toocutetoboy · 10 years
"Really now? I didn't pin you for a watch sort of person. I can see why he would send them though, they look very good and I think you would suit them well." Ringo picked up his pace to walk towards his car near the entrance to the shopping strip. He opened the trunk and started placing each bag into the back, shuffling some around to make everything sit correctly without causing any damage to his belongings inside. Ringo turned to Gakupo with a smile as the trunk came shut with a click  "We can go back now!" 
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"I'm not sure about you but it's refreshing to share tidbits about yourself with someone new. You get to learn new things and if you're lucky find something in common!" Ringo tugged his sweater lower as he walked back to the shopping strip. "Anyways, there's three places for us to eat. There is Cafe Soleil and Lune but those are so hard to get into so a walk in might not work. There's also the little ramen shop I've heard about but I've never tried it myself so you can decide! I don't mind paying since I am taking your time as my own." 
♦ Stand out ♦
Gakupo didn’t bother to pry any further, especially as it seemed they could end up talking a while. But the childish curiosity over the wig had remained. “Must’ve been pretty expensive. I hope you don’t mind.” Without any further comment, he followed suit by standing, before carefully reaching for one of the thick locks. It was certainly a high quality wig. The fibres were silky and soft, and the style remained in place, curls springing back up as soon as he’d let go after a brief moment. “That’s amazing! I bet you don’t need to style it much? Long hair’s a pain sometimes.” 
He nodded as a subtle sign that he’d agreed to accompany Ringo to his car. He took a look in the direction of the bags, but it seemed Ringo didn’t need much help with them. “Well they do say old habits die hard.” He wasn’t sure he quite understood, the concept of self-identity wasn’t one he’d ever really thought about, but he was happy to know Ringo was comfortable talking. It had been a while since he’d had a truly carefree conversation with someone.
"Not really, asking questions is pretty fun after all." 
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Since he had no use for a car, he had no idea where the car park was. He was simply casually following along. “Hmm, secrets…alright then.” It would be a lie to say he had absolutely none. “Not many people know this, but I actually have an accidental collection of watches. I don’t even wear them, but for some reason my Dad seems to think I like em.” It was a little embarrassing to admit, and probably not the most outrageous secret he could come out with, but that’s all he could think about when put on the spot. 
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toocutetoboy · 10 years
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20. Do they bruise easily?
Yes. Ringo easily bruises and often wakes up wondering where a bruise came from. Bumping into tables, doorknobs, kicking himself in his sleep, all have resulted in some pretty big bruises.
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
Ringo listened intently to Marco's story of his game experience. Despite the story and how interesting the game seemed it just didn't move Ringo from his choice. It just didn't seem like it was worth it. "I don't even play video games besides the simple ones like Animal Crossing and things of the sort. It seems complicated if everyone is playing it at once. Wouldn't you go in and get killed by someone who has played for longer and got better items?" 
He stopped in his tracks as he processed the last part. "Died? You can die? That's horrible!" His hand rested on his heart as he thought about it. You can die in that game. Dying in a virtual reality. "Why would they do that! I thought these games were supposed to be fun not terrifying by making it to where you can feel pain and feel your death. That's just-" Ringo shook his head and took a drink, "I don't know how you did it." 
"Thanks Ringo," he smiled and pulled out the chair to perch on, sipping at his hot drink before setting it down in order to take his bag off his shoulder and sling it over the back.
"Oh I haven’t played much myself to be honest," Marco admitted, "too busy with work to get online at the right times. What I did manage to play though was pretty spectacular. I got to have this awesome set of gear that meant I could shoot about all over the city and then they have these crystal things and wow! Wings! That was cool!”
He gave the other a lop-sided smile and shook his head at the memories of flying. That had been one hell of a fun few hours. “Though I guess the attack felt pretty real too, which was pretty adrenaline pumping. I died about half way through, so I’m not sure I’ll get to do much more.” 
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
"You could have told me the kind and place to drop it off at so you do have a choice. I just don't want to mess it up and get the wrong thing. Again, I'm really sorry about this." Ringo waited for the cross walk light to change before crossing the street and heading down the road in the direction of the Fountain district. He wouldn't verbally admit it but having to walk with someone's possession that he caused to be destroyed was horrible. There was no feeling good from this kind of walk knowing that he had messed up and would lose money from his pocket due to it. 
