theformannewspaper · 3 years
Grievances of College Community
“Discrimination no matter how small is wrong. Support of discrimination no matter who does it is wrong. ” Germany Kent
 In this article I am going to highlight the grievances of the intermediate students in FC College and the partial attitude of administration towards them in terms of providing facilities as compared to university students. There has been great disparity in terms of facilities provided to the students in one premises such as buildings, class furniture, grounds, computer labs and cafeteria etc. In analyzing the nature and quality of the mentioned facilities, one can safely conclude that college students are deprived of them, which would certainly compromise their education career. In order to address the grievances of the college students, administration must pay heed to reduce this disparity so that they can have better education standards as university students are enjoying.
First take a look at the computer labs of the university students wherein administration have installed new generation computer systems with higher specification. Also keeping the comfort level of the students in mind adorned it with beautiful themes and arranged comfortable chairs so that students easily do their work. Whereas College computer labs are not well furnished, the system is also not that updated, in fact students have to go outside or somewhere else due to lesser number of computers.
Difference between the buildings of University and college is blatant and clear. Talking about University buildings, these are large, multistory and spacious. In Fact they are new. These buildings are renovated and well furnished. The paint is new and sweepers keep the buildings neat and clean all the time. Contrarily, college buildings are old, single story and congested. College administration do not pay any attention in renovating buildings. The paint is dull. Due to which, these buildings look old fashioned.
When we compare college and University cafeteria, the very first glance unfolds many aspects about the location, design and food availability. University students enjoy the new cafeteria, located beside the S block building. It is entirely a new double story building. It has a separate dining room for professors and University administration. It has a variety of foods. Students can go there and can buy anything of their liking like juices, burgers and breads. The cafeteria had the sitting capacity of more than 600 students. Moreover, there's a separate washroom in the building. Contrarily, the college cafeteria does even look like a rating place. Neither there is any proper sitting arrangement for students, nor a menu. It has a few eatables on its menu.It is not even a building, instead; college administration has allotted a single portion adjacent to the college building. Though there is a washroom, it is always full of dirt and smell.
Availability of an auditorium is of crucial importance in both college and University buildings. Irony of the fact is that university students can enjoy this opportunity, but college students are deprived of this facility. There are at least three auditoriums in two University buildings of E&S Block.
Student societies conduct lectures on several subjects and every one is allowed to get benefitted. In contrast, college students and beware of entering the university auditoriums. College students always remain at length from such extra and co-curricular activities.
 Similarly the college library is in dire condition and no student would be attracted to go there for study purposes. It is not spacious and also not beautiful as compared with the university library which is always a dream of the college students to go there. Moreover the variety of books in the college library is not maintained by adding new books. One has to go to the university library to consult books. Students consider it a hurdle in getting new ideas about the existing knowledge. Furthermore, the furniture of the college classes is broken  and outdated. Contrarily, university classes have beautiful and comfortable chairs to sit in which give them cozy environment during classes.
This disparity would not produce better students. To cope with this difference, the administration must act abruptly to address these issues. All the students must be treated equally and there must be special treatment for the university students. Facilities must be equally provided without any discrimination because these are the lawful demands of the college students.
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theformannewspaper · 3 years
Students suffer in silence: while administration pays no head to the decaying infrastructure
By Muhammad Arbaz Khan
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Change is inevitable. Progress is optional. – Tony Robbins
Forman Christian College provides a campus experience like no other institute. The atmosphere sparks creativity in students and allows them to be free. However, the intermediate campus has started to age with time. Buildings being more than 100 years old have started showing the signs of aging. The campus of intermediate is divided into different blocks. Ranging from A, B, C, D & P block. All the buildings have been around for the longest time. No proper renovation has been made sure. Which makes the building fall short of the high standards of an institute like Forman Christian College. Classes are not equipped with the latest technology, making the learning experience a hurdle. Intermediate students demand answers to which the administration of the institute remains silent.
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Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. - Albert Einstein
The one thing that runs this world is money. Funding is the most important detail when it comes to renovation of any place. The institute is massive and it requires ample resources to make it shine again. However, it is not any issue for the said college to make ends meet. More than 2000 students are part of the FCCU student body. Moreover, aids from various sources are also enough to transform this institute back to its lost glory.
