’t be good.
“Enough about that. You got a new artist and everything. How’s that going for you?”
Detroit was out of the service. No more drug drama, no more protecting nor serving. He had his fathers blessing, so now it was time for him to focus on his dreams and aspirations. The father to be was sitting on a cloud right now. His wife Jazmina was pregnant, glowing, and doing her thing, Mari was slowly coming into her own and being led by Jaz in the most proper way. She was hitting the billboard charts and her music was being played everywhere, so she was doing good, so now Detroit was gathering his fella’s together to create their own Tattoo shop. Detroit would be running it, doing all of the business, while his friend, brother, and new hire would handle the rest. At the moment, they were looking into a building which was located right near the beach.
The seawall was the perfect place for a tattoo business. You would get all kinds of tourist around the world wanting to get a tattoo from one of the best artist out there. Ceasar aint have nothin’ on the BIG 4.
The 4 included Him, Kace, Ashton, and Elliot. Detroit was a little on edge about Elliot, it wasn’t because of who he was, but who he ran with. Troit knew all about Mike…especially his “brother” Duan…the two had a pretty rough patch. Troit never had a real issue with Mike, so just as long as Elliot stayed into his work at the shop and not bring that kind of heat around, then he would be cool. So far, Detroit and Elliot got along real well, same with Ashton. It seemed like the business would prosper the way it needed to.
Walking into the building with @justxjazmina, he wanted to show her the location and what it would look like. “Alright ma…tell the truth bout this place, whatchu think? You like it?”
It was a warehouse…old…but it had a modern feel to it. Though it was empty, the spot had so much potential to be great.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“Ask her.” He frowned. “Carlos got an ex wife and she mad or some shit. I don’t know, but it has nothing to do with me. Imma need you to talk to her, and where her place is. We married now. Our life isn’t hers. Mari is about to move by herself. She need to get a life.”
Detroit was out of the service. No more drug drama, no more protecting nor serving. He had his fathers blessing, so now it was time for him to focus on his dreams and aspirations. The father to be was sitting on a cloud right now. His wife Jazmina was pregnant, glowing, and doing her thing, Mari was slowly coming into her own and being led by Jaz in the most proper way. She was hitting the billboard charts and her music was being played everywhere, so she was doing good, so now Detroit was gathering his fella’s together to create their own Tattoo shop. Detroit would be running it, doing all of the business, while his friend, brother, and new hire would handle the rest. At the moment, they were looking into a building which was located right near the beach.
The seawall was the perfect place for a tattoo business. You would get all kinds of tourist around the world wanting to get a tattoo from one of the best artist out there. Ceasar aint have nothin’ on the BIG 4.
The 4 included Him, Kace, Ashton, and Elliot. Detroit was a little on edge about Elliot, it wasn’t because of who he was, but who he ran with. Troit knew all about Mike…especially his “brother” Duan…the two had a pretty rough patch. Troit never had a real issue with Mike, so just as long as Elliot stayed into his work at the shop and not bring that kind of heat around, then he would be cool. So far, Detroit and Elliot got along real well, same with Ashton. It seemed like the business would prosper the way it needed to.
Walking into the building with @justxjazmina, he wanted to show her the location and what it would look like. “Alright ma…tell the truth bout this place, whatchu think? You like it?”
It was a warehouse…old…but it had a modern feel to it. Though it was empty, the spot had so much potential to be great.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“Jazmina, I’m no longer at a long distance or working with Chris, so I think its safe to say she can hand the key back over.”
Detroit understood. Thats fine...but there was a thin line...and Jelena crossed that already.
“I get you love Jelena...she’s your friend...Mari’s Aunt..well, kinda...so look, I don’t think I would have a problem with it, had she not just welcomed herself into our home. You’re not in labor, you weren’t even home to begin with...she came there to interrogate me about what he ex husband has done...that shit pissed me off, had I been caught off guard, she’d be dead.”
