vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
yikes. as much as i want to, i don’t think i’ll be able to wrap up most threads i have going on? i have to go out and prob won’t be able to return on time for the rest of my replies. i’m sorry to all who were waiting for replies. anyway, 1665 tomorrow? am i excite? yes. am i nervous and anxious af? also yes. if u want to plot w either of my bebs. ( i will also have a new beb tomorrow wow amazing i’m so fucking excited? ) hmu and we can brainstorm shit. so excited honestly?  i still don’t feel as prepared as i would like to be but deep breaths.
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
––– imogen;
“Oh, where are you from?” Imogen asked, a light smile on her face. “I suppose I am rather used to it – I’m from Ireland, that’s only a ferry ride away. But still, I do look forward to spring.” She gave a light laugh. “I don’t think I’m built for winter weather, really. Thank goodness for lotion, hmm? Oh, that reminds me.” She dug into her purse and brought out a small tube of lavender-scented hand lotion, rubbing some onto her rough palms. “Would you like some?”
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“portugal.” there was such brightness behind her eyes, always so proud of her homeland. there were times were she missed to speak in her mother tongue, the food, the stunning sceneries, her family. “is the weather similar to that of england?” she supposed it was, what difference could there be between the two? ireland she hadn’t gone to just yet, but it was on the list of the many places she wanted to visit at some point. with a shake of her head, she politely declined the woman’s offer. “no, thanks. it’s fine.”
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
––– carolina;
“because i’m not. and i haven’t been, in a very long time.” a truth she was forced to accept a long time ago. half this family never had to worry about their name, never had to work to bear its name. not like her. “we share a name, ida, don’t confuse that for more than it is.” she scoffed, shaking her head. she’s still in half a mind to leave anyway, in spite of anything her cousin says — when her gaze flickers back to the other: familiar brown eyes meeting her own, rapidly darkening, narrowing and a coldness taking over her small frame.
“i am aware what i did. i am also aware why i did so. just as i am aware that i’d do it all over again without blinking. but by all means. let us chat.” her hand waved out, gesturing at ida. “what shall we chat about?” her brows arched sharply. “my dead father sending me to boarding school at ten years old, only allowing me home four, five times since then? my elder brother’s three drink driving incidents? my other brother’s knocking up of a girl my father didn’t approve and running away with her?” she snapped her fingers, index finger pointing at ida. "maybe the family reunion in 2010 when my father disappeared, my mother got wasted and i got left with the dishes as all my brothers fucked off deciding their girlfriends were more important?” 
her head quirked to the side. “enough?”
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many years without seeing her, and yet all she is met with is this. she only listens, as the myriad of words left her cousin’s lips. aghast; a bit overwhelmed by it all. she understood where she came from, yet it is her who stands before her not her long gone father, not her brothers, not her mother. was it too much to ask for, to have a decent conversation? one without endless drama and memories of the past. “you are still family to me, does that mean nothing? i know of what happened, i know it’s easy to get tired of it but you are blaming all of us for things we never did. i don’t understand why this family is so dysfunctional.” a glance to the floor was taken, as she thought back on her own family, it was not as nearly as chaotic but there was still a lingering sour note adorning it. 
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
––– sebastian;
sebastian was used to being used. whether that was to piss off parents, lovers, or friends. whether it was for a rebellious phase or a post-breakup, most people tended to seek sebastian out. he always wondered if anyone actually wanted him for him, but he knew better than that. he wanted him for what he represented. danger. risk. fun. uncomplicated. the boy scoffed, mumbling in spanish under his breath. “for now, sure. i don’t know why.” he looked over his shoulder and raised his eyebrows. “i can make cereal…” he snickered, shaking his head. “i’m just kidding. i was raised with the best personal chefs.” sebastian raised his eyebrows and stopped right in front of her, that way she would run into him if she were not paying attention. “do you know how to cook?”
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she was sure he was more than capable on making a decent breakfast. but she knew how spoiled some could come to be. some of her brothers did not even know how to fend for themselves, yet they were older than her. but a life of wealth and personal chefs and just sinking into that lifestyle could come to be pretty vain at times. she knew how to fend for herself, mostly because she always sought what to do, even as a young child. “i’m surprised that you even -..” but words were cut off as she bumped into him, had she looked to the front she would have at least noticed that he came to a halt. “of course i know how to cook, who do you think i am?”. she felt somewhat offended that he even had the decency to ask the question.
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
–– pietro;
As he heard her answer, the slight worry Pietro felt over the possibility that he might have intruded on anything, or was unwelcome in any way, started to subside. He nodded, an easy smile coming back to his face. Her words made sense to him. There were times when the company of strangers was nice, even when he was just doing his own thing. He figured that perhaps she thought similarly. “Coffee shops are certainly great when you want some alone time without being too alone.” He glanced at her book the moment she mentioned it. “In advance?” A grin. He had the habit of doing his readings in advance, but it wasn’t often that he found someone else who shared such a habit. “Is it for a physics class?”
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“that’s mostly why i’m here, yes.” a smile spread on her lips, she would have never thought someone would grasp the idea of it so easily. there were some, that just saw the place as one to just have their things and leave within the minute. but not her, obviously. “i find it interesting, that’s all.” a glance was taken to the cover of her book, and she couldn’t help but think how observant the guy was. “spacetime relativity and quantum physics–– but in short, yeah physics.” the book was rather extensive and heavy looking, “some light reading before starting my next term.”
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
–– casimir;
A soft laugh left his lips at the way she pushed him back. And that is part of the appeal to her. The way she carried herself, there is a fire and she walks in the rhythm of the flames. Flames won’t burn her. However there is a magnetic pull despite his unwillingness to become attached. A curve of his lips and he wore that half grin that he wore so well. “Because I knew you would react that way,” Cas told her. “And I like it.” He pointed out, glacial hues meeting hers with a mischief glow within the icy shade. “Something came up, it’s not exactly worth mentioning, you’d get bored. Trust me.”’
