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Do you have a friend or a family member who smokes a lot or whenever you meet with them they always have cigarettes in their hand and they often struggle with anxiety. If yes, then this article is for you.
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Sometimes you may never know about how someone is struggling with some unknown disease.So, there's a huge possibility that they are suffering from some chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) such as emphysema.
People with this emphysema experience anxiety, depression and panic attacks and often prefer isolation besides, they face troubles while breathing and also due to insufficient oxygen in the body they become dizzy, weak and cause hypoxia.
So for temporary relief of anxiety symptoms which also include shortness of breath, doctors may prescribe benzodiazepines medication including alprazolam (xanax) and clonazepam (Klonopin).
It is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in which alveolar walls damage, weaken or rupture due to which respiratory surfaces decrease. One of the major causes is smoking cigarettes and the worst thing about this, that it cannot be reversed once it develops.
However, we can minimise the effect of emphysema and also by taking care of our body. Therefore, we shouldn't smoke or stay near the smoke.
When we inhale the oxygen, our chest expands,as the alveoli stretches which draws oxygen inside and transporting it into the body,when we exhale, the alveoli shrink,and carbon dioxide gets out of the body.
When a person with emphysema breath the alveoli cannot support bronchial tubes.Therefore, The tubes collapse and cause a blockage,which traps oxygen in lungs. As there's very less alveoli, less oxygen will be able to move inside the blood.
Shortness of breath
Continuation of feeling of not getting enough oxygen
Long-term cough
Long-term mucus production
Panic attacks
Tightness of chest
We cannot diagnose emphysema on the basis of merely symptoms, we need to do proper tests to diagnose such as,
X Rays
Pulse oximetry
Spirometry or pulmonary function test (PFT)
Arterial blood gas
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Lastly, one simple test is to tap on your chest and listen with a stethoscope for a hollow sound. This means that air is being trapped in your lungs.
Medical and Non-medical treatments
Saddest part of this disorder is that people aren't aware about this and they do not realise that they have such a disorder. But once someone becomes irresistible of cigarette smoking that means they need therapy.
Doctors have multiple sets of therapies including sessions, talk sessions, interviews and group sessions as well.
You feel relaxed there with more people like you. Besides, in most of the severe cases doctors recommend medicine to reduce anxiety level and remove the thought of having a cigarette. The medicine usually belongs to benzodiazepine drug classification and the most popular one is Xanax (Alprazolam).
Now, why Xanax?
First, it comes in multiple dosages that makes it available for all ages. And doctors can modify the medication according to the condition
It is widely available, Alprazolam is not new to psychiatrists. It has been used widely in hospitals to give shots to the patient before and after surgeries.
Thirst, the medicine has limited and less severe side-effects if you use it properly.
I hope now you know about the unknown disorder. So, if you know someone who is struggling with cigarette addiction then help your friend. Tell them to go for medical treatment or some therapies.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
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PCOD and stress in women
PCOD or PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Syndrome is a medical problem. in which the level of sex hormones in women becomes abnormal.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disorder that affects up to 17% of women worldwide.
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Thus, PCOD is a common health condition that affects teens and young women. Hence, it is seen in 1 out of 10 women in their childbearing age.
Therefore, Polycystic ovarian syndrome is marked by the breakdown of reproductive hormones. in women of childbearing age.
Along with damage in female hormonal control. and ovaries release abnormal amounts of male hormones.
Also, this hormonal breakdown results in irregular or menstrual periods. Besides, excessive body hair, acne, and hair loss.
Although, Polycystic ovaries may fail to develop regularly released eggs. Thus, which can cause difficulty in conceiving a pregnancy.
What are the Causes of PCOD?
Therefore, the cause of PCOD is still getting researched. However, Normally, the ovaries make female sex hormones. and a tiny amount of male sex hormones.
Besides, this helps regulate the normal development of eggs. in the ovaries during each menstrual cycle.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is related to an imbalance in these sex hormones. In PCOD, they start making slightly more androgens. This causes patients to stop ovulating, get pimples and grow extra facial and body hair.
Follicles are sacs within the ovaries that contain eggs. Normally, one or more eggs are released during each menstrual cycle. This called ovulation.
PCOD seems to run in families. Thus, it is a genetic cause. As a result, the chance of having it is higher. if other women in the family have PCOD, irregular periods, or diabetes
What are the Symptoms of PCOD?
Irregular periods, occurring every 2 to 3 months
Heavy bleeding or blood clots
Unusual body hair and facial hair growth
Stubborn acne that refuses to heal with the treatments.
Uncontrolled weight gain especially around the waist area.
Male-pattern baldness
Lastly, symptoms of PCOD can cause severe Headaches
Does PCOD cause stress in women?
Therefore, As a woman living with PCOD, it is hard to understand what mood swings they can bear. And also, what kind of rollercoaster of emotions they have.
Although, times of uncertainty, or isolation, and fear can send us a negative emotion. Which can develop severe mental diseases.
Moreover, we need to recognize that these feelings are normal to have. and also, it is essential to take back control. Instead of focusing on the effect.
Furthermore, An international report. and also, a meta-analysis of over 180, 000 women with PCOD was reported. That PCOD women were far more likely to be diagnosed with depression.
Or such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or bipolar disorder. Rather compared to non-PCOD women.
Mood swings in PCOD Women.
Therefore, A commonly seen symptom of PCOD is mood swings​. The ​mental health of a woman with PCOD is shaky and the condition can cause severe mood swings at any point. She ​may fall into a depressed mood ​without any particular triggering factor​.
​Emotional outbursts and breakdowns are recurrent incidents at this phase. The hormonal imbalance along with frustration. and stress can disturb the sleeping​ pattern​. also, it ​is responsible for this unpredictable state of mind.​ ​
PCOD comes with elevated levels of anxiety. that don't develop due to a particular rational reason. This anxiety is caused by the chemical changes in the body.
What is the treatment for mental disorders? if you have PCOD?
If you have mental disorders. Such as anxiety or depression. Thus, your doctor will likely treat you by treating the specific underlying cause.
If you have a hormonal imbalance. Then the birth control pills may be prescribed to help correct it.
Other treatments may include treatment for mental disorders themselves. Talk therapy, or counseling, is one of the most effective treatments.
Types of therapy you might try include:
Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps to change negative thinking patterns. and teaches you coping strategies. This is the most common type of therapy.
Interpersonal therapy focuses on improving problems in personal relationships.
Support groups give you a chance to meet others in your situation. and talk through your issues together.
Therefore, Polycystic Ovarian Disease(PSOD) is also known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Hence, it is a very common condition affecting 10% of women. in the age group 12–45 years.
Moreover, It is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance. Although, it can cause problems with menstrual periods. and make it difficult for women to get pregnant.
Furthermore, sudden changes in hormones can disturb their mind. and cause severe mental disorders. Which can lead to depression or severe anxiety symptoms.
Thus, in that condition. It is essential to consult a doctor. You need to consult a doctor for PCOD or as well for mental disorders.
