Guess I ended up missing this character..but there’s probably no way to bring her back. *sigh*
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The sexual tension between two people when one of them says “make me”
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Anna lowers her voice.  "Potential spy here on Kamino.  I've been tasked with looking into it.  I take it you're on this mission too?"
As it was, she didn’t know of the spy.  No one had bothered to tell her.  Which was strange in itself.  But still.  ”Ah, Niner.  Commando then.” she gives a nod of acknowledgement.  ”Nothing to report…alright then.” Her comm beeps at this point and she gets out the holo communicator, stepping out into the rain and setting it down.
It was a call from another Jedi General.  One you would recognize, and a conversation that you’d overhear.  ”Yes Master, I’ve done as you asked me.  No, there’s nothing to report….What?  You sent me all the way out here for that?  Oh.”  She listens to the new briefing.  ”Alright, I understand.  May the Force be with you.”  
Turning off the comm, she heads back under the overhang, and looks at Niner.  They were on the same mission now.
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"I knew there was a reason I liked you."  Anna smiled a bit.  "You're still amazing, being what you are.  I still very much want to study you.  But I also consider you a friend, so I won't be too pushy with my questions."
"Well, very well.  I don’t see why not.  Though I doubt things will be very exciting.  Unless I get called on a mission or something.  So I accept your aid, Luminite." She bows her head lightly.
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Her eyes twinkle at you, "Well, there was that one time..though sadly to say we were interrupted before things got very far."  Coughing a bit, Anna continues, "Well, should you accompany on a mission, just stay behind me.  I'm the Heroine with no Fear, after all." There's that trademark grin, confidence and bravado tempered by maturity and feminine intuition.
mechanicsofcorruption replied to your post:"Anna, I have a question that I have speculated on asking you." She ceases her speech before saying what is on her mind next. "Is there anything that you might require?"
The machine gives a single blink in observation of the woman before her. “I was hoping that I could stay with you for a while and perhaps keep you company a bit.”
"Well, very well.  I don’t see why not.  Though I doubt things will be very exciting.  Unless I get called on a mission or something.  So I accept your aid, Luminite." She bows her head lightly.
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mechanicsofcorruption replied to your post:"Anna, I have a question that I have speculated on asking you." She ceases her speech before saying what is on her mind next. "Is there anything that you might require?"
The machine gives a single blink in observation of the woman before her. “I was hoping that I could stay with you for a while and perhaps keep you company a bit.”
"Well, very well.  I don't see why not.  Though I doubt things will be very exciting.  Unless I get called on a mission or something.  So I accept your aid, Luminite." She bows her head lightly.
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"Anna, I have a question that I have speculated on asking you." She ceases her speech before saying what is on her mind next. "Is there anything that you might require?"
The honey blonde-haired girl who was becoming a woman looks over at you with emerald green eyes and smiles a little.  "Anything I might require?  Nothing right this minute, but I sense that you could be driving at something specific?"  Crossing her arms under her chest, the Jedi awaits your reply, and further discourse.
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“Hot Dam!”
"I'd rate you a 9."
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Send me "Hot Dam!" and my character will rate the attractiveness of your character on a scale of 1 - 10.
submitted by anonymous.
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Reblog if you're lonely tonight.
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As it was, she didn't know of the spy.  No one had bothered to tell her.  Which was strange in itself.  But still.  "Ah, Niner.  Commando then." she gives a nod of acknowledgement.  "Nothing to report...alright then." Her comm beeps at this point and she gets out the holo communicator, stepping out into the rain and setting it down.
It was a call from another Jedi General.  One you would recognize, and a conversation that you'd overhear.  "Yes Master, I've done as you asked me.  No, there's nothing to report....What?  You sent me all the way out here for that?  Oh."  She listens to the new briefing.  "Alright, I understand.  May the Force be with you."  
Turning off the comm, she heads back under the overhang, and looks at Niner.  They were on the same mission now.
"I was sent by my Master to "check" on things.  In essence, I’ve got the rest of the day off, because I’ve done what he’s asked of me."  She replies humbly, and then looks at you.  "At ease.  What’s your name?  I’d rather use it than, "You" or "Trooper"…mine is Anna."  Pausing for a moment, she’s rememembered something.  "…and is there anything you’d like to report to me?"
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"I was sent by my Master to "check" on things.  In essence, I've got the rest of the day off, because I've done what he's asked of me."  She replies humbly, and then looks at you.  "At ease.  What's your name?  I'd rather use it than, "You" or "Trooper"...mine is Anna."  Pausing for a moment, she's rememembered something.  "...and is there anything you'd like to report to me?"
The hooded figure turned to regard the clone in armor., currently out in the rain, looking towards the door.  ”No, but thank you for asking.” The woman gave, heading towards the door overhang..enough room for them to stand with a few inches of space and not get rained on.
"I’m just out here wandering around a bit.  Already finished what I came here to do.  But I’m not needed for a while."  With this she draws back her soaked hood, revealing somewhat soaked honey blonde hair that rested on her shoulders ..and her face with emerald green eyes.
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you didn’t steal it from anyone neither made it look 99.9% similar to someone to get followers.
reblog if your URL is an original.
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Go on ANON and tell me what you think of me. I do not want to know who it is, at all. Don’t tell me who it is, don’t give me hints, don’t say your screen name. Tell me exactly what you think of me. Don’t sugarcoat things. Don’t lie. If you hate me, tell me why. Tell me what I’m doing wrong. If you like me, tell me why. Tell me exactly what you think of me.
I'd love it if even one person did this
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My character is standing against the wall at a dance. What does your character do?
Tumblr media
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Sure, we could if you wanted. :3
// freezing my butt off while waiting for the bus. Here’s hoping I get this job I’m going to interview for so I can get a car.
Anyone wanna plot while I wait?
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Send me a ♥ to find out how my muse feels towards yours.
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