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“well, you suck.” not the best choice of words, but truly she couldn’t possibly describe how annoying he sometimes seemed to be. “i waited here for the longest time and of course, you would get here fashionably late.” cerulean hues looked up at the man, clear annoyance behind her cold stare. “why did you even bother on coming, again?”  but really, what else could she expect from him? with a roll of her eyes, she slumped down on the sofa, curly brown hair laying on the pillows beneath her head. what she had been in the mood for before, was no longer the case. 
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
––– carolina;
her feet beg her to leave — turn the way she came, back to ida and the spilt coffee: forgetting this entire moment even happened. because she can’t do this, doesn’t want to do this — not so soon after her brothers popping back into her life. but for whatever reason, she stands there, tense as a rock, face contorted as she looks at her tiny cousin. ( god, she can remember the summers they spent together back in lisbon, down by the coast — can remember how everything felt hopeful and free during those weeks. and look at them now, look at how time changes them all. )“why?” she questions, eyes narrowed and voice bitter. “i don’t owe you shit. or this family.”
a scoff leaves her lips and she shakes her head, glancing away from the other. “see that’s the problem with you vargas’. you all seem to fucking think i owe you my time, my energy or my thoughts.”
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this was not how she envisioned her afternoon to be like; to be reunited with one of her many cousins. any less, to get into arguments that she’d rather move past on. she would never fully understand her cousin, or her motives. she only searched for answers, that yes –– perhaps she didn’t deserve but still. “you say that as if you aren’t part of our family. you are very much a vargas, too.” headphones were long forgotten as she faced the eldest girl, questions flooding her mind as she took her in. where had she been? how was she? did she ever come to miss them, think of them?
“look, you can leave. i mean, you already did once and no one is here to stop you but –– i’d be nice to at least chat. you kinda fell down off the face of earth, you know, so.”
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
––– jihao;
It was hard to get angry or upset when someone clearly looked distracted. Sometimes he wished that he could get distracted. Find something that could take him away just for a minute or an hour. Something that would just make him relax and breathe. But due to his job, he didn’t have time for those luxeries. “Ah nothing to apologize for. Things like this happens to the best of us”
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it occurred all too often, she felt a bit embarrassed even, to fully look at the man. “it shouldn’t happen as often as it does, but somehow that’s always my result.” a half smile spread through lips, she was confident there was no other person as cloud headed like her. at least, out of her family, she was the one to get scolded for such things while growing up. a bad habit, one that was engrained on her brain; unable to let it go. 
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
– ida & anton ;
anton: you love me always, don't lie
anton: i like to keep you guessing
anton: WHAT!!!!
anton: how is this the first i'm hearing about this ajsdbsn
anton: so is it "casual" or actually casual
ida: hmm i'm not all too sure about that..
ida: jk jk
ida: because i never speak of it?
ida: i mean it's not like i'm going to casually talk about a booty call or smthing
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
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modern!au + agnete aliise lundholm
picture perfect; a playlist by agnete aliise lundholm. listen.
i had to be extra and do one for my other babe thanks to a honesty hour ask. xx
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
(agnete) what's currently playing on your playlist?
agnete has two types of playlists. the playlist when she’s out and about walking her beb, while being your typical soccer!mom, which is basically workout/yoga inspo. and then there’s the music she actually listens to on a daily. mostly it’s pop, swedish pop or electronica bc bish takes inspo from music for her clothing designing. actually i’m being extra and you can listen to it here. 
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
––– imogen;
“Oh, no, it’s alright,” Imogen said, with a soft smile. “It’s an old coat, really, it’s just cozy.” She laughed softly as she gathered it more closely around her. “It is supposed to be spring, isn’t it? I know we’re in London and it’s a famously rainy city, but goodness, it could get at least a little warmer.”
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“there are times i miss the warmth of my city, but really –– i have just gotten used to it.” in her lifetime, an array of different weathers had been presented to her. and while, the one she felt the most comfortable in was the warmth of lisbon and brazil, she still found a bit of fascination and beauty in the rainy cold england and the freezing switzerland. she supposed london wasn’t all too bad compared to the latter. “it just doesn’t comes sooner, but i bet many are wishing for it.”
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
( ida. ) what movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
‘ mean girls. it’s just such a classic, i didn’t even see it until a few years ago but now i religiously watch it every month or so. that’s so fetch. ’ 
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
(ida) what was the last party you went to? when's the next?
‘ the last party i went to? my cousin’s filipe. it was in a karaoke bar and as expected, i got drunk –– just because realization hit that i had to eventually sing and i wouldn’t ever do that sober. i’m not so sure about the next but it’ll be hard to up step from that. ’
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
– ida & delia ;
delia: it's cute that you think i'm ever gonna let you live it down.
delia: pizza definitely. with pepperoni ofc.
delia: i can come by after work.
ida: it wasn't even that bad...
ida: yes pepperoni what did u think i was going to order?
ida: after work is fine i'm not doing anyone at that hour
ida: anything*
ida: sorry autocorrect
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
( agnete. ) what's the biggest secret you've kept from your husband?
‘ sometimes, i still can’t understand any word he says. i have been married to him since forever and yet, sometimes i can’t decipher what he’s trying to say. you’d think i’d be past that already but, yeah no –– not working. ’
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
( ida. ) if you could switch lives with anyone, who would it be?
‘ i would switch lives with an astronaut, just to experience what it is like to be in outer space and see the earth and its surrounding stars from another point of view. ’
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