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What is white fungus and how to treat with online medicine
As India is struggling with the second wave of covid 19, cases of several new infections are growing rapidly. During the covid period, doctors have found a huge number of cases with fungal infections which are black fungus, white fungus and yellow fungus.
There are more cases of black fungus found in the covid patients’ bodies. After the black fungus, doctors have now found further new fungal infections which are white and yellow.
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White fungus is deadlier than the black one and is developing in the covid patients’ bodies very fast. In this article we will find out what the white fungus is and how to get it treated before it infects the body even more dangerously.
What is the White Fungal Infection?
The white fungal infection is named after the sores, which are white in colour, and occur in patients. These white sores infect the esophagus and generate complications while swallowing the food. White fungus is more deadly than the black fungal infection.
The white fungus can be developed in the body through the tongue or private parts of a person, said Dr. Kaushal Verma, professor at AIIMS. He further claimed that the infection makes the tongue white, then spreads to other parts of the body such as lungs, brain and food pipes.
How does it infect a person?
The infection is caused by the fungi moulds which live in the environment. It is not transmissible, one should be unsafe to it. It can also be caused by unsuitable sterilized medical equipment or personal lack of hygiene.
Symptoms of white fungal infection
The symptoms of white fungal infection are as follows:
Dark spots on lungs
Reduced oxygen levels
Skin lesions
White patches in oral cavity
How to protect yourself from this infection?
You just need to do the following things to prevent this infection:
Build and maintain a healthy immune system as people who have low immunity are more likely to have this fungal disease.
Keep your surroundings clean and dust free..
Maintain personal hygiene.
Who is at more risk of getting the infection?
Dr. Arunesh Kumar, senior consultant and head respiratory medicine, Paras Hospital, told The Indian Express newspaper that people with low immunity, diabetes, cancer or those who are on steroids medication are more prone to the disease.
Coming to the covid 19 situation, white fungus is now infecting covid patients too. Four cases have been reported from Bihar and one other case has been reported in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.
How to get the infection treated?
Doctors say that white fungal infection is totally curable with generally available medicines and it does not need any expensive treatment. However, doctors are now using anti fungal medicines to treat the deadly infection.
White fungus is deadlier than the black fungal infection. It is named after the white coloured sores which occur in the patients. This infection generates difficulty in swallowing the food.
There have been 4 cases reported in Bihar and one in Madhya Pradesh. Doctors are dealing with it with the help of antifungal medications to treat the disease. Medications like painkillers can help to reduce the symptoms.
You need to be more careful and follow some safety tips to prevent it developing in your body.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
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Does social media cause ADHD?
Therefore, As we know that ADHD is a chronic mental disorder in children and adolescents. This is a common disorder for the past years in children and adults.
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However, it is a disorder where a person with a disorder feels inappropriate and uneasy. They seem to lose their concentration easily. Thus, they find it hard to control themselves.
Thus, around 1 in 20 children in the United States. Have ADHD.
According to a national 2016 parent survey. There are 6.1 million kids and adolescents who get affected with ADHD every year.
A population of 2.4 million children of 6 to 11 years is probably to have ADHD.
Although, a 3.3 million population of adolescents along with the age of 12 to 17 years old are likely to have ADHD.
Thus, reports also say that boys are likely to have ADHD more than girls.
Symptoms of ADHD:
hard to pay attention
or being unable to concentrate on their work
or Constantly talking
or interrupt others while talking
and especially being unable to stay still,
However, It usually affects adults with ADHD. Thus, though children and adolescents with the condition may also experience it.
Moreover, people with ADHD can manage the symptoms while using medication. Although, consult a doctor to get the right medication for your treatment.
Furthermore, ADHD is a genetic disorder, but on the other hand, the new question bubbled up. Is social media causing ADHD?
The cause of having ADHD is because of social media?
However, through this article, we will try to answer all these questions. Stick with the article to know does social media cause ADHD?
Furthermore, there is some research. And the study of a member of CHADD’s Professional Advisory Board.
However, he mentioned in his study that there is nothing linked between social media and ADHD.
They said: “There’s nothing in this study that could suggest that, If you’re using social media a lot.
Thus that could be a source of distraction for you, but that doesn’t mean you have ADHD.
Although, they also added that, “The good news is there is no evidence in this study. Also or anything else that shows that cell phone use would create ADHD,”.
Additionally one of the members of the study asked them a question. “If Social media wasn’t the cause of ADHD symptoms, then what does the study observe?”
Therefore, Dr. Sibley, the researcher of the study replied to him. “In the study, there’s a connection between how much you use your phone and how many symptoms of ADHD you have,”.
Alongside, “We don’t want to confuse people struggling. and suffering from ADHD symptoms for whole life with social media.
Besides, All we know is that people who use cell phones also act more distracted. Which is not surprising for anyone. Also, not all forms of distraction are causing ADHD
What do other studies say?
Therefore, A different study also explains that ADHD is a genetic cause. Which can include some physical changes in the brain.
Lastly, the researchers say that ADHD is not caused by social media. But there are high chances that social media can increase the symptoms.
Hence, it is essential to set boundaries for using social media for a person with ADHD. The symptoms may look like ADHD but they are not so but it is also important for you to be alert.
I hope this article may help you to get your answer. Thus, it is essential to know the fact that social media does not cause ADHD.
It is a genetic disorder so do not attract unnecessary information and disturb your mind.
ADHD is a genetic disorder that tends to vary from father to son. Many children with ADHD are better able to improve their symptoms in their childhood.
Besides, most of them suffer from ADHD from childhood to their adulthood.
These are the disorders that affect the mind process and make them mentally ill or weak.
People with ADHD are more likely to lose their confidence. Besides, they also avoid as many social gatherings. because they have a thought that society will judge them.
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How to know if you have blood clotting disorder?
Blood clotting in a person’s body is not a common thing to happen. It can be very dangerous for a person having this kind of disorder, as it not only affects the blood streaming process but other parts of the body too. Pain is dangerous and many people take opioids like Tramadol.
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And how can you identify if you are having blood clots in your system or not?
Have you ever thought about this question? Well, if not, you need to think about it. And for all the answers, this article is all about your questions.
Before getting to the symptoms and how to identify the disorder, we need to understand what Blood Clotting Disorder is and how dangerous it is for people at different ages.
What is Blood Clotting Disorder?
A blood clot gets made generally when a person has any cuts or gets injured by something. It is a necessary process to prevent excessive bleeding from the body. However, it can be a very dangerous situation when a clot is made without any injury in the body interrupting the blood flow.
The excessive blood clotting is called hypercoagulable disorder or thrombophilia. These disorders can be hereditary or the result of any other disorder. Thrombophilia can be very dangerous to a person as it increases the risk of developing blood clots in arteries and veins.
The blood clots can travel through the bloodstream and can be a reason for creating deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolus, which can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke etc.
Causes of Blood clotting disorder
Hereditary Clotting disorders are the ones that are inherited from the parents of the person affected. This is because of following reasons:
Factor V Leiden
Prothrombin gene mutation
Lack of certain natural proteins which stops blood from clotting
Raised up levels of homocysteine
Abnormal fibrinolytic system
When a person is not borned with the disorder and eventually develops it because of some reasons, it is called Acquired Clotting Disorder. It can happen by several causes such as
Recent surgery
Certain medications
Symptoms of Blood Clotting Disorders
Symptoms for blood clotting can be different according to which part of your body is developing clotting in it.
