vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Content is the king for SERP. Your content must engage your audience and establish emotional connect. The art of story telling must be appealing
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Why brand awareness is important for your business?
Brand awareness leaves an impact of your business, product and services on your customers memory. Brand connects with people emotion which is very powerful to drive them to make purchase. Brand helps you garner popularity and put forward your vision, values and ambition. Growth and expansion is directly proportional to brand awareness. https://z1media.com
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Study finds content is king when it comes to grow and expand your business
Conent must engage your audience. It must be based on interest, likes, thinking, belief etc. In fact, the content must relate with audience feeling so that they can be engaged fully with your product, services and brand. You can go for online video advertising. Get a product and tools that support video advertising in comprehensive manner. Videos are engaging and it establishes belief as well as brand awareness. These things have long term impact on your audience. 
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
What is the scope of Digital Marketing job in India?
India is a consumer oriented economy. Every business would like to sell their product in India. They need to target right audience for their product. Businesses are going to be customer centric. They need to know their audience and prepare and promote the product. Here comes handy digital marketing strategy to be implemented. As people are flocking to the internet, there are chances for businesses, trade and commerce as well as industries and companies to meet their customer online. To complete the task, digital marketing professionals will be required. Hence, you have tremendous scope for digital marketing job in India. However, you need to master the art of using tools and technology.
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
SEO is a need and has positive impact on business. 
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
How can you advertise your business in best way?
Every business wish to survive in the competitive market scenario. You wish to establish your brand and beat your competition. You wish to be visible in your niche. Looking forward to different marketing strategy to adapt. 
Have a glance at https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-advertise-my-business-in-best-way/answer/Vikash-Jha-384
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
How can you make best use of SEO?
Won’t you like to establish your brand? Do you like to reach your potential customer? I hope you must be interested in free traffic inflow to your website? I am sure, you wish to gain maximum impression and clicks. You certainly will be interested in slashing your marketing budget and still establish yourself in market. You obviously want to put forward your product, aim and vision of your work and provide better services to your clients and customer. 
Don’t worry? You can fulfill your wishes. Proper implementation of SEO will help you garner impression, clicks, organic traffic flow and brand establishment. 
For details please have a glance at 
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
SEO & its impact on business, trade & commerce
How can SEO make your business great again?
Basically SEO means Search Engine Optimization.
Today, businesses are moving online due to the migration and engagement of customer with the Internet. Every business and industries seek to reach their potential customer and apply digital marketing strategy to reach them. Everyone seeks visibility online. Google has the largest market share across the globe. Every business competes to remain on the top of search.  Digital marketing strategy helps acquire this goal but without proper SEO, the marketing cost may rise. A business must have abundant organic traffic coming their way on the website. It means without making any payment, your website must witness potential visitor so that you can establish your brand and convert lead to the potential customer. The business has an opportunity to understand their customer values, thoughts, belief and likes as well as dislikes. They can make the very product that adds value in the life of their customer.
How can SEO reduce the marketing cost?
SEO requires certain parameters for the website to follow. Search engine constantly keeps updating the algorithm and your website must be able to match their requirement. The main purpose of paid advertising, campaign, email marketing as well as digital marketing strategy is to get more traffic to your website; get better ranking on search engine platform. What if SEO gives you all this for free? Won’t that be interesting? It will help you cut your budget considerably. You can invest them on product development. When your website is SEO friendly, search engines will rank your website to the top. Hence, SEO can reduce marketing cost.
What are the impacts of SEO on business now?
SEO has positive impact on businesses. Proper SEO helps to gain trust and credibility and have increased engagement.
However, following are the impacts of SEO on business now.
Ø  In addition to trust and credibility, improves branding
Ø  Produces high local offline conversion
Ø  Delivers an excellent ROI
Ø  Works 24/7.
Ø  Engagement with visitors in all decision making stages
Ø  Impacts buying cycle
Brand Improvement & trust establishment:
When your website is on the top of search ranking, visitors will land on your website which holds values, logo, features of your business. People will be aware of your business, industry or company. Prolonged visits to the website make positive impact of your brand in the mind of people. I also help gain trust and credibility.
High local offline conversion:
Usually SEO helps your business rank locally. When local people know your business, they will visit your website for further information. This helps generate trust. Your local customer knows you better and their review matters a lot. It acts as milestone in the journey of success.
Delivers an excellent ROI:
Every investment seeks to get maximum rate of return on their investment. When your website is getting good rank on search engine and maximum local leads converting to potential customer with low investment or negligible one as compared to paid advertisement and campaign, you can imagine your return on investment. It is maximum. Your website must be SEO friendly with unique content and relevant information as well as accessible.
Engagement with visitors in all decision making strategies:
Visitors when they are online leave the trail of their information. The information is valuable in learning about customers. The business will know what their customers want and prepare product accordingly. Online reviews of customer help producers to make changes to their products and services. This helps to improve overall quality of brand, product and services.
Impacts buying cycle:
As you engage with your customer, you develop brand loyalty and win their heart. If you can make the positive impact on their lives, they will buy your product. Since, you have done proper SEO and your page ranks on the search engine along with local customer having access to your business.
In a nutshell, SEO is the bulwark of your business making a long term impact on your customer, products and services. Get started soon to minimize risk and cost. Rather focus on research and development of products as well as on the need of your customer.
By: Vikash Kumar Jha SEO Specialist | Z1 Media https://z1media.com/
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Career in Digital Marketing
Your passion should determine your career because satisfaction matters the most in the end..
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Future of Internet Marketing
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Psychology & Marketing
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Z1 MEDIA-Inventing the future of Digital Media & Advertising
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Z1 Media-Inventing the future of Digital Media & Advertising
My answer to What is the future of digital marketing in India compared to the globe? https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-future-of-digital-marketing-in-India-compared-to-the-globe/answer/Vikash-Jha-384?srid=sCHnj https://z1media.com/ #Z1Media
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
Digital Marketing is a booming sector and Digital Marketer are the bulwark of implementing digital marketing strategy. 
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vikashz1us-blog · 5 years
How can you address the marketing needs of Business Startup for Free?
Wanna grow your new startup for free.. Expand your business reach and get leads.. Do you wish to convert the lead to your potential customer?  Please visit the link:  https://z1media-digital.livej How can you address the marketing needs of Business Startup for Free? ournal.com/1213.html 
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