Ringo looked over to the student with a weary smile, "So, what is your name?" It wasn't a great attempt but just an attempt to make small talk, which was never his forte. "I'm Ringo, by the way. I hope I wasn't pull you away from something special.."
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A Little Mishap | Ringo & Shu
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Shu watched as the pink-haired, femininely-dressed man fished out his phone, still in a state of slight panic. Now that he recalled, he was on his phone when the collision happened, wasn’t he? That kind of clumsiness irked him- this was such a bother, but it wasn’t like he was in a hurry to get anywhere. There were still few good hours left until he had to start making for the national theater.
He took one last glance at the remains of his instrument on the street before turning cerulean orbs to the other. “It’s not like I have a choice, right? Let’s get going, then.”
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
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19. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
Normally there is an elaborate party the day before for publicity but since he is putting the idol life away it will probably be a small party if there is one at all. The large parties has tired his poor self out on birthdays. 
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
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"You don't speak much do you?" For once he actually didn't mind having to carry a conversation. It was the least he could do since this person was helping him clean up and Ringo would admit that the smile was adorable. "My name is Ringo, it's nice to meet you though the circumstance of our meeting isn't what I would have liked. You were probably doing something important and you pulled yourself away to help me. I really do appreciate it." 
He stood and patted off his knees as the last can was placed back onto the table. The display wasn't returned to how it was but at least the mess was gone and there was no manager here to yell at him for the mess. "Maybe I can repay you for the help? I know something this simple probably shouldn't have to be repaid for but you helped me through a little panic, that deserves something." 
Commotion | Mitobe & Ringo
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
ooc: I'm loosing some of my threads so here is everything I owe and am waiting on. That's what I get for not sending out messages 
Uninterested - saintedfrecklesmarco
Commotion - rinntobe (omg i didn't see this)
Waiting on: 
Stand out - wildvioletnights
Stand out - darkxmage
Buy a Drink - kotobukibento
Untitled - innocentiaquaedum ( On Hiatus) 
Company - threestar-hacker
Fashion Advice (title change) - kurosakirocks
Those are the ones where it has been a while.
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
So persistent; why couldn't this guy just accept it. Ringo's arms were crossed over his chest as he glared at the brunette that was speaking to him. It was understandable to have someone confused but to have someone keep saying that he, Ringo who is most certainly male, was wrong. "Flattery wont make me less angry but thank you." Then there it was, the apology he was looking for.
"I assure you I am male and I will accept your apology, though late. There's no way I can prove it to you so you have to take my word." He turned to the nearest rack, shuffling through the clothes to distract himself from his current situation. His yelling had attracted some onlookers and he really needed them to go about their business instead of dipping into his own. "I wouldn't even know how to prove it to you."
♚ Confusion ♚ Yuuma & Ringo
Yuuma raised an eyebrow as the female in front of him snapped the hanger. 'Whoa, talk about girl power' The brunette male mused quietly. But it wasn't long before amazement turned into aghast.
"W-whoa!" Yuuma’s eyes widened, still scanning on the other’s feature to see if the pink haired female—male—was right. He knew that he should’ve apologized on that moment, but his curiosity got the better of him.
"I’m not buying it… You’re too… cute, and all, to be a dude." The brunette still tried to retort. He was never the person who would pay attention to anything around him, especially to the smallest details—if this case counted as a ‘small detail’.
Yuuma flinched. Maybe he went too far? Anyway he should really apologize. “Uh… i guess i’m sorry? But i’m seriously not buying it.”
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
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18. What’s their ‘smooth’ pickup line?
Ringo is a user of pick up lines. He'd rather tell the person he would like to go out with them instead of trying to woo them with cheesy pick up lines. He also receives more pick up lines than he delivers so he's quite done with the whole thing.
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
"Tomorrow? Tonight!" Ringo looked at his watch then pulled out his phone. He needed to find the nearest music store to purchase this guy another violin. If he wasn't texting while he was walking this would have never happened. Why was he becoming so clumsy suddenly? "Ah, I will get you one now! The nearest music store with instruments isn't very far. I'm extremely sorry." 
Ringo looked at the stop sign to gather his sense of direction then looked at the boy whose instrument he destroyed. "Money isn't a problem; I have more than enough. I just want to make this right as quickly as possible so you can go on. Will you join me so we can find the right model?" 
