violalutea-blog · 9 years
( violalutea​​ ) liked this for a birthday starter ❤
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“Oh. Hello. I hadn’t expected to see you here.”
          Astoria’s got a bottle of wine tucked under her arm and a box of           cupcakes balanced in her hand;  she’d shown up at Daphne’s in           the hopes of  intercepting her sister,  but it seems that she’s not           the only one with that idea. ( Daphne, she remembers belatedly,           is gone, traveling, back in Germany to help her uncle. ) 
          Now,  she’s standing at Daphne’s front door,  a dozen cupcakes           in her hands and a bottle of wine under her arm,  and so Astoria           does the only reasonable thing to be done.
“Daphne won’t be back for another week. I’m here to get her mail and check on her plants.” Liar. “Do you want to join me, by any chance?   Not for the plant-watering.  There’s alcohol and chocolate in it for you.   And the chance to celebrate me getting old. I’m twenty-two now; it’s obscene.”
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    •【 ❀ 】•
Daphne had sworn she’d be returning early from her trip. Promising her  that returning herself wouldn’t be a bad idea. She refused to be in London for longer than an hour, but Daphne convinced her to visit for once. She told her that it would be kept a secret. They’d stay in and do as they do when it was Daphne who would visit Paris. Watch muggle shows, have tea, and gossip. She should’ve known better than to trust Daphne cutting a trip short. She even managed to arrive in a timely fashion. Only to be disappointed when no one seemed to answer the bloody door.  Her frustration didn’t stop there, the sweet sound of Astoria Greengrass’ voice cut through the air like a sharp knife. She didn’t think she’d see her there, she didn’t expect anyone to see her there. The last few times she’d run into Astoria was awkward to say the least. She didn’t know how to feel towards the other girl but the offer to join her on her birthday, well that seemed like a plea for company more than it was a pity gesture. She did like Astoria once, perhaps Pansy was  ready to let go of the past. She turns to face her somewhat still shocked she’d  even ask her. 
              ❝ I’m sorry Daphne missed your birthday, ❞ she tries her hardest to piece words together that didn’t seem too forced or vile.               ❝ I suppose I have no where else to go and I am in need of a drink.                                                     ------------------------ Happy Birthday, Astoria. ❞ 
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violalutea-blog · 9 years
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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    ❝ Draco, years ago I knew a b o y                           who made all the  w r o n g  choices….❝
Graphic cred
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
                       give me   ᴀ   ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ   to prove   ᴍ ʏ   ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴛ ʜ
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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Learn the rules so you can break them properly. 
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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modern harry potter » slytherin
slytherins tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. they also have highly developed senses of self-preservation. the qualities which salazar valued in the students he chose included cleverness, resourcefulness, determination, and “a certain disregard for the rules.” (x)
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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                                     Semi-Hiatus from 2/11 - 2/22 
I’m going to be gone on a trip for a week and a half. Even though I’ll actually be back before the 20th, I’m just going to just say I’ll be gone until the weekend considering I’ll be busy then too. That being said, my time will be limited. I’ll still be reachable via my skype and kik and I’ll be answering asks whenever I get on so you can find me there. (I'll be mobile on my main blog - higherformofbravery)  I have my queue set to post replies between some other reblogs in the meantime. I have most of the stuff that was in my drafts in my queue now, so if you’ve been waiting for a reply this is probably why I haven’t posted it. I’ll most likely pop in once in a while on mobile but I have no idea how frequent that would be. Just know that I love you all and I will miss you guys while I am away.  xoxo 
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
But I tried, didn’t I? Goddamnit, at least I did that.
(via baby-itsafuckeduplife)
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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We are creating a masterlist for every Harry Potter roleplayer.
The list is here. 
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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I have a new gorgeous theme thanks to herroyaldarkness​ who is a total bae. It's so pretty I can't stop going to my own blog just to stare.   Now I need to go make a promo and work on replies tonight. (: 
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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Slytherin Silver Trio (Pansy, Astoria, and Daphne)
For there they were, like sirens awaiting for their prey; their beauty so strong, their charm so sweet, their wit so sharp; but o how the mortals weep, for they are true daughters of the night; feared they shall be, as dangerous as they can be, a curse muttered in the dark against thee
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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I am having such a muse crisis right now.  I want to be on Pansy, Emma, and Zatanna all at the same time that I’m working on Nats stuff.  Why can’t the muses be this strong when I’m on their blogs. idiots tbh. I’ll be bouncing around tonight I guess. Find me here or here or here. I’m not linking Zatanna because I’m still coding her theme so let’s play catch the savior shall we? (; 
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
Created in the 1930s by an anonymous author (supposedly Cantankerus Nott), the directory listed the pure-blood families in Great Britain.
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violalutea-blog · 10 years
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    •【 ❀ 】•
❝ He had every choice, Theodore.         Draco could've picked better than her.       I stayed away to  protect him, you know       that. My father had debts that needed to       be paid in blood. Draco does not need to       be involved in that. I'd rather see him        marry Astoria than to die because of me.           ----------- Tell me, is he atleast happy? ❞
❝ Do you hear yourself, Pansy?       You’ve been in Paris. Hiding no less.        Malfoy doesn’t even know you’re here. ❞
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  ❝ How do you expect him to marry a girl       he believes is dead? You disappeared       from his life by choice.  He had n o n e.  ❞
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