transsafespace · 10 years
So my grandmother was a Mary Kay rep a few years ago, and she just now gave me an absolutely incredible amount of makeup. So I thought, why not do a give away for all my fellow trans fems who are starting out their transitions or cannot afford makeup.   FIRST TEIR: 3 WINNERS  includes: full coverage liquid foundation, concealer, eye primer, eyeliner, lip mask, 1 lipstick, lip liner, 4 eye shadow colors, 1 blush color, 2 sponges, eyeliner applicator/brush, foundation brush and body lotion.  SECOND TEIR: 3 WINNERS  includes: liquid foundation (medium or full coverage), concealer (if your color is available), eyeliner, 1 lipstick, 3 eye shadow colors, 2 sponges, eyeliner applicator/brush, foundation brush  THIRD TEIR: 6 WINNERS  includes: liquid or powder foundation, 1 lipstick, 2 eyeshadow colors  The foundation / concealers come in 3 colors: beige (light), ivory (medium), and bronze (dark) and depending on what people need I may have too much or not enough of certain tones.  *you will not be responsible for shipping costs*  HOW TO ENTER: reblog this  IF YOU ARE NOT ENTERING *VERY IMPORTANT*: in your reblog please say “signal boost" in the text field (NOT IN THE TAGS) This is for trans fems only. (this includes all dmab non binary people, trans women, etc.) ENTERING DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 1ST 12AM EST
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- Cat <3 
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transsafespace · 10 years
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lmao TERFs love to accuse trans activists and random trans ppl of being ‘genderists’ without realising the stunning truth
that they are the genderists
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transsafespace · 10 years
i understand that ‘queer’ has become kind of a widely accepted term in the LGBT community and it’s being reclaimed by a lot of people, me included, but please don’t use it as a blanket term for the community as a whole. the word is still vv much a slur to some and not everyone is comfortable having it applied to them w/o their consent ok look out after each other
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transsafespace · 10 years
"but you’re way too ______ to be nonbinary" first rule of nonbinary club is we don’t dictate what’s nonbinary. second rule of nonbinary club is WE DO NOT. DICTATE. WHAT. IS. NONBINARY.
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transsafespace · 10 years
Instead of trotting out the same old stereotypes about what girls and boys are like, we could talk about what our children do; how they move through the world. We could talk about all the ways they are human, and how great it is just to be a part of …
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transsafespace · 10 years
Alright y’all. We need mods
Honestly I don’t have any criteria for you, other than I would appreciate some DMAB applicants as we tend to get questions pertaining to DMAB issues and I don’t feel entirely comfortable answering them with my limited knowledge of them.
Message me on my personal blog...
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transsafespace · 10 years
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i’m crying oh gosh
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transsafespace · 10 years
Funding for Help Ari Make Bills & Rent
I’m raising money to pay for my outrageous bills and rent, now that the government has decided I’m not entitled to any help at all. Please bear in mind I am currently unemployed and working on recovering from clinical depression. If you can’t give, please share it! And there’s rewards! Here’s the blurb:
My name is Ari Silvera. I’m a migrant trans woman, activist, writer and performer based in Glasgow. In the past year, my capacity to do work has been greatly diminished due to my clinical depression.
I am fundraising to cover my rent, bills, and huge council tax bill I need to pay. I have been on benefits until recently, which significantly reduced the amount of council tax I needed to pay. However, my benefits have been suspended, and it is quite likely I am no longer entitled to receive benefit. For your information, I was not sanctioned, the way benefits work for EU citizens that are not native to the UK has changed recently (I’m afraid I can’t discuss any further publicly).
I am currently in the process of becoming self-employed.I am raising money for rent, bills including electricity (crucial in cold cold Glasgow) and internet (crucial for all the work I actually do) as well as that dreaded council tax bill to the tune of £700. I’ve also budgeted a bit extra to help pay for counselling, as I’m currently seeking a local counsellor but, alas, free counselling is in very short supply. With your help, I hope to not only cover my bills and rent, but also to use this money to help me get my life back on track through counselling. I am currently working day to day on my mental health, as well as trying to find jobs I can do, but that is also quite difficult.