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It's inevitable your environment will influence what you do. -Duncan Sheik
Forman Christian College was built in 1800s, and at that time it was a piece of art. Only now the piece of art is abandoned. Apart from two blocks, all the other buildings have been decaying for the longest time. Cracks run from one wall to another. No proper ventilation system is present. Students are forced to shiver in the cold. And sweat in the summers. As there is no proper centrally cooling or heating unit. Students from all around Pakistan come to FCCU to experience something like never before. Unfortunately, when they see the current state of college. They often feel heartbroken.  
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We shape our buildings; therefore, they shape us. – Winston Churchill
The place at where one studies highly influences the learning experience. If students are afraid of fans falling on them. Or are not able to breathe properly in classroom. Their learning capabilities will be greatly reduced. Furthermore, no class has the facility of smart rooms. Students are made to learn on boards, like it is still 1800s. The classes have no proper echo control. Most of the lecture just gets lost in the air.
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There is enough research available on the topic of role of architecture in learning. Different techniques can be used to make the classes more interactive and fun for the students. When students come to FCCU, they expect to receive something greater than education. They come for the unmatched experience.
The structure of the campus is decaying away. Causing mass problems for the students. It’s high time that the administration of FCCU should take some steps. In order to bring back the glory of what has been lost.
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theformannewspaper · 3 years
Books and reading can help you live a better life
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theformannewspaper · 3 years
Discrimination against Intermediate students of FCC in terms of Café Facilities
By Umair Arif
 "I believe discrimination still exist in society and we must fight in every form" Andrew Cuomo
   Forman Christian College situated on canal road and famous for its diverse community. Students from all over Pakistan came here to study. It provides both intermediate and university education facilities to the students. Initially, it only offered the intermediate program but later in the 21st century also established a chartered university. Being the representative of the intermediate students, would like to highlight the discrimination that college students have to face in terms of quality of services provisions.
 One of the vague reflections of discrimination can be seen through the difference of college's cafe and university's cafe. For us it is just an open cafe with least provision of logistics and poor services, and unhealthy food adding more fire to it. On the other hand university students are provided good quality food with perfect ambience, where they can enjoy and have fun.
  In addition, the building of the intermediate cafe is not good and also not equipped with modern style. Also does not attract students to spend quality time in the cafe premises. Contrary to this, university students have modern buildings where they are provided with nice furniture which allow them to spend quality time in the cafe premises. The covered area is also greater than the college's cafe and also built on modern techniques. This discrimination shows that they are not treated as a FCCU students.
Facilities in both the cafes are poles apart. University cafe is air conditioned and lit up with lights l, however college cafe has to suffice with sunlight in the morning. Even the washrooms of the university cafe are better than the sitting areas of the college cafe.
  The university cafe also has a VIP sitting area for teachers and students. Also, the manpower of waiters in the university cafe are wearing proper uniform, greater in numbers and covered their heads with a scarf, means they handle things professionally but comparably facilities at college's cafe are poor, less professionalism and lesser in
manpower. Sometimes the utensils provided at the café are not cleaned well..
  In terms of food quality and variety, college café cannot compete with university cafe. In the former only few dishes are offered which students are not interested in spending their money on but in later one range of dishes are present where quality of food and taste is strictly maintained. This prejudice must be ended as soon as possible and FCCU must eradicte that discrimination because college students also pay huge amount of fees to the college.
  If such discrimination would perpetuate in the campus life of the FCCU then it would not reap good fruits. It is not only affecting the short term behavior of the students but also impacts their long term behaviors. To keep the environment of the campus healthy, authorities must imperatively eradicate such  grievances of college students and similar services must be provided to them which university students enjoy. It is their fundamental right to be treated as students of the FCCU and management must not become alien to the rightful demands.
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theformannewspaper · 3 years
Building renovation takes place for University, While Intermediate watches in awe
By Muhammad Arbaz Khan
     “The future of our country lives under the burden of broken walls”
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Situated at the main Canal Road in Lahore, Pakistan. FCCU has been blessed with the most serene campus one can imagine. Spreading over 108 acres, it is a land of prosperity and growth. Where students from all over Pakistan come to be a part of this legacy. Currently, it is host to more than 8000 students, ranging from intermediate to post graduate. One can see the beautiful and wide infrastructure of the institute from miles away. Red tall brick buildings which seem to be timeless. Green lush fields which make the campus more breathable. But what lives beyond those green fields is terrifying to say the least.
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Hidden in the shadows of those big lush trees, lies the building blocks for Intermediate. A place one stranger could call haunted houses. From buildings being elder than our beloved country itself. And mind that I have no issue with a structure being old. The only merit it should stand on is strength and development. Which seems to be missing here. According to various international researches, infrastructure of any institute plays an important role in the development of young minds. Their learning largely varies on the place where they study. If they have the falling fear of fans or walls in their head, they are very unlikely to grasp any knowledge. For an institute which was built on the name of intermediate. It is very shameful to neglect them at such large force.