For clotting in stomach,
Abdominal pain
In arms or legs,
Moderate pain
For lungs,
Breathing problems
Pain when breathing deeply
Fast breathing
High pulse rate
For clotting in the brain,
Difficulty in speaking
Vision complications
Sudden serious headache
Weakness on one side of the body
And lastly for the heart,
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Pain in the left arm.
You need to identify the symptoms before they get more critical. It can be very dangerous if not treated on time. If you find any of these symptoms in your body, you need to go to you health advisor right away.
Risk Factors of Thrombophilia
According to a source given by CDC around 900,000 people have been affected by Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in the United States and nearly 100,000 people die every year because of this disorder. Others experience long-term health complications in them.
A person who inherited this disorder and smokes or uses oral contraceptives will be at a higher risk of making the clotting more dangerous. Blood clotting can cause heart strokes or attacks. It can become a reason for severe pain and sudden critical headaches.
Blood clotting disorders can be very dangerous for a person’s health. When blood clots without any injury or in the blood veins, it is not a common thing to happen and needs to be treated timely or it could become a deadly disease.
Blood clotting disorders can be caused by any surgery or pregnancy or if a person’s parents have this disorder they can inherit it from them too.
This can cause long term health related problems in people which can be unpleasant. If you are having any complication related to the disorder you should talk to your healthcare provider right away and have the disorder treated timely to prevent any further issues.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
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ADHD: Adults Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is a mental disorder that makes it difficult for people to concentrate on their work or stay still.
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What are ADHD Symptoms?
ADHD symptoms occur when the person finds it hard to pay attention. or being easily distracted while doing their work.
Thus, these are the symptoms even a person with ADHD can not feel that they have these kinds of disorders. Often, they think that everyday tasks can be challenging.
How does ADHD affect a person?
ADHD affects a person's mental health. Although, it controls their thinking ability, making them lose their concentration. They no longer seem to govern themselves.
They become stressed, so they lose their appetite, cry non-stop, or cause poor sleep. Also, having problems with sleep or sleeplessness is a worse thing for an ADHD person.
Is ADHD genetic?
Yes, ADHD is a chronic genetic condition. ADHD tends to run in families, although it is a genetic conveyor from father to son.
Do housewives take Adderall?
Prescription medication has a "calming" and "focusing" effect. Besides, every stimulant is a recommended medicine for patients to reduce ADHD symptoms.
But when the person without ADHD takes these stimulants it affects them the same. Adderall can manage their focusing ability. Or also calm their mind.
Besides, the side effects of this medicine are severe. and the misuse of the medicine can threaten your life.
Although, most housewives take Adderall to increase their energy. Thus, the stamina and the power that can force them easily from doing housework.
Moreover, Adderall most often works on the brain and increases the energy level in the human body. So whenever someone swallows Adderall they seem energetic.
They feel good after taking it. Even those who were not affected by ADHD also seem to take Adderall.
But the next question in the hand is. How could they get prescribed medication without having ADHD?
Furthermore, In the recent survey. Researchers mention that, “ who attracted to this attention deficiency hyperactivity disorder.
However, only people can get prescription medication.
But one of the family members who take good care of the patient is most likely to misuse the medicine.
Alongside, our mother has taken good care of us since we were in the womb. But when they feel extremely tired they want to get energetic.
Although Adderall is addictive at the very first dosage. However, it has so much addiction that "Your life becomes a squirrel, just looking for that nut.
So there are rare chances that people can not get addicted to it.
Moreover, they highly misuse the medication. Also, they often use their kid's medicine Adderall to boost up their energy.
Besides, between 2002 and 2011. There's been a 760 percent increase in Adderall prescriptions for women between 28 and 39. Although, critics say clearly not all of these women need the stimulant for ADHD.
What are the Side Effects of Adderall?
Side-effects of Adderall:
Adderall might make you feel Nervous
You may feel tired
Also, Adderall causes headaches.
Having Problem during sleep
You may Faint after taking Adderall
Adderall may develop Depression.
Adderall can also lead to other mental disorders. Such as anxiety or depression.
Usual dry mouth
Throat muscle weakness,
Changes in visions, blurred vision
Swelling of the throat
Appetite changes
Panic Attacks
Occur other Phobias
Lastly, negative thought which can be life-threaten
ADHD people started Constantly talking or interrupting others while speaking. Also, they can not wait for them to finish their talk. They were especially unable to stay still.
ADHD is a mental condition where a person has no control over themselves. And also, they lose all hope of living a life.
Adderall is a medicine to treat your ADHD symptoms. Thus, Adderall often works on your brain to calm your mind. and makes you feel relief from your exhausted mood.
Adderall has to taken as prescription medicine. So please do not take this medicine on your own just to boost up your energy level.
Also, Research shows that this ADHD medication can cause high blood pressure. and irregular heart rate.
Most importantly, you should often consult your doctor. About which mg is suitable for your mental condition.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
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Tramadol is a strong painkiller. which is used for the management of mild to moderately severe pain.
Tramadol is most often used to treat severe pain. and after surgeries give it to the patient to manage their pain.
People often used this medicine off-label, without having any prescription. However, people also used this medicine as a headache or sleeping pill.
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moreover, they should not use this medicine because this medicine can be addictive or cause you death.
However, Tramadol does not make your pain go away. Instead, tramadol distracts your mind from feeling messages of pain.
Therefore tramadol is a strong painkiller. so there is no doubt that it has a strong potential to cause such severe side effects. And doctors often suggest not to give tramadol to school children.
What did researchers say?
Furthermore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said. “ Tramadol should not be in the use to treat pain or cough in children. Hence, younger than 12 years as they could be fatal.”
Douglas Throckmorton, deputy center director. in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement.
Therefore, “We are making these changes. Because we know some school children who received tramadol. have experienced life-threatening depression and death.
because they break down these medicines much faster than usual. Although, this medicine has the potential. of causing dangerously high levels of active drugs in their bodies. And school children cannot take it.
Although any injured children who take this medicine. Tramadol can cause some severe side effects in injured children. Also, side-effects on children can lead to death”.
What is the right age to give children Tramadol?
Alongside, it is not required to give tramadol dosage for children above 6 years. The right age of children to suggest tramadol is 18 years.
The FDA also added that. “We understand that there are few options when it comes to treating pain or cough in children. Also, these changes may raise some questions for health care providers and parents.
However, please know that our decision today is based on the latest evidence. and with this goal in mind: keeping our hyperactive children safe.”
Recently, a 5-year-old child showed severe difficulty while breathing. after taking a single prescribed dose of tramadol for pain.
However, as mentioned above do not take this medication for your children. Thus there is a high potential and causes severe side-effects. Which is not an easy thing to handle for a child.
A child can not handle these severe side effects. The difficulties while breathing or heavy and slow breath. Thus, in conclusion, it can lead to death.
What are other points to remember?