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transsafespace · 10 years
Gender Queer/Neutral Pronouns: He / Him / His / His / Himself (traditionally male/masculine) She / Her / Her / Hers / Herself (traditionally female/feminine) They / Them / Their / Theirs / Themself…
I just created a pronouns page - let me know if I missed your pronouns out, or if I made any mistakes.
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transsafespace · 10 years
the correct pronouns are not a reward for ‘nice’ trans people
the correct pronouns are not a reward for ‘nice’ trans people
the correct pronouns are not a reward for ‘nice’ trans people
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transsafespace · 10 years
i used to believe that “identifies as” and “preferred pronouns” was the correct terminology and i used to refer to myself that way but i AM my gender and these ARE my pronouns, without qualifiers or modification
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transsafespace · 10 years
i just don’t see why anyone would ever choose to say “it’s okay to be cis!” instead of “it’s okay to be trans!” why waste your time validating the identities of those who society accepts and validates every single day. what’s the point. when you could be using that energy to help fuel trans acceptance and help trans people feel better about themselves when living in a society that directly opposes them.
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transsafespace · 10 years
"You're just fighting fire with fire" is bullshyt because
It equates the anger of the oppressed with the oppression they face.
It blames the oppressed for their oppression.
It invalidates the anger of the oppressed.
It demands that the oppressed just sit quietly, be nice to their oppressors and accept the status quo.
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transsafespace · 10 years
How to make cleavage
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transsafespace · 10 years
Applying to College
Many of our followers will be applying for college in this upcoming year and have questions on how to deal with this as a trans person. We sat down with Zak’s sister, who works in admissions at a mid-size American public university, to get some answers to some frequently asked questions. Here are some highlights: 
1) College applications are legal documents and therefore require applicants to put down their legal name. Some applications have a space for a preferred name, though others don’t. As for the sex/gender question on many applications, some provide an option beyond M or F. If not, though, you unfortunately should put down your legal sex. 
2) Given the fact that college applications are legal documents that often don’t provide the opportunity to paint a clear picture of who you actually are, you may want to send a note explaining things to the admissions office. For instance, you could email the office explaining that you recently submitted an application under ___ name but that you are transgender and prefer the name ___ and _____ pronouns. Hopefully the office can use that information to ensure that the office uses the correct name and pronouns with you during your interactions with them AND to put you in touch with people who can help answer any questions you might have about being trans at their school. 
3) Getting in touch with the right people early on can be incredibly helpful! For starters, it can give you an idea of what being trans at a particular school will be like before you accept an offer of admission. Additionally, the school can work out any special accommodations for you to make sure you start the year out right. For example, a student might be able to get a single room in advance because they contacted residence life early explaining that they were trans instead of waiting until they’d already been given a room assignment and arrived on campus. Housing is usually the biggest issue that trans students face, so consider taking the initiative to reach out to the people in charge of residence life if the admissions office doesn’t immediately put you in contact with them. 
4) It’s easier for everyone involved if parents are supportive. If they’re not, you might want to include that information in the letter explaining your situation so that the admissions office knows, for instance, not to use your preferred name at your campus visit with your parents if you’re not out to them or if they will get angry about that or when they call your house if your parents will angrily hang up when they hear someone calling for their child using that name. 
5) Feel free to speak up about your concerns, questions, and any special needs you may have. The university offices are there to serve YOU. If you are accepted to a school, then they want you to attend and to make the transition to college as smooth as possible for you. If the people at the school seem deeply uncomfortable or even hostile about you coming out as trans, then that may not be a school you want to attend. For the most part, though, people will probably respond with a little confusion mixed in with an openness and desire to be helpful. Try not to be scared to express your needs, hopefully the school will try to help make sure that those needs are met and that you have a comfortable, fun, safe, exciting time at their school! By the way, here’s our advice on being a trans student once you get there. 
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transsafespace · 10 years
Tell us something that you like about yourself
I love hearing from all of you, so go ahead!
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transsafespace · 10 years
shocking new discovery: you are very cute. scientists everywhere are blushing
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