Troit frowned, “She’s starting to not know her place. Our home is ours, not hers...even if she does have a key, she should knock like a normal person. Now if you home, and you don’t answer, then that's one thing...but just coming into our fuckin house? On some bullshit? I will kill her.” 
Detroit was out of the service. No more drug drama, no more protecting nor serving. He had his fathers blessing, so now it was time for him to focus on his dreams and aspirations. The father to be was sitting on a cloud right now. His wife Jazmina was pregnant, glowing, and doing her thing, Mari was slowly coming into her own and being led by Jaz in the most proper way. She was hitting the billboard charts and her music was being played everywhere, so she was doing good, so now Detroit was gathering his fella’s together to create their own Tattoo shop. Detroit would be running it, doing all of the business, while his friend, brother, and new hire would handle the rest. At the moment, they were looking into a building which was located right near the beach.
The seawall was the perfect place for a tattoo business. You would get all kinds of tourist around the world wanting to get a tattoo from one of the best artist out there. Ceasar aint have nothin’ on the BIG 4.
The 4 included Him, Kace, Ashton, and Elliot. Detroit was a little on edge about Elliot, it wasn’t because of who he was, but who he ran with. Troit knew all about Mike…especially his “brother” Duan…the two had a pretty rough patch. Troit never had a real issue with Mike, so just as long as Elliot stayed into his work at the shop and not bring that kind of heat around, then he would be cool. So far, Detroit and Elliot got along real well, same with Ashton. It seemed like the business would prosper the way it needed to.
Walking into the building with @justxjazmina, he wanted to show her the location and what it would look like. “Alright ma…tell the truth bout this place, whatchu think? You like it?”
It was a warehouse…old…but it had a modern feel to it. Though it was empty, the spot had so much potential to be great.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“What Carlos did in his life has nothing to do with me. I aint know he was still married to the bitch, this is news to me like it is to you.” He frowned. “Plus, I don’t even fuck with Carlos like that, but I do know he was once married. I’m sure that answers your question. As far as the Cartel go, that's Chris business, not mine.”
Detroit then put his hand up, “Why the hell you come here? Who even told you to come to me?” The question put a sinister grin on his face. “Kace...that son of a....” he stood up. “Thats Carlos’ main man....he knows EXACTLY what he’s doin....” he shook his head. “Yo...Kace and Carlos were close. I don’t know Carlos like that Jelena, so you gonna have to go exploring somewhere else.”
Jelena was clueless in what was going on and she needed answers and fast. It seemed like ever since Carlos died, all of secrets have surfaced. She didn’t know that he was hiding so much from her. Meeting this other woman was a shocker and so was the envelope that was dropped in her lap. She laughed it off at the moment because she was in public and out with Giselle who knew nothing about her personal life. After leaving lunch, Jelena drove over to Detroit’s house where she knew he was. She wasn’t getting anything out of Kace and he kept saying to talk to Detroit.
Jelena used her key and opened the door as she saw the person she wanted to talk to sitting in the living room. “We gotta talk.” She threw the envelope at him that contained the paperwork.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“The whole Roc Nation thing is nice...feels good to have that kind of back up I bet, but you know as well as I do, they aint assassin ass mothafuckas like me, Kace, Sam...I think Imma throw some of our men in there, just to make sure nothin slides.” 
Detroit was going to protect what was his at ALL costs. Jazmina was still dealing with Mari on the road and everywhere else, he didn’t want anything or anyone slipping through the cracks. There would be much hell to pay if so.
“Sounds like a plan though, I like when you have shit handled already, makes it easier on me for sure.” Detroit got up out of the chair and stood behind her. “So...on to another subject.....key....Jelena....our home....why?” 
Detroit was feeling a way about Jelena having that kind of insurance into their life. Sure, she was “family” but in no relation to him. Jaz failed to mention this little key exchange, so maybe once he finds out the reason behind it, they could come to some sort of compromise.
