Creating Ulvhälls hällar art park
6 posts
This is a blog about the Creation of Ulvhälls hällar. It's pimarily for us involved in the Project, but anyone will be able to follow the project. Thanks to the Nordic Art Association, Ulvhälls herrgård, Allmänna arvsfonden and Sparbanksstiftelsen Rekarne.
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ulvhallhallar-blog · 7 years ago
First Days of installations!!!
Today we started the installations and the final preparations for the opening of the 9th of May! Early this morning curator Björn Norberg and artist Peter Hagdahl started to plan Hagdahl’s contribution - a piece that will engage more or less the full park. Here is a model of the park, created by our architect Stefan Askhagen:
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It’s a huge Project!!! 
Then we started to grind the stone for Ebba Bohlin’s piece. Our team from Bysso is doing a great job! The idea is to create a glossy surface out of the old cliffs that will relate to the size of the human body and to the golden cut. The result will be fantastic. These are a couple of images from the first day:
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Ulrika Sparre is finding her site in the park, where you will be able to listen to the underground sounds of the Ulvhälls hällar:
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Alvaro Campo is planning his sundial and we are trying to find a good spot for the installation, where body and time unite:
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Maybe what is most exciting is a parallell process that the Ulvhäll Youth’s is going through. We have invited some engaged teenagers in Strängnäs for workshops with artist Alvaro Campo and curator Björn Norberg. Oruba, Moa, Fredrik and Hugo have decded to create a most fantastic performance for the opening. They have found a partner in Kulturskolan i Strängnäs to help out with a most exciting idea. They want to create a performance where they transfer the sounds of a cello to visuals using analogue techninque. They came up with the idea on a workshop and have developed the concept on their own during the spring. We are so impressed!!! 
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Hugo and Fredrik tries different speakers and sound and the effect on a water Surface.
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Fredrik and Moa from the Ulvhäll’s Youth Group try out an overhead projector together with Anders from Kulturskolan.
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Amazing results - Anders from Kulturskolan and Ulvhäll’s Youths Fredrik and Moa.
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ulvhallhallar-blog · 7 years ago
The Youth Club
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Last weekend a some of the members of the Ulvhälls hällars Youth Club met with artist Alvaro Campo at the art park. They discussed the Project and how they can contribute. They were excited about both the park and the upcoming sneak peek at Multeum in Strängnäs.
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ulvhallhallar-blog · 7 years ago
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2. Mattias Bäcklin: Troféläckage
Mattias Bäcklin’s art deal with civilisation and nature. Plastic, foam and Concrete meet wood, nature, wide landscape. The deer is one of the animals that you can find both in his sculptures and in his pencil drawings. It’s an animal that you can find even in central Stockholm, eating from the gardens. It’s also a popular game among hunters. Troféläckage (Leak of Hunting Trophies) is a sculpture that is cast using sealing foam. It’s a bizarre image where the deer heads seems to burst out from the gallery wall. Apart from the deer Bäcklin has a special interest in birds and insects. In the park Mattias will come back to the deer and the trophy but also to the construction materials and elements. The trophies will be cast in concrete and details from constructions will be sculpted directly in dead trees that he will find the park,
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ulvhallhallar-blog · 7 years ago
It is 2018 and it’s in 2018 it’s going to happen! There will be a chance to make a sneak peek of the park at an exhibition at Multeum in Strängnäs. It opens on the 3rd of February and will be up February and March. More information soon! All artists that will show works in the park will participate. 
The artists will be presented in some of the upcoming posts.
1. Ebba Bohlin:  1,5 x 2,1573733… 
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In several pieces, both in gallery exhibitions and in public art works, Ebba Bohlin uses references to her own body in site specific works. The numbers in  1,5 x 2,1573733… refers to the meassurements of her own body tranferred to a Square, where the sides relates to each other according to the  golden ratio. The piece is linked to both da Vinci and the renaissance and to the modernism and the minimalism. The piece exists in different versions. At Multeum we will show a version that originally was made for the garden of Thielska galleriet outside Stockholm. She scanned the Surface of the garden and transferred it to plastic. The white cast was chosen as a reference to the death mask of Friedrich Nietzsche, on display inside the gallery.   
In May we will present another version, site specific for Ulvhälls hällar and Strängnäs.
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ulvhallhallar-blog · 7 years ago
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Some images from the recently built wooden path, next to Ulvhälls herrgård in Strängnäs. All these images were taken by Jay Veesualz in November 2017. The light installation was made by Cecilia Ömalm, one of the artists that will participate the in the exhibition that opens in May 2018.
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ulvhallhallar-blog · 7 years ago
The beginning
The history of Ulvhälls hällar art park starten in the autumn of 2015 when Ulvhälls herrgård, curator Björn Norberg and the Nordic Art Association started to plan an art venue in Strängnäs, less than an hour from the centre in Stockholm. Since then we have received funding from Allmänna arvsfonden and Sparbanksstiftelsen rekarne to create a wooden construction, a path, that will make the park accessible for anyone. We have also started up collaborations with Strängnäs municipality and several local associations in the Strängnäs region. The park will open May 9th 2018 and we are at the moment starting up collaborations with youngsters in Strängnäs. Anyone interested can join us. Or next meeting is January 14th at Ulvhälls herrgård 1pm. Contact us through the blog to join! Together we will create the project and we will be able to follow the work of the artists!
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