unwantedkintype · 4 years
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Fireflies illuminating this forest in Nanacamilpa, Tlaxcala, Mexico
Pepe Soho
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
These are the kind of things that made me leave the “serious” alterhuman community. Because people defended this kind of shit.
I know I don't post often in my Tumblr account, but I need a distraction that is not Instagram cause I really can't anymore. I don't feel safe on my Instagram account. I'm really disappointed that the big creators are calling all of this "drama" and "unwanted fuss" and not adressing the problem instead.
I don't like it when other people pressure people to do things, but in this case it's simply ignorance. This is a very serious situation and people need to speak about it an you know what some people actually are and I'm happy about that. My disappointment lies on the fact that the people who try to speak about this somehow always get silenced by the "mass". That mass includes proud the z**philes in the community and the people who secretly accept their behaviour. The ones who are brave enough to adress this problem are people who reach smaller audiences and often are not heard.
I'm so glad there was made a whole detailed thing about LycanTheory and the TG platform. I've known that site harboured proud z**s for quite some time and that was part of the reason why I never made a TG account.
I never spoke about it with anyone and tried to somehow make myself forget because: 1) I'm a minor 2) I don't have a big audience 3) I struggle with mental health and speaking about this sensitive topic would simply be too much for me.
All I ask for you guys to do now is spread awareness about this thing-
I don't know for how long you've been following me but I've always made it clear that I'm not f*cking okay with z**philia. Nobody should be.
Z**philia shouldn't be accepted or normalized. If YOU'RE having problems with your attraction and think you're attracted to animals please seek help and if you can't afford it then please just keep it to yourself for god's sake stop trying to normalize it online or make it part of your experience.
That's all I had to say. I won't hesitate to block anyone who is okay with normalizing this stuff.
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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Bluebell Wood.
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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Another warm summer memory!
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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By Ronan Donovan
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
Wow, someone is actually doing something about it this time. I’m actually pretty surprised because you know, no one in the community lifts a finger if a “respected” pedophile or zoophile gets caught and they don’t have popular people trying to expose them.
This shit is what I meant by things that no one should have to see. And this is isn’t even as bad as some of the stuff I’ve seen. This is just a glimpse into the true horror that hides in the shadows of these communities if you are unfortunate enough to stumble into it. If eye or mind bleach was a thing I would have used it many times by now.
Let this be a lesson not to trust people just because they are popular in the community. The dogmatics protect their own and would rather silence others than throw their “friends” under a bus.
Thank you for actually speaking out about this though. It needs to be talked about. You are very brave for standing up to these people by making this post. I wish everyone was like this.
The Polymorph Chronicles
Zoophilia In The Alterhuman Community
In the past weeks, information involving the forum site TherianGuide and its staff has surfaced that is highly disturbing. I originally intending to do more research about the situation so that I could post a detailed overview and informative post, but when I read the post made by Therian Amino staff, I realized that this topic is too uncomfortable for me to look deeper into and to do so would compromise my mental health. As I feel strongly about not putting myself in such a position, but know that this is something important to talk about, this post will have to suffice.
Content Warning: zoophilia, child grooming, bestiality, the words r*pe and m*lest*tion
The Situation
An individual in the therian community known by the username LycanTheory - who is one of the co-owners of TherianGuide - is currently under fire due to screenshots revealing his Tweets and private messages revealing that he is not only a proud zoophile, but that he has also offended. He has admitted multiple times, in public and in private that he has m*lested and r*ped his own dogs and sincerely believes that those dogs consented to and enjoyed it. He is clearly not someone who is struggling with intrusive or unwanted attraction, as he has, and continues to, excused his behavior and justified his views on bestiality; going so far as to say “anyone who wants to take that [his identity as a zoophile] from me can come and pry it from my cold, dead hands.” and “I wont give that up as long as I’m alive”. Those views being that animals can consent to sex with humans using body language and that porn between two adult humans is less consensual than sex human and animal.
The screenshots released of his private conversations consist of his explicit and detailed descriptions of the m*lest*tion and r*pe of his dogs, as well as detailed explanations of the fantasies he has had of bestiality. Other screenshots also show LycanTheory communicating with more than one minor in inappropriate ways. He is very open about his sexual desires with them, which include ones where he talks about making them practice bestiality. He has also threatened and insulted people who have previously spoken out about his behavior and has equated the “witchhunt” of zoophiles to that of the homophobia gay people have faced.
As of my posting this, other staff members, including the other co-owner DustWolf, of TherianGuide have not made any statements refuting claims that they support LycanTheory. In fact, DustWolf has recently Tweeted calling the screenshots “drama”. It should also be noted that DustWolf and other staff members have a history of being accused of harboring and openly supporting other zoophiles on the TherianGuide forums.
There is more information, more evidence of the things he’s said and done, but because I have not read it all, this is just what I know.