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The infrastructure differences between these two programs i.e., Intermediate and University are far more than one can discuss. This report is merely based on the educational premises and its differences. Intermediate campus has different buildings which stand on the strength of prayers rather than strong base. The walls have traces of cracks all over them. The fans are placed so above the ground, the time it takes for air to reach students. The class is already over by long. And for University students, this might be a bizarre explanation. As fans are something of past for them. They enjoy the best centrally temperature-controlled class rooms. While the average intermediate student baths in sweat in summers. And shivers to death in the cold winter.
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The community of intermediate believes that is very unfair to them. Being a big part of this institute and paying hefty fees. They are still waiting on the basic facilities of life. The campus looks like a piece of art. Only it was left abandoned and not completed. Upon further discussion regarding this topic with the officials. We were reported that the buildings only receive yearly small touches just to hide away the scars. The only reason there is no remodeling is because of lack of funds. Which seems absurd from an institute who charges a good amount of fees from a large group of students. However, students seem to accept this as their faith. Only until they step out to university campus and see construction going at such large scale.
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University is adding another building which has more area size than compared to the whole of Intermediate. No doubt it will be equipped with the cutting-edge technology. With features as modern as it gets. And for the already built buildings, they are always renovating it with newest facilities. So, it can help stand the test of the time. Students of the university seem to enjoy all the luxuries one can imagine. While a student of Intermediate watches in awe, from far away. Its about time FCCU stops treating the Intermediate community as the middle child.  
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theformannewspaper · 3 years
A throwback look into one of the oldest institution of Pakistan
By Muhammad Arbaz Khan
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Built by Dr. Charles William Forman in 1864, Forman Memorial Chapel stands as the embodiment of his love for Christianity. The Chapel was and is in the use of students of the said religion. Decades have passed by but the chapel still stands tall as a sign of peace and harmony. A landmark for all those who want to with love, serve one another. The Chapel is also known as Lohari Gate Chapel. And continues to serve the followers of Jesus even after 150 years.
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Fast forward to 1940 and we see the start of a new era. The grand campus of Forman Christian College came into being at Canal Road. Since then the institution has only seen better and brighter days. Started as an intermediate college, now the institution provides bachelor's and master's degrees as well. With a student body of more than 8000 people. It is without any doubt, a heaven for those who want to wander. The campus is without any doubt, the most mesmerizing experience one can ever have while studying. The institute continues to produce some of the sharpest minds this world has ever seen. And everyone who has been a part of this journey. Admits that there is no better place than FCCU and no better feeling than being a Formanite.
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Education was and is always on the growing side. Every day new and better developments are made as part of FCCU. However, the Forman Memorial Chapel is not in the position it was left by Dr. Charles W. Forman. It clearly shows signs that it has seen better days. Pastors of the church find it hard to repair the building, as they are also on self-support themselves. The Lahore Church Council believes that the institution needs to be demolished. And build it again with more love. Which is not possible without the proper funding. The fallen building accepts charity from everyone willing to help. Maybe we all need to step ahead and help save the roots from where it all started.
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theformannewspaper · 3 years
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Diversity found dead after FCCU bans entry of Intermediate
By Muhammad Arbaz Khan
25th November 2021, Forman Christian College University held the annual Table Tennis championship for its “Student”. The event was jampacked with entries ranging from the diverse student body of male and female students of all ages. Sports is an activity where everyone and anyone has a chance to shine. Be it genders, nationalities, disabilities, or any differences. Every human being is given the same chance at proving themselves.
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However, FCCU seems to think against the world in this sector. As it restricted the entry of intermediate students in the individual table tennis championship. Sports teaches us the importance of teamwork and its benefits. It can be useful not only in the field but also in our daily lives. It can bring communities together and let them have a good time. But the administration thinks otherwise of it. Not only did they rob out of the one opportunity the intermediate had. Also failing to provide many sports facilities to intermediate students.
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The table tennis room is mostly occupied by university students. Giving hardly any chance for the intermediate students to play. Upon asking college students; the only chance they have at playing is to come early. And book the table until university students come to take away their place. In times like these, participation in the individual table tennis championship could boost the morale of the students. They could also be a part of the FCCU student community. Feel like they also belong to the premises.
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