Most importantly, Tramadol may be habit-forming. So it is essential to take Tramadol exactly as directed. Most often do not take more of it, or take it in a different way than directed by your doctor.
As well, while taking tramadol. discuss with your health care provider other ways to manage your pain.
Lastly, Tramadol may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems. Especially during the first 24 to 72 hours of your treatment. and any time your dosage level increases.
However, keep your safety in mind. Thus, your doctor will monitor you carefully during the treatment.
Also, tell your doctor everything in detail. Also, tell them if you have or have ever had slowed breathing or asthma.
Alongside, your doctor will probably tell you not to take tramadol. Also, tell your doctor if you have or have ever had lung disease or such as a head injury. or any condition that increases the amount of pressure in your brain.
Besides, if you experience any of the following symptoms. Thus, call your doctor immediately or get emergency medical treatment. Such as slowed breathing, long pauses between breaths, or shortness of breath.
When tramadol is using in children, serious and life-threatening breathing problems. such as slow or difficult breathing and deaths can be reported.
However, Tramadol should never use to treat pain in children younger than 12 years of age. or to relieve pain after surgery to remove the tonsils in children younger than 18 years of age.
Thus, Tramadol should also not use in children 12 to 18 years of age. And tramadol is not good for children.
Although, those who are obese or who have a lung disease. may increase their risk of breathing problems.
However, If you are taking the tramadol extended-release tablet or capsule. Swallow them whole; do not chew, break, divide, crush, or dissolve them.
Moreover, Swallow each tablet right after you put it in your mouth. If you swallow broken, chewed, crushed. while doing this you may receive too much tramadol at once instead. and this may cause serious problems, including overdose and death.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
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Uses of Adderall medicine among elementary school children
Therefore, children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience more challenges. As more difficulties in their path to success than the average student.
However, kids with ADHD may experience many mental health issues. Such as depression or anxiety.
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Also, the symptoms of ADHD are, such as the inability to pay attention. or difficulty sitting still.
Thus this can make it hard for children with this diagnosis to do well in school.
Moreover, ADHD can begin to cause problems well before a child starts grade school.
The high cases of ADHD in elementary kids are most likely to happen.
Alongside, About 1.6 million cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. have been diagnosed in American elementary school children.
How do elementary children with ADHD look alike?
Therefore, elementary Children are diagnosed with ADHD. We're less likely to show any symptoms of ADHD.
Thus, as a parent, you can take your eyes off them and analyze their activity.
Alongside, in elementary children, ADHD is also observed as changes in their behaviors. About 20% of children with ADHD also have very specific learning disabilities.
Although behavior is an extremely common concern for all children at this age. It may be the first sign of ADHD for some children. ADHD affects mental health.
In the preschool years, children are actively exploring their world. however, they may develop a strong imagination. Yet they do not fully understand actions and their outcome.
A child with ADHD symptoms may get scolded by their parents for impulsive behavior.
But the child might not possess the expected capacity for self-regulation. nor the understanding of why certain behaviors are “wrong.”
Children face many developmental challenges as they progress through elementary school problems.
Children with learning stages may have different perspectives in Classroom.
Also, the cognitive development of children's expectations becomes increasingly more complicated.
Children have to follow rules and listen to directions. and have to complete tasks and not be able to do these tasks. and not having proper concentration is a sign of having ADHD.
Also, it can have a strong impact on your child and causes them to feel like they are different from other children.
This is not a good sign for your children. So it is important to make your child feel like they are likely to other kids and they are common as other children.
What is the treatment of ADHD in elementary school children?
If you have a child who’s diagnosed with ADHD, you may be facing a decision whether to try medication.
Stimulant medications have shown repeatedly to be the most effective treatment for ADHD.
Adderall medicine helps kids to pay attention, grow concentration. And also manage their impulses, and avoid risky behaviors.
About 80 percent of kids try Adderall medications for ADHD. Find that they have a positive effect on symptoms.
To put that in perspective. There is no other medication for this condition that has such a high effective rate.
How does Adderall work for elementary school children?
Adderall is a prescription pill for ADHD.
Although the pills boost focus and impulse control. in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Adderall’s most consistent effect is to give elementary school children the sense. That they are doing better in their tasks.
The use of this pill can make their mentality positive. And This positive sense. which can become the strongest contribution to improve their performance.
Parents say that their elementary kids used to tell them. That after swallowing their pill they feel much better. They also added that they feel better about their performance.
Therefore, they perform at least a little better in reality, yet not as well as they think.
Although Adderall consumption is taken as a mouth. With or without food is all directed by your doctor's prescription.
As a parent, you can help your child cope with these disorders. and help them to overcome the challenges that school creates.
Although, you can communicate with your child to know about their feelings. often you work on those details.
besides, take every dosage under description. As your doctor suggested to take you.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
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As we know that ADHD is a chronic mental condition. Where a person regularly feels uneasy and unbalanced.
Thus a person with ADHD seems to unfocus and not better at paying attention to important things.
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Although, sometimes, they may think they are overactive. Or something they were as lazy as never before.
Adderall is a medical treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a highly prescribed medication by doctors to treat such ADHD symptoms.
Which is bad and sad. But with the help of this medicine, your ADHD symptoms can be treated right.
Besides, having this medicine can cause some severe side effects in teens. So it is essential to know about the side effects or the facts about this medicine.
Stick to this article to know about what Adderall does in teenagers.
What is the accurate definition of ADHD?
ADHD is a short name for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Thus, it is a mental disorder when a person finds it hard to pay attention and is unable to concentrate on the work.
These are the symptoms of ADHD. where a person loses their concentration over a few things easier it is an ADHD disorder.
Whom this disorder can have it?
ADHD is a genetic cause. ADHD tends to run in families. If your father has ADHD then there are high chances of having ADHD for your son.
Reports often say that children are most likely to have this disorder. and the girls are the highest at this rate to having ADHD.
Most often if children do not cure their symptoms and still are struggling with ADHD. then this can tend to your childhood to teenage and teenage to adulthood.
Why do doctors prescribe Adderall in teens?
Adderall’s effect on the brain and nervous system can help increase someone’s ability to focus. And increasing the attention ability to pay attention, and control their behavior.
Adderall usually comes in different dosages. which is available in 5mg and 10 mg to
60 mg per day.
Although Adderall can manage following the conditions:
Adderall can help to better your Academics performance.
Teens with ADHD often have difficulties with staying focused in class. This can affect their studies as well.
However Academic performance can worsen. but with the help of Adderall, you can grow your focus ability and grow your attention.
Peer relationships
Making and keeping friends can be difficult for teens with ADHD. They may avoid social gatherings, act impulsively, or struggle with communication.
Besides, Adderall seems fine in this result. Adderall Makes your mind think clearly and improves your thinking about social gatherings. Which makes you connect with other humans easily.
Emotionally unstable
ADHD can control your thinking ability and as a result, you can not behave as you wanna be. Your emotions can go on an emotional rollercoaster and it can prevent mood swings.
They are often easily frustrated and find it difficult to control their emotions.
Doctors often say that Adderall can help you to manage your emotions and make you mentally able.