Detroit was out of the service. No more drug drama, no more protecting nor serving. He had his fathers blessing, so now it was time for him to focus on his dreams and aspirations. The father to be was sitting on a cloud right now. His wife Jazmina was pregnant, glowing, and doing her thing, Mari was slowly coming into her own and being led by Jaz in the most proper way. She was hitting the billboard charts and her music was being played everywhere, so she was doing good, so now Detroit was gathering his fella’s together to create their own Tattoo shop. Detroit would be running it, doing all of the business, while his friend, brother, and new hire would handle the rest. At the moment, they were looking into a building which was located right near the beach.
The seawall was the perfect place for a tattoo business. You would get all kinds of tourist around the world wanting to get a tattoo from one of the best artist out there. Ceasar aint have nothin’ on the BIG 4.
The 4 included Him, Kace, Ashton, and Elliot. Detroit was a little on edge about Elliot, it wasn’t because of who he was, but who he ran with. Troit knew all about Mike…especially his “brother” Duan…the two had a pretty rough patch. Troit never had a real issue with Mike, so just as long as Elliot stayed into his work at the shop and not bring that kind of heat around, then he would be cool. So far, Detroit and Elliot got along real well, same with Ashton. It seemed like the business would prosper the way it needed to.
Walking into the building with @justxjazmina, he wanted to show her the location and what it would look like. “Alright ma…tell the truth bout this place, whatchu think? You like it?”
It was a warehouse…old…but it had a modern feel to it. Though it was empty, the spot had so much potential to be great.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“Recording mean album right?”
Detroit was happy for Mari, but had his reservations about her success at this rate. Things were going pretty fast and even though she was a rising star, being legit didn’t mean anything. Mariposa will always be a threat and she didn’t even know it. She has Rivera blood in her and Detroit worried that she would become an easy target if not watched.
“Just got to make sure that she has security up the ass. I know she won’t like it, but it’s for her own good. Plus, she needs that extra eye anyway. There is only so much you can do right now especially since you’re pregnant. Pretty soon, you’ll have to lay low. Speaking of, what’s your plan for that Jaz? Who will stand in for you?”
Detroit was out of the service. No more drug drama, no more protecting nor serving. He had his fathers blessing, so now it was time for him to focus on his dreams and aspirations. The father to be was sitting on a cloud right now. His wife Jazmina was pregnant, glowing, and doing her thing, Mari was slowly coming into her own and being led by Jaz in the most proper way. She was hitting the billboard charts and her music was being played everywhere, so she was doing good, so now Detroit was gathering his fella’s together to create their own Tattoo shop. Detroit would be running it, doing all of the business, while his friend, brother, and new hire would handle the rest. At the moment, they were looking into a building which was located right near the beach.
The seawall was the perfect place for a tattoo business. You would get all kinds of tourist around the world wanting to get a tattoo from one of the best artist out there. Ceasar aint have nothin’ on the BIG 4.
The 4 included Him, Kace, Ashton, and Elliot. Detroit was a little on edge about Elliot, it wasn’t because of who he was, but who he ran with. Troit knew all about Mike…especially his “brother” Duan…the two had a pretty rough patch. Troit never had a real issue with Mike, so just as long as Elliot stayed into his work at the shop and not bring that kind of heat around, then he would be cool. So far, Detroit and Elliot got along real well, same with Ashton. It seemed like the business would prosper the way it needed to.
Walking into the building with @justxjazmina, he wanted to show her the location and what it would look like. “Alright ma…tell the truth bout this place, whatchu think? You like it?”
It was a warehouse…old…but it had a modern feel to it. Though it was empty, the spot had so much potential to be great.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
“That’s the same thing I was thinking.” He sat down across from her. “I got the fellas lined up, I think imma make this Elliot guy run it. He already got a legit business record and plus, I’m sure he don’t put up with no bullshit.”
He was going to give him a chance. He believed he was about his business, so Detroit was going to see.
“How Mari coming along? I see she has nominations for her first award, that true?”