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A Little Mishap | Ringo & Shu
♪ — Splinters of wood and leather lay on the road, the remains of the expensive instrument he was supposed to use for the play rehearsal at the theater later on that night. Slowly, he turned his gaze to the person he’d bumped into, who he thought was female before the man promptly opened his mouth, talked and rendered the heir totally confused. The pinkette even attempted to step up and retrieve it, but it was beyond repair at this point.
Replacing it would be no hard task for a family as wealthy as his, but the other needed to pay. “I’m going to need it for rehearsal tonight, and for the play tomorrow. Performing in the orchestra for a major play in the national theater is going to need a high-quality instrument.” 
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
"That is true.." Ringo looked up at the camera and gave a sigh of relief. Those people might not know he was innocent but there was evidence. "Thank you for the reassurance. You're so kind. I'm new here and I'm not used to those people's glares." Ringo continued picking up cans and stacking them on the display they were once on. "You're so positive! My name is Ringo. It's nice to meet you." 
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Commotion { Hinata & Ringo }
He grinned happily at him. “Well, if the manager tries to charge you for any damage, there’s a camera up there that will prove your innocence.” He pointed his thumb at the camera attached to the ceiling. “And don’t mind those old folks, they just disapprove of any youth that comes in this neighbourhood.” Hinata laughed.
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
Ringo stumbled backwards at the collision at the corner but his focus wasn't on keeping himself stable but seeing the violin case fly from the other person's hands into the street and under a car. His hands covered his mouth holding back a gasp or a scream, he wasn't sure what he was feelling or how he was supposed to react at the moment. Ringo's eyes moved from the crushed case to the boy it belonged to; the crushing of the wood echoed in his head. 
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"I'm so so so so sorry! I will buy you a new one? When do you need it?" He walked towards the street but took a step back as a car flew over the destruction, "Ah... Oh no.. I'm sorry."
A Little Mishap | OPEN
♪ — The least thing Shu was expecting that day was for it to go horribly awry. On his way home from school, he was rounding a corner when somebody bumped into him. Hard. The collision shook the already lax grip on his violin case and it was sent flying to the road, where a car promptly ran over it while he watched on helplessly. The thing was obliterated beyond any hope of repair.
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
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17. What’s their favorite spot in Prava?
St. Orwell Garden for sure. St. Orwell Garden is just the perfect setting for Ringo. Beautiful Nature accompanied by a calming setting makes him relax and happy. It's also a very romantic spot. Not for him personally but it's always nice to see the couples that go there together; it makes him smile to see a happy couple. The Garden just brings joy to Ringo and that is why he loves it.
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
"No.. it's not my thing." Ringo looked up after responding to the voice. He wasn't even aware that he was speaking to anyone or that anyone had shown up. He pulled his things from the table to make room then nodded, "Please help yourself." 
"I'm Ringo, I'm just not a big person into gaming or whatever that is." He took a drink of his coffee while listening to what Marco was telling him. Normally he would be all for giving something new a chance but something about this virtual reality thing just didn't sit with him. Maybe it was the concept or having a separate reality to be in... "You're not a bother at all. What is it about? It's far too late for me to join in but I'd love to hear about it."
"You should give it a go," Marco said brightly, "sorry, there’s no other seats left, mind if I…?" He gestured to the one empty opposite the other guy, coffee in hand. 
"Sorry, I’m Marco. I overheard you grumbling about the game. I was the same but I had a go last night and it was really something! Not for everyone though," he shrugged. He was still smiling, sitting and sipping at his latte and looking out at the tourists and residents of the city alike passing by. He liked people watching and he wasn’t shy,clearly, as he was striking up conversation with a stranger, "hope I’m not being a bother."
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
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"I'm happy for the two of you and I was just curious. I wouldn't have expected you two to come here so I was wondering." Ringo scanned over the menu hanging over the counter deciding on what he would eat. "No, I haven't eaten here before. I've eaten at the place across the street but I hear this is good too." He took a step forward now one behind the person ordering. There wasn't much he knew that was on the menu but it was time to try something you. 
He looked over his shoulder to Ranmaru, "Those seem like fitting jobs and I'll make sure to visit you two when I can. I'm rather busy with personal things and work so my schedules are full." Ringo placed his order for a simple crepe and juice to go along with it; nothing to fancy and nothing too harsh, just in the middle to satisfy hunger. 
"It's so strange being in a new place with old friends. I feel as if I should see everyone else but I wont. I should call in on them but I fear that I wouldn't be able to hang up the phone!" He laughed lightly then sighed, "So, since we're moving past your relationship conversation, how have you been doing? Busy? Bored?"