ADHD can go worse in teenagers. because it is the age where children start growing and learn different things. from different points of view.
ADHD can stop the growth that you need. and it can worsen your mental condition. but you can manage these symptoms with the help of Adderall.
Consult a doctor and take every medicine under their description.
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What is tramadol?
Therefore Tramadol is a strong painkiller to treat severe pain.
However it works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain.
Moreover, Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain-relieving medicine. that used as a treatment for moderate to severe pain in adults.
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Thus, this medication is prescribed by a doctor and is available by prescription only.
Furthermore, some tramadol tablets and capsules are slow-release.
This type of tramadol takes longer to start working but lasts longer. It's used only for long-term pain.
Although, Take this medicine as given in the instructions, you can take this medicine with or without food. but each time take it the same way.
Alongside, stop taking all other medications while you start taking tramadol. This medicine can interact with many other drugs. and it can cause other dangerous side effects or cause you death.
Uses of Tramadol?
Tramadol used to treat moderate to severe pain.
Besides, Tramadol may also be used as part of combination therapy. This means you may need to take it with other medications.
How does it work?
However, Tramadol works by changing how your brain senses pain. Tramadol comes in a tablet form or a solution.
Therefore, the regular tablet and solution are taken usually with or without food every 4 to 6 hours as needed.
Thus, this medicine does not stop the pain from happening but you would not be able to bear it as much,
What are the side effects of Tramadol?
Side effects of Tramadol are below:
Side-effects of tramadol can cause upset stomach, constipation.
Also, it can cause dizziness
Alongside it can cause severe headache
Although, you can feel day time drowsiness
Make you feel like vomiting
Tramadol can also cause anxiety
Also full body weakness
Usual dry mouth
Unusual sweating
difficulty in concentration
suicidal thoughts
Alongside, there are high chances of having an addiction to Tramadol. Thus, it can be so dangerous that it threatens your life.
Besides, I would suggest choosing a substitute compared to tramadol. Because there are rare chances of causing addiction.
Substitute of Tramadol medicine:
Therefore, Now the other question at hand comes, is there any substitute for Tramadol? It would be difficult to find a perfect tramadol substitute. but there is one drug that is a stronger version of tramadol.
Tapentadol, marketed under the brand name Nucynta.
Why choose a substitute?
Furthermore, You can choose a substitute rather than tramadol. Therefore, tramadol can be addictive. and cause severe side effects such as heart disease.
Also, instead of taking tramadol, you can take pain relief such as Tylenol or Advil.
Besides, these are the alternatives for decreasing pain levels. and produce a calm effect to feel relief from pain. alongside, each has daily limits that you should not exceed
Therefore, Tramadol may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems. especially during the first hours of your treatment. and any time your dosage increased.
Moreover, Tell your doctor if you have or have ever had slowed breathing. Although, your doctor will probably tell you not to take tramadol.
Alongside, do not stop taking tramadol without talking to your doctor. Thus, if you suddenly stop taking tramadol, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. such as diarrhea; or rarely, hallucinations.
Lastly, Tramadol works by blocking pain signals from the nerves to the brain. Also, do not allow anyone else to take your medication. Tramadol may harm or cause death to other people who take your medication, especially children.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
Anxiety is one's body’s natural response to stress. It is basically to feel fear or uneasiness about what is about to come like the first day of school, or going to a job interview, or giving a speech which results in many people to feel anxious and nervous.
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But if your feelings of anxiety are extreme and are interfering with your life, you may have an anxiety disorder.Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear that reach a peak within minutes resulting in panic attacks. To control these panic attacks of anxiety there are various medications and therapies one can go through, one of them is consumption of Xanax pills.
What is Xanax?
Xanax is a brand name for anti anxiety pills from the benzodiazepine type of drugs and approved by The Food and Drug Administration in October 1981. This is the same family which includes diazepam, clonazepam, lorazepam, flurazepam, and many more.
These pills act on the brain by producing a calming effect.Xanax slows down the brain chemicals which are unbalanced, resulting in a reduction of nervous tension and anxiety. Its generic name is Alprazolam.
Chemical composition of Xanax
XANAX Tablets include alprazolam which is a triazolo analog of the 1.4 benzodiazepine class of central nervous system-active compounds. The chemical name of alprazolam is C17H13ClN4 which can be simplified as 8-Chloro-1-methyl-6-phenyl-4H-s-triazolo [4, 3-α] [1, 4] benzodiazepine. Each XANAX Tablet holds 0.25, 0.5, 1 or 2 mg of alprazolam.
Multiple dosages and Forms
Dosages of Xanax tablets for different issues are provided below:
0.25-0.5 mg PO q6-8hr;consumption should not exceed 4 mg per day
Panic Disorder
1. Immediate-release
0.5 mg PO q8hr; can increase q3-4Days by ≤1 mg/day
Average dose is 5-6 mg/day PO
2. Extended-release
0.5-1 mg PO qDay; can increase q3-4Days by ≤1 mg/day
Average dose is 3-6 mg PO qDay
Anxiety Associated With Depression
1-4 mg/day PO divided q8hr
Premenstrual Syndrome (Off-label)
0.25 mg PO q6-12hr; initiate treatment on 16-18 day of your periods (not to exceed 3-4 mg/day); taper dose over 2-3 days once periods occur.
Side Effects of Xanax
Some of the regular side effects of Xanax are:
Low energy
Muscle twitching and cramps
Dry mouth or increased saliva
Chest pain
Blurred vision
Menstrual disorders
A person taking these medications should always call a doctor for medical advice about side effects before consuming them.
Precautions while taking Xanax
To ensure safe and effective use of Xanax, following precautions should be taken by every consumer of Xanax tablets:
People should always inform their doctor about any alcohol consumption and any medications they are currently taking. People should not consume alcohol while taking these tablets.
Xanax tablets cannot be consumed during pregnancy. A person should inform their doctor if they are pregnant or are planning to have a child.A child born from a person who is taking these pills may be at risk of symptoms from this drug. If people ingest these type of tablets during pregnancy it can result in respiratory problems in their unborn child.
People should inform their doctor if they are breastfeeding as these tablets can cause side effects during breastfeeding.
Benzodiazepines i.e. Xanax tablets, even if a person uses them as recommended can produce emotional and physical dependence.
Persons suffering from arrow-angle glaucoma and having allergies should not consume these tablets.
Older adults which are people aged 65 years and above are more sensitive to the effects of Xanax.
Controlling your anxiety can be difficult for some people. It causes a lot of problems in daily life. While anxiety disorders have no complete cure, there are many medications and therapies that can help you improve the situation.
Xanax pills are one of the medications for anxiety disorders. It contains several chemicals which helps calm your anxiety for a while.
However, you should consult your doctor first before taking any pills or drugs for anxiety. You should take precautions before consuming them. Many people have the side effects of them if not taken carefully.
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Is obesity a cause of joint pain and how to treat it with Tramadol?
Being fat is usually taken as a healthy person in most countries but being fat and healthy are two different things. It happens when a person eats more calories than he burns. If you are overweight and have joint pain, and tramadol is one of the painkill to get online. So, you are at the right place to find answers my friend. Read this article till the end to find out.
