titanium-martyr · 9 years
[[So I should probably officially say that Jill's pretty much done for. The muse is still there but I've lost the desire and motivation to come on here. Plus, I've been so busy that every time I log on I feel disconnected and out of the loop. As for me, I'm not going anywhere fandom wise. If you've been following my ooc you can see I'm way too invested in Burtonfield to even consider abandoning Resident Evil. I may open another muse (unlikely) but if I do, you'll see it here. Remember, my Skype is always on! I'm pretty abysmal at keeping up with it but always feel free to message me. I'll be heading off to Otakon next week to do some Resident Evil cosplay things, if anyone happens to be going shoot me a message because that'd be sweet. So yeah, this account ... I might log on to post fics or other writing endeavors I've taken on (working on a Burtonfield fic and I'm at 20k words, so yep that's where my writing has gone) All in all, tl;dr, thanks to those who've been nothing short of kind and inclusive on here. You've really made it so much fun and I'm grateful for that. Keep doing you.
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
[[Shamelessly dropping this here because it’s perfect and I’m way more invested in this ship than I am my muse hAHAHA 
don’t try to tell me it’s not perfect LOL]]
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
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Come on, Jill!  Get yourself together!
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
URL playlist -- tagged by cerisetheai​
Together -- The xx In Our Prime -- The Black Keys Tomorrow Never Knows -- The Beatles Angels -- The xx Night Time -- The xx In Time -- The Black Keys Unleashed -- Epica My Demons -- Starset Moonlight Sonata -- Beethoven Another Brick In the Wall -- Pink Floyd Reunion -- The xx Turn Blue -- The Black Keys Year In Review -- The Black Keys Runaway -- Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
Let me introduce myself
1. The meaning behind my URL 2. A picture of me 3. Tattoos I have 4. Last time I cried and why 5. Piercings I have 6. Favorite Band 7. Biggest turn off(s) 8. Top 5 (insert subject) 9. Tattoos I want 10. Biggest turn on(s) 11. Age 12. Ideas of a perfect date 13. Life goal(s) 14. Piercings I want 15. Relationship status 16. Favorite movie 17. A fact about my life 18. Phobia 19. Middle name 20. Anything you want to ask
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
i, personally, would love to do replies, and yet
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
20 QUESTIONS: mun & muse edition.
BOLD the muse’s answers. ITALICIZE the mun’s answers.
1. AGE? … below 14 | 14 - 17 | 18 - 25 | 26 - 35 | 36 - 40 | 41+
2. GENDER? … male | female | genderfluid | non-binary | agender | other | don’t know/prefer not to answer
3. ZODIAC SIGN? … aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo | libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces | ???
4. SEXUALITY? … straight | gay | lesbian | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | don’t know/prefer not to answer
5. FAVOURITE COLOUR? … red | orange | yellow | green | blue | indigo | violet | pink | silver | gold | black | white | other 
6. HARRY POTTER or LORD OF THE RINGS? … harry potter | lord of the rings | both | neither
7. COFFEE OR TEA? … coffee | tea | both | neither
8. ROMANCE OR SEX? … romance | sex | both | neither
9. BEST TIME OF DAY? … dawn | morning | afternoon | evening | night
10. WHAT’S BETTER, BEING LIKED OR BEING FEARED? … being liked | being feared
11. MOVIES OR BOOKS? … movies | books | neither
12. STAGE SHOWS OR MOVIES? … stage shows | movies | neither | both
13. HAIR COLOUR? … brown | black | red | blonde | gray | white | salt and pepper | two-toned | other 
14. EYE COLOUR? … blue | brown | green | hazel | black | violet | gray | other
16. ALIGNMENT? … lawful good | neutral good | chaotic good | lawful neutral | true neutral | chaotic neutral | lawful evil | neutral evil | chaotic evil  | ???
17. CHINESE ZODIAC SIGN? … pig | rat | ox | tiger | rabbit | dragon | snake | horse | sheep | monkey | rooster | dog | ??? 
18. ELEMENT? … fire | earth | air | water
19. HOGWARTS HOUSE? … gryffindor | ravenclaw | hufflepuff | slytherin
20. FAVOURITE SEASON? … autumn | winter | spring | summer
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
[[Starter call for anyone looking to do a Raccoon/Arklay era thread!!!]]
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
do you ever feel like you love a character more than their own writers do
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
Suggest two people for my muse to have a threesome with and my muse will tell you yes or no.
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
[[just an fyi, if anyone ever wants to plot -- please please please message me. I’m always up for new things ... and I’m really lacking inspiration lately. So you never know, you might just be the person who convinces me to keep Jill alive]]
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
[[♧:do you believe in luck?
Don’t have an overly strong opinion on this one. Luck is luck – yeah, coincidence is out there, but I think a lot of people exaggerate it and tend to credit it for a lot of things that aren’t necessarily associated with it.]]
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
☜:a muse you've always wanted to play, but haven't
[[Hm, this is tough! It varies by fandom and my investment in said fandom at the time, but right now I’d say it’s currently Anakin from Star Wars lmao]]
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
Do you get annoyed with how long it takes for your roleplayer to answer her threads?
A long, drawn-out sigh escapes her mouth, and she moves to bring one hand to her forehead. 
“Yeah, I do. I try to be understanding because I know she’s a busy girl … but she’s quick to neglect my needs in favor of her own.” 
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
Munday questions! Send me a symbol.
☮: five things I have in common with my muse
✿: five things that are different about me from my muse
✈: five places I'd love to travel
☠: selfie
☯: three things I'd change about myself if I could
♥: three blogs I recommend
✌: favorite video game
✖: favorite band
☢: favorite female singer
☣: favorite male singer
☤: do you have any pets?
♧: do you believe in luck?
♂: gender?
♀: sexual/romantic orientation?
☁: favorite type of weather?
☂: five favorite books
☃: five favorite movies
♔: favorite disney princess
♕: why you chose the muse you did
♪: five favorite songs
♫: five songs that remind me of my muse
☜: a muse you've always wanted to play, but haven't
☝: a muse you'd like to play again
☞: an insecurity you have about your writing
☟: something other rpers/fanfic writers do to your muse that drives you CRAZY
☑: 3 good qualities about me
☐: 3 random facts about me
☒: 3 bad qualities about me
✉: write a letter to your muse
✍: do you keep a diary or journal?
♈: last time you screamed
♉: last time you cried
♊: last time you hit someone
♋: any pets?
♌: what's your family like?
♍: other blogs?
♎: would you date your muse?
♏: would you and your muse be friends?
♐: 3 things that scare you
♑: five female faves
♒: five male faves
♓: one thing you're looking forward to
☹: five things that make you sad
☺: five things that make you happy
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