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Will you be able to finally end the war that’s plagued your world for decades? Or will you fall like all those before you?
Setting: Arcane City
Genre(s): Science Fiction, Romance, Drama, Action, and Comedy.
Warning(s): This story is rated 18+ for depictions of violence, blood, mentions of death, profanity, alcohol consumption, and sexual themes.
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It’s 2136…
It’s been forty years since The Uprising that destroyed all but three human civilizations within the western world. You don’t know what caused the sudden shift in the Androids— maybe they were tired of being told what to do, maybe it was a wiring malfunction, or maybe it was simply human hubris to always strive for better.
Maybe it was a combination of the three.
All you do know is that the Renegades— a common term used when talking about the bots— weren’t to be trusted. They’d sooner kill you; a fact that you’ve become all too familiar with.
You should count yourself lucky, growing up in Arcane City— the illustrious center for humanity within North America. Kept safe behind the walls surrounding the metropolis, but you’ve always strived to explore the world outside of the safety that Arcane City brings.
Being part of R.E.D. (Renegade Extermination Division) gives you that opportunity and then some. You were part of a carefully handpicked group that kept all the innocent people of Arcane City safe from possible invasions.
It was during one of those very missions that you run across a Renegade— unlike any you had seen before.
This uniqueness causes you to do the one thing you were taught never to do.
You hesitate.
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Play as an Agent of the R.E.D. Primary Unit. Will you be a combat specialist, technician, or an infiltrator?
Interact with your four other team members as you all figure out how to handle the Renegade that has fallen right into your laps— no thanks to you.
Can you trust anything the Renegade is saying? Is there truly a place where Androids and Humans live together harmoniously�� is Eden actually real or is it just a ploy to get you to let your guard down?
Romance 1 of 6 Options. From your Team Leader to the Renegade.
Discover the hidden secrets of Arcane City that the Higher Ups don’t wish you to know.
Will you be able to find peace? Or will everything fall to anarchy?
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B-LAK3 (Blake) [M/F/NB] - The Renegade
??? [6’5” | Electric Blue Eyes | Platinum Blonde Hair]
One of the most confusing creatures that you’ve ever met. Blake isn’t like anything you’ve seen before— both in regards to humanity and Renegades— they seem to be an amalgamation of both. You’re not sure what they want with you, or if the place they’re talking about is real, but you’re going to figure it out. Will something more blossom because of it?
Scott/Scarlett Grey [M/F] - The Leader
32 [6’3” | Forest Green Eyes | Raven Black Hair]
The stoic commander of your Unit within R.E.D. You’re not certain if they even know how to laugh, let alone find it within themself to not kill a Renegade on sight. Will you be able to find the person hidden beneath the walls of ice? The person that this world forged and spat out without a second glance back?
Morgan Hale [M/F] - The Infiltrator
30 [5’11” | Steel Blue Eyes | Light Brown Hair]
Always ready with a quip, or something quick witted to break the overbearing tension that can arise, Morgan is a ray of sunlight within your Team. You’re lucky to have someone like them on your side, and who you consider to be your best friend, as you fight against enemies you never imagined. Will you find something more than friendship along the way?
Oliver/Olivia Evans [M/F] - The Technician
29 [5’8” | Dark Brown Eyes | Onyx Black Hair]
One of the few members of R.E.D. that doesn’t absolutely loathe Renegades, which means they’re one of the first people you think of when you have a Renegade-Sized problem in your bedroom. They might not be someone who can speak to people that well— they leave that to Morgan— but when it comes to machines you can’t imagine anyone better. Will you be able to understand them too?
Noel Caine [M] - The Medic
32 [5’10” | Hazel Eyes | Midnight Black Hair]
When it comes to fighting Renegades there are bound to be a multitude of wounds— or death— that follow. Noel hasn’t let his years of service to R.E.D. shake the warm heart that lies beneath. His compassion, and his drive to see things get better, allow for a unique perspective within the world that you live in. Will you become yet another reason for his heart to rejoice?
Katrina Shaw [F] - The Biotic
31 [5’6” | Golden Brown Eyes | Dark Brown Hair]
You’re not truly sure where Katrina had come from. Nor do you know the extent of her history with your Squad Leader, but you do know that you’d never wish to cross her when it came to fighting. Her calculating, almost ruthless, tactics make her a danger to anyone that she sees as threat. Will you become just that to her? Or will you become something that not even she could have anticipated?
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