♚ Fashion Advice ♚
-{ℜ}-Stepping through the door he glanced around and his surroundings in the cafe. It didn’t look bad, and it smelled like it would be good. He could hope for the best but it wasn’t as if he was picky about much in the first place. 
Since they had to wait in line and there was the question being asked or rather a demand he figured now was a good a time as any.
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"I don’t know why you wanna know so bad but it was a mutual decision to come here together. Ah, I guess it wasn’t ever noticed or something we didn’t ever really make it very known anyways but we’ve had some kind of off and on relationship for a while." Ranmaru paused and scratched at the back of his head as this was a rather awkward conversation for himself. "We were both ready to get out of there and he didn’t wanna leave a lone so here we are I guess. He’s working at some bakery here and I’m at a music shop. I guess that doesn’t seem that odd though. Either way, it’s not that bad here."
In an attempt to change the subject, his eyes moved to a menu and he scanned over it and already could tell he would have a hard time making a decision. "Have you ate here before? What’s good?"
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
Uninterested { Open }
There was an excitement bug going around about some virtual reality game but it never seemed to hit Ringo. Maybe it was because he didn't like video games or whatever it was or maybe it was just too complicated for him but for one reason or another it just didn't stick. The idea of a virtual reality was boring to him. Why stick yourself in another world when the one you're in is just fine by itself. 
He sighed and shook his head as the people around him kept going on about the subject. It seemed like everyone was playing that thing now and he just couldn't understand why. Ringo took a drink of his coffee then shifted in his seat of the outside tables of a cafe. "It doesn't seem special." 
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toocutetoboy · 11 years
"Yes, I suppose I have something to hide but it's not exactly hiding. I ust don't like bringing it up." Ringo nodded then moved to gather his bags. He would respond to Gakupo's other questions after getting the two on the move towards his car. Having bags to worry about would be a hassle though Ringo actually forgot he had them there with him. He stood with the bags in hand then started speaking again. "It's high quality so it does look natural but it is a wig. It's incredibly heavy and hot in the summer but I have an appearance to keep up. You can touch it if you like." 
Ringo took a step forward, a gesture for Gakupo to follow but he made a comment along with it just in case the gesture wasn't picked up, "My car isn't far." He released a breath as he gripped onto the bags. The strings were digging into his palms but he could put up with it. Fast walking and fast talking would make the trip to the car easier and would distract him from the pain. "It is or was a stage persona. I've gotten to used to wearing it that I've grown attached to it. I would like to wear my own hair but I don't think going in public would be good. Only a few people know about my wig after all so feel proud that you got it out of me." 
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"Questions over lunch would be great. I should ask you some as well. This is seeming awfully one-sided and a bit vain of me to ask you to ask more questions." Ringo looked over to Gakupo then to the path ahead of him. The parking lot was just around the corner of the district and he hadn't parked too far from the district but it was always hard to find a good spot. "Ah, so do you have any secrets? You don't seem suspicious but maybe you have something you're hiding that you're willing to share." 
♦ Stand out ♦
Gakupo shrugged. “Almost everyone has something they want to hide, don’t they?” He didn’t really care for uncovering other people’s secrets, but Ringo had been so approachable and open about it, for some reason it had only made him more curious than he otherwise may have been. He wouldn’t even have bothered attempting to ask such questions to a more private person. Either way he was glad the other was smiling, at least Gakupo hadn’t come across as being rude. 
He blinked, listening to the answer to his question. ”You mean like a stage persona?” Gakupo obviously didn’t know Ringo well enough at all to tell if his appearance suited him, but he appeared confident enough wearing it. He looked towards Ringo’s hairpiece, which was impressively realistic. He sub-conciously shifted his hands, knowing it would be impolite to just go ahead and touch the strands, but to the unfamiliar wigs were always a little bit of a mystery. He responded with a tone of disbelief. “But it looks pretty natural to me. Is that really a wig?”
From the sound of it, it really did seem that the other was having fun with this, and to be honest even Gakupo himself had lost track of what he was at the shopping strip for in the first place. “Other questions….hmm…” There were still a bunch of things he wanted to ask, but he was aware that several minutes had already passed. With a smile, he turned and asked his next question.
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"How would you feel if I asked more questions over lunch? It’ll be more fun if you don’t have to worry about your shopping bags being left around like this."
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