i love how alarmed the white cat looks
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Goyanggy // Albert
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In the episode about the Citadel there’s a Rick carrying a Morty on his shoulders
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Follow me for more cute animals!
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♪♫He’s a- sassy l’il kid AND ♪♫
♪♫He’s a- Sauropod from the Cretaceous period! ♪♫
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The void of life is just a thing I tumble and bumble around in, rolling deeper and deeper. I have no control over up or down. I do not question it. Its just easier not to scream on the way down.
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By The Oatmeal
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You refer to reproductive biology. Yeah, I know. I know all about that.
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700: Black Cat 
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720: Black Cat
A co-worker let me know it was black cat appreciation day. My first kitty was a black cat so I couldn’t resist doing a drawing ❤ Miss you Max.
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Bigger is better
Ever go see a film in theatre and leave with a good first impression. That screen was big, and the image stretched over 50ft. It was the only event in your field of vison. What wasn't in the big rectangle was black and held less importance to you. The size and atmosphere made it easy to loose yourself in the film.
Then months or years later you forgot the plot, the name of that main actor, and the punchline to the hero's joke. So you watch it again. You view it on a much smaller rectangle; your phone, a tv, or computer. That same film you gave that good first impression too is now not so impressive. You might have learned more or noticed the art better.
When things are bigger they tend to be more impressive. Watch the ratings of blockbuster films from their first night to the home DVD release. They slowly slide down. Some films slide just a fraction of a point and others nosedive.
- thoughts of wilderpeople
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home drunk is best drunk
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18. Bar hopping
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What if ...
What if reincarnation is real? 
The reason the human population is growing and birthrates are going up is because we keep killing off the populations of other soul bearing animals. 
More souls need more bodies
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all the yes and lols
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Smol exploding daughter and large metal dad
Follow me on instagram: astronaut_coffee
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