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Obesity is a very common disorder nowadays. There are millions of cases of obesity worldwide per year. It is becoming more common in children of 6-12 years old. It can lead to several issues in adulthood including joint pain.
First, let’s talk about the issue and what is this Obesity?
What is Obesity?
The term Obesity refers to excessive body fat in a person which increases several other health problems. It is generally calculated by Body Mass Index (BMI).
And, If a person’s BMI is 25 or more than 25, it is considered as an obesity.
It is a very common disorder, especially in the USA. Every year millions of cases are reported of obesity. Many people avoid obesity confusing it with health. But being healthy and obese are two different things sensibly.
Thankfully, it is not a disorder that can not be cured. With a proper diet and exercise, obesity can be treated and a person can be healthy in a good way.
There can be many reasons why a person develops obesity.
Common Causes of Obesity
When a person eats more calories than your body burns in a day, it can cause Obesity in them. These increased calories become a reason for developing obesity. However, calories are not always and the only cause of Obesity, there are many more reasons which can cause obesity in a person.
Common causes of Obesity includes:
Less exercising and physical activities
The style of parenting
Other disorders like Eating disorder
Other health conditions like PCOS or Cushing Syndrome
Genetics are the most common cause for obesity which is recorded in obese person. If a person is obese there is a very good chance that it is genetical if his family has the same problem.
Health risks of Obesity in childhod and adulthood
Several studies shows that obese people can also develop other health diseases. Obesity can result in many health problems. As greater BMI, it increases the greater health risks. These risks includes;
Medical health issues
Surgical health issues
Gynaecological health issues
Obstetric health issues, and
Social health issues
According to some studies there is more risk of having medical issues as a result of obesity.
What is joint pain
We all are familiar with the joints of our body. We have 250 to 300 joints in our body. Joints of a body are where two bones meet. It allows the skeleton to move. And many young people rely on painkillers like tramadol that get in a single dose.
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When we feel a mild discomfort in the joints, it is called joint pain or joint ache. It is a very common complaint by many people. Thus, it usually does not need to be treated in a hospital.
Causes of Joint Pain
The joint pain can be caused by several reasons. One of the most common reasons is Arthritis. It affects joints such as wrists, hands, hips and knees. Other than that joint pain can also be caused by:
Any injury
Some infection in the bone or joint
When you use a joint frequently
Some infectious diseases
There are many more factors that cause joint pain but these are the most common ones in many people.
Pain related to obesity
Obesity can cause several damages to your body and mind. It affects our body by many diseases and problems. There has been several complaints about having body pain, back pain and joint pain by obese people.
Also, extra weight in the muscles puts excessive pressure on the joints which results in joint pain.
Compared to average weight people, obese people reported 68% higher rates of recurring pain.
So, According to a study where NCBI interviewed 141 people average age of 40 years old with an average of 46 BMI, there were 77.9% complaints for lumbar spine pain and 73.2% for knee joint pain.
Treatment for Obesity Pain
There are many exercises you can do to overcome the pain problem caused by obesity.
Such as aerobic exercise, resistance exercise or a combination of two or more exercises can effectively treat joint pain in younger and older people. But taking painkiller like tramadol with exercise works wonders on a body.
And other than that there are many effective medications prescribed by doctors to treat joint pain.
So, Tramadol online is a pain relief medicine that calms our brain nervous system and gives ease to the pain.
Now you know that Obesity relates to so many other health problems too. Joint pain is one of them. However, obesity can be treated with regular exercise and physical activity.
Eating more calories than you burn in one day, can make you obese. Although, increasing calories is not the only cause of obesity. There are many other factors too such as any injury, cancer, infection in bones etc.
Compared to average weight people, obese people reported 68% higher rates of recurring pain. There are many exercises that can effectively treat chronic pain caused by obesity. On the other hand you can also buy Tramadol and can also help reduce such pains.
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What is Pleurisy and how to treat it with Tramadol Opioid?
Pleurisy is an inflammation layer that covers the lungs called the pleura.
Therefore, the most common symptom of pleurisy is chest pain while breathing deeply. Or sometimes the pain is also felt in the shoulder like someone is throwing a stone.
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Also, Other symptoms can include shortness of breath and a dry cough.
What causes pleurisy?
Therefore, Such as pneumonia and viral infection as flu are the main causes of pleurisy.
Moreover, in rarer cases, pleurisy happens by conditions. Such as blocking the flow of blood into the lungs or lung cancer.
However, pleurisy can affect people of all ages. But people above 65 years are most at risk because they're more likely to develop a chest infection.
Besides, the pleura are two thin sheets of tissue that separate the lungs and ribcage. One is a link to the ribcage and the other is a link to the lungs.
Alongside, Between the pleural sheets is a thin layer of liquid. That lube the pleura, helping to reduce friction when you breathe in and out.
Although, When there's inflammation. The surfaces of the two layers become rough.
This can cause the layers to rub together, the conclusion is pain and discomfort.
Furthermore, If you have an infection with a germ. Take painkillers regularly until the pain eases. Your doctor may prescribe stronger painkillers if the pain is serious.
What are the symptoms of pleurisy?
The most characteristic symptom of pleurisy is a sharp pain in the chest or shoulder. Hence, Some people report aching or burning pain.
The pain can get worse when the person is:
breathing deeply
moving their chest or trunk
What is the Diagnosing of pleurisy?
Your doctor will discuss your symptoms with you. To examine your condition. Furthermore, Doctors use chest x-rays or CT scans to look at your pleura, lungs, and chest area.
just in case of any other conditions that have symptoms similar to pleurisy.
However, they may also do a blood test to check your white and red blood cell counts. indicating whether you have an infection.
Lastly, your doctor may remove some of the fluid from your pleura with a needle for testing.
What is the treatment of pleurisy?
However, the best treatment for treating pleurisy is taking a Tramadol opioid. However, we all are already aware of that, Tramadol is a strong painkiller.
Thus, which helps to reduce your pain. Also, manage your physical and mental health to handle this pain.
Alongside, this medicine you can manage your pleurisy chest pain. Thus, this medicine tramadol can help you reduce your chest pain.
Also, and make you assure that you would not get any problem while coughing.
Moreover, this opioid is a pain management opioid. It makes you feel relief from your pain.
And, this medicine also helps you to distract your mind that can move you to feel from messages.
Besides, Pleuritis is caused by viral or bacterial infections. The coronavirus is a viral infection of the lungs. That can cause pneumonia and another bacterial infection in your lungs.
Moreover, It's important to get medical care if you think you have pleurisy. Making sure the cause is a viral infection, and get treatment from a doctor. Moreover, untreated pleurisy can lead to serious complications
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Can you take Tramadol after the covid-19 vaccine?
Covid-19 is a disease that is happening by a new coronavirus. This virus spread between people. Especially when an infected person is in close contact with the other person.
The Virus spreads through discharge from the nose. or droplets of saliva when an infected person coughs.
