vesperffs · 6 years
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       His attire consists of a cardigan sweater and loafers, glasses tipped against his nose, and pencil jutting from the corner of his lips like that of a cigarette would, occasionally gnawing on its end when in deep concentration.
❝ there are eighty eight constellations , but we’ll never understand how they were connected or who decided one star could link with another ... huh.  ❞  He’s mumbling to himself now, almost having a full discussion about meaning with a tree he is parked against. it is slightly late, a breezy evening, and a secluded area of the edge of the forest he assumed no one would approach - he thought?
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vesperffs · 6 years
ok yall i been more busy than i THOT so imma post an open starter , feel free to assume connections and stuff , i just really wanna get some interactions in with my wren bb so i can feel out his personality a bit !
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vesperffs · 6 years
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drop a like on this post for a CLOSED STARTER ! if we haven’t plotted yet, let me know what kind of connection you want to wren. otherwise i can make it as if they are just meeting for the first time ! i’m heading to sleep but i can’t wait to see my bb interacting with everyone !
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vesperffs · 6 years
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✖ ┇ ❝ WREN’S STORY ~
* ♡ ˙ ˖ / sam claflin + cismale + him/he. — did you know vee’s real name is wren vesper? oh yeah, they are a twenty nine year old astronomist known as the waggish that has been in town for one week. this asexual scorpio can be jovial + obsequious, as well as caustic+ indecisive. i hear their soulmark is a wave on the rib cage, and their two soulmates look like lindsay morgan & any 25+ female fc. belly laughter after crying, pressed flowers, starry nights and warm blankets. penned by: zee. twenty one. they/them. est. 
so ... ehem yes i made another muse don’t LOOK at me okay anyways he is a fluff ball of good and if you wanna plot drop a fat LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE DOWN BELOW and i will send you an im seeking friendship. short summary to those who do not wanna read, wren is a big baby who was raised by his father and learned about the stars and followed a meteor he was researching to this little ole’ town yay!!! he has no friends and loves birds yay!!!
“ The universe grows exponentially around us, with each glance away from the burning stars, it changes and gives us energy to believe in    M O R E . ” 
The problem with Wren Vesper wasn’t what he was, but what was holding him back. Connections. Sacrifice. That one person he’d throw the world away to preserve; It had always been him taking on the rest. Until his mother was second child in and Wren’s mother decided, whoops, made a bad decision here, and took his bags in the middle of the night with his baby sister to flee the scene - Leaving him behind.
It was not until a few years of his mother mysteriously self-imploding that all his problems began bubbling back to the surface with no cover, and it got worse as the days progressed on. Everything had smooth edges and empty thoughts at first, Wren barely worried for his mother’s being gone. He was five years old, and very independent, so when his father (Benjamin Vesper) began boxing away toys and packing the car up, the young Wren was filled with excitement of where they were going. His dad had stated America, and began teaching him about the world ever since. 
Growing up in America was not always the best, however. Upon his father becoming an astronomy teacher and his own lessons being brushed off on little Wren, Ben decided teaching his son the basics at home would suit them best. Settling in a quiet town in Oregon, the boys set off camping and learning about the earth around them, as the resources they lived around were filled with nature and trees and clear skies. With his favorite telescope and star maps in hand, Wren would prance outside barefoot with his father and document the constellations and create stories of the stars. It was peaceful, but secluded, and Wren couldn’t help but slightly resent his father for that. Even more, the curse of rejection his mother nursed within the little boy at a prime time of development. He made friends, though, with neighbors and specifically a young boy named Yona who taught him how to start fires and make jokes ( especially the risque kind ). When Wren came home spouting f-bombs and dick jokes, his dad couldn’t help but laugh - and made him sit at home and write an essay whilst the Perseids rained across the night sky.
When he got older, Wren (now going by Vee) applied and easily got into the college of his choice, and studied astronomy for four years. After graduation, he visited his father to tell him he was travelling, going to track a certain meteor’s path in the sky for his own research. Benjamin gave him his mother’s current address, a hug, and a canteen of soup as his star boy got into his jeep and took off into the night. After debating on visiting the woman that embedded abandonment issues into his head, or continue his ventures with the universe. And that is how Wren Vesper ended up in Jericho, a small town that felt built for him.
seeks approval more often than others, demonstrated by a really pushy affection and elatedness towards friends or even enemies. he refuses to let things go, because they could just as easily walk away if they wanted
wren and yona were like a tag team duo, but when wren decided to go to college rather than hop the states with yona, they had a massive falling out where wren let yona beat the SHITE out of him before he stormed off
wren only likes being called vee because the only thing he remembers of his mom is that nickname she gave him
he loves birds, cookies, the nightsky, ulternate universes, astrology, the ocean, his dad, tame impala, foreign films, making people laugh, and walking around barefoot
he paints, but not well, kind of just smearing color to define his emotions as a coping mechanism - he keeps them in a closet
he wears glasses because he is absolutely blind as all hell, but sometimes bares the courage to stick contacts in his eyes ( though he is squeamish )
he gave up on the comet to explore the cosmic energy in the town, as clearly something was drawing people to each other, and began research on the charming properties of his new home
kind of a history nerd and currently works at a museum for extra cash flow
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vesperffs · 6 years
✖ ┇ ❝ tag dump ( wren vesper )
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vesperffs · 6 years
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