theshurkfiles · 9 years
How to "glo up" in 3 easy steps.
1. Find yourself 2. Love yourself 3. Accept yourself & Be yourself
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theshurkfiles · 9 years
Really fucking annoyed.
Boys are dumb.
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theshurkfiles · 9 years
Reblog if your mom is beautiful.
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theshurkfiles · 9 years
Karrine Gets Real: “A man will change his approach if you stop going for the BULLSHIT!”
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theshurkfiles · 9 years
I work at a swim school and we occasionally have birthday parties. I over hear a conversation one of the kids had with their mom
Hears conversation between a mom and daughter who is like 6.
Mom: Looking at news article on phone about Sam Smith**
Girl: Mommy why is Sam Smith kissing a boy?
Mom: it’s because he’s gay honey.
Girl: Mommy what does gay mean?
Mom: Like girls like boys, it’s when boys like boys.
Girl: Oh….well why can’t girls like girls?
Mom: They can they’re called lesbians.
Girl: lessions?
Mom: No, Les-Bee-Ens.
Girl: Oh Okay,….can I be lesbian?
Mom: Sure, only if you feel that way, why?
Girl: Cuz there’s this girl name katey and she’s really really pretty like prettier then Elsa.
Girl: Yeah, I want her to be my girlfriend.
Mom: Okay, wait…what about that other kid you liked, that boy named Jimmy.
Girl: I don’t like Jimmy anymore, I only said that cause I thought I didn’t have anymore options but boys.
Mom: *starts dying laughing*
Me *starts dying laughing*
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
I deserve someone who actually gives a fuck about me because I’ve spent my entire life making other people happy when all they did was leave.
10:22 pm (via praying-to-be-happy-again)
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
until native americans roll up into europe and start taking things at their leisure, you can’t tell me it goes both ways.
until puerto rican doctors start sterilizing white women, you can’t tell me it goes both ways.
until a white “swagged out” justin beiber lookin ass kid in a hoodie gets shot down for dressing like a thug, YOU CAN’T TELL ME IT GOES BOTH WAYS.
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
Do ppl giggle during sex??
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
Why lush is so expensive
Please remember that Lush is a fair trade company. This means that all they pay ALL of their workers a livable amount, and don’t take advantage of workers and harvesters in third world countries like many brands do. They test none of their products on animals as well.
Please keep these things in mind! Just know there is a reason that they cannot sell their bath bombs for 99 cents each. Doing so would mean that hard workers are being under paid.
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
When you have a substitute.
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
There's nothing wrong with sex, people.
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
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Pt. 1 Women of Southern Ethiopia, Photography by Christian Witkin.
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
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Darren Wilson’s injuries VS Mike Brown’s 
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theshurkfiles · 10 years
Why are middle school girls skipping the awkward stage & going straight to pretty? No no, you get braces & wear blue eyeshadow. Do your time.
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