Detroit was out of the service. No more drug drama, no more protecting nor serving. He had his fathers blessing, so now it was time for him to focus on his dreams and aspirations. The father to be was sitting on a cloud right now. His wife Jazmina was pregnant, glowing, and doing her thing, Mari was slowly coming into her own and being led by Jaz in the most proper way. She was hitting the billboard charts and her music was being played everywhere, so she was doing good, so now Detroit was gathering his fella’s together to create their own Tattoo shop. Detroit would be running it, doing all of the business, while his friend, brother, and new hire would handle the rest. At the moment, they were looking into a building which was located right near the beach.
The seawall was the perfect place for a tattoo business. You would get all kinds of tourist around the world wanting to get a tattoo from one of the best artist out there. Ceasar aint have nothin’ on the BIG 4.
The 4 included Him, Kace, Ashton, and Elliot. Detroit was a little on edge about Elliot, it wasn’t because of who he was, but who he ran with. Troit knew all about Mike…especially his “brother” Duan…the two had a pretty rough patch. Troit never had a real issue with Mike, so just as long as Elliot stayed into his work at the shop and not bring that kind of heat around, then he would be cool. So far, Detroit and Elliot got along real well, same with Ashton. It seemed like the business would prosper the way it needed to.
Walking into the building with @justxjazmina, he wanted to show her the location and what it would look like. “Alright ma…tell the truth bout this place, whatchu think? You like it?”
It was a warehouse…old…but it had a modern feel to it. Though it was empty, the spot had so much potential to be great.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
The fact that Jelena welcomed herself into his home was one thing, but he was on a conference call and she decided to interrupt it.
“Hey let me call you back.”
Without saying a word to Jelena, he opened the envelope. His brows raised. “His wife. Thought she was still locked up.”
Detroit looked at her, “Jelena. Carlos was married. Him not telling you, has nothing to do with me. So what do you want me to do with this information?”
Jelena was clueless in what was going on and she needed answers and fast. It seemed like ever since Carlos died, all of secrets have surfaced. She didn’t know that he was hiding so much from her. Meeting this other woman was a shocker and so was the envelope that was dropped in her lap. She laughed it off at the moment because she was in public and out with Giselle who knew nothing about her personal life. After leaving lunch, Jelena drove over to Detroit’s house where she knew he was. She wasn’t getting anything out of Kace and he kept saying to talk to Detroit.
Jelena used her key and opened the door as she saw the person she wanted to talk to sitting in the living room. “We gotta talk.” She threw the envelope at him that contained the paperwork.
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vxmdetroit · 3 years
Detroit was out of the service. No more drug drama, no more protecting nor serving. He had his fathers blessing, so now it was time for him to focus on his dreams and aspirations. The father to be was sitting on a cloud right now. His wife Jazmina was pregnant, glowing, and doing her thing, Mari was slowly coming into her own and being led by Jaz in the most proper way. She was hitting the billboard charts and her music was being played everywhere, so she was doing good, so now Detroit was gathering his fella’s together to create their own Tattoo shop. Detroit would be running it, doing all of the business, while his friend, brother, and new hire would handle the rest. At the moment, they were looking into a building which was located right near the beach.
The seawall was the perfect place for a tattoo business. You would get all kinds of tourist around the world wanting to get a tattoo from one of the best artist out there. Ceasar aint have nothin’ on the BIG 4.
The 4 included Him, Kace, Ashton, and Elliot. Detroit was a little on edge about Elliot, it wasn’t because of who he was, but who he ran with. Troit knew all about Mike...especially his “brother” Duan...the two had a pretty rough patch. Troit never had a real issue with Mike, so just as long as Elliot stayed into his work at the shop and not bring that kind of heat around, then he would be cool. So far, Detroit and Elliot got along real well, same with Ashton. It seemed like the business would prosper the way it needed to.
Walking into the building with @justxjazmina, he wanted to show her the location and what it would look like. “Alright ma...tell the truth bout this place, whatchu think? You like it?”
It was a warehouse...old...but it had a modern feel to it. Though it was empty, the spot had so much potential to be great.
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