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tfw you come to realise that humanity is a fleeting whisper in the cosmos and that remembering that Rosseau quote for your Politics exam isn't too important in the grand scheme of things ✨💫 #musings #skyline #skyporn #sky #clouds #theislandofevenings #theindicationsreveal #fewofusrealizelifeisquitesubreal #mood #philosophy #exams #examseason #ancrannaonraicsinthall (at Planet Earth, Solar System, Milky Way)
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my favorite way to hang out is so lowkey like u wanna watch reality tv all day in our sweats?? ok. wanna do homework n barely even talk except to complain about how much work it is?? ok. wanna read different books while sharing an entire tub of ice cream?? ok. going out is so much effort like sometimes u just wanna enjoy someone’s company without doing anything “special” and i think those are actually the most special times 
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Sunset on Mars
hell yes hell yes hell fucking yes
We are alive to see a sunset from another planet
This is incredible holy shit
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There are a lot of posts here saying “Allow your kids to be different!” and that’s important. But the other way around, it’s important, too: Never force your kids to be different. 
I used to work in a kindergarten and there was one little 4-year-old boy who walked in with a blue mohawk one day. His mom dyed her hair blue, too and she was very proud of her son and herself for being “special” and not like the others. The other kids thought it was really cool and funny, nobody laughed at him. However, as soon as his mom left he started crying. When i tried to comfort him, he told me he doesn’t like it when people touch his hair and now everybody wants to touch his hair. When asked if he told his mom, he just looked up at me and said  "She didn’t listen.“
So, long story short: Don’t raise your child “different”. Raise them individually. Listen. Care. Find out who your child is and who they want to be. And if they want blue hair, that’s cool. But if not, please respect it. 
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How A Middle-School Principal Persuaded Students To Come To School
by David Kestenbaum
Shawn Rux took over as principal of MS 53, a New York City middle school, last year. At the time, 50 or 60 kids were absent every day. You could understand why they stayed away: The school was chaos.
Twenty-two teachers had quit, the entire office staff had quit, and hundreds of kids had been suspended. The school was given a grade of F from the city’s department of education.
“It was in a bad place,” Rux says.
Rux decided he needed to create incentives for kids to come to school. Incentives that were more obvious to middle-school kids than, “If you come to school you’ll be better off 20 years from now.”
He handed out raffle tickets to anyone who showed up to school on time. One of the prizes was an Xbox. And he threw in an element of randomness: The first kids in line when the doors opened might get 20 tickets.
It worked. Kids started showing up early. “It was … like, ‘Get out of my way, I’m trying to get into school,’ ” Rux says. “It was nice.” Rux also created his own currency. He called it Rux Bux. Teachers hand them out when kids are well behaved. They can be traded in for school supplies, or special lunches. A sixth-grader named Wander Rodriguez is trying to save up 5,000 Rux Bux — enough for a personal shopping spree with Rux.
The principal also stands outside school every morning, greeting the students as they show up. This recognition is another, subtler incentive to come to school. “I like this school,” Wander Rodriguez says. “They treat me like home, they treat me nice, they always give me stuff. … They always say ‘hi’ in the mornings.” The school went from an F to a C. Daily attendance went up to over 90 percent. Then the hurricane hit.
The school is in Far Rockaway, Queens — one of the areas hardest hit by the storm. Some kids’ homes were destroyed. One student who stayed at home through the storm told a teacher, “My apartment complex was in the middle of the ocean.” Rux’s car was destroyed. The first floor of his house was flooded. After the storm, after school started up again, Rux’s goal was to get attendance back to 90 percent. Every day, his staff texts him the attendance numbers. The day I visited last week, 89.2 percent of students attended school. Close, but not close enough for Rux.
The storm has been tough on everyone, he says. But that’s no excuse. Kids have to be in school.
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*begins breakdancing gently* what’s wrong, son 
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Reblog this if you want a LONG(or short) anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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Renamed paint colors.
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Here’s something to ruin your entire night: Harry emptying memories of Remus and Tonks into a pensieve for Teddy to watch
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creepypasta time
the creepiest pasta is lasagna, imo. how did it get so wide
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meme innovator, meme architect, meme analyst, meme distributor, meme professor, meme doctor, meme critic,
just listing some of my qualifications
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are u sure? like are u really sure? have u seen me? u did not think this through
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We did it. We’re finally free.
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*hacker voice* anyway here’s firewall
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