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Symptoms of Covid-19:
Dry cough
Aches and pains
Sore throat
Also Diarrhea
Loss of smell
Also Loss of taste
Rashes on skin
Breath problems
Chest pain
About Covid-19 vaccine:
Thus, to treat this virus WHO preferred covid- vaccines. This vaccine is for those who are positive of the covid-19 virus.
Alongside, WHO does not prefer and make such quick time to make vaccines. But when they see covid-19 is a severe condition and millions of people are dying.
Moreover, they started making this vaccine, and after that. They suggested to the whole world to take this vaccine as soon as possible.
Therefore, Vaccines work by tricking the body while thinking it has a virus. And mounting a defense against it. That may cause fever, headache, and muscle aches.
Therefore, COVID vaccinations are continuing to take place across the world. Also, Lakhs of people have already got their vaccine shot.
Besides, many are waiting to get their second dose. Thus, which would guarantee them full protection.
Can it be safe to take tramadol before and after getting Vaccinated?
However, everyone needs to take vaccines. Also, if you're experiencing common side effects such as a headache. Or fever after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Then it is perfectly fine to have these symptoms.
Furthermore, Do not panic. Or in case, if the headache goes worse. Thus, take an over-the-counter pain reliever that is also safe.
But don't take those medications before you get your shot. Because it could have decreased the immune response.
Thus, this means your body might have a harder time fighting off the coronavirus in the future.
Moreover, It’s best to avoid Tramadol and any other medicine. Unless you scheduly take them for a medical condition.
However, if you are taking this medicine before the vaccine shot. thus, it can cause many other troubles for you.
Before getting shot you should not take painkiller tramadol. This is the thing that everyone should follow.
However, because the side effects of taking any painkiller can worsen your condition. And make useless the power of your vaccines.
Tramadol and the other medicines can distract your vaccine from getting their work.
Lastly, you can tramadol after a shot. But you should not take Tramadol before covid- 19 vaccines.
Covid-19 is a severe virus and it is easy to spread. So you should please follow all the precautions. And you readers also should take your vaccine shot.
Therefore I said above that it is fine to take tramadol after a shot. because the vaccine can cause headaches. and it would be safe to take any other opioids.
But do not often take any medicine before taking the shot. Thus, it can be dangerous.
Besides WHO does not recommend vaccination of children below 16 years of age. So take this in your mind before taking your children with you to get a vaccine shot.
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Our world has researched many things and invented very incredible things since the first man took his step on earth. As there are many diseases we have found the cure to many of them and some are still uncured.
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD. is one of the incurable diseases. It is a neurological disorder in which a person finds it very difficult to pay attention or sit still for a while, doing any task like attending a lecture or listening to a conversation.
We can’t say that it is a proper cure yet, but doctors suggest that with the help of some medicines and mind therapies it can be improved. There are many medicines for the disorder. The most popular one is Adderall pill.
Adderall medicine online is a stimulant type of medicine for ADHD. The tablet contains 3/4th amount of d-amphetamine and 1/4th amount of l-amphetamine salts.
Also, it comes in two forms: IR and XR form. The tablet is approved by FDA for ages of 3 years and above, in IR form.
And, the XR form comes in 6 variant amounts of mg tablets which are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mg tablets. It ideally should last about 8 to 10 hours long.
But like every other medicine, this one also has some side effects too. So you should take it only when prescribed by your doctor. You should avoid this medicine if you or your child
If have any heart disease
And any problem of high blood pressure
Past experience with hyperthyroid
Have Glaucoma, which is an eye problem
Have a problem of high anxiety or tension
Also, have a historical problem of drug abuse
If you are on any anti-depression medicine in the past 14 days or
Are allergic to any stimulant medicine
Side effects of Adderall medicine
There are so many side effects of Adderall medicine as it is a stimulant medicine. It has some serious and common side effects that we will talk about.
First let’s talk about some of the most common side effects of the Adderall
Reduced appetite: Adderall can reduce your or your child’s appetite. You would feel less hungry and eat less than usual.
Weight loss: because of the appetite going down, it will result in weight loss. When you eat less your weight will start to decrease.
Insomnia: Sometimes it can also affect your sleeping time. You will encounter difficulty in sleeping because of the stimulant.
Headaches: Adderall can cause headaches in most of patients. It is the most common side effect of the medicine.
Stomach pain: It can sometimes also cause an ache in your stomach.
Irritation: The medicine can cause irritability while doing the tasks. It can make you a grumpy and moody person.
These were the common side effects that a person who takes Adderall may have. Now let’s talk about some serious and dangerous side effects of this medicine
Heart problems: It is a very rare problem caused by ADHD medication. But some very rare reports showed heart-related problems such as sudden death, heart attack etc.
Besides, the FDA looked into these reports and found that many patients who had these problems were having a history of undiagnosed heart defects.
In conclusion, the FDA said that it was not possible to detect the proper reason for these heart-related problems in the patient who has been taking the medicine Adderall.
Hallucinations: The FDA also looked into some other reports of visual hallucinations and aggressive surge in patients taking ADHD medicines.
The investigation showed an increased risk of hearing voices, suspecting everything for no reason, in patients who were taking these medications.
Suicidal thoughts: There is a very tiny increased risk of having suicidal thoughts. Even though there is very low risk of this, examine and observe your child’s behaviour and his mental welfare by asking them about their feelings and thoughts very carefully especially during the first few months of the medication.
History of mental health conditions: Patients with pre-existing mental health issues should be carefully observed when using ADHD medications because their situation can get worse if not taken care of.
Liver problems: There are very few cases in which the patient has developed liver complications. Patients may have symptoms such as itching, belly pain, dark urine, paling skin, etc.
Every medicine comes with some sset of side-effects that is why doctors give an adequate prescription. And for that, body and mind examination is important.
If you are having any complications during Adderall medication you should report these all to your doctor treating your condition.
You should tell your doctor about the patient’s history of existing heart conditions or family history of heart diseases. Also, it may be very useful in your treatment and help your doctor prescribe you the correct medication that may not affect you wrongly or be harmful to your health.
I hope this information helped you in the way you wanted it to. For more, you should consult your doctor about your condition.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
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Eating Disorders in Teens during Covid 19
Eating is a healthy habit but we should eat to our capacity only. Unless, it becomes a disease. Eating disorders in teens during covid 19 are not as common as the other mental disorders, but it can be as serious as the other ones.
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It is nowadays seen that teens are developing more eating disorders than in the past. There can be many reasons why it is happening.
Besides, We should definitely talk about this topic more often. Which is why this article can be really helpful if your child or you are having this disorder.
And Covid 19 means lockdown, anxiety, pressure, career stress and what not. Yes, it is true that covid 19 anxiety is one of the causes of eating disorders among teens.
What are Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders are a type of Mental disorders, which are behavioral states, it disturbs our eating habits and is connected to distressing thoughts and emotions. It can be a very serious situation, which affects a person physically or psychologically.
The eating disorders are also classified as, Feeding and Eating Disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM -5). Thus, It causes both emotional distress and many medical complications.
According to some research, this type of disorder affects only 5% of the population.Mostly it is developed in young adulthood. Plus, eating disorders are linked with food, shape or weight or with any anxiety about eating food.