Spreading Awareness
This situation is very serious, as it involves someone actually admitting to and being proud of committing a crime. LycanTheory’s presence as a forum administrator is one of the most dangerous in the community. He has access to private personal information of the hundreds of people using his site, he is in possession of their private messages - ones he and the other staff have admitted to looking at in the past - which he can use as blackmail. But not only this, as a person, he is respected and looked up to unbeknownst to the people of his site. He has the power to provide information to the members of his site that could influence them to think or do certain things. And with the whole staff to defend and support him, of course people, especially young, impressionable people who are new to the community and this forum is the first place they’ve been, are going to trust him and take his words to be true. Him having the information of and access to minors is not something anyone should allow when he has displayed predatory behavior toward them multiple times. Spreading awareness of this situation is absolutely vital. People and animals are in danger and the staff of TherianGuide have known this, supported this, stayed silent about this, and defended this for years. TherianGuide needs to be shutdown or given over to completely new owners and staff so that the community can be safe.
TherianGuide Members
From what I’ve heard, the TherianGuide site does not allow for accounts to be deleted, but there is a way to have yours removed by law if you choose to leave the site. I do not know the procedure behind this, but there are a few people who have also posted about this issue who might have what you need to email the TherianGuide staff. I know it’s scary to think about what this means for your account on that forum, what it means to have trusted someone with your privacy, but please remember that none of this is your fault. The people who were supposed to represent our community, the people who were supposed to provide you with a safe environment, failed you. That is their fault. They were supposed to make sure minors were not exposed to people who could take advantage of them, instead they were feeding you straight to the predator. They were supposed to make sure peoples privacy was protected, instead they read your messages. They were supposed to show you, a new member of the community, the ropes, give you good, solid advice that would represent the whole of the community, instead they tried to manipulate you into supporting things that are illegal and disgusting. This is their fault. I’m sorry this happened to so many of you.
If it wasn’t made clear, I am disgusted by what I’ve read, knowing that someone like LycanTheory has been running one of the most prominent therian forums currently in use. Knowing that someone like LycanTheory is even in my community, giving us all a bad reputation, makes me sick. Zoophiles are not valid, even if they’re alterhuman. Zoophiles are not going to be respected in this community or outside of it. Zoophiles are not welcome in the alterhuman community or any community. 
If you really are struggling with feelings of attractions towards animals, you need to seek professional help or at the very least - since I know therapy isn’t accessible - acknowledge that these feelings are wrong and do what you can to not offend. That could mean not having pets, staying away from pet friendly parks, being honest with your friends who have animals so that they can protect them, etc. But please try to seek therapy at some point in your life, or try finding a group like AA that feels supportive of your struggles but also discourages you from having these feelings. 
Please do not try to invade spaces that are not meant for you to try to justify your attraction. We promise you, the majority of us, the ones who aren’t like you, do not want you here tarnishing the community’s reputation and causing discomfort. 
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
The fact that im seeing people in my feed support Physical shifters (in their present lives.) Is concerning to me. Because physical shifting is scientifically not possible at all.
And anyone who says they can physical shift is either possibly suffering from some sort of mental illness (see clinical lycanthropy) as a rough example, is extremely misinformed/ making it up, or is possibly a manipulative and toxic person.
while on the mental part of my statement, I do think awareness towards it should be a thing, (clinical lycanthropy) I don't exactly thinnnk that it's something that should be in the community? Don't get me wrong im not trying to come off as hostile, but I could just see the person coming into an accepting community and having their issues reinforced and it making their episodes worse. I know that some would call that an anti kin perspective, but from a psychology standpoint that's likely to happen. It's also likely to effect the younger members of the community and further give our community, from an outside perspective a reason to be all labeled as mentally ill.
Misinformed youngsters or new beans entering the community tend to sometimes get the impression that PS's are a thing - but in most cases as their knowledge and information from other community members grows they correct this and usually can put better terms to what they were describing as a p-shifting.
Those that usually are making up the P- shifting will most likely come of in a roleplay sort of fashion from what I've seen, and have OP characters that they claim to be their kintypes
The manipulative and or toxic members is my biggest concern with supporting even the idea of Physical Shifting. Most of the groups that I've been in or heard of that these experiences have been in have been straight up bordering on being a fucking cult (where one or two of the people in the group can usually do no wrong and they know everything about you and your spirituality/ who you are as a kin and you don't ) which is usually accompanied by the talk of 'hunters'
Or have been some really weird predatory grooming bullshit thats been targeted at the misinformed and minors, or those that are easily tricked by honeyed words. Which almost fits into the cult category if you dig more into it.
I get that apart of our community is psychological. I'm not attacking that.
But physical shifting, is scientifically impossible, and I fear that allowing this mindset that it is into the community will do more harm overall than good.
The only reason I've mentioned clinical lycanthropy is because the members I've seen that have claimed they can P-shift have admitted to having some form of this.
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
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by dpc_photography_
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unwantedkintype · 4 years
Being a kinnie is great.
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