Definitely post them! If you're goal is to get better at French, I suggest posting quotes in both the original French and your translation. That way others can add their own comments about how they might translate it differently. Translation is an art and there is rarely one correct translation. But even the most subtle of translation differences can reveal a lot about what the original author intended his writing to mean.
So posts in French? Advice wanted!
Now that my French language skillzzz are getting better, I often find myself wanting to post quotes/observations from French sources. French sources on queer history things, on the French Revolution, etc. Thing is, I’m WELL aware that I’m still so early on in my French language journey. I will make mistakes. I will probably misinterpret some things. I really want to share these things, though, but I don’t want to unintentionally spread misinformation either (if I translate something wrong, read a word wrong, etc).  So I’m asking for advice! Should I post these things? Should I not? If I do, perhaps I could add a disclaimer that invites any corrections French-fluent people might have? 
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Bonaparte aux Tuileries (10 août 1792) by Maurice Realier-Dumas
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Not a funeral have I attended, out of quite a number, of a soldier killed in battle, of [sic] whose life need have been lost. ... Men return broken, gloomy, mute. The papers boast of governmental economy. Cursed be the economy that feeds on heroes!
"Brief Words on Present Interests" The Liberator Orange, MA November 1863
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TWO WIVES MOURNING. -- The Chicago Press relates a singular affair. A man named Michael Gautrie was killed on the railroad last week -- preparations for the funeral were made, when his wife No. 1 appeared as mourner. Before he was buried another mourer, accompanied by her two sons, came to the undertaker and announced herself as the wife of the deceased. On meeting, the wives agreed to share the funeral expenses -- afterwards they quarreled, and No. 1 refused to attend the interment; No. 2 and the little boys drove to the cemetery and helped perform the last rites the living can pay to the dead.
January 1, 1860 Vincennes Gazette
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A man named Powell, in Brookline, Ohio, was buried alive a few days since, as was subsequently discovered. It is said that the clergyman who officiated at the funeral advised the relatives not to bury the body, but they did not heed his advice.
October 20, 1860 Vincennes Gazette
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A riot took place at a funeral, at Detroit, on Sunday last, growing out of the refusal of a barkeeper to supply the Irishmen with liquor, during which one German was killed, and two others wounded. The Irishmen have been apprehended.
December 1, 1860 Vincennes Gazette
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A short visit to the Civil War...
Typically I reserve this blog to my history adventures, and since I study French history, particularly the Revolution and funerals, most of my posts here revolve around that topic. However, thanks to research assignments for some of my classes, I sometimes find myself in a different place in time.
Presently I am working on a project on American Civil War funerals. Since I know most of you followers are history fanatics, regardless of the topic, I’ve decided to post my fun source finds here. So for the next couple of months y'all might discover some random tidbits from outside of France on this blog. Enjoy ;)
P.S. These non-French history posts have been tagged as "time travel."
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The Incidence of the Terror in the French Revolution (Donald Greer): Statistics
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Burial. A Reference.
This is very western culture, and even then I couldn’t include everything. I didn’t want to make this post too long, so it’s just the basics. ‘Tis the season!
MAUSOLEUM: External, free-standing above ground monument enclosing an interment space a deceased person or people
- Monument without the interment = CENOTAPH
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HYPOGEUM/HYPOGAEUM usually refers to an underground temple or tomb
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- Catacombs and burial vaults are a type of hypogeum
CATACOMBS: Any human-made subterranean passageways used as a burial place
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COLUMBARIUM: A place for the storage of urns containing cremated remains
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- Columbariums be a type of mausoleum or hypogeum, depending whether it is above or below ground
OSSUARY/OSSUARIUM: First defined as a container for bones. Now describes a room in which bones are placed after being dug up from a temporary grave
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- Thus synonymous with a CHARNEL HOUSE - Ossuaries can sometimes be found in catacombs
BURIAL VAULT: Structural, underground tomb, originally vaulted and are often privately owned
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- When placed beneath a church or in a churchyard it is a CRYPT
SEPULCHRE: The cavity beneath the altar slab for containing relics of martyrs or a recess in which the Eucharist was deposited and taken out at Easter in commemoration of the Resurrection
RELIQUARY: container for relics, as bones, or pieces of clothing, or object
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LOCULUS/LOCULI: A compartment or niche that houses a body
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CEMETERY: A large public ground for the dead
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- Cemeteries are typically not one denomination and are not attached to a single place of worship
CHURCHYARD/GRAVEYARD: A patch of land adjoining or surrounding a church
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I like to think before I speak...
But sometimes I over think and don't speak.
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Amen to this.
sometimes you just have to listen to three hours of harpsichord music
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Plan of Versailles 1789 - from William R. Shepherd’s Historical Atlas (src)
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French Person: I've got four twenties, ten and nine problems and the way my language counts is one of them
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I find this painting to be so haunting, with her son looking into the empty bed.
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Painting of Marie Antoinette and her Children, by Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun.
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1989 Soviet stamps.
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I decaded do the same with Robespierre
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gtg: get the guillotine brb: beheading ruthless bourbons ttyl: the terror yields liberty lmao: louis, marie, and oppressors omg: obviously marats gone rofl: revolution of France lives wtf: where’s the fertentity swag: secretly we assassinate Girondists
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