Eating Disorders during covid 19 include behaviours like, prohibitive eating or avoiding specific food varieties, eating while watching TV, vomiting after eating, etc.
Types of Eating Disorders
There are seven types of Eating Disorders, which can affect teens and tweens especially:
Anorexia Nervosa: In this type of disorder, a person eats less, which leads to lower expected body weight, fear of weight gain in the manner of self consciousness. While it receives the most attention, it is the least common type of Eating disorder.
There are two subtypes of Anorexia Nervosa;
Restricting Type
Binge Eating Type
Bulimia Nervosa: People who are affected with this type of disorder are on a diet or eat only low calorie food. People with Bulimia Nervosa are underweight, normal weight or also over weight. In the situation of normal weight, no one can know that a person has Bulimia Nervosa because the person isn’t underweight. Lastly, it may also includes some behavioral changes such as, vomiting, fasting, etc
Binge Eating Disorder: It is the mostly recognized type of Eating disorder, also it is the most common type. It is also defined as eating food in large amounts or loose control in eating. Mostly it is found in people of larger body size. Hence, people who have this type of disorder, sometimes feel guilty or ashamed with their behaviour.
Other Specified Feeding and eating Disorders: It contains a wide range of eating problems which can cause major distress and damage. It can be as serious as the other eating disorders. Besides, people who have it sometimes feel discredited and undeserving of help which is so not true.
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: It is a recently explained eating disorder, that includes disturbance in eating. However, food avoidance starts at any age but it is commonly developed in early childhood and also may continue in adulthood. In the past, it was known as Selective Eating Disorder.
Pica: People who have Pica type of eating disorder, repeatedly consume non edible things like, chalk, paper or many non nutrition things like ice. Besides, person who is diagnosed with this type of eating disorder is at risk for blockages of potential intestines.
Rumination Disorder: It develops a habit of chewing and vomiting repeatedly. It is more common in children.
Teens who have Eating disorders never accept their condition. They may have mood swings and be depressed many times. Symptoms of Eating disorders are includes;
Skipping meals
Weight change in extreme manner
Rashes in skin
Dental problem
Hair loss
Abnormal eating habits
Limitation of nutrition diet
Effects of Eating Disorders
There are two effects of Eating disorders:
Mental Effects: Dietary problems frequently happen with mental issues or any anxiety / nervousness issues. People with eating disorders also face depression. Anxiety issue includes;
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Physical Effects: Because of the lack of nutrition in eating food, there are many physical effects faced by people who have Eating disorders. Eating disorders also affects every part of body which may lead many physical effects, includes;
Brain Mass Loss
Dental problems
Disturbance in sleep
Loss of Hair
Loss of Menstrual period
Weakness in bones
Eating Disorders in Covid-19 Pandemic
According to the psychologist Erin Accurso, the clinical director of the eating disorders program at the University of California, San Francisco, states that, in today’s pandemic situation, Eating disorders are becoming worse than before in teens.
There can be many different reasons for which it is increasing in the pandemic.
According to Dr. Walter Kaye, “People who end up with eating disorders tend to be anxious and stress sensitive — they don’t do well with uncertainty.”
As the result of uncertain activities of the pandemic, it is possible that this must have been the reason behind all the high prevalence that eating disorders got.
Thus, having online classes at home with food available near them had led the teenagers to eat more than usual to get over the boredom of the pandemic or stress about it.
Eating disorders can be a major issue of a teen’s mental health that should be treated very carefully.
Eating Disorders among teens are a type of Mental disorders, which are behavioral states, it disturbs our eating habits and is connected to distressing thoughts and emotions.
It can be a very serious situation like covid 19, which affects a person physically or psychologically.
And the pandemic, above all, increased it more than usual. There can be different reasons why it is increasing specifically in the pandemic such as the online classes and having food constantly available nearby.
Thus, it can be a major disease if not treated on time. If your child is having this disorder, comfort them and be there for them.
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tramadolovernightus · 3 years
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How to improve learning disability with the help of Adderall stimulant?
As we know that All children need equal love, encouragement, and support. And especially for kids with learning disabilities. Such a positive attitude can help ensure that they have enough confidence.
Also, and emerge with a strong sense of self-worth, and can keep going with the tough things.
However, Always remember that the way you behave and respond to challenges has a big impact on your child.
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Moreover, indeed a good attitude won’t solve the problems. But the positive attitude and support can give your child hope that things can improve.
Although, do not make these things big as it creates an issue. Hence this is normal if your children lack quickly learning things.
Therefore, some kids are not as smart and active as other kids. Thus, it does not mean that they can not be well treated.
children can get treatment. Also, they can manage their disabilities with the help of Adderall stimulants.
Improving disabilities with a help of stimulant:
The stimulant can make your brain calm. Where you can think appropriately and gently.
Doctors recommended Adderall stimulants for improving your learning disability.
Adderall stimulant often works on the Central Nervous system. Thus, to produce a calming effect on the brain.
Furthermore, where your brain can think in a better way. And make your concentration better on the other things. Thus, with this, you can improve your learning abilities.
Furthermore, doctors often say this. Adderall stimulant is a better stimulant for those who are weak in learning things.
Besides, I would also mention some tips for dealing with your child’s learning disability with stimulants.
Keep things in perspective.
A learning disability isn’t that big a problem. Remind yourself that everyone faces some disadvantage once in their life.
It’s your responsibility as a parent to teach your child. How to deal with those disabilities without becoming discouraged or overwhelmed.
It is essential to give your child plenty of emotional and moral support.
Become your expert.
Do your research on new developments in learning disability programs. Or therapies, and educational techniques.
You may search to look to therapists, doctors for solutions, especially at first.
But do not forget that you’re the elite expert on your child. So take responsibility when it comes to finding the tools they need to learn.
Thus, Be an advocate for your child.
Therefore, there is an important need to talk to your child about their disabilities. And it is a must to overcome their disabilities with communication.
Embrace your role as a motivated and big supportive parent. Also, work on your communication skills.
It may be frustrating at times. But remaining calm and reasonable can make a huge difference for your child.
Remember that your influence outweighs all others. Your child will follow your lead.
If you approach learning challenges with hard work, and a sense of humor. Your child is likely to understand and follow your perspective.
Focus your energy on learning what works for your child and do your best as you can do.
Besides, children who are usually weak at learning things easily. were diagnosed with ADHD.
ADHD children are often not easily able to learn new things. And their learning ability is also not stable. However, they seem to lose their concentration easily too.
Some kids are not like other kids. They often seem like they lack confidence. They all also lack self-consciousness.
Moreover, kids with that disability are most likely to have ADHD. Thus ADHD is a mental disorder where children are not able to concentrate easily. And they can not pay attention to their daily tasks as well.
Therefore, they often see their daily life as challenging. Thus, the doctor suggested prescription medication Adderall. Which is a prescription medication to treat ADHD.
Thus, it is important to make sure that they are normal kids as others. And their disabilities can be gone with the use of stimulants.
Furthermore, take every stimulant with the doctor's consultation. And also, follow their description carefully.
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