the-rearguard · 3 years
Give me a reason to care.
As mocking as the title sounds, I want you roleplay a bit.
Say you are making a statement about how you cook potatoes. You state that you add salt,pepper, a bit of cayne, and then bake it at 400 degrees for 25 minutes. You sate “ I think this is one of the best ways to bake potatoes, imo.”
A person counters this, as on would expect, and states that your method is simplistic and overall wrong. They don’t go into any detail as to why or how this is, they just state that your method of cooking spuds is wrong.
So, like any logical person, you ask for context, to better improve yourself. The response you get? “Educate yourself.” Would pres for more information? Would you go at it yourself? Or would ignore the vague criticism, not seeing any reason to go on?
Some folks may go on their own anyway. You care about cooking potatoes, so even if you don’t get what some random person was trying to say, you can better improve yourself over the baking potatoes. No big deal, right?
What if you don’t care too much on the matter? What if you did the baking project for a week, and don’t wish to go further? You would need some motivation or reason to go further, right? You need something for you to care about it more than you should?
One of the things ADHD folks struggle is doing things based off Interest, Challenge, Novelty, Urgency (ICNU). While I don’t put that as a rule for everyone, I do believe for any serious kind of work, those four categories are something everyone can get behind.
A recent discussion from some dark humor I did got a person to say I should educate myself on the matter. The person themselves didn’t educated me, nor get me in the right direction, I was supposed to do it. Logically, that is sound that to say a person can be ignorant on a topic, but why?
Why should I care ever slightly to verify if that statment is correct with zero context?
Why should I bother or care with the free time I have?
The issue I seem to follow with this person’s logic is that it’s the duty of the ignorant to self-correct themselves and only need to be told a vague order to do that.
The problem with this is that when a counter is being shown  to be corrected, it’s usually has to be a convincing bit. Telling someone they are wrong and they need to figure it out gives little reason under the ICNU for a person to go further.
The funniest bit? I was told:
“Do your own homework and stop expecting things to be done for you. Just a thought.”
So I want to understand this. I’m responsible for figuring out what and why I said something wrong, but I’m also lazy for expecting even the most basic sense of where to start and read about the issue?
Burden of Proof fallacy and all, but I think I want to dig deeper into this.
Why make a statement if you aren’t going go all the way on it? Time would be one answer. I would also argue that bias can play a part. When you are so sure you are right, why would you bother going further, you aren’t trying to make a case on why you are right with a slice a humble pie, you THINK you are right.
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the-rearguard · 3 years
Gun Control makes no sense to a left-wing narrative
I read again and again several arguments from ‘left’ wingers about gun control. From restrictions with background checks to overall an outright ban of all firearms for civilians. However, outside this conversation of how much restriction is enough is the why do it in the first place.
Now the major issue I have is how many ‘right’ wingers put down a narrative that gun control is needed for state control over violence, thus power & control. I don’t really buy this. Not outright think it’s wrong, but it’s overall missing the broader strokes in this left wing narrative in gun control. No matter how you look into this, gun control is outright against nearly every 21st century agenda the left is wanting to push.
Take for example welfare programs and the agenda for expanding them. Gun control on the surface would enforce this, but overall would fail since violence for something like health care would mean additional resources into enforcers for welfare instead of the actual welfare itself.
Anti-fascism being revived on the left also makes gun control just.... pointless. I have yet to read a Fascist government to allow it’s citizens to have guns, or to the point where it’s as unrestricted as in the US. This is more of an Authoritarian idea rather than just Fascist doing it. I will say that the left wing term “monopolizing violence” is exactly what Gun Control succeeds in enforcing.
The list goes on. Any person with anti-authoritarian values can not make any solid argument support most gun control without touching on trusting the Government with that violence is a good thing.
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the-rearguard · 4 years
insane doesn't do it justice
my nephew, who is like 11 or 12, is playing “5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel”, which is exactly what it says on the tin, and I have never been more terrified of the youth of today
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the-rearguard · 4 years
Media reliance
Over the years on Tumblr, I hoped to see independent thinkers come up with their own thoughts on topics and issues outside of media influence. While this is true to a point, I noticed that political tumblers are failing horribly on this.
The recent tone and shift for several conservative and libertarian blogs are all reacting to exactly the media is telling them to react.
For example,  many have jokingly gone on Biden and his horrible speeches he makes. The problem, is that Trump’s speeches weren’t that well off to begin with either, and yet here we are discussing about Biden’s attempt. This doesnt’ mean the critique of Biden is invalid, only interesting that it’s even brought up.
Bidens speech is slurred and overall a mess, while Trumps is repetitive and watered down. You can argue all night and day which is worse, but you can’t argue the bias.
Political blogs are reliant on a base they know they can get a reaction from, so it’s easy to see chasing the media for that result. But again, this is also on Tumblr, where you would think people would be a bit more open to talk about both the good and the bad on their side.
Overall, it’s the same old thing, where political blogs will talk about the same dullard topic the media brings up. They will not bring anything new, interesting, or dare I say worth of interest.
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the-rearguard · 4 years
I’m currently waiting for a few threads that, hopefully, die out soon. One of them will be about how you react on a lie, the other is over an edgelord.
Most likely, sometime at the end of the week if everything pans out.
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the-rearguard · 4 years
Sighinastorm: Everyone can be petty.
Sighinastorm is something of a staple on tumblr. I known their blog for nearly a decade now, and while not overall outstanding, they do show a clear case of general dept of human emotion on thier blog. So color me shocked that their entire attitude, however brief, was that of a idiot tumblr user to make a point that doesn’t exist.
As I mentioned before in my main blog. Sigh did something that I only seen one other person do, and even then it was never as malicious as what Sigh did.
Sigh basically rebloged a previous post I made two years ago in order to find something about my position about dogwhistling (this post won’t cover that.) You need to think about that for a hard second.
SIgh didn’t post a picture and rebloged on the same thread, he actively went into my blog, searched ‘dog-whistle’ and proceeded to go “yeah his ideas are crazy.”
That’s it, that’s the whole interaction.
However, I think it’s honestly amazing how much a person will pursue a point, only to just give up when it’s not the result they want.
I never gave a clear statement about dogwhsitling, yet Sigh assumes I did. As what point should a person even do to correct this? Honestly, not a whole lot. The very reason this blog even exist is to clarify, to have an uncensored opinion of my interactions where it can’t be deleted, blocked, or hidden.
This entire episode kind of rocked me, if Sigh can act like a tumblrina twat, what is stopping me from becoming one?
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the-rearguard · 5 years
So, let’s start off with what is the purpose of this Tumblr?
Long ass post on a website where it’s unprofitable. Insane.
1. I will not follow any schedule: I will post when I find a story or idea worth discussing.
2. I will not respond on this blog, that will be what my main one is for.
3. If you have ideas that I can look at, let me know.
4. Blocking me does not mean I will not engage.
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